The Chosen (the Chosen TV, YouTube)

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I literally went to comments to suggest this. Excellent series based on the life of Jesus and the Bible.

The Why Files is also an excellent series, very well done.

Also, Happy New Year to the community and Dr's. Malone, love your writing and work. Keep fighting the good fight in 2025!

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the best "bible" series ever.

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The Chosen is my favorite. Prayers that many more people will watch during these times of uncertainty.

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Robert and Jill - we watched the series with Billy Bob Thornton called, "Goliath".

Billy plays a washed up, alcoholic attorney. This series lasted from 2016 until 2021. In the last season (most likely taped before the plandemic), Billy takes on big pharma. Was Billy warning us?

I also highly recommend the movie "Am I Racist?" with Matt Walsh. It was laugh-out-loud funny.

Just a side note that I no longer find any pleasure in watching TV, so I appreciate this stack which might possibly give me something unwoke and worthwhile and to watch.

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Goliath was very good. I want to see Landman.

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Both excellent!!

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Huge no to Black Doves - affair, and homosexual sex.

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I almost didn’t include it for that reason, but many people mentioned it. I happen to completely agree with you.

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The affair is brief and we clicked through the gay sex scenes easy enough. I assume gays click through straight sex scenes. Lol

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Thanks for heads up. I usually stop watching when I see that stuff. It may be out there, but I don’t want to support it.

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I was going to comment as well about this one. My husband and I thought it was going to be something like Night Agent which is so good (but seriously flawed with constant use of profanity).But in the front end of the first episode we watched of Black Doves, a graphic homosexual screen popped up so fast we were subjected to something that’s hard to forget. So, nope.

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Thank you!

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Totally agree on the homosexual scenes. We stated to watch it but it was not our thing. Seems these scene are too often anymore. Even the commercials are leaning that way. .

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Chick bait. My wife enjoyed.

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Nup I'm a chick an it would never bait me

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Doc Martin on Britbox

Vera on Britbox

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Doc Martin is terrific. Have watched it all twice and may be almost ready for another go.

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Agree. Watched the whole series twice

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Meant Doc Martin but also enjoyed Vera

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One of my favorites too. Watched the entire series. Martin Clunes has a new TV series on PBS (KET here in KY), "Islands of the Pacific". Excellent!

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Actually he just did a northeast US iisland one from NY to Maine. Very nice.

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Missed that one. I'll look for it.

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LOVE Vera!!

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Great series!

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Reacher on Amazon Prime, 2 Seasons are out, a new season starts on

Feb 20th. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I have read every Reacher book. Big fan of the books. The movies were not bad though I could never buy Tom Cruise as Reacher, no matter how good his acting. Then with the 2 seasons on Amazon, I really felt they got the character (and his size) right. Right now I am re-watching season 2 in anticipation of the next season. BTW, thanks. I did not know the season would start this month.

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Not to mention that the ‘new’ Tom Cruise is unidentifiable as Tom Cruise no matter how much he denies he has had ‘work done’. Very distracting…I had to keep trying to remember what he looked like!

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Oops, I just checked Season 3 premiers Feb. 20

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I like the movies with Tom Cruise

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His Reacher movies were quite good. Problem was he was like Mini Me in the Austin Powers movies compared to Alan Ritchson playing Reacher in the series on Amazon.

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True but he did a great job in the movies.

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Oh, yeah, baby, me too. I even named my dog "Maverick!"

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In 1977, I stopped watching TV and accomplished more than I ever dreamed possible. TV is a passive activity, which does little for the viewer, mentally or physically. Everyone has talents or skills that they could develop in the time, they spend sitting before a TV. Life goes by...and what do they gain long term? I love movies, but saw a sampling of what current movies were like; vulgar and violent. A friend was a member of SAG...and I was disgusted, when I saw some movies the person was sent to review.

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I fall asleep watching movies. My preferred pass time is jigsaw puzzling. Not very active, but better than TV. While watching the tube I usually knit something until almost bed time.

