Re Tulsi Gabbard you list her in your book as a graduate of the WEF Young Leaders program. Still enthused or has she convincingly renounced her indoctrination role?

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I did - and she is on the list, but she now denies it and says she was added without permission.

This is what she says - She says they added her to the list without permission.


Assuming she is being truthful - She may have to sue, as Vivek did to get her name removed.

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Libertarian99 here: From what I have read you have to APPLY IN WRITING to join WEF YGL as they don’t give out memberships like Candy online. Her 2015 tweet where they CONGRATULATE her on joining “THE CLUB” and she responds that she is so "HONORED". Now she says she doesn’t know WHO they are or why they put her picture and profile on the WEF website. Do you believe her? WEF have been taking off a lot of NAMES from their WEF site since people have woken up about them.

I can’t see WEF YGL sending out CONGRATULATIONS online to people who are UNaware of their YGL program as if she didn’t already know about the selection process as anyone could respond back “Thanks but who the F@CK are you??” to their tweet if it was just out of nowhere.

The late Aaron Russo had said Nicholas Rockefeller told him to join the CFR and that he would have to write a formal letter to CFR expressing interest to join before they accept you. Same goes for Tulsi and her CFR & WEF memberships.

Tulsi Gabbards 2015 tweet: @wef I'm honored to be selected as 2015. @YGLvoices - representing #Hawaii amongst leaders from around the world


Tulsi Gabbard had a big write up profile on the WEF site since 2015 until it was deleted once people became AWARE of the Tyrannical WEF/UN agenda and since then these "politicians" have been DISTANCING themselves from the WEF like Tulsi.


CFR Removed Tulsi Gabbard From Its Membership List After Renegade’s Exposé


Tulsi's name DISAPPEARED after this news site (above) exposed her as being a member of the COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS (CFR) but looking at the WIKISPOOKs page on her it says her 5-year CFR membership expired by July 2019 so this could be a legitimate "COINCIDENCE" as this article is July 5th 2019 which would explain why her name disappears from the CFR MEMBERSHIP LIST.

This is the evidence that really blows me away as you can't get anymore DIRECT that this FREEMASONIC HANDSIGN right in front of the Capital Building. Some people see masonic hand signs EVERYWHERE even when someone scratches themselves but signs like this are VERY DIRECT and IN YOUR FACE and symbolic.


WIKISPOOKS sourced information on Tulsi Gabbard


She was a participant in World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders program,[7][8][9] and former 5-year Term member of the Council on Foreign Relations ending July 2019.

In June 2020, Tulsi Gabbard left the Hawaii National Guard and changed her military career to Army Reserve status. Gabbard is now a Civil Affairs officer, who trained with 351st Civil Affairs Command in Mountain View, California[19] and later with 350th Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations Command[20] in Ft Bragg, NC, before being deployed to the Horn of Africa in 2021. US Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations Command Officer may work covertly, embedded with 82nd Airborne troops.


Maybe Tulsi was being very ambitious thinking these nongovernment organizations would get her where she wanted to go but she has a LOT of RED FLAGS about her and if she tries to deflect these good WEF questions then it is just another RED FLAG as if we are to think “Oh she says she didn’t know anything about the WEF and they gave her an exclusive membership without even contacting her. Sorry Tulsi, you have to do better than that.

That being said, Hungary’s Viktor Orban was a 1994 YGL and George Soros supported him long ago but Viktor is completely OPPOSED to them and maybe used them to get where he is. But too many RED FLAGS on Tulsi Gabbard as anyone can get up in front of a camera and talk LOGICALLY and SANELY so that should never be enough to win you over when someone has elite connections.

If this was me I would be putting the WEF down at a tyrannical Marxist organization and Klaus Schwab. The fact that she is constantly being promoted on FOX NEWS is another RED FLAG. I don’t trust her as far as I can throw her.

