Getting pre-emptive mask and vax bans in place would be a HUGE step! You know they're going to try something like this again (and why not, nobody's been held accountable -- unless you mean BANK ACCOUNTS getting fat)

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They sorta tried it with monkeypox and got laughed off the stage

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It was pretty telling that we couldn't even ask gay men to stop the anonymous sex for 14 days to flatten the curve, but we could shut down all of society for a year and a half for covid.

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Good work, Doc! In this age of unprecedented control of information and policy decisions, it's wonderfully encouraging to see people in a position to shift things in the right direction doing just that!! Never give up!!

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Why stop at prohibiting covid vax mandates? Every vax is optional, should be based on risk decisions made jointly by each patient and competent medical advisors. If vaxes work, anyone who feels the need can protect themselves. If others don’t, it doesn’t affect anyone else, unless they also choose to rely on innate protection. All vax mandates are admission that vax doesn’t work.

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Pharma is approaching a "be careful of what you wish for" moment. Anti-vaccers have been. gaining big mo for years and never understood why. No kids so did not know just how out of control vaccing has become. Besides the autism argument, mounting evidence attenuated jabs maybe causative agent for autoimmune problems. That and massive doses of antibiotics in early childhood appear to be raising hell with kids developing immune systems. This last jab outrage may prove to be the final straw

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maybe causative agent for autoimmune problems....Bingo! (a blocking of pathways)

I have three adult children, two of which when reached the age of 30, out of the blue have developed type one diabetes. (a total stop of the pancreas to administer insulin demands.

There is no history of type one nor two in our family health tree. I have read anything and everything i can set my eyes on for over 5 years now. Robert Kennedy came very close in his reckonings on childhood Vaxing and to much prescription antibiotics. Sigh...... it sucks

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That is horrible. Just did a quick read, which I’m sure you are familiar with, Covid and the vaccine are shown , could , contribute to type 1 diabetes. I’m sure you have tried most every way to control it. I’m so sorry Randall.

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Thinking was that in the beginning (type one) could be as reversible as a( type two) total new life style protocol to re-ignite the stuck in limbo pancreas as a presto-change-o remedy.

It is not! When an auto-immune disorder kicks in to it's destructive mode, and does it's programed job. We are finding a no reversal modality for type one. Experts can't explain it.

What was once sweetly automatic blending of insulin and glucose on a typical slow stairway of up angles back to normal low angles, becomes horrific fast elevator rides up and down.

The terms hyper glycemic and hypo glycemic becomes a daily monitoring with needles.

You can jolly well bet the lipids and bio-spike proteins, are a catastrophic brew for this as well.

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Yes there is no cure for now. It is a drastic change in life for them and you as a parent. All good parents want their kids to have a simpler life. However your sons are in the drivers seat with this one. It can be controlled with diet and exercise. It’s a tough change in life style. I have family and friend that have dealt with diabetes. My best friend tried a new drug and his numbers got so good he got off insulin , only to go back on after months without it. I wish your kids the discipline to stay healthy. Good luck Randall you sound like a wonderful father!!!

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Read: Crooked. It sheds some light on the problem.

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Safe and effective is missing!

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Almost sounds like the complete vaccine freedom illegal Aliens enjoy everyday by the millions. It must be nice to have that kind of freedom, all for the price of nothing…

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This exercise in uncovering the corruption obviates the need to ban ANY mandate of medical intervention -- not just the C19 vaccine.

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This is indeed good news from Texas. If anyone is interested in watching Dr. Malone's testimony, it can be found here: https://youtu.be/50v2PrQyxi0

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This is such a great , well thought out report. Thank you for sharing it. I remember listening to your presentation in Texas. Via internet . I wish you could speak in every state.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks again for the excellent text on “The Lies My Government Told Me”...

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022

Robert, hope you are keeping an eye on the renewed fear mongering re China upsurge.

It is really surging. But I am concerned ‘they’ will take it away again. Lockdowns certainly were not the answer. Now they have med and food shortages in China and people who aren't prepared because they've been locked away for so long.

From my friends in China: their large family is all sick, and one out of two of the couple is sick. Whatever it is (I am guessing omicron from the speed it spread) it’s really there and it’s really infectious. The tests are coming back positive. The thing that worries me is the temperatures of over 105 F. They did not stock up on medicines so are really trying to make do with what they have. Prices of things like Advil have doubled. I’ll keep you posted on how they do in that village.

