Oct 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So 15 corrupt people at a discredited organisation get to force future generations to have their body autonomy violated with a product that has unknown long term side-effects.

This has to be an act of war on America's future.

This will reveal what the parents of America are really made of.

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Will "they" even know? How many parents ask"what's in that"?

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Quite a few. Resistance is growing.

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Keep talking it up folks!

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I 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

Exactly! This came up when talking to a friend a couple weeks ago and we acknowledged that as young parents 30+ years ago, we didn’t question our pediatricians. However, we both felt we would have tried to research if it was a drug with no safety data to our knowledge. Getting info then was actually harder as we didn’t have the internet which makes us wonder how many other things people got duped on.

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This is not about protecting the children, this is about protecting their sponsors (the pharma industry and those that played along to line their pockets) from the current and future vaccine injured adults.

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Agreed! It’s sick!

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At this point its about more than just the money. Its about them forcing compliance to their will. They know it doesn't work. They know its dangerous. But their mentality is "We told you to make your kids take it and you refused. But make no mistake come hell or high water they're going to take it and there's nothing you can do to stop us". My response to them is "watch and learn".

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"I am shocked by the malfeasance. I have no trust left at all in our public health. It is broken."

With great sadness, I agree. 💔

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It was broken when they changed the name of the cdc.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

At this point in time, the SENATE AND the HOUSE should simply pack up their belongings and go home. They are obviously no longer needed. They’ve been replaced by UNELECTED BUREAUCRATS.

It appears as though our ELECTED representatives prefer to operate in this fashion, in the dark background, so they can’t be fingered for BLAME.

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They still need to be there to write the checks.

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The timing and the orchestration to pull the wool over America has proceeded as planned,

has it not? I see few glitches in the medical Vaxx malpractice 1986 protections of .GOV fraud.

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Horrifying. They are murdering and maiming our children. PULL THEM OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

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Imagine if only for just a week or two most everyone pulled their kids out of school across all states in Protest of this. Things might change right quick!

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If you know of anyone who is hesitating to pull their kids out of school because they don't think that they can homeschool them - I and millions of others didn't know how, either, and we figured it out and can help guide them - there's no way I would let any child alone with the people involved in public education for any amount of time!

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I applaud all you Mom’s out there for figuring it out. Y’all are awesome! I didn’t do so great in school and the new methods now would have terrified me, so good job!

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The CDC, FDA, FBI, and so on... so on it goes. Dismantle the whole bunch by executive order in 2024-25.

Coruption is out of control!

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

Totally agree, but we need it sooner than that.

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and the DOJ, IRS, and Department of Education (this is just a short list)! Schedule F for federal employees will also help greatly.

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I was gonna say! There’s so many that need to be dismantled, it’ll take years!

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I’m so heartbroken 💔

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Time to get ANGRY

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I am angry and sad...back and forth. I've learned that people will just not listen. It often feels like no hope.

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Don't give up hope. Our numbers are steadily growing. New people come over to our side every day. You cannot wake the whole nation overnight, and this has been a really steep learning curve for many.

Take some action. That always makes me feel much better!

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Don’t give up!! We need you.

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I feel the same way. Sadly, it’s gonna take a lot of injuries and deaths of children before they wake up and even then look how many will be left wondering when something bad to their health will happen.

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These corrupt traitors need to save all of their documents. Every individual complicit in this genocide must be brought to justice criminally and barred from any public office or public health post.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am sick about my profession. To inflict this on children is horrific.

The implications of vaccinating children go far beyond what is being discussed. I wrote about it here:


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I don't want to be a nurse any longer. Nurses are taking money from the Styker Corp., so they are all for the jabs, hormones, and sex change surgeries. My profession has become leaches and they are not advocates for patients.

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I feel your pain. It’s been a gradual process of corporate takeover, EMR being a major player. There are places to work that have ethics but they are hard to find now.

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they really can't advertise it if they go against the CDC promoted standard of care. My husband was a professor of nursing, and I am glad he's not alive to see what has happened.

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Agree with Dr. Dotson. When, to employ a crude euphemism, the china flu jab shit hits the fan, competent, compassionate nursing will desperately be needed. Including by your fellow nurses who so foolishly went along to get along

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Hang in there, Helen. Good nurses are needed desperately within healthcare - especially since TPTB have nearly succeeded in destroying the profession.

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Thanks for your voice!

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Thanks for your support. I feel those in our profession who can see what’s happening must speak the truth with our patients and make it available to the public.

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Absolutely. Because of the type of patients I see (alt med practice), most of my patients are receptive to the message of "no more" vaxxx. Even in my patient cohort, however, there are a few who remain zealous COVIDians and who become very upset with vaxxx warnings. I am always a bit wary of these folks, as sooner or later I expect one of them to go :"Full Karen" on me...

