In 1990, McDonald's was FORCED to switch from tallow to veg oil for frys and we collectively agreed it didn't taste as good after that change. We lived with it because we thought it was better for us. Now we learn veg oils are WORSE for our health. How and why did that go so wrong?
In 1990, McDonald's was FORCED to switch from tallow to veg oil for frys and we collectively agreed it didn't taste as good after that change. We lived with it because we thought it was better for us. Now we learn veg oils are WORSE for our health. How and why did that go so wrong?
I highly recommend, if not already seen, some of the documentaries put out about Big Food, Big Ag and Fast food companies. Food, Inc., is 1, Forks Over Knives, and Super Size Me are a few. Eye openers!
In 1990, McDonald's was FORCED to switch from tallow to veg oil for frys and we collectively agreed it didn't taste as good after that change. We lived with it because we thought it was better for us. Now we learn veg oils are WORSE for our health. How and why did that go so wrong?
Cause the Big Guys rule! Cheaper for them.
I highly recommend, if not already seen, some of the documentaries put out about Big Food, Big Ag and Fast food companies. Food, Inc., is 1, Forks Over Knives, and Super Size Me are a few. Eye openers!
How and why? Follow the money.
Forced by who?
Top level bean counters,
knowing that the cost difference of the two is worth an Executive Lear Jet or two!