Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Quote from Carl Sagan in 1997...

“We’ve arranged a global civilisation in which most crucial elements – transportation, communications, and all other industries, agriculture, medicine, education, entertainment, protecting the environment, and even the key democratic institution of voting – profoundly depend on science and technology.

“We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.”

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I completely agree - I think a lot of us only disagree about "when" that combustible mix is going to explode.

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And what it looks like when it does

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And how to respond...

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That too

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Power uses ignorance to claim scientific truth in the absence of real science.

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That is a profound statement!

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 11, 2022

The ignorance about how things work is much more fundamental, below the level of science per se.

The global civilization you speak of, has, at least in capitalist countries, created unprecedented abundance. The abundance creates an illusion that the things we want and need a just there, and will always be there. A lot of what goes on to provide happens out of sight. How many think the source of electricity is the wires they see on poles? The source of food is the grocery store? And so on.

The ignorant think we can flip a switch, stop using fossil fuels, and life will go on pretty much as before. The way things are going, we're going to test that maxim, "It's easy to vote yourself into socialism. But you have to shoot your way out." They are destined for a very rude awakening. And by the time they wake up, there won't be anything they can do about it.

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The law of unintended consequences will intersect with Murphy's Law and overly complex and interdependent systems will eventually cascade into failure. Oh, excuse me, it already HAS done so when reviewing the global situation and insanity being pushed everywhere. I see no way out beyond collapse, descent into total tyranny and enslavement of humanity, with a strong potential for Genocide of All Humanity. (Yes, the elites too, in their hubris releasing what they hope to survive but fail to understand the true dangers of..... the law of unintended consequences ... means they also will die out).

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Yeah. The food system and chemicals will look us all.

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Ignorance is voluntary, but is encouraged by the powerful who support public ignorance, through welfare payments that subsidize un-productivity, and the indoctrination by the failed education system. Ignorance is a poor choice. It's up to us to encourage knowledge. Convince your neighbors.

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I don’t know how one can convince others that have spent their lives avoiding the hard work of understanding like the plague.

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If we don't, things will get much worse. We better figure it out.

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Well, I’m all ears. Because, I’ve lost relationships with people I’ve tried to arouse to curiosity.

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If you cared about them before, you shouldn't give up on them.

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I love them still. But, I’m no longer trying to get them to listen. I believe now that curiosity must arise naturally from within. I’ll always be ready to help, if they ask.

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[P.S. How much wood could a Marchuck chuck if a Marchuick could chuck wood?]

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Speaking of things that have blown up in our face...

Here's how dangerous groupthink is, and why it is successfully enforced:

"Shondaland [in Hollywood] is one of the most successful ... production companies in entertainment... [T]he company has had a string of hits ... At one point, ABC filled its entire Thursday night primetime lineup with Shondaland shows.

"From a writer’s perspective, landing a job at Shondaland could mean years of sustained employment... competition for those jobs is fierce.

"Reporters ... will often play up the collegiality within ... Shondaland but, according [sources], that comity masks a pressure-cooker environment where EVERYONE IS DESPERATELY TRYING TO FIT IN..."

(My emphasis/caps).

Source: An excellent article by Peter Kiefer (recommended).


[End 12/11/22 2:55 p.m.]

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deletedDec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022
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Regarding Sagan speaking in abstract terms. I don't think it gets more concrete than this 1995 quote:

“I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness. The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), the lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.” -- from Carl Sagan’s 1995 book “Demon-Haunted World; Science as a Candle in the Dark”

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BTW, I notice that the greatest number of Nobel Prize awards for UofC-related winners is in the category of "Economic Sciences", which in my opinion is not a science at all. It's not even a true Nobel Prize, being sponsored by a separate organization and only administered by the Nobel folks. It's my belief that economists have steered society into truly dysfunctional behavior by pontificating on the basis of economic models whose assumptions have little to do with the real world.

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deletedDec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022
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Thanks for your response. I have a different opinion about the missions to the moon. More to the point here, I have a different opinion about the interview in which "Stanley Kubrik" said it was faked. The actor playing Stanley Kubrik in the pseudo-documentary that contains this "confession" is Tom Mayk. You can find a video on YT containing obvious outtakes from the finished film in which the director, T. Patrick Murray, addresses the actor as "Tom".

