I had to mention our former president formally withdrew from the WHO and also withdrew all funding. We the people currently pay 600 million dollars per year to the WHO, thanks to Joey who rejoined the WHO. China pays 30 million. If we had stayed withdrawn, the WHO would have withered away, but because we are run by the corrupted this is what we get. I’m curious what it’s going to take for the US to sign our sovereignty away. J.Goodrich

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Leaving the WHO and the Paris Climate Accords were the two main issues that the Ruling Intelligence State can’t have...

...America’s Sovereignty and Individual Constitutional God Given Rights

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Came to say the same exact thing. Biden's re-joining of WHO is a key step in accepting its "pandemic treaty" -- without this, nobody would listen to the WHO.

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Nor should they listen to the WHO if they value their health, individuality, and freedom. They have been moving doctors from experience based medicine to data based medicine for at least a decade. Though it sounds good in theory, it just means doctors no longer have to THINK about an individual, just follow 'the cook book' and big Pharma and the government will tell them all they need to kn ow about what they can and cannot do to treat people. BAD medicine. If nothing else, Covid 19 proved that!

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Yet for all that money, we do not get to retain our constitutional republic and rights/freedoms. Instead, communist and totalitarianism interests will prevail. Signing!!!

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My first thoughts as well. Donald had the inside track and solid info about the facts that the WHO was never on the level of protecting global health. It is racketeering at it's worst.

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Not very long ago 600 million dollars was a huge amount of money and would never be allowed to go to a foreign group that wanted to infiltrate American freedoms. But now Randall 600 million you see is pocket change that should be distributed to anyone the King decides to give it to, with no checks or balances!!

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Tis the God forsaken wretched excess of "MOUSE CLICK MONEY"!!

The bustards have it made in the shade. Time to shine the bright light on all of it.

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Actually my Rep is Chip Roy who has already proposed defunding who. The sentiment is there in Congress already so hope this helps.

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Thank you for doing this Doctor Malone. This is just one more step in destroying the sovereignty of the United States and ceding it to the one-world globalists whose aim is to reinstitute feudalism and render us all serfs. One nation has stood against this and undermining us is at the root of all the lunacy we see today.

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The WHO is little more than a globalist trojan horse. As a trans-national criminal organization, the WHO and it's nefarious cabal of sociopaths need to be indicted under RICO, with all individuals participating in the Covid scam jailed for life. All of their assets should be seized, sold and distributed to their victims. If there one State AG who has the fortitude to remind the world that the US will stand in defiance of the forces of evil, now is the time to stand up.

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I support the Sovereignty Coalition 100%. The criminals trying to create one world government must be stopped. I am not sure I believe your comment that over 1 million Americans have died from COVID-19. The reference is from Worldometers, which I suspect is not the most reliable source of data about COVID-19 deaths, and which appears to have been instrumental in fanning the flames of coronavirus fear throughout the pandemic. It is my understanding that there is still no reliable test to determine the presence of a coronavirus infection. It is also my understanding that many diagnoses with COVID-19 likely did not have it, but had false positive PCR tests, which were disingenuously used by practitioners, particularly those at hospitals to generate increased revenue. How many true COVID-19 cases there actually have been I believe is anyone's guess. How many of those true COVID-19 cases actually were infected with the SARS COV-2 virus, rather than influenza, RSV, adenovirus, or some other virus I also believe is anyone's guess. Is there anyone alive who really can give us a reliable estimate of how many people were infected with the SARS COV-2 virus and had the resulting clinical syndrome we have dubbed "COVID-19, or how many people have died from actual infections with SARS COV-2? I would welcome your views on this.

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As has been noted previously, almost all the flu and colds disappeared when covid came along. I suspect they were misdiagnosed as the new China Flu as the powers to be wanted to scare the citizens into taking a deadly vaccine. When hospitals get paid every step of the way to treat Covid and families get up to $8000.00 funeral assistance from FEMA, do you want the diagnosis to be anything elese? The flu gets nothing.

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It took me a couple of hours this morning but I finally found it. I had posted it on AAM April of 2021. Although she no longer works for John Hopkins and her original posting from Nov 28, 2020 was immediately taken down, someone saved it.


Now I am way behind with my chores!

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Thankyou for taking the time to post this gem!!🙂👍🙂

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It is pretty well a given those death stats are b.s. I posted her about a traffic fatality listed as a china flu death and those stories were legion. We never will know the truth about any of the metrics of this farce because everyone posting them lied like rugs. And still are.

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I lifted directly from the Alert: Quote

COVID-19 Alert No. 2 March 24, 2020 - New ICD code introduced for COVID-19 deaths

This email is to alert you that a newly-introduced ICD code has been implemented to accurately capture mortality data for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on death certificates.

Will COVID-19 be the underlying cause? The underlying cause depends upon what and where conditions are reported on the death certificate. However, the rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID-19 being the underlying cause more often than not. Unquote.

