I like the last line in the short video… “Am I being messed with here?” Yes, we all are.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This excellent satire brought a couple of quotes to mind:

"If sex does not determine gender, how does mutilating sex organs affirm it?" --B Free

"I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants." --Whitney Brown

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Had a bumper sticker once which stated "Vegetarian - Indian word for lousy hunter"

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Interesting article on American Greatness today about satire/Juvenal. Worth a read.

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Thank you, I will check it out if I can find the time, doctor. You may find some of these short funny videos worth yours: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/doom-break-volume-4-where-no-laughter

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As usual A+ on da Zingers.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

About fentanyl and the border, I heard this quip about the government making ivermectin harder to get than fentanyl.

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Looney Tunes: that’s my favorite! Doesn’t it feel like we’re all in a Looney Tunes cartoon?

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Yes, but without any of the humor.

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Biden’s speech at the far left Hamas loving Human Rights Council dinner last night was a real looney tune. Red State’s Bonchie wrote in his headline, Joe Biden’s speech was a BUFFET of SENILITY. I laughed so hard, but then realized America’s enemies saw it also.

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Or Bizarro World comics

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Can’t say I like the terrorist coming over the border one, but reality is a bitch. The world sees our feckless government and pounces as the MSM would say. Our government is unwilling to protect our own citizens in the cities. Our government is unwilling to stop the invasion at the border when we can’t house vets, feed our kids, or pay for heat. Our government allows fentanyl to pour in killing 100,000 plus every year. The house and senate sit back and do nothing, their a joke. We have turned our Allie’s all against us. We tell Israel to do nothing after their enemies slaughter 1300 women and children and they ignore us for good reason. Not a word about the Americans killed or taken hostage. What good is an aircraft carrier if our government is unwilling to protect us? J.Goodrich

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Good 🌄 morning 🌄 James my friend!!!

Please pray 🙏 for my latest divine revelation.

My husband and I will be meeting with local law enforcement leaders to look into the logistics of starting a Citizens Militia.

I refuse to live in fear 😨!!!

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I will pray for you both!!

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Thank 😊 you my dear friend!

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I think it’s a great idea btw!!

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Maybe planning to give them the carrier to go along with the afghanistan spoils the taliban have given them.

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That's pretty twisted, but funny! And in this upside-down clown-world insanity, who knows? Billions of dollars worth of equipment to the Taliban . . . how much is an aircraft carrier worth? Lol!

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So far the USG has decommissioned four of them along with other warships and fighter jets. This is unprecedented and a harbinger of things to come.

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— Demented Commie-Obama-controlled puppet in the White House

—Traitors running the Pentagon

—A military that refuses to protect our country from invasion by foreign military operatives and terrorists

—A military running a bioweapon-injection attack on our own citizens: 70% injected, with long-term deaths adding up to potentially millions of people.

—A military that is destroying its capabilities by depleting munitions (giving them away), poisoning the troops with bioweapon shots, and driving out the patriots with Woke, Trans, and anti-American propaganda.

Gee . . . what could possibly go wrong???

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The only thing I’d add- a DOJ, FBI & CIA working with Dems to jail the opposition’s Presidential contender.

I have a really bad feeling about 2024.

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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 16, 2023

BIG picture? Civilizations end. It seems like people forget that. We are too myopic and lose sight of how things go over the course of many generations/centuries.

Governments apparently always degenerate into totalitarianism as the powerful control-freaks figure out how to take advantage of their fellow citizens who just want to live their lives in peace. And when things get too bad for people to take it any more, OR the utter degeneracy and incompetence of the ruling class becomes too extreme, the entire thing is brought down or comes crashing down. Then a period of chaos ensues— some variation of a Dark Age. Then people say "Never Again". They, for a short time, learn the lessons of history and something new rises from the ashes, something trying to recreate values and morality, perhaps. So a new civilization blossoms. But future generations forget, or they never got the message about what went wrong before.

And here we are today, teetering on the brink, with full-on degeneracy, seemingly Satanic forces driving the most destructive and insane, irrational behaviors. Wars and rumors of wars. Inevitable economic collapse of worthless fiat currencies. A very small group of truly evil people who have schemed their way to controlling most resources of the planet and who, for the first time in history actually have the technological capability to impose a World Government and carry out their psychotic fantasies of mass-exterminating most of the human race.

