Thanks! Good stuff.

Check this out: https://www.californiaschoolchoice.org/

Should have a good shot with parents pissed like never before. <60 days to gather enough signatures to qualify. If it gets on the ballot, DemComs & "teachers" unions will have to spend $100s of millions to defeat it, if they can. Money no longer available to elect DemComs.

If it passes, it ends the government-union school monopoly, covid tyranny, crap "education" & communist indoctrination in Cali schools, permanently defunds the tyrants, and will spread nationwide. Please donate, circulate, forward to friends in Cali.

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It’s not communism when the largest corporate powers own the government. The government is in no way regulating or controlling Amazon, Google, Wall Street, Pfizer, Apple or Microsoft. The problem currently is a fully ccaptured government. It’s fascism. I teach in California. Used to identify as a Democrat, then an independent. I don’t agree with the unions or pretty much ANYTHING currently happening in California. It’s a full on nightmare I deal with daily. However, school choice will put more of the public domain into the hands of the “philanthropic foundations” (WEF, Gates Foundation, Open Society etc) with no public oversight or voting control. Greater privatization is exactly what the oligarchs need and desire — anything that is supposed to be democratically controlled is under attack. Yes, the democracy is corrupt and broken right now. If you defund the tyrants, where do you think that money will go?

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You've got it backwards. The gvt-owned union-run "public oversight" & "voting control" model of products & services is a failed joke. It's exactly why education sucks in Calizuela.

60 years of evidence is overwhelmingly clear: Parents don't have time or ability to control arrogant, dismissive, non-responsive gvt-union schools. If they did, schools wouldn't be a disaster.

Imagine if *every* product & service were provided by gvt-unions and we had to lobby-beg them for what we want instead of voting with feet & wallets as we do now. That's the "public" school system. It's a communist system. It can never work.

In a private system, if a firm doesn't sell what we want, we don't go to shareholder meetings & lobby them. We switch to a competing firm with a preferable product or service.

For decades, as if crap gvt schools are the parents' fault, union teachers & bureaucrats cynically told parents to "get involved". They know it's a hopeless task against entrenched special interests.

The Educational Freedom Act redirects $14k to follow the kid to any school parents choose, ample for a great private education, no Soros money needed. No parent need choose a tyrannical Gates/Soros school. Think parents will jump out of the frying pan into the fire? Think those who make a mistake won't correct it, when they can finally vote with wallets & feet and switch to other schools?

The commie vs fascist argument is a red herring diversion. Union "teachers" & bureaucrats are communist *and* fascist. And racists. And pervs.

Your objections ring like a new union-bureaucrat approach to killing choice by spreading unfounded, disproportionate fears. Will school choice be perfect? No. Worse than the atrocity we have now? Please. It will be vastly better.

Reminds me of the 1993 voucher initiative. Teachers union hacks infiltrated private & home school groups to spread unfounded fear of gvt control via vouchers, and stoking racist & NIMBY fears of blacks & Mexicans attending private schools. They condemned tens of millions of kids to crap education for the benefit of unions. 75% of kids coming out of gvt-union indoctrination camps are incompetent in basic skills like literacy & math, and you fear choice?

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I've had my go-rounds with the public school system and agree for the most part it needs a major rehaul. But to think that a $14,000 voucher will benefit anyone but rich kids is a pipe dream. In California the AVERAGE elementary school tuition is 14,000. The top 200 schools run between 20,000 and 70,000 a year. A working class parent with 2-3 kids will be screwed. Not that I know the solution, I just don't think that's it.

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Average private school cost under the current system is irrelevant. My friends sent their kids to a great Christian school in Santa Barbara for $5k/year less than 15 years ago. More expensive now -- what isn't? -- but $14k would easily cover it.

The parents of tens of millions of kids will have $14k to spend. Entrepreneurial schools will organize to make it possible for them to get a great education, not just commie-racist-perv indoctrination.

Therefore the vast majority of new voucher schools will not be high-priced schools catering to the rich. They will be efficient schools catering to the poor & middle class who can only afford the $14k.

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Do you know of any place where this model you're suggesting works?

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Not with schools. Just with EVERY OTHER product & service in the private competitive economy.

Why not? Teachers unions will not let it be tried -- informative in itself. They know it'll work, so they kill it. If it wouldn't work, the unions & bureaucrats who destroyed public education would have nothing to fear because everyone would stay in government schools.

Do you know of any place where the government-owned/union-run model of goods & services works or worked well? US Post Office?

Or govt-owned non-union? Soviet Union? Cuba? East Germany?

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Communism is just an ideological tool of the fascists, I agree

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Very well said. Additionally, the state can then place mandates on anyone accepting that money, specific curriculum, etc.

