Aug 4·edited Aug 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs. Malone utmost Loyalty to all of us, America, and another awesome Sunday Strip!!

Doesn’t it seem as though there’s been a lack of loyalty these days. Sticking with someone through thick and thin, seems to be a quality of the past.

The proverb “charity begins at home” comes to my mind. “This expresses the overriding demand to take care of one’s family before taking care of others”. But home can also mean country, and one’s loyalty to their country. Shouldn’t a government with a hint of loyalty take care of its citizens before it takes care of non citizens? Here is where we see a complete contrast between presidential candidates, huh??(Loyalty)?? (Derangement)?? We all should have loyalty to our country and its leaders, but how can we have loyalty to leaders that have zero loyalty to us? Loyalty is almost always earned and honestly that’s the strongest and best kind.

There once was a time in America when men would line up, volunteer, and go off to war, which was the ultimate loyalty to one’s country and family. They would sacrifice their life to give their kids a better and safer world to live. When you’re loyal you will defend a person to a fault. You’ll be with someone when they’re celebrating at their highs and you’ll be with them when they’re down, in their valleys of life.

We should always be loyal to our family and our parents. Both of my parents were always there for me. My father died when I was very young but I could always count on my mother. I remember it wasn’t long after my mother had retired she became very sick. I loved my mother and would always be there for her like she and my father had always been there for me. I took her to all of her doctors appointments, would take her shopping, go to visit my aunts and uncles with her and cared for her right until she died. She was family and we should always be loyal to family. We had a great relationship but sometimes people don’t and have to swallow their pride. They say when you take care of your parents you will be blessed with a long life.

Just recently when my dog got sick. My brother had heard about Simba and he called to see how my dog and I were doing. I was really down thinking he had stomach cancer and I got upset while on the phone. The next day my brother sent me a message saying he really felt terrible for what we were going through and that he loved me and if there was anything he could do to help, just say the word and he would be there. They say A friend loves at all times but a brother or sister is born for adversity.

Life is short and I hope when people remember me they think of me as a loyal friend, family member (American) as much as they have always been Loyal to me. Hope you all have a nice Sunday and today take a minute to give your family a call or visit. J.Goodrich

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Happy Sunday James, similar circumstances. Being a self employed small business owner,

I could be on duty at a moments notice for my aging mother. So I did. From age 86-88.

All the shopping errands of books/foods/Dr. appts/ places she wanted to see, she called on me. Those doctor visits were a learning curve for us both.

In short, she got me to the planet,

showed me how to love and live. Then at the end she showed me her exit strategy to leave.

Yes there was a certain sadness knowing goodbye was inevitable. That mattered little to her as we laughed and joked about anything and everything in the best of time she had left.

I recall the final visit, waiting for the Doc, ushering the final verdict of inoperable cancer.

She was quite unfazed by it we walked out for the last time. My quiet turned to curiosity.

Asking her in the car, Well what would you like to do next? She quickly fired back,

Well...my son...the time has come...to raise the roof and have some fun! Even if its wrong!

And then she said out of the blue. "I can't wait to see my Dad again"! OMG Wow!

Well then..... don't hang around here on my account!

True story! Randy

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I had many similar stories Randall though with my mother she was only 67 years old and I sensed she was sad and scared to die. Not by saying so much but I know she wished she had more time mostly to help her 4 kids. One conversation we had that was heart breaking certainly for me, I’ll always remember, was she gave me directions of the get together we should have after her funeral. She was more concerned about us kids I swear than herself. It’s how my parents lived their life once the four of us kids were born.

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Totally 100% with you on the major points.

I want/wish more for my children more often,

Than I do for myself.

My mother, as a child depression/WW2 participant/ survivor,

Looked at things and life much more different than I ever could.

They new what uncertainty and sacrifice truly meant.

She schooled me till the end. What a wonderful inspiration she offered.

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Beautiful words James! It sounds like you were a loyal, compassionate, loving son. Your mother and father sound like they were wonderful people.

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Thank you Melanie. I was truly blessed to have them both. She passed when I was 27 but I always thought I was the luckiest person in the world to have them as parents.

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You are totally correct. There’s very little loyalty these days and it’s not taught or stressed upon anymore either. I grew up with the same values. I hope you had a wonderful Sunday!

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Same to you Cheryl!!!

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Thanks! Don’t get sea lioned 😉

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I’m learning Cheryl. Busy day today my mother in law had moved in with us getting close to a year ago, turned 8o today. We had a get together with her sisters in NH.

