Succinct & 'To the Point'... well done!

Yes, Ultimately, it comes down to Raising Big Families & making such a thing 'Normal' again.

This is the foundation from which all other forms of Resistance to Tyranny can be Initiated.


The Fall of The West:


The Annals of America:


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There js plenty of evidence to suggest that the population numbers in the billions is a blatant lie: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q0KHQdiHkXcC/ [6mins] we live in the Truman Show. They lie for the sake if lying because that is their native language. They are the devils children.

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Thanks for the link. I did listen to it. Very interesting , significant and concerning. It would be hard to do an accurate count when so many are indoors at any one time. Especially the Ugars and Falong Gong.

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I'm 57, and my wife is 59.

Too late for us, although I'll keep trying, as long as the Mrs. Allows me to.


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Hey I had a baby at 46. You never know.😂

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And I thought I was a "mistake" when My mother was 36.


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😂She was my 6th. A beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed girl. She just got married last August. We adopted our 5th child. He is getting married the end of May. With all of my 6 children married that will give me 12 children. We multiply fast. My granddaughter got married Jan. If 2023 and had a darling baby boy on Valentines Day. I have another granddaughter who had a beautiful baby girl last May in her Grandmother’s ( my daughter in law) birthday and on my husband’s birthday. So fun to have babies around.

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Agreed! Its a JOY to have babies around!

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my wife was 44 , I was 46, first kid for either of us.

Today, our eagle scout just turned 21, and is finishing up his undergrad in 3 years, working for a year, then off to medical school.

I inoculated him against the rabid left years ago.

When he was 13, and the rabid democrats in Charlotte, NC, were trying to pass a law mandating that men could use the girls bathroom, my son said it best....

"Its not a gender issue, its a genitalia issue".

I was so proud.

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Keep trying. You never know your luck and fun around the corner.

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That is wonderful.

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go Tonga, GO!

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Tonga zug zug Lana.

Oooh, yeah!


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I knew a guy, owned and was still working in his camera shop at 96.

He had two 16 year old boys.

Unfortunately, he had a 35 year old borderline bitch ex wife. (she was 20, he was 85)

Who says us men don't have a second brain, that takes control, that lives in our penis??

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Woman just have bazookas and a honey trap. Men are hunters. Woman are trappers. In case you did not know. Even the military industrial complex has no answer for that. Except Mao , Marxism and other dictators says kill them all. And Bill Gates says : “Let them eat insects. “ !! Mao had the birds that ate the insects killed. So the Chinese crops were lost and millions starved and died. This is the agenda of the WEF , Sierra Club , Club of Rome. And even the dis U.S.’s


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killing off poor people is the leftist rodent promise

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If you wish to Read & Listen to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


& Here is my Stack on American History (from the Primary Sources):


Thank You Again to Everyone!

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Try convincing young couples of having large families these days. I know many young couples who have had two and are done. My first wife fit into that category. I was there when during the second Caesarian the doctor pulled up the tubes and snip snip.

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My chiro has 8 kids

Yes, you read that right. Youngest is 2, and the oldest is 17.

He wanted to start his own baseball league, and came up one person short.

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The government by design makes everything so darned expensive that it requires two incomes just to pay a mortgage, etc. More than two kids requires a much bigger car, house, etc. I'm not judging any one type of lifestyle here but I have seen many hard working young people make the decision to not have more than two. They have good jobs, etc., and love children, they also want to be able to send them to a Christian school and/or homeschool so they don't have to go to indoctrination centers. I also see many hard working people choose smaller families so they can do more fun things like go on vacations, etc. And there is nothing wrong with that. After all, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Many times, however, we could look at our finances and see where we could be saving instead of spending. Some couples will run the numbers and see that day care is eating up most of the second paycheck, add to that a second car, etc. So some internal analysis is a good idea. The decision on how many children to have is a deeply personal one, and the prudent couples I see are striving to have both a family and a decent roof over their heads, while still doing some fun things. God is good and he will provide. I also see these same families tithing and giving to ministries regularly.

But, if the government would quit trying to "fix" things, we'd all be a lot better off.

