Dec 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I co-teach a tenth grade girls' class at my church. A few weeks ago, one of the girls said there are boys walking around her school with tails. I already knew about furries, so I knew what she was referring to, but what I don't understand is, why do schools allow such nonsense?????? It makes me sad that such things, which are so abnormal to those of us who are older, are often accepted without question by the young. That's why I'm teaching this class; I'm burdened about what they face and want to help, if I can. I think parents seriously need to consider removing their children from public schools. I know that would be difficult for many, but our children need to be protected from predators.

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I first learned about the furries in an episode of CSI! I had no idea that it was as wide-spread as it apparently is. I have yet to see one with my own eyes. Hopefully it will stay that way.

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I've not seen one either, but I did see an obviously male transgender in Home Depot, dressed in a tank top, short skirt, leggings, and with makeup and long hair. He had his three children with him. It was very sad to me.

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Excellent, and a good trip to boot. Now. Order "Cause Unknown, The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022," by Edward Dowd and his associates. You will see the accumulated/analyzed and conclusive evidence that you've already seen piecemeal, about the genocide perpetuated by Pfizer and their government lapdogs. I'm on page 81, and am looking forward to "Appendices Five, The Malone Doctrine."

(Buy it new: The book's technicals: type size, paper quality, ink density and editing --- are perfect, a rating I can justify giving out very, very seldomly.)

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I got my Cause Unknown a couple days ago. Haven't read it yet, but 100% agree with your last statement! If the subject matter wasn't so awful, it would make a great "coffee table book," if anyone remembers those!

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I well remember the "coffee table" books, which back then were despised by the publishing know-it-alls despite the fact that the c.f. books kept their businesses alive. I ordered another copy. It goes to my one neighbor who doesn't have his head in the sand.

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Safe travels! Another medical freedom conference under your belt, and another battle fought in keeping with the mission!

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Ghost of Hunter's Past" was right on the money (so to speak)

PS - my cultural education progressed from Mother Goose through Dr. Seuss to Lenny Bruce.

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Thank you for the free version of your book, including a big thank you to your publisher.

Merry Christmas to you and Jill.

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Thank you for reminding me to get the free download!

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Dec 18, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"If you too, don’t have a clue - a little internet search will have you also wondering what the heck is going on in the world?"

It's my belief that the goings on in the world have become more techno oriented, but there have always been billions of wack jobs everywhere, we just weren't so forcefully aware of them. I blame the internet. It's all DARPA's fault. Oh, and Al Gore.

I hope you're able to rest in between all the heavy schedule. Merry Christmas! & Happy New Year! (it's gonna be better, right? YES! :)

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Thinking you are the opposite sex, that there is no sex, that you are a baby, that you are a dolphin, that you are a wolf... Obviously something happened to you that rendered you unable to cope with life. Fair enough. Life is really ugly sometimes. But the minute you try to cancel me for not going along with the charade I should be able to toss you back into the ocean in the middle of a school of sharks. If you win, I believe you. You are a dolphin. Until then you get a pat on the head.

Flying among children not mine... if the parents are making a sincere effort, I will put up with every little thing and have enormous sympathy. The parents that pretend it isn't happening or allow their child to run amok and think it is adorable... I wish I could bend the adult over my knee. I flew across the ocean with a family of 8 or so next to me. They entertained themselves and the older kids were terrific with the youngs. Massive respect for all of them.

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Once on a flight leg from san diego to houston with a kid kicking the back of my seat nearly the whole time. Did not have nice thoughts

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My husband would say to the parent: "How about you and I switch seats and you buy me a cocktail." If they get mad and say no, then the only response is to order a cocktail for the child... er mother. She probably needs it.

or "Hey son, do you remember what happened to Hansel and Gretel? No? Those were two children who got boiled in a giant boiling caldron by an angry witch" "So you know why she was mad?" and look down at the kids legs. Life is nothing but a fairytale these days. Best embrace it and use it to your advantage.

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I was just thinking about Hansel and Gretel the other day. I said to my son, I used to think that Grimms Fairy tails were gruesome stories for kids, but now I realize that they probably prepare kids better for life than Disney stories have!

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I laugh. I cringe. So true.

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If you pat one on the head, and he responds by ejecting a briny solution onto your hand, "Faster than ligh--t--ning", " Just call him Flipper ..."

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to you and Jill.

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Todays favorite " I just want the truth ". Who knew it would ever be this difficult. Here is another truthteller and a favorite of mine.

Jordan Peterson (with Dr. Julie Ponesse and Conrad Black) The History of Civil Liberties in Canada Series


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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Whew, what a morning/day. With all the travel you do I am sure you are better prepared than most! I loved gotta pee and computer head smash. As far as "furries" go, I spent a lot of time lapping milk in a bowl on the floor and pretending I was a seal etc. when I was a kid. I know this isn't exactly the same but I think we can settle down a bit . I know, call me naive, not much different than the masked singer... P.S. party until one with a 4a.m. up and out? You are more adventurous than most!!!

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Passing the link around for your book!

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Cause sugar-coated half-truths

Go better with a shaker of salt

And if you wind up in Heaven

It ain’t gonna be my fault

Do us all a big favor

You can thank yourself later

Better be, better be your own savior

Better be, better be your own savior


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I need a real Savior. My own attempts have all fallen pitifully short.

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Tested the link on Amazon for the free download of your book to my kindle. Success! Thank you so much. I will pass it along. I will also buy a hard copy for myself.

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Thank you Drs. Malone for the Kindle download! I hope you have a very relaxing and blessed Christmas! ❤️🙏

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Thank you so much for the offer of your book. What a fine Christmas gift!

I hope you are doing well after your crazy traveling in Europe.

I do pray that you stay healthy! We need your fighting spirit in this great battle we are in.

“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.”

‭‭3 John‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬ ‭

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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My 11 year old sums up current events at Twitter...sort of.

In the drive up at Culver's (Burgers, custard, etc., WI thing along with Kwik Trip) my son says, in an absolutely serious little boy voice, with a dead pan delivery:

"If you had been listening carefully you would notice I farted."

"I should probably roll down my window now."

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