Right now we all are the people burdened with seeing what is happening to our beloved America. Frustration fills me from the people that ignore it. If things are not bad enough now they will get worse and eventually the ones that ignore today will have to stand up. Our heads are down now. I have a good friend that has a great big heart and took on a dog that had problems. The dog even had a hard time walking. His head was always down. I’m not sure what happened to the dog before, but I don’t think he had been treated right. My friend began taking good care of the dog. Trips to the vet, good food, lots of love, walks etc.. It didn’t take long. Soon the dog was trotting around the neighborhood. Amazingly with the right care and direction a whole different animal appeared. You see the whole time inside of Bentley was that happy healthy dog, he just needed the right people in his life. He needed the right leadership to shine his true happiness from the inside out. J.Goodrich

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Nice inspirational story, James.

Good to know there are people out there like you for when our heads are down

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Sometimes you just have to look at all the good that’s right there to see!!! Thank You T…

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3

Bentley thanks you for sending good vibes his way.

After 6 years of physical abuse, used for puppy mill production, locked in a cage 23 hours a day, then being dumped for euthanasia in the shelter, he was moved to a rescue group where no one wanted him because of his severe health issues, primarily his damaged spinal cord.

Bentley's aggressive behavior was from all the pain he was in, and not his personality. He's recovering very well, now.

Shih Tsu's are known to get this


Keeping him restricted, and on the right pain management, proper daily exercise, multiple times a day, he's not screaming out, falling down, anymore, and actually wants to hang out with his new adopted brothers outside in the run.

Bentley's recovery (if successful) will be months of controlled exercise before we know if the treatments are working, or if surgery will be his calling

We came home last night, and he jiggled his little front feet, dancing at us, happy barking at us, for the first time ever. I didn't know he had a bark, since he hadn't barked at all since we adopted him last month.

Good times ahead for Mr. Bentley.

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Let’s hope he continues his recovery naturally. God bless you both for taking Bentley!!!

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God bless you for being my true friend

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Geeeez. I am humbled. You guys are great, man.

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More WAG......less stress....

The Ultimate K9 companions dream.

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Ahh. Good on you. So happy for Bentley! 🩷

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So very glad to hear this! We have had 5 shih tzus and they are special dogs! 🐶❤️

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Our 2nd, and yes they are magical little court jesters

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Good morning 🙏 🌄 my friend!

I love that story.

In line with the storyline, I see 👀 so many HUMAN BEINGS, post-COVID-19 tactics, who now walk through their day with their heads down and without making eye 👁 contact with anyone.

I seem to remember when everyone carried themselves with their heads held high and smiling at everyone as they crossed their path.

Am I the only one who remembers 🤔 that or is it just wishful thinking?

Have we lost our joie de vivre?

Can we get it back?

I pray 🙏 for stronger churches ⛪️ to be the Outpost of healing our country's human psyche.

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That’s one thing I love about my new town(and State), I’d say 98% of people I encounter are still smiling and saying Hello. When I left AZ, I definitely noticed a change - not sure if people are just afraid due to all the division or what but it sure was getting me down. I always smile and say hello no matter how bad I feel, as sometimes doing so helps me more than it might be helping them! And getting a smile back is even better 😊

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We need to force ourselves to smile 😃 and to greet each other so that we can show THEM that their attempts to PROGRAM us FAILED!!!

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Yes, we do! 😀

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Ana as we see these negative impacts from the things that this government has done, I believe when things swing back to our side (freedom) it will make it all that much better. I have faith that when it happens there will be years and years of people unable not to smile and say hello.

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I would gladly look you in the eye, and while you weren't looking sick my ShihTsu on your sammich sitting on the floor next to you. Granted, it would have to be on the floor, as being only 3.5" off the ground, if it was any higher, he would be absolutely useless as a sammich stealing monster. 8-)

There are times that I purposefully push people's buttons, as if you couldn't already tell this ?


Why ? Because I love reactions of people who expect the zombie approach / passing / interaction, and get something completely from out of left field, or should I say, right field being politically correct for the moment.

I intentionally say " Hello there", or "Hi", or "Howdy", or "Good day", or "Sup", depending on the particular situation of the day, and what folk I'm intersecting with.

If I get a good reaction, I usually follow it up with something about the weather, or being nearly run over by the speeding motorist a-hole that just nearly killed both of us, because they're so arrogantly hell bent on proving what a complete douchebag they've turned out to be, in life, through either their upbringing, or some other influence that made them "who they are". Good things to conversate about, no doubt.

