Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Emergency Use Authorization is especially pernicious because “For FDA to issue an EUA (emergency use authorization), there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition. . .”

Ergo, if any FDA-approved drug like hydroxychloroquine (or ivermectin) proved effective against covid, pharmaceutical companies would no longer be legally allowed to fast-track their zero-liability billion-dollar vaccines to market under Emergency Use Authorization. Instead, vaccines would have to go through the methodical, years-long process that all new vaccines undergo to ensure safety and efficacy, and that would mean less profits, more doubts, increased impediments to market, and potentially missing out on the unprecedented windfall that Big Pharma is currently enjoying.

Fauci invested $6 billion in taxpayer money in the Moderna vaccine alone. His agency is co-owner of the patent and stands to collect a fortune in royalties. At least four of his hand-picked deputies are in line to collect royalties of $150,000/year based on Moderna’s success, and that’s on top of the salaries already paid courtesy of the American people.


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RemovedSep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
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I've read the former but had not heard of the latter.

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No, really. I've never heard of it. Appreciate you mentioning it.

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Now I feel a little dumb.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"I and others are getting hammered from all sides in this fight - including a lot of clearly controlled opposition, who are being sponsored to “attack from within” via government, advertising $$$, clicks and media fame."

We know, Robert. Thank you, and please don't let the b@stards get you down.

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Stay strong Doc- you are loved and respected! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is comforting that they did a rigorous clinical trial to determine which form of guilt would get the most needles into arms. Kinda would have been better if they did the same with the vaxes themselves and the negative outcomes.

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They’ve moved on to food now. 🙄

Bill Gates’ ‘Magic Seeds’ Won’t Solve World Hunger But Will ‘Create Ecological Disaster’

Bill Gates is rebranding genetically engineered seeds as “magic seeds” and says they’re the answer to world hunger, but according to Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., a “failed, clumsy crude manipulation of living systems does not create ‘magical seeds.’ It creates an ecological disaster.”


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Vandana Shiva is a brilliant and wise person. Hearing her speak on this topic, you have no doubt she is who to follow in every way. It's ludicrous that our weakened, watered-down, puppet-show government gives Gates carte blanche to profess this nonsense, or to release 5000 genetically engineered mosquitos designed to bear maimed offspring. I'm not a save the mosquitos-"er" but my God what idiot thinks this is okay? Ecologically? Morally? Strategically? I stand corrected our government didn't "give" Gates carte blanche access — he bought it off them.

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From the most open-hearted, neutral and unbiased place I can conjure, I believe I can say with certainty that if someone knowingly damages this earth, its ecosystem, any aspect of its unrivaled detailed nuance and beauty — for money — that they are categorically mentally ill. To be unable to weigh those values correctly. No other explanation is acceptable. Which means, mentally ill people are running our planet. Which actually, when you look around, makes perfect sense.

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Huh, I guess that's true. In that case, my definition wouldn't apply. So then I guess it's about balance. I'd have to add in "*unnecessarily* knowingly damages this earth..." Which then opens up an endless debate about what's necessary. The Native Americans lived in perfect balance. Look what "they" did to them. If we assume the powers that be come from those powers that were, well I guess my conclusion could hold up after all. But you make a really good point

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The only real magical seeds are the vibrant ones produced in male species on the planet.

But the Gates Wrecking Ball Crew has been working to demolish those seeds too!!

Sigh...never ends does it? War is waged now at new generational microscopic levels.

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Energy, especially fossil fuels = work = food/shelter.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The government has all the resources in the world. This truly is psychological asymmetric warfare by our government against scientists and healthcare workers who don’t comply with their narrative."

Hasn't this always been the fate of dissenters in all despotic régimes? This very fact is evidence that we no longer live in a truly democratic society.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The government has all the resources in the world. "

This is exactly right. All the resources in the world, including resources we don't normally think about. For example, how much $ does the government spend on advertising? Help prevent forest fires, public service announcements, reminders to do your part and get vaccinated, and such. I don't know how much it is, but I have no trouble imagining it dwarfs whoever come in 2nd place. You think the media companies are unaware of who their income comes from?

Or, suppose the FBI knocks on your door. For a friendly chat. You don't think you've done anything wrong. But trust me on this, you're crazy to talk with them w/o an attorney. That's a few $thousand gone out of your bank account in the blink of an eye. But it cost the government essentially nothing.

The worst part about it is, even the elected officials who pretend to be on our side are clueless. Our educational rankings in the world suck. What do to? Provide more federal dollars for education. A couple of decades later, the rankings continue to decline. And we suddenly discover, they're not teaching the three R's. They're teaching CRT and gender fluidity.