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How nice! You’re good people James! I hope your Mother-in-Law had a great Birthday. Have a great week!

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You're a Good Man James Goodrich and I am proud to call you a Friend (or cause I am an Aussie, a Mate) lol

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Thank you Les your a good man as well, great interview today thank you for sharing!!!! Very informative!!

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P.S. James, guess who is making a stink in comments on Jacob Nordangard? J.S. herself!

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You know DD I was thinking how France is probably the perfect place for her!!

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Wrong person, This was a different encounter with a person named A. on Mattias. Oops.

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I did go onto Nordangards sub stack and saw JS’s anti American typical rant, but at least at the time no one had responded to her. Anyone that pays attention to the news or politics has to recognize the total influence America has on every square inch of this world. So as Biden or whoever keeps sending war ship after war ship to the Middle East in response to Iran threatening a huge strike into Israel, we all should pray for cooler heads to prevail. This is what stolen election do to the world!! I’ve begun to just ignore these sea lions here and there are a bunch. Tom Daniel should or will probably end up in the same place as me.

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I noticed she deleted all her snarky comments to me and Mattias.

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People like us are not the problem. It's the ones who thirst for power and recognition, aka, psychopaths. These are the people who are now, unfortunately, running things. Most normal people do put family first and have no problem being civil to each other. In my life, there is no race problem, etc. The problem is "they" tell us there's a problem.

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Having toured China in 1997, it was readily seen that because China rejected some socialistic policies and embraced some forms of capitalism, that they leap frogged from the 18th century to the 21st Century. Thanks to the intervention of Nixon and Kissinger. Now we have leadership in DC that wants to do just the opposite. Suppressing individual rights needs to be stopped now! Creating a totalitarian state will plunge the US into a third world country status. Harris left leaning policies will just accelerate with her having her hand on the red button.

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"Thanks to Nixon & Kissinger"? Nixon & Kissinger - BOTH members of the "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" - traveled to COMMUNIST China (in 1972) and cut a deal with "Chairman" Mao to "open China", in which American technology, money and intellectual property flooded into Communist China - in exchange for cheap labor. What a deal!

Thus began the wholesale scrapping of American industry and jobs transferred to COMMUNIST China resulting in the American "RUST Belt" of abandoned factories (and) small American towns becoming literal ghost towns with despondent people wondering what the hell happened? What happened was that the elitist "CFR" members decided America would cease to be an INDUSTRIAL nation; and would become a "SERVICE" nation.

One of the downside results of this "deal" with the Communists is that since 1975 America has has NOT had a "Trade surplus" (with the possible exception of one or two years of the first Trump administration).

And LOOK where "we" the American people are NOW! The so-called "intellectuals" in the "CFR" and U.S. government (MANY who WERE "CFR" members) "thought" that by showering the Chinese Communists with American know how, money and technology, "they" would become more like "us". FAT CHANCE! That "assumption" by the American "elite" exposes how incredibly naive and STUPID "they" are!

Oh, yes, MANY of those "elite"(read GREEDY bastards) in America - who sold out to the COMMUNISTS got RICH doing so - could care LESS about their "fellow" Americans. The "Republican" - "Mitch" McConnell - comes immediately to mind.

The irony is that (political speaking) America seems to be being 'nudged' into becoming MORE like the Chinese Communists!

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The outsourcing of our industry to China was done by our capitalists in order to fulfill the primary objective of Capitalism: increase profits. Thank you, Capitalism!

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You obviously did not read a WORD of what I wrote! Again, CHEAP labor in China and fundamentally changing the USA from an INDUSTRIAL nation into a SERVICE nation was the motives by the Council On Foreign Relations so-called "intellectuals".

"Capitalism" by ANY measure has BENEFITTED multi-millions of individuals wherever capitalism is allowed to flourish, whereas SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM (same thing) ONLY benefit the elite SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST MEMBERS - NOT the workers.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5

Capitalism worked because of Christianity. Now that the west's Christian morality has been hollowed out like its industrial base, money alone drives decisions. Big pharma supports gain of function research to drive future sales. That is perfectly distilled capitalism, devoid of all morality.

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Actually, Z, America has NOT seen capitalism unburdened and "distorted" by GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS for over a century!

It is apparent that for some time now - many decades - the USA has been saddled with a (somewhat) benign form of Benito Mussolini's FASCISM.

The "Collective Left" have been very successful in painting capitalism as BAD, Socialism as GOOD. Just the OPPOSITE of reality.