Whether it be from having money, or thinking they're from money, horrible parenting, or they're just infected from life in the big city, or not so big city, the attitude that their "shit don't stink", and everyone else "is shit", really grinds my gears (thanks Peter Griffin). It's so enraging when people take huge risks of harming or killing someone with that 5,000lb weapon they're sitting in, so that they can "prove themselves" to others, that sometimes I just lose it, and start yelling at the car, as it passes. The person usually agrees with this, and then I get a chuckle or a smile, and they go on their merry way.

Anyway, back to the eyes meeting process.

Yes, I push them into it, purposefully, as I love the reactions I get, which are as varied as the day is long. Some happy, some sad, some indifferent, some irritated, some NO reaction, and some jovial, sparking up a conversation.

And then there is the exception:

In some cases, I've been chastised by someone who looks like they fell off the Brooklyn black dyed hair express, with their fake tans, fake nails, fake boobs, fake lips, pulled back faces, and bad to the dog crap bone attitudes, which are my favorite bear to "poke". I get the most out of sticking them with a little kindness before they leave my presence.

For instance:

I was recently walking into a Dunkin Donuts, and I knew there was a woman (if you want to call her that) behind me, as I turned I moved to the side, and I opened the door wide open for her to roll her fat, fake tan, fake nails, fake boobs, and fake ass human persona, through, before myself. As she passed into the archway, she completely dissed me, saying nothing, not even glancing my way. I abruptly said "Your welcome, Miss"

The high heeled, rolling bag of parfume stank, stopped dead in her tracks, spun her plastic ass around, and marched right up to within a couple inches of my face, and said:

"You're an asshole !".

After wincing from the stagnant, Marlboro, and halitosis dog's ass breath for a second, I replied:

"Have you looked in the mirror, lately ? "

She spun her white Cardi B jiggly, overweight, stankin blob of an ass around, and proceeded back into the Dunkin.

Haha, I wound up right behind her, and stood there, eyes burning into the blackened fake colored skull covering, as she ordered her sugary sustenance, and cup of poisoned coffee from the fella behind the counter. After getting her bag of goodies, she left the DD, and went out and sat in her car. After returning to my truck, It was then I watched her dump her ashtray out onto the parking lot, and throw her DD bag and remnants onto the ground as well. She was a real winner, no doubt, in the contest of life's most embarrassing human, and I was lucky enough to push her buttons.

So, yes there are people out there that are still nice, and then there aren't.

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That's Love and Caring in a nutshell. And how happiness blooms within.

Funny thing about the name Bentley. My daughter calls her mini van The Bentley!

I think it more of a permanent UHAUL rig. Hahaha

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My neighbor calls my wife's car "The cheese mobile".

I have no idea why, but it's a standard 1998 Honda CRV, Black 4dr SUV, bone stock. My mom owned it, and when she passed, I purchased it from the estate. Best little car to have if you want reliable transportation. It's not glamorous, it's not very comfortable, and rides rather harsh, and the folks in the rear seats don't get much of the A/C when in use, but it's a good little traveler. No idea where the "Cheese mobile" came from, other than it's kind of cheesey and only cheesers drive them.

Haha, my wife is a cheeser.


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My daughters Toy has those power doors and back hatch luxury at the push of a button.

Hence THE BENTLEY moniker. Wait and see how long till those power doors lose that luxurious ability.......??$$ I have never heard the car phrase of cheese mobile unless you live near green bay and wear the cheese head uniform. Maybe then....hahaha

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I had never heard of it myself. The woman (mid 30's) is a really good hearted neighbor, but claims that she is a bit "boojie" (boo ghee), and that the car is "not her style". I laughed, because she was mocking herself when she said so. She's still a good person, and I'm sure in a pinch, I would defend her with my life if it came to it, crazy as that may sound.

I assume she meant pretentious, but I'll stick with her boojie term for now.


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I've heard the term of a bit of british "Booojie-wooojie" music in days gone by.

Not Boogy woogy as we call it in America.


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With you, right here workin toward better leadership for all of us.

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Great story James! Thanks for sharing. Your friend is a good person and I know there’s plenty like him out there. Bentley was lucky to find him.

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Beautiful analogy!

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Great parable about the mistreated dog, James.

Somehow "we" the people - MANY hanging their heads - just have to RID ourselves - and our Republic, of rule by liberals, progressives, Socialists and Communists - as per the FIRST 'toon' in today's Sunday funnies ( which omitted: FASCISTS)

BTW, liberals, progressives, Socialists, Communists (and) Fascists are ALL the SAME DAMN THING, i..e., TOTALITARIANS!