Tulsi Gabbard backed Joe Biden as Dem Presidential candidate out of all the Democrat Candidates. Again, backing the ESTABLISHMENT CANDIDATE and not a grassroots candidate.

Source of video: The Conscious Resistance Network


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Is it possible her "people/handlers" added her back then, thinking it was a good thing? Same with other names supposedly added?

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Have also seen Tulsi's name on the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). So is this another example of her name being added without her permission?

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And yet more re Tulsi:


Smoking Gun? The CFR Connection

One of the most alarming details to fly under the radar in discussions of Congresswoman Gabbard is her association with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

During my recent analysis of the first Democratic debate, as well as during a phone interview I gave for The New American’s Top Headline YouTube program, I brought attention to Gabbard’s membership with the CFR, per the organization’s own website.

Just a few days later, however, Gabbard’s name was removed from CFR’s online membership roster.

Interestingly, when I wrote my article and did the interview last week, Gabbard’s Wikipedia page included a mention of her CFR membership in the first paragraph.

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Prez Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy also was added to WEF list without his permission, according to interviews, including probably here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Lwi7U1cbgk

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Good question. She sounds good. But all politicians do.

I welcome all suggestions from others in this forum on how to tell the ones who truly are good from those who just talk a good game.

My own thoughts- you have to go beyond what they say and look at what they've actually done.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023

Further thoughts- for politicians in office, look at who their campaign contributions come from.

Here in TX, the impeachment of Ken Paxton has shined a light on how the Republicans are nominally elected to represent us, but the Democrats are the ones running the TX House. How? Through Dem supporters who give big bucks to Republicans. They funnel their money through Dade Phelan, the drunk RINO TX House Speaker.

Phelan gives staggering amounts of money to House Representatives. From a list of his recipients, the top 3:

(D118) John Lujan $439,899.99 Behar County

(D91) Stephanie Klick $419,826.10 Tarrant County

(D60) Glenn Rogers $305,499.18 Parker County

Ask yourself, do these people care more about what their constituents want or what Dade Phelan wants? And Phelan wants what his contributors want. It's a no-brainer. Follow the money.

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After watching Paxton's interview with T. Carlson, I finally understood how our red state continues to promote, pass and implement progressive laws and ignore the real problems facing our state and our citizens. As with our federal government, we have been betrayed.

The accumulation of money and power, not matter who it hurts or destroys, is the driving force for which there seems to be no accountability for these traitors.

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In all, Phelan gave out $3,389,747 to 32 district reps and he received $281,500 from 15 district reps.

When the House smells like a rotting carcass, best to quickly eliminate the source(s).

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The Republican Executive Committee yesterday, with only 2 nays, requested phelan to surrender his chairmanship and if he refuses for the Republicans in the next special session to oust him. They criticized his role in the Paxton mess and for appointing dims to critical chairs in opposition to the obvious will of the party voters. Wonder why they cannot remove his party creds as well as those of the other ringleaders in the Paxton impeachment?

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I read that letter yesterday and asked a friend what the REC was! Removing party credentials could be a slippery slope. There are a few other red states where party officials have or tried to barred candidates from races that were too 'red' for their tastes. The leg doesn't meet for another two years do they?

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No but they are elected next year.

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Another meaty eye-opener, Dr. Malone!

I’m reminded of Orwell’s essay “Politics and the English Language”:

Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

As RFK, Jr. has said, “The censors are never the good guys”. I add: neither are those who degrade the language as that makes lying easier.

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Almost all politicians across the west promote sending more money to the Ukraine despite the vast majority of the public now against it.

Actions matter, but even speaking against core empire positions is a rarity now.

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Theyre all advocating for more Ukraine money to then be funnelled back to their offshore bank accounts.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023Author

I went to Wiki - and was impressed by even some of her early positions and her service, as well as standing up to Obama. Then i have very conservative friends - who really like her. Her speech really hit most of the conservative issues - and she really excited the crowd.

She is not the only good VP person out there. That is for sure. But she is a viable candidate that draws from both sides.

