My positive post for Sunday. All of us have strengths and weaknesses. With people I work with I’ve always tried to accentuate their strengths. This generally assures success and happiness on a job site. If we want success in our relationships whether with family or friend, shouldn’t we accentuate their strengths? Sometimes we say something that only takes seconds, but can hurt for years, I’ve seen this. What if we really start trying to say the right thing, starting with our family. They say over 80% of a person is good, and 20% is questionable so why always point out the negatives. I’ve been with my wife for nearly 35 years. I’ve found she always sees the beauty in things that I don’t notice. The other day she went to work and assisted a surgeon to complete a double nephrectomy and a liver resection on a four year old girl with a Wilms tumor. Daily our family members do amazing things that we should always acknowledge. We should also not loose focus that our family is a reflection of us. A compliment or encouragement doesn’t cost anything but in many ways is the glue that binds a family together. We must always remember when things get tough family is what we lean on to help us through. J.Goodrich

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Mar 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is so great! I've actually been practicing this for years with my two beautiful boys who are tragically addicted to fentanyl. I never shame them (they do that to themselves enough) and I constantly remind them what wonderful human beings God made, and this affliction can be overcome. I could go on and on, but my point is that your post touched me and resignated with me deeply.

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Your sons are so lucky to have a mother that never quits loving them. I’m not sure what it takes, I don’t want to sound preachy, but sometimes God steps in and gives people the power to break the addiction. I wish that for your sons Karen.

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Thanks so much, James. And that wasn't preachy at all. I agree, and pray every day for God to intervene. Then I surrender both of my sons to Him. Side note: my oldest is also named James. James and John. Maybe the Holy names will help 🙂

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Karen, I’ve been thinking of you since yesterday. I’ve been thinking of the time and patience that is needed to get to recovery. We do not control this time. I have a brother John that was always willing to help anyone that came in his path even strangers. I prayed that my brother John come down from heaven and help your boys. My brother was the strongest person I have ever known. He passed away 16 years ago at 48 from an opioid addiction. I pray you and your two beautiful sons get the help they need to get well.

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James, this moved me to tears. Thank you. I'm so sorry you had to endure losing your brother to this affliction. I believe God brings them home when he sees they've suffered enough in this world. That's how he saves them. When I pray for him to save my boys I understand that he may do it that way for them. It's not how I want it to go, of course. They're 25 and 23 with so much life ahead of them. But I do have to say that their situation sure brought me close to Jesus.

James, thank you again. For sharing your story, for being so kind, and for invoking your brother's intercession. God bless you.

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My sister was addicted to prescription drugs. It is terrible. The drs keep prescribing them. I would call and talk to her everyday to make sure she was alive.

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I'm so sorry about your sister. I feel your pain.

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Wow James, I read this to my husband right after I got through complaining about how hard it is to get his attention sometimes. Good for both of us in different ways. Thank you for a well placed affirmation!

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DD, Sometimes, like myself, we all need to be reminded the most important things are the most basic.

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Thank you for this reminder.

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Yes James. Gratitude draws God’s blessings. It works the same way the law of gravity does … for everyone!

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And friends help us through, which is why you can call me anytime you need to, brother James.

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Thanks T your a good friend!!!

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Such wise words James and a good reminder! Bravo! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Great reminder. Thank you 🙏🏻💯♥️

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Mar 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The cat memes were hilarious and true! Can’t believe you were in my backyard here in the OC! I live in San Juan Capistrano and indeed, OC has a great deal of awakened patriots who are now, finally, getting involved locally. We attend BoS meetings en groupe and have formed several conservative groups that meet monthly to vet candidates, rally behind conservative issues and generally take our county back from some misplaced people who snuck into power. Eyes are open and action being taken!

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Keep up this great work Joan. Thank you for providing us with some hope this Sunday.

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Watching the Oscars tonight?

"Nothing — nothing — can hold a candle to the otherworldly insanity that unfolded at the very end of the 89th Oscars on Feb. 26, 2017, when the wrong best picture winner was announced."

You think that that Best Film Oscar screw-up was bad?

Tonight's Oscars presenters will be stoned out of their minds!


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Never watching those again. Don’t need the political antics and now the good movies are so few and far between. I don’t need to be schooled by overpaid narcissists.

