
It’s surely something how in many ways history is not just the past but the present. Our government systems both federal and local were supposed to have protections built into them. Our constitution has three separate and equal executive branches and we are supposed to have a “free press”. All have failed us. Locally we have government with layers of politicians and different forms of police. There are references throughout history and in the Bible to the watchman who stands on the wall. Behind him a city with its citizens and people the watchman loves. In front of him is the vastness and a world full of enemies and threats both small and large. They say when the watchman ignores the threats and citizens die or are harmed the watchman has blood on his hands. If the watchman blows his trumpet and the citizen ignores the warning the blood is on the citizens hands. Most of us here have taken these warnings and have spread the warnings to other citizens. Dr.Malone I consider you a watchman on the wall. Because of this these threats we see will never show blood on our hands. Our enemies are now on both sides of the wall and have infiltrated our layers of protection. They have become the enemy against the citizen. They have blood on their hands. J.Goodrich

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deletedMar 15·edited Mar 15
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Great clip with Mathew I’ve seen him interviewed a few times. Removing him and patriots like him is another form of division. The people responsible for removing him are enemies of America.

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Many of the references to the watchman is to beware of men who deceive and cause division. It’s hard to make a post on such a short form and cover all of the references to the watchman in the Bible. The parallels amazingly cover much of Dr. Malones essay. I’ve mentioned to you before about opening a persons mind to think or look into things. If you take time and look into it it’s amazing!! It makes you think the past is the present…

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this adventure in intellectual stimulation. Have to admit, as a non-warfighter I don't feel clear on my start point.

Kinetic warfare. Three examples - Ukraine, Israel and Haiti? Major controversy today - Isreal with Schumer's attack on Netanyahu. Levin came on strong with a heated attack on Schumer. We do have division here and there. Personally I feel able to take and defend a side. Unless confronted, I don't see a point in taking the issues on. Guess we could consider this skirmish as a divide and conquer both here and there.

In our US controversy with goals to divide and conquer are clearly boiling all around us. There are more than a few boiling over. Psyops with controversy and censorship seem to be the order of the day. Read an interesting article about a presentation by Justice Barrett and Justice Sotomayor on the way the SC Justices deal with controversies. Their situation (duration of appointments and physical constraints of quarters) demands reasonable relations. In any case their process has some merit.I personally come to psychological strategies from a marketing perspective. Your review does broaden my appreciations.

You leave us with verse 10. So, I'm hoping the recommendations are to increase our numbers while dividing them and defending ourselves. With the clearer vision helping us appreciate the battle fields.

Hope your well set in Tenn. and well set to enjoy the show.

Very Bestest ♡♡♡

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“Like a dementia patient in decline, the US is regressing, becoming enfeebled, losing its knowledge, memory, coherence, and the ability, desire, and willingness to meet challenges.”

Private Source, A Patriot

“The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.”

Adolf Hitler

Check our book "Invisible Treason in America." It was the #1 New Book on Amazon.


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So, according to the 1st sentence we actually have the right pResident for our times.

I shudder!

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In "Unrestricted Warfare," Colonels Wang Xiangsui & Qiao Liang define Asymmetry As To:


... Quite a lot of that Happening presently in most of the Western World!

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Yes, and we must do the same in order to fight them. The main thing I see and read are people telling us the problem(s), but, few offering solutions. Particularly solutions that aren't direct counter strikes to their moves which they are usually well prepared for.

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So if we read something negative about a person for whom we had previously had much respect, our first impulse should be, "But wait..." before taking the bait.

But then there's the problem of the circular firing squad. Our common enemy is globalism and the ongoing assault on the Constitution. Let's not sweat the small stuff.

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Yes globalism and the assault on the Constitution and everyone who is behind or enabling the assaults.

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Excerpts from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò message today for the “First Health Holocaust Remembrance Day.” Some advice he gives to those pushing back -

“I am grateful for the invitation of Professor Massimo Citro della Riva to offer my greetings to the participants in the Health Holocaust Remembrance Day. You know well that I have never been shy in offering my interventions since the beginning of the psycho-pandemic farce, and that my complaint – since May 2020 – anticipated everything that has emerged in these four years regarding the criminal management of this social-engineering experiment of neo-Malthusian origin.”

“You are rightly denouncing the health holocaust: with this term you highlight on the one hand the extent of the crime committed by the servants of the WHO, and on the other the desire to “sacrifice” millions of victims to the globalist Moloch.” “ . .continue in your courageous commitment, but never lose sight of the overall picture of this epochal battle, in which the forces of good and evil are preparing for a decisive clash. It is important to understand that the psycho-pandemic farce was only one of the means of imposing this infernal plan, and that it is accompanied by other threats that follow the same script under the same direction. Demonstrate to people this overall coherence and even the most distracted will understand and rebel against what has been imposed on them through fraud and violence.”

