Jul 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's more than that! We have lost the truth tellers in our mass media! Here is a quote from "John Kass" a truth teller that was erased from the Chicago Tribune! I could not say it better! Fear rules in the Media as well as medicine!

Quote: "The old journalism business model has collapsed. The new greasy journalism model is here. A new crop of new editors shake like reeds at the march of the newspaper union Bolsheviks–for example, my old Tribune– in league with the cadre of hard left politicos determined to see Chicago and other big cities fall and leaving victims of violent crime without a voice. A few decent journalists remain, but most anyone with any credibility has left corporate legacy journalism in Chicago to the harpies that despoil it."

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Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023

Yes, the old journalism has collapsed. It's debatable how much of that was caused by bad journalism and how much by advances in competing technologies. Some of each in my opinion.

Our elected leaders are trying to save the old journalism through government subsidies. I expect that from the Democrats. It's infuriating to me the Republicans are willing to go along. Exhibit A is my senator, Senator Cruz. He had the subsidy amendment bottled up in committee, but relented to Senator Klobuchar. The feel-good reason is it's "saving" local, small town newspapers (which are all owned by newspaper conglomerates).

Do these morons never learn? That makes the local newspapers beholden to government. Another incremental expansion in government control of our lives.

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"(which are all owned by newspaper conglomerates)."And there you have your answer. lack of competition or anti trust laws not being used to break up monopolies. Clinton legalized this by the telecommunications act in the mid 90's which rolled back the laws that were written because of the Rockefeller collusion and monopoly's. When you allow consolidation of media you are allowing it to be controlled by those who want to control to gain profit.

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Bad journalism was on the rise long before those competitive sources arrived on the scene

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I remember in the 1980's Conrad Black was buying up newspapers in Canada and around the world. After purchase he sent in his henchman to walk through the newsroom and fire every other reporter. Blacks goal was to fill the spaces between ads with cheap news stories. Wire services did well, investigative journalism did not. He lobbied Buckingham palace for a knighthood and was later stripped of it after being convicted of defrauding company shareholders of $6m dollars. That is the history in a nutshell of the third largest MSM company in the world in the 90's

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Going back to William Randall Hearst.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Democrat "senator" Amy Klobuchar is a CFR member-as is Diane Feinstein, Jack Reed, Mark R. Warner and Sheldon Whitehouse. Republican CFR "senators" include Susan Collins, Dan Sullivan and Lamar Alexander.

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Cruz needs close monitoring. So does Lee. Both talk a good game...

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023

Talking a good game is synonomous with talking out your ass.

That fake governor of Texas has purposefully ignored the nonstop pleas for help of any kind against the border invasion. The mayors have been documented with their cries for help against the bloodshed, the violence, and drug cartel overtaking small towns along the border, yet No one in MSM prints a word about it. This would reflect poorly against their handlers in charge, and resident Biteme, and Cameltoe Harris.

Fallen upon deaf ears, while the little prick remains protected in his governors mansion, as he doesn't see the thousands raped, dying at the hands of the cartel, the runners, the complicit media. No looking through fortified retreats windows long enough to hear the desperate cries for help, but talks the tough guy routine on camera.

Pontification, with willful ignorance, is a common trait among those in charge, and with no one willing to expose them for what they are, it will continue unabated.

Cruz and the wheelchair bound are close companions, no doubt

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Everyone is frustrated with that situation. I remember when Tucker was lambasting Abbott about the border. Without an impenetrable wall, what can one do. Even though it is an invasion, guard or military can't line up and shoot the invaders. How do you stop them?

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Mayorkas needs to be impeached and removed. DPS is now letting the hoard come in through ports of entry.


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He went to harvard. That always bugs me

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Now, on Cruz:

1/7/21 “The attack at the Capitol was a despicable act of terrorism and a shocking assault on our democratic system. The Department of Justice should vigorously prosecute everyone who was involved in these brazen acts of violence. I thank the brave men and women of the U.S. Capitol Police and all other law enforcement agencies who responded to restore peace.”


“The January 6 terrorist attack on the Capitol was a dark moment in our nation’s history, and I fully support the ongoing law enforcement investigations into anyone involved. Everyone who attacked the Capitol must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and brought to justice.”


“We are approaching a solemn anniversary this week, and it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol.”

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Shelley, I knew all this about Cruz. It's giving me heartburn all over again to be reminded. :-/

These quotes show he's more connected to DC insiders than to his constituents in TX. If he can't do something to help the Jan 6 political prisoners, I'll probably never vote for him again.

