Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not everyone is far right now. Many people are far wrong.

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Touche', Wabbit !

Touche '

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Good one!

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We're on our way to church and I was sending the following text message to some of my friends 🧡:

We need to get more people to pray 🙏 🤲 that God will soften their hearts and to realize what they're doing to their families, to our families, and to our country 🙏 ‼️

It fit in with the topic about the end of our species!

I hope that today and every day that everyone from this SS 🙏 will be praying for our entire world 🌎

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I actually received an email from Senator Josh Hawley asking I pray with him. His prayer ran along your same lines. Good way to start a Sunday morning.

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That is wonderful! I pray often for our nation and the world.

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Why did he bow down and vote with McConnell on the massive pork bill? A disaster.

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I’m not sure where you got your information. Congress passed two spending bills this year. One was passed on March 8th and the other 3/22. Josh Hawley voted no on both bills as did the other MO Senator, Eric Schmitt. Here is the 3/8 vote -


Here is the 3/22 yes only votes -


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I don’t keep a file of such votes. I saw a listing of Republicans who voted with McConnell and was shocked to see Hawley’s name among them. If the list was in error then I stand corrected. Thanks.

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I'm hearing a variety of very concerning scenarios as relating to our Repubs in Congress only hanging on by one vote now. With rumors up to 3 others are threatening early retirement. One theory revolves around Jeffries and the Dems taking over Congress, redefining (think vaccines ?) Insurrection, pinning it on Trump and disqualifying him from the Presidency. Another relates to Trump, Kennedy, Biden split so no one reaches 270 and the Presidential issue goes to Congress. If the Repubs loose their remaining 1 seat, Jeffries and the Dems get the call.

Johnson, Hawley and other rollovers may be in a terror (so to speak) and trying to see the boat doesn't get rocked. More than enough to cause the religious to resort to prayer ?

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Yes Jean, they would turn to prayer. Hawley, though, was not a rollover. He did not vote for either of the spending bill. That I believe is what the prayers were about. I was getting his pray emails for several weeks.

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Hey! Thanks for the clarification. I don't follow how folks vote. Mine are consistently horrific and an embarrassment with no improvement in sight.

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Mar 25th - Great News - Federalist

Substack Payment Processor Backs Off Demand For Bank Data From mRNA Scientist


MARCH 25, 2024


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Maybe he's now praying 🙏 for forgiveness.

Just saying 😌 🤷

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Hawley did not vote for either of the 2024 spending bills. I don't know where JWSPOONERMD found his information. I also received several prayer emails from Hawley, who is my Senator along with Eric Schmitt.

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Josh is one of my Senators, and I have been very happy with him, as I have with our newest senator, Senator Schmitt.

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Wow! You are SO FORTUNATE! Two Top fellows,! May they serve safely and effectively!

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We are fortunate. Our last Senator, for whom Schmitt was elected, was Blunt. He was a complete 'go along to get along' RINO, and I was happy to see him go.

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Another Missourian - good to know at least two are Dr Malone SS followers!

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It's so bizarre how far this has gotten. The thing is, they are using our own money to fund their sick ideas against ourselves.

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Preach it sister!

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I am praying for pillars of salt to appear in the WH

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Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Southern Girls site is hilarious 😂

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Love it! “He’s a goober”. 🤣

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What cracks me up is how hollywood always sticks that accent on us Texans. We have our own thank you and the Okies next door do too (my poor mom picked up one of those and could not lose it).

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Texans are known for their drawl and how certain words are used like tote, carry, borrow. Okies sometimes clip their words. Missourians both pronounce words differently and add unnecessary words like ‘close them thar winders’. Minnesotans partially sing their words. My Boston grandmother added and subtracted ‘r’s - like idear and caa.

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Those Okie accents are vicious. Mom picked up one there and could not lose it. The western actor Dale Robertson had a classic example too. Guess it fitted in his roles.

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I still watch Dale do his thing on the Wells Fargo reruns.

He was a badass lefty, back when all bad-asses were righties.

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Michael, like T., I watch The Tales of Wells Fargo.

In view of the fact that I'm a LEFTY, I've noticed that, however I haven't noticed anything peculiar about his accent!?!?!

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Pure Okie. Sorta talks like he has a marble in his mouth. The guy actually had a horse farm in Okla.

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Hillary has a good one.

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You should talk to people from Massachusetts.

Have them say car, and it sound like Caaaa.

Gotta love dialects.

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Yup, my mom's family goes back to Plymouth and Salem settlers. Her mom always said caa and idear. She used to go to the dog races a lot until she moved to SoCal to stay with my mother who never had a MA accent.