Personally, my admiration for Carl Sagan-- and my amazement at how accurately he forecast the situation we're now in-- remains undiminished.

PS -- The list of Nobel prize recipients associated with the University of Chicago is also readily available online.

Thanks again for the conversation. I hope you have a great day.

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here in the totalitarian state of Washington, the "experts" are now recommending masking indoors. Thank you for this morning's pep talk, Dr. Malone, we rebels are going to need to stay strong.

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a spot-on stack this am Doc! Lion and rebel here for sure! A huge THANK YOU for being the greatest truth telling warrior there is! You are INVALUABLE in this monumental fight and I thank God for you! God bless you and Jill! ✝️💜

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love the rebel and the lion quotes. Dr Malone and Dr Jill , you inspire us all.

My grandfather and my father were both inventors of farm machinery. They could both look outside of the box. My father was inducted into the Eastern Idaho Farmer’s Hall of Fame for his contribution to farming. He has several patents. Both my dad and my grandpa would say there has got to be a better easier way. My dad was working on a hydrogen engine before he passed away at age 85. He had several explosions. But he kept trying.

Dr Malone has numerous patents because he could think outside the box. We are truly bless to be on his side of the fight for freedom.

Keep sharing his information to like minded people and those that are waking up. Have a great Sabbath. Remember God is in charge but we still need to take action.

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Had a great grandfather who was a blacksmith and also an inventor. He was also, however, a fairly recent immigrant from Germany and since WW I was raging and he was a tad nervous about his heritage he donated those inventions to the US gov. His Irish immigrant wife was NOT at all happy about that. And he heard about that in no uncertain fashion

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I hope you have written this family history down. What did he invent?

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All anecdotal so no details except that he was shown an Irish temper in all its glory

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”― George Orwell

'We have not yet begun to fight' -- channeling my inner John Paul Jones... Rage on, everybody!

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I enjoyed the Sunday funnies! I have always been a lion, & truly didn't realize it until recently. Question everything; research for information to back the truth, & move forward. It is so comforting to not be part of the mainstream followers who believe in everything they are being told! I didn't get any jabs, my natural immunity has kept me going for 71 years now, & I am truly blessed for everything I have in my life. Thank you always, Dr. Malone for standing strong for all of us- the Believers' in Truth, Science & our Faith...God Bless You & Jill .

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I am with you - same age, no shots, and I watch my jabbed kids get sick all the time...preparing to be outspoken with my doc at annual visit this week, have not seen a doc in 3 years, if she even suggests flu or covid shots...

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The hardest thing for me, was trying to research the web for information regarding the cv19 "virus"-which was difficult (as we all know now), & the true facts were being censored. My sister & I had lunch in 2021, & had not seen one another for several years. The first thing she asked me was if I had got the "vaccine"- to which I said no. Why would I get jabbed with unknown ingredients (chemicals?), & I'm not sick? She said she hated those "unvaccinated" people, & that "we" (the UNVAXXED), were a threat to those who were "VAXXED). The irony of this, my Nephew - her son- had been jabbed twice, & shortly after his second jab, became quite ill, & after going to a doctor (heart specialist), was diagnosed with myocarditis. He was fortunate to have found this doctor, & as the doctor tried to diagnose my Nephew, realized the jabs were a probable cause for myocarditis. The doctor even apologized to my Nephew, saying he was sorry my Nephew was going through this. But, to this day, this virus & everything that has happened since 2020, we still do not communicate. I guess my point with this long story: I have never been a follower, & have always followed my own path. I also have not been to a doctor for the past 3 years, & to this day, do not trust them now. I have never had a flu shot either; I have been living with my daughter & her family for 3 years, & in that time frame, both Grand daughters have had severe colds or a virus, & I have not contracted any virus from them. So, I'm truly blessed.

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Cheers to you and those of us that need facts before following govt. dictates. Stay strong and know that you have a "sista" doing exactly what you do.

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The censorship is so thick and broad that newspaper comment sections are policed as if they were Twitter or Facebook or Linkedin. A recent WSJ story about a rise in flu, RSV and other illnesses prompted me to make some comments, but my reasonable comments were “rejected” for violating “community standards.” I have no idea what that means despite the fact I read WSJ’s description.

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That censoring of paid subscriber's comments has been a standard feature of WSJ for several years. They especially don't like unkind comments about Democrats and their party.