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we have a cheap subscription to youtube, during the day we have on

Either Explore Naknek River live cam- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B8ArsmXPyk&ab_channel=ExploreZenDen the views are so incredible

if there is not enough sun it will go to highlights for a while

Brooks Falls bear cams (April to October)

and at present https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=160+live+world+cams

this one is nice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BLqhS59Elc&ab_channel=BostonandMaineLive

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I only watch at night, when I’m too tired to do much else but not ready for bed. Really good TV, such as Wolf Hall, is more like novel reading in that it’s mentally stimulating. Some of us are more thinkers than doers, thus spend a lot of time taking in information to mull over. It probably looks to others like we’re not doing much.

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oooh Wolf Hall..... we loved that..... but then we are seriously interested in history.

Spectacular acting!

The Serpent Queen also great acting and historically 10/10

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Try watching 'Death Valley Days,' which are half hour programs, based on true life stories. There are hundreds of them, made 50 and 60 years ago.

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You might like looking up 'Death Valley Days.' They are half hour stories based on true life happenings, mostly in the Old West, in the 1800s.

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The truth of the matter...I am so busy that there re not enough hours in the day to get everything I need to do done.

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"Shetland" on Britbox and Amazon Prime is excellent.

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All Creatures Great and Small was excellent. We tend to like detective and psychological thrillers. ‘Luther’ was one of our favorites. Old Masterpiece Theater series are generally reliable for excellent performances and writing … although not always uplifting.

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I'm a little surprised that nowhere do I see "The Chosen" mentioned. Yes, it is not fresh in 2024, but it is an on-going series with new episodes in 2024. Sandy and I have been watching it on Prime Video.

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Since I only watch Over the air, Prime or what the Firestick offers, I haven't seen a LOT of those shows. I canceled Netflix when they brought the Soetoros (obama for those who don't know his real name) online with them.

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We cancelled for same reason..

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Voting with your wallet is the only way to reach some of these companies.

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Had Netflix from the start, a good company. That was when you received the DVD in the mail. As you said when they brought 'BO' on board, as I won't say his name, we cancelled that same say.

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I’m proud of you voting with your wallet!

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If you haven't seen Call the Midwife, you really should.

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We love this show, especially the very beginning notes from the first person voice. So much to learn.

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We loved the series too — Iove the historical accuracy.

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Am also surprised that it didn't make the original list. It is one of our very favorites!

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How'd everyone miss "A Gentleman in Moscow"? Fantastic production, albeit with a couple of questionable casting decisions. Definitely should be in the Top Ten of 2024. Paramount +.

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Oh yes. Very very good.

Ewan McGregorrrrr!!! He is so good.

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I, too, am a shameless fan ;)

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Blue Bloods-and maybe lighten up on the recent unbecoming bitterness you are exhibiting towards Donald Trump. Mr. Trump had to depend on reputed government "experts" at the outset of his first term, not aware of the character and ethics of these people. And assigning the repulsive Pence as leader of this effort turned out in hindsight (always 20/20) to be a colossal but forgivable mistake. Are you bitter because you appear not to be in the running for any position in the administration to come? Your substack is pretty good (though wordy at times) and I believe you to be a very good person so this attitude lately is disappointing and puzzling. I'm certain you would disagree with my take but I stand by it.

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What are you talking about? Bitterness about Trump? I think you need to read for comprehension.

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I have no idea what Bill Allen is talking about either. Maybe having bad AI summarizing 🤪

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to wit II:

4). "The truth is that the deep state, the Blob, and the administrative state - which includes the alphabet agencies and the Senior Executive Service, won the last Trump Administration go around from 2016-2020."

5). "Can a future President Trump accomplish what past President Trump failed at?"

6). As for myself, in part because of the benefit of having friends and colleagues who are part of the Mar a Lago Cool Kids Club and who warned me of the intransigence and blind spot that President-Elect Donald Trump has concerning the jab and OWS, I knew that this was likely to play out this way.

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I think you need to review your recent posts. It is so obvious. But the defensiveness was expected for a variety of reasons. I won't expect you to tone it down, then. Another respected leader showing some ankle finally. I followed with interest and respect your work and commentary wherever I could find it over the last 4 or so years (done) but you have changed since your Aug. 28th endorsement and Nov. 5th., whether you recognize it or not. I'll cut and paste some examples to make my point understandable for you if it remains possible for me to post. I sense impending censorship which you are familiar with.

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to wit:

1). "The latest sin meriting the self-appointed “Medical Freedom Movement” firing squad seems to be the appearance of a quid pro quo. Whether or not one exists is above my pay grade. I am not one of the “Mar a Lago” caste. But I do know some who are, and they will still respond to text inquiries from me from time to time."

