Wow—a bipartisan vote of 13-2 *against* the mandate after listening to hours of testimony? That is incredibly encouraging to hear as it reinforces my belief that if we are simply allowed to present the evidence, people of sound mind and heart will see the truth (and act on it if they’re not corrupt).

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Apr 9, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I lived for several years in Louisiana. I have a master's degree from LSU. Wonderful people. The politicians are the best money can buy.

Governor Jon Bel Edwards is an accident, after his opponent Republican David Vitter disgraced himself consorting with prostitutes. Unlike a lot of other states, the people have values, and that kind of thing doesn't go. So red state LA ended up with a Dem Gov. That's bad enough, but...

Edwards has a background as a trial lawyer. He is constantly threatening the Republican legislature with lawsuits. And they cave. If he wants to impose mandates, or whatever, they won't give him any more than token opposition.

It's what you get when a Democrat has unchecked powers.

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It proves these mandates are highly unpopular. This will be a big issue in the upcoming elections. I see three issues: mandates, inflation and illegal immigration.

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And, of course, that’s why the temporary controllers won’t allow it. By the way, I loved your article, “Are you a good German or a Badass German.” Brilliant.

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Aww, thank you, Claudia, and glad you enjoyed it!

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just wish you had time to give a "hand up" to someone in Canada to be involved in this way for us Canadians. I remember what you did for our Truckers. By the way why are we not hearing anything at all about the US Truckers and their trip up to DC?

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The media has decided that it is best to completely ignore the US Truckers. That protest received no coverage in the United States, either.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You can access daily updates on the Peoples' Convoy at CHD.TV.com. There has been daily coverage since the very first day that the convoy left from California. Of course, there has hardly ever been a peep in the MSM except when DC cops were blocking off ramps into DC and blaming the mess on the truckers.

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Not being covered by the mainstream media and the way they would frame it, is not I believe a problem. The way the Canadian mainstream media covered the CDN truckers was very negative, of course, as usual. Thankfully we had access to other media sources for the actual truth about what was happening.

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Tomorrow I am going, for the first time, to New York's Medical Freedom Alliance. While mandates and government overreach are a clear threat to medical freedom I also fear the continued spread of these gigantic medical organizations like Northwell. They are becoming quasi governmental organizations and I fear that they are dictating to their doctors how to practice, or at least what the Northwell kings consider the guardrails. I remember the days of house calls.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Rep. Bagley is a new champion of health freedom - though he chose to take both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, after having a heart attack and flatlining in the ambulance"

Corrupt country with corrupt media

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Unbelievable! I moved up North from NOLA almost 3 years ago.

I just checked Geaux Vote and I’m still listed as an “Active” Louisiana voter!

Hmmm . . . I’m so tempted . . . .

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Thank you so much Dr. Malone for doing all this hard work for all of us sitting back. It’s not easy being on the frontlines, slinging it out for the truth, for our liberties, and for our children. I just wanted to get on here and tell you that. Much love and appreciation for all you do. If it wasn’t for folks like you, the road ahead would seem so long.

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This entire effort to vaccinate children is from the pit and designed to ultimately destroy them. It is one thing to sympathize with adults who have been terrorized or compelled into “vaccination.” It is another to sympathize with adults forcing their little children to be jabbed with an experimental gene therapy.

Someone I knew long ago just lost her five-year-old great granddaughter, who went into anaphylactic shock after “a shot” and died. Was it the covid shot? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When does Edwards come up for re- election ? Maybe Rep Bagley should run.

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My Lord! How in the world do you keep up with all this information. I hope and pray that Dr. Malone (you) and Robert Kennedy, Jr., can come to Oklahoma to testify. I am calling on Monday for our AG & Gov., to hear you and others menetioned to testify. We are in dire straits in Oklahoma. I would also like to hear from Dr. Christina Parks, who gave a most compelling testimony to the Michigan Congress. She spoke from her heart, from her wisdom, and from her experience. Dr. Malone, you and your wife are just the best kind of people. I am so grateful. A thank you is just not enough.

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I just wanted to say that in the "guest post" above Edwards is accurately portrayed as a puppet and criminal but Landry is falsely presented in a good light. Although Landry may be "against mandates" - preparing for its own reelection - it is most certainly a filthy, greedy, and utterly corrupt criminal. Firsthand knowledge.

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Pls do tell. Facts and resources to prove accusations.

Yes. Landry has been fighting since lockdown. No other statewide elected official has done anything, not even a statement on lockdowns, mandates etc.

No one is being misrepresented in this article, facts are facts.

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I tried to tell – I have been unable to publish anything for years as Landry and its puppets have been removing my writings, deactivating my accounts, and then simply making them undiscoverable in the search. Even when I started publishing on substack a few days ago – it was also made “invisible” and did not appear in the search – I made some printscreens and published them in my post. Landry entirely obstructs and controls corrupt courts in Louisiana, both state and federal – not surprisingly as it is the same cabal that operates jointly. I was “represented” by a lawyer whom I hired and who was in private practice and was duping me, destroying my case against the dirty government (think Landry and others), and deceiving me. After proving her criminal-mindedness, she was “promoted” and now works for Landry. It is a very long story with LOTS of facts and of course I am not going to bore anyone by telling it here. Will only add that when I witnessed outrageous corruption in Baton Rouge police, Louisiana dep. of “justice,” and other “law enforcement” and was still naïve and silly to tell them that I “will try to expose (their) corruption and the criminals in charge of Louisiana dep. of justice (think, Landry),” I have been persecuted, silenced, and attacked. I made that statement over 4 years ago. Crossing state lines did not help as they extend their tentacles everywhere.

I understand this thread is about the mandates but I could not just not say anything at all. The facts that Landry is against mandates was not misrepresented but a general portrayal of Landry as an all-around “good guy” was. That’s why I felt compelled to say it.

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If someone’s anti-mandate, I’d say Louisiana needs to take what they can get at this point.

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What case was this? What parish was it filed in? I find your accusation highly suspect. Post your receipts.

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I pray for our children of the entire world. It’s encouraging hear some hope Dr. Malone. Seems to be that there is a dark hand around the world to damage humanity. Heartbreaking.

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Wow the same state that is hard core anti-abortion. When does Edwards’ term end?

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If it is not obvious to people by now that the proposed vaccine mandates in various locations around the U.S. and indeed the world have nothing to do with preventing disease or death from a virus, but have a darker, unspoken agenda, it never will be. What this agenda is has been spoken about by Gates, the WEF, and others, but we know what it is: something that is only harmful to the 99%, and which tends to benefit the 1% or even fewer.

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Landry is an excellent AG. I hope to see him Tues. in SC if he’s not headed back to LA after a conference. I’d sure like to know what options the AG & legislature have to overrride Edwards.

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Watching Headwind on Epoch with you in it. Beautifully filmed! Everyone needs to watch it. You are a rock star!

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Not in LA to join you all, but you will certainly have my prayers!

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