Robert Kennedy stated during an interview, that he had many friends who distanced themselves from him after his stand on covid, and that he met perfect strangers who became friends and (more importantly) allies beyond what he could have expected.

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This was informative. Thank you. I wish we could fire all those in charge, take away their power, have them live like the rest of us. Paycheck to paycheck. Then tell them that now they will own nothing and be happy. Such evil.

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Let them eat --bugs.

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Yes ! Let them eat bugs.

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Love it :)

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Len them eat shit!

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Thank you for the introduction to Peter and his Substack, Robert.

May I humbly suggest he adopt the more concise portmanteau (Dr. Mengelfauci) I introduced in my third essay?

• “Dr. Mengelfauci: Pinocchio, Puppeteer, or Both?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dr-mengelfauci-pinocchio-puppeteer)

Perhaps we can help it gain more traction together, along with “philanthropath,” “fact-choker,” and other reframing tools we can use to awaken people to obscured realities.

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But here again….the implications of the introduction and argument is that this was a result of one man’s his complex. Not buying it. Also not buying the China created this scenario to its advantage. At the very least we were fully complicit. Has China taken advantage of the circumstance….perhaps.

However, to paint the picture that Fauci was both traitor and mad scientist who derailed Trump is a narrative that does little to correct or even acknowledge the deep state and the very real forces that Fauci likely was nothing more than a pawn.

You get rid of just Fauci or hood him to account as the fall guy, nothing changes.

I do not understand how people cannot see that at a certain point the issue is the collapse and overhaul of the financial system. This was not a case of negligence/malfeasance and bad outcomes….it is and was always meant to be a controlled demolition.

But hey, let’s waste more time on hero worship and not discussing the elephant on the room. Elephant even stomped around in the room on Friday….but the MFM again is not willing to connect the dots.

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Great points, Laura. Either Trump is the stupidest, blindest, most ignorant person in the world to still be fervently touting the wonders of his magical warp-speed injection, or he is a con man in service to the pharmaceutical industry/DoD/globalists and is playing his constituents for all they’re worth. He has been given *ample* time to make his apologies for fathering a democidal bioweapon, but somehow, I don’t see that forthcoming, and his dewy-eyed followers will continue making excuses for him until they finally manage to glimpse the charlatan behind the curtain.

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You think folks are going to open your carefully chosen bites at Trump’s heels to prove your points? Once again you suggest that Trump knew vaccines as if he were a physician. I’m unvaccinated and being retired no one could fire me or mandate anything of me. Trump was misled by a corrupt and or stupid Fauci and Collins and Birx. Trump innocently believed them. Did you too? I didn’t because of my training and decades of medical experience. I also knew a lot about genetics. Trump had hope that the vaccine could be relatively quickly produced for the benefit of Americans. He NEVER supported mandates.

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Haha, no, I don’t expect anyone who wants to cling to their rosy delusions about Trump to click on the substantiating evidence I provide for each of my points, just like I don’t expect Covidians to click on any of the links I offer that counter their irrational beliefs.

Of course, I didn’t innocently believe the “experts.” I’m not blind, brainwashed, dumb, or deluded.

So let’s say he was gullible, stupid, and ignorant as well as a poor judge of character, as you seem to be suggesting, and that’s why he fell for the lies at first. What’s his excuse now, after three years of being exposed to evidence of the COVID cartel’s corruption; the catastrophic impact of the jab on millions of human beings; and the destruction of the global economy that got set into motion by the policies he signed off on?

You don’t have to answer that with more excuses on his behalf. Like I said, arguing about Trump is a waste of time. Please vote for him and continue supporting him all you like. I just in good conscience could never do so.

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Yup. I, realizing the importance of knowing what is being put into peoples bodies, read enough research 5 years ago to know that all vaccines were a scam.

In this psyop we are being attacked on all sides, and I tolerate no fools, except myself, haha. Nor am I easily fooled now. We all have to choose what to believe in this life, but-make no mistake-the place humanity is in is my fault as much as any one else's, because I knew that the entire process was/is the result of fraud, yet never found a way to illuminate the truth for my neighbors. I was too pedantic and frantic...

