I have been following this case closely since shortly after the assassination happened when I was 12 years old, and I believe that every thing you have said in your column is 100% correct and there is actually a lot more evidence of government perfidy in the case.

The faked appearance of Oswald at the Russian and Cuban Embassies in Mexico City is the smoking gun of the case. It shows that high level US intelligence officials were attempting to set Oswald up as a patsy and also implicate Russia and Cuba. LBJ later used the threat of nuclear war to convince the members of the Warren Commission that they had to find that Oswald acted alone.

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Oswald was managed by the CIA. His handler supposedly committed suicide a few years later. Sam Giancana was assassinated the night before he was to appear at the second Warren commission hearing. Just some of the many threads that were used to hide the truth.

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sounds a lot like the Clinton's body count

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

There are all sorts of rabbit holes surrounding the event, of course. For those who wish to obscure and deceive, it is sufficient to allow or promote several competing narratives and theories, among which the true and the obvious are concealed in plain sight.

From James W. Douglass' "JFK and the Unspeakable," I learned of the late Robert Vinson, an Air Force Sergeant in 1963. On YouTube, on the "Lone Gunman" channel, there is a video titled "Robert G Vinson Statement Nov 2 1996." In that video, he gives recorded testimony of the interruption of his westbound flight from Andrews AFB on 22 November 1963. His Air Force transport, on which he was the sole passenger hopping a ride, deviated mid-flight, and made an impromptu landing on a stretch of grass along the Trinity River in Dallas. There the plane picked up two silent men in nondescript garb for transport. The events of that day and the impact on Vinson's life that followed were quite interesting to me, and Mr. Vinson strikes me as supremely credible.

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What was the impact on Vinson's life?

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Read James W. Douglass's book "JFK and the Unspeakable". Meticulously researched and well written.

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I will go put and buy it right away so I will know how Vinson's life was impacted. Thanks for the tip.

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It would be interesting to know of the impact on his life!! This entire story stunk from the get go! I so hope the truth comes out in my lifetime.

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The short version is that the CIA took an interest in Vinson, apparently right after they realized what he had been witness to. For the longer version (about an hour and 20 minutes), the late Mr. Vinson here tells the story in his own words.


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Yes, I was always skeptical of the quick arrest of Oswald, & never believed the story that he shot the President. I truly believe our government was behind the assassination as well.

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Sometimes life really is just as bizarre as the events that happened that November weekend in 1963. But more often than not, another explanation is entirely more rational.

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If you are saying that Oswald was a lone gunman, then you are the one who is not being rational!

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I think, in life, we always look for the most plausible explanation. Such as if the virus emerged in Wuhan, and there was a virology lab in Wuhan, then the "wet market" thesis is more than a bit "wet." So Oswald as the "lone gunman" would not be the most rational nor first choice.

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He doesn't seem to be saying that.

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I personally do not rely on the "rationality" of an explanation. After all, many of these events are highly irrational, so why should they have rational explanations? I rely heavily on real research, and this has certainly been the case with the JFK assassination, along with 9/11 and many (many!) other events of history and science.

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The good reception to my comment here inspired me to expand my thoughts in an article on my own Substack. Here is a link if you are interested:


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Mar 11·edited Mar 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I know it’s hard to think what it would take to murder someone. Normal people can’t imagine it. Now imagine the unbelievable balls it would take for a group of unelected people in an American intelligence agency to all get together and assassinate a sitting President of the United States. I mean these men blew this guy away in public view for the whole world to see. This seems to me to be much bigger than an assassination of JFK. Solons in Washington DC were sent an extreme definite message. You go along with what we say and what we want or you will get your head blown off. Don’t we see the jailing of opposing political peoples today, yes a lesser penalty, but a very productive tactic. Never forget Chuck Schumers comment “they have six ways to Sunday to get you” submit or be imprisoned or worse. When a person is put in solitary confinement with no charges, no court date, unable to speak to their loved ones, withheld from speaking to a lawyer, you basically are killing the person. It truly shows how people like Dr. Malone and all the other patriots that stand up against this invisible mafia deserve us true Americans praise, support and prayers. J.Goodrich

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And prayers.

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Hi Shelley I hope you don’t mind I stole your And Prayers.