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Framing it as capitalism vs. socialism is as false as framing it as democrats vs. GOP or Fox vs. CNN.

Capitalism is not inherently good. It's horrific when the participants care about money and nothing else.

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Fascism is the natural product of Capitalism.

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Capitalism worked because it paired an ethical producer of goods and services in competition with other ethical producers of the same goods and services in a marketplace where consumers who were free to choose could benefit from the best at the cheapest price. Profit was the necessary result that kept the whole thing going. All stages of this model are now broken for a variety of different reasons: the decline in ethics culture wide, the interference by government in the competition, capture of monopolies by huge corporations who don’t answer to their consumers but game the system against them. Restore the checks and balances that made Capitalism the best of all economic systems and everyone flourishes.

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They turned 'merica into a consumer state.

And Kissenger, the purveyor of depop, was welcomed into hell when he left us a few months back.

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Have you looked at Iain Davis' work on the global power structure yet? The CFR is important but it's a lot more than just them.

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I have repeated over the past couple years on the Malone's SubStack that the "CFR" is just the AMERICAN "wing" of the International Socialist 'movement'.

Remember, the "CFR" was established in 1921; and one of the Founders was John Foster Dulles - and his younger brother - Alan Dulles was also "CFR".

John Foster Dulles was also Dwight Eisenhower's Secretary of State, and Alan Director of the CIA under Eisenhower. The "CFR" is an Incestuous group!

As of 2007 ( I learned recently) GERMANY has instituted a companion "NGO" of the exact same name as the American entity.

ALL of the "G" 20, or 30 or whatever the number is, now are ALL on-board with the U.N. and all of the ancillary tentacles, i.e., WHO, WTO, (anything with WORLD attached) - and the permanent implementation of the U.N.s "AGENDA-2030".

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.......which has nothing to do with Socialism.

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Wasn't Kissinger the mentor to Klaus S???

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Yes. Seem to recall video's conveying their cordial relations.

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Whitney Webb has had some interesting podcast discussions related to China. Deciding to deindustrialize the western world and send most manufacturing and all those jobs to China was a decision well above Nixon's pay grade.

Politically connected firms like Bechtel illegally built a lot of China's infrastructure during the period of opening up. China has also been a testing ground for the western technocrats.

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I assumed the manufacturing escape to China and other places where outcomes of favorable laws passed by the complicit Congress. On technology these past 30 years, the USG has their small wants/needs fulfilled by Chinese students and professors at Michigan state university. They built the intel's face recognition program, the overseas voting system for DOD, the technology used at precincts that houses its voter registration database and on and on it goes.

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Aug 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Kamala Harris seasons her word salads with socialist/communist/woke-left platitudes (as this Sunday Strip illustrates). I don't sense that she is sincere in her inarticulately stated positions, but rather an opportunist. As such, she is a useful tool for promoting the agenda of the powers that be.

The meme you shared on Kamala "Chameleon" Harris nails it nicely.

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Given kackles histronic history her rise in popularity and the fanatical acceptance of her candidacy extends the essence of the term knee jerk response to that of being a double entendre.

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Harris is an overtly and overly ambitious, sharp-tongued viper. She’s corrupt and good at reading a script…

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As I have been saying: Take the 'a' off the end of her name and you have Kamal. Stand in front of a camel and it will spit its foul juices in your face. It's what she did while in office in CA.

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And doing Willie Brown, or any other color willie, out there.

Usually women paid for "favors" are looked down upon, in society, yet The Demon-crats seem to promote them to VP, and now P, as payment in full.

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Aug 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I did not laugh once at these funnies. None of this is funny. But it’s all eminently shareable, and I will share it.

Speaking of sharing, this week’s The Highwire (Episode 383) included many themes that will resonate. The episode was quite disturbing, but we must recognize the problem(s) before we can fight back effectively. Here’s a link and description…



Episode 383: HIDDEN GAMES (AIRDATE: August 1, 2024, video 2 hr 22 min,

Guest: Matthew Ehret)

From the Description:

Paul Offit Fails To Explain Why Childhood Vaccine Safety Science Hasn’t Been Done; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the Illegal Immigration Crisis and the Legacy Media’s Attempts to rewrite History, HHS Director Sets the Table for a Bird Flu ‘Emergency,’ and the controversy over the Olympics Opening Ceremony; Del does a deep dive on the origins of Occult Practices hidden, and in plain sight, at the Olympics Opening Ceremony.