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Like so many senators, he is beholden to Turtle for campaign funds and thus some strings are attached. Turtle wasted no time giving his own terrorist remarks prior to Ted's. People will vote for him because no one will run against him on the R primary ballot and God forbid a dem wins..

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Sen Hawley went to Yale and Stanford. However, he was Associate Professor of Law at the University of Missouri School of Law and he served as one of the lead attorneys in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby. As counsel to the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, Hawley worked as part of Hobby Lobby’s legal team for years leading up to the case against the Department of Health and Human Services. He was then elected MO's AG where he joined many state lawsuits against the fed. I moved back to MO just in time to donate to his run for Senator. He was the first Senator to say he would challenge the certification of Joe Biden’s win.

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As a Chicagoan, in its a bit better days, Kass was (and still is) one of my favorites.

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What about Royko???

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Yes! Him too. It may be a matter of which paper I was reading at the time. Very limited re the Trib.

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He was the best. Forever missed! BILLY goat...

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Honest man. I loved his post in 2020 about his wife conversing on the phone with suburban Democratic women. He said he never thought he would see the day they would be discussing what kind of handgun they should buy.

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Hi Ana - check your spam box. Also check to make sure your server isn't just throwing them in the trash. If you have a second email address, you might try getting it sent to that email instead.

Just saying - I have yet to find that not getting email notices is a Substack issue. Every time so far, it is the email server.

I am not sure when you first posed the question.

If you send something to my personal email address, I literally get so many emails - it is almost impossible for me to find anything.

I hope this helps.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have had this problem once or twice.

Click on the red dot in the upper right hand corner, then "manage subscriptions," then near he bottom, click on "If you're having email delivery issues, click here." It should ping you w/ an email.

This should as a minimum give you a hint of what the problem might be.

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As a retired public schoolteacher with 26 years experience, I say the best thing that could happen is for school choice to destroy public education!!

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HAHAHA. I'm afraid that goes for our Universities as well.

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Hmmm. Went to Univ. of Okla. in the '60s. Cost $7/credit hr., no student fees, minimal fees for lab courses. Tuition/fees for a full time student less than $200. Today the cost to go to that same state uni is over$4000/semester. Tell me student loans are not poison.

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Yes indeed. My last year as an UG my tuition was $125 for a full load.

I witnessed(in disbelief) the whole thing unfold. It was unbelievable at the University of Wisconsin system. Early 1990's (I think 1993) there was this big push to increase faculty/staff salaries...by a lot. Many doubled. The budgets exploded, the students were hit with huge increases in tuition. It never stopped. Every year higher and higher. What a mess!

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Cost savings were knocking out the 24 hour libraries and reading rooms. And then came the buildings-they exploded like hallucinogenic mushrooms over the campus. First the stadiums, and jack the ticket price way beyond a student pocket, only the wealthy alums, and then build all the esoteric labs and classroom centers and and food courts and campus hall additions to cover every remaining blade of grass. Must have been frisbees, the administrations had to have just hated them.

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Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023Author

Anyone who thinks it is cool to post the same comment 50 or a 100 times, most likely will find themselves banned from commenting.

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From: Pediatrician Fired After Raising Alarm on COVID-19 Vaccines During US Senate Event: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/pediatrician-fired-after-raising-alarm-on-covid-19-vaccines-during-us-senate-event-5431515&utm_campaign=socialshare_email&utm_source=email/

"I just said to my students, I think we need to rethink this masking that we're doing and the social distancing and isolating, I wonder if CDC has considered that we need to think about isolating our more vulnerable in our communities and keeping them more safe and keeping them at home but letting our kids go out there," Dr. Moon said, referring to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"My students again stated that they were traumatized and harmed by that discussion, in a discussion group in a graduate-level medical school," Dr. Moon said. "This is happening nationwide. Our students have lost that ability, I think, to tolerate critical thinking, and to hear perspectives that are different than the main narrative or the main party line that is being pushed."

~Dr. Renata Moon

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Moon's crime for which she got kicked off the university gravy train was testifying to one of Senator Johnson's hearings on the Hill, attended by both Drs Malone and McCullough. It must speak to Dr Malone in a much stronger light than any of us reading an article.

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Let's hope she has a good lawyer, eh?

"It ain't over til it's over." ~Yogi Berra

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And this further squelches any practicing physician to honestly respond to patient questions. I see it with my doc, mum's the word, change the subject. Too bad, cause she has great ears and can pinpoint my lung, asthma, and heart problems in nothing flat. So we re-define our relationship, I do my own research, she does the hands on and orders the tests.