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Seven hours ago, Mark Oshinskie posted a Substack.com article entitled VAXXING IS SICK. He mentioned passing an old acquaintance, a public school teacher, that was wearing a mask. The Other essentially refused to engage in conversation and diminished the two cases of COVID he'd suffered from (following numerous government-encouraged jabs) by saying that he'd have been much sicker if he hadn't reduced his ability to fight disease by getting the never-ending series of injections.

We see this behavior everywhere. Some have blinded themselves to reality by their reliance on the swamp.

It seemed incredible when Rudy Giuliani referred to a variety of realities that we live with. Yet it has become true. Some of us reflexively dismiss the lies of the government and some believe that Fauci is a saint.

Meanwhile, the BRICS are preparing to destroy the New World Order and most cannot focus on the fact that the Emperor Has No Clothes.

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We call it the COVID prayer: “I’m so thankful I had three (or four) shots, otherwise it would have been so much worse.” When a famous public figure announces their first, or second, or even third infection, I make it a game to see if they make the COVID prayer in their announcement.

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Happily, I no longer watch television news and my addiction has been broken. But I have to admit that it would make a great drinking game to take a shot every time a Democrat says the COVID prayer on television

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Indeed! Or take a drink every time you read it in a news report, or someone takes a screen shot of a Twitter post and posts it in their Telegram account. I’d be an alcoholic though!

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You think it's just the BRICS preparing to destroy the New World Order? Isn't that the plan of the WEF, which represents the goals of many Western countries' leaders and businesses?

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The USA is like a patient on the television series HOUSE: there's never just one symptom that's about to kill it.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to talk freely and honestly. I am under the impression that the WEF is synonymous with the New World Order.

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A New World Order ( which means one governmental authority) has not yet been achieved. But they’re still trying. “Man how they try”.

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--The government has all the resources in the world.--

I truly believe truth always wins in the end.

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The ride never ends. Victory just means another battle. One needs a Viking attitude. Just enjoy the fighting until Jesus gives you the crown.

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Amen, brother. I love this. Gonna adopt it.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We need to set up alternative medical system for practitioners. Recently had day surgery. After had symptoms of PE micro-clots as my sats stayed ok but humidity at 65% was unbearable and that was with 135pt whole house & 50 & 30 portable dehumidifiers. The portable ones would fill up and woke up in panic feeling like I was breathing with 4 masks and sat was 96.

Mant symptons of DVT - I got tested. Dimer + but I have other things. I was on baby ASA - couldnt get referal to hematologist for OutPt

They wanted me to go to ER.

I paniced so bad, on the way. All I could think of is if they put me in... I would crash, they would intubate me and put me thru isolation & covid hell.

So I suffered thru. 8 weeks / dual pane windows and partial encapsulation of crawl.

We are near the Nagshead & Atlantic seaboard! Humidity is a way of life but this is not.

I was terrified of woke MD as hospitalist.

I am an MPH ID epidemiologist- with part of a DrPH 43 y in health care and I can not go to the hospital

What more can I say! We need doctors non vaxed people can go to.

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I am not ok, just getting better. I still have breathing problems. We have no doctors here. I have been doing the doctoring for folks.

I am in a rural farm area the hospital was 45 miles away in Norfolk

We need rural doctors that will do rural visits. Clinics in Larger Cities.

McCullough is in Dallas Ft Worth area.

I am in village kinda like where Malone is but He may be closer to Charlottesville.

Dr Marik was my go to referral cause I knew how to reach him.

But My undergrad is in Nursing & was ICU. Got pretty gutsy on 7/p-7a Nocs in Teaching hospitals 14y. But retired my license w/C19 cause I don't want anyone coming knocking for doing what I legally could do for anyone as Public Health or Epidemiologist. It cones to antibiotics I tell them and show them the medical literature & they treat themselves. Where to get antibiotics & I do dressing changes.

We need at least one doc though.

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I would only go to ER for traumatic injuries, MI or stroke. Urgent care is great for everything else and no hospital beds to kill you in. I do not have a primary care provider by choice.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nothing screams red flag more than censoring a topic. Just sayin'.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I know you're on the front line! I pray for you & your families strength and protection. I think they're scared and really gearing up for war because they know it's us or them and its their heads that are on the chopping block (those that have lied, those that are not on the side of truth) but they made their bed. What can any of us do but be who we are and fight in our individual ways :) I am not religious but let God galvanize and organize our efforts in ways that our minds might not understand but that may be used to defeat the wickedness of foot

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

if only this would be public...

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-lion! All of that messaging didn't make a dent in the fact that we all know Big Pharma has a long long history of lying for profits. So we all have really earned that Certificate of Achievement for resisting the biggest Psy-Op in history.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Follow the money

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“This truly is psychological asymmetric warfare...”

Indeed, the lie machine is vast, ever present, and running 24/7...

