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I’ve been thinking about Trumps news conference the other day speaking about the investments made to this new entity Stargate. The plan included up to 500 billion dollars spent on infrastructure and I’m sure money given directly to this endeavor. It seems there will be no stopping this AI driven injection machine. It’s a case of get involved or be left in the dust. Along with this investment laws need to be passed that government can never force these mRNA chemical injections on any person, and that if people refuse these experimental shots there can be no retribution like being segregated, locked in your house, fired from your job or the loss of insurance. With Trump as president I trust there will be no forced injections but what happens with a next president? We must get back to 100% informed consent and honor people’s bodily autonomy. Honestly if I were going to be dead in 6 months due to let’s say brain cancer and AI could produce an injection that may stop the cancer, upon my consent I may take the shot, but it must always be with a persons full consent. We all witnessed how tyranny can take control over this past administrations rule. We should move forward with full guaranteed protections to the individual. J.Goodrich

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Here's the problem with the mRNA injections--they go everywhere and they shed. So even if a person thinks it's targeted and safe for THEM, they could shed these treatments on others who did not consent and COULD be harmed. It's already happening with the mRNA COVID shots.

We must ban this technology and speak loudly against the AI takeover of everything.

Moreover, AI is only as good as the data it is fed. Garbage In = Garbage Out

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I know and I agree Big E. With Trumps news conference the other day I fear this is coming wether we like it or not. I’m only a carpenter but maybe doctors and scientists that disagree with the technology need to take part in production to try and fix these problems, if they can be fixed. Open and free public discussions need to take place. If we don’t get involved someone else will produce this with no protections. Just a thought.

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"Only a carpenter?" Think again about that who else shared that vocation. At the same time we have highly educated charlatans and traitors such as Fauci for whom fools swoon.

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Thank You Bruce!!

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I thought about that "only" comment as well! Hey, my husband is "only" a mechanic and very much a handy man who barely got his HS diploma. Who would I rather have in a BIG DISASTER, a PHD scientist OR a handy man who knows how to start a fire for cooking and heating, build a structure for shelter out of what-ever he can find, give first aid for cuts and dislocations, and know how to grow food? :-)

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Amen! : )

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You share some great company being "only" a carpenter: Dr. RWM and a famous man known as the founder of Christianity -- JC!

I believe those who work with their hands and their brains -- like YOU -- are best qualified to know right from wrong. And that's what really matters. All the science in the world won't make what's wrong be right, or vice versa.

We all must speak out and never apologize for "where we came from" or "what we do." It's our hearts and minds that matter, not our socioeconomic status.

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Thank you Big E!! I wish they would put a truthful person like Dr. Malone in to oversee these types of public and private partnerships. In my opinion people with dissent must be involved.

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Agreed Jane’s. Dr. Malone’s voice is needed! I’m concerned that Trump, once again, does not have good people surrounding him in this area.

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James, when you state that you are "only a carpenter", that is selling yourself short. The only reason that I am sitting in a well-constructed home that was built in 1958, is because of men like yourself. Minus the wonderful carpenters in this world of ours, many of us would be a lot less secure & comfortable. Yours is a trade that I have a great deal of admiration for.

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Much better vintage than the crap built later. Particularly the 1960s and 70s.

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Thank you Debra my thoughts were that I’m probably not qualified to make judgement on the making of AI produced injections. They really need people without ties to big pharma that have a critical eye to keep children and people safe. We know people like Elizabeth Warren have been bought off long ago. Bribes are what drive to many senators and congressman. It’s very sad that they put money ahead of their constituents…

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Agreed! Good comments. These people are talking out of both sides of their mouth!!! We can’t have it both ways! The hygiene of most people far exceeds past generations! Even in OT times, God mandated what was clean and unclean. And I don’t read where man needed a vaccine as a cure all. James, great thoughts from a carpenter of the 21st century!

Bothers me that they are using genetic engineering for anything. Please and Hello! Closer to 80 than 70. Keep praying!

Safe travels Dr. Malone! Thanks for all you do!

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Sounds like the Gov wants to control AI. https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1868302204370854026

It seems like everything that starts out good ends up being corrupted and abused; 501(C) NGOs, ACLU now defends non-US Citizens(illegals), Environmentalists might be brainwashed (taking down dams in CA to save Smelt, not clearing brush, etc.) We spent 3 million to encourage Brazilian girls to be climate activists (see Rand Paul's Festivus Report).

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I used to think that the censorship (via Google algorithm changes in 2017 which kept sites with any negative info about vaccines from appearing in Search results) was designed to directly keep people from knowing the truth. After the AI rollout i began to suspect it was to keep a pro-vaccine leash on AI...a much more insidious motive.

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Jan 29Edited

My veterinarian, during the aftermath of covid planneddemic, asked us flat out if we took the covid 19 jab.

I flat out said " Fuck no".

Aghast, she smiled, and broke out in a chuckle.

Her next words were:

"Good! I read the studies from the animal testing, and every single animal that took the MRNA jab died from it."

So which brings us up to today. Has anything changed since then ?

Dr. R. took the jab, correct ?

IIRC, he did so, because he was told that they had worked out the issues with the platform, and all was okay with it. If I'm wrong, he can chime in and clarify if he chooses so to clear up any of my "disinformation".