"The apparent compromise being that it is currently politically acceptable to question the false narrative of the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, but not acceptable to criticize the “Safe and Effective” narrative that has been constructed around the gene therapy-based “vaccine” products expressing the toxic engineered Spike protein, and absolutely not acceptable (within Trump world) to criticize the wholesale jettisoning of international regulatory, clinical development, and bioethical norms which characterized “Operation Warp Speed” (OWS)."

2). "The appearance is that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and those associated with the Trump HHS “transition” team have agreed to not nominate any candidates identified by corporate media as ‘mRNA anti-vaxxers” and to not select any candidates who have been critical of Operation Warp Speed (OWS) or the “vaccine” products produced by that Trump administration program. “Anti-vaxxers” are OK, just no anti-mRNA vax types."

"Just to be clear, if there is any doubt, President-elect Donald Trump considers both OWS and the ensuing RNA “vaccine” products to have been one of his greatest achievements. This position is non-negotiable. I knew this was the case when I endorsed DJT for president. You can find my logic regarding this summarized in this essay. Note that this endorsement preceded that of RFK Jr."

3). "President Trump has a big job ahead of him, a job that he failed at in his last presidency. That is specifically, finding a way to muzzle the deep state, the Blob, and the administrative state turning against “we the people.”"

4). "The truth is that the deep state, the Blob, and the administrative state - which includes the alphabet agencies and the Senior Executive Service, won the last Trump Administration go around from 2016-2020."

5). "Can a future President Trump accomplish what past President Trump failed at?"

6). As for myself, in part because of the benefit of having friends and colleagues who are part of the Mar a Lago Cool Kids Club and who warned me of the intransigence and blind spot that President-Elect Donald Trump has concerning the jab and OWS, I knew that this was likely to play out this way.

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You might like 'Coffee & Covid', which regularly includes updates on narrative-breaking studies and even propaganda press stories starting to break through with criticisms of the mRNA jabs as UNsafe and INeffective. Progress has at times been hard to see but, not too long ago, there was a big break in the usual shuck and jive with plain talk about risks and adverse events for those trusting pharma-promoted uh 'innovations'... - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/09246479241292008 "Pharmaceutical product recall and educated hesitancy towards new drugs and novel vaccines"

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Stay tuned, bud.

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Maybe this will jog the memory:

to wit:

1). "The latest sin meriting the self-appointed “Medical Freedom Movement” firing squad seems to be the appearance of a quid pro quo. Whether or not one exists is above my pay grade. I am not one of the “Mar a Lago” caste. But I do know some who are, and they will still respond to text inquiries from me from time to time."

"The apparent compromise being that it is currently politically acceptable to question the false narrative of the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, but not acceptable to criticize the “Safe and Effective” narrative that has been constructed around the gene therapy-based “vaccine” products expressing the toxic engineered Spike protein, and absolutely not acceptable (within Trump world) to criticize the wholesale jettisoning of international regulatory, clinical development, and bioethical norms which characterized “Operation Warp Speed” (OWS)."

2). "The appearance is that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and those associated with the Trump HHS “transition” team have agreed to not nominate any candidates identified by corporate media as ‘mRNA anti-vaxxers” and to not select any candidates who have been critical of Operation Warp Speed (OWS) or the “vaccine” products produced by that Trump administration program. “Anti-vaxxers” are OK, just no anti-mRNA vax types."

"Just to be clear, if there is any doubt, President-elect Donald Trump considers both OWS and the ensuing RNA “vaccine” products to have been one of his greatest achievements. This position is non-negotiable. I knew this was the case when I endorsed DJT for president. You can find my logic regarding this summarized in this essay. Note that this endorsement preceded that of RFK Jr."

3). "President Trump has a big job ahead of him, a job that he failed at in his last presidency. That is specifically, finding a way to muzzle the deep state, the Blob, and the administrative state turning against “we the people.”"

4). "The truth is that the deep state, the Blob, and the administrative state - which includes the alphabet agencies and the Senior Executive Service, won the last Trump Administration go around from 2016-2020."

5). "Can a future President Trump accomplish what past President Trump failed at?"

