
From the International Boxing Association

"As stated, the International Boxing Association (IBA) feels it appropriate at this prevalent time, to address recent media statements regarding those athletes Lin Yu-ting and Imane Khelif, particularly regarding their participation in the Paris Olympic Games 2024.

We wish to make the following points in these regards:

On 24 March 2023, IBA disqualified athletes Lin Yu-ting and Imane Khelif from the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships New Delhi 2023. This disqualification was a result of their failure to meet the eligibility criteria for participating in the women’s competition, as set and laid out in the IBA Regulations. This decision, made after a meticulous review, was extremely important and necessary to uphold the level of fairness and utmost integrity of the competition.

Point to note, the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test, whereby the specifics remain confidential. This test conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet the required necessary eligibility criteria and were found to have competitive advantages over other female competitors.

The decision made by IBA on 24 March 2023, was subsequently ratified by the IBA Board of Directors on 25 March 2023. The official record of this decision can be accessed on the IBA website here IBA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.

The disqualification was based on two tests conducted on both athletes as follows:

Test performed during the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships in Istanbul 2022.

Test performed during the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships in New Delhi 2023.

For clarification

Lin Yu-ting did not appeal the IBA’s decision to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), thus rendering the decision legally binding.

Imane Khelif initially appealed the decision to CAS but withdrew the appeal during the process, also making the IBA decision legally binding.

Our Committees have rigorously reviewed and endorsed the decision made during the World Championships. While IBA remains committed to ensuring competitive fairness in all of our events, we express concern over the inconsistent application of eligibility criteria by other sporting organizations, including those overseeing the Olympic Games. The IOC’s differing regulations on these matters, in which IBA is not involved, raise serious questions about both competitive fairness and athletes’ safety.

For clarification on why the IOC permits athletes with competitive advantages to compete in their events, we urge interested parties to seek answers directly from the IOC."


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Let's be completely honest here.

Bad behavior is only spreading because it's being tolerated by both those in power, and those who capitulate, because they feel it's the right thing to do, or they're afraid of bucking the system.

Until people unite, and completely abandon watching these shams, this shit will continue.

When BLM was really big, and a pronounced figure in society (during the 5 minutes or so, they had most people that had their eyes closed bamboozled), the Kohls company was all with the sham show, and declared that they were preparing a line of clothing that would take up an entire section of each of their stores, where any shithead could go in and buy a "BLM" shirt, hat, tie, bag of corn chips, or condoms. When I heard this, I immediately called them, and closed out my account that my wife opened for me a decade earlier. Since I almost never wen there, not really sure why they cared, but they made the mistake of asking why I was leaving them.

I flat out said" You assholes are pushing this BLM Marxist, Racist shit, and you'll never see another God Dammed dollar of my money, ever again.".

After my account was closed, months went by and their "grand opening" never happened. I'm betting I'm not the only arrogant white supremacist (whatever the hell that is) bigot that did the same, exact thing. I guess someone felt it just wasn't financially viable to create more controversy than the BLM goon squad did themselves.

So, again... Until we unite and say "no more", this trend will continue to get worse, and not return to any point in which sanity presides over agendas.

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Replying to myself, playing Devil's Advocate:

Hey T. You're a dick. Don't you know that diversity is the key to a great life ? Don't you know that when I come to your town, and I shit all over your lifestyle, your population statistics, and your life of comradery, nationalism, clan-ism, and sense of united community, that it's my right to do so ?

When I move to a town, it's my right to change that town to what I think it should be, no matter how well it was already working out, simply because my viewpoint is more important than your established, well intentioned, and happily functioning society.

Hell, I know what I want, and your opinion sucks. I can prove it. Read this article, and you'll come to your senses:


Sincerely ,

Bad man, T.

(your long lost polar opposite twin brother)

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It's taken me awhile to appreciate your style, and as we know, I don't always agree with you. Nonetheless some of what you say is right on.

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Thank GOD ! you don't always agree with me. That would suck.

I can't stand people who agree with me all the time, as I know they're insincere, and then I want nothing to do with you.

I mean it's like when I'm at the gym, and some particularly happy dude walks up in his pink shorts, all flippy-flapping his hands around, asking me how long I've been working out, and if I need a partner. I'm like dude, you're sniffing the wrong fire hydrant, man. What are you really that stupid ? You can't see homey don't play that game ? Send that chicky-boom over here, and let me talk to her. Just don't make it so obvious, as my wife is on the treadmill over there. I'm just wanting her to experience the green monster, and nothing else, as I'm way too old for this dating crap. Ugh. IF wifey left me, or passed away, I'm joining a monastary. This world is too circus monkey crazy for me to deal with, being married, can't imagine how batchit looney tunes it would be, being single.