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I have seen couples with 4 and more children get by. It helps if they belong to a religious group such as dutch reformed who often provide low cost day care, christian schooling, etc. Even if not religious we all place priorities on certain things .

A friend of my wife's stopped her home business when covid hit, her husband works in construction and they have 3 very healthy kids with zero vaccinations whom she home schools. They are getting by just fine.

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formented ?? As in formed. To save torment.

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Nice catch! Typo on my part!

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When population decrease is a goal deemed imperative, even tragic deaths, like the death of children from vaccines, can be justified as acceptable casualties in the long-term utilitarian project. Klaus said the great reset may fail but "we" have no choice but to try. When your imagination is that limited (or, more likely, BIASED from selfishness), you can see horrendous atrocities as a mere lesser of evils.

If only those still asleep could see that mind-bogglingly dangerous people don't have horns and pointy tails, but, rather, speak of the greater good, etc. They always have. Nothing new under the sun.

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The Sierra Club was missed. You are spot on Dr Robert. I have the DAVOS book and SOROS book. Also I suspect the WORLD BANK may play a major role and of course the military industrial complex. Fortunately DJT has his feet on the ground , understands this and I want him back in the White House Robert. Best regards.

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Dr. Malone indicted that the piece was written by Jesse Friedman, known popularly as Hi-Rez. Dr. Robert sometimes makes appearances on Hi-Rez shows.

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When most of us were young, we would dress up, maybe go out to a club, and try to meet the right person; get married and if things were just right have some kids. Nearly everyone I grew up with did just that. Back then it almost seemed like a system that miraculously worked. There was a massive wrench thrown into that system, the hand held computer. The young seem to have a love affair with their phones and handed the control of their life’s direction over to social media. Most all of us are aware of what is happening but millions and millions have fallen deep into this black hole and I’m afraid it’s not going to let them out. We desperately need a change soon, I just hope the powers that be allow the will of the people to happen. J.Goodrich

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You are not alone in your fears, my Brother James.

No matter where I am, either alone or with a traveling partner, wife, or bud, I'm witnessing the bent neck of the times, staring that the dopamine generation machine in their paw. I'm conservative (as if you couldn't tell), and I really don't give a rats petunia what people do to themselves, but when I see a father, or mother, with their child, cruising along in the baby stroller, with the kid's hands and eyes wrapped around a 4" led screen, I erupt inside.

You want to ruin your own life, so be it.

When you are purposely ruining the eyes, and mental capacity of a child, it really steams my potatoes. You selfish, ignorant dolt. You simply do not know the immense harm you're causing for that child, both physically and mentally.

Besides the mental addiction and the propensity for the child to dedicate their lives to the "will of the device", you're also subjecting a living being, which is developing over time, to 5g microwave technology which is purported to have severe biological effects on living tissue over long periods. Because the microwaves do not generate heat, does NOT MEAN they are not causing cellular, microscopic changes to the cells of that developing being, regardless of the bologna wrapped cell companies claims.

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T, there’s so much disgusting filth accessible on these hand held brain washing machines, let’s leave out a few clicks to pornography sites. Are parents so lazy or stupid to let their children have access to childhood ending information? Kids can’t police themselves. When it comes down to it children under 17 shouldn’t have a phone period…

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I agree.

Give them an old broom handle, and a used tennis ball, and tell them to go outside and play.


I've become the curmudgeon I hated as a child.


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A book.When my older kids were young the Nintendo ga

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Games came out. They got addicted. My vault ! I should have thrown it in the trash.

When my youngest son came along I vowed to not buy a video game station. H played outside, building snow forts , road his bike. His friend’s mother’s liked their children to come to my house because the boys played outside. He bought himself one when he was a Senior in High School. He is hooked. It seems the boys are more prone to get addicted to video games. My girls could care less.

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I hate video games.

I'd rather take apart an engine, or replace a set of brakes, or repack some wheel bearings. Better yet, break out my welder, and make something that didn't exist before, as that gives me greater pleasure than any sitting in front of a screen can do.

On second thoughts......

Well, maybe looking at Emu's on Malone's farm, but that's about it.