I know it's still happening apace b/c occasionally WSJ allows articles behind their paywall to be read by the non-paying public. Last time I read one, there were several commenters complaining about how their comments had been deleted for no apparent reason- i.e. no foul language, threats, disparagement of minorities, etc. I believe them b/c I was once a subscriber, and the same thing happened to me.

I'm not going to pay somebody $ to censor me.

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What is Truth? The question was perhaps most famously asked by Pontius Pilate 2,000 years ago. It was a loaded question then and now. If we ponder the question as I believe Pilate did it is soon changed to: Who gets to decide what Truth is? Both Bertrand Russell and Carl Sagan dodge this question. This is the problem. Freedom of opinion may be important but it is meaningless without objective truth, Sagan’s North Star. But the North Star must guide us or it too is meaningless. Understanding science and technology means embracing mystery as much as it does embracing facts. Both are true.

Back to GK Chesterton: “A man who doesn’t believe in God does not of a sudden believe in nothing. He believes in anything”.

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What is truth? Only a child of God can direct truth to truth. "Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him” (John 14:6, NIV). How your last words point to deceivers!

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 11, 2022

Well, science tells us the North star isn't really fixed although it seems so in the short lifetimes of humans, even of generations of us. So from a scientific perspective I must accept the possibility of anything, and accept the increasingly uncomfortable necessity to proceed on Russell's basis of chance, not in blind faith as Chesterton would have it.

But I do take exception to Russell's convenient exception of "professional experts", an implicitly self-referential category, and also ironically subject to opinion. "But so long as freedom of opinion is safeguarded, all except professional experts have a better chance of being right if they accept than if they reject the prevalent opinion.”

Lions are an endangered species with little chance of evolving rapidly enough to adapt, except to captivity. In this context (Dr Malone's), not a good metaphor in the face of human cultural evolution.

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It’s fixed as a navigation aid. That’s all that matters for us humans

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Depends on the space you're navigating in ;-)

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

„To the rebels of the world “ - I felt addressed immediately!! Thank you for the wise Sunday strips and laughs!! Happy Sunday to you and Jill!!

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good one!! I got my book yesterday “lies my Government told me”. Thank you Dr Malone Thank you

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Some excellent material here Dr. Malone! Thanks for being a rebel and speaking your / the truth!!! 🏆 I want a T-shirt with the Cheers statement on it! I’m ready to meet more people who are willing to think more critically & independently! Trying to wake the sleeping who respond as if you are nutty or get angered by the thought of you suggesting that our leaders are lying & willing to allow harm to be done to people is quite exhausting & seemingly fruitless!

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I did want to mention the selflessness of Dr. Malone. I mentioned on a recent post that I heard Dr. Malone say he was willing to take part on a twitter panel that would review statements, data, paperwork etc. from the government regarding Covid. What I didn’t know until now is twitter had yet to reinstate Dr. Malone. I’m sure it’s not something you would probably want to do but you still would do it. That is the definition of being selfless. Thank You.

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Are we hating Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, etc. enough ??

Elon Musk – for Nobel Peace Prize !! He might have saved us from the fascist bi-partisan US War party.

https://substack.com/inbox/post/89954921 -- Caitlin Johnstone - 12/11/2022

The Biggest Obstacle To Real Freedom Is The Belief That We Already Have It

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My heart dropped when I read this: “Neuralink brain chip implants to be tried on humans despite causing MULTIPLE DEATHS in animal trials”


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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great Sunday stack and thanks for sharing Russell's observations and the Lion metaphor from St. Augustine. And thanks for your brave leadership.

Danny Huckabee

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Yes. Outstanding stack. In particular, I found the photo of Fauci and his wife, including her

title and connections to be ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! Still pondering the ramifications.....!

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hybrid War. The little people (like You and Me) are the targets.

"Its a Big Club. And you ain't in it." It just became much more obvious during the pandemic.

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It's a big club, ka-bam!

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m not on Twitter but I have heard that if people lobby for someone to come back they are reinstated. Maybe they have a lot of accounts to look at and it helps to point one out to get it fast tracked. If anyone here tweets, please lobby for Dr. Malone!!

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Doesn't seem to be working that way, they have an order and a process in mind.

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Sen. Ron Johnson lobbied for Robert Malone... ❤️

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