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Did ANY Hollywood movies turn a profit in 2023?

The silent boycott is making Bob Iger-Itchy (let's legally change his name to).

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Sometimes I just want to smash all the clocks and go to "The sun is up, get up! The sun is setting, eat some supper and go to bed when it's dark." We have made life so complicated that we are run in circles by time. Being retired helps, but by then the habit of checking the time is thoroughly ingrained. What a shame.

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Also retired... as I reset all my clocks forward an hour for no apparent reason this morning.

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It takes me many days to get around to it. The cell phone and computer do it auto and so does my head twice a year. Same with flipping a calendar to the actual month.

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Takes the cats one day to adjust. Tummy time you know.

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Mar 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I must be nuts, I start changing the time I feed the cats to correspond with the time change. Ten minutes or so until It is coordinated. Sheesh

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It takes the birds, my cats and horses however long it takes me as I inch towards the new reality. I'll miss a few Real Life Radio programs with Pastor Jack as I slowly adjust. This is one benny of being retired - who cares what time it is.

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The cats do when they think you are cheating on feeding time

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Were they surprised and grateful you fed them an hour early this morning? I guess come fall you will feed them an hour late?

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I am retired and I never move my clocks backward in the first place so the "change" that just happened didn't affect me.

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I don't mind that living by the sun thing in the summer. It really sucks here up north though, in the winter when it's dark 14 - 16 hours a day.

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The only time I use a clock is if I have an appointment.

Here's to throwing away man made time!

I did it years ago.

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How do you do your soft boiled eggs🐸🥂

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I put them at room temp, into already boiling water & leave them until I deem it's time to take them out. I like them soft and they still cook after being removed. So I allow for that too. Nobody needs an egg timer. Try gut instinct. It won't kill you.

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I will try that method! 🥂🐸

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Salt the water as it helps shell them, dunk them immediately into cold water & shell them immediately. If you're serious. Throw away your clock & return to telling the time by the Sun and Moon. I do not follow Daylight Saving time either; unless I have an appointment.

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Still work part-time, but check clock's regularly to be sure I'm right. Batting average 85 to 90%. Think thats kinda weird.

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Mar 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mid 1980s , My in laws rented rented the "Hop along Cassidy's" summer beach trailer home on the Pacific coast beach called the Dana Strand Club. (William and Grace Boyd summer time retreat)

It was a very secure and gated access off the #1 pacific coast hwy. and large boulder rock outcroppings on the north and south ends kept beachcombers from wandering near it. It had a tennis court and large swim pool next to the fair size club house that was next to the sandy surf.

A large developer corp bought all those trailers from the early 1950s out for more than a million per quarter acre parcel. About what the trailer and covered oceanside deck took up in size. I think there were 20 trailers facing the ocean all terraced in line N/S on the slope from hwy #1 to the sea.

Muti-million dollars home now take their places on the seaside instead of 50s mobile homes.

Not many people on the planet can say they spent a week over at Hoppy's Beach home Dana Point.

It was a locked in time experience. But the value of the land became "Exorbitant"! Selling was easy.

The Boyds main residence was in Laguna Beach . They still have a Hop along Cassidy festival. Cool

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Used to watch Hoppy on the telly. Gads I’’m old!

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Nah......just impeccably well seasoned. Wanting to be Cowboys one day.

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Mar 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Word of the day‼️

Scaramouch- a cowardly buffoon!!

Can he actually scare a moose?


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Mar 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We can't change The Times we are in, But we can change the time on our clocks. There are so many situations in life where we settle for the illusion of control. We may not be able to keep the sun from eventually burning out, But dag nabit, We saved some daylight today.

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Hats off....Love the feline memes.

The Cat support group got me more than a chuckle.

We had dozens growing up as kids on our Lake Resort for Pesky year round Rodent Control.

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So..The basic question is: How do we educate the Politicians in DC to STOP this push to create RNA injections. How do we stop this continued push to inject all humans with unsafe RNA cell alerting virus like coding that changes the blueprint of life? The FDA is endorsing the continued injection of RNA via EUA authority that should have ended. Clearly, the science has been evolving for decades and the warning signs have been ignored and the great harm caused is being ignored or rationalized. National Geographic in 2017 ran an article entitled "The Next Human" the dangers ignored by the medicine man. We are all aboard a runaway medical freight train.

