Safe landings too you Dr. Malone!!!

So many of us can see how our government is manipulating the division of the people. They have been for decades tirelessly working through the institutions, have become much stronger and bolder and are now striking out, by division, at our love for the freedoms so many have fought and died for.

We all have some of these people in our life that are radical and unmovable. I honestly don’t find the need to necessarily be nasty to these people but rather in a nice way move on from them. Their actions should not control our lives. They may have at one time been a part of our story but now that part of our life is over. We either feed our history or feed our destiny. You can’t move forward by always looking backwards. We recognize this fight of good versus evil. These people have swallowed the big blue pill and the hook is set, it cannot be removed, it’s gone beyond that now.

I cannot be complicit with people that want to enter children’s minds and corrupt them with the intent to harm them or their families. I cannot be complicit with people that cheer on jailing people that think politically different than they do, I personally live by these rules.

It’s confusing to hear a person running for president say that everyone should be equal through her idea of equity but yet she hasn’t legitimately earned one position in her professional life including and especially her nomination for president. I owe her and the people she wants to give my earnings to nothing, zero, not a penny. When this election is over Kamala needs to get off her lazy pampered cackling backside and get a legitimate job and finally learn how to honestly earn something real. Socialism doesn’t work no matter how well they get at their craft of destroying families and ruining the lives of their political opponents. J.Goodrich

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socialism and communism are utopia. nowhere in nature there is equality. Animals have alpha males and females, ants and bees have queens (albeit a more productive kind than humans), elephants have female leaders and so on. And those that came up with communism and socialism meant that these constructions were for their sheep, not for the wolves. Forwarded that meme to a few of the sheep, see if they catch on.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

No, no, no... its not "equality" any more. Its "Equity," meaning regardless of tallent, or merit, or hard work, or quality of output, (or no output) everyone winds up with the same result for their "effort."

Unless of course, you are in the gulag for non compliance (imagined or real). Then, maybe, you get a little gruel at the end of the day.

This a leftie dream world... their pitch... and even if they attempt to make it a reality, it winds up like the Soviet Union, with the insiders who have everything, and the remainder, who are slaves or proles... because apologetically, someone has to be around to run the thing, and force you to comply with what is not human nature... and of course, they will alot themselves a bigger chunk of the pie (because they can).

"Some animals are more equal than others." -- The Pigs, Animal Farm, George Orwell.

Its feudalism, and its "for your own good," so lap it up, you suckers.

It took 70+ years for the Soviet Union to fall of its own weight... and millions were killed, and here, they are trying again.

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Equity is the lefty substitute for aptitude

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Thomas Sowell Quotes



The problem with trying to equalize is that you can usually only equalize downward. Most activities do not exist for the sake of equality. They exist to serve their own purposes — and those purposes are undermined, sometimes fatally, when equality becomes the goal.

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Thomas Sowell is an intellectual who actually uses common sense to describe reality.

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Equity is the lefty substitute for competence.

Example: Harris.

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same behind the screens and same money lenders

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There isn’t even Kamala’s equality or equity within a family. Start there Kamala- on Leftist families.

I’m waiting for Kamala’s nomination acceptance speech so she can quote England’s Disraeli, when he was at last elected Prime Minister:

“I have climbed to the top of the greasy pole.”

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Nope, the “sheep will not catch up”- I call that ignorance 100%!

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When the political narrative is focused on character assassination and the messages have no substance , then we are left with shallow constructed presidential images without leadership ability! Kamala is a case study! All the political rhetoric that she will espouse has no substance! It is all eye wash for the masses! Amazing what can be accomplished when you have over 100 million dollars to spend and can hire the best PR firms in the business!

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True observation Thomas. This is now happening for state offices. I have a stack of large colored cardboard like glossy posters mailed out with darkened images of candidates running for state wide offices. Captions very misleading with the usual thread of truth mischaracterized. These are unquestionably dark times.

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Voter self-induced ignorance is our greatest threat to prosperity and freedom.