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Love this James! Such a great story! 🐶❤️

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Very nice James, this is what America is looking for, for our positivity to shine again.

Trump 2024!

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Thank You Jerry, anyone with eyes ears and a bank account can see how destructive and depressed an administration can be to the citizen. If Trump wins the whole mindset of the country will turn positive. It’s amazing the effect a positive pro freedom leader/ person can have on the people.

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That was already happening today when the 9-0 ruling came out.

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Hope he wins the immunity case, that’ll be the big one.

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We shall see.

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Thank you James, people's eyes are wide open now, let's hope it pays off in the ballot box this time.

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The dems will still have their waterboy if the turtle replaced by Cornyn.

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Not just Cornyn. You could name any Republican Senator except Rand Paul. Except for Paul, they're all DeceptiCons - anti-Trump, anti-MAGA, tax dollar-grifting RINOs who pretend they're independent thinking and working for the People (but which is total BS). Yet even Rand wouldn't object to McConnell's 4 year run during Pres.Trump's first term (2017-2020) without declaring ANY recesses just to prevent Pres.Trump from making a recess appointment of someone who Pres. Trump wanted (a true patriot) instead of an Establishment-approved, Trump-backstabbing, deep-state-controlled, DC waterboy.

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Trump claiming Abbott on short list for v.p. Another waterboy and suggests, if serious, Trump has not learned a blasted thing. Will bring in another crowd of wasted space

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Short list is mentioned only for political purposes. Trump has to walk an extremely and unrealistically narrow path. The entire DC / GOPe political establishment is arrayed against him. He cannot just flip them off now else they will undermine his nomination. He has to finesse this carefully. So I will wait until he announces his actual pick before commenting. There really aren't any great choices. I like Ben Carson, Kari Lake, and maybe Gov. Kristi Noem. But of those 3, only Noem has executive political experience. The GOP bench is nearly empty of pro-MAGA honest politicians. It's a sad state of affairs.

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Ron Johnson is a true patriot, and has (so far) not faltered as far as I can see.

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However Ron Johnson ALSO never once objected to McConnell's 4-yr long strategy to deny Trump an "outsider" pick for a cabinet seat or agency directorship, which PDJT and we desperately needed. The insiders - who were presented to Trump by the GOP leadership to chose from - all eventually hurt us and Pres. Trump. McConnell told the president that anyone outside of those choices would be automatically rejected by the Senate. Ron Johnson never disassociated himself from that unfair restriction placed on Trump.

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3

And without knowing all the details, is why I said it the way I did.

I thought Thomas Masse was a patriot, then i,found out he also voted along dem lines during real issue debates.

All a show, at this point, and I'm out of popcorn

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Ron is terrific. He and Paul are the only decent Senators we have.

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I am a HUGE Ben Carson fan. He is such a mellow speaker but when he speaks, when he wants to make a point, he just "does it" and you're like oh wow, he just pasted that person and the guy didn't even realize it! I thunk his LOYALTY is what DJT needs the most ... we all KNOW that Dr Ben Carson will be honest, will share his opinion with DJT and will ALWAYS have DJT's back

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Agree, I just don't know how battle-tough he is when the totally corrupt anti-MAGA globalist-funded army come after him and start to smear him and disparage him and his family. If he is the VP and proves to be a loyal pro-MAGA supporter of Pres. Trump in office, it is a given that he will come under constant attack. Can he remain cool and easy-going when that happens? I don't know - he's never had to face **that** level of unjustified nasty criticism.

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he got some pretty HARSH "Uncle Tom" stuff while he was Trump's HUD guy and seemed to take it in stride.

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Agree about Noem…like her

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Yes, but check her record in SD ... apparently she's done some things with the "carbon something or other"(no coffee yet) and has taken land from ranchers for that by eminent domain that is irking SD people

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I saw that he was considering the wheeled traitor to Texans as his VP.

I felt the same that the Orange Man hasn't learned a dammed thing, or is he just playing people?

I bet, until proven otherwise, he is just a fool ready to appoint more betrayal to his cabinet.

This way, if I'm wrong, I will be pleasantly surprised

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I hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 🙄

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I hope for the best and not quite sure how to prepare for the worst! Hard to imagine things worse than they are right now even though I know there’s a good chance of it.

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My commonsensical choice for VPOTUS is Governor Ron Desantis. He has proven commonsense solutions to public problems. He's a proven Patriot, having served our Nation in a war zone (albeit, as a lawyer). And, to me, he represents what's good in government leadership.

