We all have a father, and in that way we are all connected.
I went to the home of my old friend, the city inspector, that “helped me” get the building permit last week. I honestly had not seen or heard from him in years. He asked for help with some finish work at his home. He happens to have 5 brothers that grew up in the same town that I did. I went to his house and we began to talk. He told me growing up his father had a bad drinking problem and when he drank he became very harsh and abusive to him and his brothers. He said at one point his father told him he was no good, he was useless and that’s why he will never give him anything of value because he’d ruin it. This, went on through his childhood and pushed him into years of self loathing, drinking and abusing himself. It’s something how evil people try their best to push us to loath and dislike ourselves.
One day he said he met a friend that had gotten sober and he told his friend he had rage inside of him because of the way his father had treated him, he just couldn’t understand why he treated him and his brothers so badly. A year later he told me he ran into the same friend and again told him he was still dealing with this anger, and still drank to excess. His friend told him he needed to get help, he gave him information of an Al-Anon meeting. Slowly my friend began to get the help he needed, understand, and heal.
I was a very lucky kid, I had a caring earthly father. My father was no pushover and I definitely didn’t want to disappoint him but if us kids ever got in trouble, and we all did, my father would do whatever it took to help get us out of it. After I did my wrong, my father was mad for a while but eventually he had his way of getting things back to normal. This was a learning process that I couldn’t wait to get to the end stage of and it also allowed me to gain trust in him, my father was always on our side. My inspector friend told me he still goes to meetings and hasn’t had a drink in over 14 years.
We all have a father, a loving father that’s for us, someone that helps us overcome our mistakes, someone that cheers us on as we pursue our dreams, someone that believes the very best in us. When we know God is our Father we know He’s there as a constant source of strength and encouragement. He’s there to lift us when we fall, to encourage us when we’re down. It’s a comforting feeling to know, when things get bad our Heavenly Father will always welcome us home with open arms. My friend, I’m happy to tell you, finally found Him. Happy Sunday!! J.Goodrich
James, it seems most of the angry, bitter people have left their Heavenly Father wither - without exception, those complaining the most right now about the (key narrative words here) “chaos, no respect for the Constitution, and illegal actions” don’t seem to place
God or faith anywhere. It’s all His (or Trump’s) fault. God wishes only good for us. Trust and faith go together.
Hebrews 11:1. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Like the dark side of the moon we must believe it’s there even though we will never see it. Praise God for his Word; in order to see it, we just have to open the book and read it. You know that old saying, “seeing is believing.”
I know how to be a good father because of God the father. I know how to be a good husband because Christ is the Groom and the Church is His bride. What marvelous pictures of love God gives us about Himself. 🤗
Great story, there my long lost brother, James. I wish I could have known your dad, as he sounded like a really swell guy. I can only assume that, not knowing him, but knowing who you are, being a really swell guy, and a chip off the old block of the old man, you called dad.
I never knew my "father". Let's call him "Captain Sperm Donor" or CSD or short.
Back in a hot August of 1965, my next older brother Stevie, being about 7 years old at the time, was a precocious, and outgoing little fella, walked to the next door neighbor's house, and started a conversation with a roofing contractor up on the house next door, doing a full tear off, and replacement of the asphalt shingles on the house. Being a "sweating balls" day, he offered the fella on the roof a glass of water. That was the end of that, or should I say the beginning.
I guess looking a bit like Dennis the Menace, the roofing fella obliged, came down off the roof, and followed Stevie to our house. This was the beginning of the short period of time that CSD was involved in our lives, and I guess those on this board can give a big "thanks" to CSD, cause if it wasn't for him, you'd be reading another post right now.
So mom, who was home from one of her 3 employment jobs trying to make a household for 3 boys, alone, met CSD, and fell madly in love with this hunky, chain smoking, sun tanned Italian stud. Too bad for her, though, cause he turned out to be a real jerk. Haha, I guess I'm a chip off the old block, eh ?
So, mom and CSD developed a relationship. Mom, being a lonely lady, found solace in the arms of a womanizer, cheating fool, and spent the next two years dealing with the selfish prick, and his games of "love".
Shortly after Stevie brought the bastard over, mom got pregnant. Well, I guess it was the 1960's and sex was just becoming a thing to do, and CSD apparently was one of these super potent spewers of baby making brew, and mom being one of his conquests wasn't thinking quite clearly with her "Adonis" (mom's words, not mine), in her life.
Well CSD didn't stick around long, until he found out mom lost the baby due to a premature birth at about a month or so, being who he was. Magically, he showed up a few months later, and Mom still in love with her Adonis, decided to give the "grabbing the man" another try. Mom said, years later, that she wanted to get pregnant, because she felt that if she sired his kid, she would have a long, lovely relationship with this jackass. Ultimately, she was disappointed with her gameplan. Shortly, thereafter, I guess mom got pregnant again, and 9 months later, her bouncing baby " T." was born. Woo hoo ! and here I am today.
So per his usual routine, CSD decided to have nothing to do with mom, or her bastard little boy, telling her that he found someone else to poke, and that little rugrat better never come around looking for me, cause he aint my kid. Yeah, nice guy, after all, eh ?