6). As for myself, in part because of the benefit of having friends and colleagues who are part of the Mar a Lago Cool Kids Club and who warned me of the intransigence and blind spot that President-Elect Donald Trump has concerning the jab and OWS, I knew that this was likely to play out this way.

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I read very well, Dr. Malone, and while I might not describe your words in your last Funnies as indicating "bitterness," I, and others, did consider your highly unsupportive words about President Trump, considering your continue to remind us that you voted for him, incongruous, surprising, and disappointing. It was mostly HOW, and with WHAT WORDS you used to expressed your resentment towards Trump, (and you are certainly entitled to your opinion), that were problematic. I have always liked you and thought very highly of you, and I haven't changed my mind about you, but I consider myself to be very level-headed, with good intuition, and although this is hard to say, it must be said - someone has to - (actually several of us are saying it to you), the way you chose to put together your words in the last Funnies, was just not professional. My opinion.

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Re: Trump: We too from other other countries held / hold MUCH hope in him, but let's not advance like children believing Mum and Dad are are perfect saints.

We all gotta grow up sometimes, and the reality for us, hearing DJT, stand by OWS and the mRNA, is like a hard blow to the solar plexus. No person is perfect - and as much as we celebrated when he won, we have massive reservations over what WILL actually be achieved.

I do believe Trump loves his country.

I do believe he will secure the borders.

I do believe he will return back home, illegal aliens with criminal backgrounds.

I believe he will mediate peace in Ukraine.

I believe he does want what is best for the american people.

I do believe he wants manufacturing jobs to return to the USA

I believe his team will make great strides to amerliorate the national debt.

However, we will be so gutted if Trump hobbles RFK2 from achieving his goal - to make ALL vaccines safe. Many have known for decades, they are not, with admin to any child akin to Russian roulette.

Seeing and knowing first hand, once normal healthy active children, fall to various illnesses, remains heartbreaking, despite the prevalence. How can no one give a crap about that.

Then....... !! How on God's green earth, can anyone support Trump's attitude towards mRNA "vaccines - known as "Experimental Gene Technology" before the plandemic ?

We know they are heavily contaminated with DNA - as confirmed by several continents, and now the FDA.

The prevalent illnesses, post boosters. Damage that cannot be Undone. We can all offer a list of those maimed and dead. The world's population is toast if they continue this bioweapon. Let's hope Trump comes down with a serious case of common sense before he takes office.

In light of the above, I hope all these old people taking office commit to honesty and integrity. They have not much longer to live - unlike 6 month olds being pushed to get jabbed.

To honour Trump in a blinkered way, brings the USA a disservice.

We witnessed that cult-like devotion with Biden & Kamala. What a disgrace.

ALL politicians must always be held accountable. They are but human, afterall.

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You are certainly entitled to your own opinion. Stay warm this winter.

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Maybe he was replying to the wrong site?

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You are mistaken. Dr. Robert Malone has never expressed bitterness. I don’t know him personally, but his honest, direct words are welcomed and refreshing. God bless Dr. Malone and his family. 🙏

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It would appear that your words will only fall on deaf ears, for those posters idolize Trump and as such Trump can do no wrong. For Dr. Malone to acknowledge OWS as Trump's great failure will gain the doctor their scorn; how dare he point out trump's colossal failure. On this matter the doctor's eyes are wide open and the facts are irrefutable, but for those posters, there are none so blind as those that will not see.

I see Dr. Malone supporting Trump as a human (with all his verrucae, etc) and not as a GOD!

Best wishes for the Malones and all their companions for the year ahead!

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Agree that OWS was a catastrophe. As for me, Trump's extension of the lockdowns past Easter 2020 was his biggest mistake. That was the kowtow to the bad advisors that opened the floodgates of isolation-enhanced tyranny and censorship to last 2+ years. That enabled the basement campaign with a senile old man elected to the Presidency and everything that's followed & for the next 19 days. Tragic.

More and more is coming out, evidence and general press acknowledgement etc., and mistakes will, in my opinion, be acknowledged once the new administration can start declassifying documentation of the horrors.

I'm sure Trump lost a few votes & almost lost mine. He would have lost MANY MANY MORE votes if he had come out last spring or summer with apologies while almost everyone was still viewing most of us (and RFK, don't forget) as kooks. *And then we would have gotten Biden again*, not a doubt about that.