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Love the government pig telling us we have to live with less. As the Biden administration CREEPS to wards its 4th quarter of tyranny, the threats to humanity escalate. It’s unimaginable to look back at history, acknowledge the democide, and realize man has learned nothing. Are we all to cower in the shadow again of satan as he spreads his wings (war pigs; Black Sabbath 1970)? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LQUXuQ6Zd9w Are we again going to get in line and march behind these sociopaths to death and destruction? We all know what unconditional love is. The love for a parent or one’s child. The love that’s so strong you would push the person out of the way of a speeding train only to be hit yourself. We all plainly see there are only two candidates right in front of us that embody this type of love for America. If we all at this time of division, could unite and push to the side these global elitist establishment candidates we could finally see this country turn back to the rule of law and the great republic we once were. J.Goodrich

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Still holding out hope that the evil can be blocked at the ballot box? If enough citizens agree with you, vote accordingly, it might overwhelm their ability to steal. Right now the B Admin is killing the country with a thousand paper cuts as his predecessors did. His henchmen need to be removed now. The un-elected run the country and the rest uphold their ability to do so.

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Ben Franklin intuited the problem with having a republic when he said we had one if we could keep it. It takes some degree of effort for citizens to keep informed and that is more than most are willing to make. And the more complex it becomes, the more effort is required hence fewer are really paying attention and even resent being told they should

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Both of my sons clear message since the early 1990s: if the system works for you, what's not to like. Last month my youngest came by on a dirt bike with several of his old buddies (I've known since 1982) and a son of another friend. We got to talking about the state of affairs and the son who has a three year old just listened. My son finally said, hey pay no heed - there is nothing you can do about any of it. Just raise your kid the best you and your wife can.

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You are spot on. I was having that thought this morning - thinking of my many oldest friends. Mindset is alphabet news keeps them in the know where any wrongdoing is from the ‘other’ side and will be corrected. A hundred years of the self-indulgent mated with propaganda takes a toll. It was especially evident when I moved back to the Midwest March 2017. My best friend came by and mentioned General Flynn and how he better watch himself. How's that I asked. She heard Obama has a big problem with him. This is how 'paying attention' pays off. Two months after Covid arrived she put a sign at the entrance to her farm that said We Shall Overcome. I had just moved my colt to her place to be weaned. Less than a year later she rushed out to get her jab and then another one. I kept him there until he was two. She still let me on her property knowing I was not jabbed and she never enforce the mask mandate, probably thinking she was protected.

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Dr Nash, I respect your opinion. Let me ask you a question: don’t you think that if taxpayers were allowed (required) to assign their tax dollars that THAT would highly motivate everyone to DO something about our government’s tyranny? I think that when tax money is out of our individual control and we see corruption and uses that we strongly object to, we give up. But nothing focuses the will more than money. It IS our money the government is using and if we object or want to hold accountable, what better way than to put our money where we think it will serve our collective purposes. If a department like the NIAID suddenly saw its budget shrink to nearly nothing, don’t you think they would 1. Clean up their act and 2. Try to convince the general public that what they want to do with our money is in our best interest. This business of generating a 4,000 page budget proposal and delivering it the morning of the vote would stop immediately if citizen taxpayers simply checked the NO box on their list of funding proposals on their tax returns. I genuinely believe that the electorate would almost immediately come up to speed on government issues.

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Agree but what would be better is to abolish the income tax. Our founders wisely forbade direct taxes in their fear of a too powerful central gov. It figures a progressive would do an end around and push this travesty on a nation on a war footing. Way too much money collected to support way too much redundant and inefficient bureaucracy.

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How would an alternative tax work and wouldn’t it be then easier for government to spend as it wants?

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Economics not my forte. Suggest reading the Federalist Papers. My take from my read was the founders had pretty well restricted income to this newly formed fed mainly restricting it to collecting tariffs. So in keeping with this obvious intent of the Founders, income to the fed should be limited as much as possible with the states taking on more of the task of governance that the fed has improperly acquired.

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Answered on your other comment.

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Outside chance, maybe 3. But just two with life experiences that would help them to roll into action.

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Your right maybe Vivek R but not sure if he would allow the train to hit him instead of us.

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Re VR. On its face pretty positive. RDS has the issue of purported support from globalists in this campaign. RV has purported education and support from globalists in the past. It would be valuable to learn the truth of these assertions and, if true, the impacts that need to be considered.