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"BRAIN-WASHING-MACHINE"...excellent analogy, James!

I refuse to have one - and LIMIT time on the mini-Mac & monitor in my office.

Just replying to stuff on the Malone's 'stack' takes the majority of time.

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I fought them for as long as I could but this world has made it impossible to run a business without it. Thanks Tom!!

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Well, I run a business (I'm a health insurance broker in the Twin Cities), and other than my land line, all I use is my stupid flip phone. No problems. And as far as travel, I can still read a map, and there's always resources like Google Maps.

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Email, GPS, being able to text message with a real key pad, getting documents, docu sign, pdf’s, I get architectural drawings, survey plans, pictures of future jobs, pictures with questions, pictures to show work completed, etc.. How do you get google maps on a flip phone? If you’re speaking about an old outdated flip phone I believe your device is at the very end of its useful electronic life. Very shortly, like all electronics, it will no longer be able to connect to 5G etc.. unfortunately like the 10 cent pay phone, you will be forced to throw your flip phone into the dust bin of history.

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The downside of not having the damn things is - when driving any distances - or to ANY locations in ANY cities, there are NO public or roadside telephone services anymore.

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I was thinking exactly that!! Also the GPS instead of those map books. Great technology but not in the hands of children. I wish adults could just let kids be kids. In many ways the issues that are put on them is abuse.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

I bought a map book of VT, which gives the entire state's geographic notes, parks, and anything else you could possibly think of.

I haven't used it much, but then again, I don't live up there full time, neither.

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You're absolutely right mate, it is a Major concern of mine, and it scares the hell out of me to try and envision what the future of Mankind is likely to be. I am HORRIFIED to type, "I just cant come to terms with it".

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Howz about the huge billboards on main thoroughfares, 'Gentlemens Club' with half naked women, that kids see daily? It is child abuse. It is a lie, they are ads in reality for 'The Sleazy man's Club.'

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These days it could be for the sleazy man’s or woman’s club!!

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ha! ha!

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Fortunately when we we kids these particular horrors didn’t exist. Between the phones and these high powered drugs readily accessible kids don’t have a chance…,

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deletedMar 12
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It's not just the leadership that's important. In our society in order to have a healthy family one must have adequate money. The ongoing looting of our society is causing people to step back from having families.

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My parents were wonderful and protective. Brought us to church etc.. Just a fact/story my father was not confirmed as a child but wanted to sponsor my brother Paul in his confirmation, so a priest stood in and sponsored my father first, and then my father sponsored Paul. As well as we were raised as children we always pushed the boundaries of good and bad. Most of the time we did things our parents had no idea about. Let’s face it kids today can manipulate that phone in ways I will probably never be able to achieve. A child having a phone and left alone is assisting your child to open Pandora’s box. Kids can’t unsee something they never should have access to. God bless your friends for raising good kids. Sometimes they still choose the wrong path I’ve seen this in my own family.

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deletedMar 12·edited Mar 12
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Yes, but I think James was simply saying that its is an overwhelming majority of people, who are affected. It too, has been my "overall" experience that parents allow the subjugation of their offspring, and it is becoming the rarity that parents behave the way you describe

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deletedMar 12
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Time limits

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Personally (no kids) I've wondered at the purpose of strollers. Fresh air and parent exercise? Giving the child an opportunity to safely see the wonders of the world and enjoy a few friendly people? Given my lifestyle, I never see strollers with children up close. It wholly escapes me said children are focused on devices. Addicted parents? Is there a need for education re beneficial parenting?

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Yes I’ve seen parent allow little kids to mess with their parents phone to entertain the child unsupervised. When the kid doesn’t get access to the phone they freak out. It’s addictive.

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In terms of the 24 hour day, it does seem many parents offer access to devices, as unpaid baby sitters. Then again, a live babysitter is likely to bury themselves in their device - very happy if the child they are caring for has its own device too.

Parents likely have additional needs to address.

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Children become heavy if you have to hold them when they are infants. When they are toddlers they walk very slow and tire easily so you end up carrying them. Some strollers lay down so the child can sleep. Think Disneyland.

