Great thoughtful post as usual. I could go on, but took my builders license biannual course today, and watched a video of a group of five people discussing new insulation codes coming to Massachusetts. The lead speaker with a gleam in her eye opened up how absolutely wonderful these new stretch codes were, that 300 communities of the 350 have adopted them and this is what they have been pushing for years. As I watched the video, I felt like I was being indoctrinated into this small group, who probably never built anything with their own two hands, and listening I could only think it’s the end of a large, large section of my business. They just made every good sized addition or large home renovation drastically out priced for 90 percent of my customers. The other 10 percent probably won’t see the value of the new pricing this will force into the market. With these small powerful groups, there always seems to be the unforeseen consequences the public is brought to bear when these non productive educated self appointed dictates are put into these positions. They can’t see the devastating effects of the mandates they place on industry because of their ignorance. It has been so evident through the entire Covid (vaccine) pandemic, that the small group has devastated a large piece of the populations trust of medicine so that the industry is ruined. Ruined by this small group. It also has shown how weak the medical participants are to have gone along with it. I can only predict that these small groups will be the first victims of the large change coming when the wheels fall off the bus. J.Goodrich
Agree with you about these stupid codes. Just had a royal pain in the tush replacing an outside water faucet because a "change in the code" said I could not put one back like it was. I suspect many of these codes are to hammer do it yourselfers
These new insulation codes will make brand new renovated areas of your house have to be removed and disposed of if you thought of adding or renovate in certain percentage. Imagine brand new Anderson 400 windows have to be removed and changed if you decided to put an addition on. The energy and money waisted on these brand new windows you installed a year ago. It’s insane. No one will add or renovate in these percentages of square feet or renovated area.
'Change in code' is code language for mandates. Next, no one will be able to sell their home without upgrades to include these mandates. I bought an older two-story home in Salem OR that had been one the market for two years (2007-2009). The seller was forced to change the outdoor faucets because they lacked a back flow device.
These are mandates and will increase the cost of a new say 3000 square ft house, to build, at least 100,000 dollars. That’s the increase to the builder.
Twenty years down the road it will be (re) discovered this new insulation causes deadly allergies. There will be few windows since none really keep the cold out. Counties, townships, cities will eventually write code limiting the size of homes. Foot print on valuable land you know. BTW, my Salem house was on well water so the outside faucet issue never would have cause contamination to the city water supply. Did not matter.
In Canada they propose doing what they have already done in the UK: giving homes an energy rating which will in turn de-value older homes. Housing has become so expensive because of the so-called "greening" of the Building Code that we're very close to a situation where only the well-to-do can afford to build new.
Variations of this have been going on for a long, long time. For example, environmental assessments. I own an industrial property that's been in my family since the late 60's. I had to do an enviro. asmt. about 6 years ago and a section of my property had some minor contamination (minor back then) that fortunately did not require remediation. It was the result of work my city did (landfill of swampy areas). Doesn't matter that the city did this but if ever cleanup is required, it will come from my pocket.
Then there was the issue of 'green belts'. These are rural areas that the provincial gov decreed were to be left as green space, i.e., no construction. People who owned land in these areas saw the land value plummet when these decrees were made. Recently, the zonings were changed. Imagine that, land values dropped so someone in the know could have picked up these parcels for a good price and then presto, zoning changes and it's zoned for construction!
That is one objective, another big pushed issue was using electric everything stoves, EV’s, Heat, etc. I stayed a few minutes after the class and asked a couple questions. The instructor was a really good guy. He was a former contractor business owner,
PE, licensed builder, and after retired became an inspector on cape cod. I questioned the way electric is produced with coal and to me it’s the most inefficient energy. I also think if your not a upstanding citizen they can shut you off. I’ll stick to my gasoline efficient trucks and cars.
Tooooo dependent on one form of energy that has been already showing signs of abuse and un-sustainability and this bizzaro advocation to power the planet by Volts. Rotsa Ruck w/dat.
How come everything I think I need...Always comes with Batteries??? John Mayer lyric line.
Doc. You gotta' get reliable fix-it contractor; one who will not insist on covering every code-- but who KNOWS the code. OR,
like me, just do it yourself and do what you want. Electrical code is really nuts. Built a new home in 2017 and they put in a bunch of elec. receptacles that, without pressing with about 20 #'s force could not put a plug into-- NEW code design! Lots of $25 breakers replaced the old ones($5); the added benefit is they would kick out if they sensed an "arc". I found they also failed, completely, and one of them failed on a freezer full of food. I was lucky I caught it before the temp raised much. Needless to say, the new breaker is a $5 breaker, without a $20 arc detector circuit, and it provides the same protection breakers have provided for the last 60 years in America.
Where I live, if we accommodate an electric vehicle plug-in for every home, the grid will crash. We simply don't have the power infrastructure in place. But they continue to push! I guess they'll deal with it when the grid crashes and people freeze to death. This is the reason many of us will NEVER give up our woodburning fireplaces and stoves.
Ontario announced they are starting planning on more nuclear reactors. I did a calculation a little while back that if every existing generator in ontario was running we just had enough 24/7 power to power a practical number of electric cars hooked up to chargers. However with normal outages, electric heat pumps being added to the load, the unknown load of future electric cars, etc. we would fall short. So Ontario seems to be planning for that future with nuclear power. The load won't be here for about 15 years or so so no need to worry about the future today in Ontario. Now California is a different situation.
By the way, my earlier comment had to do with house service as Ontario tried to implement the EV plug in a couple of years ago then took it out of the code. The basic load of a house with an electric stove, dryer and 2 ton AC and 1500 sq ft is 6000 + 1500 + 6000 + 3000 = 16,500W. Add a 6000W EV charger and you are up to 22500W which is 3000W over the limit for a 100A service (19600W).
So unless you put in an approved energy management controller you need a 200A service upgrade.
James Goodrich wrote: ". . . how weak the medical participants are to have gone along with it." We need doctors and nurses. Don't ask other professions to do this work. However, the great majority of doctors, worldwide, did not object - and in many or most cases actively supported - the official COVID-19 responses which killed millions.
Doctors and nurses are a crucial profession whose majority worked with the majority of others to enact the official response, including: avoidance, denigration and banning of nutritional and early treatment approaches (except as profitable, not very safe or effective, highly profitable, treatments emerged, such as monoclonal antibodies, Remdesivir, Molnupirivir and Paxlovid), coaxing, scaring and forcing most of the population to accept the untested, unsafe, not very effective mRNA and adenovirus vector gene therapy quasi-vaccines (the Novavax vaccine is not much better), social distancing, lockdowns, masks, censorship of public discourse and banning doctors from freely discussing and prescribing treatments other than those officially approved.
The other professions whose majorities enabled and continue to enable this ongoing cluster of crimes against humanity are the mainstream media, health system administrators, immunologists, epidemiologists, virologists and vaccinologists.
A small fraction of doctors and nurses and mainstream media journalists have strongly opposed this. However, most members of all these professions continue to actively support the crimes depicted in this article's diagram. My short term for all this is "corrupted, groupthunk ineptitude".
The UN definition of crimes against humanity does not require overall specific intent. So it is sufficient to identify egregious dereliction of professional duty as constituting such a crime, when the harm and death which results is so extensive and indiscriminate that it meets the UN's definition,
Even for medical professionals who did not know that most people have only a fraction of the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune system needs to function (see the research cited and discussed at: there is no excuse whatsoever for acceding to and supporting the ban on inexpensive early treatment, the censorship, the false promotion and forcing of quasi-vaccines etc.
There needs to be a reckoning. We can't afford to lose more doctors and nurses, but the majority has to be held accountable so they change their ways. Otherwise, they will continue to enact these horrors in general, even if they eventually wake up to vitamin D and other nutrients, just as it took the majority decades to wake up to handwashing and the harm caused by smoking. The central problem is the groupthink, steered into corruption by the multinational pharmaceutical companies.
Doctors are probably the world's most insecure and most groupthink-prone profession. I wish I could be optimistic about changing this for the majority. I will write more about this problem, but for now, please see my article in support of UK MP Andrew Tridgen's statement that the whole pandemic response (I assume he was referring to this, not just the quasi-vaccines) "is the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust":
I later updated this article when I found that I had not considered Mao Zedong's 1960 to 1962 Great Leap Forward. This was estimated to have killed 30 to 40 million people, which is around twice the toll of the Holocaust, by an expansive definition. I am not sure that COVID-19 (which should have been suppressed with vitamin D etc. and so killed very few people, and which never would have spread in a pandemic fashion if most people had been supplementing vitamin D3 properly) and the pandemic response has killed 30 million people, but perhaps it has, or will as the disaster continues.
Reading your article now. I agree with you 1000 %. My wife is an OR nurse in Boston and was forced to take 3 shots. I worry every day but can’t say much because she is angry it happened against her will.
When our loved ones and close friends suffer or are threatened with oppression, harm and death, the impact of these crimes is inescapable and personal. With the possible exception of isolated communities, every person on Earth's life has been blighted by these crimes, even if they and all the people they know were never infected or subject to maltreatment. In Western nations, the great majority of people, including some children and infants, have had their own cells (Which cells? Any type, anywhere . . .) suddenly programmed to produce a close facsimile of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein protruding from their cell membranes - for the express purpose of giving the immune system target practice.
The mainstream view of the past, which only some people struggle to improve upon, clearly identifies great crimes, with the perpetrators all infamous and made conspicuous by their Black Hats. The reality was surely more complex.
Now we have a pervasive program of oppression, harm and death enacted not by a single Black Hat team - such as the government of North Korea or Russia - but by a coalition of the majorities of whole professions, worldwide. Only a subset of these people can reasonably be accused of malign intent: most obviously those who profit from patented treatments and who use their money to corrupt medicine in order to enhance adoption of those treatments. That is blatantly evil, since every such person can easily find multiple less expensive, safer, more effective and better researched early treatments for COVID-19 at than their own product.
The rest of the majorities of these professions seem to be doing what they think is best, but egregiously avoid considering how wrong it is to suppress debate, and so to turbo-charge the very groupthink which has corralled them all into collectively committing or at least supporting a cluster of crimes against humanity.
There's a lot to think and write about this.
If doctors, nurses and immunologists had collectively being doing their job, they would all know about this 2014 research study in a Boston hospital which shows the risk of both surgical site and hospital acquired infections being 2.5% with pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels of 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L or more and rising precipitously with levels below that. A typical level for people who do not supplement vitamin D3 properly (0.125 mg 5000 IU a day for 70 kg body weight) is 18 ng/mL, which involves a 25% risk of each type of infection.
These grossly weakened innate and adaptive immune responses against the bacteria which cause most post-operative infections are *normal* in the great majority of the population. Most doctors and nurses do nothing about it because they do not know it exists. They do not know it because most doctors and nurses cannot imagine it to be true, so they never read any research which shows this. Suggest it to most most medical professions and the concept goes straight to the spam folder in their brains.
If they all knew this, then they would urge people to supplement vitamin D3 properly - with about 10 x the quantities in the official guidelines. See proper quantities as ratios of bodyweight: .
Numerous research articles show the impact of normal, lousy, levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D on COVID-19 hospitalisation and death. The latest such research is from Slovakia: . Fig. 4 shows that hospitalised COVID-19 patients with 70 ng/mL 25-hydroxyvitamin D at admission had a 2% chance of dying, while those with 20 ng/mL had a 40% chance. Some people have only 5 ng/mL, and so have a 65% chance of dying.