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My southern grandma would say "go fetch that thar piller"(pillow). Stopped me in my tracks as a kid from Mn.

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I bet it did DD. I first heard this kind of talk in 1970 when we left SoCal for central MO. They were the salt of the earth, goodhearted people that took personal care of their elderly. Many never left the county they were born in for generations. Have towns named after them. Totally different life. I had to get use to visiting folks with no indoor bathroom or hot water when my boys were little.

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Step dad raised in a german community in MO. Did not speak english until entered school. His dad owned a saloon and they lived in setup much like the Malones, butchered hogs and utilized virtually the whole carcass, raised vegetables in garden. The saloons ice house served as refrigerant for the community. Cut ice from frozen sources and lasted thru summer. Interesting stories about that period.

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We moved to New Orleans when I was 5 years old and I still remember the lady upstairs calling out to her son when we heard the ice cream truck coming, "Jimmy boy, go bring me my kern poice! (CoIn purse)"

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Ha, ha, ha!

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Well, I don't know any Texans being up here in the shithole, but I can tell you that the accent is definitely appealing.

Kind of in that sexy, I'm gonna beat your ass, way.


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When I was very young read every cowboy book I could find. Tried to pickup the accent (imaging it was Texas or maybe Wyoming). Eventually learned it was Missouri. Went back to my (per Grandma a not so blue blood New England Yankee) 'Illinois sucker' speak.

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What is funny is when a kid folks said I had a Yankee accent tho both parents born and bred Texans. Then Mom moved to Okla.

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Michael, Texas is SO BIG that we have SO MANY ACCENTS.

I remember when I was the Student Council sponsor for a High School here in South Texas where I taught and we went to a convention in Dallas.

We were SO TICKLED when we heard the cheerleaders say: Give me an "Aaaaye"

It took us a bit to figure out what they wanted us to say!

Lol ‼️ 😆 🤣 😂 😹

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Can only wish there were more teachers out there like you. We would be in much less of a mess ifso.

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Michael, thank 😊 you.

I was disillusioned and pushed out of the profession when they had absolutely no interest in implementing programs to address the drug problems that we were having at our school.

I find it ironic how now people are at a loss at what happened to our schools 🏫.

It didn't happen overnight 😕 😪 🙃

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The speed with which drugs became a problem. I worked 10 yrs as a tech before going to grad school. A fellow student who went to a high school in Houston could not believe that we had no drug problem in my school in Okla. City. But we did not. It appears to have happened, at least in our neck of the woods, in a 10 yr. window.

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I liked the one, I am as full as a tick!

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Mar 24·edited Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have to go with the carpenter spreading disinformation because I identify as one. I’d like to spread some disinformation from deep inside. I tend to let things eat me up inside. There are plenty of reasons too. I try to keep my head up, work hard, pay my bills the best I can and love and help the people around me. The people that say they are the tolerant ones seem to hate the most. I find it is completely up to me to let them take the joy from me. They can’t take my happiness, I have to give it to them. Nothing that they do can stop me from my ultimate destiny. I think if we are good to the people around us, honest and not deceitful, God will make the enemy pay for bringing the trouble upon us. Keep your head up and stay strong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM7-PYtXtJM Have a good Sunday J.Goodrich

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Hey James,

If you ever need to take a gawking at a good person, just look in the damn mirror.

Or give me a call, and I'll text you a photo of Bentley.


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I don’t know bout that but thank you T!!

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I trust you way more than my own bilogical brothers.

Even the one who is still alive.


Trust isn't a given for any reason, my dear friend. Trust has to be earned, and retained to be valid, and remain in effect.

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again, Tonga hit mark.

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Judging by the picture of him and siblings I'd say he is handsome to boot!

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No clue, actually. Havent met James yet, but it is in the works for sometime in the near future.

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That is terrific. I hope it does happen in the near future.

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It's such a pleasure to know and know of good folks. Know some here. So glad for all of you !

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Well, here I go again James, The "enemy" will pay for their misdeeds themselves. The God I know of gave us free will to do as we please, and the Godliness in each of us is either listened to or not. The Divine Creator I am inclined to merge with isn't revengeful, hateful or inclined to interfere with our folly. Unconditional Love comes to mind. Not to be a doormat, mind you, but free of ego judgement. Walk a mile in someone's shoes before throwing the first rock.

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I agree with the free will part, I guess I look at one group of people jailing another group of people, not allowing free will is it. Or people that never built a thing trying to take a persons life work from them for not going along with war, overbearing government, stoping people from talking openly about things they have every right to talk about. My point is don’t let these lifelong build nothing tyrants take your happiness away from you. Let God deal with them. Am I wrong?