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I really like desantis but he’s what’s keeping Florida safe. I’d hate to see him relegated to a Pence role

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Pence had a meaty full time role overseeing the Covid operation. The problem seems to have been that he just watched it roll by and kept his mouth shut.

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I’m with you. FL still needs him. I think his time will be 2028

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Whether President Trump would relegate Governor Desantis to a Pence (team Trump cheerleader) role, I guess, would depend on the agreements made between the two leaders. I can't see Governor Desantis in the role of anyone's cheerleader. I think he'd rather just wait it out and run for POTUS in 2028. As for the Sunshine State's safety, I'm sure Desantis's replacement would continue the policies of, well, Desantis.

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I hope you’re right about 2028 and hope in the meantime he gets a voice/image coach. So many vote on appearances and he has some kind of Dukakis doppelgänger going on. I’d vote for him, but I want to see him win. I totally disagree about Florida. Put Newsom in there and I give that state a year. Or less. And remember how many liberals have been flooding to that state. Dukakis legacy is not a lock.

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Mar 3·edited Mar 4

I'm with you in that I do think he can be rehabbed back to the strong leader he was before he mistakenly fell into the clutches of the Globalists. Of course also providing he and Trump mend their relations.

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deletedMar 3
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I want these poisonous senators outta there now.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, both backed the former South Carolina governor. Read their remarks here:


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They exemplify why I do not contribute to national (or even state as they too required to donate to national) parties.

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These funnies have me shaking my head. They sound just terrible, that is the comical side. Yet they are truthful. We live in an upside down world where good is bad and bad is good. It is so disturbing to me.

As for MAiD , we can not play God. It is not up to us to pick the day. It is God’s time.

With the medical treatments that we have now, you can prolong a life past the point that is natural.

I have a friend whose father is on his way out. He is in his 90’s . He has lived a good life. He was in the hospital for over a month and he had gone septic. They pumped him full of antibiotics which gave him C. diff. So more stronger antibiotics. He had a blockage in the colon and was not able to eat. He was on IV’s and just not getting better. He decided he was done. He wanted to go home and let nature follow its course. It has been 2 weeks. His children have all come in from various areas of the country to be there when he passed. He rallied for a while with his family around him and now is just getting weaker. His wife just keeps thinking he is not going to die and that he will get better. She is afraid to be alone . My feeling on this having seen both my parents pass , is that it is a sweet time to reminisce , laugh , tell stories, be together as a family and slowly feel that you can let go because they would be better off. I can’t imagine not having that sweet time together.

There is another case scenario where a person dies suddenly. There is no time to prepare for that person to pass. It is a shock and much harder to deal with. Then there is the case where a person is on life support and you need to give the go ahead to let them pull the plug. This is a difficult decision but the person needs to move on by themselves instead of living off of the machines that are keeping them a live. There are so many other scenarios for a person dying. But one thing I know for sure. We can not play God. If we assist with a persons death that is called murder.

Also, people you need to have a Living Will.

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I know this is impossible but I wish we could have Trump and RFK, Jr ticket. It would probably nix any third party spoiler and improve Trumps chance for an insurmountable landslide. And he hates the CIA

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3

Sorry, but RFK Jr's environmentalism is a problem for me. This places him right in the WEF's pocket. I do admire his stances on vaxxes though.

That said, I don't believe he would accept the job as Trump's VP.

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Have to agree to disagree here I’m afraid

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I would love RFK, Jr as AG.

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Hope it was just the heat of the moment. I can't begin to imagine Abbott dealing (traveling around the world for face to faces) with fractious world leaders. More that he might betray cozying up with the weffers.

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He’d manage it better than Biden. Not saying I’d vote for him, just that face to face meetings with world leaders doesn’t seem to matter.

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Trump seemed to make headway with the N Korea guy, Putin and others albeit with good followups with Pompeo.

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Really? Not good at all.

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Rand Paul JBS scores for the 7 congress sessions starting in 2011

95, 92, 93, 95, 96, 100, 100 Lifetime 95

Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

Committee on Foreign Relations

Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs


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I was appalled at some of the Republican scores but checking out the Dems scores puts them into perspective.

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Yes, there are degrees in commitment to the Constitutional and to the people. Mostly commitment to lobbyist donors.

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I just noticed Elise Stefaniks score. Wasn’t she on a list for VP? Yikes.