If the medical profession was doing its job, they would all know to boost 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels safely over 50 ng/mL in 4 hours, in all clinical emergencies involving people who have not been properly supplementing vitamin D3 for several months. This can be done with a single oral dose of 0.014 mg of calcifediol - which _is_ 25-hydroxyvitamin D. This goes straight into circulation and so enables the immune system to work properly. Virtually none of them know this.
This pervasive ignorance and groupthink kills millions - even before COVID-19. It has been amplified in the madness of crowds pandemic hysteria, whipped up by governments, corrupt companies and many well-meaning professionals and non-professionals who sincerely believe that this fear, and the widespread acceptance of quasi-vaccines, really is the best way to save lives.
"Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than wickedness. Evil can be protested against, exposed, and, if necessary, it can be prevented by force. Evil always harbors the germ of self-destruction by inducing at least some uneasiness in people. We are defenseless against stupidity. Nothing can be done to oppose it, neither with protests nor with violence. Reasons cannot prevail. Facts that contradict one's prejudice simply don't need to be believed, and when they are inescapable, they can simply be brushed aside as meaningless, isolated cases. In contrast to evil, the stupid person is completely satisfied with himself."
"The central problem is the groupthink, steered into corruption by the multinational pharmaceutical companies." I agree with the balance of what you say but do not believe this. Big Pharma is pawn. DoD.
Again, it sounds conspiracy-theory like but many experienced people(Dr. P McCullough for example) have pointed out the DoD / FBI has engineered the response. It may be they even engineered the Wuhan virus escape too, Who knows?
I can't think of any reason why rational people, in the full light of day, would allow the release of, or deliberately release, any GoF engineered virus like SARS-CoV-2. However, people are not always rational according to the definitions of others, so I can't rule out any such deliberate action. Accidental lab escape seems much more likely. All that is required is for the virus to infect a lab worker, or get out of the lab on their clothing, or body, or on lab waste which is not properly decontaminated, and that is it.
Andrew Huff, in his book "The Truth About Wuhan", considers both a single lab escape and multiple escapes, implicitly of different variants. He concludes in favour of multiple lab escapes, based - as best I can tell after reading the whole book, and this section especially - on his understanding of the initial diversity of the wild variants as the resuling infections spread through the Wuhan population and to other countries via the World Military Games participants.
However, he does not mention the details of any such genetic diversity of variants. Andrew Huff is a super bright, totally dedicated, widely experienced PhD epidemiologist. His opinion should not be discounted too easily - but for now I do not assume that there was more than one lab escape, because he does not provide any evidence which supports this hypothesis.
I do not at present have a clear enough understanding of the timeline of infection according to all the knowledge available publicly in the West. I recall there were reports of infections in WiV staff. That doesn't mean I can easily find the reports of this in my thousands of bookmarks or saved files over the last few years.
I am not sure how early diversity of variants in August (was it that early?), September (likewise - but by late October in the World Military Games, Wuhan was apparently like a ghost town, due presumably to an infection which had been going for some weeks or more) and certainly October, November and December 2019 can be used to argue for multiple lab escapes of different, or even the same, variant, since it is reasonable to expect some level of genetic diversification in the population even from a single escape of a single variant.
So at present I favour a single lab escape, which was not at all intentional.
Andrew Huff's chapter on the early timeline of COVID-19 seems to me rather disjointed, repetitive in a few places and difficult to follow as a clear timeline. I haven't looked properly for one, but I don't know of a really detailed, complete, timeline of what we know or can reasonably think about regarding the 2019 series of events in Wuhan, the observations regarding COVID-19 infections, and antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in blood samples from the time in other countries.
Andrew Huff writes the the US Military has had an interest in mRNA quasi-vaccines since the mid-2010s or so (I can't remember how long) because this the only way of developing (quasi-)vaccines and perhaps other kinds of treatment very rapidly. He explains that because of this, and their own inability to research and develop the production facilities at the hundreds of millions and billions of doses level which would be required in a pandemic or biological warfare attack, that they have long been interested in - and I think funded (through DARPA or somehow indirectly through the NIH) - the ability of the pharmaceutical companies to develop and mass-produce mRNA treatments.
I have also read multiple times, from people such as Sasha Latypova that in the USA, that the mRNA COVID-19 quasi-vaccines remain the property of the Department of Defense until the moment they are injected. I have not tried to verify this, but I assume it is true since she seems to be an expert in pharmaceutical contracts.
I agree with you that the US DoD is a significant force behind the push for mRNA treatments in general and these COVID-19 quasi-vaccines in particular. That money and pressure surely drives the mRNA-producing pharma companies, but overall, even without this, I don't see the pharma companies as merely a pawn of the US DoD. The pharma companies are forever pushing their expensive, patented, treatments and disparaging less expensive alternatives. The mRNA injections are a spectacular example of this, being so widely used, so widely pushed by the government, so profitable and so well protected from lawsuits arising from adverse events.
The fact that the DoD is still so gung-ho about mRNA injections, even for their own people, despite clear signs of problems such as with pilots ( can be at least partly explained by their continuing profound strategic interest in the development and widespread acceptance of mRNA injections.
In this current article, Robert Malone attempts to characterise the primary impetus behind the whole COVID-19 response. However, while the USA has in many ways lead the global response, the Chinese and Russian response has been no better. The CCP has pursued the same approach as most other countries: vaccines, lockdowns to the most extreme degrees, masks and, as far as we know, *no* attempt to use any of the inexpensive early treatments listed at Only a few developing countries, or states within India, have tried a proper widespread use of Ivermectin. No country or state has properly raised 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels rapidly with calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D) (apart from some trials and widespread use in Cordoba, Spain:
So I think his attempt to explain the US response is overly-focused on the USA itself. I agree that some or many countries - especially the USA - is struggling under an accretion of layers of mistaken legislative and other types of rules and regulations, but I do not think this is the central cause of the disastrous global pandemic response.
Labeling this evil as banal, unthinking, stupid or whatever is a step forwards relative to assuming (as many do) that evil (or at least human-caused destruction by any means) on such a scale must be the work of powerful people acting deliberately. However, these approaches do not seem to explain the underlying mechanisms - except to a small extent as they open up the possibility of mass hysteria, madness of crowds, groupthink etc. being crucial to such disastrous actions.
I am pursuing a line of enquiry about how it is that the majority of so many professions, worldwide, came to think and act so destructively, in concert. Groupthink is the central process at work, I think - though it has surely been steered by corruption and extreme vaccineophiles such as Anthony Fauci and Peter Hotez.
If a majority of even one branch of these professions - or even a noisy enough minority - had taken a decisive stand against the entire locked-together multi-profession groupthink which drives the pandemic response, then the whole thing would have fallen apart, like a house of cards - or even a burst balloon!
For instance, if a suitably influential subset of the mainstream media in the USA, Australia, Belgium or whatever - or such as subset of immunologists or doctors, even in a single Western country, had acted decisively to reject the censorship and the interlocking destructive elements of the mainstream response, the whole thing would have fallen apart by now.
This has not happened. The groupthink has been very strong. It is policed by the government, its agencies and by many members of all these professions. It is also policed by ordinary people, such as via their social media reposts and original statements. In Robert Malone's recent Friday Funnies article: is an illustration depicting groupthink policing by motor mower. I can't find the original source of this. I believe this illustration is most instructive regarding the COVID-19 response and many other disastrous mistakes.
Same thing happening in Canada. Due to the so-called "greening" of the Building Code, additions must be built to the new standards at great expense while the heat goes out the older windows and walls in the older portion of the home. It makes no sense. New builds are getting so expensive only the well heeled can afford new homes and house prices are being driven so high that young people in some areas will never be able to afford a home. Meanwhile we have abundant supplies of inexpensive natural gas and have no need for any of this madness except our government doesn't view clean-burning natural gas as "green" enough and is working to shut it in. The world has gone mad.
"while the heat goes out the older windows and walls in the older portion of the home. It makes no sense"
It makes no sense because often there are ulterior unwritten motives, for instance if one goal is to limit home size for the Middle/Working class families. Of course, to say it like this wouldn't be possible, therefore any subterfuge will do, usually by prizing them out.
I know it conspiracy theory-like but could it be that maybe their long-held plan is to force new gen's into denser apartment systems, limiting single family homes, while providing only ONE energy source?
Near total control evolves quietly into the hands of a totalitarian government. No revolution required.
Eventually, most of the populous will be housed together with a simple local electrical OFF switch if a need comes to influence that block of "taxpayers."
In Ontario, Canada they initiated a plan many years ago to update the building code requirements at each cycle (appx 7-10 years per cycle) so that by 2030 all homes could be net zero. Some net zero houses are presently being built and you will see more and more as the years go by. That is the backround to the increasingly expensive energy efficient requirements of the building code. The Canadian National Building Code used in most provinces is similar and the source for many of the upgrades. They US probably has similar requirements.
In theory if a house has R40 insulation in the wall, R80 in the roof, good vapour and air barriers and a few windows facing south with overhang to block sun in the summer, you can achieve close to net zero with good design.
plus one more thing: Forced mechanical ventilation. Unfortunately, it is really hard(and expensive) to do this and at the same time keep CO2 levels below 1000 ppm-- outside CO2 is about 500ppm.
The thing is net zero is a fools game due to the law of diminishing returns. To get that last 10 or 20% of heat loss removed you pay a LOT more per sq ft. All making it harder for any single family home affordable to most people. AGAIN, making the economic decision "easier" to live in dense housing instead!
Your post reminds me of a Series on Amazon Prime: Clarkson's Farm. What a Hoot.
Jeremy Clarkson is a "car guy" and famous in UK. In his series he shows the unbelievable bureaucracy and red tape there to "do" things with your property. You think the US is bad. . . holy cow. It is devastating over there. But, he makes it funny.
He owns a large farm, has a farm business mgr, a Main Farm hand(Caleb), and a pretty tall wife. He puts all kinds of money into this place and reveals how the books show he isn't making a. . . shilling.
I, too, have watched all of Clarkson’s Farm episodes to date and it is a marvelous “hoot.” The amount of patience he exhibits when handling all the governmental regulation thrown his way is a lesson in perseverance. One episode this week showed him working while having Covid.
Dr. Malone's thesis is the Covid crisis was created by a small group of evil medical men surrounded by incompetent stupid medical men who went along to get along. That is what his circles express. Someone needs to explain why Bill Gates gave a TED talk stating that 15% of the world population needs to be eliminated to save the earth and it doesn't smell of eugenics. That's the elimination of 1 BILLION humans. He also pushed sterilizing vaccines on African women and he is being sued for it. He also invested billions before the crisis in the vaccine manufacturers and sold before they crashed and made billions. Has anyone notice that his pals are Collins and Fauci and they love being together and telling jokes? He was welcomed into the CDC planning committee meetings before Covid because of what expertise? Funding WHO and etc? Look at the mega growth of the CDC and their inability to fix health issues including the flu since they ignore the role of the immune system. Fauci predicted with his crystal ball that a major infectious disease event would happen years before it came to fruition. In summary, this was all created by accident and there was no plan to create great harm? I propose that their was an alignment of interests between the CIA that wants to slow China global growth, the M/I complex that needs to grow their war machine, the eugenists with Gates being the Pied Piper that believes he can save the earth and make lots of money, the globalists who believe that with AI and their ability to HACK the human genome, they can better manage the earth with a one world corporate government and we will not need a massive number of workers. That smells of eugenics too!