"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

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She cast the tie breaking votes for the "American Rescue Plan" and the "Inflation Reduction Act". She owns the entire Biden economy. Other than helping spend trillions of dollars we didn’t have which caused hyper inflation, Kammie was given one job by her boss, find a solution to our migrant problem. She failed America miserably. She will be placed upon a pedestal at the upcoming Marxist Convention, forced upon Dem voters to save democracy. What a hoot they’ve become.

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But she will never have to get a real job, having profited immensely from her participation in government corruption.

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Maybe she could gain something real by volunteering.

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What a great shame mate, that eloquent People with a good brain such as your self (& Drs Malone) have to write such disturbing prose (but regrettably ALL true and accurate). How, indeed HOW have We The People (of Your Nation and Mine) allowed this slow creep of marxism/socialism/communism and Facsism, and et al, to overtake a world that we all worked so hard to create (and many of us fought for)? There MUST be an answer, I just do NOT know what it is at this time. Well said mate. thanks.

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Thank you Les!! We should never give up hope and never give up trying to fix this mess no matter what happens, stay strong my friend.

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You stated your true feelings, & I appreciate each & every word!~ I cannot dismiss the historic events in my life, that happened in my time frame as a Baby Boomer! Yes, Kammy needs to “earn her keep”! She is just one more puppet in this regime’s feckless agenda, & I don’t believe how in anyone’s “right-mind” (maybe they don’t have brains)?, a person could actually vote to put her in charge of the USA? Yeah, right! Thank you James!

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Are our 10 million newly arrived migrants sporting ballots or guns? Perhaps both.

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Last I heard it’s 15-20 million illegals

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At least 15 counting the get-a-ways and perhaps 20 now that USAID/State Dept is flying them directly from South America as Asylum cases.

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This is how they’re fooling people with the numbers crossing the Border.

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20 million is more people than reside in 16 of the least populated states.

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Yes, may be both!

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Perfectly said James! 🎯🎯

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Thanks Jennifer I know we all have people with TDS in our lives, I just got off the phone with my sister. I will always have a conversation with her but have long ago moved on from ever thinking she could change. She never will, I still love my sister!!!

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Well said James, well said!

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Thank You deplo!!!

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Jul 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very nice selection this week.

I would caption the bird thing as "Harris as a Toucan..."

The Abrain sketch right on point.

If only the electorate would try it.

Free samples, maybe? 😋😋😋

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I think her name says it all. Leave off the a at the end as I have done living in CA. Never stand in from of a camel because invariably it will spit in your face.

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Jul 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The most interesting man in the whole world does not always ruin things, but when he does, he prefers the great reset.

The most uninteresting dems in the world do not always ruin things, but when they do, they prefer substituting Kamala for Joe. They call it the grate reset.

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Kamala will exceed even Biden in her verbal gratedness.

It appears her vocabulary is limited to about 50 words. At least she does not have an excessive proclivity to the usage of polysyllabic verbiage.

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Will she improve with “the Passage of Time?”

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Succinct, terse, concise. Am I being too repetitive and redundant?

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No. I thought you were satirizing her. So

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Jul 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I appreciate your diligence, you encourage me to think, laugh and cry. My eyes have been opened about so many avenues, from being able to spot crap from trolls and other nasty's to memories of times gone by. Your home life awaits you with maybe a foal or two.

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Safe travels home! Thanks for your Sunday Funnies that keep us sane since sometimes we need to laugh to keep from crying.

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Jul 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I woke up cranky but the comics pulled me out of it. Thank-you 💗

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Jul 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Gratitude for your important work. You are one of my beacons. Safe journey!

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Ugh - now I have to do an internet search for penguin knees. 🤦‍♂️

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glad you mentioned your wife's hectic brain. Please ask her how to stop the trains when she goes to bed? asking for a friend!

side effect of A brain - diarrhea LOLOL

this is a super train of memes

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I do Sunday crosswords (NYT, WaPo, etc) - use to read but that would only add to the running dialog in my head; somehow, the xwords 💤

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thanks for the tip. I tried those 4 in a row games, but that makes me dream in sliding blocks LOL. May be steady blocks work !

