Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Right there with you on the funk. You’ve been working your butt off. Take time for you. We need you for the long haul.

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We have to renew our trust in Divine Providence and not give in to despair and hopelessness. We may not see or have answers but there is One much smarter and more powerful who ultimately is in control.

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Grossly excessive wealth concentrations beget undue senses of privilege, which beget irrational senses of responsibilities, which in turn beget sociopathic senses of ownership.

The progression goes like this: "I have the financial means, therefore I have the responsibility, and yes, I have the right." In their minds they are gods and everyone else is their property to manage as they see fit...

As for us, we are well advised to choose who we recognize as God and who we don't, wisely.

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Apr 18, 2022·edited Apr 18, 2022

There's also the progression of; "I made lots of money, so I'm obviously smarter than other people, and I know how to solve problems, which will make me even more money, which just shows how much smarter I am, which means I am the right person to make these decisions, oh and I get to make them so I make more money....."

We have already overextracted the life of this planet, and our culture will die, like all those centralized cultures that came before. The billionaires think they'll survive. Ha!

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Money money money....

I HATE MONEY!! I HATE HUMANS hypnotized by money...

I HATE that money has replaced HUMAN VALUES...

"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)

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It is ironic that the Western elite is so concerned with checking privilege, when privilege is exactly what the elite live for. They use their money to build up privileges, including the privilege of telling US we have too much privilege.

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it looks like you've started going the right direction on the path toward knowing the source of the problem. now just go a little further and you'll start to see that the problem is in the thing we call human nature. who knows what the human nature thing actually looks like - how does it cause all of our destructive behaviors ? I've spent about 60 years trying to understand it and finally have a working theory. now the ultimate bad news; i'm finding out that total, automatic rejection of understanding human nature seems to be a fundamental element of human nature. please proove me rong here if you can or/and will.

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How could you be proven wrong with such a nebulous theory? Anyhow, as the promulgator of a theory, it is your responsibility to prove it. This turn of saying other people have to prove you wrong is weak.

But a philosophical position like yours doesn't really need proof as much as it needs a clearer elaboration. HOW does human nature cause all our destructive behaviors? How do you know that there is a better alternative? What is it?

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Here is someone who put a great deal of effort and time into trying to understand human nature... see link below to Alice Miller's book THOU SHALT NOT BE AWARE...

For me personally... the root of the problem lies in unprocessed/ unintegrated TRAUMA... which DISTORTS human nature.

The vast majority of humans do NOT live according to human nature, but rather in accordance with utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy"... imposed upon the child, who then MUST deny their own true nature, in order to conform and survive ... Rather than being supported in living according to their own deepest nature and THRIVE...


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Alice Miller is a very interesting author. Could you elaborate a little more? What is living according to deepest nature?

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amen on that Deirdre !

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When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle....Edmond Burke.

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That's "nice".... BUT that One isn't paying my mortgage... or telling my employer to give me back my job without getting injected with a useless, ineffective, experimental pharmaceutical ...

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I’m so glad you didn’t take that injection - you should be able to save your health!! I do hope so!! Seems that our creator works in totally bizarre ways to evolve us… and free will seems to be a questionable plan ! Life here is Not reliably fun, easy or “safe” … Yet I personally think that goodness prevails and I totally understand why anyone wouldn’t think that though - Doesn’t always look like it… Time will tell.

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Trusting Divine Providence is like having hope as a strategy. Being captured and put in chains is awful and yet it happened all the time. If there were Divine Providence this could not happen.

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Apr 18, 2022·edited Apr 18, 2022