In the meantime, the march goes on and we have not stopped the injections and the new more evil Dr. Hoetz is taking control. He claims 200,000 lives were lost in the US because of the 30% of the population was not injected. No recognition of the lives lost to the wrong medical treatment and the great harm and deaths from the mRNA hackable injections that the FDA now approved for injection into our children. They reprogram cellular function for what reason and are not a vaccine because Dr. Malone figured out how to trick the immune system so the body's immune system would not react to the injection. Ushering in a new more profitable way of treating disease states for Big Pharma. The evil is growing and the masses are continuing to be gas lighted. Shouldn't we be calling out these evil men for what they are and not punishing the truth seekers? Did Dr. Malone get the injections to go along and get along? Here is the story on Dr. Hoetz.
It is difficult to know the truth of this tangled web, as in where, when, and how it all began; but, imho, all these nut jobs needed money to enact their evil deeds; therefore, Bill Gates is a good place to start.
Not only did he fuel the evil ideas of these evil people, he then goes off and bangs a bunch of recently legal, hard-up, destitute, bribed, little chickies on a private island.
(As a woman myself, how unaware is/was Melinda? Really?)
No. You don't get to do this.
He is a mass murderer run rampant. How is he any different than Idi Amin, or Jim Jones?
My sympathies go out to you. I'm a retired contractor and live now in CA where the state mandated that all footings be undercut 4' below the bottom of the footing and a road type base be put back in and compacted to 95%. This requires soils testing with each 18" lift being compacted and tested. Or. one can put 3/4" washed gravel back in, which in my opinion and experience will create a sump for water and depending on the soil, result in settling or expansion. This is throughout the state and no matter what type soil. This has added $15,000 to the cost of a friends 400S.F. addition. Along with other ignorant regulations this little project is costing them $250,000. And oh yes, we have to have anti siphon spigots also.
I am so upset with all of these stupid edicts. When I listed my Salem OR home for sale in 2016 the realtor had her hubby come remove the insulation from my first floor electric water heater because it was against the most recent code and then he strapped it to the stairwell structure leading to the 2nd floor because during an earthquake it might tip over and spill water. There is a reason behind all these mandates and it has nothing to do with safety. That was the same year they told home owners in subdivision outside of Portland that they could divide their postage size lots so another house could be built because the area was running out of land. They are now building apartment complexes in single home areas. They force-stopped all city sprawl, readying Oregon for Agenda 21/30.
LOL, so what exactly do these weak and cowardly "go along with what the small group tells us to do" doctors think is going to happen moving forward? Do they not realize that the small group dictates fed into AI and inexpensive LVNs are going to replace the entire lot of them in the not so distant future? Cowardice has its price...
Maybe those types of docs will perish by attrition, but we will create an alternative universe such as we did in the Dark Ages, replete with catacombs and Irish scribes taking this all down. Just because they are rich, does not mean they are schmart.
I think as they destroy industry after industry, eventually there has to be backlash to the non productives making these mandates.I also hope, the sooner the better.
Well written, Dr. Malone. Thank you! The last three years the Lord has taken me on a journey of much needed personal repentance, surrender of my own 'throne' to His Kingship, and a deep and personal understanding His Holiness, grace, mercy and GOODNESS. I think this is what the world, one person at a time, needs as well. God bless you and give you His peace.
We are all to blame for what has happened to us. We have lost our moral compass. We look for the hero to save us while missing the fact that the hero lies within every living soul.
Indeed Julian, so true. Alex De Touqeville, a French historian who wrote Democracy in America in the early 1800’s. Whether he actually wrote it or not, a quote attributed to him says that “America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great”. There are great evil forces at work, and Dr. Malone and his wife Dr. Jill are heroes in this battle for truth. Those of us that know the truth must run the race to the best of our ability. Do not grow weary in well doing ....carry on!
Like living in the Bermuda Triangle. No longer can you trust any compass headings as there is an unseen force that is formidable and perilous. Hardly "safe and effective!" 3 words of doom.
Brilliant. I still think you should go into publishing, so a wider swath of the public can read you, as well as all the great thinkers you introduce us to.
My thinking aligns more with Dr. Wolfe's, that there is an evil that has penetrated society. Only a tiny percent of Jews practice Judaism, and what does He do to his chosen when they abandon their faith? And most Christians do not practice theirs's either. Martin Luther said that G-D created Islam as a punishment to Christians for their sinful ways. The same can be said of socialism. I do know that since Marx postulated socialism and his followers spread it, regardless if it was communist socialism, national socialism, Trotskyism, Maoism, or any of the other -ism's, mass death and destruction has followed. I think that the fact that the last three years has seen amazing convergence and coordination between the people who support the -ism's cannot be explained by mere coincidence, but rather by people who share totalitarian, anti Judeo-Christian and misanthropic beliefs, and work like fire ants in a mound or bees in a colony to achieve them. What seems to unite them is their paganism and/or atheism and their deep seated and held hatred of all Judeo-Christian beliefs, and of those who hold them.
But what do I know. I'm like the blind man who is touching a small part of an elephant and trying to figure out what it is. I just try to keep my faith in G-D, but I do keep my powder dry.
"share totalitarian, anti Judeo-Christian and misanthropic beliefs..."
You are so right, thats the common denominator, just three examples:
1a. Genesis: "God created them male and female"
1b. Western Globalist: " gender is a social construct and many genders exist...."
2a- God created men with free will
2b. Klaus, Harari and pals: men is a huckable animal without free will
3a. Judeo-Christian family model:
monogamy with mother, father and children,
3b. Western globalist: anything but the above, erase morherhood from the vocabulary.
An example of a very eager worker bee for globalist ideologies I had the misfortune to meet in my workplace:
Chair of Foreign Language Department in a very busy HS, Union Representative and host of the Atheist Club in HS.
Yes, the Atheist club for kids. Appaling I thought, gee... he has to be so busy (like all of us teachers were), plus Union Rep dutis and yet he has the extra energy to host the Atheist Club? 🤔 ....
Pass forward one year later, the guy was cought with child pornography and having a sexual relationship with a 13 years old underprivileged boy for whom he was the Court Advocate. That explained things for me.
That behavior of your atheist associate does not surprise me. As Chesterton said, if you don't believe in G-D, you can believe in anything, or nothing. That's one of the reason why all of the well-known socialists, Mao, Hitler, Beria, Castro, all the Kims, Stalin, Rohlm, Lenin, and so many others have been sexual deviants of one sort or the other, mostly straight but some gay, plus have been murderous sociopaths (I'm not a dr. but I use this term to cover those who have intense hatred of humans).
Trevor Loudon of New Zealand spent time in Salem OR about 11 or 12 years ago. He would give talks at our AFP meetings. He watched as his country was overtaken by commies, literally. He has been trying to warn us it has already happened to us and he produces the receipts to prove it. I have many videos of his but lately he is writing books. Here is a 10 minute intro video to two of his recent books about our Senators. Please watch. You will drop your jaw, guaranteed. Simply amazing that youtube keeps this up for viewing.
Thanks, saw that, will pass on - not surprised the way things are now - crystal clear, the dark side is in charge of our country and world. Thinking boomers are going to need to show the younger set how to fight, since it does not seem to be anything they understand. Hope that's even possible. Not much else out there, besides divine intervention. Not sure we have earned that yet...
In regards to the accumulated legislative baggage: In one of Robert Heinlein's novels, one of his characters was proposing possible forms of government. He suggested that each law passed would be required to be paired with the repeal of a law already on the books. I've always liked that idea. If only it were possible.
President Trump was on the right track we he decreed that every time a new regulation went into effect, an old one would be removed. In our bloated and inefficient Federal government, every time a new person is hired, ten should be removed.
I had thought of another way to stop the madness of piling up law after law upon our backs - require that for every page of normal size font and double spaced lines, one 24 hour day review is allowed. So if these plutocrats put out a 500 page bill, We The People have 500 days to review it.
Excellent article, lots to ponder there. On a bright note, someone on Twitter recently posed the question "When will everybody admit the whole Covid-19 'pandemic' response was a scam?" and Elon responded "Its coming", which prompted over 10M views of the tweet - the responses were fascinating and people are FINALLY opening their eyes to the evil pulled over on us.
Whoa Nellie: Has everyone heard of the EU Commission’s Code of Practice on Disinformation? Does anyone remember Ursula von der Leyen? The EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA), was passed by the European Parliament last July 5. The EU’s “Fighting Covid-19 Disinformation” program was launched within the DSA framework. Under the Code, Twitter and other online platforms and search engines have assumed commitments to combat – i.e. suppress – what the European Commission deems to be “misinformation” or “disinformation.” Don’t think this does not apply within the U.S. So long as Twitter wants to remain on the EU market, it cannot say no to the demands of the European Commission. The enforcement mechanism that renders the Code of Practice obligatory is the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA). The DSA gives the European Commission power to impose fines of up to 6% percent of GLOBAL turnover on platforms that it finds to be in violation of the Code.
yep, well. . . except for the Venn diagram. Uuuuuuh. I will take that back this one has a LOT of big words with implications. . . Simplification required.
Excellent piece. Our founders were courageous to attempt to form a government that would not go down the path of bureaucratic obesity which I fear is leading us to an infarction that will bring an end to this experiment in ordered liberty. And you rightly ask, "who is behind all this?" The fact that each leader in the western world seemed to march lock step in line COVID mania suggests that it was planned and executed by a super strategist to bring down Western civilization, or change it along the lines of the nightmare fantasy of Yuval Harari. You rightly sense the evil behind all this but fall short to name it. And you also correctly observe that the various claimants to the perverted throne of the WEF/WHO/NWO do not have the intelligence to pull this off. One is left with only one alternative, which is to recognize the claw of the personified evil being who has the intelligence and the long term vision to see the plan through to the end. He is the foe of Christianity/Judaism and has schemed from the beginning of time to destroy that which God loves, His creation. There is no other conclusion that explains all the data. Fortunately, the story doesn't end with him.
Wow, Doc, that is a lot to unpack on a Saturday afternoon.
But I think you captured it all in your observation that the only fair and enduring government is the one envisioned by our Founders and set down in our Constitution. A limited government of limited power, utterly subservient to the people.
I would add one more observation. The essence of the American character has always been a rebellious streak. The ability to question and to tell petty tyrants and busybodies to go F themselves. (sorry for the vulgarity but it's just easier). It has always set us apart and the more unassimilated people we let in the more diluted our national character becomes.
So now we have devolved into a bunch of servile cowards - people so foolish and stupid that they wear face diapers outdoors on a sunny June day or driving alone in their cars. That they do these things as a badge of honor and fealty to the state or party is even more cowardly and craven. Hopefully we can recapture - or enough of us can summon the courage - shown on an early spring morning in 1775. If not, we are truly lost.
From the beginning of time we have had righteousness and evilness. The evil always wants to control the righteous. Is it guilt ? Is it envy? What makes a man or woman become evil?
The Constitution of the USA I believe , is a gift from God. A document that provides freedom of choice and accountability for wrong. Where the powers are split between 3 branches, so that no one person has absolute power. This keeps us save from tyranny.
So we as citizens need to fight to preserve our Constitution. If our Constitution is over thrown the whole world will implode. Keep strong. Keep the faith. Remember God is in charge. Thank you Drs Malone for all that you do.