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You are so right about the "Normal people can't imagine it" Or really don't want to entertain the thought, who do you trust goes right out the window. (No surprise to you James) This is another important piece to the unveiling of the gov. corruption. How much can we take, and there is so much more. Just listened to Fallout from Fri. I feel like I'm living in a freak show.

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I think you underestimate the power of religion. Not in the normal sense as in, let's say, Islamic Jihad, but the undying belief in another type of ideology the perps of this crime were beholden to. The belief that Communism is the one true way that people can live in peace through equality in all aspects is a powerful religion, and one that I believe was the reason behind Kennedy's demise.

Of course, Communism and Socialism will never be successful forms of society due to one important point: the human spirit's overwhelming need to excel will always over-ride the slide towards mediocrity that Socialism encourages.

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Patriot, in todays America I could tend to believe that, of coarse you would have to throw in the absolute disregard for the life of the citizen because of the thirst for money and power. But in 1963 I would guess greed, the military industrial complex, the desire to have a full scale war in Vietnam and the arrogance again to send a message to anyone that may stand up against them. I wasn’t born until 1965 so I’m sure there were other motives but a message was definitely sent.

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Or the 33 degree Freemason/Illuminati/Luciferian type of religion 🤫👁️.

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I completely agree with you, however, I don't think it is that unbelievable to think that it would gave been difficult for those in our intelligence agency in the 60s to have carried out the order. Isn't that the primary purpose of the CIA, even then? With all the shock, that I guess is still felt by many citizens, that this could have happened, what makes us think that this act in the early 60s was the first time that the US's CIA/OSS had engaged in similarly atrocious acts in the tears before that. Now I'm beginning to wonder how many years before the Kennedy assassination our intelligence people, whatever their name, engaged in similarly shocking acts.

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The CIA in 1963 had only been around for 15 years at that point. So to murder a president is an amazingly bold takeover of America. The people that did this had to be a relatively small group of elite people within that organization. There probably was collaboration with other elites in other agencies but my God to do this the way they did is a gross takeover of power and in only 15 years of existence. Frightening!!

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Don’t forget the history. Prior to naming the CIA, it was the OSS. I don’t suppose they cleaned house when the name changed. The org culture continued and there wasn’t a 15 year old new agency. It was paralleling J Edgar Hoover and the FBI, also out-of-control fascist power. Joe McCarthy was right.

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Our British cousins did a t.v. series about their MI 5. We and the cats have been watching it on Prime and last nite they had a show where MI 6 orchestrated a coup to take control of the gov, suspend all civil rights and kill a whole bunch of folks in the process. Sorta like…

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What's the name of the show?

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Not opining either way with your post, but:


I would think there would have been considerable overlap in personnel

But, just between the two of us: the 3-letter agencies of today, the ones we seem to be ready to demonize (probably with good reason 🤷‍♀️ 😉), I’m just not in a place where I think these agencies were like that 60, 70 years ago.

But I belch unicorns&rainbows, so what could I know 🤔

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SR Miller I’m not at all deeply versed in OSS or 1963 CIA. I just think there was more to killing JFK so publicly. I found this Video on OSS. They had formed in 1943 just 20 years before they murdered Kennedy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Strategic_Services

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USSR, Cuber, who knows; I’m of the opinion we may never know if there was more to it than Oswald. Frankly, it’s not something I think about nor loose sleep over. We can speculate until the gummint becomes fiscally responsible and knowing who/what would be naught but an historical footnote. But, here’s something to think about: you do know who was around in 1963?, Biden! Oh sure, he’d have been young but is there any aspect of life where he hasn’t excelled - as he repeatedly informs us. By eliminating Kennedy from his perch as the soon to be elder statesman of the democrat party, the path is cleared for Biden to begin ascending. Two term Kennedy, no Future President Biden. Two term Kennedy upsets the whole Apple cart - no Johnson, no new deal, Clinton never does better than a beat up El Camino with shag rug in the rear; Obama’s mentor is deported or imprisoned as a commie sympathizer and today we’d be growing Christmas Cacti on Mars.

Oops, slipped into writer mode and began belching rainbows and unicorns. Again.