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deletedMar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023
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I get it, but we can't vote this problem away. The 2020, opaque, and clearly giving a middle finger directed at all of us, election drove that point home.

We are too far into the quick sand, we're not electing our way out of Medusa's grip, we've hit the berg and going down at the head.

Margaret is being realistic, pragmatic, resigned. I gotta give her props.

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I’m sorry you feel that way, IamAfreePerson. Notice I have never once written about partisan politics or told anyone how and who to vote for. I’m not trying to stop anyone from voting for Trump, just explaining why I could never do so myself.

I am surprised anyone who cares about ending democide isn’t bothered by any of the objections I cited above—especially Trump’s refusal to even acknowledge vaxx injuries/deaths let alone take responsibility for his role in COVID tyranny and harms, but everyone has to vote according to their own conscience, and if that doesn’t concern his supporters, so be it.

As I noted elsewhere in this thread, I think TDS is toxic and primarily responsible for so many people falling for the COVID scam, so I’m equally if not more critical of people suffering from that mental affliction.

People can put their faith in a political savior if they wish, but they are bound to be disappointed. I’m done with that game but understand why people still want to play it.

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Your points are useless and uninformed regarding Trump. Try Peter Navarro’s Substack; he’s a hot head Trump supporter you should debate. You’ll both “cancel” each other out!!

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Haha, thanks, JWSPOONERMD. I don’t care enough one way or the other about Trump to waste my time. It just amazes me that people in the medical freedom movement could support him when he is still proudly boasting about having saved 20 million people with his beloved bioweapon.

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“Beloved BioWeapon” you say? Now you have Trump producing a BioWeapon? I thought he build hotels? Obviously, he is a mad scientist, don’t you think? You just don’t like to man; admit it and get on with it.

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Who is the proud father of Operation Warp Speed?

Who bragged about saving 100 million lives with the injection (https://www.newsweek.com/trump-says-he-saved-100-million-lives-covid-vaccines-1774178)? (apologies for the 20-million figure above; I believe that came from Jared based on the bogus Lancet analysis)

Who scoffed at his audience when they pushed back after he told them to get shot (https://www.bitchute.com/video/jLiZvgZpCJNx/)?

Who is alienating his former supporters by continuing to push the lethal injection (https://www.bitchute.com/video/IioNPjb38Nhu/)?

Who scrapped his plans to have RFK Jr. head up a vaccine commission after he got a million-dollar Pfizer donation (https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/health-companies-gave-generously-president-trumps-inauguration/)?

Who hobnobbed with Klaus Schwab at Davos and said “Klaus has done a fantastic job” (https://rumble.com/v1ik1eb-trump-klaus-has-done-a-fantastic-job.html)?

Who stocked his cabinet with swamp creatures (https://derrickbroze.substack.com/p/trump-supported-swamp)?

I don’t care if you or anyone else votes for Trump, and I understand why some people choose to take that poison pill. I just find it perplexing that people who are fully aware that the injection is responsible for murdering and maiming millions worldwide would support the person under whose watch the bioweapon was created and who continues to proudly take credit for it today.

Just as Trump supporters in the MFM are bypassing their critical thinking skills, ethics, and values to make excuses for this megalomaniacal cult of personality, so are Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers guilty of being controlled by their irrational hatred for all things Trump, as I wrote in an October 2021 essay:

“An unwitting Goldstein, Trump played right into BigPharma’s strategy to discredit hydroxychloroquine by praising it—giving Trump Derangement Syndrome (a psychological disorder manufactured by and spread to tremendous monetary benefit and turnkey mass control by the media) sufferers the best and only reason they needed to dismiss it. They have been trained to plug their ears, cover their eyes, scream at the top of their lungs, and stamp their feet the instant any one of the Deplorables opens his mouth. One of the most effective instruments in the plutocracy’s toolkit, TDS has been brandished to misdirect the public for years, and it continues to work its magic despite Trump’s declining relevance, the embers of which the media will continue to fan as long as it pays dividends—just as Goldstein’s detested image is deployed in culturally unifying activities such as Two Minutes Hate” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded).