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I'm not saying "go along to get along", as I said in my post, I'm tired of the constant belittling from both sides. I'm not saying that nothing should be done, it just the way most go about it. The constant wars are wearing on me. God is in the inside of all of us, but do we act that way? There is the problem and the answer. I know you deeply care and you are right about what I call Joy. I'm in control of when I let myself feel it or not. XO to you.

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I am a CONSTITUTIONAL Conservative, I am no further RIGHT nor LEFT than our founders. Using THEM as my political measure, I would say I am smack dab in the MIDDLE. I don’t have to scootch (skootch?) further starboard to oppose the looney marxists who seem to despise near everything our founders stood and ( some ) died for.

God Bless America

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This morning, viewing GTok offerings, one was on Democracy vs Constitutional Conservatism. The speaker associated CC with individualism. He associated Democracy with groups that inevitably deteriorate into totalitarianism. Noted we are being conned into accepting our America being called a Democracy to our peril..

For my first, time I clicked on the share button.

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Do not disagree

Thanks for sharing.

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Mar 24·edited Mar 24

This fascination by the leftys with fascism is downright peculiar.

I gotta' say, leftys, I don't think fascism means what you think it means. Bless your little fascist hearts. (thanks Southern Girls)

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Thank you;

You’re correct.

I had sumthin I wanted to say, keep it short sweet, didn’t want to get bogged down in minutia.

All of these curses the "left" wishes to tag me/us with are all variations of the same theme.

The first constitution of these United States, the Articles of Confederation, failed because there wasn’t a strong enough federal government, it was too minimalistic. That didn’t mean the founders believed in a STRONG federal government - just a strong enough federal government to hold the states together (for lack of a better term, a confederacy 🤣). Hence The Constitution limiting the federal government and the first 10 Amendments protecting the rights of the States and the People.

The Left believes quite the opposite - the larger, the more ubiquitous, the more intrusive the federal government the better. Biden’s lone, thank God, appointment to SCOTUS sees the 1A as a right belonging to, protecting the government, not the people. More like her (sorry, habit, the aforementioned Justice doesn’t know what is/isn’t female) and the 2A becomes a government right, the gov’t will place soldiers in our houses, …

As it is demonratz believe they can blow right thru the 8th (President Trump excessive fines), 4A means nothing when civil forfeiture can be used to seize property without criminal conviction. The federal government has one main job and that is to PROTECT the citizens of these United States: who in their right mind believes we’re even thinking about that today.

OK, momentary rant over. For now.

My one consolation for advanced age and … is knowing that when the end comes I’ll either be gone or have not long to suffer our demise. I know, I know, I sound like a fatalist, a real Debbie downer, but I’m waiting for someone walk me back from the precipice. The same men I laud saw this centuries ago when they said it’ll be over when The People discover they can vote themselves bootie. The states no longer factor in any discussion thanks to the 17th (oh sure, there’s Article V 😒, as if - I’m a signatory, so I believe). Does anyone actually believe we’re gonna give the invaders the boot? Does anyone actually believe we’re gonna pay back, decrease the nation debt of $34T; or is it gonna continue to grow? $50T, 75, 100? The UNFUNDED debt is already over $100+T

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Yes Sir, you and I are standing right close to each other on this cliff.

OMG Trigger warning: You don't get to bring up civil asset forfeiture without being prepared to clean my brains off the wall when my head explodes.

Yeah, we might be able to get the annual deficit back to nothing, but I can't imagine how we will ever be able to get out from under the actual debt short of just defaulting. The interest alone is a mind numbing 1/2 a Trillion or better bucks a year and these losers are still adding to the principal.

It's real debatable if we can avoid a collapse even IF we knock this admin off the top perch this cycle.

If God has a plan to cure this it would be good to start on it now.

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Well, I thought I smelled something.

🤔 right guard or old spice; I’m a Brut fella - TY B’way Joe 😆

"If God has a plan…"

Let’s say He does - what do you think it would/will look like?

How would it affect/impact USofA, same Q for world. If God ??? to/with USofA, it HAS to impact world.

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Ha ha,,, Old Spice actually.

If God has a plan I'm sure hoping it starts with getting PDJT back into the white house again. This gets a bit above my pay grade for sure and that might be a good thing because, left to my own devices I would have thrown the tea in the harbor already.

My honest opinion is, if we have 4 more years of what we're having now.... Well, let's just say somebody's depopulation wishes are gonna' come true, very violently.

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Ah, the nose knows! 🤥

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Naw, SR, you won't be just . . . gone when you kick the bucket.

There is LIFE, true spiritual and immortal life in LOVE after your mortal time.

Look up Glenda Green and read her book.

nuf said.

