With all the information out there about the damage masks cause to children you have to wonder why they are still being foisted on the children.

Do you really want to hand your children over to adults who are so stupid?

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They are being foisted on the children because they are the easiest to train to be subservient and obedient. Also, they are brain-washed, not stupid. 'Compliance' is now the greatest virtue-signaling in our culture.

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Children are easier to control. The people who make these irrational rules aren't interested in children, or health, only in obedience.

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Children and new parents are easier to SCARE.

I am afraid to speculate that the jabbed children will need more than a mask to protect them. It seems perhaps a plastic bubble might be more appropriate now due to their acquired and compromised immune system.

Masks will not work especially in a non sterile environment, such as camp.

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Dr. Malone , I had 4 medical students including my son , for dinner and of course birthday cake! Ahhh, a captured audience.Great conversation from jab mandates , zoom learning, Fauci fraud to innovative protocols( inpatient/ outpatient) and the science behind them. I told these kids they are the future of medicine and don’t memorize and regurgitate. Think and wonder why and read and research on your own. We need critical thinking doctors. We talked about the different phases of Covid and to use what and when and why. I may have been a pain in their asses when they left , but I believe, they will question Fauci’s motives in Williams book of internal medicine!

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Dr Mercola posted a clip this morning by a doctor who advises the only solution is malpractice suits. Lots and lots of them. Modern medicine is a business, a lucrative business in a pampered hypochondriac society. Hippocrates was an amateur, a piker. Appeals to empathy and professionalism will become increasingly ineffective. Force is the only solution, either legal force or market force. I suggest medical addicts start with Less Mecicine More Health (Welch) for a primer of the disastrous outcomes often created by overdependence on medical salvation. Or read my substack -- I've improved my own health dramatically by increasing my hands-on supervision of my medical employees.

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Thanks David Watson , I will read your stack ! The movement starts with the people and attorneys who will move it forward !🧚🏼‍♂️

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You planted a seed! Your words will resonate with them. Good for you to have the courage to be a pain in their assses!

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As I like to say to my sometimes eye rolling children- YOU CANT UNRING A BELL!

Stay the course and welcome to the Excellent parenting crowd!

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Sorry to digress off topic but I thought about birthday candles today as I researched the life of Thomas Edison, Westinghouse and Nicola Tesla and their battle of direct and alternating current. They used coal and steam to run their turbines.

Anyway, I wondered about lighting birthday candles without coal/fossil fuels. 🤔

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Ha! Good one Truth =Defense, I guess a magnifying glass and the sun would help ! 🌞😉

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Robert, I don’t know if you ever read this piece, but I assembled virtually all of the available evidence at the time proving that masks: 1) do not prevent the spread of COVID; 2) may cause physical health problems; 3) may inflict psychological harm; and 4) pose a special threat to children and teens:

• “Letter to the Oregon Health Authority” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-oregon-health-authority)

I have been deeply moved to learn many people have used this letter to help fight mask mandates in their own situations, but the most moving report came from a commenter (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-one-year-substack-anniversary/comment/6247987) who shared:

“I came across your letter to the Oregon Authority by accident. I and John Droz had been working for months on fighting the mask mandates with reports, letters, videos - and your essay so perfectly outlined the entire charade in such excruciating detail - the kind of long form reading I crave but so few writers will do. It was so good that I decided to include it with our Mask report whenever I educate people on ‘masking.’ In one instance I sent both reports to a mom and daughter up in Canada and her daughter wrote a beautiful essay, quoting your words, that was read at the local school board meeting and used to help stop forced masking at her school. She is 13 and was suffering great anxiety - your essay inspired her to write! I also believe your essays do a wonderful job bringing together all the technical Covid topics - the many twists and turns - that so easily overwhelm. Sometimes it's hard to know where to begin on an issue, because everything is inter-related and overlaps - but you bring a methodical order to all the chaos and make it seem so simple. I do think your years of reading, across a broad spectrum of topics, has not only prepared you to recognize what is occurring, but has equipped you with the knowledge to write and respond in record time - something that would take even the fully awake and educated of us many days or weeks to compose. But you? You seem to systematically churn out grand essays in a day! I knew from the moment I first read your work, that you were something special. I greatly appreciate your essays, and share them often. I am particularly intrigued by your two recents spats with Jesse and John and have thought long and hard about what their responses tell us. It’s heartbreaking and maddening at the same time - but we must not give up. Figuring out a way to break through the mass formation is something we must do. Having lived up until recently in Portland, OR - I have friends and family who are literally brainwashed and have seen up close and personal how this sets in and takes over. So thank you for doing what you do - I greatly enjoy reading all your work and can hardly believe you only have 300 plus paid subscribers.....the dam ought to be breaking soon.”