“ . . .fight this battle in the awareness that your and our adversary can only be defeated with the weapons of Truth. Saint Paul exhorts us, ‘Do not let yourself be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good’. Act with freedom within the bounds of what is good, and the Lord will bless your commitment, as he has always done throughout history for those who love Him and obey His commandments. If you yield on this, you will expose your flank to the Enemy, and all your effort will have been in vain. And remember the words of the Lord: “Do not be afraid, I have overcome the world.”

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Thanks for sharing this here.

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The best way to protect ourselves is to make every effort to becoming a pawn.

Our game plan strategies should consist of:

1. KNOW who are the bad actors.

2. Totally NEVER CLICK on any of their pieces.

3. RESIST the temptation to being a CLICK BAIT victim 🙄

Similar to fighting the COVID-19 virus, let's work on making ourselves stronger 💪 to help us to not get the "BUG!"

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I feel what America is reeling from is millions of relentless paper cuts in which one groups wants to apply bandages and the other side reasons those bandages are acting like oppressors and those in the middle are dumbfounded. And meanwhile the gov’s paper cuts are becoming gashes.

It is always best to work on the low hanging fruit in a non-adversarial way, where the three Bs are not ruffled. How best to move a person’s viewpoint without creating buzz?

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My Mother used to advise and personally use - asking questions. She was generally pretty successful. I do keep that in mind.

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I love the quote by Alfred Lord Tennyson.."When shall all men's good, be each man's rule.. and Universal Peace be like a shaft of light across the land." Wouldn't it be wonderful if people were smart enough to realize that peace is far more important than monetary gain. Sun Tzu who wrote The author of The Art of War is revered in China...and his book is studied for its military strategies. What about the Art of Peace? A book authored by Morihei Ueshiba, a man who created a Japanese martial arts discipline, Aikido; based on a non-violent way to settle conflicts. Its far less costly for antagonistic parties to come to a settlement rather than come to blows. I've always believed it takes two fools to argue...and I'm not a fool!

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15

I just had a thought that Peace can also create monetary gain, but there is an aspect to base human nature that loves war. Back to the unbridled ego in all its glory. The discipline of Aikido seems to be used by the more aware and less violent participants. Can a warlike nature be calmed and lessened? M. Gandhi was a unique example. (Peace does not mean passive)

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Big question is WHY is individual freedom and liberty - always and continually - CONTROVERSIAL?

Why is "bigotry" of the Left or "Far-Left" OK - but the "Collective Left's" assertions that so-called "right wing" individuals are "bigots" accepted as factual?

bigot - (noun)

"a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group"....THAT defines the mindset of the "Collective Left" perfectly.

And isn't it all about human beings either being FREE INDIVIDUALS, as opposed to being SUBJECTS of a coercive, collective state?

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Very useful and thought-provoking. It’s pretty clear that these tactics are being widely used against the public. It’s high time we all got smarter on 5th Gen warfare and this is a solid step in that direction.

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Reverend Dr. David Jeremiah says that Satan has always used the same strategy to try and destroy God’s creation(which is his overarching strategy). He refers to that strategy as “the 3 Ds”. The 3 Ds are: Deception, Division and Destruction. Always in that order.

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In high school in 1968 I had a literature teacher who proclaimed "Trivia is essence". Thinking outside the roll: neither forward or rolling underneath but place the roll on a vertical post and unwind from the side. which way then becomes important only if you are left or right handed. I believe looking at what is being done to us, we have to stand things on its head, see what we can do to monkey wrench their plans. I am sure they would love to shut down the internet to stop us from seeing through them and countering them by spreading "mis, dis, and malinformation", but, since most of us has long since stopped listening to and watching the Lamestream media, the can't. They also can't shut down our leash/phones. In fact, they hand them out to all the invading "Migrants." There is lots of things to do. Leave untenable cities, or if one wants to or has to live in them, organize neighborhoods start alternative economies on a small scale. We are in for a long haul!

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Some books a and reference for inspiration and perspiration:

Walkaway By Cory Doctorow

Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters Particularly when Kesey moved onto the farm and turned off all media for a year

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and other books by Hunter S. Thompson

White Lotus By John Hersey

Read about Mahatma Gandhi and how he was so successful against the British empire in India.

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Brilliant. Really lays it out. Need to share this article. Cb

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Compelling….desperately in need of current examples!!

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It is a frustration that those aligned with the DNC, ( the Lemming party ), move lock step; while those aligned with the RNC are independent thinkers. Sadly that independence is a political failing. DNC corruptors succeed because of their mindless followers, ( unions, faux altruism for minority causes, corporate brain washing/intimidation, etc. ). However; nature maintains balance. Many of the safe and effective believers are no longer able to cast a vote.

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