What does all this mean? That our present civilization HAS TO collapse. It NEEDS TO collapse to stop the Psychos from destroying everything, including the very genetic basis of humanity (our genome). They have really gone too far. Huge corporations raping the planet for profit and poisoning the environment with tens of thousands of chemicals incompatible with life. Non-regenerative agriculture that is rapidly depleting soils and killing their essential biology. Crops devitalized and nutrient deficient. Synthetic industrial concoctions passed off to a propagandized population as "food" when it isn't fit for human consumption. Governments that only serve their wealthy masters to the complete detriment of their citizens. And now they want to deprive us of our natural ancestral diet of mostly animal products and brainwash the public into thinking that REAL FOOD is bad for our health (LIES!) and harmful to the "climate" (HUGE LIES!). And eat BUGS?!

And now our economies are on the verge of collapse as unsustainable policies and an un-repayable National Debt have caused out of control inflation that CANNOT be stopped. 

Yes, this civilization is going down. It HAS to for something better to rise in its place. But it will be a rough ride, and billions of people will probably go down with it. Most of us living today won't see how this all turns out, at least not from "This Side". Hopefully there will be a better time ahead for humanity, after "the dust settles". Hopefully Homo sapiens will survive and there will be a planet still worth coming to, in two or three centuries.

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Suspect "they" have a badder feeling about them which explains their rash behavior.

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😔 😟 🙁 😥

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Given how badly they are driving our boats today maybe a,good idea to mothball. them as opposed to constantly repairing them after running into each other and other traffic. Go back to teaching seamanship (seahe/sheship? ) rather than woke nonsense then put them back on line

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In Obama’s first 5 years over 137 officers were forced out or given bad evaluation reports so they will never make Flag (officer), because of their failure to comply to certain views.

In addition, here is the count by year of Naval Officers fired. 2013 – 22; 2012 30; 2011 – 27.

Also Commanding Admirals fired:

· Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette-U.S. Navy Commander John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group Three (Oct 2012)

· Vice Admiral Tim Giardina(3 Star, demoted to 2 Star)-U.S. Navy Deputy Commander of the US Strategic Command, Commander of the Submarine Group Trident, Submarine Group 9 and Submarine Group 10 (Oct 2013)

Also between 2009 and 2013, 18 Commanding Generals of the Marines and Army were fired.

General Vallely's comment: Absolutely every communist regime on the planet did this as soon as they got in power.

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There was a spokesadmiral in his administration (who is still hanging around speaking for some agency) who it seemed had never had a seagoing command. My understanding was it was a requirement for flag rank so maybe he represents the new...woke...navy and why they can no longer drive their boats

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Not sure---6 billion? Maybe they just want to buy it back.

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Depends.....if it is sitting on the water or under the water.

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It’s got Captain Phillips written all over it!

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At least Gov. DeSantis said this morning that Florida will get some Americans out. He was pretty clear about his position on these issues. James I am surprised when you "like" my comments, have you checked out Dannion? The World is in a pickle, big time.

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I did look Dannion up and I remember him. I think I saw him on a tv program about after death experiences. BTW I do like your comments, I know we sometimes have different ideas on some subjects but your heart is always in the right place, probably a better place than mine…

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Like them dang cruise ships it's a dandy place place to experiment with a DOD Wuhan Plus Cov 19 Bat met Pangolin at a wet market for lunch encounter. 5000 strong Navy on board.

Now that's vigorous germ testing Data we can hide from everybody!! Hahahaha

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My first thought when the first carrier was deployed: “Oh-oh. We’re giving “them” targets so we can lose more military hardware and justify another irrational attack on “somebody.”

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love, love, love the 'you stay compliant, I will stay defiant!' Does this one have Dr. Jill's fingerprint on it?

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Liked the chefs. Ya know, we need John Wayne rounding up all the rinos backed up by Stewart Granger with an elephant gun for clean up.. Then maybe the Republicans can go back to work for us.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You made it very difficult to choose just one today. I'm choosing Bill Gates because I had just seen this article. https://thenewamerican.com/video/bill-gates-invests-millions-to-cut-down-trees-bury-them/

Also, I watched this today to find out why nothing seems to happen in Congress regarding Fauci.

Dr. Atlas interviews Senator Rand Paul


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Just read the first sentence... "Bill Gates wants to destroy 70 million acres of forest across the United States and bury the trees underground as part of his plan to save the planet from climate change." Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot !!! I'm saving those links, to check out later. Thanks for posting them.

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They were going to die anyway after his dims the sun, you know because of climate change.