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Here in North Idaho the overwhelming majority of my patients are overjoyed to hear real truth confirming their views. I’m diplomatic with those who buy the false narrative, respectful of their freedom. I’ve had no trouble to date. It’s a different story with physician colleagues.

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Always best to set the expectations of ourselves first. When you set them in others, you may be disappointed ☹️

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Me, too.

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They needed more crash test dummies for analysis. (why run long testing?)

So they now have approval to victimize the youngest and fragile of minds.

They ran the gambit world wide on the elders already. (fear of dying worked)

Plan "B" is now operational. While the hunting season with needles is still on.

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Great article! Thank you for one more honest human being to be proud of in these dark times.

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Thanks Katharine. Every one of us has a role to play in speaking the truth. Today many are seeing that article because of the post here. Because of Dr Malone and readers like you. Please share!

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Absolutely I will.

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Absolutely gutted. Just as I’m taking my daughter to tour high schools she wants to attend. Knowing I will most likely have to break her heart has me finally breaking down in tears.

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I'm going through the same thing. The kids will suffer more if forced to be jabbed. They will thank us later.

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Agree 💯. For her it’s so hard to see the forest through the trees, and she’s at that age where she’s already pulling away from me. All of her friends are vxxd and she has said she’d rather just get it and risk it then not be able to go to school. There will most certainly be an emotional and psychological toll as I will appear to be separating her from people, just like during the lockdowns, but of my own doing... at least that will be how it feels to her. I’d say it’s time to move out of CA, but how long until all states are forced to follow suit?

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

I couldn't stop my 27 year old daughter for all the same reasons.

Now I just pray daily that she doesn't die, or get cancer, an autoimmune condition, heart condition, etc., that if she CAN get pregnant she doesn't suffer a miscarriage or still birth, and that if a baby is born, that he or she is healthy and that his or her DNA will not have been altered or mutated.

Ever present fear is not good for my "Golden Years," it is slowly being replaced by absolute rage.

Pharma needs to burn in Hell. As does Tony Fouci.

"Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord, I will repay!"

I keep praying. And I pray for protection of ALL who took the shots constantly; sometimes that's the best answer of all. Remember, Gandhi said his greatest weapon was mute prayer. The man defeated the British Empire! We should be able to defeat Fouci & Pharma.

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Same with me Katherine. My grown daughter (29) relied on her friends advice over her family’s advice and got two shots of the murder na jab. One of her cheer friends from high school who was vaxxed was just diagnosed with glioblastoma…multiple tumors, sudden onset. Scary stuff watching young and old die or get sudden onset cancers. I pray constantly as well. 🙏🏼

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I wish there were words to console you with. As a parent I just can't even begin to imagine what you're feeling. We live our lives for our children to protect our children. May God be with you and your family as well as your daughter's friend and family.

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I'm sorry you have to go through this. I would be beside myself if my daughter got it. I have a neighbor that gave it to all her kids and I cry /pray for them daily. God bless you and your daughter ❤️

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Thank you; I believe every prayer counts. God bless you and help to keep your girl safe; I do pray for everyone in this dangerous time. May healing and blessings spread across our beleaguered land!

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

Speaking of Fauci - it’s a bit ironic the timing on this as the release of the movie “The Real Anthony Fauci” was yesterday. I plan to watch it tomorrow. I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of lawsuits after this vote goes through. On another note, I am terrified for my friends grandkids and my future grandkids. I’ve looked forward to being a grandma for so long but now I’m starting to think maybe it’s better not to be :-(

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You may be right but I’m gonna hold out some hope because many of those attorneys kids will be among the injured and will figure out a loophole.

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I understand everything you are saying. You poor thing. Moving sounds like a great idea if you can get her around kids not brainwashed. They will become their own people and we won't have much control of any at a certain point. Keep showing her the data. Maybe find a school that will take an exemption. Do they exist in CA?

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

Great question about finding a school that would take an exemption, but finding a doctor to write one is an impossible situation here.

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That is in itself horrible. I'd move. Seriously. I'm already considering South America and I live in a red state. I've had enough of the tyranny and having to pay for their slush fund while they destroy our entire population.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

I have a home in New Zealand and I used to think that if SHTF here I’d have somewhere to go. HA! Little did we know.

We have friends that are now expats in Costa Rica and are very happy. Leaving the country may be the only way to live a relatively normal life.

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Especially with the new law that censors doctors. How many will risk telling the truth? Most have been unwilling already and this law just makes it worse.

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Truly. Ruthless AF.