Little known fact in this alternate history, Ronald Wilson Reagan still becomes President, but Nixon never does - Governor of California after Reagan 😊

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Yes, why so publically? Perhaps to send a message to some people? Would this have to do with his being Catholic? Millions of Catholics around the world were devastated.

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All except biden I’d be willing to bet.

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Good point about the publically. They certainly didn't need to do it publically, did they?

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That is the purpose of most public assassinations - to "send a message." There have been many such killings. Another major one was MLK. There have been many assassinations committed in other countries as well. The CIA got rather good at it. Another was Marilyn Monroe.

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And RFK in 1968. I watched that one live on TV. Even though I was only 14 when JFK was assassinated, I always thought it was odd that Jack Ruby could have gotten into that garage to shoot Oswald. I was suspicious from that point on. And then of course all the stuff about JFK, RFK and Marilyn.

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My family was visiting California - camping in Yosemite when that happened. I didn't totally appreciate the significance of it at that time. What a brutish, cynical and ignorant way to run a planet!

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Yes, I agree with everything you said. Those of us who consider ourselves patriotic Americans cannot conceive of this type of internal corruption in what we used to consider an ethical and moral government. The past few years have more than opened my eyes to what our "government" is capable of doing and to what extent they will go to achieve an agenda. The alphabet agencies are run by politically motivated people who will stop at nothing to further their cause. What really is astounding to me is how over the past 50+ years, the education system has been able to indoctrinate so many into this far left mentality that destroys the very principals that this country was founded on. Just seeing how elected politicians pander to terrorist groups like Hamas supporters, BLM and others, should tell you that a large majority of them are bought and paid for. But back to the JFK assasination - more and more information has surfaced from very credible people that this was a takedown by our own federal government. The emergency physicians at Parkland Hospital even backed up that JFK was shot from the front with the entrance wound in his throat. These were experienced trauma doctors, and if I recall from the documentary that was made, they unanimously agreed. The Warren Commission was a sham used to cover for the parties that set out to eliminate JFK. Sad to see our government turning out to be worse than Venezuela. At least in Venezuela, they opening eliminate political opponents.

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A new book - 'Big Intel' - "How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains" by a longtime CIA agent - J. Michael Waller - is a fascinating in depth read that fills in MANY of the puzzle pieces and connecting dots of how our federal government has become absolutely, irredeemably, CORRUPT! (and its NOT the first time).

Lord Acton nailed it about how "Power Corrupts (and) Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely".

I wouldn't put it past "them" to already have in place an "October Surprise" just before the November elections - where Biden gets assassinated - and the "Justice" department and FAKE NEWS media claims it was a (white) MAGA "domestic terrorist" who dunnit.

No doubt "they" know Trump IS ahead in the polls and has a good chance of winning (and would no doubt), like to snuff Trump, but that would make him a (permanent) martyr; and REALLY PISS off over 70 MILLION Americans.

The "October Surprise" has been the M.O. of the so-called "Democratic" party, to change public opinion at the last minute in elections for decades.

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So very right James! We are so blessed to have patriots like the Malones speaking the truth and standing up! We strongly support them! And we pray for them! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Yes Dorothy Kilgallen was onto it and was murdered. LBJ was involved. He immediately took the car and sent it to be repaired, destroying the evidence. Much more fraud involved. Now the deep state is running things. They are the puppet masters of Biden, have opened the border for their goals, which includes their mafia minions working for them, drug running money, child trafficking etc. not to mention the anti-Trumpers because Trump will not go along.

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A book…ATexan Looks at LBJ came out in the late 60s (I think) claiming lbj was involved. The rayburn/lbj clique had accounted for enough bodies to foster belief (precursor to the next door clintons) so a lot of us had little problem believing it. It was a foregone conclusion lbj would not be on the 64 ticket as he had done all for the kennedy mob that he could

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It was not a one man show! Dulles, J Edgar Hoover and LBJ all had axes to grind.

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Brings up the word collusion. The rayburn/lbj bunch were new dealers i.e. fdr holdovers. And fdr built the predecessor of the cia (oss) with a cadre of ivy league libs. Birds of a feather

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My bad. Should have sail progs

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I remember a small blurb in the paper, buried on page 5 or so in mid-63, which said Kennedy was considering replacing LBJ as vp. There was still plenty of time to do that in November, 1963.