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I suggest the politicians be the clinical trial subjects on all the drugs they support and want to authorize. Ditto the FDA and CDC leadership.

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A good solution. The People's house will be sweep clean in no time!

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Right on. However re CDC and FDA - present and past leadership only.

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Where do I sign up to support this mandate.

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Mar 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I don’t know how to educate anyone (and I’m a retired teacher) but I will tell you this: I told my physician that if any shot or medicine he was prescribing was made by Pfizer or Moderna or Johnson and Johnson, I wasn’t taking it. Let them all go broke first! He laughed ruefully and said he wished he had a nickel for everyone who has said that to him this last year.

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That'll stop when we bury the WEF. That'll put the kibosh to the climate change hoax too.

The roots of all of this lead straight to the WEF's doorstep.

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I’m so glad you are on our side. The medical tyranny that the WHO is trying to impose on us is frightening and un- American.

Got to love My Favorite Things🤪. I like the original better. It is happier.

Fallout was outstanding . Love the chicken ending as well. JP is the man.

I love Ronald Reagan’s quote.

My favorite funny is the moose and the man. I live close to Yellowstone Park. People are stupid.

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Mar 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, Fallout was very informative - wish the information got into the mainstream.

My chickens were kept in a stall also. Door closed at night, but free range all day.

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We have a coop. We have a lot of snow right now . There are Mt lions around. Not all the time but with the snow they come out of the Mt. so we have to be careful. They have been known to come down in the Summer as well and run around in the soccer fields.

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Thankfully I had few predators where I as in Oregon. When I lived in SoCal, we would hear of cougar sightings, but I never saw one. The Spainard that ran sheep in the area said that was the reason he carried a rifle.

I wonder what they found in soccer fields?

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It was Summer so thankfully it had no children on the soccer fields but a neighbor around the corner saw a cougar jump over their back fence.

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The cats are around you just don’t see them often, as long as there are deer & elk around so go the cats.

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This time of year the deer come down into town to find food. Last year we had about a dozen deer come waltzing down our street. We get an occasional moose that wonders down our streets. We live on the edge of town. About 5 blocks away there is sage brush.

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Mar 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the links to Sovereignty Coalition (https://sovereigntycoalition.org/) and Fallout (https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/the-disturbing-truth-about-covids-toxic-protein-fallout-5603138)!

Safe Travels! May they be without Travails!

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No matter what I do, neither google, duckduckgo nor brave will let me in to the site -- blocked, said either doesn't exist or unsafe. What the hell? In another comment, someone mentioned Oz browser. Searched for it, but can't seem to find anything.

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I tried both links again, no problem. (Not sure which one didn't work for you -- Sovereignty Coalition or Fallout).

Your browser may have restrictive settings tuned on; unfortunately, I cannot diagnose from the ether. Reboot your browser and machine. If you have another machine, perhaps try the links there. Sometimes it also helps to clear the cache, but doing so can cause your computer to lose its remembered passwords so it's a last resort.

Good luck!

FYI: I use a different search engine that's less of a spy (Dr. Malone recommended it): https://www.startpage.com/

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Democratic socialism is when you vote to be stamped on by the big foot of oppression.

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Unlike the capitalist caste system we have here today.

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"Chatham House is a successor to the old British East India Company, and serves as the think-tank and foreign intelligence arm of the British Crown. The roots of Chatham House are to be found in Britain's nineteenth-century Opium War policy."

England’s Royal Institute of International Affairs - Chatham House, 10 St. James’ Square, London, SW1Y 4LE, UK - 930-2233 Tx RIIA 89669 - Founded 1919

According to Stephen King-Hall, the RIIA agreed to regard the Council on Foreign Relations as its American branch.

The Council on Foreign Relations was formally established in Paris in 1919 along with its British Counterpart the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The Council on Foreign Relations and Royal Institute of International Affairs can trace their roots back to a secret organization founded and funded by Cecil Rhodes, who became fabulously wealthy by exploiting the people of South Africa. Rhodes is the father of Apartheid.

