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I eat Vandy potato chips , cooked in tallow and use Vanman cosmetics made from beef and even buffalo tallow.

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My Grandmother lived during the depression of 29 thru 33, lived to be 101.

My mom recalls times when she would be crying at night, there's no food in the house.

A commodity center offered powder eggs/flour/milk/ etc. Possibly leftover from WW1.

So she would eat Beef lard/ tallow sandwiches as it was in large commodity cans.

McDonalds long ago did those russet french fries in beef lard. Best fast food f.fry ever.

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Hooray! OOh I love this post so much Robert! Some one had to "shout" this wonderful truth from the rafters.

Easy....... animal fats good, yummy and staisfying. Seed oils are deadly. Rape seed oil was once only grown for axel grease - now relabelled as "canola"..... what the heck! Nutshell for the non-sciency; seed oils make your blood thick, and cause general inflammation. I have 9 siblings. Despite overtime and working a 2nd job, Dad had a meagre income. Hard for Mum (who was a culinary magician at any time) to feed 12 people - sometimes too many days left till the end of the fortnight with no money. Potato chips, freshly peeled and chopped by daughters, got deep fried in dripping, and stale bread slices fried in dripping, served as "fish" and chips. It was delicious and very satisfying. Milk was watered down until a brother or two, deliberately got a treasured part time job at the milk factory, and was allowed a few extra pints plus a bottle of cream, with each evening shift. We clinched it with another one working at the butter factory after school :) , who was also allowed freebies. We had our own chooks (that's aussie for hens:) and grew our own veggies; the boys would go out shooting rabbits on the weekends, but only if chooks weren't laying, an older chook would meet their demise. Chooks were usually kept for Christmas, Easter or other special lunches; Mum would make a dripping laden stuffing for the chook with herbs and chokoes as well as push fatty bacon between the flesh and skin before baking. Drippping or gravy on bread for school lunch sandwiches was very staisfying and so yummy! Lots of kids begged to swap. Everything we ate was clean food and dripping, butter, eggs, pure cream, were considered the go-to for cooking. Mum would fry her baked potatoes in dripping тАФ the girls follow suit as do our daughters and grand daughters. The secret being, to par-boil potatoes & drain first; while still hot fry the exterior, then pop into the oven on a rack tray, to complete cooking тАФ so these potatoes are tri-cooked - the best you will ever eat. We would often have fatty roast lamb once a week which was very cheap back then - with lashings of yummy home-made gravy and fat fried veggies, and butter tossed silverbeet. Have only ever used dripping, butter or olive oil to cook.

Come the 1970s message of "Stay away from fat, it'll kill you" Mum exclaimed, what piffle, if fat was bad for us we should all be dead!

All our miles of walking in a day as children (no car) means we all enjoy quality bone strength in our old ages. Apart from some siblings having diabetes resulting from the "saturated fat is evil" lie, which they believed, we're all in pretty good nick. Yeah...still cook with yummy dripping and have only ever used salted butter.

This is a most valuable post for many needing to create simple and yummy changes.

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Doubtful any of this great table food of the finest choice listed above,

is available at any 5 star restaurants or whole food stores.

It got lost wrapped in $100 bills,

from the tasteless appetites' of profitable greed.

Nice reply MR.

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Now I have to find those chips.

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My raw milk place got their grass fed raw jersey milk ghee back in stock. OMG. Some kosher salt, ghee and organic popcorn kernels and itтАЩs a snack that is hard to resist

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Me too. Lol!

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$60.00 for four 5 oz. bags shipped right to your door, but you can get 20% off if you let them bother you with emails and text messages for the rest of your life. Lol. They sound good but my biggest concern would be arriving as crumbs instead of chips. I buy oatmeal cookies from a baker in Brooklyn and get 40 cookies, in 10 each packages and they are bubble wrapped well and still come with many broken, they cost me $30. Do you use mail order or know of a retail location.

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I'd sprinkle those crumbs in my coffee......yum....

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Some tallow creams have Polysorbate 80 in them. My Daughter-in-Law gave my Daughter & I a gift of beef tallow that she found in Texas last summer; but, that tallow cream had polysorbate 80 in it, & my daughter told me that man-made chemical is bad to use, or ingest. So, we had to toss it in the trash!

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If anyone lives in So Florida, Marando Farms and Ranch in Davie carry Vanda potato chips and Masa corn chips (same company)

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I love the Vandy chips!

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