1, rulers have narrative need

2, “sponsor” study at Harvard etc

3, study “proof” is published

4, policies or drugs created

5, media sells “proof”

6, more “sponsored” studies to adjust to “unexpected” outcomes

7, dissenters call bullshit

8, dissenters cancelled by media/“facts”

9, repeated for decades

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for creating this platform that’s not censored. It is giving us a voice to express our feelings and reasons for not taking the vaccines. Thank you to Dr Malone and Dr Jill who are willing to put theirselves out there for the greater good. The saying “ What would you have done if you were in Nazi German during WW11. Well now we know.

We on this platform have to search, ponder, and pray before we make a decision . We refuse to be forced, coerced , bullied into taking something into our bodies that we know to be harmful.

Keep up the fight fellow warriors of truth.

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And they keep providing us with great, trustworthy information and related insightful comment to help us learn and grow. Informed discussions are the very best kind.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If there was no preplanned manipulation of the populace’s thinking then why were these experiments done in July and September of 2020 respectively to get all of us to take these unlicensed jabs? This finding leaves out the fact that there were other possible effective treatments used by other countries and other reputable doctors. As soon as this information was shut down, many of us became suspicious of the “science.” Therefore we went to views outside the fda, cdc, and administration. Trust was lost right from the beginning: lab origin/market origin, masks/no masks, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin/ nothing but the jabs, no adverse effects/many VAERS serious problems and video horrors, remdesivir a cure/ remdesivir liver damage, oxygen safe/oxygen not so safe, mandates necessary/mandates not necessary, covid serious for all/ covid absolute efficacy not serious for most, etc., etc. The list was endless. For me the doctors like Mobeen, Malone, McCullough, Alexander, Rose, DeMello, Carvullo explaining the unknowns of these jabs and other ways of tackling this virus made me choose to not take the jab for my own health and wade towards natural immunity. The administration never gave you scientific explanations, just commands. I think they underestimated the public propensity to understand science. But then hiding the flimsy data of this unlicensed shot might have been why. After all the money was in pushing them and besides they had immunity. I don’t swear, but I will say damn. Someday they will stand before The Judge.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Some Day or as it is known THAT DAY is oh so close. Stay for the BIG PARTY!

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My experience was like yours. In seeking out alternative voices when the puzzle pieces weren't coming together. When the CDC kept moving the goal posts and less and less added up. But we're in the minority. As is this community. Sadly, I don't believe they did underestimate the public propensity to understand science. Because 80% of the global public signed up. It is now, in this present time, that the public who knows MUST inform the public that doesn't. Because we all know there's no way it stops here. I'd like to see the day in this life where they stand up in front of a judge — a judging group of discerning peers. The odds of that happening seem long. But only by dreaming it, does it become at least possible.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

On just the issue of "difficulty in obtaining research funding" alone, it should be noted that medical researchers working in this particular field are utterly dependent upon Fauci's branch of the NIH and Fauci's allies in government and industry.

For example, at the University of California, San Diego (the campus where Dr. Malone made his mRNA transfection discovery) in fiscal year 2020-21, Fauci's branch of the NIH alone funded 135 awards totalling $54.5 million ( https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/about-us/information-center/awards-and-proposals ) directly, with tens of millions in additional funding coming indirectly from Fauci by way of UCLA. This represents roughly 10% of all of UCSD's external life sciences funding.

According to Public Records Act data, 115 UCSD medical researchers had received research funding from the Pfizer/J&J/Moderna axis in recent years, mostly for their participation in clinical trials. While the dollar amounts involved aren't large, participation in clinical trials looms large in the ability of researchers to advance their careers by interfacing with industry. UCSD researchers are also deeply involved in the Remdesivir racket ( https://health.ucsd.edu/news/releases/Pages/2021-08-02-rethinking-remdesivir.aspx ).

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We need to get some honest people elected in November. Then they have to investigate and PROSECUTE.

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The Public Records Act request I mentioned was in fact done in conjunction with a lawsuit where four UC undergraduate students attempted to sue the university over its mRNA jab mandate. The federal judge threw that lawsuit out.

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The four students had refused to get the mRNA jab, so they had been forbidden to attend in-person classes, etc. under UC's jab policy.

Other victims of UC's jab policy (which also applied to faculty and staff) included a UCLA anesthesiologist ( https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NvYxkD5cwtw ), a UCLA nurse ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4FWYT1qEx8 ), and Professor Aaron Kheriaty, the head of UC Irvine's medical ethics program ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_dMWPcE0OI ); all of whom were fired.

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Except that UC is an arm of the State of California, so in theory it is bound by 14th Amendment obligations.

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Dr. Malone helped create a new uncensored platform. Open to everyone. A forum covering C•19: it’s history, biology, public policies, treatment options, v-safety, + more. Sign-Up: https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts You can also find him at https://globalcovidsummit.org/ Please check out his sites and share.

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