UGH. It really sucks being so amazingly handsome...



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Aug 2·edited Aug 3

There you go, cracking me up when I can use it. I just got the lynching posse all excited about a comment I made alluding to Melania and a soft porn past. oopps Amazingly handsome and wickedly funny. Are you like any of those biker dudes I used to hang with? There's something familiar... and I learned something special from you ROTFLMAO

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Alluding to Melania and her past wouldnt faze me at all.

Being conservative, I dont particularly care about what other people do, unless of course, its indirectly, or directly affecting me in some way, which a lot of this garbage we're muddling through is.

How's that for a run on sentence?

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Long hair in pony tail 23 hrs a day. The one hour is when I'm in gym making them swoon, after the hour of stretching my old decrepit s1-l1 ladder into its temporary relief pose.

No tats

No bike

No smokes

No drugs

No promiscuity

And now almost a year of no booze.

I do have a salt and pepper goatee and stash, though.

Pretty boring by even standards from the way back machine.

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And yes...

I'm a dick. No question about it

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I've lost count, but this recent beat-down of the human spirit must be event 100,000,000,001. It just proves there is not now, and has never been, a halt mechanism.

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So, a man pretending to be a woman, fights a woman - in the Olympics! - and that is not weird? As tempted as I am to watch women’s gymnastics – of course identified as the most diverse team ever - I’m just not turning it on.

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Forever more history will ask:

"Why did women team members of both sides' teams not walk off the court, out of the gym, get out of the pool. WHY did they fail to support others of their kind against oppression?"

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That is the solution. Just dont enter the ring, pool or Gym. Ladies take heed, normal human beings are with you with full support

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Refusing to enter a bogus competition is certainly the right thing to do. But being forced out of the use of your pool or gym? Nope. Competitions are public events where lots of people are expecting to see competitors, and so participants boycotting them will be noticed and, hopefully, be cause for thought. But an average person being forced out of their daily routine is only a loss for that person.

What is needed is accountability for those who conspire to change the rules of society. They can fuck right off, thank you.

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I read that one of the women boxers stated her fear that one of them would be killed. They need to all quit this travesty of a competition before that happens.

And, of course, we should all turn off our televisions and let the ratings plunge. This Olympics bears no resemblance to those I used to watch (judging by the reports, since my TV is already turned off).

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Girls in team basketball and volleyball have already been hurt and severely injured. A few high school teams have quit playing those with males on their teams. I say bravo to them, but that is not the answer needed.

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Complete your thought, Shelly - re the "answer needed".

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Women's competitions for biological women, Men's competitions for biological men, and a Trans competition for those whose "identity" does not match their biology.

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Women even get hurt in women's sports, but at least they have a chance. My 5'3" granddaughter got a concussion playing at the net, and a really tall girl (5'9" or taller) on opposing team slammed the ball just over the net right into Annie's head. I can imagine if that would have happened with a guy!

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The Fed's reach into education with Title IX covers all sports and, for high school sports, state education must follow the discrimination rules still in effect as it is my understanding that the Biden Admin's unauthorized changes are in court pending rulings. Congress has not changed the laws for Title IX. H.S. sports still operate under sex regulations without gender-identity considerations. State governors, legislatures or AG should crack down on H.S. that allow males on female sports teams. Better yet, pass their own laws, although Blue states would never do that.

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HOWEVER, Shelley.

There is simply no denying if the girls walked off the damn court from BOTH teams, consistently, it would finally surface in the MSM media as everyone would be out of their sockets! Only then, will the AG's pick up the "ball" and bat one our way. . . uhh, in RED states, maybe.

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Thank you!

Be that as it may, Title IX wise - which is the law - the incursion of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion trumps (no pun)virtually everything!

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Or, like me, I haven't had a TV in about 5 years. I was a thinking of buying one since they are so cheap now. But now, with all the horrible stuff, and the "smart" TVs.watching one's every move, I don't think so. I don't have any children living here anyway.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

Another good question is why did the olympic swimmers swim in feces infested water, knowing it was NOT SAFE to ?

Then get sick ?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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I have asked my self that same question many, many times!!!