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Why would Kennedy have wanted to replace LBJ?

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Did not like him, had no further use. And like44, expect most decisions made then by his daddy appointed keepers while he played playboy.

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You must mean the reverse.

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To clarify…l.b.j. was necessary to provide the rayburn apparatus necessary to give them Texas and steal that election. That ended any usefulness he provided j.f.k.s daddy and his cadre who was calling all the shots. Just like #44, j.f.k. was also a puppet in this case one whose strings were pulled by daddy et al.

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Also I heard LBJ blackmailed himself onto the ticket. They never got along and he was kept out of the loop.

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I thought LBJ did not run again because of the public dissatisfaction with the Vietnam war.

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Sure, but that was later.

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Plus he had already gotten rich off of that “war”.

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Forgot his name. His wife was mayor of Austin and two bright sons were in DC posts. One ahead of the FDA.

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Correct. Some great research on her investigation…and then she mysteriously gets suicided…hmm…very familiar pattern. Sad.

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Another one is the author of The Big Bamboozle, a pilot that claimed 9-11 was an inside job. He goes into all the drug running too- mafia, several photos etc. Used to fly for them. He had to try 5 times on a simulator to do what they did to the Pentagon. They were no amateurs. Had training at CIA site in Nevada where they have a lot of planes. Saudis involved. Author was working on second book. Then was suicided along with his two kids and dogs.

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Ever since my mid teens, I thought it made sense that LBJ was in on it. He was too knowledgeable about our government's workings to not have been let in.

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Chrom+-e Headliner on front windshield was dented by a bullet that missed. Then one hit the curb. Now down to one. There were three others. Only one from the Depository. My view.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

A girlfriend of Oswald told her story decades later that Oswald was fearing he was being set up for something and he no way would have done such a thing. And if I remember correctly this girl was a winner in some science project on viruses and CIA hired her, then she found out they wanted her to develop cancer causing viruses. She met Oswald during that time. She backed out and they blacklisted her.

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Reality is stranger than fiction. Rumor was that the CIA delivered a cancer virus to Ruby when he was in jail!

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Viruses and cancer not talked about much nowadays but turns out ivermectin has some great anticancervirus properties. https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/the-surprising-potential-of-ivermectin-against-cancer-dr-kathleen-ruddy-5649306?src_src=partner&src_cmp=vigilantf

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A classmate of mine in high school bought the Lee Harvey Oswald rifle, a 6.5x52 Carcano and some ammunition through the mail soon after the Kennedy assassination out of morbid curiosity I guess and after he was done with it I bought it with his left over ammunition. This rifle and the Italian ammunition was literally the bottom of the barrel in terms of military arms when used by the Italian Army. I shot it some and determined it was as bad as advertised including a roughly machined bolt that was hard to cycle. For me this was an opportunity to get a center fire rifle for a good price, but it was so bad it proved a total waste of the twenty some dollars it cost.

Fast forward to decades later and I was at a conference in Dallas, staying downtown, and one evening I had dinner with a good, but much older friend, who had been working for an oil company in Dallas the day of the assassination. It was an unusually pleasant Texas evening so after dinner we decided to walk down to Dealey Plaza. When we arrived my friend set up the scenario including pointing out the school book repository. My thoughts went back to shooting that rifle at the little range I had set up in the woods behind my home in high school and my first thought was "no way is this official narrative believable"! I haven't believed a word of that official narrative since!

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I had the Mannlicher-Carcano version. Agreed. Total piece of junk.

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Very interesting! But how did your classmate gain access to the rifle that Oswald had used?

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I think he means a replica, not the very one.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

Lots for sale at the time! M1 Carbines were $100 and I really wish I had that much at the time. The rare ones have appreciated to a few thousand and they are nice little rifles.