Wrong. If you took the time to read the Apostle Paul (Romans thru Philemon KJV), you would learn we are living in the dispensation of the age of grace, as opposed to God's program with Israel under the law. Therefore, the DP you refer to, who reveals himself as the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, was buried and rose again to prove his ability to justify all who would merely trust him, cannot offer grace and judgement at the same time (like mixing oil and water). Paul also tells us to "rightly divide" the Scriptures (KJV wording), further indicating his revelation of the mystery (KJV wording) is in contrast to prophecy in times past and in the ages to come. OT and NT is a misnomer. My point being, God has finished speaking in this period of time "kept secret since the world began" (Paul answers why in 1 Cor. 2:8) because Paul's epistles completed the word of God who now tells us to study it to be approved...2 Tim 2:15 KJV. God's will today is that we would be saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth. Salvation (above) is freely given but must be trusted in. God wants us to be wise and understand what is going on in the world and he gave Paul the knowledge for us today. Read, study and understand. I would that Dr. Malone opened to Romans thru Philemon. His writings would not be about good people saving the world, but rather, trust in Christ's finished work at the cross (the gospel of the grace of God). When grace is finished, Hebrews thru Revelation (prophecy) will ensue when God will pour out his judgement on all who freely rejected Him and remain in their sins.

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Good luck with that. I choose to use my God given ability to fight evil.

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11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Most assuredly, it is not luck! If you're referring to the God of the Bible, you obviously do not know him. We know there is "the god of this world"... who is the "father of lies and is deceiving the whole world". It's spiritual warfare so you cannot fight it with carnal weapons. Trust the gospel of Christ and be properly armoured.

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Sounds like you are locked in on what you believe, good for you.

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Divine providence(or God) gave us free will and because of that freedom we are given the ability to choose and not be puppets. That doesn’t mean that God in his wisdom and mercy doesn’t intervene or won’t intervene at times. We can’t blame God for our bad choices and what becomes of them. That’s why prayer for wisdom is needed.

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well if He is in ultimate control, then why do you think He is controling so many people's minds to not see and not care about all the things that are going on right in front of their eyes ?

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God is not a God of control. If He were than there would be no such thing as love. Love is something given freely, something chosen. We are made in God’s loving image exactly because we have freedom of choice: The choice to follow Him or not to follow His direction. If people do not see all that is wrong or right, it is not God’s doing, but man’s choice to go it his own way. I think we have less chance of doing this when we follow Christ. Absolute truths like the two greatest commandments relate to me, and not just others in everything I do. This blindness you are talking about is self imposed by not seeing the spiritual truths of God. Thus the refrain: “Amazing grace how great thou art, that saves a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found. Was BLIND but now I see.” Choosing to see the world through Christ’s eyes helps us to help ourselves and care truly about others. I follow God as best I can, not because it is imposed, but because I love Him, all His precepts and all that He says He has done for us and will do. Amen.

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We are not disagreeing. All I am saying is He has ultimate power over everything. He allows a tornado or hurricane. He allows earthquakes . He allows people to die. He inspires people and helps them to accomplish the good that He desires to come about because He loves us and looks after us. He can help us to overcome these evil people who are trying to control us.

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Nicely said

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He has ultimate control but allows men to use their free wills. He tries to guide them but it's up to the individual to educate and discern and judge. He allows evil to happen, sometimes as punishment, but only to ultimately bring good out of it.

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Pretzel logic. Define he controls vs free will. I drive my car using the steering wheel, but the wheels are free to do as they decide.

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yes it's SO hard to agree with the logic of so many of the Bible believers comments.

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I believe/feel/understand, we are living the seventh day of Creation - God is at rest.

We choose how this goes.

Be well.

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I can't speak for Deirdre, but as a follower of Christ, I realize that we need to fight against the injustice we see and advocate for the vulnerable, especially as they are coming after our children now. At the same time, I believe what the Bible tells us about the future. If current events are bringing us closer to what Christians call the end times, we will not be able to stop it. Since we don't know God's timeline, we have to continue to trust Him, as she said, while at the same time continuing to expose and fight against evil. Thank you for doing your part to fight!

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agreed 100% ^

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You are a brave man. Do not despair. What you are doing is tremendously important. You are identifying, clarifying and naming a force, with a plan, that has been underground and below the radar for a long, long time.

Davos was once the province of what the mainstream considered conspiracy theorists, and right wing ideologues and those wearing aluminum foil hats. No longer.

The pandemic may have been a blessing in disguise because it has illuminated this oligarchy. Their efforts to clamp down on free speech has not been entirely successful. It has given impetus to the creative nature and enterprising people have found a way to get around the speech clampdown. While Substack, Rumble, Gettr, Gab, Parler, Truth Social are in their infancy, they are growing.