Amen, and thank you for your comment. If evil is banal, it seeps into whatever space righteousness abandons like water finding its own level. If evil is designed, righteousness must expose it, fight it, and soundly defeat it. I believe evil is designed and often disguised as banal. No matter which, we’re being called to a new Great Awakening. The Church—by which I mean we, the Body of Christ—have work to do: turn to God, live in righteousness, propagate that in others, hold firm to the Sword of Truth, and train warriors. Yes, God is in control, with one big IF I will cite every chance I get: “IF my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14. God gave us control over the IF.
No if, God is and has been and will be always in control. We have this strange illusion that we can control our destiny or that the evil one is in control of our destiny or that others are changing our destiny. But one only has to read all of Scripture to know God's will and His plan. His story will be complete and He will triumph in the end. For those who believe in Him and trust in Him, we will get to be there when He does.
I appreciate and understand that perspective, Kam. Yes, God can and does miraculously intervene here on Earth; the love, peace, and joy we experience come from knowing He has ultimate control; our hope comes from His promise to restore His kingdom; and even closet prayer warriors are vital to the cause. That’s all good news I think we agree on.
We seem to differ on what our role is in God's plan. I didn't invent and add the "if" clause in that passage, and a quibble over it would be a distraction. James 2:26 tells us that “faith without action is dead.” Christ’s teachings alone are saturated with actions He commands us to take here and now: love God, love your neighbor, go and sin no more, feed my sheep, be faithful to the end. More than ever before in our lifetimes, global madness requires us to pray and then get up off our knees and get to work. The fields are ripe and an immense harvest is waiting. Remember the last thing Christ in the flesh said on this planet? “Ready . . . set . . . GO make disciples! Baptize them. Teach them to love God and their neighbors. Teach them observe and obey.” We call them “commandments” and a "commission" because he expects us to DO them. He already did, and His Sprit, through His Word, motivates and empowers us to do the same. We're His hands and feet until He returns.
I think it’s exciting to know that God works TOGETHER with us (Romans 8:28). Let’s not get into the weeds. Let’s get into His Word, allow His Spirit to identify a customized assignment for each of us, and then just do it.
Jesus was both a sheep and a lion when justice was involved. David Barton of Wallbuilders put out a video almost a year ago asking the faithful to run to the roar. Action is required in addition to prayers.
David Barton is an excellent example and teacher of what the “if” clause is all about. If each of us will read the Book for ourselves—because God doesn’t do that for us—He’ll show us how to come roaring back from this national sickness. We need to step up knowing that He has our backs, and we’ll have Him to thank for the Great Awakening we’re praying for. If not, His planet Earth will get so corrupt that He’ll come back and take names. We win either way, but He doesn’t expect us to be kneeling and standing around when He gets here. Not when His house is on fire.
Amen to all you said. I don't know how I put my comment but I don't disagree with you at all. Just that sometimes people get caught up in the world and forget these truths or the works they think they are supposed to do and not the works of God but of man. Love what you said though.
My summary of your written thoughts which were very potent. There has not been one decade in written history empty of warnings – which are only used centuries later to say we should have known. One does not learn from someone else’s mistakes. The highs and lows of a generation that spawn sayings like ‘Never again’ and ‘Shinning City on a Hill’ do not inspire subsequent generations. Man’s daily presence cares only about rectifying his past and securing his future. "What experience and history teach us is this—that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it."[Hegel]
And IMO this cycle's length is tightly correlated to an empire's propensity to select out of their gene pool the most fit and industrious, and send them off to die in war. Only to leave the rest to replenish the national gene pool. Its basically eugenics in reverse. Do war (Civil) after war (WW1) after war (WW2) after war (Korean) after war (Viet Nam) and you pretty much end up where America is today, about 50/50 crazies to normals, which is the unstable tipping point of no return if the crazies continue to gain. IMO, this is one big reason the Bible says only make war with wise council. Its not like we're the first to experience this cycle. It goes back as far as civilizations at war.
Don't forget that new generations ALWAYS reject old ideas. I have the hope that they learn from the pain caused by those attempting the 'New World Order' and reject it.
I think lessons are internalized through emotion. The pain of an experience, whether individual or national, sears itself on the mind. Perhaps the reason old lessons are rejected by new generations is because those lessons do not come with personal experience of the attendant emotions. Pain, relief, whatever they may be. History is mostly learned through passive reading or viewing videos/images/etc.
I’m grappling with your term ‘lesson’. We learn not to touch hot stuff. We learn a parent might teach us a lesson. Mostly, I think we acknowledge there was a past - good, bad or indifferent but it did not happen to us. We have our own happenings and want to know why, so we start searching and the dust bin of history rises up in our face, much of it before our time, but not all. "We" being any generation.
Can an ‘old lesson’ be rejected if it was never a lesson to start with - it was just the past of others? Humans are not, and never were meant to carry and incorporate the burdens and ramifications of life before their time. However, many gifted individuals write, and have written in their own here and now, about the coming future, which their readers devoured as fiction – until it’s not. We’ve read some of those books, haven’t we?
That was interesting or perhaps mind expanding. Probably why some people believe they have past lives. It's a shame though that the accumulation of rot demands destruction when not everyone has had enough lives to growth their worth.
Logical analysis. Paralegal researches of Katherine Watt are impressive, & if accurate, very damning. Concur w. Malone: Banality of Evil, & driven by Lust for Power over the lives of others & unrestrained Greed - . Can Americans resurrect the Constitutional Republic so wisely framed by our (like all humans) flawed Founders???
Well, the Founders of Our Republic and the Framers of our Constitution were AMAZING, but, they were not perfect. Jefferson, Washington were slave-owners. The Washingtons relentlessly pursued their escaped slaves - one - at least managed to escape to Freedom in New Hampshire - read 'Never Caught'. I've been plowing through Washington's primary papers as published in The Library of America. So wonderful to go to primary sources. So many little time!! Best wishes. Kenneth Liegner
Assuming that slave owners (that is, American colonists who purchased slaves from slave owners) were flawed because they followed the dictates and standards of their time, will people who buy homes with gas stoves be considered flawed in the future?
No person is perfect. They were men of their times. John Adams never owned a slave and felt the Revolution wouldn't be complete without abolition. Washington freed his slaves upon his death. Moreover, when he took command in Boston, he changed his mind about banning black troops. Even George III was forced to admit Washington was unique in refusing absolute power. Jefferson was the most vexing; he knew slavery was wrong yet persisted in slave owning. Yet the world would be a very different and darker place without Jefferson's soaring rhetoric. Would that we had such "flawed" leaders today!
You know Kenneth, I HEAR what you are saying about not being perfect. Of course, NONE of us are perfect and not expected to ever reach that state here on Earth.
However, I feel it important to point out that in THEIR world, living as an influential and intelligent land owner in Pioneer America it was a way of life they all KNEW and accepted as a society. Owning slaves, having indentured servants, the wife being sub-serviant to the husband, spanking kids, having tenant farmers pay YOU to raise crops on your land was the patriarchal society they lived in. It was life. Just as life in the Dark Ages, to THEM seemed barbaric and wrong, life in the days of Revolutionary America and Europe may appear so too. It is simply the way things were. This does not make them into a civilization that, from the present day view, is "wrong". . . It is what it IS. I simply am not annoyed at ALL by the fact Washington and other founding fathers had slaves. It is this kind of thinking that sets one up for the argument for reparations for all living blacks because ancestors were sold into the slave trade by their OWN black cousins on the Gold Coast of Africa.
Consider how generations from now, others will pontificate on OUR lives and society?
...From your basic premise vis-'a-vis the "deeply flawed" character of mankind, to the malignant growth of the "administrative state" - thanks to the self-styled "Colonel" Edward Mandel House - author of: Phillip Dru "Administrator"- the blue print for the 'modern' administrative state. House was "Presidential assistant" to Democratic President Woodrow Wilson, who initiated the beginning of the ever-expanding un-elected and un-accountable bureaucratic Leviathan which de facto rules uber allus
in the (now) U.S.S.A., circa 2023 AD.
With FEW exceptions in their histories, the "Two-Political Parties" - who trade power back and forth - are in reality - no matter WHAT their "platform's" exclaim, are de facto headed in the EXACT SAME direction: When in power the so-called "Democrats" SPRINT towards the abyss of absolute STATE SOCIALISM; and the so-called "Republicans" merely JOG - but in the EXACT same direction of absolute STATE SOCIALISM.
Both parties use the rubric of "equality" as the touchstone of their bona fides; however, of late, the so-called "Democrats" have upped the "equality" ante (formerly meaning equality of OPPORTUNITY) now morphed into "EQUITY", meaning absolute equality of OUTCOME in ALL aspects of 'living' on planet earth, which UNDERSCORES Hanna Arendt's prescient comment on EVIL as being related to inveterate thoughtlessness.
Being that this (former) Republic has morphed into a Democracy (Mobocracy); and that ALL democracies in history imploded at about the two century mark, it well may be, as Dr. Malone laments, that America has reached its apogee; and the 'tipping point' cannot be halted - let alone reversed.
One thing is for certain, ONE-WORLD-TRANSNATIONAL Government is NOT a panacea; and if implemented will only make things worse via UNIVERSAL tyranny - in the name of equality.
Well thank youi My understanding of all this has been based on the insight that in an heirarchical organization, a bureaucracy, each little decision gets magnified and distorted until the whole mess must collapse. We are left with the task of governing the "commoms" to avoid the tragedy of collapse and to this end I am looking at the work of Elinor Ostrom and the decision processes championed by Sociocracy For All
Great thoughtful post as usual. I could go on, but took my builders license biannual course today, and watched a video of a group of five people discussing new insulation codes coming to Massachusetts. The lead speaker with a gleam in her eye opened up how absolutely wonderful these new stretch codes were, that 300 communities of the 350 have adopted them and this is what they have been pushing for years. As I watched the video, I felt like I was being indoctrinated into this small group, who probably never built anything with their own two hands, and listening I could only think it’s the end of a large, large section of my business. They just made every good sized addition or large home renovation drastically out priced for 90 percent of my customers. The other 10 percent probably won’t see the value of the new pricing this will force into the market. With these small powerful groups, there always seems to be the unforeseen consequences the public is brought to bear when these non productive educated self appointed dictates are put into these positions. They can’t see the devastating effects of the mandates they place on industry because of their ignorance. It has been so evident through the entire Covid (vaccine) pandemic, that the small group has devastated a large piece of the populations trust of medicine so that the industry is ruined. Ruined by this small group. It also has shown how weak the medical participants are to have gone along with it. I can only predict that these small groups will be the first victims of the large change coming when the wheels fall off the bus. J.Goodrich
Agree with you about these stupid codes. Just had a royal pain in the tush replacing an outside water faucet because a "change in the code" said I could not put one back like it was. I suspect many of these codes are to hammer do it yourselfers
These new insulation codes will make brand new renovated areas of your house have to be removed and disposed of if you thought of adding or renovate in certain percentage. Imagine brand new Anderson 400 windows have to be removed and changed if you decided to put an addition on. The energy and money waisted on these brand new windows you installed a year ago. It’s insane. No one will add or renovate in these percentages of square feet or renovated area.
'Change in code' is code language for mandates. Next, no one will be able to sell their home without upgrades to include these mandates. I bought an older two-story home in Salem OR that had been one the market for two years (2007-2009). The seller was forced to change the outdoor faucets because they lacked a back flow device.
These are mandates and will increase the cost of a new say 3000 square ft house, to build, at least 100,000 dollars. That’s the increase to the builder.