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Reassuring information. On reflecting, it may also reflect a desire to show off their offspring. On the other hand, even as a pet sitter, I find strollers for pet dogs and cats rather creepy.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

I have two of them (pet strollers).

Why ?

When you own a handicapped dog, you don't have any choice if you want the dogs to remain together for the day. We've had beagles, and now Shih Tzu's who cannot walk as far as we, or our other dog's can, so they get shoved into the pet walker.

Yeah, it looks a bit silly to some, but then I really don't give a shit what other people think, because he's my boy, my handicapped Shih Tsu I just saved from being euthanized. If you or anyone else doesn't like it, then don't look at me, go away, and mind your own damn business.

We'll get along just fine, then.

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I have to female Shih Tzus and a yorkie. With the Shih Tzus short legs they can’t walk far.

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That possibility was noted. The ones I observed belonged to 50+ females with dodgy cats that I had to doubt would appreciate the opportunity. She had a room so full of toys, it was hard to walk through it. I've seen the special rigs designed for dogs with them rushing around gloriously. I'm all for accommodating pets in need. Dogs particularly are grateful.

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I have never heard of strollers for pets.

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See above.

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Pretty good sized fancy things with screening (to keep pet contained?)

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T, truth spoken!!!

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More than that James. What about respect? We kids would never have dreamed of calling our teachers by their first name. Kids today no longer respect their parents it seems as we are told they may more heed to their peers than to parents and family. Respect is a cornerstone to our culture now in a sad state of neglect

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(nuff said)

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The kids didn't get like that on their own, and respect isn't a given. Where do you think the breakdown happened, I'm serious, Michael.

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I agree Michael. Having children raised in a Daycare or having latchkey kids leaves the children without their parents teaching them values . That is coming from school, daycare, TV , iPhones, computers etc.

I noticed when my older children were young, the TV shows were starting to portray parents as idiots. The children were the “smart” ones. It was quite frustrating to listen to the teenage geared shows. I would then tell my children what the shows were teaching them, which of course fell on deaf ears.

Building back better starts with the family.

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Agree that it is a symptom. Cause? Who knows? But kids today learn most of their behavior in school so I would look there first

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I would also look to the breakdown of healthy family structure. That has been breaking down for generations. There is an element to the human psyche that has been abandoned by most. Respect among adults and toward our children has been on the decline in most households. I had to educate myself because my parents tried to send me down the path of destruction without even knowing it...

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Getting into a chicken/egg question there. Progressives, i.e.,, wilson and dewey were dedicated to the destruction of our culture and correctly saw that could be greatly assisted by gaining control of public education. Besides determining what facts were taught, something called deportment was also an element of elementary ed and no longer today. WWII greatly upset our cultural applecart taking moms out of homes and into the workplace. Not a gradual but abrupt cultural shift that facilitated the progressives and msybe on reason why progressives have insisted in getting us into wars we have no business in at all

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Wilson wanted the male youth to represent the exact opposite of their fathers. He thought sports was an avenue that would assist in that – make life about games.

I noticed in the early 70s that dress codes in public schools were eliminated, same with male hair length. Not being like adults became the fashion. Ball caps on backward, holes in jeans a requirement and so on. All down hill . . . not going back.

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Yes Sir-ee, Chef Boy AR Dee.

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Abigail Shrier offers some insight in her book: Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up.

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deletedMar 12·edited Mar 12
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Hate to be downer here Duty, but in my stepmother's family homes there were statues, pictures, and Jesus and Mary everywhere. So was incest (my stepmother had no legal father, probably an uncle) drinking, violence and then off to church. In my parish a handsome priest was mysteriously moved when it was discovered that he was having an affair with my friend's mother. That is just a peek into the dysfunction that religion didn't save. I know I'm not alone, it takes more than religion to make a healthy family.

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But that is not religion but simply a disfigurement that has been made of it. Sorta on par with calling armed robbery a commercial act

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My family was not 'religious' in that way. However, all four of us kids knew right from wrong. Bad acts had consequences. Parents were not Ozzie and Harriet but they were engaged in our upbringing, sports activities and such. They divorced when we were young. But remained friends. The four of us, all became Christians, married, had children, and would be called successful. But, that was in a different era, before pressures were applied to destabilize the family.