Please don't get discouraged. You are heroic and are doing more than you know. The truth is a powerful weapon and shield.

Get some rest and recharge your psychic batteries. The fight is just beginning and we need you.

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am a simple person Dr. Malone.. given to simple thought. You reach a lot of us ordinary folk and one thing holds true… we have all reached out to you saying… take our hand and stay strong..

We love and appreciate the enormous effort and sacrifice of your personal quest…. and there are many of us … each in our own way … who can identify with the energy and sheer willpower it takes …to believe that truth will prevail… and we will be able to hold the line.

Each of us …following our own heart..and our own deeply held beliefs. A belief that love is still alive in every person.. no matter country or creed…. and truth and love of our neighbour will not die in darkness … and together we can silence the web of darkness that would cover our every day lives with lies.

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What appalls me too is the high number of ppl who have no clue who WEF is? If I try to explain, most lose attention span or say something like, “we’ve been through this before”. I try to explain THIS IS PROBABLY DIFFERENT bc TECHNOLOGY will actually allow them to truly take over in ways not possible before!! Some might say, “well, I can’t do anything about it”. I will usually reply, well I read and follow many of the warriors and contribute just a little financially to help the causes which I feel are detrimental to the outcome of our futures. Humanity’s future!!! It still ends up feeling ppl just don’t want to take it seriously or can’t be bothered much. I guess its the “Mass Formation Psychosis” effecting many. Plus, I live in a southern state that SEEMS” to be mostly back to normal. I understand your frustration Dr. Malone! But with GOD on our side, miracles can happen!!!

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So happen to agree. Where to go without knowing God is Bigger than these Egos.

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One of your finest articles to date. Excellent!@

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a part time farmer, I find solace in pulling weeds, hilling potatoes, drilling grain, and picking rocks.

All those mindless tasks seem to clear my mind.

The mind needs a good cleaning occasionally.

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I spent some time in coastal wetlands today and enjoyed all of the wildlife. And it was as if nothing else existed for a short time. Wouldn't it be wonderful if that sort of thing was the norm, and engaging with the insanity for a short while is what required making an effort?

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Eisenhower famously said, "Pessimism never won a battle." Or a war.

Yes, you are right, things look gloomy. But whenever I have thoughts like these, I ask myself, "What should we do? Our feet are in the alligators' mouths." There is no choice but to fight.

We need you polymaths to lead. The rest of us will do what we can. Resistance is growing--you cannot deny that.

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Love this quote.

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deletedApr 18, 2022·edited Apr 18, 2022
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To live is Christ and to die is gain! For Christians, it's a win win situation. Not saying we won't suffer, indeed, the Bible tells us that we will.

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Time to get on a horse and ride. 💝

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Irrelevant, but one of the most wonderful memories I cherish was trailering my horse up to Yosemite for a week and riding around. At least a reminder that things haven't always been this insane. But Robert, I'm afraid the days of your lovely, quiet life may be over, as is mine and many others. We need leaders like you.

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There is something regenerative about a warm, sweaty mane. Go RIDE !!

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I cannot dispute your analysis or your dark predictions of where the world is going. All that is required for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing. You are a good man, doing what you can. As should we all.

On a practical note; get some sleep and spend time out of doors. Thank you for what you do.

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I echo what Justine wrote: Thank you dearly for your tireless truth-telling. You are a brave man, Dr. Malone.

Yes, spend time with your beautiful horses. Ride them. They will help to clear your mind and refresh your soul.

God gave beautiful creatures to us--like your horses--for our good.

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You have come a distance, sir, from supporting Hillary Clinton for president. Glad to see it. MR Weiss,MD.

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We all grow commensurate with our abilities and foundations. Wonder how many here are recovering liberals? Remember, too, "liberal" didn't always mean Fascist as it does today. The distortions of our most fundamental truths has been completed by these worldwide extremists. George Orwell among plenty of other writers showed the mechanics of this.

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Excellent, and very true.

And remember, throughout WWII, Fascism was rapidly becoming the de facto mode of government in the west; in the US, for example, the mobilization of the nation for WWII meant the creation of an immense administrative state that—rather than seizing and controlling industries directly—worked through a complex of board membership to achieve proxy public control. Which is technically fascism (the so-called "third way.")

