Jun 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent summary of what’s happened. Thank you for being one of the first to speak out and continuing to fight the good fight!

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They didn't listen to Dr. McCollough, here's praying they will listen to you.

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow! What an undertaking. Your summary is astounding - to anyone with an open mind. Your determination to place yourself in the Headwinds of this corruption is truly remarkable. How can our freedom of speech be so degraded? We know leaders like you are scarce. And appreciate that the courage to defend the truth at what has been costly to you, Jill and your family is truly heroic. My gratitude for your integrity in a time when it is much needed is boundless.

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The feds use federal funds, grants, etc. (borrowed money we are all on the hook for) to coerce compliance with federal unconstitutional mandates. States, local government and private entities need to reject all such funds. It may be financially painful, but necessary to maintain state and individual freedom. We need a convention of the states to rein in the federal government by reasserting our United States Constitution which greatly limited the power of the federal government.

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I so agree!

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The federal government has far too much power which is fueled by the ability to tax, to spend money, and to spend money it does not possess. I think that the executive branch needs to go back to something much closer to the founders' original intent. The congress would immediately lose power if its monetary powers were reduced. The courts are broken as well but I am less sure as to how they can be fixed.

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A balanced budget and a limitation of debt amendment to the Constitution is needed. Eliminating most of not all of the unconstitutional alphabet agencies would drastically reduce the federal budget. Congress could do these things now without amending the Constitution if it had the will. The Supreme Court needs to only look at the plain language of the Constitution when deliberating. Way too much time and effort is wasted on researching precedents many, if not most, departed from the language and intent of the Constitution.

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Convention of States.....its being worked on and has been for sometime...check out the website...quite a few States have joined....need total of 34 States.

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Yes, I just started reading about this and think the timing is right … so many folks are fed up with government overreach and are not confident that the Republicans will have the fortitude to do the tough work of getting us back on track. This would put both parties on notice that they need to adhere to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

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Please elaborate

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deletedJun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022
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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

This is a remarkable comment, I'm blown away. I'm really glad you posted this, as I've been wondering for these last two years how it's possible that such malignant like-minded people can be gathered in one place, and work in such concert. In your opinion do they recognize similar narcissistic or other traits in each other very early on through some "tell", and a fax machine-like connection occurs when they sense a fellow traveller, or does it all take time, with grooming, and "winners" only eventually show themselves? I'm in a specialty field of the arts that has many odd and eccentric characters, with not a few high-functioning narcissists, thankfully without much power over others, and no "concretized corpus" (!) where they can craft and trade their malignancies to make a company profit. But I've found that my longest friendships (within this field) are all men who have 2 or 3 brothers and no sisters, and our group (only I am aware of this similarity) see the world in the same basic way. This might just be an odd coincidence, but I've often wondered if there is (or can be) a subconscious sub-clinical connection that instantly hints at a simpatico, good or bad, the bad possessing a capacity for the venal sociopathic behavior these Fauci types seem to be enjoying without consequence. I've wondered this because until I read your comment, I couldn't for the life of me understand how these days there seems to be so many "up there" who don't give a damn about, say, some kid locked out of his inner city school.

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Jun 26, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Applied creatively" indeed.

I was able to understand Point III as a layperson and it summarized your previous two posts Part 1 and 2 that really took us into the weeds and hard for a layperson to follow without your interpretations.

Release the TruthLion!!

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, thank you so much again for your tireless service in your work. As Bannon says 'you are the tip of the spear' and I can see that in your recommendations that you are really turning the tide from the sick unhealthy Titanic Ship that we are on and its diabolical course. Without HONEST appraisal in addressing how this covid crisis has been navigated with the corrupted captains of the Health Industry, we are crashing into a disastrous iceberg! Instead, you are breathing new life by recommending grand opportunities to revitalize Texas (and others States), to leave the corrupted globalists agenda -that of the sneaky private-public 'partnership'. Losing democracy and freedom is a huge national security issue!

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Give em hell, Harry...er, Robert!! Hats off to you and prayers, too!!

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I will pray for you tomorrow. I got chills reading that!!! Brilliant and courageous statements of FACT. I would say more, your patience in explaining basic science of immunology is truly amazing. Thank you for doing your Job!! Thanks to Jill as well, I know this is collaborative effort of deep thought and perseverance.. THANK YOU. Isabella and family and friends. !!!

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Prayers being said that eyes will open and ears will hear. Thank you for your service to this country!

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Outstanding article on the Federal Government exceeding their constitutional authorities through threats and intimidation to achieve political outcomes over the health of citizens, and it cannot be stated enough, this practice is knowing, willing & with intent pure evil.

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you

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Bravo !!!

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think a particularly impressive line of argument was to underline the attack on the State's responsibilities by Federal entities and exhorting the Texan authorities to take back control. It is a matter of restoring pride in the Texan State.

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow!! And there you have it, cut to the chase info! Thank you, Dr. Malone!!!

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I am literally taking deep breaths.. incredible work will take a short break. wow.

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

GO GET "EM, Doc!

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Bravo Doc. Would have liked to see mention of NIH failure to limit funding for gain of function research, and USA failure to fully investigate origins of the recent corona viral pandemic - including inadvertent or intentional lab development or leak.

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Unfortunately, this is out of scope from what their question was for me to answer. But I agree with you.

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well then give'em hell within the scope. Bravo again.

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Yes. don't say WUHAN. of GOF.. got it. :)

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This is super important that the players in this fiasco that are still unaccounted for-Baric, Daszak, Fauci et al.

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I completely agree. But it is not an issue for the Texas state senate to address.

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I would say “corrupt” instead of weaponized and “corruption” instead of politicization…the left may try to defend politicization and weaponization but would have a harder time defending corruption IMHO

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I guess...I don't understand why there aren't teams of lawyers working on this issue...Big Pharma has deep pockets just like Big Oil and Big Tobacco.

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