So years go by, and I find out that CSD had a family the next town over. I had a half brother Tony, and two twin sisters. I guess at the age of 17, or so, I met up with Tony, and I got the "oh we gotta to get together, and hang, yada, yada yada" routine. I asked Tony to send me a photo of CSD, but that never materialized, nor was I ever permitted to see my half sisters, as CSD's ex wife (mother of Tony and sisters) stopped that in its tracks right then and there.
For years, I often thought of what it would have been like to meet up with CSD, and have a chat. Would I talk to him ? Would I cry to him, or would I just beat the living snot out of him for never having a single thing to do with me my entire life ?
My answer is none of the above. I look back now, and the best thing that NEVER happened was meeting that bastard, and seeing just what kind of butthole he was in real life. I had received word back in my 30's that he had created several more families, and moved out to Arizona with the last one he was hooked up with, apparently making more kids, more half siblings, and living the dream. My lack of interaction with him made me a much better person, more caring, and more empathetic to those around me, than if he had been able to influence me, my being, my behavior, or my life. He passed away back around 1990 in Arizona with his new family, from all the years of smoking 3 packs of Camels, and doing roofing jobs his whole life.
So, back to you, James. You're so lucky to have known your dad, regardless of how short that time was with him. he was obviously a good man, and you've followed his footsteps quite well. I guess our common Father (God), called your dad back, as his work here was done. You've done a great job carrying on for your dad, and I'm sure he's looking down, along side of OUR Father, seeing what a great man he was able to create.
Blessed brother. Love having you in my life, even if it's long distance.
I can only say how lucky your family, friends and certainly your dogs are including myself that the series of events you describe happened. I’m sure your mother, God rest her soul, was overjoyed to have a son that cared for her right through her life.i have a lot to be thankful for and knowing you as a friend is top of the list. You’re a great friend that I know cares for all of the people around you. I’m glad I’ve got to know you. You’ve taught me a lot!!! I’m thankful you had reached out to me back a ways. Who ever would have thought Drs.Malone could bring such caring people into my life. Thanks goes to both Robert and Jill Malone as well!
Funny you should say this, about bringing people together that wouldn't have been.
The covid planned-demic, IMHO, has brought together individuals, who otherwise, would might have never met. This crime against humanity, instead of dividing us, has allowed those of like mind to achieve what previously wasn't possible, which is the uniting (especially over great distances) of those against these forces, whos entire purpose is to be destroyed by.
During covid, some of the folks I thought were true patriots, turned out to be completely the opposite, cowards, unwilling to fight for their rights as humans, as citizens. I found myself alongside other patriots who were protesting the lockdowns, one of whom was a 72 year old woman, who had decided that her freedoms were more important to her, than the time and effort it took to be brought up to Trenton in my truck, to voice our displeasure of our Tyrant's reign. Meanwhile, younger fellas, even younger than I flat out refused to go with us to make our thoughts known at the state capitol. Those same folks continued to cower under the boot of the tyrant, and they've all been since, left in the dust of any contact with either myself, or my family.
Amazing how pain and strife can clarify one's mind, be it minor, or significant in nature.
Heartening experiences! I was interested during the confirmation hearings that Kennedy noted he attends some sort of -anon group regularly. Good parents or effective support groups with commitment are beneficial.
What a wonderful story James! You are so correct that we are all children of God and are connected. And as far as earthly fathers, I had the best! He was loving and encouraging and always there for us. So blessed and so grateful! 💟🛐✝️
We all need a support group that lifts us up and not down. We all need to find purpose in our lives to make this a better world. We are losing big time because of the negativity that we have experienced over the last 5 years. Sadly our religious community took a back seat during this time. I pray for a brighter future. I hope President Trump doesn't move too fast and disrupts the progress he envisions. He needs good honest counsel. That's All folks! Loved that cartoon!
Can commiserate with your friend: dad was a functioning alcoholic - not something he or mom would ever admit; and, it seemed, always angry underneath - at least around me. His dad was similar - tho I’m not sure about the drinking. Grandpa was a Marxist from Eastern Europe (IWW, what would be called an activist these days) and dad, 🤷♀️ socialist democrat, hard on socialist. Tried to have a conversation with dad over the phone, you know, MAN2MAN, about the senator from Chicago running for POTUS in ‘08. Don’t recall how it started, I probably brought up the negatives in 44’s life, dad erupted in a screaming tirade aimed at me and those like me that I swear was audible to my neighbor at the time - a couple fields away. Anyway, no contact for a couple years; and yes, I was there when he died 7 years later.
The funny thing is that dad and I are/were nearly twins, tho I’m shorter: our mannerisms are similar, our childhood photos could have been interchanged, our recorded voices…; we even got grey in the same way, same places. Most of the years after leaving The Corps I had a well kept grove of facial hair, barely thick enough to call a beard — one day looking in the mirror I saw my dad’s face and it was unsettling. I had raised my son with the knowledge of my interactions with his grandpa and most usually went in a different direction, if not a full 180. Anyway, the "beard" came off right then and it remained in exile until almost 5 years ago when my son married - tho son and his bride are having troubles (bringing a child into this troubled world), I’m hopeful that someday there’ll be a little one around wanting to give the old man’s scruff a tug.
We all have ways of dealing with the imperfections in our earthy parents - some better than others.
SR Miller, I have someone very close to me that has a drinking problem, and I honestly never had that growing up. For years I have struggled not lnowing the best way to handle it. I was interested in going to Al-Amon to learn how to handle it. With the wrong person it can be extremely abusive.