Twenty years down the road it will be (re) discovered this new insulation causes deadly allergies. There will be few windows since none really keep the cold out. Counties, townships, cities will eventually write code limiting the size of homes. Foot print on valuable land you know. BTW, my Salem house was on well water so the outside faucet issue never would have cause contamination to the city water supply. Did not matter.
Now witness the upshot hockey stick trajectory of luxury larger RV motor homes encampments south of the frost belt. Reserve one now. Sigh......
In Canada they propose doing what they have already done in the UK: giving homes an energy rating which will in turn de-value older homes. Housing has become so expensive because of the so-called "greening" of the Building Code that we're very close to a situation where only the well-to-do can afford to build new.
Variations of this have been going on for a long, long time. For example, environmental assessments. I own an industrial property that's been in my family since the late 60's. I had to do an enviro. asmt. about 6 years ago and a section of my property had some minor contamination (minor back then) that fortunately did not require remediation. It was the result of work my city did (landfill of swampy areas). Doesn't matter that the city did this but if ever cleanup is required, it will come from my pocket.
Then there was the issue of 'green belts'. These are rural areas that the provincial gov decreed were to be left as green space, i.e., no construction. People who owned land in these areas saw the land value plummet when these decrees were made. Recently, the zonings were changed. Imagine that, land values dropped so someone in the know could have picked up these parcels for a good price and then presto, zoning changes and it's zoned for construction!
Don't you guys know that the WEF considers problematic that too many people own their homes in some EU countries?
Or the idea of limiting or mandating the amounts of square footage of window area per square footage of interior space of dwelling/residence.
That is one objective, another big pushed issue was using electric everything stoves, EV’s, Heat, etc. I stayed a few minutes after the class and asked a couple questions. The instructor was a really good guy. He was a former contractor business owner,
PE, licensed builder, and after retired became an inspector on cape cod. I questioned the way electric is produced with coal and to me it’s the most inefficient energy. I also think if your not a upstanding citizen they can shut you off. I’ll stick to my gasoline efficient trucks and cars.
Tooooo dependent on one form of energy that has been already showing signs of abuse and un-sustainability and this bizzaro advocation to power the planet by Volts. Rotsa Ruck w/dat.
How come everything I think I need...Always comes with Batteries??? John Mayer lyric line.
Fauci said in 2017 that Trump would most certainly be dealing with a global pandemic during his term in office.
Any explanation of how the pandemic response evolved must account for this.
I strikes me as non banal.
Event 201 also seems non banal.
The list could go on.
Doc. You gotta' get reliable fix-it contractor; one who will not insist on covering every code-- but who KNOWS the code. OR,
like me, just do it yourself and do what you want. Electrical code is really nuts. Built a new home in 2017 and they put in a bunch of elec. receptacles that, without pressing with about 20 #'s force could not put a plug into-- NEW code design! Lots of $25 breakers replaced the old ones($5); the added benefit is they would kick out if they sensed an "arc". I found they also failed, completely, and one of them failed on a freezer full of food. I was lucky I caught it before the temp raised much. Needless to say, the new breaker is a $5 breaker, without a $20 arc detector circuit, and it provides the same protection breakers have provided for the last 60 years in America.
Now you have to wire an EV outlet to your garage or to a parking space. Also run a 30 amp wire to your stove even if you have a gas stove!!!!
Be careful of EV outlet load. You may have to up the service from 100A to 200A to accomodate the extra load.
Where I live, if we accommodate an electric vehicle plug-in for every home, the grid will crash. We simply don't have the power infrastructure in place. But they continue to push! I guess they'll deal with it when the grid crashes and people freeze to death. This is the reason many of us will NEVER give up our woodburning fireplaces and stoves.
Ontario announced they are starting planning on more nuclear reactors. I did a calculation a little while back that if every existing generator in ontario was running we just had enough 24/7 power to power a practical number of electric cars hooked up to chargers. However with normal outages, electric heat pumps being added to the load, the unknown load of future electric cars, etc. we would fall short. So Ontario seems to be planning for that future with nuclear power. The load won't be here for about 15 years or so so no need to worry about the future today in Ontario. Now California is a different situation.
By the way, my earlier comment had to do with house service as Ontario tried to implement the EV plug in a couple of years ago then took it out of the code. The basic load of a house with an electric stove, dryer and 2 ton AC and 1500 sq ft is 6000 + 1500 + 6000 + 3000 = 16,500W. Add a 6000W EV charger and you are up to 22500W which is 3000W over the limit for a 100A service (19600W).
So unless you put in an approved energy management controller you need a 200A service upgrade.
This is one new mandate (code) one a new home…
they are to.justify the meaning of these " politicians " jobs
James Goodrich wrote: ". . . how weak the medical participants are to have gone along with it." We need doctors and nurses. Don't ask other professions to do this work. However, the great majority of doctors, worldwide, did not object - and in many or most cases actively supported - the official COVID-19 responses which killed millions.
Doctors and nurses are a crucial profession whose majority worked with the majority of others to enact the official response, including: avoidance, denigration and banning of nutritional and early treatment approaches (except as profitable, not very safe or effective, highly profitable, treatments emerged, such as monoclonal antibodies, Remdesivir, Molnupirivir and Paxlovid), coaxing, scaring and forcing most of the population to accept the untested, unsafe, not very effective mRNA and adenovirus vector gene therapy quasi-vaccines (the Novavax vaccine is not much better), social distancing, lockdowns, masks, censorship of public discourse and banning doctors from freely discussing and prescribing treatments other than those officially approved.
The other professions whose majorities enabled and continue to enable this ongoing cluster of crimes against humanity are the mainstream media, health system administrators, immunologists, epidemiologists, virologists and vaccinologists.
A small fraction of doctors and nurses and mainstream media journalists have strongly opposed this. However, most members of all these professions continue to actively support the crimes depicted in this article's diagram. My short term for all this is "corrupted, groupthunk ineptitude".
The UN definition of crimes against humanity does not require overall specific intent. So it is sufficient to identify egregious dereliction of professional duty as constituting such a crime, when the harm and death which results is so extensive and indiscriminate that it meets the UN's definition,
Even for medical professionals who did not know that most people have only a fraction of the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune system needs to function (see the research cited and discussed at: there is no excuse whatsoever for acceding to and supporting the ban on inexpensive early treatment, the censorship, the false promotion and forcing of quasi-vaccines etc.
There needs to be a reckoning. We can't afford to lose more doctors and nurses, but the majority has to be held accountable so they change their ways. Otherwise, they will continue to enact these horrors in general, even if they eventually wake up to vitamin D and other nutrients, just as it took the majority decades to wake up to handwashing and the harm caused by smoking. The central problem is the groupthink, steered into corruption by the multinational pharmaceutical companies.
Doctors are probably the world's most insecure and most groupthink-prone profession. I wish I could be optimistic about changing this for the majority. I will write more about this problem, but for now, please see my article in support of UK MP Andrew Tridgen's statement that the whole pandemic response (I assume he was referring to this, not just the quasi-vaccines) "is the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust":
I later updated this article when I found that I had not considered Mao Zedong's 1960 to 1962 Great Leap Forward. This was estimated to have killed 30 to 40 million people, which is around twice the toll of the Holocaust, by an expansive definition. I am not sure that COVID-19 (which should have been suppressed with vitamin D etc. and so killed very few people, and which never would have spread in a pandemic fashion if most people had been supplementing vitamin D3 properly) and the pandemic response has killed 30 million people, but perhaps it has, or will as the disaster continues.
Reading your article now. I agree with you 1000 %. My wife is an OR nurse in Boston and was forced to take 3 shots. I worry every day but can’t say much because she is angry it happened against her will.
When our loved ones and close friends suffer or are threatened with oppression, harm and death, the impact of these crimes is inescapable and personal. With the possible exception of isolated communities, every person on Earth's life has been blighted by these crimes, even if they and all the people they know were never infected or subject to maltreatment. In Western nations, the great majority of people, including some children and infants, have had their own cells (Which cells? Any type, anywhere . . .) suddenly programmed to produce a close facsimile of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein protruding from their cell membranes - for the express purpose of giving the immune system target practice.
The mainstream view of the past, which only some people struggle to improve upon, clearly identifies great crimes, with the perpetrators all infamous and made conspicuous by their Black Hats. The reality was surely more complex.
Now we have a pervasive program of oppression, harm and death enacted not by a single Black Hat team - such as the government of North Korea or Russia - but by a coalition of the majorities of whole professions, worldwide. Only a subset of these people can reasonably be accused of malign intent: most obviously those who profit from patented treatments and who use their money to corrupt medicine in order to enhance adoption of those treatments. That is blatantly evil, since every such person can easily find multiple less expensive, safer, more effective and better researched early treatments for COVID-19 at than their own product.
The rest of the majorities of these professions seem to be doing what they think is best, but egregiously avoid considering how wrong it is to suppress debate, and so to turbo-charge the very groupthink which has corralled them all into collectively committing or at least supporting a cluster of crimes against humanity.
There's a lot to think and write about this.
If doctors, nurses and immunologists had collectively being doing their job, they would all know about this 2014 research study in a Boston hospital which shows the risk of both surgical site and hospital acquired infections being 2.5% with pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels of 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L or more and rising precipitously with levels below that. A typical level for people who do not supplement vitamin D3 properly (0.125 mg 5000 IU a day for 70 kg body weight) is 18 ng/mL, which involves a 25% risk of each type of infection.
These grossly weakened innate and adaptive immune responses against the bacteria which cause most post-operative infections are *normal* in the great majority of the population. Most doctors and nurses do nothing about it because they do not know it exists. They do not know it because most doctors and nurses cannot imagine it to be true, so they never read any research which shows this. Suggest it to most most medical professions and the concept goes straight to the spam folder in their brains.
If they all knew this, then they would urge people to supplement vitamin D3 properly - with about 10 x the quantities in the official guidelines. See proper quantities as ratios of bodyweight: .
Then, SARS-CoV-2 and influenza would not spread far and would only rarely harm or kill. Sepsis - which killed 11 million people in 2017 - would almost never occur in people with 50 ng/mL or more 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
Numerous research articles show the impact of normal, lousy, levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D on COVID-19 hospitalisation and death. The latest such research is from Slovakia: . Fig. 4 shows that hospitalised COVID-19 patients with 70 ng/mL 25-hydroxyvitamin D at admission had a 2% chance of dying, while those with 20 ng/mL had a 40% chance. Some people have only 5 ng/mL, and so have a 65% chance of dying.
If the medical profession was doing its job, they would all know to boost 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels safely over 50 ng/mL in 4 hours, in all clinical emergencies involving people who have not been properly supplementing vitamin D3 for several months. This can be done with a single oral dose of 0.014 mg of calcifediol - which _is_ 25-hydroxyvitamin D. This goes straight into circulation and so enables the immune system to work properly. Virtually none of them know this.
Only a tiny proportion of medical professionals know the next best approach - 10 mg 400,000 IU vitamin D3 calcifediol (for 70kg BW). This takes about 4 days due to the need for hydroxylation in the liver. See Prof. Wimalwansa's article "Rapidly Increasing Serum 25(OH)D Boosts the Immune System, against Infections - Sepsis and COVID-19", and .
This pervasive ignorance and groupthink kills millions - even before COVID-19. It has been amplified in the madness of crowds pandemic hysteria, whipped up by governments, corrupt companies and many well-meaning professionals and non-professionals who sincerely believe that this fear, and the widespread acceptance of quasi-vaccines, really is the best way to save lives.