To this day, I wonder why, when 30 years ago, the platform had "issues" that anyone, especially as brilliant as Dr. R. is (being 100% completely honest here), would take this jab, for any reason whatsoever, unless clear & empirical data was presented, showing it was perfectly safe in doing so. I just cannot wrap my understanding around it at all.

Today, me (personally), I would rather die, allowing my immune system to do its thing, than to ever take another vaccine, a genetic rewiring poke, or anything at the end of a needle, ever again, under any circumstances. The entire idea of taking a vaccine, or this unreasonable facsimile of a vaccine, was so far from my ability to take into consideration, and remains so, today, regardless who was pushing it. Even if my wife, whom I love dearly, after more than 35 years, demanded I took any jab (or else), I'd tell her to go F-off and I'll take the "or else", I'd pack my bags, and be out the door. Luckily for me, my better half feels the same way I do.

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I believe also with Dr. Malone had to travel oversees for work and was restricted by the government if unvaccinated. I believe he had called Dr. Marks who told him they had resolved those problems from Dr. Malones original invention,,, and he believed his former “doctor friend”. It’s hard for me to believe that when my wife’s employer forced a 4th shot that any of the surgeons there would have taken it, especially after one prominent surgeon had a career ending stroke right after he took the 3rd forced experimental chemical injection. Many of these people work in the laboratory and know exactly what happened to him. There’s no way they took that 4th shot.

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Jan 30Edited


I guess circumstances dictate response.

So, I was 11 years old, and a bunch,of buddies of mine went to the next town to go fishing in a township pond. Pretty sure the perch were plentiful there, way back in the 1970s.

Anyway, the bridge separating my hometown, and the next town over, crossed over the stream below, and at the time, i guess drought was in effect, leaving a large sandbar right below the bridge, about 12 feet down.

So my buddy, Christopher, who was about 100 lbs wet, decided to jump off the bridge, and fake parachute onto the sandbar below. I watched in amazement as he landed, did a barrel roll, and sprang up, glaring that 11 year old goofball smile back at me, up on the bridge. I cant forget that face, even nearly 50 years later. The other fella I was with, Mark, did the same, and now Im up on the bridge alone

So, now i get the razzing, the waving on, the engagement of peer pressure to join my buddies below.

Being much of a doofus kid at the time, my 170 lb fat blob of an ass succumbed to the will and demands of the people, and I jumped off the bridge, landing on my feet. Not good, my brother James. Not good at all.

Upon impact, my knees bent, and wound up on either side of my empty cavern between my ears, and I heard this amazing round of cracking bones in my spine, running from my tailbone to cranium. I stretched tendons, and muscles my Twinkie and Scooterpie physique never knew I had.

Rolling over like an artic seal clubbed by a bunch of orientals, I lay there moaning, stars flashing all around, tears down my Donut inspired cheeks. 20 minutes passed as if it was a lifetime, and to this very day, as youre already aware, my body regrets that decision to follow my buds, on that fateful day back in the late 70s.

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We like to imagine that medicine is based on evidence and the results of fair testing and clinical trials. In reality, those tests and trials are often profoundly flawed. We like to imagine that doctors who write prescriptions for everything from antidepressants to cancer drugs to heart medication are familiar with the research literature about a drug, when in reality much of the research is hidden from them by drug companies. We like to imagine that doctors are impartially educated, when in reality much of their education is funded by the pharmaceutical industry. We like to imagine that regulators have some code of ethics and let only effective drugs onto the market, when in reality they approve useless drugs, with data on side effects casually withheld from doctors and patients.

From the qwerty of BEN GOLDACRE

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You may be just a carpenter but I consider your wise counsel in these threads as priceless.

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Thank You T Paine I love your posts as well. There are so many brilliant subscribers on Dr. Malones substack, I’ve learned so much here.

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I learned I have a brother in Mass I never knew about.

I gotta sister in Idaho, too, but she refuses to see me because I made fun of the potato she sent me a photo of. Crazy, eh ?


This site is invaluable except to Jim, who''s out peddling his socialism crap to a new venue.

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We already have such a miracle cure. See the work of Thomas Seyfried.

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I got a cure for the Bird Flu that I keep hearing about:


haha, no more bird flu.

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Cures just about everything!

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Operation Warp Speed cut all safety corners just to get out a vaccine for a virus that could be dealt with Ivermectin and HCQ—but Trump was lied to by Fauci, Birx (Dr. Scarf), and inevitably Pence, plus he allowed the economy to be destroyed by allowing the Two Week shutdown to go on for three years. He has never apologized for that.

So here we go again—he’s pushing for an AI driven mRNA shot, AND he’s wanting 500 billion dollars for infrastructure to get AI accelerating in the United States. No wonder he wanted the debt ceiling cancelled. We are 37 Trillion dollars in debt!

In my opinion, something like this needs to slow waaaay down so we are not put into the same position we were in when Biden took office. What a nightmare! There’s no guarantee that after Trump a Republican will take his place.

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That’s my fear as well CQL. Politicians throw these numbers around like it’s a 20 dollar bill for lunch. Think of what a 1/2 a trillion dollars could do for the hurricane victims in North Carolina Tennessee and Florida. 500 billion dollars could build a hospital in nearly every big city and at some scale be staffed for 5 years. Now that would be helping people. Without some indestructible guardrails put on this technology I also feel we are going down this same tyrannical road. Like you said Trump will not be around forever. What’s next?

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