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Important to watch!

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Sociopathy = communism, dictatorship, socialism and etc. There is a root cause traced throughout our history and that can be identified with sociopathy. We have discussed systems and belief in systems forever without truly discussion the fact that is the single-minded certainty of sociopaths whose belief in their own top-down perception of humanity supersedes any and all human rights that seek to question their veracity. To understand communism et als, one must understand those who claim its perfection. It is precisely. those who miss basic human connections and respect for human values who demand we trample populations to bring in these systems where only they will sit atop. Communism = incurable mental illness, in my opinion. It is genetic aberration for which there is no treatment. They represent 5%+ of the population. It Is a group we have very gradually pushed into better behaviors by demanding adherence to common law i.e., the "Golden Rule", It has taken hundreds of years and then just like that they have wormed themselves in charge with one mandate after another and unhinged interpretations of the law. This is what we see today. Recognize that these are ill individuals, not in the normal sense of illness, and should be removed legally from positions of power.

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I mentally call them the ungodly, the followers of Lucifer.

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Yep! A perfect description. Robert Hare devised a 20 question list to assess these people called the Psychopathic Checklist. https://psychology-tools.com/test/pcl-22. Not normal, certainly ungodly, certainly individuals disguised as normal who are actually manipulative predators of others.

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Aug 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Growing up, 🤔 I mean getting older, I have found that most people gain a little bit in the wisdom department; and while ones knowledge can become dated, having that foundation of knowledge can help make sense of the new: what’s fascinate about Mz HeelsUp is that not only does it appear she started with no wisdom and very little knowledge she has increased neither - I attribute this to her desire to not better herself but to make herself better than others..

🤔 "There is no ‘I’ in Communsm ". [ communysm 😉]

In light of the push for "Unhumans: the Secret History…" and “PsyWar," I’d add this book to the stack: "The Black Book of Communism." I tried for years to obtain a copy (OK. I didn’t try that hard) and finally found it as a pdf; it’s 30, 40 years old and I hope they write a follow up - perhaps "Unhumans" is that sequel.

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I love the first funny. It is like duh, communism has never work out. There is pride in ownership.

The younger generation has had everything at their fingertips . They haven’t had to do without. They all have phones, cars TVs, computers etc. I remember when communism was out there to see like in East Germany a, Russia etc. You could see for yourself that it was a terrible state to live in. The younger generation can’t see it in your face. They are always looking down at their phone. They would love free health care, free college . The “ free” has to come from somewhere. Talk to your children and grandchildren. Tell them about the importance of having freedom. The importance of hard work.

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Good Day Good Friends! Thank you for starting our weeks off with a well fashioned warning and means for response. The threats are real. We need to be forearmed! We need to take heed. We need the books.

As we may have noted, the Obama's were not sold on Harris from the outset. Then they (reluctantly?) joined in. Today, I read Obama has emerged from behind the curtain to manage her campaign. Your memes portray Harris (possibly) pushing Biden over the barrier and into the river. Might this repeat as Obama - Harris memes? It will offer Obama, among other things, an opportunity to learn how managable she + would be.

Watched Trump's Atlanta rally last evening. Worrying about his survival does that to me. He managed a first rate (IMO) attack on Harris viability. Then the Campaign offered an attractive, bright, first rate black female who launched a fact filled spirited attack on Ms Harris. The crowd sounded as if they bought the messages. To me, Harris has substantial vulnerabilities. On the other hand, my retired business woman and FBI husband clients have a Biden-Harris sign up on their lawn. The faithful are undeterred.

Our ride to November and beyond is just underway. We will need tight belts and intellectual/psychosocial ammo at the ready! Here we go! Hoping our Gods (all varieties) will bless and support us/our causes.

On to a great week with many satifactions and a foal or two. (The clients deer herd includes 2 fawn now).


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Obama's reluctance at first was only for appearances sake. History as recent as his second term in office shows he was to bring her up in the ranks. There were pictures at all sorts of events with the two yucking it up while big mike had a not-so-please look. O got her the Senate seat and forced her on Biden as VP as Biden understood how shaky his position was given his actions of treason - he has always been an owned-dog on a leash.