The Council on Foreign Relations, and the Royal Institute of International Affairs are adept at using the media to create massive psycho-political operations used to manipulate public opinion. The psycho-political operations are often designed to create tensions between different groups of people.

The object is to keep the world in a state of perpetual tension and warfare to maximize profits from CFR/RIIA munition, medicine, media, energy, and food businesses.

... The question that emerges now is: "How is it possible that over a trillion dollars and up in dirty money, criss crossing international borders, can remain outside the control of the law?" Again, only one possible answer can be admitted:

"A huge chunk of international banking and related financial operations has been created solely to manage dirty money."

The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA or Chatham House) is nothing but the Milner Group "writ large."

It was founded by the Group, has been consistently controlled by the Group, and to this day is the Milner Group in its widest aspect. It is the legitimate child of the Round Table organization, just as the latter was the legitimate child of the "Closer Union" movement organized in South Africa in 1907.

All three of these organizations were formed by the same small group of persons, all three received their initial financial backing from Sir Abe Bailey, and all three used the same methods for working out and propagating their ideas (the so-called Round Table method of discussion groups plus a journal). This similarity is not an accident.

The new organization was intended to be a wider aspect of the Milner Group, the plan being to influence the leaders of thought through The Round Table and to influence a wider group through the RIIA.

Chatham House had close institutional relations with a number of other similar organizations, especially in the Dominions. It also has a parallel organization, which was regarded as a branch, in New York. This latter, the Council on Foreign Relations, was not founded by the American group that attended the meeting at the Hotel Majestic in 1919, but was taken over almost entirely by that group immediately after its founding in 1919.

This group was made up of the experts on the American delegation to the Peace Conference who were most closely associated with J.P. Morgan and Company. The Morgan bank has never made any real effort to conceal its position in regard to the Council on Foreign Relations.

The Council Of Foreign Relations has gained a virtual lock-hold on the U.S. government, regardless of which party is in office. No other organization comes close to boasting the kind of clout that the CFR members have held: eight presidents of the U.S.; seven vice presidents; 17 secretaries of state; 20 secretaries of war/defense; 18 secretaries of the Treasury; 15 directors of the CIA. And it has gone throughout the Cabinets, in seriatim — through Democrat and Republican administrations — with hundreds of deputy secretaries, assistant secretaries, etc.


1 Robert Jemmett Stopford (1895- ) was a banker in London from 1921 to 1928. He was private secretary to the chairman of the Simon Commission in 1928-1930, a member of the "Standstill Committee" on German Foreign Debts, a member of the Runciman Commission to Czechoslovakia in 1938, Liaison Officer for Refugees with the Czechoslovakian government in 1938-1939, Financial Counsellor at the British Embassy in Washington in 1943-1945.



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The totally corrupt World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for global surveillance, authority and billions more in funding in order to ensure that there won't be pandemics in the future...

The pro-abortion World Health Organization (WHO) has released a report calling for greater authority for itself in countries around the globe, a global surveillance system, as well as billions more dollars in financing for itself.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the actual head of the WHO was the 3rd most powerful person in the TPLF, a Communist Revolutionary Party in Ethiopia that was listed as a terrorist organization in the 90s and, as a political arm of a minority ethnic group (6%), reportedly conducted systematic discrimination and human rights abuses against the majority ethnic group.

It was founded in 1948 by Rockefeller, a eugenist and obsessed globalist, who was (and still is) aiming at controlling the world population through health (and death), and who is hellbent to make the Mother Earth a better place through a One World Order.

WHO was then "bought" into the UN system.

At that time, Rockefeller with Standard Oil, had also a monopoly on petrol. He decided that pharmaceuticals, up to the 1950's, mostly based on plants and plant chemistry could be made from petro-chemicals.

WHO, according to its bylaws, a disease-preventive health organization, became, thus, largely a curative pharma-based and pharma-pushing organization.

While the bulk of the budget from other UN agencies stems from member countries' contribution, WHO is funded at least to two-thirds or more by the private sector, mostly the pharma industry, as well as the Bill Gates Foundation.

A conflict of interest is more than evident. WHO should not be a UN agency.

WHO - against its scientific staff's better knowledge - has declared Covid as a deadly pandemic, spreading fear, imposing lockdowns, face masks, social distancing and more human-denigrating measures.

