Nov 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Haaaappy Thanksgiiiiviiing Malones!! Forever grateful and thankful for you guys!!!!

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Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Dr. Malone. I am grateful for you and Jill. Please keep championing freedom!

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Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for continuing the exhausting work that you do.

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You always find a way to make us smile and remember the bigger picture, I thank God for the Magnificent Drs. Malone! Love the turkey photos, on the radio last week I heard about how gentle and loving wild turkeys are and Gentle Barn offers cuddling them, I was dubious until I saw your photos! Have a beautiful trip filled with laughter making good memories, thanks for thinking of "us" in your substack world.


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Thank you for sharing that sweet article. Who knew turkeys could be so endearing! ❤️

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Reminds me why I’m a vegetarian (except eggs and cheese). Tough to eat an animal that you’ve hugged. Thank you for sharing this story!

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Thanks so much and happy Thanksgiving.

I truly love being part of the Resistance. I just wish I knew how I could more successfully resist.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Dr. Malone, and to all of you freedom fighters out there. Yes we have our work cut out for us, it is a fierce battle, but God is on our side and we are going to win this fight. God bless all of you.

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Thank you, Robert and Jill, for devoting every ounce of your time, energy, knowledge, and experience to resisting tyranny and saving lives. It is a privilege to join hands with you, and I am immensely grateful to be connected with you and so many other brave, brilliant, and beautiful truth warriors around the world—and that includes everyone here reading this as well.

I know a lot of people are dreading tense conversations with Covidian relatives today. I would like to offer the following questions as possible openings for healing dialogue, giving them an opportunity to share their perspective of the past three years while simultaneously helping them understand your own:

• “30 Questions for a Narrative Believer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/30-questions-for-a-narrative-believer)

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"They came to bury us.....never quite realizing we were the good and vibrant seeds!"

(I have no idea who said it or wrote it...but I never forgot it) And never will either.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you and Jill! Thanks to you and others like Dr. Cole who have helped to keep those of us sane over the past couple of years who like to read science and who value patient-based practice of medicine!

We are indeed making progress. I have struggled the past couple of years at being boxed in by a Medicare Advantage plan linked to one of the big corporate medical groups in my area. I've managed to retain control of my own health care, but it has been frustrating and stressful--and I can't condone a lot of other things the group is doing either, over and above their Nazi-like mask enforcement, their firing of employees who did not opt to get vaccinated, their buy-in to the suppression of efficacious treatments and prophylaxes, etc. It is a real wrench for me to switch because I really like my primary care doc--but he is a part of the system and his hands are tied, even though he has been very good about allowing me the leeway to do right by myself without a bunch of argument. I've now gone to the trouble to switch plans, and will be switching to a new primary care doc after the first of the year--an independent who I met at a Global Covid Summit several months ago where you, Cole, and several others spoke. Two days ago I went to my last checkup with my current PCP--when I told him I was leaving "the system" but that I had really appreciated his care over the last decade, he confided that he is also thinking of making the break to become independent, and stated that it has really been stressful to him when the corporate medical entity he works for goes against his values and standards. I pray that he has success in breaking away, and that he has many more fruitful years of medicine ahead of him--and that as more doctors make that exodus, still more will find the courage to follow.

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Many of us who do not follow current mandates salute you independent thinkers who do not follow government mandates like sheep. My own doctor of 40 years met on zoom with his associate family practitioners in our state and voted not to prescribe HCQ. This was early on at the beginning of the first wave. It didn't faze him that in the very first weeks two of my elderly friends, both with health issues like asthma, obesity, etc. were cured at an area hospital with HCQ, etc. This was just before the banning and before Ivermectin was recognized as even a better prophylactic. I found another doctor who has a private, independent practice. Dr. Malone is a breath of fresh air during these dark times.

My own family thinks I am deranged. Also, I love his sense of humor. Laughter helps!

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We fled Oregon and a system doctor I previously liked UNTIL>>>he shut me down RUDELY for doing my own Covid treatment research, told me only the AMA was worth following (NOT AAPS or AFLDS or FLCCC), and insisted I get those safe and effective shots.

By the time I asked his opinion (mostly as a test), I had already done my own research and gave that advice and all future advice from system doctors a BIG FAT "NO THANK YOU"

Until COVID, we had swallowed all the stupid pills of asthma medicine, anti-depressants, and every vaccine up until "the jab." Now we're off harmaceuticals (one of us still weaning off asthma meds, but doing great, and one finds tinnitus relief from weekly dose of ivermectin).

We weathered the first and worst COVID without early treatment (as none was really known in early 2020). We, along with many of our friends, were VERY sick for almost 8 weeks. At that time, we called it "the crud," and it WAS cruddy. But we stayed out of the hospital -- luckily -- and therefore survived.