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Not the actual rifle, same make&model, same/similar ammo - the point being that the rifle was of such poor quality that the poster believes the events impossible. However, there are sufficient opinions on the interwebs that this rifle wasn’t as bad as the poster makes it out to be. Me, the only two conspiracy theories I hew to are that all of our leaders are actually pod people and we’re alone in the galaxy. As for Kennedy, Oswald, and Ruby 🤷‍♀️ : the answer is probably out there, probably in a nondescript wooden crate, parked in a cavernous building, sitting next to the crate holding/hiding the Ark of the Covenant. Yeah, the one with the Star of David burned on to the side.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

Not just the rifle, but the cheap bulk ammunition was all you could get. The cartridge had a lot in common with the current market darling, the 6.5 Creedmore, but not all ammunition is created equal and what suffers is precision and accuracy, These had corrosive primers and maybe cheap steel cases like the 7.62x39. I am a life long shooter with a scientific background (physics and chemistry) and am enough of an expert to argue with any other “expert”!

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🤔 I am a 6.5 Creedmoor owner 😆

Also a reloader

Also a life long shooter since iron sight .22 competition south of the Everglades (funny aside - we were talking in church yesterday and I have no memory of ever using ear protection until I took my son out shooting - the .22 rifle I wish I’d had back in the mid 60s).

Also USMC early 80s

Everything I’ve read about this rifle, the one round left of the 4 he started with, his certified skill as a marine - none of that says to me he could NOT have fired the fatal shot; BUT, HOWEVER

I have questions, doubts.

Oswald was USMC late 50s, discharged ‘59, dishonorable, flew to USSR. He would have qualified with an M14 gas powered semiautomatic- predecessor to my M16. I was a moment of wedded amorous bliss when this goober was in the corp so I don’t know if he had any training with using a bolt action rifle - his wife is reported as saying he spent time operating/dry firing his weapon. But to fire three rounds, even close to accurate, in the range of 80-120m, at an 8" pumpkin, moving around, in a moving vehicle.

IDK, nothing screams capable of target acquisition, load, target acquisition, cycle, acquire, repeat. Less than 9 seconds.

The fellas who tested the rifle to assess its capabilities were all expert marksmen familiar with bolt action rifles - no doubt more acquainted than the nameless goober.

Could he⁉️ He had the tools (where we disagree)

Did he⁉️ I’m not convinced.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

Mail order for around $20 just like Oswald. They were cheap and available, advertised in Shooting Sports Magazines of the time. This was, of course, before the National Firearms Act of 1968 that went into effect on Oct 22 as I recall and created the ffl system.

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Yeah. You could even buy by mail unused army issued Remington 30.06s for something like $30. Buy one and gunsmiths sportified (?) them. Made excellent hunting rifles

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

I didn’t mention it, but the high school was an old style military school at the time not the same one, but more or less like Donald Trump’s high school. The school was founded by an, at least, acquaintance of some of my ancestors in 1814. They all swore allegiance to the commonwealth of Virginia and therefore not to King George signing a still existing document. The school became a military school during the Civil War. Also in 1863 the school loaned a previous building to the new Government of West Virginia for a temporary Capitol until one was built.

03s and 03a3s from CMP were standard issue for freshmen through juniors, then some got to be officers with fake sabers based on a point system. You got points for extra curricular activities and lost them for punishment detail. I wasn’t big on activities, but didn’t loose many. and was a first lieutenant. Anyway, those are not this left side dominant guy’s favorite rifle, but if I had one I could do either a conventional or fancy manual of arms to this day. They were stored over the summer in cosmoline and annual ritual was getting it all off to pass inspection... not a lot of fun.

In my day most of the teachers were WW II or Korean War Vets, so without regard to more recent experiences most of the woke issues of today’s education system are totally foreign to my personal experience.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

Over night I had a thought. Snipers or “sharp shooters” had been regarded as an important element of combat since at least the Civil War. At least at first in WW II the official sniper rifle of at least some of our forces was the 1903 Springfield with a low power telescopic sight. As I recall these were 8x Weavers. This combination was well regarded for accuracy and reliability, so why did Oswald buy the cheapest rifle he could find when for $10 albeit 50% something much better both in terms of accuracy and reliability sometimes listed in the same ad. Also, much more lethal 30-06 ammunition was commonly available with expanding bullet hunting rounds, while military full metal jacket rounds was all that was really available for the 6.5 Carcano.

Hmmm… Also, (sorry to be so blunt) the Kennedy head shot suggests he was hit by such an expanding bullet not generally available in 6.5 Carcano.