I am about to read "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" (Charles Mackay 1941) and two recent articles: and From the latter:
"Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than wickedness. Evil can be protested against, exposed, and, if necessary, it can be prevented by force. Evil always harbors the germ of self-destruction by inducing at least some uneasiness in people. We are defenseless against stupidity. Nothing can be done to oppose it, neither with protests nor with violence. Reasons cannot prevail. Facts that contradict one's prejudice simply don't need to be believed, and when they are inescapable, they can simply be brushed aside as meaningless, isolated cases. In contrast to evil, the stupid person is completely satisfied with himself."
"The central problem is the groupthink, steered into corruption by the multinational pharmaceutical companies." I agree with the balance of what you say but do not believe this. Big Pharma is pawn. DoD.
Again, it sounds conspiracy-theory like but many experienced people(Dr. P McCullough for example) have pointed out the DoD / FBI has engineered the response. It may be they even engineered the Wuhan virus escape too, Who knows?
I can't think of any reason why rational people, in the full light of day, would allow the release of, or deliberately release, any GoF engineered virus like SARS-CoV-2. However, people are not always rational according to the definitions of others, so I can't rule out any such deliberate action. Accidental lab escape seems much more likely. All that is required is for the virus to infect a lab worker, or get out of the lab on their clothing, or body, or on lab waste which is not properly decontaminated, and that is it.
Andrew Huff, in his book "The Truth About Wuhan", considers both a single lab escape and multiple escapes, implicitly of different variants. He concludes in favour of multiple lab escapes, based - as best I can tell after reading the whole book, and this section especially - on his understanding of the initial diversity of the wild variants as the resuling infections spread through the Wuhan population and to other countries via the World Military Games participants.
However, he does not mention the details of any such genetic diversity of variants. Andrew Huff is a super bright, totally dedicated, widely experienced PhD epidemiologist. His opinion should not be discounted too easily - but for now I do not assume that there was more than one lab escape, because he does not provide any evidence which supports this hypothesis.
I do not at present have a clear enough understanding of the timeline of infection according to all the knowledge available publicly in the West. I recall there were reports of infections in WiV staff. That doesn't mean I can easily find the reports of this in my thousands of bookmarks or saved files over the last few years.
I am not sure how early diversity of variants in August (was it that early?), September (likewise - but by late October in the World Military Games, Wuhan was apparently like a ghost town, due presumably to an infection which had been going for some weeks or more) and certainly October, November and December 2019 can be used to argue for multiple lab escapes of different, or even the same, variant, since it is reasonable to expect some level of genetic diversification in the population even from a single escape of a single variant.
So at present I favour a single lab escape, which was not at all intentional.
Andrew Huff's chapter on the early timeline of COVID-19 seems to me rather disjointed, repetitive in a few places and difficult to follow as a clear timeline. I haven't looked properly for one, but I don't know of a really detailed, complete, timeline of what we know or can reasonably think about regarding the 2019 series of events in Wuhan, the observations regarding COVID-19 infections, and antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in blood samples from the time in other countries.
Andrew Huff writes the the US Military has had an interest in mRNA quasi-vaccines since the mid-2010s or so (I can't remember how long) because this the only way of developing (quasi-)vaccines and perhaps other kinds of treatment very rapidly. He explains that because of this, and their own inability to research and develop the production facilities at the hundreds of millions and billions of doses level which would be required in a pandemic or biological warfare attack, that they have long been interested in - and I think funded (through DARPA or somehow indirectly through the NIH) - the ability of the pharmaceutical companies to develop and mass-produce mRNA treatments.
I have also read multiple times, from people such as Sasha Latypova that in the USA, that the mRNA COVID-19 quasi-vaccines remain the property of the Department of Defense until the moment they are injected. I have not tried to verify this, but I assume it is true since she seems to be an expert in pharmaceutical contracts.
I agree with you that the US DoD is a significant force behind the push for mRNA treatments in general and these COVID-19 quasi-vaccines in particular. That money and pressure surely drives the mRNA-producing pharma companies, but overall, even without this, I don't see the pharma companies as merely a pawn of the US DoD. The pharma companies are forever pushing their expensive, patented, treatments and disparaging less expensive alternatives. The mRNA injections are a spectacular example of this, being so widely used, so widely pushed by the government, so profitable and so well protected from lawsuits arising from adverse events.
The fact that the DoD is still so gung-ho about mRNA injections, even for their own people, despite clear signs of problems such as with pilots ( can be at least partly explained by their continuing profound strategic interest in the development and widespread acceptance of mRNA injections.
In this current article, Robert Malone attempts to characterise the primary impetus behind the whole COVID-19 response. However, while the USA has in many ways lead the global response, the Chinese and Russian response has been no better. The CCP has pursued the same approach as most other countries: vaccines, lockdowns to the most extreme degrees, masks and, as far as we know, *no* attempt to use any of the inexpensive early treatments listed at Only a few developing countries, or states within India, have tried a proper widespread use of Ivermectin. No country or state has properly raised 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels rapidly with calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D) (apart from some trials and widespread use in Cordoba, Spain:
So I think his attempt to explain the US response is overly-focused on the USA itself. I agree that some or many countries - especially the USA - is struggling under an accretion of layers of mistaken legislative and other types of rules and regulations, but I do not think this is the central cause of the disastrous global pandemic response.
Labeling this evil as banal, unthinking, stupid or whatever is a step forwards relative to assuming (as many do) that evil (or at least human-caused destruction by any means) on such a scale must be the work of powerful people acting deliberately. However, these approaches do not seem to explain the underlying mechanisms - except to a small extent as they open up the possibility of mass hysteria, madness of crowds, groupthink etc. being crucial to such disastrous actions.
I am pursuing a line of enquiry about how it is that the majority of so many professions, worldwide, came to think and act so destructively, in concert. Groupthink is the central process at work, I think - though it has surely been steered by corruption and extreme vaccineophiles such as Anthony Fauci and Peter Hotez.
If a majority of even one branch of these professions - or even a noisy enough minority - had taken a decisive stand against the entire locked-together multi-profession groupthink which drives the pandemic response, then the whole thing would have fallen apart, like a house of cards - or even a burst balloon!
For instance, if a suitably influential subset of the mainstream media in the USA, Australia, Belgium or whatever - or such as subset of immunologists or doctors, even in a single Western country, had acted decisively to reject the censorship and the interlocking destructive elements of the mainstream response, the whole thing would have fallen apart by now.
This has not happened. The groupthink has been very strong. It is policed by the government, its agencies and by many members of all these professions. It is also policed by ordinary people, such as via their social media reposts and original statements. In Robert Malone's recent Friday Funnies article: is an illustration depicting groupthink policing by motor mower. I can't find the original source of this. I believe this illustration is most instructive regarding the COVID-19 response and many other disastrous mistakes.
Same thing happening in Canada. Due to the so-called "greening" of the Building Code, additions must be built to the new standards at great expense while the heat goes out the older windows and walls in the older portion of the home. It makes no sense. New builds are getting so expensive only the well heeled can afford new homes and house prices are being driven so high that young people in some areas will never be able to afford a home. Meanwhile we have abundant supplies of inexpensive natural gas and have no need for any of this madness except our government doesn't view clean-burning natural gas as "green" enough and is working to shut it in. The world has gone mad.
"while the heat goes out the older windows and walls in the older portion of the home. It makes no sense"
It makes no sense because often there are ulterior unwritten motives, for instance if one goal is to limit home size for the Middle/Working class families. Of course, to say it like this wouldn't be possible, therefore any subterfuge will do, usually by prizing them out.
I know it conspiracy theory-like but could it be that maybe their long-held plan is to force new gen's into denser apartment systems, limiting single family homes, while providing only ONE energy source?
Near total control evolves quietly into the hands of a totalitarian government. No revolution required.
Eventually, most of the populous will be housed together with a simple local electrical OFF switch if a need comes to influence that block of "taxpayers."
In Ontario, Canada they initiated a plan many years ago to update the building code requirements at each cycle (appx 7-10 years per cycle) so that by 2030 all homes could be net zero. Some net zero houses are presently being built and you will see more and more as the years go by. That is the backround to the increasingly expensive energy efficient requirements of the building code. The Canadian National Building Code used in most provinces is similar and the source for many of the upgrades. They US probably has similar requirements.
In theory if a house has R40 insulation in the wall, R80 in the roof, good vapour and air barriers and a few windows facing south with overhang to block sun in the summer, you can achieve close to net zero with good design.
plus one more thing: Forced mechanical ventilation. Unfortunately, it is really hard(and expensive) to do this and at the same time keep CO2 levels below 1000 ppm-- outside CO2 is about 500ppm.
The thing is net zero is a fools game due to the law of diminishing returns. To get that last 10 or 20% of heat loss removed you pay a LOT more per sq ft. All making it harder for any single family home affordable to most people. AGAIN, making the economic decision "easier" to live in dense housing instead!
Your post reminds me of a Series on Amazon Prime: Clarkson's Farm. What a Hoot.
Jeremy Clarkson is a "car guy" and famous in UK. In his series he shows the unbelievable bureaucracy and red tape there to "do" things with your property. You think the US is bad. . . holy cow. It is devastating over there. But, he makes it funny.
He owns a large farm, has a farm business mgr, a Main Farm hand(Caleb), and a pretty tall wife. He puts all kinds of money into this place and reveals how the books show he isn't making a. . . shilling.
I, too, have watched all of Clarkson’s Farm episodes to date and it is a marvelous “hoot.” The amount of patience he exhibits when handling all the governmental regulation thrown his way is a lesson in perseverance. One episode this week showed him working while having Covid.
It sounds like me🙄.
This is one avenue to move us into 15 minute cities-outlaw the single family dwelling.
I despise doctors, and, now, probably always will.
Dr. Malone's thesis is the Covid crisis was created by a small group of evil medical men surrounded by incompetent stupid medical men who went along to get along. That is what his circles express. Someone needs to explain why Bill Gates gave a TED talk stating that 15% of the world population needs to be eliminated to save the earth and it doesn't smell of eugenics. That's the elimination of 1 BILLION humans. He also pushed sterilizing vaccines on African women and he is being sued for it. He also invested billions before the crisis in the vaccine manufacturers and sold before they crashed and made billions. Has anyone notice that his pals are Collins and Fauci and they love being together and telling jokes? He was welcomed into the CDC planning committee meetings before Covid because of what expertise? Funding WHO and etc? Look at the mega growth of the CDC and their inability to fix health issues including the flu since they ignore the role of the immune system. Fauci predicted with his crystal ball that a major infectious disease event would happen years before it came to fruition. In summary, this was all created by accident and there was no plan to create great harm? I propose that their was an alignment of interests between the CIA that wants to slow China global growth, the M/I complex that needs to grow their war machine, the eugenists with Gates being the Pied Piper that believes he can save the earth and make lots of money, the globalists who believe that with AI and their ability to HACK the human genome, they can better manage the earth with a one world corporate government and we will not need a massive number of workers. That smells of eugenics too!
In the meantime, the march goes on and we have not stopped the injections and the new more evil Dr. Hoetz is taking control. He claims 200,000 lives were lost in the US because of the 30% of the population was not injected. No recognition of the lives lost to the wrong medical treatment and the great harm and deaths from the mRNA hackable injections that the FDA now approved for injection into our children. They reprogram cellular function for what reason and are not a vaccine because Dr. Malone figured out how to trick the immune system so the body's immune system would not react to the injection. Ushering in a new more profitable way of treating disease states for Big Pharma. The evil is growing and the masses are continuing to be gas lighted. Shouldn't we be calling out these evil men for what they are and not punishing the truth seekers? Did Dr. Malone get the injections to go along and get along? Here is the story on Dr. Hoetz.