Wish I could offer advise - but substance abuse is something out of my purview. Over the years I’ve felt the effects of alcohol - not a feeling I relish, and got DRUNK drunk 3x: first with my mate Tom at the time when we extolled beyond our knowledge the merits of Virginia Gentleman vs Kentucky Gentleman - first time I’d ever seen double rofl, a 2nd time over seriously cheap beer. Then a little too much with my barracks mates at a bar in Quantico before hiking back to the barracks. It wasn’t until years later that came to the realization dad needed his liquor more than I thought wise - as a kid I was amazed at the variety and assortment of bottles and their shapes.
At the moment, broadly speaking, I’m watching my son: he seems to enjoy alcohol more than I - don’t think it’s an issue but I’m watching as best as I. An. The husband of a colleague of his wife is in the ICU now after a drunk plowed into him on Friday: brain bleed and his body is busted up; in image of the vehicle is recognizable only by a passenger tire that’s visible. Hopefully my son, who was raised with wisdom takes notice and internalizes this. Frankly, I wish weed had never been legalized - the health implications should have been enough, and I would lose sleep if prohibition had never been repealed - outside of the issues it caused socially.
I do hope you find a away to get thru to your friend
Find one to go to James. I go to them when I visit my childhood friend in the San Juan Islands, WA once a year. She had an alcoholic husband for almost 40 years before he quit, she went to meetings all that time to learn how to live with, react and love an alcoholic.
Just yesterday, she invited me to log online to attend her Tuesday meetings. She told me the new term they are using is, "stay on your own ladder." When you lean over to try to help your spouse, your adult children, your friend, you tip over and hurt yourself and them.
You brought tears to my eyes, James. It sounds like we had very similar fathers. Disappointing him was the worst punishment I ever had. Thank you for sharing this story. 🙏
Thank You Deanna. There was one really stupid thing I did in my youth that I know disappointed my father. As you said disappointing him was worse than the actual punishment. I miss him!!
I feel the same way, James. I just call the source of my strength and safety "The Divine Source and Force". It's where I go for guidance and if I can listen with a clarity not muddied by my mind, the direction is always for my highest good.
I’m not likely to ever become Catholic but without a doubt “Bible in a Year” with Father Schmitz has been the biggest transformation in my faith ever and I’m 76!!
I just chuckled about the amount of clothing the deluxe treadmill can hold. Dear Husband was so motivated to get moving and we couldn’t walk outdoors due to the icy conditions he ordered a treadmill. It sat in the box for 2 weeks. I asked if he intended to use it. He said eventually. 😂
We have an exercise room with weights, treadmill, elliptical, etc. Some friends dropped by one day and asked for a tour of our house. When Janelle walked in the room she screamed. Oh my God, where are all of the clothes! Her husband said, funny!
Tell him if installed and used daily and vigorously , you can sell the current that's generated thru the motor back to the power company. Shhhh,......quiet.....
Thanks for the terrific memes, Drs Malone. I always look forward to them. The video about children’s shows was right on. I would add that the adult shows are just as bad. It seems that nearly every sitcom, movie or even rehab on houses has a social justice or climate change message. I’m sick of it!
"Haakon Jarl" was not a fair meme while I was drinking coffee; lap, keyboard, desk, floor.
Howsomever over a decade ago I proposed an impeccably politically correct remake of "Heidi", to feature Beyonce playing the precious Swiss orphan. .<RIMSHOT> Okay, okay, I was kidding, it was Snoop Dogg. Como sea.
Off topic: Concerning the new DNC Chair—posted this on Epoch Times.
NOTE: The Democratic Party’s ideology is steeped in Marxism, which divides and destroys any nation, but in particular, the United States. Their focus is the KILLING of our unborn babies and the promotion and celebration of
sexual perversion, not only in America but globally.
Their strategy is always how to win an election for the sake of power, not how to promote Liberty and Americanism. Their ideology is antithetical to the Constitution and the principles of our founding fathers. It’s an ideology spawned in the pits of hell, and its goal is to control the populace with policies that chain them to the government and ultimately aimed to destroy our Republic—this is not hyperbole but truth—may God have mercy on us and keep them from power and influence over our people. How?
The youtuber We've Got Receipts posted a synopsis of the DNC meeting that took place recently. No surprise, it was a hog waller of people screaming at the hosts, people being dragged out by security, and NO order! So thankful for what we see when our President speaks...
Trump has matured since 2016. He seems to be calmer and things are definitely orderly.
Adversity builds character, and Trump has had a lot of adversity in the last four years (8); therefore, my comment about his character—he’s confident and unmovable because he has a mandate, not only from “We the People” but because he TRULY believes God saved his life for a reason.
Found the YouTube video for the DNC live debate. The chaos and disorderly conduct is what the Democratic Party wants for all of America—this video echos their ideology and heart, and they lied and lied and lied.
Before I had to give up driving because of glaucoma I had an ongoing battle with my GPS Karen. When she gave me directions I usually took a short cut. Then she would direct me to take the next U-turn so I could get back on track. Finally she would give up and reroute me. But, to get even, she would get me to my destination which often was a dead end or nowhere near where I wanted to go. I could hear her holding back her snickering.