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Years ago in a super stressful job I discovered that reading physics and math books reduced anxiety better than drugs. I surmised that it was the logic side of the brain over riding the emotional. The only problem was that I would wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat because I was missing some key variable in a problem I’d been reading about. Ha ha 😆

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Yes - penguins DO have knees!

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But do they USE their knees⁉️

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SR Miller- Oh, you didn't!!!!

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Think we are thinking the same thing. Was he?

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Oh good grief, I’m at church and it took me quite a bit to twist my, for the moment, holy head to figure out what YOU ALL are thinking.




For the record, I was imagining their waddle, NOT their inability to imitate Lewinsky.




Now back to the regularly scheduled spiritual programming.

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. . . Brought to you by the Olympic opening ceremonies.

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Thank you.

I had put it on my list to research.

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Jul 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm glad you are stuck on that plane over the Atlantic, otherwise . . .:)

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Ya, you are supposed to be inside the plane. Yikes!

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deletedJul 28·edited Jul 28
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Or very bright.

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Been short on cat jokes lately so.....


How To Clean a Litter Box For Dummies

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Give this a title Micheal - https://t.me/BlazenAnimals/40954

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"Biden reincarnated as dingbat kitty. Puts foot in mouth, nods off on camera."

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Pacified kitty about the best I can do. That is a riot

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Perhaps Kamala with her foot in her mouth?

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Would hate to insult kittydom by the aanalogy.

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Writer for Hee Haw?

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I have a growing fear that I may spend the rest of my life latibulating, if things go the wrong way in November. When Sleepy Joe was going to be the nominee, the prospects were a lot less scary. But if the level of propaganda surrounding Kamala doesn't cool down, I'm frankly getting "nervouser and nervouser," as my mother would say.

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My sentiments EXACTLY!

We have a HUGE problem when We The People are powerless to remove the clearly most unfit person from the most important job to the survival of our country!

Also, I agree with the Toucan meme! Really?!?!

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The toucan serves as an illustration of the newest dem candidate for POTUS.

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There with ya;

Problem: I think the brain cage is still too large if this is suppose to be metaphorical; and 2, with a bill/beak that huge I’m thinking all one could do is look ahead and up while all the interesting stuff is down in front. How do you see who yer stomping on if ya can’t see where yer walkin’?

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Rambler, did they have to dissect the poor little toucan to make their point?!?!

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Goes towards what I always say about being a guinea pig. Usually a bad outcome.

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Jul 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fab funnies today Doc! God bless you and safe travels home! You are so loved and admired! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Thank you Dr. Malone for all you have done and are doing to keep us informed about all things opposite to truth. The last 4 - 5 uniparty US presidents are progressively getting worse and worse for our country. President Trump shown a light on the rats in the cargo hold. It is amazing to me how the uniparty folks blame him/us in great detail exactly who and what they are. All we need do is listen to their criticisms and we know exactly and precisely who they are and what they are about. The latest potential candidate for American destruction is amazingly obvious a puppet.

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They are not even trying to hide it anymore. Hubris or certainty?

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I'm thinking toward hubris. There is a prideful self confidence that they could put a tomato plant in office, any office. I'm baffled by "The Squad" members of Congress. The county in PA where I live is massively Republican/conservative.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

Just Grand! I loved the videos. No longer will I have to sing "If I only had a brain" and your parody of The most interesting man was wonderful.

And just like that propaganda media name their new Savior Demon of crazy.

Toucan do better than Onecan.

And, of course the replacing of the sock puppet with the pop suck it.

It looks like rain today so I better take my bella.

It was also nice that you dedicated (you ded, man) a couple to Jill. My train of thought keeps getting derailed. My wife multitracks much mo bettah.

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Jul 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Knowing you, you will make wise use of the time! Maybe even use some of it for sleep. : )

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