These partisan games are just another way of distracting people from the grander machinations going on at a global level. As Russell Blake writes:

“I find it precious that you still view things in the conditioned manner of red or blue. This is all theater, as anyone paying attention grasps. The entities who own the U.S. are neither dem or republican, just as they are neither white nor black, gay or straight, theist or atheist.” (https://russellblakeuncensored.substack.com/p/a-fb-post-that-will-no-doubt-be-buried — worth reading in full)

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Likely the latter. He is the perfect model for the Antichrist...and I adore the gutsy man. But somebody has to foot the bill...what do I know?

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Mercy Margaret, you sound just like my only ranting Liberal TDS friend, i bet you think the J6 was a "violent insurrection", even after viewing all the video the J6 committee hid from the public.

Wow, take a cold shower and stop watching CNN

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Even better, turn off whatever you're doing and c'mon over. We'll get the campfire roasting and sip something hot, enjoy the silence and remember what we have to be thankful for.

We've hit the berg, we're going down by the head! Let us embrace and bond, as together we approach the great gulf.

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Haha, evidently you missed the critique of TDS sufferers I shared elsewhere in this thread from one of my earliest essays:

“An unwitting Goldstein, Trump played right into BigPharma’s strategy to discredit hydroxychloroquine by praising it—giving Trump Derangement Syndrome (a psychological disorder manufactured by and spread to tremendous monetary benefit and turnkey mass control by the media) sufferers the best and only reason they needed to dismiss it. They have been trained to plug their ears, cover their eyes, scream at the top of their lungs, and stamp their feet the instant any one of the Deplorables opens his mouth. One of the most effective instruments in the plutocracy’s toolkit, TDS has been brandished to misdirect the public for years, and it continues to work its magic despite Trump’s declining relevance, the embers of which the media will continue to fan as long as it pays dividends—just as Goldstein’s detested image is deployed in culturally unifying activities such as Two Minutes Hate” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded).

I wouldn’t go near CNN with a thousand-foot pole unless I were performing a case study in propaganda, and of course, I instantly knew J6 was a Reichstag affair. Indeed, the revelations in this post solidify that understanding even deeper:


Don’t mistake someone of conscience having valid concerns about Trump specifically related to my topics of passion—stopping democide and tyranny—with someone who hates Trump for irrational and fabricated reasons. I just wonder why others who seem to share these values are willing to override their concerns about the lethal injection to zealously follow a charismatic leader.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, thank you for highlighting Peter’s Substack. He was a professor at the Paul Merage School of Business, UC Irvine Campus. Back in 2007 and 2008 when I completed my MBA, he gave us all his book on China. What an incredible man, extremely talented and so under appreciated. I just subscribed to his Substack as suggested.

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If you want to hear a real rant..Saturday I had the opportunity to listen to Mark Leibovit explain how corrupt our financial markets are. Eliminating the Fed and other corrupt bueracracies in DC would do wonders. Especielly the FDA and the CDC.

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Sorry I do not want Trump’s America nor Biden’s. Dr. Malone you have had some great proposals and ideas. Going backwards into a dysfunctional and unattainable past is not one of them.

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Whenever I see comments like yours I often ask what is it you offer instead. I rarely get any kind of reasonable response, if any at all.

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They just hate Trump with no good reason. I’ll take 4 years with no new wars alone. K probably works for the industrial military complex.

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Maybe as a voice vote libertarian? I don’t believe we have any choice of good verses bad, it is all bad, all stagnant.

Maybe by voting outside R vs D we really screw with their heads by doing this. Such an upheaval!

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As I remember people doing precisely that gave us Clinton. As bad as GHB was he was better than Clinton if for no other reason (and there are plenty others) than he left us hillary to deal with.

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I don’t know that Republicans will win because those who want trump are not going to vote for DeSantis, and vice versa. I am in the fly over states and there are a lot of trump signs. Republicans are already split. What will unite them?

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Railroad cars to the reeducation camps...they'll have plenty of time to work out the differences.

Republicans are as deluded as the democrats. Fox et al and CNN et al are flip sides of the same co-in(telpro). The elections are an obvious fraud that now don't even need to appear as though they are meaningful. We aren't going to vote our way out of this fraudulent and corrupt global government.