I have since been in touch with the mother of the girl, who is autistic and was especially harmed by the masking policy, about writing a guest essay on her fight to end the mask mandate at her school. I hope to share more of her story later if she’s up to it.

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Your admirer says it so well, Margaret, you are something special! We have such a need for facts, you find them and put them together with logic and elegant, poignant writing.

At my daughter's work, they've reinstated the mask mandate for front desk at the hotel. It occurs to me that this clearly shows their servant status, since guests who are inside for moments rather than hours, are not required. I think this is a step towards turning all service workers into faceless automatons with no personality, no voice, no character, and no sex appeal--one of the things that makes the inequity of waiting on others tolerable. We are to be robots until replaced with actual ones.

Thank you, Margaret, and for your brave readers, I think we're in a waiting game. We're not out to win but to hold on until they lose. With everything falling apart it feels like it's happening so fast and also not fast enough. Hold on to your friends, your family and your sanity.

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So, how did Oregon respond?

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Good question. This rule was approved (https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/viewSingleRule.action?ruleVrsnRsn=286429), but they lifted the indoor mask mandate for all places except health care settings and public transit around a month later (https://www.oregon.gov/newsroom/pages/newsdetail.aspx?newsid=64916). The fact that it’s still on the books means they could resurrect it anytime, though, which is why it’s there, no doubt.

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Fauci is the lynch pin! We need the President of the United States to pull his pin! We must stop harming our children with masks and injections now!

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Joe hasn't fired anybody even after serial failures. Joe and his handlers don't care about failures. They're in charge and we're not, and they like failure because it demonstrates that they're in charge and don't care about us.

But even his radical staff must realize they're in trouble, their days are numbered. The shift in the propaganda media this week to disparaging Joe might indicate a 25th Amendment retirement might be coming. He's been calling her president Harris for two years. Maybe he'll be the first in this administration to get fired.

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Fire Fauci First!

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Prosecute first.

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Not when the fix is in!

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It's never fixed, but always dirty. They got lucky last time, but would have failed if it wasn't already a toss up. It won't be a toss up in 2022, probably not in 2024.

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What's next? Land based SCUBA/Airliner cups hung from the ceilings or tubed in from the top of the school desks for a monitored controlled like breathing? This is a wretched "FEAR" tool to hypnotize the youngest minds once more! How dastardly can the nonsense be applied?

How about latex gloves worn all day? How about plastic throw away pants and shirts?

Full Stop Now.

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Interesting concept but it could be too costly.

I was going through my bookshelf today and found a book, The Road Ahead written by B.Gates in 1995. I wanted to throw it in a blazing fire, crush it and destroy it page by page but curiosity got the best of me. I thought, what was the criminal thinking about a 1/4 of a century ago? Anyhoo…

In chapter 7, Implications of Business, he actually mentions (paraphrasing) urban areas will no longer be needed nor will buildings for business, I assumed schools too, however not mentioned, nonetheless he mentions videoconferencing, not leaving your home, etc. Ironically, we call that zoom now, don’t we?

I showed my adult son, who works remotely and he said, OMG that’s what I do now! How did he know? Is he a prophet or did he set forth to control and implement it so his words would look like he predicted it? I think the latter!

That said, and based on the way things are going, I suspect children will no longer attend school in person under the guise of medical mandates additionally, with 3 Million people illegally pouring into America, schools will probably be converted to tenement housing.

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Maybe so and maybe not! But you have an amazing rediscovery, I would say, about the future. But then again here we are. I wouldn't be inclined to worry about the "money for nonsense" when it comes to Pandemic Scams and such. They have already proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that they will print trillions to have their despicable minions do the dumbest of dirty deeds...done dirt cheap with hypnosis,

Gladly as instructed. And for the good of us all, don' cha know!! #NOTABOUTYOURHEALTH

Is it?

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They sorta have been that for awhile now haven't they?

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Thank you. The evidence is overwhelming on masks and the larger psyop that this is not about health. Until and unless parents take their kids out of schools in droves, this will continue. They are attacking children.