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I agree with you. "WHY did they fail to support others of their kind against oppression?" Same reason that the American Indians didn't win against the invading white guys. They are competitors and probably don't spend a lot of time engaging with each other. They didn't unite to insist on a level playing field--that is, a playing field made up of only biological women. There needs to be an organizing spear head to make this work--someone who cares more--or at least as much-- about the future of women's sports than winning the gold. A big problem all through COVID has been the lack of a means to unite for a reasonable cause through the media. Those who are trying to take down everything of value in our civilization work hard to prevent us from uniting to come up with a plan to undo their plan.

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hmmm. Well, the Indians fighting the "white" guys was certainly not a game for them(losing their lands) or the settlers(being raped and murdered). Neither could "walk off the playing field" and protest to some greater power that "Hey, this is just not FAIR!"

ON the other hand, there is an answer in YOUR answer:

Girls' coaches are the answer. The coaches of all teams, forever and a day, have been the leaders to guide our children. The coaches are the "organizing spear head" you proclaim that is needed.

These girls HAVE those spearheads: poisoned spear heads. Poisoned by the "plan" you describe, fed to them by main stream media and their public schools.

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I agree. It was not a game for the Native Americans, but uniting to fight a greater evil would have given them a fighting chance. Yes, the coaches are the leaders meant to guide our children--but many have turned out to be pedophiles. In the end, it is the individual who must step forward. Those young women are not too young to learn the lesson of uniting against adversity. We all must find our way to unite as filthy rich, power hungry slime is seeking to take us over--one Constitutional right at a time. At this point I must make the point that the only candidate for POTUS at this time is RFK Jr. He seeks to end the vitriol and unite this country to meet the many overwhelming challenges facing us. We know them, though the other two candidates won't mention them because they have never done anything to resolve them and are so owned by the corporate giants now ruling our country and our world that they couldn't undo the corporate capture if they tried. And that is not--obviously--what they are trying to accomplish. I will vote for the candidate with the greatest integrity, one I can trust. In this he has no match.

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ya' know deliz, I mostly agree, but then, I may have more first hand experience that forces me to see the reality and vote otherwise.

Back when another very good man, Ross Perot, was running for president I voted for him and effectively voted IN Slick Willie -- of Monica Lewinsky fame; recall his "stain" on the dress, her own cigar-enveloping fame?

Basically, Perot served as the spoiler for the Republicans because he took significant votes from them and handed the election to the other main party. The reverse will be true THIS time as liberal factions will break off from the Dems and help hand the election to Trump.

Having even less draw than Perot and only ONE redeeming value besides his integrity, anti-vaccine / big Pharma, the fine RFK Jr will have no chance.

However, go ahead and vote for him. We all have to learn and often it is the hard way.

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I'm 76 years young--so I have quite a bit of experience with politics as well. I probably voted for Clinton during that election--only really realizing how much he is totally untrustworthy during these COVID years. They have been a wake up call for me. I want Kennedy, but if he hands the election to Trump I will still be happier than WHOEVER the Dem/DNC decide to run. After working to end the WHO vote this Spring, I know the Dems are totally selling out the Constitution and the American people. Both parties will continue the corporate capture of all the agencies, but Trump is at least a bit of a wild card--and I do believe he wants to end the wars that Biden and his neocons have committed us to--ad nauseam. I have no doubt that Kennedy--if elected--will do his very best. He has the history and the know-how to do it better than either of the others--to clean up the mess and throw the criminals out. But he has every chance of being assassinated as THEY know he means to do what he says. As he says, "This is the hill I will die on." He comes from unusual lineage. He will not be bought off.

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Yes, refusing to watch this gong show is probably the most effective approach. It will take mass boycotts of the I.O.C.s 'product' to bring about change, and/or declarations by the governments of some more rationale countries that they will not participate.

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It’s definitely weird, but also strategic. Slowly and surely get the world accustomed to this and humanity won’t know what hit their species.

This is a strategic move on the war on humanity: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-the-overton-window-affects-you

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SPOT-ON, Franklin!

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Christians tossed to lions, rings the bell of past Roman Coliseum Spectacles.

What....let's pretend it never happened?

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He who loses his manhood to win a medal is forever characterized by the first move: losing.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can’t imagine what God must think as he looks down to see a man legally beating a woman to a pulp with some cheering this on. The final crime will take place after all of the women have been beaten and the corrupt olympic cartel will reward the abuser with a medal. It will be nice to see when the two men meet up and hopefully beat the living hell out of each other. I wonder if the loser will complain that it wasn’t fair. How sick can you get. This is another example of the brain dead left destroying everything they touch. Why would any real women want to train her whole life just to end up being beaten by a man. Common sense has no place in their sick twisted minds. J.Goodrich

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Good assessment there

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

I heard myself talk to me about "God looking down" I know it is a common phrase James, but God is in us, not just somewhere in a lofty cloud filled heaven. I know what you mean, but my God is above ordinary human emotions. Humans are left to learning the hard way, unconditional Love is difficult to comprehend. (sometimes I think that this display must go to these lengths to be protested!)