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I watched Robert Kennedy Jr. talk about wars. Possibility of another if Biden has his way. Very concerning.

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James, I agree with your comment but I'm curious who the two candidates are that you think most embody your train analogy? My worry would be that anybody loving America so much that they would lay down their lives for it will infuriate the Democrats who love, for instance, open borders and climate change policies that make them rich, and also feared and reviled by deep staters who control new york and DC and all intelligence and government agencies, and these two entities alone will ensure that nobody unites behind any one person.

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Hi Fred, the only two that I see that very well could be executed, at least for today, but maybe for spite still continue their run are Trump and RFK Jr. Both would probably have a better chance of not dying of lead poisoning or life in prison if they dropped out. As far as climate change goes, I most worry of the weatherman coming on the news and saying it’s going to be sunny and 500 degrees in Boston today because Joey got us in a nuclear war. That’s the only climate change I think every American should worry about!!!

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PS, I grew up in Manhattan which was covered by 5-miles-thick ice 10,000 years ago, well before the cooling was maybe my fault for loving a fast Plymouth and Greta shouting "How Dare Me!?" as I blew the doors off her little tiny Smart Coffin

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A lot of the Greta’s worry about a 1 degree increase in temperature over the next 100 years and at the same time think Joey could win a nuclear war with Russia, that’s real brain power at work.

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Ha! (500 degree mushroom clouds) I'm with you 100%, Trump now has even MORE experience spotting the tells (some forget just how much Dems, Rino's, media, and go-alongs fought literally everything coming out of Trump's mouth when they were cranking up scamdemic lies, calling Trump xenophobic for cancelling Chi-na flights in Jan 2020 with (for example) Pelosi et al doing "Come visit Chinatown" ads - even Tucker flew to Florida to tell Trump covid's worse than he (Trump) thought and RFK's eyes have opened even wider now than any Dem in my lifetime and his pedigree, and Trump's charisma rally the "power of the people over the people in power" imho.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great group of comics today thank you.

The fable of the bundle of sticks urgently applies to the independent journalist all doing a great job. They need to join together to avoid being broken one at a time. They need a recognizable brand to compete against the Goliath of brands already in peoples minds.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The "bundle of sticks" in Aesop's Fable in ancient Roman times, also had a hatchet protruding from its center/top and was called "fascies" which was the ancient Roman symbol of POWER - and was used by Benito Mussolini (in 1921) as the symbol of his "Fascisti" or FASCIST party - which was NOT "far-right" but FAR LEFT. Mussolini - prior to creating his Fascist "party" was a himself a SOCIALIST.

At that time, the Western World, including in America, FDR and the NY Times hailed FASCISM as the coming economic miracle! Mussolini even "made the trains run on time" in Italy! BRAVOMISIMO!

in 1933- when Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers "party" aka the NAZIs came to power, Hitler copied (economically speaking) what Mussolini was doing in Italy, i.e., the implementation of Corporativism - the PARTNERSHIP of BUSINESS and GOVERNMENT, in which the government "allowed" PRIVATE business to continue (but) under absolute government control of ALL aspects of production - including profits.

There is NO SUCH thing as "Far-Right" Socialism - a term coined by Joseph Stalin to describe the NAZIs - and dutifully parroted by the NY times. The U.S.S.R. ( the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics ) the name coined by V.I. Lenin - CLEARLY is LEFT wing - as ALL TOTALITARIAN forms of government ARE.

The Chinese Communist (Party) - as did the Soviets, use SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM interchangeably - as BOTH mean the SAME DAMN THING! TYRANNY via GOVERNMENT.

FASCISM, SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM - SAME THING - just different names.

BTW, one can view that ancient symbol of power in the Lincoln Memorial - on the front vertical edges of the CHAIR Honest Abe is setting on.

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Thanks for sharing - I learned something. Now the pressure is on me to retain it!

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WELCOME to the club, Shelley! LOL! ;>)

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Today is Sunday, I just want to smell the roses!

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Had a couple of labs that loved to smell our "roses".

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My husband's widowed mom married a man who had the last name of Rose. Loved the joke.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Stitches I am in, dear Yoda. 🙏


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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Don’t know what question you asked, but I searched the internet for an answer about Substack email notifications stopping. Maybe this link from Substack support will help:


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How sweet of you Big E.

Thank 😊 you so much.

This is the ONLY PAID SUBSCRIPTION that I have.