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The masking of innocent small children is Munchausen's by proxy, child abuse, the most perverse, contemptible and infuriating social practice I've ever seen in my life.

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Fear...the old, white, DAVOS man wants eternity...

...maybe even eternal legacy of evil

Killing people for a cause...

...the “Weather Underground” on video tape assumed that as many as 25 million Americans wouldn’t respond to “education”

We poo pooed William Ayers and Barack...

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Who will stop these Globalist monsters...


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"I think we can expect by the new school year (fall, 2022), the use of masks in toddlers and young children in Headstart will be dropped if the child is vaccinated.

They will essentially require vaccination of our youngest and most impoverished children"

If you are right and we have EVERY reason to believe you are, the end objective is vaccinating. We are further aware that vaccinations are being PROMOTED for likely nefarious purposes.

Your warnings NEED to be taken very seriously! All forms of RESISTANCE should be considered!

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Eugenics at its finest. /sarcasm

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Was just watching a Joshua Phillips Epoch TV episode this afternoon. He did a deep dive into the WEF, UN and friends Agenda, its component parts and the Sri Lanka and Dutch situation. The bug and vegetable meats production. Clearly their plans would be easier to accomplish if there were substantially fewer of us. IMO we need to watch carefully and be sure we have effective strategies just in case (depending on how serious we think the problem may be).

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What has from the first struck me as particularly insane is requiring infected folks to wear masks. To redirect a respiratory virus from the naso-pharynx directly into the lungs is the height of stupidity-or outright viciousness

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The reality is that there is a continued push for the the hearts and minds of our citizens. NIH/HHS is still running video ads promoting the mRNA injections. The newspapers are still running pro Big Pharma ads extolling the saving grace of getting vaccinated and we still have a % of the population living in great fear. Staying home and wearing masks at all times in public, in doors and outdoors and while driving. Part of the reason we have staff shortages in almost all commercial enterprises. At the same time the BIDEN BALONEY keeps flowing.

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Dr Malone and all readers: These two Mask Reports are a MUST read - please include them in your list of mask resources. They are authored by Physicist John Droz who is collaborating with many on the Covid front - his website is C19Science.Info. His two noteworthy mask reports are linked below.

1. Comprehensive mask report on safety and efficacy: https://c19science.info/COVID-19_Masks.pdf

2. 2 Page simplified Mask Overview ideal for quick understanding and overview of Mask debate - complete with links: https://c19science.info/All_Non-Posted/Mask_Overview.pdf

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Don't assume rational argument will prevail. We're dealing with a cult. Removing the cult leaders is crucial. The rest will need aggressive interventions.

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No doubt, David. But truth needs to be spoken nonetheless.

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It's like a tree falling in the forest not making a sound. A good argument made to people will not listen isn't really an argument, just self-stroking the ego of the arguer. Attacks are always useful, but we want to be sure they're effective. A lot of people are aware of the scam but too complacent to do anything about it. Those are the ones we need to convince. The true believers won't be corrected by logic, only by force.

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Do not comply. Do not send your kids. File a lawsuit against the camp - crowdfund the legal fees. I'll contribute, even if its a loser. They still will incur significant costs defending it. Make it hell for them.

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Don't use go fund me. They're part of the cult.

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I only respond to givesendgo

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The headstart program in our town told their teachers they were required to wear masks and be vaccinated. One of the headstart teachers quite because she refused to comply. Now the headstart program is suffering. No one wants to be foorced to be vaccinated. Our public school did not require teachers to be vaccinated or wear masks.The headstart program is federally funded.

Where is the science? I think it has disappeared

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The education system is the root cause of this disaster. They have eliminated science from the curriculum, so very few are even aware of the science, much less it's absence.

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A lot of healing will need to be done. I wrote this in January 2021. And thank you again, Dr. Malone.


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And this one is about a friend's child who has refused to go along with the program. .


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They cannot make robots to read humans, so they try to mutilate humans to the level of robots.

Very bad engineering. Total waste of energy and resources.

Brace for the blowback.

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Fantastic piece, Robert. And great seeing you in Dublin OH in May. My wife and I were planning a trip to bring the kids and grandkids to Tylers Place in Vermont, at a cost of over $21,000 for the entire family. when we found out about their vaccination and mask mandates, we cancelled those plans. It is astonishing that businesses do not realize the adverse financial effects of these mandates.


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