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Move if you have to

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Let her know of the facts and data, present a loving explanation for your decision. These mandates can destroy a healthy person.

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I have. Repeatedly. She has seen it all, knows I am coming from a place of love... but she’s 13 and needs her friends. Pre-frontal cortex is nowhere near fully formed, she won’t fully understand for some time.

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I'm with you. My 13-yr old daughter is in the same situation as your daughter. I forbid her take the jab. It sickens me how they are infiltrating families. Unfortunately, if they keep on with this nonsense, they are going to learn the hard way that peaceful, good people will do everything to protect their children. They know the harms caused by this poison and they want to force us to inject it into our kids.

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Absofuckinglutely!!! 🙌🙌

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Yeah, it's not easy but you are still on charge.

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Yes indeed 🤍

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Mine is 27 and still goes by her friends, her career, and a youthful belief that she'll be fine.

Not enough life experience to comprehend risk yet. And earlier vaccine injuries didn't help. She was too young to grasp the extent of the damage and doesn't remember any other way of being.

So I'm just that over protective Mom, who worries all the time in her eyes.

It's frankly terrifying.

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Oh Katherine 🥺 I can only imagine. A very close friend of mine was fully vxxd and double boosted and passed away at the age of 40 with no known cause, 2 months ago. Single mom of 3 teen girls 💔. It’s hitting so close to home now. I feel you, and am sending love, solidarity and deep prayer for awakening for all.

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how many orphans are we going to have, or parents burying their children? It is unnatural, criminal and sinful.

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Thank you, Annie. So very, very sorry for you loss! I have not lost anyone young like that with children. It would be so very heartbreaking.

I have lost 5 friends this year, 3 older, 2 not, already. Only 1 was directly Covid and the"Covid measures" but 3 of the 4 the others were indirectly caused by our government's insanity. (Or wickedness.) Long stories, one of them 97, actually, but he was fine until he took the jab. Then heart issues. Now there are 4 more in the danger zone, who took that damn jab and are elderly.

One has severe cancer, another with general illness and mental decline. The biggest issue to me is in countries where EVERYONE took it. My husband and in-laws are German. Everyone took it. They have zero control group, so no one will ever say, "It was the jab, for certain!" At least here there was, and is, some real resistance. I am grateful for American independence every single day!

However, I do think we may be in the last book of the Good Book; if so I hope we get through it.

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But she will later thank you. She really will.

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Not sure where you live but voting a straight Republican ticket is your best bet. Even if you think your vote doesn’t count. Even if you think there is no chance. Lots of people are terrified by this. Elections have consequences. If they don’t vote, or vote for the same old politicians pushing this crap, they will get consequences. Should be at least worth the effort to get a better outcome.......

Also research religious exemptions.

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I’m in my deeply broken home state of California. I’ll absolutely be voting very different this year. My Dad would be proud. (Sorry Dad that it took a fucking worldwide plandemic and psyop for me to flip my vote. I see it now, on so many levels).

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I do agree vote on Election Day. There is always some cheating. JFK won because a graveyard in Chicago voted for him. But most elections go with the real vote. That there is some cheating doesn’t mean we can’t win, it just means we have to overcome the little bit of fraud there is, and make it harder to predict how many votes are needed. The beauty in voting on actual Election Day. Hard to predict, even harder to overcome. If that’s not possible, at least vote in person early.

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Better to break her heart than let the clot shots stop her heart!

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💯 %!!!!! 🙌🙌

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They're going to do it. They haven't plowed through every regulatory hurdle just to stop now. I literally just posted about this! Even the Moderna CEO doesn't think kids need boosters!


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they want that permanent pass on liability

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Hence the importance of 2A.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There have been blazing signs for years that our public institutions were captured, but many of us were in denial. The enemy is not on our shores, the enemy is in the building. We are in the fight for our lives now and it is not going to be fixed by magical thinking, a vote, or prayers alone, it is going to take real fighting, the kind where you get dirty and go with out basic necessities. It is like Aliens have snatched the bodies of all those in the seats of power. The only way to stop what is underway is if enough of the people begin fighting back in every way they can imagine and are willing to risk it all, because if not, there will be nothing left to risk. The sooner we and others fully wake up to the fact that all our institutions are or will soon be destroyed, the sooner we can get on with fighting this enemy head on. "If" we win, it is still going to take decades or centuries to rebuild everything from the ground up, this is the ugly truth, but let us know it and face it.