The globalists, due to their dedicated love of saving the earth, have their fingers on ALL the buttons and they have murder on their minds.

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Biden hatred maybe. Lots of it out there and growing by the minute

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Well, I’m a MAGA Republican. Either Trump or DeSantis will do it for me (and for most MAGA) — I’m glad that we have TWO strong contenders to choose from. I posted my thoughts on this issue in my latest Rumble video: https://rumble.com/v2brqdi-hey-maga-god-is-good-buckle-up-were-in-for-a-wild-ride-episode-111.html

BTW, I used to be a STRONG Democrat — I worked in the “issues staff” (just 15 or so of us) for defense & space policy on the Clinton/Gore 1992 campaign in Little Rock. Then served in the first Clinton Administration at the Pentagon as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control & Communications.

I walked away due to “climate alarmism.”

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I am a non-participating hater of ALL current governmental entities. I trust absolutely no one else to get me out of this. It has to start with me. I've already served time in jail, 6 freezing sleepless nights of fasting, for standing up to tyranny, just this last December. While charges were dismissed, and I am dreading ANY return to jail, I refuse to cower in place from the coming hell.

God give me strength and courage.

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As we are going along the various 'candidates' positions are clarifying (and evolving), more 'candidates' are emerging and our landscape is rapidly evolving as well. Rush L explained why he never promoted candidates early. Too much in Flux to draw any hard and fast conclusions and place one's bets. Just hope, if there's a 2024 election we won't have to end up voting for the least awful choices.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

Micheal Nash, thanks for your comment. Obviously I am not going to compose a new constitution* right here and now. However, I will say that I do not know what the future will bring and how we are going to solve all the world’s (or even the U.S.’s) problems. I can say that a majority of the Far Left, DNC, GOP, MAGA, and you, do not either. Unfortunately humans don’t seem to learn from history and we repeat the same mistakes over and over, thus using the same methods over and over, and thinking they will provide different results. So my response is that we need to RE-IMAGINE the underpinnings and foundations of this sinking ship, which is a mighty task indeed. Especially when those at the helm of the ship, who benefit from its corrupted foundations, will do anything to maintain their wealth, power, and life.

I will suggest that:

• We are in a moment of the largest, most life altering, change in history to date. There have been a few substantial changes such as the Industrial Revolution. However, the world of technology has sped up the dissemination and analysis of information to warp speed. This in turn has sent shock waves out to every aspect of life.

• Advanced methods of technology are also being used in shaping narratives and minds. Remember, we are our beliefs!

• The wealthy have skyrocketed to exaggerated heights of wealth that puts the gilded ages of the past to shame. Leaving the rest of us far far far behind.

• With this wealth comes an unbalanced amount of power. This power is monogamous with a majority of it being wielded by wealthy older white males with a future that is not in jeopardy (because they’re going to die soon and diversity makes us stronger).

• The corporate state has undoubtedly succeeded in its quest to sit on top of the nation state. I believe this quest really gained momentum starting around the Reagan era time frame.

• With the corporate move to the top, comes corporatization of the food supply, health industry, education, finance, technology, military contractors, and of course government to name some of the majors.

So, how do we turn this boat around?

• First I think we need to set petty differences behind and work together. The folks at the top use all of the strings available to them to keep us at each others throats. Many of us unknowingly make a THING out of a thing by taking in divisive information and then espousing their positions, beliefs, and anger, thus expanding the divide and keeping us distracted and angry.

• One easy thing we can do is to start with the words,YES AND, when you disagree with someone, then be civil and work to find solid middle ground.

• Also we do not all have to agree on everything!

• Be open to changing a concrete belief, when the information stacks up overwhelmingly against it. I know it is painful when false idols fall because I have been experiencing this over and over, and find myself sitting in the middle. I know I am not alone on this one.

Now comes the hard part.

• Agree to get rid of Citizens United (Get as much money out of politics as possible.)

• Make it illegal for all of our politicians to be able to trade stocks while in office or provide anyone stock tips who is close to them. The only place for there stock portfolios is in a blind trust.