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Stefanick is another plant to replace the old guard as it ages. Why a 'house' member would be picked to serve as VP is beyond me. She was a nobody that artfully was given a roll in Schiff’s Ukraine Impeachment. She got to ask questions for 5 minutes, prepared by someone else, of course. This jettisoned her to star. Her background: former Bush43 aide and worked on Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign. She needs exposure for what she is before DJT makes another one-of-many personnel mistakes. Her fake adoration of Trump is uncovered by her voting record, She was fast-tracked when McCarthy gave her Liz Cheney’s Republican Committees Conference Chair in 2021. This is not just coincidence. McCarthy himself was a plant. She is still 3rd ranking member in the House.

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The 2words new and york should raise a red flag. Remember Nelson Rockefeller? I do and bet Goldwater’s ghost does too.

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Indeed. Show us how long the charade has been afoot.

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Wow is that sobering. I was impressed with her questions. I feel like such a dupe.

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Up until that point she had done nothing, which led me to question who she was. I did a deep dive on her and was dumbfounded when Kevin gave her that ranking position. A relative newbie with poor record is what led me to believe Kevin was Uniparty. Then it comes out that yes, Kevin was a fast-track plant also. They sure know how to protect their racket.

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Shelley, I was greatly disappointed by Burgess Owen's score!!!

I'm so tired of these shameless liars who masquerade as MAGA!

They are really the snakes 🐍 🐍

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This is only his second term, and the others in Utah have lower scores. He is probably being shepherded by the one Utah rep that has been there since 2017. Getting the right people already there to advise him is critical. He may not have very good staff either. 69 is not that bad of a score. It’s better than McCarthy’s 60.

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Yes, I don't believe she is anywhere near as conservative as she would have us believe

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Great site, thanks,

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Yes, Rand Paul would be a good middle of the road guy.I think Rick Scott would do well. He's new to the senate but he has the DRIVE to change and question things like Gaetz & MTG in the House. MOST Definitely JD Vance but he wouldn't get enough voted from the old school guys.

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Republican Senate individual JBS lifetime scores.


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Shelley my dear Patriot friend 🧡, thank 😊 you for the links. I just sent the links to Chris Salcedo from Newsmax. I asked for him to consider challenging those that are masquerading as conservatives yet they have scores way below 70!!!

I was VERY surprised 😮 & disappointed by Burgess Owen's score, especially since he was elected as a MAGA candidate 🙄!

I'm tired of them not being challenged by the so-called conservative media!

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Gotta take a lot of this scoring business with a grain of salt. Ana you put out a link to an org. that scores Tex pols. Looked up my House rep and she was sorta conservative on the sliding scale. But ranked 10th overall in conservative scoring so…either she was expected to walk on water or the scoring was done by….a pol sci prof at Rice Univ. When The Rice Inst. was a pretty impressive school but now as woke as the rest of them,

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Love the Decepticon reference🥂

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Full credit for that moniker goes to Sundance, host of 'The Last Refuge' blog over at theconservativetreehouse.com. Sundance created and used that long before I joined that blog in 2017, specifically targeting the members of the SSCI -Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. They have been notoriously corrupt, as they are the Senate's supposed "oversight" committee for the Intel agencies; in parallel with the HPSCI, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Their corruption is the primary reason Pres. Trump was spied on (Russia Collusion setup) and could not get an honest, uncorrupted DC outsider approved for a Executive Branch position that constitutionally requires Senate approval (Article II, Section 2.) But PDJT was never a 'whiner' and has only publicly criticized the raft of disloyal backstabbers he was forced to accept when the question is put to him in front of cameras & mics or those backstabbers are praised in the MSM (legacy media), whereupon he responds the truth about them in Truth Social posts.

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Ron Johnson.

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What are we willing to sacrifice for our own grand children's future?

We are nearing a theater of much un-fathomable decisions.

And we thought fictional movies' were the source of nightmares. Guess again.

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3

I have no children, or grandchildren, but I’m not willing to sacrifice your children’s future either. Let freedom reign.

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That is our individual 🕊️pilgrimage, of Patriotism.

The collective actions for all to sustain the benefit of ➿

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Looks more like a Mel Brooks movie, with "Piss boy", but i digress.


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EXACTLY Cornyn has NO business even running for this position... he should *know* he's the same and realize that is NOT what American wants .... matter of fact, I could have sworn he said a few months ago that he wasn't going to run again ... what happened to that? UGH

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I'd like to see Sen. Ron Johnson take over as Sen. Majority Leader.

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You can bet that they will be cheerful if he gets in!!!

I don't understand why we haven't been able to PRIMARY John Cornyn?

We've known for years that he hasn't respected the wishes of those who he claims to represent, yet year after year, much to my dismay, he is reelected!!!!