I went to a meet in DC. Needed to get home to MD. Some dear college boys set my cell phone to give me directions. Hot day with car windows open. Had a hard time hearing it. I lost more time trying to decided what it said. By that point we were past where I needed to turn and it was trying to figure out what to do. Bottom line it was zero help. I did finally get home and we were both relieved. It pretended it had prevailed and fulfilled its mission.
I've not tried that strategy again.
The eyesight traps are scaring me terribly. Wet macular degeneration. Glad you have someone to help.
I bet you recall the days of MAPS. Remember you just looked at the map and noted your turns? Ah the good old days. I swear when my GPS tells me ever so smug that I have arrived at my destination, even as I know I haven't I just want a map.A MAP!!!!
The eye thing is a thing. I have about 75% in my left eye because I had the surgery. The upside is that I can expand the type on my computer and i can do audio books. We soldier on!
Tomorrow or Tues need to drive a ways to get my cell phone repaired. I'm planning to try the 'Driving Diections' app to help. Will transfer what it advises to big black letter hand printed directions. It also gives me a picture of the route. A MAP, one step up. 😊
I just had a visual about looking at Bernie, for instance, and what is the truth is to turn his face inside out for the real face. Would anyone in love with deceit, glory and money want their faces turned inside out for the truth? Would they be recognizable? ( no wonder I had a hard time describing being two-faced)
My daughter told me about all the facial masks that people can put on and assume another person's identity. She said that they could fool anyone. When I saw this Bernie Meme, I thought of it. it's really unbelievable how many in government have been bought by Big Pharma ...its beyond the time that the lobbyists are banned; and Big Pharma is prosecuted and put out of business for selling poisonous drugs and vaccines, which are injuring and killing people. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. must be rescinded. ....
Probably Reagan's worst mistake, which was ostensibly to address potential loss of vaccines because the liability risks were too much and the profit margins were too low.
The worst thing is seeing the vaccines which are being designed well in advance of the corresponding disease outbreaks, and being told that more outbreaks are coming.
Nobody questioned the matter in these injections from the start...poisonous elements that destroy the Immune System...The lies of the vaccine manufacturers were accepted... that they enhanced the immune system. Mercury is hazardous waste, aluminum creates brain damage, formaldehyde is embalming fluid...these are just three of many others that should never be in the bloodstream. What is wrong with a government that wold permit these so called vaccines to be marketed. They have lowered the physical and mental health of every recipient.
Personally, I'd take the traditional toxins over what's in the mRNA, self replicating RNA, and DNA jabs.
There were people questioning any and all of the jabs from day 1.
Of the traditional jabs, problems would be vastly reduced by selecting only the most relevant ones, never injecting 6 to 18 of them in the same day, and never forcing them on people.
Oh, and last but not least, (from the Dept. of Sowing, Reaping and Karma) stop using cell lines from killed humans for the R & D & production.
You and I are on the same page. Corporations must be banned from making contributions (bribing) Congress. There’s no way the ordinary individual can compete with the dollars spent by these large corporations who pay the lobbyists to bribe Congress. Additionally, the Children’s Vaccine Liability Act of 1986 must be rescinded. We need Bobby in there to help bring this about!
Yes, it’s incomprehensible to me that the anti RFK Jr. folks can’t get that he is not an anti-vaxxer but a SAFE vaxxer. Yes, holding big pharma responsible is so necessary but it’s gonna be a heavy lift unfortunately. I hope I’m wrong.
One of the truly obnoxious things about "Bernie" is that (like Joe Biden) Sanders has NEVER held a real - private sector - job in his entire adult life. From Mayor of Burlington, Vermont
from 1981 to 1989 - listed as a "Socialist Administration" - thence straight to a backbencher in Congress who claimed to be an "Independent" - but voted 100% with the House DemoCommies; and (still claiming to be "independent") as Senator still votes 100% of the tie with the Senate DemoCommies.
Bernie hasn't the guts to be HONEST about his political stance.
Trump's Whitehouse is inviting "influencers" into press meetings? I love they say it like Biden wasn't using actual celebrity influencers regularly to spread their propaganda.. Dylan Mulvaney, anyone?
Wasn’t that awful when Biden wouldn’t grant an actual media interview (even fawning friendly ones), yet he invited that abomination into the White House to interview him?
My Sunday feel good rant.
We all have a father, and in that way we are all connected.
I went to the home of my old friend, the city inspector, that “helped me” get the building permit last week. I honestly had not seen or heard from him in years. He asked for help with some finish work at his home. He happens to have 5 brothers that grew up in the same town that I did. I went to his house and we began to talk. He told me growing up his father had a bad drinking problem and when he drank he became very harsh and abusive to him and his brothers. He said at one point his father told him he was no good, he was useless and that’s why he will never give him anything of value because he’d ruin it. This, went on through his childhood and pushed him into years of self loathing, drinking and abusing himself. It’s something how evil people try their best to push us to loath and dislike ourselves.
One day he said he met a friend that had gotten sober and he told his friend he had rage inside of him because of the way his father had treated him, he just couldn’t understand why he treated him and his brothers so badly. A year later he told me he ran into the same friend and again told him he was still dealing with this anger, and still drank to excess. His friend told him he needed to get help, he gave him information of an Al-Anon meeting. Slowly my friend began to get the help he needed, understand, and heal.