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Loved the Arendt quote particularly given that over the last couple of days I have gotten the distinct feeling I am living that quote. First, there was an interview by Jimmy Dore of a guy who has done a full documentary on Tim Ballard, the Sound of Freedom guy. And then there was a massive hit piece on Lifesite News (a Catholic source) about James O’Keefe (Project Veritias/OMG). Now I am not an apologist for either guy & don’t discount what was alleged, but in both cases I came away thinking - who cares if either one or both of these guys are dirt bags, it doesn’t negate the message. What both of these things did do was to make me question what was or not true. Hence because Ballard lied, does it negate the fact that the US is the #1 human/sex trafficker? Scary.

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I am with you on that Sheila 100%.

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Kamala explaining “the cloud.” Heaven help us!

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Thank you for the memes and essays! God Bless us all 🙏🏻💯♥️

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That first meme is one of my all time favorites.

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Great column. Thanks for once again trying to open some eyes

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Chinese National Arrested After Repeatedly Trying to Get Into Mar-a-Lago — Claims to Possess Documents Linking Chinese Government to July 13 Assassination Attempt...

"You'd think the SService would at least be curious? The lack of curiosity is troubling.

The Chinese gentleman may have handled part of the communications between China and somebody in Washington. The Obammunists in particular are Maoists. When Valerie Jarrett was chief of staff for Obama, somebody wanted to hire Van Jones, and an aide walked in to tell her the 'bad news' that Van Jones turned out to be a former communist.

The New York Post had originally reported that the shooter was identified as a Chinese man, in a sniper position hundreds of yards away from Donald Trump's podium ("sources say"). The day after the assassination attempt.

The New York Post is a (relatively) conservative newspaper. I just found it interesting that the paper published that bit of information about a Chinese shooter the day after the assassination attempt (published July 14th), but nothing thereafter."


A Chinese national was arrested after multiple attempts to breach the security of Mar-a-Lago, the private club and residence of former President Donald Trump.

The suspect, Zijie Li, 38, of El Monte, California, claimed to possess documents implicating the Chinese government in a recent assassination attempt on Trump.

WPTV reported that Li first attempted to enter Mar-a-Lago on July 19, around 8 p.m., driving a Toyota Prius. Secret Service agents stopped him at the main gate.

Li alleged he had critical information connecting China to an assassination attempt on the former president and insisted on handing over the documents. However, the Secret Service informed him that he was trespassing and prohibited from leaving any materials.

Palm Beach police were called to the scene and issued a written trespassing warning to Li, instructing him not to return under threat of arrest. Despite this, Li was spotted again on July 30, just 5:30 pm, driving towards the Mar-a-Lago checkpoint on South Ocean Boulevard, obstructing traffic.

An officer stopped Li and noted his GPS destination was Mar-a-Lago. He was released but seen again one hour later. Secret Service agents and a Palm Beach officer intercepted Li, reiterated the trespassing warning, and let him go.

On July 31, Li made yet another attempt to enter the estate by passing through several Secret Service checkpoints before being stopped at the south gate.

He now faces a single count of trespassing after being warned and is being held at the Palm Beach County jail on a $10,000 bond, that was increased from the $3,000 bond.

On Friday, Li pleaded not guilty to trespassing at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club.


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Robert - You are so far right I fear you will tip over. Robert - you have no answer to the increasing homelessness, wealth inequality and unemployment in the US do you? If so please let us know. And what sort of tax policy do you propose? Really, we should talk about this some time. You and I are both fortunate to have acquired a bit of land for lovely back-to-the-earth homesteads. How many people can afford to do so? How to make land and housing affordable? Would you like to know about a clearly beyond old right / old left approach that can build a truly fair and free economy? If so call me in PA at 717-357-7617. Or I might even be willing to drive down to VA to see you and Jill and have some deep talks on this. First you could read my Radical Middle Book Award winning book The Earth Belongs to Everyone. - Alanna Hartzok, two time Congressional Candidate, Dems and Greens

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Alanna, how can you complain about the homeless when you support a party that in every city they run it’s overrun by homeless people? Do you think there’s a connection between your parties policies and people that can’t afford a roof over their head or food (inflation you’ve caused). How about this border czar opening up our country to any and all to enter illegally??? Does this not put a complete strain on moneys that could help legal citizens??? Where’s your loyalty??to non citizens. I know many veterans that were thrown out of their place they lived to make room for people that are not citizens don’t you have a heart for your own??? How about the drug cartels taking over our border and sex trafficking tens of thousands of children many have disappeared all on your candidates watch and that’s her job. In all honesty she’s never even been to the actual border. Are we supposed to close are eyes to the fact democrats are jailing their political opponents??? Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, and dozens more. How about forcing experimental chemicals into people against their will what about your bodily autonomy are we supposed to ignore these facts. It’s not that people have left the democrat party it’s that the democrats have turned into totalitarian communists. Am I wrong Alanna??? Or have you changed??