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*Not under the actual initiative.* And it bankrupts the warchests of the special interests that push such controls -- "teachers" unions & DemComs.

Private schools that don't like vouchers don't have to take them. Parents who don't like vouchers are free to leave their kids in commie-racist-pervert indoctrination camps.

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This sounds very promising!

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Thanks again doc. Warms my heart. Being in Alaska that can be a life saver!!

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Feb 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Dr. Malone and Jill (we know you are a team)--this collection is perfect. I was just in the process of writing some friends, trying to concisely describe what we are up against (very challenging) and to encourage them to join the fight, and then this arrived. I am forwarding it on to them, suggesting that they definitely take time to watch the videos. Dr. Desmet said that humor is an important part of countering Mass Formation so the whole Sunday Strip is valuable. God bless you wonderful freedom fighters!

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On target again Robert! God’s blessings upon you and Jill. May He surround you with His strength as you and Jill stand for the RULE OF LAW in these lawless arenas!

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Great stuff for a Sunday: Go Free - Go Truckers!!

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Hi Robert, you could find JP Sears and Russell Brand on rumble, let's all do better and stop using legacy social media - but thank you so much for your life threatening work! Everyone knows the risks you are taking for speaking your truth, much love and respect!

Below are the links to the JP Sears and Russell Brand videos linked in his latest email / post:



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If I do that - I can not embed the videos into Substack - I can only provide a link. If you can find a way to embed videos - I will do it. I have tried repeatedly and have not been able to find a way to do it. That includes going to Substack help center and Internet searching. I have found embed codes - but none seem to work.

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Rumble has an "EMBED" button on videos.

E.g., Tucker Carlson Today with Robert Kennedy


Look a couple lines below the title on the right side.

They don't work? Maybe ask Rumble for assistance? Should be in Rumble's & Substack's interest to work together to solve the problem.

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Yep. Stop paying the enemy to cut our throats.

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Way to poke the tiger Robert.

There is an interesting Substacker out there that wrote today about telling the truth in the age of sponsored science (Scientic studies sometimes don't always reach the same conclusion that the data suggests). Dovetails nicely with the general topic here with your strips:https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/telling-the-truth-in-the-age-of-sponsored

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Feb 13, 2022·edited Feb 13, 2022

Thank you for the diversion, Dr. Malone. Unfortunately, I read Kirsch’s substack regarding what may be heading our way from China. Do you think there is any truth in it, or could it be meant to keep us in a reactive state? Which, all too predictably, is really bad for our immune system. These people suck. Sorry, that’s as nicely as I know how to say it.

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I watched the Russell Brand late last week and he had me belly laughing. Strange times indeed when I find myself agreeing with Russell Brand and Bill Mahr. In my post to RB, the old definitions of right and left no longer apply. You either support individual freedom or authoritative tyranny. There is no middle ground. We all will be forced to pick a side.

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Great! Thank you, as always! Right on point.

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How do you find all these treasures, Dr. Malone?!

The JP and Russell Brand videos are excellent, as always. I referenced both in my "Letter to the New York State Department of Health" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-new-york-state-department) about their proposed draconian regulations, which I learned from Mark Crispin Miller (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-new-york-state-department/comment/5043649) they have *already* approved, despite the fact that public comments are still being accepted through 2/14 (https://regs.health.ny.gov/regulations/proposed-rule-making). I encourage people to voice their concerns about this illegal and unconstitutional power grab by (unelected) Governor Kathy Hochul.

Our next step will be to pressure NYS legislators to hold Hochul and her colluders accountable for this brazen example of fascistic overreach.

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These made my day Dr. Malone!

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Dr. Malone…I don’t beg, but begging to to watch this video (a few minutes) & get Rogan to interview her. This is lawyer (former Yonkers NY teacher) Tricia Lindsay. Her speech …every word is true. She is a woman who can change the world. This is not hyperbole.


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Regarding Mass Formation Psychosis, there is one point I would like to make. The governments and media are constantly pushing misinformation and those telling the truth are constantly accused of spreading misinformation. Even many who see through the lies and know the truth are prone to doubt themselves, especially when they don’t have good people with whom to communicate with. I think the liars are counting on many of us to fold and give in because of the constant bombardment of lies. We need to be confident In our view of the truth and stand strong. Only change your mind when you are sure of the evidence behind another viewpoint.

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Russel Brand...meh. JP Sears... yippee! Loved the first cartoon.... "security T-Rex" gets 'off-leash' by eating "liberty"-- that's exactly where we are.

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Look at Lady Liberty! She's stunning! I'm going dinosaur hunting!

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