This ^^ was even touted at the time as the future and ideal model of all governance; and as it was staffed by “experts” from academia, it was celebrated in universities and taught to generations of students.

But if they were to work towards fascism -- worldwide and here in the US - they had to rid "fascism" of the associations with the almost universally deplored Nazism.

So they recast Nazism—the apotheosis of leftist collectivism—as politically “far Right." And they did this through the introduction of a new political science model that became a bedrock of the field by the mid-20th century. It worked so well it was almost like black magic.

Meanwhile, they marched forward - politically, culturally, educationally - under the new banner of that distressingly vague term "Progressivism."

But if we were misled about the nature of fascism—and imagining it would come jackbooted and goose stepping into history again—how would we recognize it when it came?

What if it arrived this time masquerading as simulated kindness?

For the essential thing was always that all measures were:”Für Ihre Sicherheit" (“For your safety.”)

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So true. There is also the thought that the First Industrial Revolution was marked in part by the American Civil War - now we have yet another possible Civil War marking Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution. This time the Civil War appears to be planetary.

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Yes, exactly. And the Civil War was really the first fully industrial /mechanized warfare which made possible truly mass death; the analogue would presumably be that in this "civil war" the technological mode is incredibly sophisticated social media platforms - among other asymmetric networks -- that can and do generate and shape groupthink on a mass scale, and that globally for billions. It almost like a mass spell; and looks unstoppable sometimes.

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In the Fall, 2021 edition of the Claremont Review of Books, the esteemed Victor Davis Hanson wrote a review of a new biography of Robert E. Lee. It is Hanson's opinion that Sherman was a superior leader than Lee. Yes, the total war waged against the South ended the American Civil War. But at what cost? Putin, if anything, is pulling his punches in Ukraine and the New World Order is aghast, horrified, and anxious to kill him.

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Excellent comment. At what cost indeed; some might say the nation, the Constitution, and any kind of civilized order. In addition to the horror and loss of life, the repercussions were immense at every level.

If it weren't for the massive economic/monetary dislocations that followed, would we saddled with a "Federal" Reserve? I wonder.

The globalists are insanely hypocritical: https://mistermicawber.substack.com/p/engineering-selective-outrage-about?r=110wl5&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=webhttps://mistermicawber.substack.com/p/engineering-selective-outrage-about?r=110wl5&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Still wondering why exactly the Federal Reserve building in DC is surrounded by chain link fencing. Quite obviously at the very least we have been taken over by hostile forces. No doubt. It’s been in the works for awhile.

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In my opinion (and we're getting into murky territory here, ha!) the "war" has already been won. "Bidan" is not really in control; he's just a bad actor. The District has been enemy-occupied territory; and is now essentially a war zone.

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I had at least two grandfathers that fought in the Civil War from the same family. A father fought for the Confederacy while his sons for the Union. It must have been wild. General Lee was a 3rd cousin, Sherman oddly an 11th Cousin. Don't know much about Sherman but yes he seemed to be a more brutal military force & therefore "superior"leader.

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"Brutal" is the operative word; I remember I was visiting a girlfriend in Virginia, and her grandmother got one look at me, and asked if I were a "yankee" - she kept referring thereafter to the "war of northern aggression" in my hearing. Only later did I realize she meant the Civil War. I had a lot of learnin' to do . Truly.

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I was born in Berkeley, CA and have had a great deal to learn after moving to Nashville. Have wandered the battle fields of Franklin with twin 7 year old grandsons and answered their interminable questions.

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Far be it from me to argue with my Internet friends; but, without resorting to posting a definition of the word "superior", I challenge anyone who thinks that Sherman (or even Grant) was a leader superior to Robert E. Lee. While Sherman has gone down in history primarily for his brutality and inhumane treatment of his enemies (He famously starved the native Americans into submission by ordering the destruction of the buffalo herds they depended on for their survival) and for his destruction of their way of life, Lee was beloved by his troops and, with the exception of Gettysburg, was a master of strategy.

Omar Bradley was a great general and so was Patton. Who was "superior"? In a popularity contest, Bradley would win, hands down. On the battlefield? Patton.