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Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Please consider an American aspiring agriculture major kid for farm jobs. My pre-vet kid, top of her organic chem class, aced every single science class she’s taken, couldn’t get a research position at Cal Poly because she isn’t BIPOC or first generation to college. At Cal Poly, 100% of research assistant positions are given based on federal funding which specifies the that criteria. So she works at an emergency vet’s office on the weekend , which is truly a great experience. She is not at all upset by this because she doesn’t know the implications of losing meritocracy and denial of opportunity based on race.

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great post. She is living life per the plan God gave her. Can't beat it.

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Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh my goodness…the “Senior’s Version of Facebook” was priceless. LOL! It reminded me of one of the reasons why I quit FB 3 years ago. Thank you for sharing that!

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Never got on Facebook and didn't get the covid shots here......connection????

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“If he’s fit for office, he’s fit for trial” ⬅️ The thing the entire left hopes you won’t figure out.

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Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

the first time I said Hi Yall, the company burst in a laugh and said, yep, now you are a southerner! Bless her heart LOL

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Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Born and raised in the PNW, but enamored with Southern drawl. Examples are the States of Jaw ja and Flaw da. My favorite is bless your little heart which interpreted means your dumb as a fence post. The politics of the South are passionately preferred to my woke State of Washington, but the mountains, rivers and fish keep me here.

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"Co- Co- La" (Coca Cola!). Compliments of suburban Georgia, about 25 years ago.

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Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Since it is a Sunday, Local carpenter spreading deemed harmful mis-info. Tops the 40 chart.!!

Hmmm......WHAT would Jesus do pray tell???

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WWJD = What Would Jesus Drive?

A Christ-ler

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A Halo Hemi Kaki colored (long hair in the wind) Convertible.

Sandals and sunglasses for the masses.

Changing water to wine is optional.

Driving like it is stolen when hitting the nitro oxide button, is a mortal sin.

Heaven Forbid! (that's where the origin of the expression stems from) Hahaha

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Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bees, butterflies and endless farm beauty-but so happy you have some young ,enthusiastic help and she will learn alot!!! Always look forward to Fallout on Fridays and still laughing from todays videos-especially the Southern Women LOL!!!!!!!!!! Many Thanks and blessings to you and your family and all God's creatures who reside there on the farm on this Palm Sunday :))

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Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This ain't Duke's mayonnaise! LOL!!!! We live in Michigan, and we had a condo in Myrtle Beach years ago, and I'd always buy a bunch of Duke's to bring home with me. Now it's available up here, and I still buy it!

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The taste of Dukes is so different from Hellmans, which i also enjoy. Dukes has a slight twang that makes deviled eggs, mixed with southern homemade sweet pickles oh so yummy. My husband says his very southern mom never learned to use Dukes, she always used that nasty miracle whip pretend stuff. The first time I made southern potato salad and deviled eggs for him he asked me to please marry him!

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I've never seen Dukes at a grocery. Hellmans is my mainstay for decades. Now that I typed the name out it is sort of weird . . . assume it is someone's last name?

I think miracle whip is is a fake just like velveeta is fake cheese.

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That would be 'my o naze' according to a MS woman I was dinning with in the 70s.

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I saw a news bit the other day - it said, 'a recent survey suggests that home gardens leave a larger carbon footprint than commercial agriculture.' Of course, my first thought was, 'a recent survey suggests that nine out of ten doctors agree that Salem cigarettes are the smoothest.' </rolleyes>

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Nice if true…those plants love the carbon.. Epa lies and the nation dies.

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You are so funny!

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Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I grew up saying "y'all" and it easily auto fills when I type. I lived in Chicago area for six years and learned "youz guys" which I have now blended into "you guys" when referring to anyone in the conversation. Now my business partner says "fixin' to" quite often but he also tells our clients he's the "boots on the ground" when asked about his part in the company. We are in North Texas so I guess it's all relative. LOL

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You're lucky y'all don't have to deal with goobers who object to "you guys" because it's exclusionary or something, and it triggers them.

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When in grade school (SoCal) the custodian would yell 'Uz two' when more than one kid was doing something he did not like.

When I lived in OR with ex hubby (from MO), he got everyone at work familiarized with "howdy".

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Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

as Always You and Dr. JM make Me Laugh and Smile. I know You Both are Weird Horse People…I’ll stick to being a Weird Dog Person. Very Best Wishes.😁 Ed

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They are also weird dog people, fowl people and coming soon maybe pig people?

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I think he mentioned miniature cattle at some point.

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And he mention interest in a certain pig that was all white meat. A commenter mentioned he had them.

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Thanks. I missed that one.

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Stupid auti-correct…Feral hogs…on the smokers. 30-80 lbs. Ed

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