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This is one of the more unfunny series of cartoons I've seen for a long time. But sadly they are all accurate depictions of the current totalitarian (fascist) government we are living with. So I'm not complaining about today's selections since you, Doc Malone, always strive to bring the truth to this column. This is just a cold water splash-on-the-face dose of hard reality.

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Here is something uplifting for you BigGuy49: https://bitchute.com/video/ZoF8eY2J8WCy [3:11mins]

There is still plenty of good in the world and I think we would do well to focus at least as much on these encouraging topics as we do the trials that beset us. If for no other reason than for a constant reminder of what we are fighting for.

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Our veterans on the street.

Great what they did for him.

In the same breath, it angers me that these mother fuckers in this administration are handing out debit cards $10,000, cell phones, rooms in hotels, all to non Americans, replacing us with our tax dollar, while we stand back and do nothing.

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Oh “they” are doing much, much more. They moved a fed judge from his bench in Hawaii to a Texas court to “assist in the immigration” ongoing there. His decisions exhibit an appalling lack of understanding the English language or the US Constitution. Or he merely was put there to assist the dems in voter recruitment. He has opined that barriers in the river violate the Constitution. He also says that the hordes of knuckle draggers pouring the over the border do not constitute an invasion…as defined by our Constitution.

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And where are republicans standing on their heads, fireworks spewing out of their eyes, ears and other orifices?

Where is the outrage?

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So many Phalen types. And too many challenges? Which to go after first?

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Paxton is on a whale of a rino hunt so maybe…

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Needs a ticket back home ASAP

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Saying this is about future votes does not hold up when you recognize they are inflicting the same open border policies all across the western world.

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Holds up here.

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I believe what x is speaking of is the,Cloward Piven / Kalergi plan to destroy western civilizations in order to bring in Marxist ideology.

I agree with X.

It seems to me that the voting issue is of the deception to have us think we are part of the process, when in reality, these decisions were already made for us, long ago.

If i could, I would send you this info for your own judgement

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Walter lippman, 1922

Manufacture of consent

1. A phrase originally coined in 1922 by the American journalist Walter Lippmann (1889–1974) to refer to the management of public opinion, which he felt was necessary for democracy to flourish, since he felt that public opinion was an irrational force.

2. For Herman and Chomsky, the acceptance of government policies by people in the USA on the basis of the partial picture of issues offered by the mass media, denying them access to alternative views which would lead them to oppose such policies. They present this as a propaganda model in which the mass media select material in relation to the values of those in power.

3. The concept found in Gramsci and Althusserian Marxism, in which the dominant class sustains its hegemony through engineering assent: see also ideological state apparatus.

4. (sociology) The notion associated with functionalism that society is dependent upon the engineering of a consensus: see also consensus; legitimation.

5. An allusion to the concept of ‘the engineering of consent’ defined in 1947, by the Austrian-American public relations pioneer Edward Bernays (1891–1995), as the art of manipulating people without them being aware of it. Bernays, a nephew of Freud, argued that people can be enticed to want things that they do not need if these are linked to their unconscious desires, a notion pursued by Dichter, the ‘father of motivation’.

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Michael, I must have missed that as I struggle to take in all of the news through a water 💧 hose!

Can you please provide a link to that judge from Hawaii? Thank 😊 you!

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The report re “not an invasion” was I think Texas Scorecard. Then looked the clown up on wiki

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Prolly too far down in the stack to get much notice, BUT:

You wanna change anything re: our judiciary repeal the 17th amendment - return Senator selection/appointment to the state legislatures. As it is, senators just like reps whore themselves out to the public, appealing to the lowest common denominator. There are more red legislatures than blue.

ALSO, enact term limits, 2 terms for everyone - again, another way to minimize the pandering, whoring.

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They don’t whore themselves to the public or they’d be voting and legislating differently. Maybe lobbyists? Or finders with deep pockets?

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It is called false advertising and the public accepts it, not once but over and over again.

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Curious: why do you think "our" electeds (ty boston mayor) are not pandering to the public, whoring for the lowest common denominator.

What would it look like if they WERE pandering?

What/how are they appealing to the public now?

Remember, there aren’t enough "lobbyists,""deep pockets" - they supposedly only have solitary votes as do you, I.

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It is a plan to destroy. Here in the USA I would bet they are also being armed for the crash.

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Beautiful stories in that video. Seeing that Vietnam vet breaks my heart. Here is a man who served our country living on the streets, yet we are housing ILLEGAL ALIENS who have broken the law entering our country illegally. This is wrong on every level. Our vets have been forgotten and the ILLEGAL ALIENS have been rewarded. What a clown world we live in.

