Russ, I wrote a simple note to a former client /therapist asking if her opinion had changed after all this time. I said if yes, would love to discuss; if no, I don't have much to say. No response...
Russ, I wrote a simple note to a former client /therapist asking if her opinion had changed after all this time. I said if yes, would love to discuss; if no, I don't have much to say. No response...
Ed, I too had many clients who were in the "mental health business". Most of them were still deeply wounded. I wouldn't have recommended them to anyone. I knew more about their personal lives and views than most, hairdressers and bartenders know.
I have a theory about that. I think that neuroses are mental scar tissue that should be left in place if not causing real harm. Mental health specialists not doing this probably cause much more psycho-damage than if they had not gone there. And psychiatrists have to undergo a mental dumpster dive called deep analysis which very few of us are mentally tough enough to undergo. And from reports I hear most of them appear to not be that tough.
I will share something that I consider even more disturbing. Two weeks ago I went to the headquarters of both credit unions I use. I spoke with a total of six people, including the primary loan officer for commercial loans over $1M. NOT ONE had even heard of CBDC. I started a rudimentary explanation to the loan officer. He in turn began paying more and more attention to his email screen, apparently totally disinterested.
Russ, I wrote a simple note to a former client /therapist asking if her opinion had changed after all this time. I said if yes, would love to discuss; if no, I don't have much to say. No response...
17 years in medicine…I only met one psychologist and one psychiatrist that I trusted. Ed…
Edit….It might be a pirate ship; but, it is a tight ship. 🏴☠️
Ed, I too had many clients who were in the "mental health business". Most of them were still deeply wounded. I wouldn't have recommended them to anyone. I knew more about their personal lives and views than most, hairdressers and bartenders know.
I have a theory about that. I think that neuroses are mental scar tissue that should be left in place if not causing real harm. Mental health specialists not doing this probably cause much more psycho-damage than if they had not gone there. And psychiatrists have to undergo a mental dumpster dive called deep analysis which very few of us are mentally tough enough to undergo. And from reports I hear most of them appear to not be that tough.
Talk about being "vulnerable" to options that make it all worse? WOW.
The “things” I saw and worked with… You better be Damn tough. The rolllacoaster…Highest Highs and the lowest lows. Ed
I really have to be careful as I deep dive into “things”. I read, I study, I think…It is “harsh” when people have no clue. Very Best, Ed
And Thank God again for My Dogs and Exercise. “I’m not as good as I once was; but, I’m good once as I ever was”.
I will share something that I consider even more disturbing. Two weeks ago I went to the headquarters of both credit unions I use. I spoke with a total of six people, including the primary loan officer for commercial loans over $1M. NOT ONE had even heard of CBDC. I started a rudimentary explanation to the loan officer. He in turn began paying more and more attention to his email screen, apparently totally disinterested.