William Tecumseh Sherman was no less a monster than Genghis Khan or Mohammed.

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Yes, we have much of both brutality and compassion in our collective inheritance. Robert E Lee always seemed like a compassionae type within the context of his times but yes, William Sherman certainly had his epically brutal side. War breeds such monsters - so, apparently, does the Corporatocracy. Live for peace, die for peace.

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Notice how every modern war seems to advance the Statist agenda? Randolph Bourne in the early 20th century wrote: "War is the health of the State."

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Yep. Around and around we go.

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And long before the Civil War we had rigidly colonialist European Corporations running the show. While studying family history I found so many great great??? Grandfathers in East India Company etc it’s sometimes overwhelming to my psyche. This madness must stop here. The buck, as they say, stops with us. We fail to stop it and our children, grandchildren will suffer unimaginably. As Bob Dylan said - “I Think it must be up to me.”

Or as my seven year old grandson asked yesterday as we discussed imagination as applied to the video games he loves and alternatively to reality. “Are you telling me that everything we see is from our imagination?” This followed a long discussion as to where the plutonium he employs online to build his game monster came from & how architecture springs from imagination to the real world. Plutonium of course springs from a long process but first occurs naturally. This instigated a long discussion about the source of chemical & mineral constituents resulting from geochemical and stellar processes. We pointed out that he himself was made of “stardust”. This appeared to reassure him.

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Yup about history, the corporation, and the East India Company - a long and very wild history; which, as you know, ain't over yet.

Sounds like a superb conversation with your grandson. He learned all that from conversation; not from virtual realities.

What is the essence of education but conversation?

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Yes indeedy - it's far from over as yet, lol.

And yes, the essence of education is of course conversation. We treasure each opportunity to engage this way and love how our 7 yr old grandsons move so deftly between virtual and reality. Whether it's about football strategy, power over adults, drumming, or philosophical topics they fire zingers. They use the word "Actually" to begin every statement.

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Lovely. I need not tell you how fortunate you are. Thanks!

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My lonely view is the fascists are those people that benefit the most by the system. They use the government to monopolize and mandate their corporate interests. The Nazis were just a political hammer they used to break apart the small landholders to monopolize land production.

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Yet many who benefit are not fascists. Those who promote fascism are all fascists.

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Apr 24, 2022·edited Apr 24, 2022

Hmmm. I like your comment. I have further defined these people as fascist collaborators (those who get paid), and useful idiots (mostly Marxists who dance to the sound of the coins jingling in the pockets of the fascists as they walk by). And since they make the rules, and since we live by those rules, you have a point.

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very sad to read this article. That time of first really seeing the evil in our own government, many other governments, and the elites they're in cahoots with is indeed a time of despair. Mine was Fall 2020, when I downloaded the Recovery and WHO Solidarity trial papers. "Pull up! Pull up! You can't stay here!" popped into my head as I wept and felt horrifying despair on reading Page 22 of https://www.recoverytrial.net/files/protocol-archive/recovery-protocol-v6-0-2020-05-14.pdf/@@download (https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.15.20209817v1.full: similar). Murderous evil that cannot be explained away by "maybe they made a mistake."

As others who love you have said, you must take care of yourself too. You can't unsee this horror once you've seen it, but you must give yourself a break here and there so that the negative effects on your health don't accumulate.

Please do it first for yourself and then for the rest of us. Sending much love to you and Jill.

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Once again, Dr. Malone, your writings have touched me. To know that you also have moments of despair brings a feeling of peace to me, in my moments of despair. It seems we who are like minded in this fight for humanity must recognize such feelings and resolve to fight even harder for our freedom. I am only an ordinary woman who has a “soapbox” with my family and friends but I feel I am helping spread the words of freedom in my own small way. I trust you and others with more powerful voices to speak to the masses. We are each helping in our own way. Please keep up the fight and know you have many like minded folks cheering you on!