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It really saddens me that so many doctors bought into the suppression of safe and approved drugs that were shown to be effective, and did not have the guts or the integrity to use them off-label. Heck, if it wasn't for off-label use, we wouldn't HAVE most of the drugs used in pediatrics! My husband's family pretty well disowned us in large part because we did not get vaccinated. His brother tried to forbid us from seeing his mom--which was contrary to what SHE wanted. We've been on prophylactic ivermectin since December of 2020....both of his brothers got vaccinated, one had subsequent heart problems, and the other is clearly having some pretty serious health issues, as he looks like he's aged 20 years in the last year. They got my mother-in-law vaccinated and boosted--she had brain fog after each vaccination, which did clear, but she passed away from a stroke in August. She was quite elderly, granted, but there is no history of strokes in her family, so who knows if the vaccine was a contributor to an earlier death than she might otherwise have had.

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Sounds so much like the vaccine injuries all around. So sorry about your family. Yours is a common, sad, story!

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I wish there was a way to actually study all of these instances. But it seems the medical industry is not interested in that sort of analysis. Thank you for sharing and I’m sorry for your loss.

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What is really sad is that since such things do happen without the jab (just a LOT less often), people like my husband's brothers are in complete denial that anything could be related to having gotten them. I'm a pastor, and I have two jabbed members of my tiny congregation (as well as another close friend) with runaway malignancies, had a friend lose her husband to a post-jab heart attack (age 59), have had two other friends with post-jab heart attacks (who were fortunate to be in close proximity to medical care and made it), another with pulmonary thrombosis, another with clots in her eye that have partially robbed her of sight in that eye, and multiple friends and acquaintances who have had post-jab neuropathies of varying seriousness. I know more people who have had vaccine injuries than who have had covid, and I've only had to do one funeral for a covid death....and that one IMO was due more to hospital negligence and suppression of treatment than to covid. The way the medical profession has been treating these people has been barbaric!

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Congrats on walking away from the system. Direct Primary Care (DPC) can be the best way to go: Better care and outcomes; lower costs for doctor visits, tests, and drugs; more privacy; no insurance company hassles.

Here are two resources for people who want an introduction to DPC:

Podcast (1hr): https://www.americaoutloud.com/direct-primary-care-where-physicians-put-patients-first/ (Drs Marilyn Singleton and Kimberly Corba)

DPC Mapper (find direct primary care in your area): https://mapper.dpcfrontier.com/

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Unfortunately for me, I will have to pay up front and get partially reimbursed, which is actually MORE insurance hassle, and will be out of pocket a bit more in the end because of it being "out of network," but both the quality of care and the principle are worth it to me.

The "system" has it down to a fine art....at my last visit to my old PCP (2 days ago), I told him I would not be rescheduling (and why...and we had a good visit about it as I mentioned in my initial post), so when we were done, I just walked out and went downstairs to the lab for my annual lab work. Near the end of the day, I got a worried call from one of the desk clerks, to let me know that I had "forgotten" to book my next visit, and would I please do so... Ummm, no....

The PCP I've chosen is not on the link you shared, but thanks for sharing it, as it is a good reference if this one doesn't work out for some reason, or if others are looking. The one I've contacted was introduced by Dr. Ryan Cole at a Global Covid Summit in my area earlier this year.

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Interesting about the insurance. Many DPCs accept NO insurance. Just curious, which PCP did you choose (we are in Idaho and met Dr. Cole at that GCS). Not all DPC doctors are on the mapper. If you find one that you like, be sure to encourage him/her to be listed.

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Exactly--that's the problem (not accepting insurance). They will give you what they call a "super bill" (very detailed bill) which is then up to you to submit yourself. The doctor is Dr. Charles Penick, in Eagle, ID.

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Look for a concierge doctor who takes no insurance. Pay cash and everything is much cheaper. They are not owned by Big Pharma

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I hope you get to see the Basilica Cistern. Incredible bit of ancient engineering and one of the filming locations for the James Bond film From Russia With Love.

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We did! It was amazing - we took lots of video and photos. Pretty sure you will be seeing them here in the coming months.

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Happy thanksgiving! I am so grateful for you and all you do to preserve our freedoms and share the truth 🙏🏼

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Happy Thanksgiving to you and Jill. I am forever grateful for you.

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Happy Thanksgiving … thankful for you, Dr Malone and your wonderful wife, Dr Jill along with all the many seekers of truth and fighters for freedom worldwide!

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Happy Thanksgiving to you! Thank you for everything you do. ❤️

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Thank you for sharing your personal photos with us. I think it makes us all feel like we are part of a family - all trying our best to save our children from what the future might hold. Blessings to you and those you love and happy thanksgiving. We are all grateful for you, Robert and Jill. Safe travels. 😘❤️

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Somewhere up there the word propaganda was used. Propaganda is what the Nazis, Soviets (and others) used. What we have now is different; it's like comparing a Messerschmitt to a hypersonic cruise missile. Mind control is more like it.

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Happy Thanksgiving Drs. Malone - so grateful for your wisdom and guidance during these past few years. Thank you both for giving so freely of yourselves to keep those of us out here feeling safe and informed.

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