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Okay…first, let me say that I find Bill Gates to be loathsome, arrogant and contemptible. This is not a defense of that pervert, but a defense of truth. Bill Gates is not looking to deforest anything to save us from his climate change hoax. There is a plan, developed by the US Forest Service five years ago, to return to the practice of thinning and “managing” forests to reduce the risk of wildfire. Gates is investing in companies that will participate in that thinning and bury the thinned tree material as mulch in the Nevada desert. He believes that the composting effect will “restore” barren land in NV, thus helping to create a better climate. It sounds arrogant to me but as a westerner, I’m glad that the federal government is managing the federal forests more effectively again. And I still think Gates is a pervert, but it’s silly to lie about this work to bloody a contemptible billionaire.

PS: Burying conifer mulch in NV desert won’t do much good. It would need water to help break it down and create any appreciable improvement to the soil. But if Bill’s cash speeds the process of forest management, I’m not opposed to that. And Bill Gates is still an arrogant pervert.

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Oct 16, 2023·edited Oct 16, 2023

Bill doesn't invest in anything that doesn't make him money. It was a plan under Trump's Admin, but the burying. Bill has no intention of thinning anything he can turn a buck on for lumber. The ‘biomass’ will be the parts of trees that can't be used for lumber.

There will be no mulch because he plans to preserve what's buried with lime. We all know that when vegetation dies off it lets off carbon dioxide and according to Bill, that is causing the climate change.

Bill's ultimate plan is to have parts of CA turned into Elite reserves for the rich given its temperate climate. Twenty years ago he was in Africa vaccinating everyone and the horror stories of what those jab were really doing shows what kind of guy he really is. He has not been allowed in Africa since.

It’s totally fine that you want to think he is doing ‘good’ because no one else will do it. However, no one is lying about what you think he is going to do. We all have our opinions until years later when reality comes about.

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And he is an arrogant pervert. Amen, brother!

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Title should have been: TOO MANY CROOKS!

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AG Jeff Landry just won the Governorship in Louisiana! Lets hope that Cameron in KY beats Beshear and next year a Republican beats Cooper in NC. Just looking for good news where ever I can find it.

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Thank 😊 you ❤️ ‼️

Please keep sharing and sharing often!!!!

We absolutely 💯 need it!!!

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I am sure Hungry had the same rally as Poland. On a sad note: An 8 year old girl from Ireland was visiting a friend in Israel. When her father found out she was missing he said I hope she died rather than being captured by Hamas and taken to Gaza. She was found dead as were the entire family she was with. At the same time those deaths were reported a very large pro-Palestinian rally was being held in Dublin. This is the inhuman chaos that the NWO calls for.

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The video is priceless how sheep have a need to be liked.

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Captain Crunch's Ocean Blue Artificially Maple Flavored Syrup. Read it twice-that's for real?

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Yep! You can even buy it on Amazon!

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Or your grocer's Marine Adhesive aisle.

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😱 😱 😱

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Chock full of Goodies today! Wow.

I have to start with ' whether I should? ' Was there and concluded that - I shouldn't. We then spent quite a few years hobbling together. From there 'staying free.' Re the Repubs - disgusting - idiots - the funding should have come first! Are they just churning up excuses for disgusting outcomes? Fits right in nicely with 'never trust(ing). Gates is a plague! We need a cure!!!!

Hopefully good news. Read that the Court (Hopefully Supreme) is continuing to snuffle around whether to block CISA and cohorts from media influencing, I think through 10/20. Just hopin' and praying Missouri gets paired up with the Texas Florida case already on their docket. The Louisiana AG has been elected Gov. The Missouri AG is running for Governor. So much in process.

Have a great day and getting ready. Bestest Ever and Always ❣️

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Looks like the writeup I saw was ahead of the game. Maybe as good as:

Louisiana’s Trump-endorsed Attorney General Jeff Landry will be the first Republican in eight years to move into the governor’s mansion after a dominant walk-off primary win on Oct. 14.

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I saw that video earlier. Absolutely hysterical each time I see it! Brilliant!

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ha ha, love the "The massive pro-Palestinian rally in Poland", so great. PS: I don't think Bill Gates could end world hunger or poverty, that's giving him way too much credit. Besides it isn't biblical, Jesus says in Mat 26:11 "For you will have the poor with you always". Always? Isn't that interesting. Craig Hill teaches an amazing message on money, he says there are 3 kinds of people, the poor (who spend every penny they have on the now), the debtors (who spend every penny they make on debt, house, car, school, etc) and the wealthy (who save as much money as they can to investment in the future). He tells a story of a Vietnamese immigrant who came to the US with $5 in his pocket. But he says the minute he stepped off the boat he was a "wealthy man" because of the way he lived, worked his ass off, and saved and saved until he could buy his own restaurant. He is now a millionaire and owns an entire restaurant chain.

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