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As a result, you (and your "Kin") are what made America great. Well done Shelley.

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That would include just about everyone I knew growing up. All stayed close to their roots, stayed decent people. Not even a hippy offshoot among them. We were from a decent generation I guess, born right after WWII.

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And that phone replaced thinking with someone else’s thoughts without really knowing if they could be trusted.

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Population control is a strategy. The pandemic was a tactic.

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The majority of families may stand strong in their lineage but I have learnt through the recent pandemic that family is not strong enough when up against “fear”. Maybe, thankfully that is the minority.

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Similar learnings here.

Families fracture in the blink,of an eye, by compairson to decades ago. People have been convinced that divorce isnt only just for man and wife

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deletedMar 12·edited Mar 12
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The 'woman's movement' was part of the planned depopulation strategy and it included ways to reverse natural male tendencies. At first they were subtle, like using TV commercials with stupid, worthless, or foolish male characters; deconstruction of playground equipment for safety reasons thus eliminating ways to burn energy; use of drugs on male school children because they were not as sedate as the girls; Title IX, eliminating those male sports for which the females decline to participate -based on equality; forming special classes for females for jobs they were not inclined to pursue otherwise. Finally telling females that males were unnecessary in their lives. Worship of the female helped with the phenomenon of males wanting to be females.

We have a problem with both females and males now. It was all planned.

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Kids for thee and not for me. I regret not having more children. I implore young people to marry young and have lots of babies. There is no greater blessing than children.

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Young people must wake up. Quit focusing on the problems, costs, of having children. Rather what their lives miss. The deepest emotions, most profound feelings of love, satisfaction come from your having children. It's a terribly incomplete life to miss this.

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In the ‘70’s my husband and I bought the ZPG lie and had only 2 kids. Wish I’d had more.

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What I see as a more immediate concern is no obvious planning of what to do with our population as we progress into a technologically dominant culture. We have foolishly outsourced much (most?) of manufacturing which was the earning base of the bulk of our population. Now what? How many coders do we need? And how many burger flippers? Do we sensibly reintroduce competitive manufacturing and put us back into meaningful employment or cull the herd of its deplorables?

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Coders? Burger flippers? Jobs easily, and currently, being automated or A.I.ed. Solution--why guaranteed income. Another avenue to eliminate dignity.

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Full employment will always be a problem in a society like ours. We have always used the unemployed as a sort of buffer during hard times. If we committed ourselves to full employment, what would that even look like?

I used to work in a group that accepted anyone reasonably clean and sane into employment, then assigned them to a job that might be a good fit. They also trained staff to do their jobs better. That is NOT the culture of our current "free market" society.

But if we totally failed to gainfully employ a large portion of the adult population, I can only imagine that the unemployed would resort more and more to criminal activities to stay alive. We currently have a "civilized" form of this, where people who do work pay taxes to support people who don't work. We have always had a criminal class that has survived off the physical and moral weaknesses of employed people. That could conceivably get much worse. It could devolve into a sort of Wild West scenario where anyone going out of the house would have to carry a gun in hopes it would protect them from thieves.

What I see as a huge failing is that we don't teach in schools - or anywhere really - the correct ways to keep a society running. Thus many of us end up abdicating our own responsibilities and putting the problem in the lap of government, which is not trained or organized to run a successful society either. It ends up looking like a big messy corrupt chaos of coping.

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That won't happen as long as the Elites and academics look down on us that work with our hands.

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Sounds like a vote for culling

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Trump was bringing back manufacturing. How about he does it again and concentrates on products required to sustain life. Bring back pharmaceutical production and proper oversight would be a start.

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Works for me. We also need to punish nations who use subsidies and taxation to raise the cost of US exports, Also push trade schools and repel the notion it takes a college degree to flip burgers etc.

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I wonder if the US has enough resources to produce everything that the US citizens require and keep the corporation local to the US. This entire foreign trade for products and resources is a nightmare the financial founding families employed from the get go. That’s why little ole Britain seized land around the world and all the world’s PMs are at the blessing of the Crown. Their holdings in north America were automatically part of the trade gambit and the founder’s view on trade and an isolationist attitude were in start contrast. But, they went to war anyway.