It is difficult to know the truth of this tangled web, as in where, when, and how it all began; but, imho, all these nut jobs needed money to enact their evil deeds; therefore, Bill Gates is a good place to start.
Not only did he fuel the evil ideas of these evil people, he then goes off and bangs a bunch of recently legal, hard-up, destitute, bribed, little chickies on a private island.
(As a woman myself, how unaware is/was Melinda? Really?)
No. You don't get to do this.
He is a mass murderer run rampant. How is he any different than Idi Amin, or Jim Jones?
Stop the Madness!
People are being slaughtered, wholesale.
It's not funny anymore.
It is an association likes. They all share the common denominator of being sociopaths
My sympathies go out to you. I'm a retired contractor and live now in CA where the state mandated that all footings be undercut 4' below the bottom of the footing and a road type base be put back in and compacted to 95%. This requires soils testing with each 18" lift being compacted and tested. Or. one can put 3/4" washed gravel back in, which in my opinion and experience will create a sump for water and depending on the soil, result in settling or expansion. This is throughout the state and no matter what type soil. This has added $15,000 to the cost of a friends 400S.F. addition. Along with other ignorant regulations this little project is costing them $250,000. And oh yes, we have to have anti siphon spigots also.
They've all gone mad, haven't they? Completely out of touch with reality.
I am so upset with all of these stupid edicts. When I listed my Salem OR home for sale in 2016 the realtor had her hubby come remove the insulation from my first floor electric water heater because it was against the most recent code and then he strapped it to the stairwell structure leading to the 2nd floor because during an earthquake it might tip over and spill water. There is a reason behind all these mandates and it has nothing to do with safety. That was the same year they told home owners in subdivision outside of Portland that they could divide their postage size lots so another house could be built because the area was running out of land. They are now building apartment complexes in single home areas. They force-stopped all city sprawl, readying Oregon for Agenda 21/30.
LOL, so what exactly do these weak and cowardly "go along with what the small group tells us to do" doctors think is going to happen moving forward? Do they not realize that the small group dictates fed into AI and inexpensive LVNs are going to replace the entire lot of them in the not so distant future? Cowardice has its price...
Maybe those types of docs will perish by attrition, but we will create an alternative universe such as we did in the Dark Ages, replete with catacombs and Irish scribes taking this all down. Just because they are rich, does not mean they are schmart.
I can only hope so. To date, they have always avoided virtually all consequences.
I think as they destroy industry after industry, eventually there has to be backlash to the non productives making these mandates.I also hope, the sooner the better.
That's because people are still agreeing to use the legal 'system'. When the final death gasps are heard from that, the consequences will be swift.
James, it seems you hijacked a good portion of Dr. Malone's substack on this day! That's hard to do, so congrats.
Was sort of thinking the same thing. He certainly struck a common cord.
Yes. Just proves we all believe that the oppression of liberty appears in most aspects of our lives.
Garbage truck salesmen ....with mouths' full of samples.
Very very expensive samples.
Safe and effective samples?
Where have I heard such things before?
Well written, Dr. Malone. Thank you! The last three years the Lord has taken me on a journey of much needed personal repentance, surrender of my own 'throne' to His Kingship, and a deep and personal understanding His Holiness, grace, mercy and GOODNESS. I think this is what the world, one person at a time, needs as well. God bless you and give you His peace.
We are all to blame for what has happened to us. We have lost our moral compass. We look for the hero to save us while missing the fact that the hero lies within every living soul.
Indeed Julian, so true. Alex De Touqeville, a French historian who wrote Democracy in America in the early 1800’s. Whether he actually wrote it or not, a quote attributed to him says that “America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great”. There are great evil forces at work, and Dr. Malone and his wife Dr. Jill are heroes in this battle for truth. Those of us that know the truth must run the race to the best of our ability. Do not grow weary in well doing ....carry on!
Like living in the Bermuda Triangle. No longer can you trust any compass headings as there is an unseen force that is formidable and perilous. Hardly "safe and effective!" 3 words of doom.
Brilliant. I still think you should go into publishing, so a wider swath of the public can read you, as well as all the great thinkers you introduce us to.
My thinking aligns more with Dr. Wolfe's, that there is an evil that has penetrated society. Only a tiny percent of Jews practice Judaism, and what does He do to his chosen when they abandon their faith? And most Christians do not practice theirs's either. Martin Luther said that G-D created Islam as a punishment to Christians for their sinful ways. The same can be said of socialism. I do know that since Marx postulated socialism and his followers spread it, regardless if it was communist socialism, national socialism, Trotskyism, Maoism, or any of the other -ism's, mass death and destruction has followed. I think that the fact that the last three years has seen amazing convergence and coordination between the people who support the -ism's cannot be explained by mere coincidence, but rather by people who share totalitarian, anti Judeo-Christian and misanthropic beliefs, and work like fire ants in a mound or bees in a colony to achieve them. What seems to unite them is their paganism and/or atheism and their deep seated and held hatred of all Judeo-Christian beliefs, and of those who hold them.
But what do I know. I'm like the blind man who is touching a small part of an elephant and trying to figure out what it is. I just try to keep my faith in G-D, but I do keep my powder dry.
Danny Huckabee
"share totalitarian, anti Judeo-Christian and misanthropic beliefs..."
You are so right, thats the common denominator, just three examples:
1a. Genesis: "God created them male and female"
1b. Western Globalist: " gender is a social construct and many genders exist...."
2a- God created men with free will
2b. Klaus, Harari and pals: men is a huckable animal without free will
3a. Judeo-Christian family model:
monogamy with mother, father and children,
3b. Western globalist: anything but the above, erase morherhood from the vocabulary.
An example of a very eager worker bee for globalist ideologies I had the misfortune to meet in my workplace:
Chair of Foreign Language Department in a very busy HS, Union Representative and host of the Atheist Club in HS.
Yes, the Atheist club for kids. Appaling I thought, gee... he has to be so busy (like all of us teachers were), plus Union Rep dutis and yet he has the extra energy to host the Atheist Club? 🤔 ....
Pass forward one year later, the guy was cought with child pornography and having a sexual relationship with a 13 years old underprivileged boy for whom he was the Court Advocate. That explained things for me.
That behavior of your atheist associate does not surprise me. As Chesterton said, if you don't believe in G-D, you can believe in anything, or nothing. That's one of the reason why all of the well-known socialists, Mao, Hitler, Beria, Castro, all the Kims, Stalin, Rohlm, Lenin, and so many others have been sexual deviants of one sort or the other, mostly straight but some gay, plus have been murderous sociopaths (I'm not a dr. but I use this term to cover those who have intense hatred of humans).
The evil ones have been planning for many years...
Trevor Loudon of New Zealand spent time in Salem OR about 11 or 12 years ago. He would give talks at our AFP meetings. He watched as his country was overtaken by commies, literally. He has been trying to warn us it has already happened to us and he produces the receipts to prove it. I have many videos of his but lately he is writing books. Here is a 10 minute intro video to two of his recent books about our Senators. Please watch. You will drop your jaw, guaranteed. Simply amazing that youtube keeps this up for viewing.
Thanks, saw that, will pass on - not surprised the way things are now - crystal clear, the dark side is in charge of our country and world. Thinking boomers are going to need to show the younger set how to fight, since it does not seem to be anything they understand. Hope that's even possible. Not much else out there, besides divine intervention. Not sure we have earned that yet...
Danny. Great post.
In regards to the accumulated legislative baggage: In one of Robert Heinlein's novels, one of his characters was proposing possible forms of government. He suggested that each law passed would be required to be paired with the repeal of a law already on the books. I've always liked that idea. If only it were possible.
President Trump was on the right track we he decreed that every time a new regulation went into effect, an old one would be removed. In our bloated and inefficient Federal government, every time a new person is hired, ten should be removed.
I had thought of another way to stop the madness of piling up law after law upon our backs - require that for every page of normal size font and double spaced lines, one 24 hour day review is allowed. So if these plutocrats put out a 500 page bill, We The People have 500 days to review it.
I think Trump talked of this.
Excellent article, lots to ponder there. On a bright note, someone on Twitter recently posed the question "When will everybody admit the whole Covid-19 'pandemic' response was a scam?" and Elon responded "Its coming", which prompted over 10M views of the tweet - the responses were fascinating and people are FINALLY opening their eyes to the evil pulled over on us.
Whoa Nellie: Has everyone heard of the EU Commission’s Code of Practice on Disinformation? Does anyone remember Ursula von der Leyen? The EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA), was passed by the European Parliament last July 5. The EU’s “Fighting Covid-19 Disinformation” program was launched within the DSA framework. Under the Code, Twitter and other online platforms and search engines have assumed commitments to combat – i.e. suppress – what the European Commission deems to be “misinformation” or “disinformation.” Don’t think this does not apply within the U.S. So long as Twitter wants to remain on the EU market, it cannot say no to the demands of the European Commission. The enforcement mechanism that renders the Code of Practice obligatory is the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA). The DSA gives the European Commission power to impose fines of up to 6% percent of GLOBAL turnover on platforms that it finds to be in violation of the Code.
Ya gotta' send this to Karmela-- She loves Venn Diagrams so much!
This is way, *way* over her bobbling head.
yep, well. . . except for the Venn diagram. Uuuuuuh. I will take that back this one has a LOT of big words with implications. . . Simplification required.
LOL great suggestion!
I was thing the same, she loves them so much that the actual content would escape her😂
Excellent piece. Our founders were courageous to attempt to form a government that would not go down the path of bureaucratic obesity which I fear is leading us to an infarction that will bring an end to this experiment in ordered liberty. And you rightly ask, "who is behind all this?" The fact that each leader in the western world seemed to march lock step in line COVID mania suggests that it was planned and executed by a super strategist to bring down Western civilization, or change it along the lines of the nightmare fantasy of Yuval Harari. You rightly sense the evil behind all this but fall short to name it. And you also correctly observe that the various claimants to the perverted throne of the WEF/WHO/NWO do not have the intelligence to pull this off. One is left with only one alternative, which is to recognize the claw of the personified evil being who has the intelligence and the long term vision to see the plan through to the end. He is the foe of Christianity/Judaism and has schemed from the beginning of time to destroy that which God loves, His creation. There is no other conclusion that explains all the data. Fortunately, the story doesn't end with him.
and the time came ..... to destroy those who destroy the earth. Rev 11:18
If I had seen this before my comment I would not have needed to comment.
WEF/WHO/NWO. . . AND . . . DoD/FBI
Wow, Doc, that is a lot to unpack on a Saturday afternoon.
But I think you captured it all in your observation that the only fair and enduring government is the one envisioned by our Founders and set down in our Constitution. A limited government of limited power, utterly subservient to the people.
I would add one more observation. The essence of the American character has always been a rebellious streak. The ability to question and to tell petty tyrants and busybodies to go F themselves. (sorry for the vulgarity but it's just easier). It has always set us apart and the more unassimilated people we let in the more diluted our national character becomes.
So now we have devolved into a bunch of servile cowards - people so foolish and stupid that they wear face diapers outdoors on a sunny June day or driving alone in their cars. That they do these things as a badge of honor and fealty to the state or party is even more cowardly and craven. Hopefully we can recapture - or enough of us can summon the courage - shown on an early spring morning in 1775. If not, we are truly lost.