I was a very lucky kid, I had a caring earthly father. My father was no pushover and I definitely didn’t want to disappoint him but if us kids ever got in trouble, and we all did, my father would do whatever it took to help get us out of it. After I did my wrong, my father was mad for a while but eventually he had his way of getting things back to normal. This was a learning process that I couldn’t wait to get to the end stage of and it also allowed me to gain trust in him, my father was always on our side. My inspector friend told me he still goes to meetings and hasn’t had a drink in over 14 years.
We all have a father, a loving father that’s for us, someone that helps us overcome our mistakes, someone that cheers us on as we pursue our dreams, someone that believes the very best in us. When we know God is our Father we know He’s there as a constant source of strength and encouragement. He’s there to lift us when we fall, to encourage us when we’re down. It’s a comforting feeling to know, when things get bad our Heavenly Father will always welcome us home with open arms. My friend, I’m happy to tell you, finally found Him. Happy Sunday!! J.Goodrich
James, it seems most of the angry, bitter people have left their Heavenly Father wither - without exception, those complaining the most right now about the (key narrative words here) “chaos, no respect for the Constitution, and illegal actions” don’t seem to place
God or faith anywhere. It’s all His (or Trump’s) fault. God wishes only good for us. Trust and faith go together.
Hebrews 11:1. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Like the dark side of the moon we must believe it’s there even though we will never see it. Praise God for his Word; in order to see it, we just have to open the book and read it. You know that old saying, “seeing is believing.”
Well Happy Sunday to you James!
I know how to be a good father because of God the father. I know how to be a good husband because Christ is the Groom and the Church is His bride. What marvelous pictures of love God gives us about Himself. 🤗
Hope you had a nice Sunday CQL!!
I did, and thanks! 🤗
Dear One! Mahalo! All I can add is AMEN! You're a Blessing
Thank you Kat!!
Great story, there my long lost brother, James. I wish I could have known your dad, as he sounded like a really swell guy. I can only assume that, not knowing him, but knowing who you are, being a really swell guy, and a chip off the old block of the old man, you called dad.
I never knew my "father". Let's call him "Captain Sperm Donor" or CSD or short.
Back in a hot August of 1965, my next older brother Stevie, being about 7 years old at the time, was a precocious, and outgoing little fella, walked to the next door neighbor's house, and started a conversation with a roofing contractor up on the house next door, doing a full tear off, and replacement of the asphalt shingles on the house. Being a "sweating balls" day, he offered the fella on the roof a glass of water. That was the end of that, or should I say the beginning.
I guess looking a bit like Dennis the Menace, the roofing fella obliged, came down off the roof, and followed Stevie to our house. This was the beginning of the short period of time that CSD was involved in our lives, and I guess those on this board can give a big "thanks" to CSD, cause if it wasn't for him, you'd be reading another post right now.
So mom, who was home from one of her 3 employment jobs trying to make a household for 3 boys, alone, met CSD, and fell madly in love with this hunky, chain smoking, sun tanned Italian stud. Too bad for her, though, cause he turned out to be a real jerk. Haha, I guess I'm a chip off the old block, eh ?
So, mom and CSD developed a relationship. Mom, being a lonely lady, found solace in the arms of a womanizer, cheating fool, and spent the next two years dealing with the selfish prick, and his games of "love".
Shortly after Stevie brought the bastard over, mom got pregnant. Well, I guess it was the 1960's and sex was just becoming a thing to do, and CSD apparently was one of these super potent spewers of baby making brew, and mom being one of his conquests wasn't thinking quite clearly with her "Adonis" (mom's words, not mine), in her life.
Well CSD didn't stick around long, until he found out mom lost the baby due to a premature birth at about a month or so, being who he was. Magically, he showed up a few months later, and Mom still in love with her Adonis, decided to give the "grabbing the man" another try. Mom said, years later, that she wanted to get pregnant, because she felt that if she sired his kid, she would have a long, lovely relationship with this jackass. Ultimately, she was disappointed with her gameplan. Shortly, thereafter, I guess mom got pregnant again, and 9 months later, her bouncing baby " T." was born. Woo hoo ! and here I am today.
So per his usual routine, CSD decided to have nothing to do with mom, or her bastard little boy, telling her that he found someone else to poke, and that little rugrat better never come around looking for me, cause he aint my kid. Yeah, nice guy, after all, eh ?
So years go by, and I find out that CSD had a family the next town over. I had a half brother Tony, and two twin sisters. I guess at the age of 17, or so, I met up with Tony, and I got the "oh we gotta to get together, and hang, yada, yada yada" routine. I asked Tony to send me a photo of CSD, but that never materialized, nor was I ever permitted to see my half sisters, as CSD's ex wife (mother of Tony and sisters) stopped that in its tracks right then and there.
For years, I often thought of what it would have been like to meet up with CSD, and have a chat. Would I talk to him ? Would I cry to him, or would I just beat the living snot out of him for never having a single thing to do with me my entire life ?
My answer is none of the above. I look back now, and the best thing that NEVER happened was meeting that bastard, and seeing just what kind of butthole he was in real life. I had received word back in my 30's that he had created several more families, and moved out to Arizona with the last one he was hooked up with, apparently making more kids, more half siblings, and living the dream. My lack of interaction with him made me a much better person, more caring, and more empathetic to those around me, than if he had been able to influence me, my being, my behavior, or my life. He passed away back around 1990 in Arizona with his new family, from all the years of smoking 3 packs of Camels, and doing roofing jobs his whole life.