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I think it's safe to say that most here hold Senator Ron Johnson in high esteem. I certainly do. Last year I watched one of his press conferences, during which he recommended two books:

JFK and the Unspeakable, by James W. Douglass

The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government,

by David Talbot

I found them both worthwhile. JFK reportedly wanted "to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." Such sentiments almost certainly contributed to the grave danger to which he ultimately succumbed.

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RFK Jr has also recommended the book JFK and the Unspeakable.

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Today, AIPAC is the Zionist lobby group that completely owns our congress. If anyone steps out of line, they will face a Zionist financed primary. They have their guy, Joe Biden, in the White House, who they have given ten million dollars during his political career. This is the ruthless organizing force that has transformed the United States into full fascist state. The Zionists are a major fascist force. This is not some small issue to determine the perfect candidate. I would rather not vote than vote for anyone who supports the Zionist AIPAC as strongly as RFK Jr.

Some say RFK Jr strongly opposes the deep state. How can he do anything about that if he supports the Zionist AIPAC, driver of the deep state. He has a blind devotion to the Zionist and their AIPAC enforcer.

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How a comment such as this advances the cause of freedom and truth just baffles me. Although the reflexive leftism of many secular American Jews leaves me dumbfounded and infuriated, the notion of a great Zionist conspiracy is the stuff of fever dreams.

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Yes, that's how they got away with it for so many years and for you it still works.

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With all that power, they didn't do a very good job of saving 6 million of their co-religionists, did they? Or was the Holocaust a false flag, too?

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You don’t like the Zionist genocide but think a Zionist conspiracy is the stuff of fever dreams. Then you wonder about Zionist role in the Holocaust. You might think the idea of the Zionist working on the side of Nazi-Germany might also be a conspiracy theory. I think a little history of what the Zionists did during this period might be helpful to get Jews to move to Palestine to establish a future Zionist state. The founder of the Zionist worked directly with an anti-Semitic chain of pro-Zionist enthusiasts in order to get enough Jews to establish a Jewish population for Israel.

Theodor Herzl was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist and political activist who was the father of modern political Zionism. Herzl formed the Zionist Organization and promoted Jewish immigration to Palestine in an effort to form a Jewish state.

When Herzl began to meet in 1903 with infamous anti-Semites like the Russian minister of the interior Vyacheslav von Plehve, who oversaw anti-Jewish pogroms in Russia, it was an alliance that he sought by design. That it would be the anti-Semitic Lord Balfour, who as Prime Minister of Britain in 1905 oversaw his government’s Aliens Act, which prevented East European Jews fleeing Russian pogroms from entering Britain in order, as he put it, to save the country from the “undoubted evils” of “an immigration which was largely Jewish”, was hardy coincidental. Balfour’s infamous Declaration of 1917 to create in Palestine a “national home” for the “Jewish people”, was designed, among other things, to curb Jewish support for the Russian Revolution and to stem the tide of further unwanted Jewish immigrants into Britain.

The Nazis would not be an exception in this anti-Semitic chain of pro-Zionist enthusiasts. Indeed, the Zionists would strike a deal with the Nazis very early in their history. It was in 1933 that the infamous Transfer Agreement was signed between the Zionists and the Nazi government to facilitate the transfer of German Jews and their property to Palestine and which broke the international Jewish boycott of Nazi Germany started by American Jews. It was in this spirit that Nazi envoys were dispatched to Palestine to report on the successes of Jewish colonization of the country. Adolf Eichmann returned from his 1937 trip to Palestine full of fantastic stories about the achievements of the racially-separatist Ashkenazi Kibbutz, one of which he visited on Mount Carmel as a guest of the Zionists.

Despite the overwhelming opposition of most German Jews, it was the Zionist Federation of Germany that was the only Jewish group that supported the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, as they agreed with the Nazis that Jews and Aryans were separate and separable races. This was not a tactical support but one based on ideological similitude. The Nazis’ Final Solution initially meant the expulsion of Germany’s Jews to Madagascar. It is this shared goal of expelling Jews from Europe as a separate unassimilable race that created the affinity between Nazis and Zionists all along.