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Yes, but now they are hiding the true harms of the most certainly man made virus, and the shot, which are very real and very similar. This link discusses how and why they now downgrade COVID and vaccine harms.


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So very true!

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Lindell has the actual 2020 election results from a reliable source and for Covid deaths there is this lifted from John Hopkins January 25, 2021.


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Luckily, we don't really need that statistic when illustrating the evils of the WHO. There are plenty of examples available. In fact, it's amazing that any of this has to be pointed out to people at all. The WHO's malfeasance has been brazenly obvious from the beginning.

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It's good to see the server is stretched by the number of people trying to sign! Finally something to sink our teeth into, thanks to all who formed this Declaration!

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Thank you for providing this opportunity for us! Have been there and done my best to do that! You are greatly appreciated! Hard to believe NIH has sent more funding to EHA for Wuhan. So glad you are helping us with this Community to at a minimum register our opposition.

Have a good and successful day and week! We are here with you! Bestest ever!

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Sadly I do not find that hard to believe at all

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How did you do it? I kept pressing “sign” and just got into some sort of loop.

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I did not see where to sign either, just where to be on the mailing list. Perhaps my laptop will do better.

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May 9, 2023·edited May 9, 2023

Well worded Dr. Malone, thank you. I have no intention of allowing them or anyone else to violate my Constitutional rights or religious objections. I t doesn’t matter if the pope or any other ‘leader’ endorsed it, they do not speak for God or my own conviction.

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These lies are well known to all of us who have an interest in good science, yet there remains the unanswered question, how many (if any) became ill and died with actual SARS COV-2 viral infection. Without the proper tools to assess this, it still appears the answer could be almost anything.

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That's by design. Every new 'rule' we made was to exaggerate the threat of the virus.

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Signed…Thank You. Ed

My Sister did not have a clue about wef (not caps on purpose). Didn’t know about some “people”. A little heated…b&m g foundation, soros, trudeau, macron, king chuckey,…the list goes on.

I wish You All The Very Best!!! Ed

Return Edit…Read Mattias Desmet and RFK, Jr. I subscribed for Her for a year to Drs. Robert and Jill. I need a beer. Ha!!!

And, throw in a little prince andrew and epstein…apologies for the rant.

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The last time I tried to gently broach these subjects with my sister over the phone she said, "Can we talk about something else? How are the grandchildren?" Some people are just not ready to hear the truth, even if you try to deliver it in bite-sized pieces.

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I buy duct tape for my mouth. Sometimes I forget to use it. Ed

Thank God for Dogs…Sanity.

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Russ, I wrote a simple note to a former client /therapist asking if her opinion had changed after all this time. I said if yes, would love to discuss; if no, I don't have much to say. No response...

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17 years in medicine…I only met one psychologist and one psychiatrist that I trusted. Ed…

Edit….It might be a pirate ship; but, it is a tight ship. 🏴‍☠️

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May 9, 2023·edited May 9, 2023

Ed, I too had many clients who were in the "mental health business". Most of them were still deeply wounded. I wouldn't have recommended them to anyone. I knew more about their personal lives and views than most, hairdressers and bartenders know.

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I have a theory about that. I think that neuroses are mental scar tissue that should be left in place if not causing real harm. Mental health specialists not doing this probably cause much more psycho-damage than if they had not gone there. And psychiatrists have to undergo a mental dumpster dive called deep analysis which very few of us are mentally tough enough to undergo. And from reports I hear most of them appear to not be that tough.

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Talk about being "vulnerable" to options that make it all worse? WOW.

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The “things” I saw and worked with… You better be Damn tough. The rolllacoaster…Highest Highs and the lowest lows. Ed

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I really have to be careful as I deep dive into “things”. I read, I study, I think…It is “harsh” when people have no clue. Very Best, Ed

And Thank God again for My Dogs and Exercise. “I’m not as good as I once was; but, I’m good once as I ever was”.

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I will share something that I consider even more disturbing. Two weeks ago I went to the headquarters of both credit unions I use. I spoke with a total of six people, including the primary loan officer for commercial loans over $1M. NOT ONE had even heard of CBDC. I started a rudimentary explanation to the loan officer. He in turn began paying more and more attention to his email screen, apparently totally disinterested.

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Signed and submitted.

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I'm signed in thanks.

Its an out for all those who promoted the virus and injected the population here in the USA to blame WHO and world order based on Chinese influence. A better outcome than being forced into a total global hierarchal dictatorship.

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Having difficulty signing the petition. I go to the link you posted, then click on their SIGN THE DECLARATION link. But this doesn't take me to a signature page. What am I doing wrong?

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I just posted this on Twitter also - it could be that their server is getting blown out. Give it a little time please and try again?

I signed without issue to try the system out.

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Joseph...after you click on "Sign the Petition", it will take you to another page where, to the right, is a box, where you put in your name & e-mail address. Then, click on the space just below that to complete the process.

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There is another link you have to click...

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Took me several tries. Labor on a kindle and it has fits with this sort of activity

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