So, back to you, James. You're so lucky to have known your dad, regardless of how short that time was with him. he was obviously a good man, and you've followed his footsteps quite well. I guess our common Father (God), called your dad back, as his work here was done. You've done a great job carrying on for your dad, and I'm sure he's looking down, along side of OUR Father, seeing what a great man he was able to create.
Blessed brother. Love having you in my life, even if it's long distance.
I can only say how lucky your family, friends and certainly your dogs are including myself that the series of events you describe happened. I’m sure your mother, God rest her soul, was overjoyed to have a son that cared for her right through her life.i have a lot to be thankful for and knowing you as a friend is top of the list. You’re a great friend that I know cares for all of the people around you. I’m glad I’ve got to know you. You’ve taught me a lot!!! I’m thankful you had reached out to me back a ways. Who ever would have thought Drs.Malone could bring such caring people into my life. Thanks goes to both Robert and Jill Malone as well!
Funny you should say this, about bringing people together that wouldn't have been.
The covid planned-demic, IMHO, has brought together individuals, who otherwise, would might have never met. This crime against humanity, instead of dividing us, has allowed those of like mind to achieve what previously wasn't possible, which is the uniting (especially over great distances) of those against these forces, whos entire purpose is to be destroyed by.
During covid, some of the folks I thought were true patriots, turned out to be completely the opposite, cowards, unwilling to fight for their rights as humans, as citizens. I found myself alongside other patriots who were protesting the lockdowns, one of whom was a 72 year old woman, who had decided that her freedoms were more important to her, than the time and effort it took to be brought up to Trenton in my truck, to voice our displeasure of our Tyrant's reign. Meanwhile, younger fellas, even younger than I flat out refused to go with us to make our thoughts known at the state capitol. Those same folks continued to cower under the boot of the tyrant, and they've all been since, left in the dust of any contact with either myself, or my family.
Amazing how pain and strife can clarify one's mind, be it minor, or significant in nature.
Heartening experiences! I was interested during the confirmation hearings that Kennedy noted he attends some sort of -anon group regularly. Good parents or effective support groups with commitment are beneficial.
What a wonderful story James! You are so correct that we are all children of God and are connected. And as far as earthly fathers, I had the best! He was loving and encouraging and always there for us. So blessed and so grateful! 💟🛐✝️
Tanks Jennifer I’m sure your father was a wonderful man!!
We all need a support group that lifts us up and not down. We all need to find purpose in our lives to make this a better world. We are losing big time because of the negativity that we have experienced over the last 5 years. Sadly our religious community took a back seat during this time. I pray for a brighter future. I hope President Trump doesn't move too fast and disrupts the progress he envisions. He needs good honest counsel. That's All folks! Loved that cartoon!
Can commiserate with your friend: dad was a functioning alcoholic - not something he or mom would ever admit; and, it seemed, always angry underneath - at least around me. His dad was similar - tho I’m not sure about the drinking. Grandpa was a Marxist from Eastern Europe (IWW, what would be called an activist these days) and dad, 🤷♀️ socialist democrat, hard on socialist. Tried to have a conversation with dad over the phone, you know, MAN2MAN, about the senator from Chicago running for POTUS in ‘08. Don’t recall how it started, I probably brought up the negatives in 44’s life, dad erupted in a screaming tirade aimed at me and those like me that I swear was audible to my neighbor at the time - a couple fields away. Anyway, no contact for a couple years; and yes, I was there when he died 7 years later.
The funny thing is that dad and I are/were nearly twins, tho I’m shorter: our mannerisms are similar, our childhood photos could have been interchanged, our recorded voices…; we even got grey in the same way, same places. Most of the years after leaving The Corps I had a well kept grove of facial hair, barely thick enough to call a beard — one day looking in the mirror I saw my dad’s face and it was unsettling. I had raised my son with the knowledge of my interactions with his grandpa and most usually went in a different direction, if not a full 180. Anyway, the "beard" came off right then and it remained in exile until almost 5 years ago when my son married - tho son and his bride are having troubles (bringing a child into this troubled world), I’m hopeful that someday there’ll be a little one around wanting to give the old man’s scruff a tug.
We all have ways of dealing with the imperfections in our earthy parents - some better than others.
SR Miller, I have someone very close to me that has a drinking problem, and I honestly never had that growing up. For years I have struggled not lnowing the best way to handle it. I was interested in going to Al-Amon to learn how to handle it. With the wrong person it can be extremely abusive.
Wish I could offer advise - but substance abuse is something out of my purview. Over the years I’ve felt the effects of alcohol - not a feeling I relish, and got DRUNK drunk 3x: first with my mate Tom at the time when we extolled beyond our knowledge the merits of Virginia Gentleman vs Kentucky Gentleman - first time I’d ever seen double rofl, a 2nd time over seriously cheap beer. Then a little too much with my barracks mates at a bar in Quantico before hiking back to the barracks. It wasn’t until years later that came to the realization dad needed his liquor more than I thought wise - as a kid I was amazed at the variety and assortment of bottles and their shapes.
At the moment, broadly speaking, I’m watching my son: he seems to enjoy alcohol more than I - don’t think it’s an issue but I’m watching as best as I. An. The husband of a colleague of his wife is in the ICU now after a drunk plowed into him on Friday: brain bleed and his body is busted up; in image of the vehicle is recognizable only by a passenger tire that’s visible. Hopefully my son, who was raised with wisdom takes notice and internalizes this. Frankly, I wish weed had never been legalized - the health implications should have been enough, and I would lose sleep if prohibition had never been repealed - outside of the issues it caused socially.