I have noticed that ‘trade’ jobs pay more today than before. I think because there are fewer tradesmen. At least where I live. An electrician friend spends most of his time in TX where are the building is going on. He is loaned out by his employer. His three brothers - all electricians and their father was the local sheriff.

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I read Paul Ehrlich’s book in my formative years. It colored my thinking for decades, so I had no children, and was convinced because of my own physical deformity that I should not pass that trait on. I am happy though to get involved with other younger people who have children, are home schooling etc. But you are right, family gives meaning. I hope to leave my homestead to a young and enterprising couple … a place to raise their children, grown their own food, home school etc. At this point that is what I can do, and I feel I must. A true leg up not only for a young couple, but also for society.

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Drs. David and Vera Mace studied human beings all over the globe. They said that the nuclear family was the most basic institution in nearly every culture known to man. This, by the way, was God’s intention. He created Adam and Eve. A strong family unit reaching out to the extended family is essential for a highly functioning society. It just happens that my precious mother slipped quietly into the arms of Jesus at about 11:30 A. M. March 11. Our family has been sitting with her 24 hours a day for some time now. This allowed us to keep her at home during her last days and provided those of us doing the sitting a sacred time with her and each other. These family bonds supersede country in some ways but also provide the foundation for a strong culture. They will sustain us in the battle against those who seek to destroy us. Don’t just get hitched, make family front and center, build something the “so called elites” don’t understand and can’t destroy. It is truly beautiful!

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I was able to be with my mother too, at her last breath. We were a team and the deathing process is so like the birthing process. It is an honor to be with someone at their exit.

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deletedMar 12
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Yes, we are all connected and these experiences make the connection much more real.I have had a few of these different experiences, with the lesson being to remember, We Are All Connected. When the name-calling and the hate towards each other gets going, it is good to remember. Thanks for sharing, Ivrapplestock.

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Tony I’m so sorry for your loss. It is a sweet tender time. Family is the answer.

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Seems to a simpleton, such as myself, that these population control assholes are the same assholes with the mindset that they:

"have to control the worlds cloud layer, as he who controls the weather, controls the world"


LBJ was one of those assholes.

His legacy continues, full speed today, as every single human, animal, tree, pond, lake, snowflake, blade of grass, and any other living object that absorbs aluminum nanoparticles will show you the results within.

Don't believe it?

Dare you to find one commercial testing company out there, willing to test your blood for aluminum content, and see what resistence you find in doing so.

Aluminum is toxic to nearly every living organism, and yet it magically is found in the snowfall on Mt Shasta, where there are zero mining pits, or processing plants, to extract the ore from the material it is locked inside.

Dont take my word on this. Go find that testing facility who is willing, and:

Do some testing on the soil located under the concrete basement floor of a house built prior to 1950, and you wont find any aluminum in it. Same house, go outside and test anywhere in the open yard, and tell us what you find.


How did aluminum nanoparticles get up on Mt.Shasta's pristine snow landscape?

Why is there no aluminum in the soil buried under a house built in 1950? Yet it is everywhere outside in the same location's soil.

Ask your family commercial or military airline pilot, and see just what their (coerced) respose is. You won't get one

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I went outside this morning to take more sky pictures. Crisscrosses everywhere billowing out to eventually form a milky haze. Altitude has been getting lower and lower over the years.

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Thank you

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It should be obvious to everyone that can see. I wonder if those attached to their phones every look up . . .

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Unfortunately, its not only a visual issue. This is a cognitive denial issue.

I've had hundreds of conversations with people when i can not only physically show them, in real time, but also provide documented facts through pamphlets and flyers from Dane's site, geoengineeringwatch.org, and they still refuse to acknowledge it.

This overwheming propaganda process wipes out the critical thought aspect in these people's minds, as well as the fear of what they're seeing being true.

My 30 year old neighbor, Frank, is 6'-3" 245lb prison police officer who literally ran away from little old me when I handed him Dane' s flyer and pamphlet.