Co-vid so-called vaccines are, in fact, bioweapons.

The Covid jabs also contain sterilization agents for both men and women, resulting already by now in drastically falling birth rates in western countries.

The term "western countries" means all of Europe and the worldwide Anglosaxonia.

So far, all fits well within the Rockefeller, Gates, Soros, et al's eugenist agenda.

WHO is truth censuring through social platforms - NewsGuard, an organization of "True Journalism", tracking credibility of news and information websites and online misinformation, provides WHO regularly with lists of the most important "influencers" of "misinformation" in matters of health, alias conspiracy theorists; people who do not conform with the official narrative.

WHO forwards this list to the different social media platforms, requesting them to block the accounts of the "perpetrators", or to clandestinely hide or limit their social media inputs.

This is called "shadow banning".


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Sounds like you are familiar with The PRESIDENT MAKERS - How Billionaires Control US Foreign and Domestic Policy - by Don Fotheringham.

But as you can see from the very few 'likes' of the information you are relating - even on this sub-stack - "reading" anything that takes intellectual effort does NOT interest the general public - even as (what remains) of this Republic crashes and burns.

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I am always amazed and very interested in John's writings and knowledge of history that we all should take the time to research, and don't.(Except maybe Shelley)

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"and don't" sez it all, DD. (unfortunately)

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Thanks for the update, I will have to read this book by Fotheringham. That is the point of Sports entertainment and Hollywood etc. , to make you look away from the real news.

"Exposes the power acquired by a self-perpetuating group of internationalists over the selection of U.S. presidents beginning with John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and J.P. Morgan. Demonstrates that the aims of this group are hostile to America's form of government and recommends corrective action."

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Don is a dear friend; now in his 96th year; is a Constitutional scholar - who (at 17 years of age) joined the US Marines and survived the battles at Iwo Jima and the Marshall Islands Campaigns in the Pacific Theatre during WWII - and received a Bronze Star.

Don researched for decades before writing 'TPM' ( The President Makers ) 1s printing in 2014 - available at AMAZON.

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He is a brave and lucky man to have made it thru all that fighting. A true American hero. You can shake his hand for all of us next time you see him and thank him for his efforts.

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Knowing Don Fotheringham as I do, the thought of him being a 'hero' never entered his mind.

What DID enter his mind - decades ago - was the awareness of the creeping insidious menace of MARXISM - like some "collective" mental cancer- spreading throughout the USA.

THAT is why - as a true American patriot - Don researched and wrote 'The President Makers' - to try and ALERT sovereign Americans of the BIG trouble WITHIN this Republic - and explicitly WHO and WHAT are BEHIND the scenes deliberately orchestrating various ongoing 'crisis' with their "collective" goal of ushering in a concrete form of One-World-Government - and eliminating the 'old fashioned' notion of sovereign "nation-states" for the "progressive" (Marxist) vision of an omnipotent (global) utopia - of absolute egalitarianism.

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Mar 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Have to start with the cats. So true! I do have my answer to why I love them. I love their independance, their soft furry warm bodies (to pet) and their honoring me with a relationship. Pet sitting with my fav starts Weds. He rushes over, lays on his back for chest and stomach rubs. Delivers nose touches and whisker touch kisses of thanks. Makes the rest of his care seem secondary. I feel honored. Enjoyed/chuckled at all four

"About Us" - Yes! "Fallout" - yes. Both segments very well done. The egg part was enjoyed too. Have you introduced our great Dr Jill to your general audience yet? Horse events are fun. Wondering whether one of your horses will be showing. If so much success!

Safe travels. Good rest up!

Very Bestest and then some ♡♡♡

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When the dog bites?

When the bee stings?

I know a few folks that may deserve such. Hahha!

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Those are a “few of my favorites thing’s “

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Mar 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The cat funnies made our day. I'm sure Michael is a chuckling, no doubt.

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The cat strumming his guitar in particular as my wake up call is the big guy licking the top of my head around 4:30 or so then settling down for a protracted session of kneading my chest with claws that qualify as micro sabres.

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Now, that's a visual, I'll be thinking about tonight, when my head hits the pillow

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Mar 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hahaha love the moose! Glad to have you back in the hills, it’s winter again for now. ❤️👻

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