But read her bio -


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Wikipedia's co-founder warns that it is no longer a valid source of information (and a friend of mine who trained in federal law enforcement said that any answer they gave that used a wikipedia citation was automatically considered a "failure"). https://www.bizpacreview.com/2021/07/16/co-founder-warns-not-to-trust-wikipedia-says-leftists-have-taken-over-cites-blatant-biden-entry-1104431/


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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

Dr. Malone,

I put a lot of weight on your opinions. I too am impressed with Gabbard's service.

Sherilyn, who also replied to you, is correct about Wiki. I find it useful for strictly technical stuff. For anything touching on politics or history, Wiki might as well be a DNC press release.

I'm not bad-mouthing Tulsi Gabbard. I do like what I hear from her. I hope you'll understand -you've been teaching us this - if I do support her, it will be with my eyes wide open, not based on a speech she made or TV appearance where she sounded good..

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Tulsi has a JBS lifetime score of 25%. Since 2019, who has been behind the push to have her under the spotlight at every turn and why? It seems a set up given she was in Congress as a Dem since 2013 and now a fixture on Fox News and other rino networks.

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She is too smooth. Every time I heard her speak on Fox she seemed too polished and too rehearsed. Nope - not believing her at all.

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There are plenty of courses I took, that I eventually classed as total or partial BS.

The question of course, is what does she currently think of this stuff. Nothing I see her say in her speeches seems to agree with it.

It would be interesting to hear her address it directly.

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This is what she says - She says they added her to the list without permission.


She may have to sue, as Vivek did to get her name removed.

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Not saying I know anything, but that video looks altered/ disingenuous

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So when a friend consumes main stream media we should apply the hemlock maneuver?

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You probably DO mean the hemlock and not the heimlich manuver. You are funny Dr Nash!

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Thanks. My wife agrees but has another word for it.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023

My wife says to me, "you're an ass", vs you're funny

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So when she married you she didn’t see the fine print about having to be constantly on her intellectual toes!? What, pray does she call you?

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Varies, often rhymes with flibbergibbet!

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Dr Nash, ChatGPT says that there are only two words that rhyme with flibbertygibbet: habadashery exhibit and nitwit. Neither of which I feel sure your wife would say!

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How about.. You are a flaming idiot!!!! Flibbrtygibbet closest I could come

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That doesn't sound like darling or dear to me. Perhaps more endearing feelings require more words to express?

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Am real fond of puns which she reminds are the lowest form of humor.

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Good one hemlock😂

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I am a Homonymphomaniac, amused by words that are sonically identical but visually oppositional (orator/aurator, censorship/sensorship, greenpeace/greenpiece) and I am curious as you are such a superlative pundit, if you have a website of humour in which we could all share. Even the good doctor engages in "WHO More" statements from time to time. The Laffer curve should not be limited to economics. Remember, Writers are like criminals; they both serve sentences due to convictions, and I would love to hear more of yours.

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Afraid not. Branco does it better. But agree the English language offers us so much and sadly we are slipping away from our ability to make the most of it.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

George Carlin's favorite quip! "They found the cause of cancer! Saliva swallowed over long periods of time". The American people have been swallowing the fear from dying for three years and it is not abating! They have a triple injection schedule ready for you this fall!


Dr. Malone. Your readers need to be aware of your positive initiatives to turn the medical tide!

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Had my annual Medicare visit this week. My doc said, ok I am required to inform you the CDC recommends the latest C19 vaccine, flu and pneumonia shots you’ve declined for years and RSV vaccine. You’ve done the shingrex double dose a few years ago, so that’s good. I must have had a puzzled look, she said yes there’s now an RSV vaccine and they think it will keep infants from getting RSV if adults, grandparents take the shot. I chuckled and said I have no contact with any children and don’t like shots, she said ok, I’ll put you down as declined again this year on all?

I wonder when they’ll start mixing all in a cocktail of one big shot that promises great things and does nothing but pad the pockets of the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries.