• Make our election cycle short (for example, 2 month primary, 1 moth general) and publicly fund each candidate equally. Set up debates and hold them to it. Use an apolitical organization and universal method to provide all citizens each candidates platforms. This is a start there is more we need to do regarding the elections.

• Somehow force congress and the senate to start legislating instead of grandstanding and punting all the tough stuff to the Supreme Court. This will actually help fix the issues with the Supreme Court too.

• Deal with the military industrial complex. War is a last resort after all options are exhausted. It is not not a spigot of reoccurring and growing revenues for the military contractors through a series of planned events. First the creation of a crisis, then faltering negotiations, while stoking patriotism, providing the desired result blasting out that moments bad guys. Bad guys who may not even be as bad as the media (funded by guess who) creates them to be.

• Take out the revolving door from congress to industry and make a more egalitarian lobbying system in government.

• Revisit Dodd-Frank and Sherman Antitrust Act. Hold the pharmacy cartels accountable and break up their cradle to grave ecosystem that touches government, universities, media outlets, and others to do it’s bidding and espouse the desired narratives.

• Start to hold the media more accountable.

I could continue, however if the above, or even 50% of it actually happens we the people may have a fighting chance.

*Our founders were extremely smart and wrote a brilliant piece of work based upon their time frames. They did look far into the future and tried to create the “fail safes” to protect democracy. Unfortunately, we have gone past the foresight of their crystal balls and really need to look into a constitution that addresses the many changes, that have occurred and are poorly covered by legislature, and are about to occur and have no legislature to address them.

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Agree it would be nice to do all this but, again, how? You still need a party in power to do all this.

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Support independent news sources ie. Substack, Podcasts, etc. we need to promote each other, and tone down the divisiveness. Stop seeking political victories at all cost and vilifying the people who disagree with us. We need to work together and agree to disagree without walking away.

My belief is that it will only happen from the grassroots, and that's the biggest fear of those that sit on top. It is why they create events to distract us and pit us against each other expending all the energy that should be directed at them.

I also feel that we need to continue making those of us in the middle with our ideas more and more visible. I am finding this group to be diverse and larger than thought to be.

Maybe the 101st monkey theory will change the direction we are headed.

As I said initially, I do not know. I do know Trump or Biden along with the DNC or GOP aren't even close to being it.

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Begrudgingly I admit that unless Tolsi G runs, then Orange man might be the least worse candidate from a medical freedom standpoint. He has that warp speed ego tho

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deletedMar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023
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No, just frustrated w/ the status quo but no clue how to fix all that is wrong

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deletedMar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023
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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm not convinced that "Trump America" or "Biden America" characterizes the kind of America we actually have right now, or even had during the time of the past several presidents. Most of what I'm seeing, especially after covid, is an America that has "Psychopathic Billionaire Oligarch" fingerprints plastered all over it. The WEF-supporting, WHO-supporting big money boys that have totally infiltrated our government institutions. Let's call it PBO America.

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Yes! This. And why certain people refuse to acknowledge it baffles and concerns me.

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You don't go backwards by adopting Trumps America. You take on the more sensible aspects of the past and try to blend them in some of the good aspects of the last number of years. with Biden's America, America ends as that shining light on s hill that Reagn described.

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In 1776, our forebears renounced a tyranny-from-afar and created an "anarchy" where we declared our intentions, forged alliances, and began making our own weapons to defend against the storm of violence headed our way.

The word anarchy simply means volunteerism, and the entire frontier was a form of anarchy, a volunteer force of decent people, oft-times overwhelmed by violent human forces arrayed against them, who wanted to build a land of equality and justice for all. Were the politicians and wretches in power hypocrites? Did they betray the Godly truth proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence? Were they controlled by greed , corruption, and the desire for power? Yup. Over and over. We the "people" allowed it, as long as nobody bothered our little oasis.

But we came out the other side with a peace and sense of cooperation. Nonetheless there remain yet today those who would proclaim this violent period of history (which has been just so for thousands of years) as the cause of their victimhood, and don't realize that the forces arrayed against them are the same that have always been so.