From a ding-dong Eric Feigl-Ding tweet:

Summary of #CCP's current #COVID goal: “Let whoever needs to be infected [be] infected, let whoever needs to die die. Early infections, early deaths, early peak, early resumption of production.”

This is consistent with the news I am hearing from friends. No CCP coming around. Just leaving everybody to take care of themselves. Good luck to them. 🙏🤞🙏

I do not subscribe to the fear-mongering and definitely NO to any more lockdowns. But I do think it's a good idea to have your NSAIDs and supplements on hand. We have had omicron here, but I didn't hear of temps that high.

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We knew that kids would bear the brunt of opening up after such ridiculous lockdowns etc. Their immune systems:

1) were unprimed for exposure to the usual colds and flu bugs we as adults have immunity to, and

2) were damaged to the extent they were given immune-altering injections without informed consent of their fear-indoctrinated parents.

3) the sudden late fall-season well-timed “shortage” of kids’ medicines is obviously designed to fill hospitals, ensuring the continued panic-and-over-react scenario typical of government.

Add to this the desperate doubling down on maskthink, vaxthink, and MSM allegiance to fascist governments.

That’s an evil soup i can smell a mile from the kitchen. The one in Davos or Brussels. Im not hungry.

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Thanks for the timely information.

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One thought that crossed my mind about Texas, could the state stock up on repurposed drugs? Should this be added to their plans? Also scary is this administration will never close travel from China to the US.

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I’m starting to think the way we’re going to survive is if our states start stepping up. And back away from fed money.

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One reason for China surge is/was their zero Covid policy. People didn’t get natural exposure and now they are paying the price. The 105+ temp is concerning, so maybe it’s not Omicron?

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Yeah I had the same thought. That's too high a temp.

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It’s one concern of mine if they start flying the virus to America. No one is at the door to stop it.

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A rather feeble report which does not go nearly far enough. "Recommending" against mask or vaccine mandates after three years of useless and deliberately harmful lockdowns and persecution of the unvaxxed seems more like face saving than strong action. Florida has done much better. Will there be investigations of harmful policies and their promoters? Will the recommendations become force of law or will they end up transparently toothless ? God so loved the world that he did not send such a committee.

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Let's just talk it to death for the next 5 years. No one has the guts to stop it!

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I agree. It's a baby step and time will tell if it develops teeth. At least it's out there and the had input from some of the best....

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Thank you so much for posting this, Dr. Malone. We should all consider this statement from the Texas Senate a win. The tide has certainly turned, but we have many more battles to fight.

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I have a Texas medical license and was called to do locums at various hospital settings. Interestingly , religious exemptions were denied. Thank you for this discussion and a positive move with TMB.

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Interesting. My Texas state senator is an e.r. physician and a member of that committee. We have not heard a single peep come from her in any way regarding this faux med emergency. Nada!! I wonder why?

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Ego reins!

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Will definitely back opponent in next primary

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These Texas Health Committee points are the right actions to take. You can take a great deal of credit for this. The good news is that more and more similar actions are being proposed or even taken all over the world, thanks to the efforts of courageous doctors and scientists like you and many others. The information suppression dam has burst. Hundreds of millions of people - possibly a billion or two - now know the truth about this falsely inflated virus and its deadly products. As an aside, I had to laugh at the WHO last week calling out unvaccinated people as a “major killing force globally.” Incredible lies given the overwhelming data that showed the opposite.

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022




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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022

"...Throughout the early variant surges during the pandemic, various early treatment options emerged including hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, Paxlovid, plasma infusions, and the use of steroids..."

Noise from doctors to prevent you finding out that you do not need all the above garbage. All you need is high dose vitamin c and we don't have to depend on doctors to give us vitamin c intravenous. With the advent of liposomal vitamin c we can do it ourselves. No need to let doctors mess you up with their drugs.



My brothers made a million youtube videos about vitamin c for covid. If they hadn't been taken down the scam would have been over in 5 minutes. This is why you never heard about it:


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Thanks, Dr. Malone for posting this. Do you know if the recent reports of MERS coming out of Qatar (in November) was just propaganda?

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