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great thought piece. Thanks

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Apr 18, 2022·edited Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Some of your past comments, along with some of the comments in this post, are intriguing to me. I believe you are absolutely right about the new world order/WEF being evil. I would go so far as to call it satanic. I don't think any human has the ability to cause the entire globe to go mad at one time, as we have seen these last two years. The Bible tells us that a great delusion will come upon people. That may explain how we are now at the point where people accept the most absurd ideas, such as with gender. Yuval Noah Harari makes it clear that he is fighting against the idea of a God who created humans in his image and to whom each of those humans is accountable, but Harari is not our real enemy. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens." (Ephesians 6:12) The Bible tells us what is wrong and what is ultimately going to happen. There will be a one world government, with the antichrist in control. As you said, we have to do what we can to fight against the globalists, because we don't know God's timeline, but no matter what happens, I believe our only hope is in Jesus. Thank you so much for the stand you have taken. I have lost all trust in the government and in most healthcare. The only doctors and scientists I trust are those such as yourself who have shown integrity during this time. I am doing what I can to try to make a difference.

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You're right, but I don't think this is the biblical one world government. The antichrist is not here yet, unless Harari is it. (Just kidding, I think.)

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Despite the insistence of some Christain fundamentalists, the bible is not exactly the word of God. It has been handed down through centuries, translated and interpreted by countless generations. Consider the differing opinions regarding what Jesus meant when he said he came to "fulfill" the law. And then, of course, there are the various conventions held by power brokers within the church that determined whether Christians should keep Sabbath, whether Jesus' mother was a virgin, whether reincarnation exists and, most recently, the nonsense about a "Rapture".

The antichrist could very well be a consortium of WOKE individuals determined to destroy Christianity and create a one-world government.

Is abortion (and post-birth murder) different than Moloch worshippers sending their children "through flames"?

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Your comment about abortion and child sacrifice to Moloch being essentially the same, is correct, in my opinion. I prefer not to get into an argument about the other points you made. However it is coming about, we are in danger of becoming slaves. I'm not sure it is possible to stop what is happening, but we have to work together and try.

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Nice to chat with you, Anne. As memory serves, I am a lover and not a fighter. That being said, I'll never forget the time when my 7th Day Adventist wife and I recited the Nicene Creed in a Free Methodist church. The phrase, "the holy Catholic church" nearly made her run for the door. I'd been hearing and repeating it for decades.

I hate to think that the Christian faith is built on lies; but as I approach the grave I can't help but think that the Rabbi Jesus was a disciple of John the Baptist and maybe, just maybe, he was a radical and a leader of a rebellious people sick of the domination of Rome.

America was never intended to be ruled by bureaucrats and highly-paid "experts" supported by oligarchs in Washington, DC.

It breaks my heart to learn that Macron beat LePen in France. If a Democrat wins or steals the White House in 2024, we can kiss freedom goodbye.

Lock and Load.

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I write a blog for substack called Make Orwell Fiction Again, johannaneuman.substack.com. I too have been blue lately, and have been writing less often, or maybe with less fire. Some days it feels like we've already lost, as if every time we tamp down on an absurdity -- like biological males competing against biological women in sports -- a new one pops up elsewhere, like Disney grooming its young audience to go transgender. I have started reading deeply into the making of the US Constitution, looking for hints of a loophole that would explain how socialism could come to rule our country. Alexander Hamilton, and many others at the 1787 convention, thought the Revolution had sparked "an excess of democracy" among citizens. If only we could summon it now. Thank you for all you take this journey, none more than Dr. Malone.

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It's easy to get discouraged. I can predict it is going to get much worse over the next 3 years until we can get a better president. Inflation is just starting. It's going to get much, much worse. If China gets that digital currency going, the world will dump the dollar as the reserve currency. I hate to think about what that will do to our purchasing power. Then there is the mass importation of illegals. A huge crime wave is being imported into the country.

It's easy to get discouraged. However, I have gone back to the history books. It is instructive to learn how many times in the past there were awful times and things looked dim. But...bad times don't last. It is important to hang onto the anchor of faith and refuse to tell or propagate lies. Following the Ten Commandments is the clearest guide to the kind of behavior which will get us through the rough times to better days on the other side.

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Harari's words are absolutely chilling, aren't they?

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Harari comes across as truly mad. At the very least, deeply disturbed. How he can stand up and speak to crowds (who look, in audience pans, to be raptly fascinated) using the language he does ... and not be censured (no, not "censored"!) ... is beyond the scope of anything I have ever seen.