Some people simply insist on more than their share and have no qualms against using grade school misfits and bullies to propel us all towards an abyss.

I suggest we step out of the assembly-of-lemmings and let them go, reaching out to those that will listen, to seek God and Godly fear, while sadly watching humanity approach the empty gulf, the horror of it becoming apparent.

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Our Founders rebelled against European autocracy that never really left our shores, replaced as is was by europliles like Wilson and FDR who busted their butts trying to drag us into a european centric combine. What should be remembered of our history is that those who settled here were mainly trying to leave those aristocrats and their european habits behind.

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Yes yes yes. My ancestors left Scotland and Ireland in the 1850's and worked hard to clear a beautiful 5100 acres of rough raw mountainous land. They battled the heat, the storms, the endless ticks, pestilence, and mosquitos.

Most of all they battled against the worst parasite of all: government. They created an independent Shangri-La amongst the redwoods and coastal range of northern California, now Northern Commiefornia.

All were equal and judged by whether they contributed, by the sweat of their brow, or simply tried of do the minimum, thereby relegating themselves to the middle to lower class.

Now the Birkenstock wearing, college-educated, "Know a lot, but lack the wisdom to apply that knowing intelligently," youngsters have been authorized to pontificate to their elders the way "the state wants it". Two years ago they watched as the center coastal range burned to a crisp, all the endangered species they claimed to care about, toasted as well, as a result of their hands-off ecoism.

Ignorant of the need for husbanding the land, the conflagration was a burning testimony against their policy of doing-nothing. That destruction should have been laid at their feet. But no, they doubled down, making the permit process for those who wanted to rebuild too expensive and punitive.

Government: It's the problem to the solution

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How idilic and idiotic. They also genocided natives and introduced slavery ;-))

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That was my point. To this day men are still enslaved in America, women too. It occurs everywhere that tyranny exists. So we speak of tyranny, the color-blind affliction of the psychopath on the rest of us.

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This is an OK comment from somebody with mental affliction of hating any of 1.4 billion Chinese... (to clarify - speaking about senile PhD Micheal Nash...)

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My comment was about senile PhD Micheal Nash...

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Whew, I was not going to sleep til we resolved this... Thanks, haha!

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Bravo -- but also full of China hatred - WHY ??

Another brave US patriot, Prof. Jeffrey Sachs maintains that Covid-19 was designed in a US lab !!

Why is that likelihood NEVER even mentioned?

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Have yet to hear you give us a good reason not to hate china. Have worked with grad students from Taiwan and various "scientists" and grad students from the prc and the difference as between night and day. Any country capable of doing to its citizens what china has to turn out those kind of folks is not one I aspire to be friends with. And I'll close here pointing out that turning our population into what china turns out is precisely the goal of progressives wherever you find them

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You need to more familiarize yourself with China.

Also note that half of Taiwan population is for unification rather than war -- despite massive US money and propaganda.

You should not listen only to Falun Gong anti-Communist “religion” and to CIA 20+ year of propaganda and lies.

Get also familiar with Twitter Files -- you will learn a lot about who not to trust

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Expected reply.

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I never trust a man in a bowtie...

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How the US Runs Taiwan's Government & Why It Must Stop – Dec 8, 2021 (The New Atlas)


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Hate is unhealthy -- often comes from ignorance and having a fake PhD

Financial Times -- July 8, 2021:

“China’s emergence over the past four decades ranks as the biggest and longest-run economic boom in history. Its annual gross domestic product rose from a mere $191 B, or $195 per capita, in 1980 to $14.3 T, or $10,261 per capita, in 2019.

It has raised more than 770m people from poverty and transformed the Chinese economy into a high-tech powerhouse that is on course to eclipse America’s in size. This transformation is the landmark achievement of the Chinese Communist party, which celebrates its 100th anniversary on Thursday.”


Humanity’s finest ambition is the pursuit of peace.

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So what. Still a population of sociopaths. At least the ones I met. Repeat, any system turning them out is not one I have any interest in being involved with

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Fight for return of democracy in the US instead of blabbering about country you know nothing.

And -- socialism is a future of humanity.