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Amen to that🙏👏

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As long as those bastards don't come back and do him in AGAIN!!

Bummer cured for now!

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Yes. This truth hits hard.

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Mar 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, again, Dr. Robert Malone, for these thought provoking cartoons. To me, your Friday and Sunday publications reminds me of my reading the thoughts of another American Patriot, Thomas Paine. So, I humbly beg, keep your pamphlets coming. We the People need inspiration in this next American revolution for freedom. Thank you, kind Sir!

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RWM is in it... to WIN IT! Even on a Sunny Sunday of Must Do morning chores.

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Mar 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

About that first one....

I was in college when Bill Clinton was first elected. The college newspaper (I'll name names -- this was Boston University) had a pair of articles, kind of a "pro" and "con" view of the new president. According to the bylines, the "pro" view was written by a democrat, and the "con" view was written by a communist. This was their idea of balanced coverage.

I never read that paper again after that day.

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It amazes me how far back it goes. So insidious.

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The “Hey doc, I’m depressed” one is the best. 😂

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Canadian Vet Requests Wheel Chair Lift, Offered Medically Assisted Suicide Instead: https://bitchute.com/video/BXYlwXHTPOvm [36seconds]

If she chooses this option, her grand-kids will be given a 'Medical Assistance in Dying' (MAID) activity book to explain to them why she is choosing to kill herself, while subliminally encouraging them to do the same: https://tritorch.com/degradation/Grooming/!!HereIsCanadaFundedMedicallyAssistedSuicideActivityBookForChildren.pdf

The adversary holds the world in the palm of his hand. We're in the final innings and the he is dropping all pretenses.

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Some more:

Switzerland Suicide Machine Kills In One Minute

https://tritorch.com/degradation/SwitzerlandSuicideMachineKillsInOneMinuteTheyLoveYouDecember2022.mp4 [3:10mins]

Ontario Woman Paralyzed After Moderna booster Shot; Doctors Attribute Cause to Vaccine, Offer MAID: https://tritorch.com/degradation/MAIDModernaBoosterParalyzesWomentDoctorsAcknowledgeOfferMAIDFebruary2023.pdf

Assisted Suicide for the Poor Recommended by Canadian Ethicists:


Australia Now Allows Voluntary Assistance in Dying:


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I WORK IN BACK. I SEE NO SMILES! (Seinfeld soup Nazi episode)

Welcome to our newest, Guess your Depression game show.

Where it's easy to choose your grand prize between Door#1/Door#2/or Door#3!

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Nope, it’s not funny. Seriously not funny because in Canada right now, they mean it!!

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Mar 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good Strip. Sad but true.

I even start a new job tomorrow...gotta pay for Bidenomics and support our psychotic overlords you know.

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I'll list some of the ways that WEF young leader Trudeau is killing his country's citizens:

Medical Assistance In Dying program (MAID)

The deadly Jab through propaganda and Mandates

Climate Change initiatives to change from cheap fuel to expensive fuel (unaffordable electric cars, etc)

Destroying the Canadian Economy so people cannot afford to eat, provide a roof over their heads.

Cutting back on food supplies (cattle herds, fertilizer, etc)

Cutting back on Health Care for Canadians (ie people dying on life saving surgery waiting lists).

Loss of doctors and nurses due to Jab deaths (They were the first to be jabbed).

Censorship of the News so people cannot be informed of the truth and make informed decisions.

Terrorize doctors to follow the government medical malfeasance or else (Iatrogenic deaths in 2020).

Reallocate $ 1 billion from military preparedness to senior propaganda outlet CBC. (Our military

responds to natural disasters at home).

Encourage crime with minimal prison sentences and low/no bail. (Murders are up).

This is only a partial list of what I can think of in a few minutes.

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If Newsom gets in, I fear the same for the US.

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I’m so sad for Canada and Canadian family :-( If Newsom gets in, we will be seeing the same here. They are like two peas in a pod.

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While O'biden is most certainly not on the WEF's "young leaders" list This same set of issues could be equally applied to him, short of the MAID thing, which I'm sure isn't far off in the future for him/them.

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Mar 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow....some pretty heavy hitters in this bunch. A+

Gotta love the artistry of the simple cartoon, illustrating the goons.

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Mar 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Waterboy Mitch, Priceless

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great Fallout episode, Doc.

Definitely opens up what a can of worms MAID is turning into.

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About social media and community standards: If only we could cancel genocide for violating community standards.