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Your doc is a good soldier following orders! If not self employed he knows he needs to follow the party line or get fired!

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Unfortunately she works for the university medical physicians group. I like her, she knows not to try to BS me.

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Many, many years ago big pharma did come out with 5-way shots for horses to ward off five different equine illness. Before that, the shots were single or a combination of two or three. I will add that a certain percent of very young horses will die because of the overload to their system of the 5-way.

I do believe that horses were initially used for some vaccine efficacy trials when vaccines were in their infancy. Dr. Malone would know the accuracy of that.

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Thank goodness I’m not a young horse! Just an old jackass. 😂

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Part horse part Democrat? Ha.....

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I voted for a Democrat in a local election one time about 50 years ago. Along came Reagan and I was smitten. Never voted for a Dem again. Reagan famously said he didn’t leave the Democrat party, the Party left him.

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I'm just being silly today, as you were. A Jack is a male mule which is a cross between a horse and donkey. A Jenny is a female from the same cross. I have not look up why a donkey represents Dem and an Elephant Rep. Neither is a critical thinker, both are used to carrying humans, elephants have long memories, but of what I wonder and a donkey likes its ears scratched.

I wanted to vote for Reagan as CA gov in 67 but was shy of being 21, then moved to another state before he was re-elected in 1971. Was so glad he ran for President!

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Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your time off. Of course we all know with your land and animals there is no real time off! Thanks again for all you and Jill do!

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Many posts I complain and have no ideas for action that might possibly have a changing effect. Right now congress is fully funding the criminal political prosecution of Trump. These unprecedented abuses which are meant to destroy Biden’s political opposition, are clearly election interference. Money continues to flow to the prosecution of Trumps presidential document dispute; Federal money continues to flow to the offices in New York and Georgia who also are prosecuting Trump on charges that most definitely will be dismissed at the Supreme Court, and of coarse the inditement for January 6th. This week is the fiscal deadline for the house to defund these political prosecutions that are dividing and destroying our country. For almost 15 years the house has neglected doing their job and produce 12 separate funding bills to fund the majority of spending. Call your rep even if they are moon bats like my rep is. I called Kevin McCathy’s office Thursday, twice. The phone number is 202-225-3121. Don’t believe this can not be done. We don’t want another omnibus funding bill that kicks the can down the road again. Make a point to defund these divisive illegal prosecutions of not only Trump but all of the citizens rolled up into their totalitarian plan for one party rule. We can and the house can bring change, so please make a call. J.Goodrich

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My congressman is as conservative as they come. But, I’ll call him and tell him I’m totally opposed to funding any prosecution of a presidential candidate ever, no matter the party. Kevin McCarthy needs to also hear from a large number of us who know darn well the DOJ has been weaponized to put Biden’s competition in jail. I’m so po’d I’ll need to write a script so I don’t use any foul language.

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Thanks GMoody, it’s a small thing to do but they say it can make a difference. If your rep is wanting to defund this disgusting anti American political witch hunt he really deserves praise. I do feel the same way as you do, if the republicans were jailing political opponents I would fight to stop it. It’s just wrong. Thank you!!!

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It is probably the only thing we can do that has an impact.

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I agree my rep is Steve Lynch. I was doing a carpentry job at a good customers business and he made a point to come up to me and say hello. The business has had many fund raisers for politicians and that day it was Steve Lynch. When I call him tomorrow I will mention details of the day I met him. He was a Union steel worker but I doubt he will break away from the democrat hive.

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That union-democrat bond is tight. Alot of history behind it, like the old right to work law fights, but it doesn't make sense any more. Perfect example is the UAW strike now.


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Ivrapplestock, with our government needing to print 2 trillion dollars/year not including interest on the debt (1.3 trillion) America is going down. The other problem for the auto workers is Biden’s insistence on pushing electric cars which part wise all come from China. This is another huge betrayal of Americans. There are rumors of China opening car plants in America. I’m sure there’s another 10% in there for the big guy.