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Should we not invite China to help us manage our voting process and complete counting two hours after polls close -- as it is routinely done in the rest of the world except in few undemocratic banana “republics” like US.

Shouldn’t you fight for a democracy in US What instead of senile blabbering about China?

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China has consistently embarrassed western pundits, having become, depending on how you measure, either the largest or second largest economy in the world, without having to undergo political liberalization. Its growth has been on a historically unprecedented scale, based on manufacturing and unusually high levels of technological innovation, while the state has also maintained internal peace and security, whatever we think of its methods for doing so.

And apparently -- this is why we need to hate and threaten China by war and endless provocations..

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

Peter Navarro is a great man and one of the few that had common sense, integrity, competence throughout this mess. Wish guys like that were still helping to run this country but am hoping he will again soon. Am happy to support him on Substack...thanks for the info.

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I would like to suggest that Peter Navarro look into the Chinese scientists who were Arrested by RCMP from Winnipeg Canada Lab at the beginning of all this Covid stuff, and returned to Wuhan, China. There was previously information that Wuhan Scientists "stole" something from this Canadian Laboratory. AND, the world military games were in Wuhan, and a plane load of Canadian Military arrived home, Many of them very ill from " Covid" at the very beginning. This information is being suppressed by Canadian authorities.

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Peter Navarro. Since the time I first had heard of him being an advisor to Trump he seemed to me to be a friend of the American worker. I always listen to Bannons war room and heard Peter explain how it was better to pay and build a factory in America to produce jobs for Americans than it was to pay less money for Chinese products but not produce any American jobs. This seemed to be the daily fight Peter had with the rhino’s Trump had hired as fiscal globalist advisors. I think of Peter as a family member that is always looking out for what is best for me and my family. He’s a real patriotic American. How dare the AG Merrick Garland, whose grandparents fled the settlement Pale in czarist Russia to escape religious and political persecution put his political adversary, an American patriot, in hand cuffs and leg irons. People should look up Garlands confirmation hearings when Cory Booker asked him about his family and how his grandparents fled Russia to come to America. He broke down and said America protected his family from religious persecution and he felt he owed America to be the best AG in American history. I guess in his mind persecuting your political opponents is somehow justified. In my mind religious persecution is political persecution because it’s always tyrant politicians like Merrick Garland persecuting their political opponent. How far the left has fallen. J.Goodrich

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And then you have the quality of what is manufactured there. I should have said lack of quality. We offset American jobs to be able to buy crap. Not a win for labor, not a win for consumers.

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Navarro is a great patriot and another brave citizen who has braved the assaults by the totalitarian propogandists who control most all media, universities, Donkey Party and most all of the Elephants, as well. Early on he viewed Fauci, et al, as crooks and CCP toadies bent on our destruction. Thank you for highlighting him for your audience who might not be familiar with Dr. Navarro and his extensive corpus of work.

Danny Huckabee

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Subscription, subscribed ✔️ I’m all for strong language!

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Thanks for this post. I listened to Navaro on X-22 yesterday and will support his legal battle with the corrupt department of justice. To go after a man and put him in irons at a very public place is unconscionable seeing that he only lives a block from the FBI and had numerous talks with them prior.

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Thanks for promoting Peter Navarro’s Substack. IMO Peter is a National Treasure. One of the very few loyal advisors to Trump, with a brilliant mind and the ability to communicate complex issues in plain language. I just subscribed to his Substack.

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I am subscribed to PN's substack. The next time he posts will check whether it's paid and if not change that. Being from Chicago, while I greatly appreciate Dr M's style, I'm ok with Trump and Mark Levin. The merits of content can outway style for me. Much appreciate the facts, data, perspectives responsibly provided from my trusted resources!

Thanks so much for your heads up!

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Is anyone surprised that Biden and his diminutive stooge at Justice had Peter Navarro arrested at gunpoint and shackled when all they needed to do was ask him to go to an FBI office to face two MISDEMEANOR charges? Even the judge hearing Peter's case said the FBI's actions were unreasonable. We need to disband the FBI and start fresh. Maybe with having them work out of a headquarters that isn't named for a cross dressing blackmailer. Pathetic, jack booted Stasi wannabes.

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