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Atta Boy, James!

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I’ve got this one DD!!😎😎

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You are first presenting facts and data. Leftist do not comprehend those things unless it supports their feelings. Appeal to their feelings first, by describing the harm or unfairness first, then show what policies lead to the consequences which hurt innocent people. There may be some value in a brief non graphic discussion of the harm at the start.

Trump is usually brief with the policy issues, then goes to the harm in graphic detail. When trying to reach the middle, he would likely do well to have a brief non graphic statement of the harm, followed by the policy cause, followed by the more graphic description of the injury to people.

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fyi as just stated I am no longer with the Dem Party which has become full of woke nut warmongers. If I ever have a chance to talk with Trump or Vance (or Malone) I think they will find what I am talking about of great value. Go to:; https://theiu.org/books/

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Alanna, we are in a fight to try to save our basic freedoms granted to us in the bill of rights. These democrat socialist communist will never allow anything but full authoritarian tyranny. I believe if these globalist elites, that are slowly selling off huge pieces of America, are able to succeed, do you think this tiny minority system you speak of is going to sway these communists that you were a part of, to go in your direction?? Wouldn’t your time be more valuably spent trying to keep us free? Dr. Malone to me is moderate. It’s just that the party you helped grow into what is now has gone to socialism 4.0. Communism same thing. When Kamala starts implementing the final plans states will secede and America will be over. I think instead of trying to give land and property to people that maybe shouldn’t own it you should focus on preserving what we once had. Jamestown failed, people starved to death. Things got so bad cannibalism took place. There are some people that shouldn’t own property. Some people don’t want to own property. Property is a burden as well. Unless you can maintain a property you shouldn’t have it.

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Hey James,

Does it seem a bit odd to you, someone coming here, and on multiple occasions, shamelessly plugging their "Award winning book", and not just throwing out opinions, or helpful anecdotes or advice?

Seems kind of strange to me.


You gonna stsrt plugging your contractor biz soon? Maybe I should too, being a contractor myself.

Anyone need a carpenter?

A remodeling contractor?

A psychoanalytical, couch visit from this good ole NJ mountain man? I can bring a porkroll and cheese if needed. I promise no sex talk, or disrobing required


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It is strange T. I had paid subscribed to another sub stack and the guys an anarchist, I won’t say his name, but I found it interesting and a different twist on things. When I kept pressing him on how possibly his ideas could ever take hold with these ruthless communist socialist democrats he told me to buy his book and that would answer the questions I had!!! He also told me to put a fork in it and I was done with him and his sub stack. But if or when everything completely collapses and people are killing each other for water and food, which is a good possibility if Kamala and the globalists steal this one, I don’t think we’ll be trying to figure out an equitable way to decide how Ms. Jones is going to get that quint ranch style home in East Orange New Jersey. It’s going to be kill or be killed, how about survival of the fittest!!! But yes I do wonder where this lady came from??

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Excellent, James!

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Thanks !

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Now those are indisputable and verifiable facts for anyone who chooses not to be a sheep 🐑 ‼️

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FYI James I no longer support the Democratic Party btw because I agree with nearly everything you just wrote. My congressional run was in 2014 and before that I was Green Party. I actually am more Republican leaning at this point, but strongly decentralist, too much power and tax dollars funneled through Washington, DC. Deep dive into "earth rights democracy" read my book here: https://theiu.org/books/

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Our economy is fair and free, all one has to do is work hard, long hours, have a vision and a dream, make the sacrifices and make it happen.

Yes, some were born into money, but fun fact, at some point the family had to have made the money by working hard and achieving their dreams through sweat and tears; the problem with born into money, they (most) don't know the value of hard work.

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Michael - so all those homeless people out there are all just lazy bums?

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Some are homeless (by choice) and have stated they get free, free, free so why work (lazy), some are drug addicts (most by choice), some are mentally ill and mental institutions are mostly no longer in existence by choice of politicians.

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Many homeless people have jobs but are sleeping in cars because they cannot find affordable places to live. You need to explain the reason for this. If you cannot just call me and I will tell you the reason. 717-357-7617

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Thank God you’re a FAILED candidate.

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Instead of just making snarky comments I suggest you take a look at my award winning book on how to have a fair and free market economy that solves the gross wealth inequality and housing affordability issues at source with minimum government interference, go here: https://theiu.org/books/

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"Robert - you have no answer to the increasing homelessness, wealth inequality and unemployment in the US do you?" But you think Harris does? Now who's brain dead?