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RemovedApr 18, 2022·edited Apr 18, 2022
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EC, I am so sorry. It breaks my heart when I post things on social media about people who have been harmed and people laugh! They are brainwashed! I am angry that religious leaders have held vaccine clinics at churches! They have told people that we must love our neighbors and submit to the shots! At least one said that if Jesus were here, he would be injected! A lot of it is ignorance, but the truth is slowly coming out now. Personally, I have alienated family and I have felt that some Christian friends think this whole covid/vaccine/WEF agenda should not be discussed, that it is "politics." Others have come to realize that what is happening is wrong. I have helped people get ivermectin. I have encouraged a young woman whose entire family was injected and who was being pressured to be injected while pregnant! She does not intend to submit. I will pray for you. What other help do you need? If it is medical, take a look at https://covid19criticalcare.com/

As for your other comment about no one saving people who have been harmed, there are some people who are working to hold the evil people accountable. A German lawyer named Reiner Fuellmich is trying to work through the justice system. Attorney Tom Renz has vowed to bring them to justice. Senator Ron Johnson has been courageous in holding roundtable discussions, which of course, are ignored by mainstream media. Del Bigtree of The Highwire is another who is working tirelessly. There are thousands of doctors and scientists. We have to stand together and encourage each other. We can't do this alone. They may kill me before this is over with, but I hold onto these verses: "For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21) "“I say to you, my friends, don’t fear those who kill the body, and after that can do nothing more. But I will show you the one to fear: Fear him who has authority to throw people into hell after death. Yes, I say to you, this is the one to fear!" (Luke 12:3-5)

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Exactly - finally the actual means to control everyone on earth.

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True, there's nothing like the brutality of the times to demonstrate how far we haven't progressed. Can't help but think we are all complicit in the fact we made a Faustian bargain with the convenience of Technology.

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Have been studying our founding ancestors quite a bit in recent years. They were realists and understood the dangers we faced. This danger of the effects of plutocracy was what inspired them to try. They hoped we citizens would make the necessary improvements. We however have made a Faustian bargain with technology and the convenience of corporatism. Jefferson wrote about this when he wrote (paraphrasing) that is we made a "deal" with monied banks and corporations that our children would go homeless on the very land their ancestors fought and died for. We failed the oversight requirements.

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Love that insight about Faustian bargain w tech and Amazon..how true, we are victims of our own success...I've been looking more at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, and there I've found some evidence that the framers wanted to "reign in the revolution" from people who farmed the land. These farmers had won debt forgiveness from the states, who printed paper money, worsening the national war debt. Most telling: there was so much anger in the states about how the proposed constitution made the new federal government too powerful that historians believe the constitution would not have been ratified unless a Bill of Rights had been added, protecting individual and states rights. I keep musing about what they would think now, with Red States going their own way.

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Love your comments. I’m just diving into American History and must believe our founding ancestors had great reasons for believing the Federal Government might turn into the real threat to the rights of we the people. They well understood their own and others autocratic impulses.

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There is something called the Convention of States that might wrest control from Washington, DC. Tennessee signed on to it many years ago.

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Would like to know more about this. Don't know much about Tennessesse politics but the recent attempt of Republicans to keep certain candidates off the ballot has got my attention.

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In 2016, Tennessee was the 5th state to sign on to the Convention of States. I honestly know almost nothing about it. I first heard it mentioned last year at a Town Hall meeting held by Diana Harshbarger. I occasionally get text messages from the Organization, encouraging me to "get involved"; but since I have virtually no contacts outside my home and since Tennessee has already approved it, I never go to meetings. Here's a link to their website:

COSAction - Convention of States


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Mark Levin is for a convention of the states. I am not so sure. These things can have a way of backfiring.

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I read briefly and it seems one or more of them moved to Tennessee within the last year or two. A whole lot of Republicans who have worn out their shoe leather over many campaigns are tired of carpetbaggers. If anyone knows more please post it.

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Tennessee also has many misguided “liberals.” They run Nashville.

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Everyone has high hopes for this but why do they think it will be controlled exclusively by conservatives?

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