No RFK at DHHS, no Kash Patel at the FBI, no Vance as VP, no DOGE to at least try to dismantle some of the bureaucratic overkill, etc. etc.

I don't have a chip on my shoulder about not hanging out at Mar-a-Lago, and I wasn't expecting to be in Trump's cabinet. I did volunteer for DOGE & stand ready to quit my job and do it, if I were to get the call. But state and local govt is where the swamp & underminers will regroup, so anyone who cares about the direction of this country might want to step back from big-dog personality conflicts and see where you can do some good, yourself, the next 20 days, 100 days, 2 years, and forward.

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Thanks for replying. Nice post. Regrouping at the local level makes sense and the local sheriff is a most important piece of that puzzle. If we don't step forward, such as Thomas Massie has, then the opposition will.

I support people like Angela Reading of New Jersey and I sponsor groups like "Condemned USA". Plus we have many honorable people like Dr. Malone, who is certainly doing more than his share.

"FREEDOM" is not "FREE" and it is up to us to participate and/or support them in any and every way we can or we do not deserve the freedom they are fighting for.

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Not overtly but in tone and unmistakable.

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Agree to disagree.

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You are way off base about Dr. Malone, especially his desire to have a position in the Trump administration. He has clearly stated that he has not asked for nor has he sought a position in his administration, though he is fully qualified.

Furthermore, in all of his writings, I have never sensed any bitterness toward Trump.

For me personally, there was zero excuse for a “Two Week” shutdown of our economy to last three years. He should have kept his promise and kept it at two weeks—that’s on him not his advisers—and after the data clearly shows that the “gene therapy” roll out through Operation Warp Speed harmed thousands of Americans, he should acknowledge it as a failure and make sure it never happens again.


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You have fairly presented the facts, but only for those with eyes to see.

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i agree Trumps warp-speed did more harm then good. Trump should open his eyes to that fact.

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There are none so blind as those that will not see.

I have never met a person that I fully agreed with and that does include who I see in the mirror for my beliefs do change. The greatest gift to a wise man is factual disagreement, for a wise man can learn very little from those that support his position.

To get at the truth of the matter, PRK states: "A TRUTH SEEKER must first question one's own most sacred beliefs, then question what is being presented, and not forget that the only thing sacrosanct about the written or sworn word is that it's often untrue."

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We forgive him for that…how was he to know he was being jerked around by those CDC weasels? After all, they were supposed to know everything medical and be the authorities on those matters. I recall clearly the look on Trump’s face when he watched Fauci speak and knew by that time he was lying. Even though I was not suspicious of the Covid news at that time, Trump’s look signaled me he didn’t trust Fauci at all.

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Agree completely.

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I rest my case.

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That makes no sense, but I’ll move on.

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You have the longest and least important comment on the subject Dr Malone is asking about. Had to get it off your chest, eh? A bit too much Scotch last night? Hangover? MAGA.

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I agree...ComeQuickly Lord's was just that. Or are you referring to the very sensible Jennifer? If it is me, and you really are a veteran and a physician, you certainly are a shameful example. You sound like Scotch is your go to medication. Try reading more carefully than you probably read studies if at all.

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I have never intimated that I am a physician, but I am a veteran, and I have only commented on what you have said and not Jennifer. For some reason you are unhinged, and the more you comment, the more it’s obvious you have an issue with Dr. Malone. Agree to disagree, as you say, and move on.

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I was referring to you Billy, not Jennifer: My “reply” error. Your pontificating is long winded amongst other annoyances. I am a retired neurologist and a VN Veteran before medical school, Are you a veteran? Serve your country in uniform? Would love to know your biography. What you got, brother? Many of us would like to know, I suspect.

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I agree with you. I was disappointed in Dr. Malone's recent Funnies in which he wrote that President Trump failed. Trump was "the man in the arena" (Teddy Roosevelt.)

Biden failed. Perhaps Carter failed. But to say President Trump "failed" as a President was unattractive and rubbish. President Trump loves the American people. He did the best he could his last year, facing the pandemic with hundreds of decisions he had to make. He was deceived by Deborah Birx as to how bad deaths would be from the pandemic if he did not close. She showed him an illegitimate "model" created by a professor at a British college who'd been found before that to present fear-mongering, inaccurate models. Enough said.

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Well, there is hope after all.