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Not exactly. Harris is likely the least intelligent one in the pantheon of mental midgets that is the woke left. They have been very effective at expanding homelessness in the states they hold captive.

More miserable people on the streets means more ability to use same day voter registration and immediate vote harvesting to influence elections. They can get a vote for a pack of cigarettes. When California began this strategy, I immediately realized it was no longer a democratic process.

Covid was used as an excuse to spread this corrupt practice to a number of other states. The founders planned for individual state corruption with the electoral college. The national “popular” vote no longer has any meaning with so many states stuffing the ballot box with these harvested votes. Thank you President Madison.

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She makes 3 dummies in a row paraded out there for us by the progressives

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Yes we are no longer a functional democracy. Expand your mind, gain clarity, read my book here: https://theiu.org/books/

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of course Harris does not either. You think there is only right and left, nothing beyond? I am coming from out of that box.

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I hate the terms left and right, too. The original meanings of left and right come from the French Revolution. The right tended to want to go back to a king. The left were against royalty and were hateful and murderous people, so neither has anything to do with the U.S. We were set up as a liberal republic with a conservative democratic election process to reduce the danger of sudden lurches from a popular demagogue or temporary public sentiments. We have a three part system with staggered elections. If there were a long term change of public sentiment anything could occur with time, but the risk of sudden changes in a way that would endanger individual rights was reduced.

I can’t bring myself to use “progressive” or “liberal” which have been conflated to something they are not. Do you have any other ideas?

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I have not read your book, and don't plan to as the title gives it away. After I retired I moved to an area in SE Alaska and built a modest home with my own hands (no contractors, and no mortgage). It has been 15 years of hard work, and now am free to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Except it is people like you who wish to take that away. Had I grew up in a world of no land ownership, if I were to survive it (survival isn't all there is to being human) I would be living in some huge block building with barely functioning central heating, within rows of identical block buildings. I would most likely be just another "useless eater" in the eyes of the planners, at the whim of their agenda, who decides what centralized medicine, food, and likely how long I would even be allowed to occupy a space in their building. "We can't expect the West to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can feed them small doses of Socialism until they wake up one day and discover they have Communism". That is going off my memory of a 10 year old of a rough quote that was in my Dads office in the 60's by Chairman Mao I think. Even at a young age I understood those words, but haven't thought much about them until the past few years. They (the Chinese communists) have been very patient, I will give them that, but I fear their patience has run out!

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I am not talking about no land ownership but infact expanded opportunities for same - call it private property for all - by enabling wages to much more easily pay for the cost of land / housing which is increasingly impossible. You live in Alaska so last year you should have received a check from the state government of at least $3000 as a dividend for your fair share of Alaska il resources via the Alaska Permanent Fund that was established by a Libertarian governor. This is what I am talking about, one example, and you received a hefty check unless you never registered. You really do need to read my book, free pdf here: https://theiu.org/books/

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Aug 4·edited Aug 4

"You live in Alaska so last year you should have received a check from the state government of at least $3000 as a dividend for your fair share of Alaska il resources via the Alaska Permanent Fund that was established by a Libertarian governor."

Last year it was actually $1200, and it went directly into paying property taxes. The Governor you are speaking of was a Republican, and the original permanent fund dividend put forth by the governor Jay Hammond was to give every Alaskan $50 a year for every year of residency back to statehood in 1959. That was challenged all the way to the Supreme court where it was struck down so now anyone who moves to Alaska will get the same set amount depending on who is governor and using it to buy votes.

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Dear Alanna, the Drs. Malone came from modest roots. They pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. Their families either did not (or could not) support them. They acquired what they have with hard work, intelligence, and doing the right thing. Such attributes can go a long way to solving most problems. Moreover, people who earn their way to success typically are more generous than anyone else, but their generosity should be voluntary, not wrested from them by government.

Socialist handouts always fail. People who are given stuff just want more and work less. Government grows to fit the perceived needs, but it never seems to shrink as it should.

Government is NEVER the solution. In fact, government creates more problems than it solves, with few exceptions (e.g., roads, bridges, infrastructure, sanitation). Government usually disincentivizes positive human traits and success. If you think about COVID alone, it was government actions that caused unemployment by killing small businesses and preventing people from working unless jabbed. Just one example.