This big, burly muscle bound man ran into his own home as if I was some sort of crazed lunatic with a cache of weapons pointed at him. I was left standing there, dumbfounded, as I was blown away by his reaction to my approaching him with the docs. He avoids me at all costs, a year later.

My bad, for suggesting he should keep his 2 year old daughter inside when the planes are actively spraying.


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It's them v us T. In the early Covid period when plane flights were few a friend mentioned how great it was that they weren't flying so much cause of Climate Change. I said and the chemtrails are way down too. She just looked at me sideways. She also knows I don't believe the CC nonsense. However, way out in the boondoggles where I live, everyone is more skeptical and willing to listen. For Christmas I bought my son a T-shirt that says on the front "I say thing that other won't". He's been onto the cabal longer than I have.

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Regards, Another eye opening article, Thank you - Please see this https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1767304403311333413 one component in the issue of population control = "Reported In Australia: They Can’t Believe The Chemical ChlormequatIs Is Found In 80% Of Americans

Australia Says They’ve Banned It Due To The Extreme Health Risks Of “Infertility, Delayed Puberty, Altered Fetal Growth” & More

“They started using this, for heaven's sake, this highly toxic agricultural chemical that we're talking about tonight, they spray it on not just oats but other grains so that it can't bend and therefore is easier to harvest. They don't give a flying rip about you and me.”

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Mar 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Family is essential. Of even greater importance is recognizing humans have a soul, and a Creator who cares about them, and wishes for none to spend eternity without Him. Get hitched and get Jesus.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

While I don't disagree about the control and fear tactic used on us about population control, there is a whole other dimension to falling birthrates. The toxins steeped upon us and the effects of those toxins affect every aspect of our health. People have been led to believe that the newest everything is better for our cheaper and convenient way of life. We are doing our own selves in, by the hypnosis of consumerism gone rampant in every area of our lives. Start changing lifestyles; EMF reduction, not using chemicals in our food, water and home, not using plastics for everything, overuse of antibiotics and pharmaceuticals as just a start. There is something we can do now! Do It!

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For those unfamiliar with Paul Ehrlich's doom and gloom forecasts I provide the following historical wager that proved him wrong.

In 1968, Ehrlich published The Population Bomb, which argued that mankind was facing a demographic catastrophe with the rate of population growth quickly outstripping growth in the supply of food and resources. Simon was highly skeptical of such claims, so proposed a wager, telling Ehrlich to select any raw material he wanted and select "any date more than a year away," and Simon would bet that the commodity's price on that date would be lower than what it was at the time of the wager.

Ehrlich and his colleagues picked five metals that they thought would undergo big price increases: chromium, copper, nickel, tin, and tungsten. Then, on paper, they bought $200 worth of each, for a total bet of $1,000, using the prices on September 29, 1980, as an index. They designated September 29, 1990, 10 years hence, as the payoff date. If the inflation-adjusted prices of the various metals rose in the interim, Simon would pay Ehrlich the combined difference. If the prices fell, Ehrlich et al. would pay Simon.

Between 1980 and 1990, the world's population grew by more than 800 million, the largest increase in one decade in all of history. But by September 1990, the price of each of Ehrlich's selected metals had fallen. Chromium, which had sold for $3.90 a pound in 1980, was down to $3.70 in 1990. Tin, which was $8.72 a pound in 1980, was down to $3.88 a decade later.[2]

As a result, in October 1990, Paul Ehrlich mailed Julian Simon a check for $576.07 to settle the wager in Simon's favor.

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This bet with Julien Simon is well-known. A lefty once pointed out on the blog some years ago that they Paul made another bet with Julien, this time over some esoteric wood product that almost no one uses, where Paul won the bet. The price of that wood product did increase during the bet period. However, that wood product was a relatively rare commodity to begin with. It was esoteric enough that I can't even remember what it was, which tells you something about its relative importance to the economy in general. In other words, this second bet was completely irrelevant.

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Simple and profound! This is what my very wise pastor has been saying as well!

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Agreed! I had 4....should have had more because I still don't have grandchildren.

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Me too, only had two and now no grandchildren.

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