I do hope you find a away to get thru to your friend
Thank You SR Miller!!
Find one to go to James. I go to them when I visit my childhood friend in the San Juan Islands, WA once a year. She had an alcoholic husband for almost 40 years before he quit, she went to meetings all that time to learn how to live with, react and love an alcoholic.
Just yesterday, she invited me to log online to attend her Tuesday meetings. She told me the new term they are using is, "stay on your own ladder." When you lean over to try to help your spouse, your adult children, your friend, you tip over and hurt yourself and them.
You brought tears to my eyes, James. It sounds like we had very similar fathers. Disappointing him was the worst punishment I ever had. Thank you for sharing this story. 🙏
Thank You Deanna. There was one really stupid thing I did in my youth that I know disappointed my father. As you said disappointing him was worse than the actual punishment. I miss him!!
Thank you James for this uplifting story and spiritual message!
Parents screaming upsettingly at young folks that they are bad dumb and worthless......
What an ersatz pursuit for all involved in a home setting,
only to create decades long memories of the unloved "lousy lived" life.
Yet many of us did overcome it. With a little help and clarity and maybe even luck!
Highly effective families manage to steer clear of it. Compassion finds it's own way home.
I feel the same way, James. I just call the source of my strength and safety "The Divine Source and Force". It's where I go for guidance and if I can listen with a clarity not muddied by my mind, the direction is always for my highest good.
I’m not likely to ever become Catholic but without a doubt “Bible in a Year” with Father Schmitz has been the biggest transformation in my faith ever and I’m 76!!
Excellent wasn't it? We learned a great deal from Father Schmitz .
Many thanks for putting yet another quote in from Thomas Sowell!
Perhaps his quotes deserve to get a permanent slot here?
I ❤️ Thomas Sowell!
He is, without a doubt, the smartest man in the world.
I just chuckled about the amount of clothing the deluxe treadmill can hold. Dear Husband was so motivated to get moving and we couldn’t walk outdoors due to the icy conditions he ordered a treadmill. It sat in the box for 2 weeks. I asked if he intended to use it. He said eventually. 😂
We have an exercise room with weights, treadmill, elliptical, etc. Some friends dropped by one day and asked for a tour of our house. When Janelle walked in the room she screamed. Oh my God, where are all of the clothes! Her husband said, funny!
Ours is in the basement and is called the Excuse Room. We excuse ourselves almost every day!!
Dear Husband is well intentioned.
Salesman: Would you like a side of treadmill with that Ozempic?
Anti-MAHA Buyer: Nah. Just give me the Ozempic 🛑 💉
Tell him if installed and used daily and vigorously , you can sell the current that's generated thru the motor back to the power company. Shhhh,......quiet.....
Winners: 3) FBI painting over core values, 2) blaming Trump for the egg prices, and 1) if DEI is good, what's wrong with calling someone a DEI hire?
I am with Jill on beating the GPS time. I consider it a loss if I arrive exactly on time!
Thanks for the terrific memes, Drs Malone. I always look forward to them. The video about children’s shows was right on. I would add that the adult shows are just as bad. It seems that nearly every sitcom, movie or even rehab on houses has a social justice or climate change message. I’m sick of it!
"Haakon Jarl" was not a fair meme while I was drinking coffee; lap, keyboard, desk, floor.
Howsomever over a decade ago I proposed an impeccably politically correct remake of "Heidi", to feature Beyonce playing the precious Swiss orphan. .<RIMSHOT> Okay, okay, I was kidding, it was Snoop Dogg. Como sea.
The Meme Farmer was busy today!
Off topic: Concerning the new DNC Chair—posted this on Epoch Times.
NOTE: The Democratic Party’s ideology is steeped in Marxism, which divides and destroys any nation, but in particular, the United States. Their focus is the KILLING of our unborn babies and the promotion and celebration of
sexual perversion, not only in America but globally.
Their strategy is always how to win an election for the sake of power, not how to promote Liberty and Americanism. Their ideology is antithetical to the Constitution and the principles of our founding fathers. It’s an ideology spawned in the pits of hell, and its goal is to control the populace with policies that chain them to the government and ultimately aimed to destroy our Republic—this is not hyperbole but truth—may God have mercy on us and keep them from power and influence over our people. How?
The youtuber We've Got Receipts posted a synopsis of the DNC meeting that took place recently. No surprise, it was a hog waller of people screaming at the hosts, people being dragged out by security, and NO order! So thankful for what we see when our President speaks...
Trump has matured since 2016. He seems to be calmer and things are definitely orderly.
Adversity builds character, and Trump has had a lot of adversity in the last four years (8); therefore, my comment about his character—he’s confident and unmovable because he has a mandate, not only from “We the People” but because he TRULY believes God saved his life for a reason.
Absolutely true!
Found the YouTube video for the DNC live debate. The chaos and disorderly conduct is what the Democratic Party wants for all of America—this video echos their ideology and heart, and they lied and lied and lied.
Loved the picture of the man painting the wall,
GPS travel time should be age and sex rated. Like if you're a man over 55 it should add 15 minutes for every rest area along the way.