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Thank you both for leading by example in the fight for freedom for all!

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Best Sunday funnies in a dog's age - thanks!

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Amen 🙏 to doing whatever it takes to protect THE CHILDREN!

They're our only hope that our country will continue!

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Lot's of good ones. Ramirez was my favorite.

Enjoy your R&R.

Danny Huckabee

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Glad to hear that next Saturday you get to do some real "Chores".

Haha. Chores, yeah right !

Spending any time with your horses, goats, and other fur babies isn't chores, IMO. Anything to take you (me) away from the crazy town human condition, is a freedom which is to be revered, and enjoyed, every damn second of it.

My wife and I are in the process of purchasing property in VT. The property and home are all in a need of a ton of work, as it's been neglected for a long while.

We're so excited about all our upcoming "Chores". Haha, yeah.

I mean it's really bad. 6 acres of overgrown, house falling down, pile of "peace and tranquility". We've been going up a couple times each month, checking out the area, finding stores, local produce farmers, suppliers, insurance company, tree guy, septic guy, lumber yard, etc. and its closing is in a few weeks.

I went up yesterday and did some repairs to the well system, as the old lady who lived there moved out of state, and some things need to get done now, so that by the time closing is over, I'm not dealing with a huge mess. Even though we don't own the place, yet, we're still up there all the time walking around, planning, thinking, dreaming of what to do, and how to go about it.

Haha. Being there isn't work. Doing chores there isn't work. It's all a way of getting away from the human condition, and I welcome ever freaking moment of it. Peace, tranquility, no noise from overpopulated cities. I'm in destress mood the moment my wheels cross that VT line. I'd never return if it wasn't for our lives here, but hopefully we can move that life there over the next few months to a year or more.

I loved Carlin since I was a child, against my mother's wishes. Class Clown album was a staple record which I would play until the needle wore out. I think the record itself, was worn out before I left home at the age of 23.

Boy oh boy, do I wish I left home earlier, looking back now. Made me be responsible for myself, and to no longer rely on "mom" paying for rent, food, lawn mower parts I would have to fix, as we couldn't afford anything new. She did, however, make me pay for my own clothes, car, insurance, get a bank account, and anything else I wanted or needed.

Miss her old fat ass, gone a decade now. Being an "Adult Orphan", seems to chime along with Carlin and his meaningless words rant. Haha, you just can't say "you're parents are dead, no now you're an Adult Orphan".

Carlin was brilliant.

He spoke the truth

He opened millions eyes to reality


Relevant, more today, than ever. 

Thanks Doc. R. Loved the 12 minutes of laughter.

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I assign myself tasks that support the life I've chosen. I determine if a task can be put off or not. It's splendid, being retired!

You are choosing a life that comes with chores that make your life even better!

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I looked up "adult orphan" to see if you were kidding. Wow. They're really using that.

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T, so glad to hear you are going in the direction you've wanted for a bit! You have the attitude you need for the next adventure. Love "Miss her old fat ass".

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The best part ?

We've been up there enough times that my wife has fallen in love with the area / the state / the state of minds, other than the potheads and libtards you see from time to time. There are areas which "time has forgotten", and have zero to do with today's bull, while there are those who are just as stupid as today's funnies. She misses it terribly when we come back here to the armpit of communistic state we reside.

Respectful people is generally what we experience there, and it's so refreshing.

Time will have us living there permanently, but it's one frog boiling in the pot temperature at a time.

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T, my wife and I bought a house in NH 18 years ago. Your description of relief as you drive to Vermont is exactly how we felt. I drove up today to check on the house and lazed around all day after a long long work week. I wish you both all the best.

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Thanks, brother James.

Ever since i was a kid, i've wanted to live where there are less people, more open space, and life was simpler. My cousins lived in such a place, and visiting them made me realize it's where I wanted to be.