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I notice Bill has not come back and apologized for hallucinating, and whining about, something the good Dr never said.

A leftist trait, really.

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I am as right as they get without being radical and don't apologize for telling the truth. Many of you disagreeable types are invested in the good doctor to the extent that you have lost your objectiveness as has Malone on this particular issue very recently. You have forgotten 2017. But I'm not surprised at the vigorous loyalty that is so blinding..I will cut and paste some examples that might have escaped some people's reading comprehension...yours for sure. I guess everyone you disagree with is "leftist vermin." Wow, how narrow minded, Mr. "Old fat white guy."

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to wit:

1). "The latest sin meriting the self-appointed “Medical Freedom Movement” firing squad seems to be the appearance of a quid pro quo. Whether or not one exists is above my pay grade. I am not one of the “Mar a Lago” caste. But I do know some who are, and they will still respond to text inquiries from me from time to time."

"The apparent compromise being that it is currently politically acceptable to question the false narrative of the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, but not acceptable to criticize the “Safe and Effective” narrative that has been constructed around the gene therapy-based “vaccine” products expressing the toxic engineered Spike protein, and absolutely not acceptable (within Trump world) to criticize the wholesale jettisoning of international regulatory, clinical development, and bioethical norms which characterized “Operation Warp Speed” (OWS)."

2). "The appearance is that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and those associated with the Trump HHS “transition” team have agreed to not nominate any candidates identified by corporate media as ‘mRNA anti-vaxxers” and to not select any candidates who have been critical of Operation Warp Speed (OWS) or the “vaccine” products produced by that Trump administration program. “Anti-vaxxers” are OK, just no anti-mRNA vax types."

"Just to be clear, if there is any doubt, President-elect Donald Trump considers both OWS and the ensuing RNA “vaccine” products to have been one of his greatest achievements. This position is non-negotiable. I knew this was the case when I endorsed DJT for president. You can find my logic regarding this summarized in this essay. Note that this endorsement preceded that of RFK Jr."

3). "President Trump has a big job ahead of him, a job that he failed at in his last presidency. That is specifically, finding a way to muzzle the deep state, the Blob, and the administrative state turning against “we the people.”"

4). "The truth is that the deep state, the Blob, and the administrative state - which includes the alphabet agencies and the Senior Executive Service, won the last Trump Administration go around from 2016-2020."

5). "Can a future President Trump accomplish what past President Trump failed at?"

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better, I can appreciate when someone backs up their notion with a few relevant points.

I see where you got this notion, I do not agree the good doctor is bitter at being overlooked, I am sure he knew he would be, since he attacked all the mRNA promoters. And the mar a logo crowd, I am sure, was unwilling to buck the boss in that time of un certainty.

I apologize for calling you a leftist rodent. Your original post had "all the earmarks of leftist propaganda", to misquote some actual leftist rodents.

We need good eyes, just make sure you include "what" you saw when you tell others.

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Completely off topic.

An odd post for a "What is a great TV series of 2024" to recommend?

I hear no bitterness from Dr Malone. The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow sometimes. Many of us want to see mRNA jabs banned, but that now seems UNlikely! Many can appreciate Dr Malone's comments as they are steeped in FACTS. Santa Claus Trump is not real - it's a harsh newsflash, but clearly - and sadly, Trump is NOT 100% on our side! That IS stunning for many of us! Nonetheless, we all hope for greater possibilities for the future of the USA, and Trump being committed to some platforms is a plus.

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How in God’s green earth did The Gilded Age not make this list?

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Aired in 2022 and 2024...

Great series though!

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Thank you.

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Oops. You did specifically say 2024….

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Horatio Hornblower is a fabulous series about a fictional officer in the British Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars. Series ran from 1998-2003, but we didn’t find it until 2024, so I’m including it because it was a great story and beautifully filmed and didn’t have any woke stuff in it.

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The Octopus Teacher - Netflix

Resident Alien -Netflix ( I believe)

Virgin River -Netflix Wholesome drama

Elsbeth- Prime

Rez Dogs - Hulu

Just a few I've watched. Happy watching!

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have you seen the Alex whathisface ads for HULU. ? I wouldn't subscribe because of that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JjfP7kzg04

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No, I haven't watched Hulu since before the election. But I did/do like Rez dogs.

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