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Big E: but the left cannot comprehend this! Harris said she wants everyone to get to the same place in life and we need to help them get there. No one helped ME and my husband! I refused to go on the dole. Knew it could be done with hard work and perseverance. Too damn many lazy people in this world today and more people willing to reward them for it!

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I came from modest roots as well. If hard work is good and it is, let's not tax working people. If making things that people need is good, let's not tax production. If keeping land affordable for hard working people let's end land speculation and land hoarding. My book about this is here: (not just me, a worldwide movement beyond old right/ old left) https://theiu.org/books/

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You sound like a communist. I’m 77 years old. I’ve heard such babble my entire life. Robert doesn’t need your leftist BS, nor do we.

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Nope not a communist, not something you probably ever heard of before. I am a "georgist" - a geo-libertarian. Read more here; https://theiu.org/books/

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Wrapped in a different package, geo-libertarianism is no solution to society’s inequities than what exists today, however imperfect. People like you are always enamored by what you believe might be the true utopia, “if only.” I looked up your philosophy on Wikipedia and how the writer invokes the names of people like Thomas Payne, Thomas Jefferson, and other luminaries of early America , an agrarian nation at that time, suggesting your philosophy would fit right in to the United States of America. Bullshit. I suggest you work within the system that we’ve had for over 200 some years. Just as in this system, human nature would find a way to corrupt your utopian system. Fantasizing about your system just relieves you of the burden of fixing the present one.

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You got 4 likes Alanna. Congratulations. I wonder if they are from paid subscribers.

I see that many subscribers decided to reply to your comments. Perhaps it is out of strong feelings or free time available for a little retort. Either way, you now have a reply from me too!

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5

I sense a tad bit of sarcasm in this post...


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She ignored it and my jab about the 'likes' coming for non payers.

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Which is why i admire you, so.

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I've been cranky since 7/13 when the obvious smacked us in the face and everyone denies it. Then along comes a unique way of selling a book about “fairness” by ambushing, then provoking Malone and his supporters. I am not happy with myself when I resort to sarcasm, best to not respond. She actual came out on top T.

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Shelley - I think only paid subscribers can write in comments. Thanks for yours! Strong feelings on left and right are creating unnecessary conflicts. We need to go beyond the division and find a synthesis of Freedom (right) and Fairness (left) of the individual and society. If this sounds of interest read more here: https://theiu.org/books/

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I hope it is OK Dr Malone, but I watched a "Bone Chilling" video yesterday from an interview between MelK and Trevor Loudon. I ask every person (particularly every American) reading this Substack to WATCH THIS VIDEO! This is a video (seems there are heaps of them around nowadays) but I cannot recommend this video more highly than I am. It is frighening and (truly) kept me awake for much of last night. I am sure many of your Subscribers are familiar with MelK, but I also know and recommend Trevor to EVERY person reading todays "Sunday Strip". Trevor has an amazing talent for research and delivers it "without sugar coating." This will scare the daylights out of many of your readers.


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Thanks Les, not familiar with MelK but certainly know Trevor. He used to come to our 9/12 meetings in Salem, OR around the 2010-12 time frame. I have many of his DVDs and his books on Congress security risks.

Thank you for the link.

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Thanks Shell, I would be interested to know your opinion of the video. As a general comment, I cannot for the life of me see how ANY American could vote for Harris, EXCEPT of course for those who would see America as a communist country.

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Trevor always comes through. It was a lot like the information he put out on Harris four years ago. They are both right about what will happen starting next January if Harris wins - there will be no turning back as they have played the long game and with the deadline 2030 it's now or never.

It doesn't matter how many vote for Harris, as we saw in 2018 with House and Senate seats and 2020 with the installation of Biden. Both the UK and France recently tumbled so . . .

What I do know will happen up to the election: consistent, persistent 24/7 media bombardment and polling all to persuade the public of the inevitable election of the first woman and black at that, as president, and to be able to say when the results are in the - the polls were right. As with Biden, it does won't matter that she can't draw a crowd like Trump. At this point they can make the results be whatever they want and they will dare anyone to say anything.

I can share this video with a few people but doubt they will watch it. Most Dem's are either closed-minded or have TDS.

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I am most pleased to see that we Aussies and our American Brothers and Sisters still think so much alike. I feel THAT may be of considerable assistance when (& if to be positive) the S hits the Fan. Thanks Shell appreciate your thoughts.

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United is always a benefit if for no other reason that across the ocean moral support! We are all in this fight together.

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So glad you posted this Les!!

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