56 long years later, its coming true, and although there's a ton of work to be done, and as much money to follow. At this point in life, I'm good with giving up both.

That feeling we speak of, apparently is a lot more common that i ever realized, especially being you have to pass through states where the freedoms we love as Americans, do not exist . NH, VT are constitutional states, while NJ, Mass, NY, CT are all "put your ass in jail for exercising your 2A rights" states. Fréedoms given,by birth are restricted, or non existent, and can have you spending a couple years in the "gun gulag", simply for carrying what you legally purchased, and are allowed to under our constitution.

Yes, the relief is real, and well understood by folks who have refused to keep their craniums lodged in their rectums.

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My reply to you is the same as to James, Comfort is not anything I would have expected from reading the exchange of you two. Thanks, I'll take it.

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Back at ya !

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Our house was very similar and needed a ton of work. I couldn’t wait until Friday came, jump in the truck and work on our new place. Hopefully it will be as relaxing for you as it the work was to me. Fixing things can be very satisfying.

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I do enjoy reading the conversations between you two. Comforting somehow.

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Drs Malone, I do not know where you find these gems but today was outstanding and George Carlin had me keel over on the floor and rolling down the syllables with laughter!

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Big thumbs up for the Carlin piece! That was funny, even 23 years later.

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I am with you on this Barbara. I was caddying my husband at a golf tournament today, and I watched the Carlin video while he was warming up. It absolutely made my day! We no longer die, we pass away! Hilarious.

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They were all excellent. Can't decide on favorite. Three weeks at the farm, perhaps only until some unexpected plea for your physical attendance somewhere!

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Very good comment.

The names you mention have been in my view for a long time except for Vivek, nobody seems to know anything/everything about him. The problem is that some of these people, and they are for the most part good Americans, is their media persona. Kennedy is the anti-vax crusader who has now taken on the entire three letter bunch and that makes him a prime candidate for those of us that don't trust the government now, after covid. But it really doesn't make a lot of sense as he has his own three letter agencies he likes which are environmentalist. He supported Al Gore and John Kerry in the presidential elections. Gabbard is the reformed Democrat, new heroine of the intellectual middle right, but is a fan of Assad, not many know about that, but it is enough for me. Not that people can't change their minds and change course, but I don't see tangible evidence of that with Gabbard and RFKjr. In the end, these people all come with their own baggage, and it's going to be up to American people to decide, but I would hope that somehow people look behind the media personality.

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Franny, wouldn't you say that our environment needs help? That is different from "climate change" What about the thousands upon thousands of masks everywhere...

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Perhaps an NGO could start a world wide pick up parade with grants from the Feds?

I just wish that masks would go the way of plastic straw and plastic bags when Dems denounced them as pollutants.

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And open some closet doors!

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Goodies, to Confucius saying when words lose their meaning people lose their liberty, his rival Lao Tse answered to that with the saying it’s not good enough to be a dragon that can fly, to what use when he cannot spit fire?

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Re Facebook ban, title of post:

Carlson: Well, because if you want to subvert a democracy, you need to control the information that citizens receive. I'd argue that the news media in democracies is far less trustworthy than it is in other countries simply because it matters more in a democracy. People vote on the basis of the information they have. So, if you want to control their votes, you have to control what they know.

There has been a very aggressive attempt, over a number of decades on the part of the people who run the United States, to control what's available on our news stations and in our newspapers — to control the news media. And they have.......

Our system is collapsing in real time. We're watching this happen. If you read the American media, it's stories about Kim Kardashian and lots of irrelevant crap about trannies and all this stuff. The bottom line is the president of the United States is non compos mentis.


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I've been saying that for decades. It's true, has been for almost a hundred years. It's an illusion of life's importance while concealing the heist.

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It wouldn't be successful if people didn't fall for it.

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Loved the Confucius quote, "When words lose their meaning, people lose their liberty". Reminds me of how the CDC changed the definition of the word vaccine to match the product that they were pushing on everyone. I cannot think of a better example

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