While the majority of Jews continued to resist the anti-Semitic basis of Zionism and its alliances with anti-Semites, the Nazi genocide not only killed 90 percent of European Jews, but in the process also killed the majority of Jewish enemies of Zionism who died precisely because they refused to heed the Zionist call of abandoning their countries and homes.

After the War, the horror at the Jewish holocaust did not stop European countries from supporting the anti-Semitic program of Zionism. On the contrary, these countries shared with the Nazis a predilection for Zionism. They only opposed Nazism’s genocidal program. European countries, along with the United States, refused to take in hundreds of thousands of Jewish survivors of the holocaust. In fact, these countries voted against a UN resolution introduced by the Arab states in 1947 calling on them to take in the Jewish survivors, yet these same countries would be the ones who would support the United Nations Partition Plan of November 1947 to create a Jewish State in Palestine to which these unwanted Jewish refugees could be expelled.

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Ron Johnson is not only my favorite Senator but an American hero! God bless him and keep him safe!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Jennifer; keep him safe is the key! And Dr Malone and our other truth seekers. Keep them all safe!

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I would think JFK would have been suspicious when his Secret Service men ran behind Kennedy's car on the Dealey Plaza route, instead of at their normal position at the side of Kennedy's car.

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Great read. Wait until the truth of 911 surfaces in another 60 years. God Bless everyone 🙏🏻💯♥️

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Our government has been lying to us for quite some time now. From JFK, to the vaccines, we need to understand this fact, find out what more lies they’re telling us, and act appropriately: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/i-dont-know-why-liars-lie-but-they

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

This explains why Kennedy's body was taken by force (guns pulled out) out of Parkland Hospital in Dallas by the secret service. The authorities did not want an autopsy done there. One lame excuse offered up was Jackie Kennedy would not leave the body, and for some made up reason Jackie Kennedy had to be on the plane going back to Washington. This also may explain why an autopsy doctor in Washington DC burned his notes. And why there were so many high level officials crowding around the body in the autopsy room, telling people what to do.

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I was in the ninth grade when Kennedy was shot, and for all these years I have always believed there were more people involved than Oswald. I've read many explanations of the event, and the rock-solid conclusion is Oswald was using a cheap Italian rifle that didn't have the accuracy required, and couldn't be racked and fired as quickly as things transpired. Expert shooters have tried to reenact the event, and it can't be done. I feel like an "alien" sometimes, when I am surrounded by people who nod and agree that Oswald acted alone. Just the way I feel when I'm around people who are making appointments to get their booster jabs.

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Bill O'Reilly's Killing Kennedy pinpoints Oswald as the lone shooter.

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deletedMar 11
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I was 9 years old when it happened. I don't remember many air raid (nuclear bomb) drills, and we were in the Bay Area so it seems they would have had them there. Maybe I just don't remember.

But I remember the assassination. We were on break in the school playground, and one of the 3rd grade teachers ran by on the way to the administrative officers screaming and crying. I don't recall if we got the rest of the day off. But it was a big deal and a big shock.

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President Kennedy's assassination was the moment in which the 'political innocence' of the average American was lost & the crude reality of Violence started to become commonplace. What we have today (several decades later) is the result of said normalization of Violence. Tragedy!

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If you wish to Read & Listen to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


& Here is my Stack on American History (from the Primary Sources):


Thank You Again to Everyone!

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Demonstrates the ability of the deep state to manipulate reality to gas light the citizens of America. The 3 bullet theory never held water in my opinion. When they got Peter Jennings, the well respect news commentator to push the 3 bullet theory, it demonstrated the power of the deep state. The Covid con is just the latest iteration of their power. Soon we will learn how they mold the presidential election.

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Mr. Braun…We know how the 2020 election was stolen. No one in the media or our Uniparty bureaucracy will allow the truth to be exposed. To do so would bring down every level of our Administrative State. If the Republicans in the 6 swing states haven’t fixed the election fraud procedures, then we will know for sure that they’re in on the fraud.

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Just read a survey that says the reporters in the mass media are 11 to 1 Democratic! The fix is in!

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You'd think of all states, Indiana would go straight paper ballots; but no. Why not?

Things That Should Not Be.