All so's just easier...
From the beginning of time we have had righteousness and evilness. The evil always wants to control the righteous. Is it guilt ? Is it envy? What makes a man or woman become evil?
The Constitution of the USA I believe , is a gift from God. A document that provides freedom of choice and accountability for wrong. Where the powers are split between 3 branches, so that no one person has absolute power. This keeps us save from tyranny.
So we as citizens need to fight to preserve our Constitution. If our Constitution is over thrown the whole world will implode. Keep strong. Keep the faith. Remember God is in charge. Thank you Drs Malone for all that you do.
Amen, and thank you for your comment. If evil is banal, it seeps into whatever space righteousness abandons like water finding its own level. If evil is designed, righteousness must expose it, fight it, and soundly defeat it. I believe evil is designed and often disguised as banal. No matter which, we’re being called to a new Great Awakening. The Church—by which I mean we, the Body of Christ—have work to do: turn to God, live in righteousness, propagate that in others, hold firm to the Sword of Truth, and train warriors. Yes, God is in control, with one big IF I will cite every chance I get: “IF my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14. God gave us control over the IF.
No if, God is and has been and will be always in control. We have this strange illusion that we can control our destiny or that the evil one is in control of our destiny or that others are changing our destiny. But one only has to read all of Scripture to know God's will and His plan. His story will be complete and He will triumph in the end. For those who believe in Him and trust in Him, we will get to be there when He does.
I appreciate and understand that perspective, Kam. Yes, God can and does miraculously intervene here on Earth; the love, peace, and joy we experience come from knowing He has ultimate control; our hope comes from His promise to restore His kingdom; and even closet prayer warriors are vital to the cause. That’s all good news I think we agree on.
We seem to differ on what our role is in God's plan. I didn't invent and add the "if" clause in that passage, and a quibble over it would be a distraction. James 2:26 tells us that “faith without action is dead.” Christ’s teachings alone are saturated with actions He commands us to take here and now: love God, love your neighbor, go and sin no more, feed my sheep, be faithful to the end. More than ever before in our lifetimes, global madness requires us to pray and then get up off our knees and get to work. The fields are ripe and an immense harvest is waiting. Remember the last thing Christ in the flesh said on this planet? “Ready . . . set . . . GO make disciples! Baptize them. Teach them to love God and their neighbors. Teach them observe and obey.” We call them “commandments” and a "commission" because he expects us to DO them. He already did, and His Sprit, through His Word, motivates and empowers us to do the same. We're His hands and feet until He returns.
I think it’s exciting to know that God works TOGETHER with us (Romans 8:28). Let’s not get into the weeds. Let’s get into His Word, allow His Spirit to identify a customized assignment for each of us, and then just do it.
Blessings on ya!
Jesus was both a sheep and a lion when justice was involved. David Barton of Wallbuilders put out a video almost a year ago asking the faithful to run to the roar. Action is required in addition to prayers.
David Barton is an excellent example and teacher of what the “if” clause is all about. If each of us will read the Book for ourselves—because God doesn’t do that for us—He’ll show us how to come roaring back from this national sickness. We need to step up knowing that He has our backs, and we’ll have Him to thank for the Great Awakening we’re praying for. If not, His planet Earth will get so corrupt that He’ll come back and take names. We win either way, but He doesn’t expect us to be kneeling and standing around when He gets here. Not when His house is on fire.
Amen to all you said. I don't know how I put my comment but I don't disagree with you at all. Just that sometimes people get caught up in the world and forget these truths or the works they think they are supposed to do and not the works of God but of man. Love what you said though.
Man. Reasonable Horses.
THAT is a great post. . . and thank YOU!
Rosaries - the one great weapon that evil hates.
I appreciate this very much. Thank you, Drs. Malone.
My summary of your written thoughts which were very potent. There has not been one decade in written history empty of warnings – which are only used centuries later to say we should have known. One does not learn from someone else’s mistakes. The highs and lows of a generation that spawn sayings like ‘Never again’ and ‘Shinning City on a Hill’ do not inspire subsequent generations. Man’s daily presence cares only about rectifying his past and securing his future. "What experience and history teach us is this—that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it."[Hegel]
[Glubb Pasha]
1. The age of outburst (or pioneers).
2. The age of conquests.
3. The age of commerce.
4. The age of affluence.
5. The age of intellect.
6. The age of decadence.
7. The age of decline and collapse.
Are we in stage 7? Perhaps.
And IMO this cycle's length is tightly correlated to an empire's propensity to select out of their gene pool the most fit and industrious, and send them off to die in war. Only to leave the rest to replenish the national gene pool. Its basically eugenics in reverse. Do war (Civil) after war (WW1) after war (WW2) after war (Korean) after war (Viet Nam) and you pretty much end up where America is today, about 50/50 crazies to normals, which is the unstable tipping point of no return if the crazies continue to gain. IMO, this is one big reason the Bible says only make war with wise council. Its not like we're the first to experience this cycle. It goes back as far as civilizations at war.
Don't forget that new generations ALWAYS reject old ideas. I have the hope that they learn from the pain caused by those attempting the 'New World Order' and reject it.
I think lessons are internalized through emotion. The pain of an experience, whether individual or national, sears itself on the mind. Perhaps the reason old lessons are rejected by new generations is because those lessons do not come with personal experience of the attendant emotions. Pain, relief, whatever they may be. History is mostly learned through passive reading or viewing videos/images/etc.
I’m grappling with your term ‘lesson’. We learn not to touch hot stuff. We learn a parent might teach us a lesson. Mostly, I think we acknowledge there was a past - good, bad or indifferent but it did not happen to us. We have our own happenings and want to know why, so we start searching and the dust bin of history rises up in our face, much of it before our time, but not all. "We" being any generation.
Can an ‘old lesson’ be rejected if it was never a lesson to start with - it was just the past of others? Humans are not, and never were meant to carry and incorporate the burdens and ramifications of life before their time. However, many gifted individuals write, and have written in their own here and now, about the coming future, which their readers devoured as fiction – until it’s not. We’ve read some of those books, haven’t we?
You are a thinker Shelley. Love it.
Most of the folks here are. . .
Well, It appears Hegel, Glubb Pasha are not alone:
. . . this Falun Gong fellow has long believed it.
That was interesting or perhaps mind expanding. Probably why some people believe they have past lives. It's a shame though that the accumulation of rot demands destruction when not everyone has had enough lives to growth their worth.
Your comment brings to mind GOD.
Is HE laughing about the inanity of it all over the ages?
"What will it take for these humans to see and stop this never-ending cycle?"
Logical analysis. Paralegal researches of Katherine Watt are impressive, & if accurate, very damning. Concur w. Malone: Banality of Evil, & driven by Lust for Power over the lives of others & unrestrained Greed - . Can Americans resurrect the Constitutional Republic so wisely framed by our (like all humans) flawed Founders???
What was "flawed" about our Founders? Stop buying into absurdities and propaganda.
Well, the Founders of Our Republic and the Framers of our Constitution were AMAZING, but, they were not perfect. Jefferson, Washington were slave-owners. The Washingtons relentlessly pursued their escaped slaves - one - at least managed to escape to Freedom in New Hampshire - read 'Never Caught'. I've been plowing through Washington's primary papers as published in The Library of America. So wonderful to go to primary sources. So many little time!! Best wishes. Kenneth Liegner
Assuming that slave owners (that is, American colonists who purchased slaves from slave owners) were flawed because they followed the dictates and standards of their time, will people who buy homes with gas stoves be considered flawed in the future?
No person is perfect. They were men of their times. John Adams never owned a slave and felt the Revolution wouldn't be complete without abolition. Washington freed his slaves upon his death. Moreover, when he took command in Boston, he changed his mind about banning black troops. Even George III was forced to admit Washington was unique in refusing absolute power. Jefferson was the most vexing; he knew slavery was wrong yet persisted in slave owning. Yet the world would be a very different and darker place without Jefferson's soaring rhetoric. Would that we had such "flawed" leaders today!
Agree with you, Bruce Miller.
Thanks but you can also ignore me. Sometimes I'm just a disputatious pain in the ass.
You know Kenneth, I HEAR what you are saying about not being perfect. Of course, NONE of us are perfect and not expected to ever reach that state here on Earth.
However, I feel it important to point out that in THEIR world, living as an influential and intelligent land owner in Pioneer America it was a way of life they all KNEW and accepted as a society. Owning slaves, having indentured servants, the wife being sub-serviant to the husband, spanking kids, having tenant farmers pay YOU to raise crops on your land was the patriarchal society they lived in. It was life. Just as life in the Dark Ages, to THEM seemed barbaric and wrong, life in the days of Revolutionary America and Europe may appear so too. It is simply the way things were. This does not make them into a civilization that, from the present day view, is "wrong". . . It is what it IS. I simply am not annoyed at ALL by the fact Washington and other founding fathers had slaves. It is this kind of thinking that sets one up for the argument for reparations for all living blacks because ancestors were sold into the slave trade by their OWN black cousins on the Gold Coast of Africa.
Consider how generations from now, others will pontificate on OUR lives and society?
“Lies my Government Told Me, and the Better Future Coming”
Best book I've read in a while.
Thanks to the both of you for always arming me with the cognitive ammunition needed to navigate the battlefield that is day to day life.
Your thesis is spot-on, Dr. Malone.
...From your basic premise vis-'a-vis the "deeply flawed" character of mankind, to the malignant growth of the "administrative state" - thanks to the self-styled "Colonel" Edward Mandel House - author of: Phillip Dru "Administrator"- the blue print for the 'modern' administrative state. House was "Presidential assistant" to Democratic President Woodrow Wilson, who initiated the beginning of the ever-expanding un-elected and un-accountable bureaucratic Leviathan which de facto rules uber allus
in the (now) U.S.S.A., circa 2023 AD.
With FEW exceptions in their histories, the "Two-Political Parties" - who trade power back and forth - are in reality - no matter WHAT their "platform's" exclaim, are de facto headed in the EXACT SAME direction: When in power the so-called "Democrats" SPRINT towards the abyss of absolute STATE SOCIALISM; and the so-called "Republicans" merely JOG - but in the EXACT same direction of absolute STATE SOCIALISM.
Both parties use the rubric of "equality" as the touchstone of their bona fides; however, of late, the so-called "Democrats" have upped the "equality" ante (formerly meaning equality of OPPORTUNITY) now morphed into "EQUITY", meaning absolute equality of OUTCOME in ALL aspects of 'living' on planet earth, which UNDERSCORES Hanna Arendt's prescient comment on EVIL as being related to inveterate thoughtlessness.
Being that this (former) Republic has morphed into a Democracy (Mobocracy); and that ALL democracies in history imploded at about the two century mark, it well may be, as Dr. Malone laments, that America has reached its apogee; and the 'tipping point' cannot be halted - let alone reversed.
One thing is for certain, ONE-WORLD-TRANSNATIONAL Government is NOT a panacea; and if implemented will only make things worse via UNIVERSAL tyranny - in the name of equality.
Well thank youi My understanding of all this has been based on the insight that in an heirarchical organization, a bureaucracy, each little decision gets magnified and distorted until the whole mess must collapse. We are left with the task of governing the "commoms" to avoid the tragedy of collapse and to this end I am looking at the work of Elinor Ostrom and the decision processes championed by Sociocracy For All
We have a lot to un learn and more to learn because most of us will survive and need a way to prosper.