We all let it happen, because we could not fathom that those in power could be so awful, so greedy, so evil or that those around them would allow it - but they have allowed it. Look at the plandemic, how many people have suffered and died during covid all in the name of the bringing forward the so called "Fourth Industrial Revolution". How many knowingly and willingly allowed our brothers and sisters to suffer and/or die? To name just a few: the military leaders, the intel community, the doctors and nurses, the cops, the aid workers, & the everyday people such as myself who did not speak up often enough or loud enough for fear of being shamed, fear of loosing a job or credibility. So many are complicate in these crimes. Like many Germans in Hitlers time, we will not face what we have done, some never will.

We are at the literal precipice and the "power whores" ( not "elites") at the top would just assume it all ends in a nuclear war rather than facing failure, let alone admitting guilt.

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Damn, I couldn't have said it as well, much less better! CHEERS for telling the truth now; many, many people are finally waking up and joining the fight. We do have a chance to reclaim our world. Never, ever give up!

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not surprised at this, at all. However, maybe someone who knows law and gov't better than I ever will, will take up the cause to get it removed from the childhood vaccine schedule, and in doing so, get many of the other, unnecessary and dangerous vaccines removed from it as well. That appears to be our best hope. I doubt it has ever been done before, but as they say, there's a first time for everything.

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The politics, power and energy to remove even archaic laws is immense. Unfortunately, I think it will be next to impossible to alter the vax regulations.

This is just another "I can't believe it". With grooming, crt, trans and sexual indoctrination, abysmal academic scores, it may getting close to the time to end public education. Let parents choose and fund their own schools, and be relieved of the burden of supporting the mess of public education.

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That might one of their many goals - ruining public education completely and creating a huge new market for rapacious corporations, that is. What else could explain all of this insanity?

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Frightening thoughts, true Scylla and Charybdis

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But we knew this would happen, didn’t we!

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Yes...and I still wish there was some way to stop it.

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Sustained mass demonstrations of nonviolent civil disobedience. Hundreds of thousands out in the streets. For as long as it takes. It's the only way now to get their attention. All of our democratic institutions have been coopted by big-money influence, including elections. Traditional march-and-go-home demonstrations are simply ignored. We must do it for the children and their children and ....

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I personally think hitting them in the pocket book is more effective. Boycott all corporations in on the "Covid Measures" and the lies to the public.

Shift to Natural Medicine. Find a Naturopath, an Herbalist, a Acupuncturist, to be your main practitioner.

Call CDC, FDA, your elected Representatives endlessly. Be polite, ish, but simmering with rage.

Write letters to the editor, or mail a copy of "The Real Anthony Fouci" to every one you can, but pick a target and stay on them. Print out good articles and post them to local doctors, newspapers, and county health departments.

Ditch all MSM for lying. Tell them why. Ditto Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. All those with blood on their hands.

Don't even purchase over the counter meds from these people. I refuse to buy Bayer aspirin because of that corporation's behavior.

Listen to Kennedy, read Children's Health Defense articles, watch Del Bigtree and donate to the legal efforts to combat this behavior and get to know Catherine Austin Fitts, Reignite Freedom, and Whitney Webb.

Follow the calls for a Grand Jury investigation in Oregon from State Senators Linthicum and Thatcher.

We need to fight a guerilla war on every possible level.

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The advantage of being out on the streets and visible is the opportunity to recruit others to the cause. Possibly many others. It does require a contingent of the initial activists to offer themselves up on the 'front lines' so to speak, for being pepper sprayed, jailed, etc. When people see others standing firm on their principles and willing to make sacrifices, they tend to think twice about their reticence and some will join in.

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I cut my off and I only watch TV through Roku. If the drug companies want to use up the advertising money. I am not watching it.

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Do you really think this mass demonstration will happen? The mass hypnosis is so prevalent it will take much more than that. The personal death of a child isn't even doing it. We're going down from what I can see.

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Agree. It is too late.

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Actually, I didn't say it would happen. I said it's the only way left. If just 3% of the country could be mustered, there's a chance. The unhypnotized population is larger than that. So it COULD happen. I'm not holding my breath.

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The hypnotized might even wake up.

Early on - those mass demonstrations in Europe were put together by PR people. Not grass roots all by themselves but people agreed and stepped up and were successful in many places.

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I hope you're right about the hypnotized waking up!

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You sound like you might be interested in Matias Desmond. (If you aren't already)

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it is going on in EU and never reported here

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There are so many of us and so few of them. My comment to them did not mince words. And was scathing. We MUST act. We must use our “agency”. We must change this. I don’t care what they call me!

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Parents, and a HUGE grassroots public outreach program!

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Parents need to homeschool. Or move. Anything. The wellbeing of the children comes first. We need to not comply.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Everyone should watch the new Anthony Fauci movie. It is a movie version of Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci". It is free if you watch it in the next eight days. Here is the link:


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