I signed up as a paid subscription because I was and continued to be in awe of all of the knowledge that Doctor Malone has.

If only he had been as gracious.

I will not be renewing my subscription when it comes up for renewal.

I left free sites for scensoring me and I WILL most definitely leave a paid site!

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The video "People will die" was terrific! Humor and music are a powerful antidote to woke stupidity and tyranny.

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Seems the Global Warming experts have conveniently forgotten this Natural Event...

...this volcano hasn’t yet reached its 1st anniversary of the “Global warming” eruption

Now humanity only has 50 years before mass extinction...


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Think maybe these "experts" are med school dropouts???

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When I wake and the house is freezing in the winter, I always grab a ruler and measure the insulation thickness....

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Don't we all???

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Some fools will check the stove for fire, can you believe it?

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Loved the dog joke. I had a yorkie. Once a year he went to the vet. The only day I had to crawl under the bed to drag him out. Now I know how he knew...

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It did not answer my issue. As a youth I had a smart and brave dog that could do anything. Even stuff Biden can do like sit, stay, speak, roll over and heel. Once or twice a year I would get it in my head that she needed a bath. How did she know that when I never said a word, because I could not find her the rest of the day.

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Intuition. My psychiatrist told me our senses were built to feel when we were in danger. Animals listen to it..we don't. Your dog sensed it.

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That sounds reasonable.

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Govern me harder, daddy, make me commie.

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I sometimes wish one of our multitudes of enemies would launch an electronic pulse device, whatever they call them, over dc. Just dc. And watch them scramble, but not have to hear from them for awhile.

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The pulse device would presumably disable all video cameras, so we wouldn't be able to watch the scramble.

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I hear you, but condemning DC to a fate like that, you are also condemning the millions of people who live within a 40 mile radius to a slow and horrific death. “I desire mercy…”

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Depending on the device it could have an even greater impact. Likely the grid would go down - a multistage affair.

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If there are no fail safes. Hopefully, there are.

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Love it!! How do we do it?

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Al Gore, a well known Comedian......father of the carbon credit.

Al Gore's family made most of their money with Occidental Oil Company.

The present is rooted in the past. The Democrats love the coal industry, take the well known comedian Al Gore for example.

Occidental's coal interests were represented for many years by attorney and former U.S. Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Sr., among others. Gore, who had a longtime close friendship with Hammer, became the head of the subsidiary Island Creek Coal Company, upon his election loss in the Senate. Much of Occidental's coal and phosphate production was in Tennessee, the state Gore represented in the Senate, and Gore owned shares in the company. So much for the fake concern about Global warming?

The present is rooted in the past. Nobel Prize given to the family who caused the problem in the first place?

Al Gore, tried create a similar market for carbon dioxide. Making lavish contributions to environmental groups like the Nature Conservancy, whose Climate Change Project argued for restrictions on carbon emissions, Enron then hired Christopher Horner, a former staffer on Senator Joe Lieberman's Environment Committee, to lobby for an international treaty that would restrict emissions and allow for trading in emission rights. 

Al Gore, tried create a similar market for carbon dioxide.  By the end of the decade, Gore was already being hailed as a candidate to become the world's first carbon billionaire. Question will the real Al Gore stand up.

Gore himself is an oligarch. His father, Al Gore, Sr., was a close friend of Armand Hammer, the oil tycoon behind Occidental Petroleum. After losing a Senate race in 1970, Gore's father went to work for Hammer at Occidental for $500,000 a year. Over the course of his career, Gore, Sr. accumulated hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Occidental Petroleum stock, which fell into the hands of the executor of his estate at the time of his death: none other than his son, Al Gore. The Occidental connection does not end there. Discovering zinc ore on their Tennessee estate, Hammer bought the Gores' land and sold it back to them with a claim on the mining rights, complete with a $20,000 annual payment, which also went to Gore after his father's death. In 2013, Gore earned $100 million from the Qatari government on the sale of his "Current TV" venture, and then was surprised when reporters were more interested in discussing his oil money than his new book on the global warming cause.

Occidental's coal interests were represented for many years by attorney and former U.S. Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Sr., among others. Gore, who had a longtime close friendship with Hammer, became the head of the subsidiary Island Creek Coal Company, upon his election loss in the Senate. Much of Occidental's coal and phosphate production was in Tennessee, the state Gore represented in the Senate, and Gore owned shares in the company. So much for the fake concern about Global warming?  When Sir Gore died, everything went to Al Gore.


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