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An uncomfortable fact of our human history is that our survival through prehistoric times was based on both both infanticide and senicide. The survival of these practices into modern times suggests that these are deeply burned into our genetic psyche. Much of our advancement out of that dark past has been to distance ourselves from these primal practices. Yet end of life question face us all. Clearly the terminally ill who are in excruciating pain, simply awaiting the collapse of organ systems should have the option to end their lives on their terms. The problem arises when pencil neck bureaucrats decide that they will be the arbiter of whose life is worth living.

Like you, I had to face this issue with my father. For years, we had the similar discussion of not allowing him to become a commodity, trapped in the healthcare system. He had explicitly instructed me to end him should he become “Gorked out”.

He had a five-year battle with prostate cancer, through which he lead an enjoyable productive life. However, bone metastasis, that accelerated after receiving the Covid jab rendered him in excruciating pain and mostly bedridden. Hospice provided benzodiazepines and morphine for pain control. As the disease progressed, the nurse and I had developed a tacit agreement that at a certain point we would arrange an overdose to take him out of his suffering, and we did. In reflecting back over these events I would not have allowed a dog to suffer to the degree that my father did. It’s easy to question the humanity of terminating a life too early, no one asks what are the costs terminating it too late? Mother nature had figured this out years ago when most infirm elderly passed away from pneumonia instead of the end effects of terminal disease. We have technologically altered the normal course of life, it is appropriate to consider that we may have gone too far provided that consideration is done within a family and not being enforced by some fool ensconced in a seat of political power.

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I also have a lot of your sentiment sssm59, having been trained and assisted in hospice. We never talked of assisted suicide, it was pain management. Sometimes the patient dying and the family would agree to be put into a coma to be able to release them from intractable pain. This is not what is being proposed in Canada and other states, way too vague and murky.

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Agreed! It should require more than a bad day to qualify for assisted suicide. Unless of course PM Trudeau wants to lead by example, then I am willing to consider an exception.

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Just watched your latest Fallout Dr Malone. Your comments on Big Pharma trying to regulate the supplement industry really hit home. Back in the 90s they began a big push on compounding pharmacies. Many folks need a supplement or “drug” that has to be tweaked for their own personal consumption. I use Bioidentical Hormones compounded in that way. Of course that means Big Pharma loses their cut of the money pie. The government has now placed so many regulations on these compounding pharmacies that many of them have stopped their compounding, leaving customers to move to pharmaceutical drugs or do without. And of course those pharmacies who do comply, by buying new equipment, hiring extra employees or any of a number of new government regulations, must charge more for their compounds. That hurts the patient. We are being regulated as a way to take control of our world. They will search for any way to CONTROL. The Assisted Suicide part of your video was an eye opener for me. Especially concerning Canada. MAID should have been stopped but is such a slippery slope now that how can it ever be stopped? Sigh. I love all I learn from following you, even though it hurts at times! My best to you and Jill for all you do.

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Yeah, big pharma in the vitamin/supplement biz... That's all we need!

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Mar 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love all of these (especially the Yellowstone reference!). I'm still catching up on the episodes of Fallout. Brilliantly done, and so informative as you lead the way to truth.

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As Soros has taken on the monumental task of destroying our Constitutional Republic, and in many pockets of the USA, been highly effective, I think the next VPOTUS, especially with a warrior POTUS, Donald Trump, in command, this VPOTUS must also take on significant responsibilities to fight back against the massive influences of Soros's billions and analytical war machine against the USA. It's a battle requiring ALL HANDS ON DECK.

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He has claimed a commitment to turn Texas blue. We know what that would mean for our Republic.

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The 3 True Republican candidates running for the Texas Supreme Court must be elected. Again, Soros backed candidates were elected to the current Texas Supreme Court, voting to deny the AG from investigating or prosecuting TEXAS VOTER FRAUD. So, this prevents the Texas Attorney General from investigating and prosecuting VOTER FRAUD in Texas.

When did the RINO run GOP stop caring about our Constitutional Liberties and Republic? To the point a former Nazi collaborator can effectively dismantle our system of governing We the People?

President Trump is absolutely correct in telling us his election to POTUS may be our last chance tobsave our Constitutional Liberties.

Just think when Soros starts using AI to obtain instantaneous methods to overthrow our Constitutional Republic? That is, if he's not already doing so!!

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In my mind it's pretty hard to understand how Soros is still walking around free in America.

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Or not kidnapped by several countries where he has outstanding warrents?

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I've been wondering how we could help them get that done.

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