Before I had to give up driving because of glaucoma I had an ongoing battle with my GPS Karen. When she gave me directions I usually took a short cut. Then she would direct me to take the next U-turn so I could get back on track. Finally she would give up and reroute me. But, to get even, she would get me to my destination which often was a dead end or nowhere near where I wanted to go. I could hear her holding back her snickering.
I went to a meet in DC. Needed to get home to MD. Some dear college boys set my cell phone to give me directions. Hot day with car windows open. Had a hard time hearing it. I lost more time trying to decided what it said. By that point we were past where I needed to turn and it was trying to figure out what to do. Bottom line it was zero help. I did finally get home and we were both relieved. It pretended it had prevailed and fulfilled its mission.
I've not tried that strategy again.
The eyesight traps are scaring me terribly. Wet macular degeneration. Glad you have someone to help.
I bet you recall the days of MAPS. Remember you just looked at the map and noted your turns? Ah the good old days. I swear when my GPS tells me ever so smug that I have arrived at my destination, even as I know I haven't I just want a map.A MAP!!!!
The eye thing is a thing. I have about 75% in my left eye because I had the surgery. The upside is that I can expand the type on my computer and i can do audio books. We soldier on!
You may have a smile -
Tomorrow or Tues need to drive a ways to get my cell phone repaired. I'm planning to try the 'Driving Diections' app to help. Will transfer what it advises to big black letter hand printed directions. It also gives me a picture of the route. A MAP, one step up. 😊
I just had a visual about looking at Bernie, for instance, and what is the truth is to turn his face inside out for the real face. Would anyone in love with deceit, glory and money want their faces turned inside out for the truth? Would they be recognizable? ( no wonder I had a hard time describing being two-faced)
My daughter told me about all the facial masks that people can put on and assume another person's identity. She said that they could fool anyone. When I saw this Bernie Meme, I thought of it. it's really unbelievable how many in government have been bought by Big Pharma ...its beyond the time that the lobbyists are banned; and Big Pharma is prosecuted and put out of business for selling poisonous drugs and vaccines, which are injuring and killing people. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. must be rescinded. ....
Probably Reagan's worst mistake, which was ostensibly to address potential loss of vaccines because the liability risks were too much and the profit margins were too low.
The worst thing is seeing the vaccines which are being designed well in advance of the corresponding disease outbreaks, and being told that more outbreaks are coming.
Nobody questioned the matter in these injections from the start...poisonous elements that destroy the Immune System...The lies of the vaccine manufacturers were accepted... that they enhanced the immune system. Mercury is hazardous waste, aluminum creates brain damage, formaldehyde is embalming fluid...these are just three of many others that should never be in the bloodstream. What is wrong with a government that wold permit these so called vaccines to be marketed. They have lowered the physical and mental health of every recipient.
The really HUGE problem,
is that this monster of a Vaccine iron clad umbrella turns 40 in 2026!!
The shelf life on 1986 has expired. As has many Americans from such abuse.
Personally, I'd take the traditional toxins over what's in the mRNA, self replicating RNA, and DNA jabs.
There were people questioning any and all of the jabs from day 1.
Of the traditional jabs, problems would be vastly reduced by selecting only the most relevant ones, never injecting 6 to 18 of them in the same day, and never forcing them on people.
Oh, and last but not least, (from the Dept. of Sowing, Reaping and Karma) stop using cell lines from killed humans for the R & D & production.
You and I are on the same page. Corporations must be banned from making contributions (bribing) Congress. There’s no way the ordinary individual can compete with the dollars spent by these large corporations who pay the lobbyists to bribe Congress. Additionally, the Children’s Vaccine Liability Act of 1986 must be rescinded. We need Bobby in there to help bring this about!
Yes, it’s incomprehensible to me that the anti RFK Jr. folks can’t get that he is not an anti-vaxxer but a SAFE vaxxer. Yes, holding big pharma responsible is so necessary but it’s gonna be a heavy lift unfortunately. I hope I’m wrong.
One of the truly obnoxious things about "Bernie" is that (like Joe Biden) Sanders has NEVER held a real - private sector - job in his entire adult life. From Mayor of Burlington, Vermont
from 1981 to 1989 - listed as a "Socialist Administration" - thence straight to a backbencher in Congress who claimed to be an "Independent" - but voted 100% with the House DemoCommies; and (still claiming to be "independent") as Senator still votes 100% of the tie with the Senate DemoCommies.
Bernie hasn't the guts to be HONEST about his political stance.
Bernie also honeymooned in Moscow. Sez it all.
Make that TIME. Not "tie".....Chees!
Couple, three things: "Senator" Elizabeth Warren personifies a sanctimonious, supercilious DermoCommie harridan.
...Katie Couric just happens to be a LONG TIME member of (you guessed it) the COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS. The BIG question is WHY?
...And Thomas Sowell is one astute dude!
The DNC is doubling down on crazy… everything they stand for is *against* what the Founders put together.
Trump's Whitehouse is inviting "influencers" into press meetings? I love they say it like Biden wasn't using actual celebrity influencers regularly to spread their propaganda.. Dylan Mulvaney, anyone?
Wasn’t that awful when Biden wouldn’t grant an actual media interview (even fawning friendly ones), yet he invited that abomination into the White House to interview him?
I look forward to your Sunday Strip every week.