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Also, Jacob Hornberger wrote a book called "The Kennedy Autopsy" in 2015. His analysis dovetails with the latest book on the autopsy. Also, a play called "The Assassination Theater" performed in Chicago about 15 years ago addressed the same situation. At the same time, the President of the USA, left or right promises to release all the evidence and backs down. I wonder why?

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Mar 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone. I find myself toying with the idea that the Kennedy assassination may well mark the genesis of the rogue government we presently suffer under. Once an institution can justify murder all is justifiable. The American American people must wake up. The progressive controlled Democrat party is working overtime to destroy our Constitutional Republic. Any true Americans must oppose these efforts and demand from our representatives in Congress, the Administration and Federal courts adherence and fealty to the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and the underlying foundations of our Constitutional Republic. This is not optional it must be demanded and those who conduct themselves otherwise must be held to account. Treason has no statue of limitation. Those in government who break their oaths and undermine our Constitutional Republic are traitors.

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What about Mike Pompeo? He waltzes around like he's such a great guy and for everyone, rah, rah, rah.

He was Director of the CIA, for the love of Pete! GettheFouttaheya!

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He also bragged publicly about lying, cheating and stealing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RmEsPE7iq0

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Makes one wonder who he's blowin'.

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We were moving to Texas, near where Oswald was said to be the night before. We moved frequently with the Navy.

This was an ongoing topic from the time we moved there. Everyone knew LBJ was not fond of JFK. He had been used by JFK to secure the Texas Votes. Everyone knew LBJ was not as he appeared, he was seeking power.

Oswald as I understand it, had been to Russia but before going he was assigned to be a genipig of MKUltra.

This has never surprised me.

This Movie Documentary was released in Nov 2023.

Jacquelynn Lueth is executive producer of the new Paramount+ Original documentary, "JFK: What the Doctors Saw," which brings to light stunning revelations from doctors who were in the E.R. on the day of President John F. Kennedy's assassination.

It was very good.

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Bonnie Henry probably realizes she doesn’t have a case.

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The Bay of Pigs Cuba missile crisis was a close call involving nuclear weapons between us and the Soviet Union. Because of this, JFK set his sights on riding the world of nuclear weapons. This effort brought JFK into direct conflict the Zionists.

JFK learned the Zionists were developing a nuclear weapon facility at Dimona in 1962. JFK wanted to find out if this was true, and if so, stop it. This issue was kept so secret that crucial documents and letters have only been released in recent years.

In a letter dated May 12, 1963 from Israel’s Prime Minister Ben Gurion to JFK; “Mr. President, my people have the right to exist … and this existence is in danger.” JFK’s answer to Ben Gurion; “We are concerned with the disturbing effects on world stability which would accompany the development of a nuclear weapons capability by Israel. US commitment and support would be seriously jeopardized if the US is unable to obtain reliable information about Israel’s efforts in the nuclear field.” On June 16, the US Embassy in Israel reported that Ben Gurion resigned as Israel’s Prime Minister. The Zionists were up against a wall with JFK in the way because JFK was demanding an inspection at Dimona under the threat to cut off their funding.

With JFK demanding a credible inspection at Dimona, the Zionist were a real danger of getting their nuclear weapons project cancelled. The Zionist had the connection, organization and money to facilitate the assassination of JFK. LBJ was not only being kicked off the ticket but probably going to prison for proven corruption plus J Edgar Hoover was about to be fired. For the Zionist to keep the nuclear weapons project, get LBJ in the White House and keep Hoover at the FBI, their only real solution was the assassination of JFK that happened a mere five months after the resignation of Prime Minister Ben Gurion.

Part of the plan was to convince the CIA to set up a fake assassination in Dallas to scare JFK into doing what they wanted on foreign policy. That’s what Oswald thought they were going to do. Because the involvement was provable, the CIA worked hard to cover it up. They had their corrupt Zionist new President LBJ to direct the cover up. They even had the ex-fired Allen Dulles to manage the official ‘inquiry’ into the assassination. Jacob Leon Rubenstein assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald told Rabbi Hillel Silverman who was visiting him in prison; “I did it for the Jewish people.” They had Zionist control over all the buildings where the assassination occurred.

All this worked because the Zionists were never even suspected, until now.

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Mar 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm so looking forward to your new book!

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