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I just say that as a common matter of speaking. As I’ve grown old er I do believe in the presence of souls and yes God around us. Maybe inside of our thoughts I never really thought about that but you’re probably right DD….

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Excellent, James.

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Quit a night Barbara!!

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Excellent take.

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RemovedAug 1
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Well Jenny in America it’s the old democrat party that has turned into the communist party. I’m sure much like France, the communists there have had their own long march through the institutions, and their deranged idea that they are ultra tolerant turns into complete intolerance of everyone and anyone that has a different opinion or common sense. Are you good with a man beating the hell out of a woman , and receiving a medal for it? Is that your idea of tolerance?

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RemovedAug 1
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Tell that to the morons running for public office calling themselves that

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JS / And here too, if you think calling anyone names puts you in a superior place you are mistaken. Anyone with a little knowledge of the workings of the ego can see this tactic a mile away. If this makes you feel superior and stokes your indignation you are heading for illness of some type if it's not already on your doorstep...

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And with such a sour overall attitude....I'm guessing.....

More of what she does not want to have happen....

Just keeps showing up!

Perhaps she may reconsider a positive mood prior to Qwerty chit chat.

I've had to a time or three.

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RemovedAug 1
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Try to Find some peace of mind away from the Sins of the Entire World.

And Yes, Laughter is the best Medicine. Do enjoy the beauty of it.

I sincerely hope you find a group of folks that's right for you.

Thoughts become things.....Choose the good ones! ;-)

Best wishes, Randy

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deletedAug 1
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Sure how about trampling on everyone’s constitutional rights, closing churches, closing businesses they choose, forcing experimental drugs into people like my wife while exempting themselves, stealing elections, ignoring election results and the peoples votes, and then have a few elites of the communist party picking the candidate, ignoring federal immigration laws with no consequences, ignoring house subpoenas for their party and jailing people from the opposing party for the same thing, putting together illegal house hearing and ignoring the rules picking their own choice of Republicans to be asking questions, taking bribes from communist countries and then basing policy decisions on the bribe money, starting wars to hide their crimes, killing Americans overseas with drone strikes with no judge or jury, using their justice department to harass and jail their political opponents, stretching laws to go after political opponents, using the justice department to stretch laws, that were not supposed to be strechted to jail people for years, using the irs to close non profit tax exempt groups, jail protestors, using intimidation to quiet people, threatening social media to censor opposing political views, censoring people, using communist terms like misinformation, quieting defendants to not talk about a judges total corruptions or jail them, I could go on Richie, this is scratching the surface, how about hiding evidence of innocent people that are on death row, jailing people that they know are innocent, putting grandmothers in jail, going into lawyers offices illegally taking files and breaking attorney client privilege laws, forcing people to lie to put others in jail, allowing known falsified evidence into a court room to find the defendant guilty, how about not allowing people to be with their dying relatives bedside, covering up where Covid came from, forcefully injecting people with chemicals that they know will harm them like my sister that ended up getting lymphoma, or a surgeon friend of mine that got blood clots in his lung and then had a massive cerebral stroke, many friends young children that got blood clots all from the democrats in charge deception. God Richie Joeseph Mengele couldn’t have dreamed about such evil this communist administration has done. Would you like some more examples like JFK’s assassination???? Bobby Kennedy’s fathers assassination. I have more if that’s not a strong enough “claim”. I guess some people love living under tyranny!!! Vote Kamala!! Go Kamala go!!! 70% tax rate, 10 trillion dollar budgets digital currency being told where you can work have nothing and be happy signing our sovereignty over to the WHO oh how wonderful communism is. Bend over Richie it’s coming!!!! Oh yes and the democrats desire to politicize the Supreme Court so they can jail more political opponents at will. I have more Richie

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

That was a great start James. But it is very difficult to use facts that many will perceive as your right-wing view points.

You've notice Jenny on here before - responses have no affect on her viewpoints. Sorry your opinion raised Richie's brow.

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Your right Shelley, I should know there are people that will never see the forest through the trees. Eventually I will completely ignore their idiotic brainless comments. I don’t know these people so I try to give them the benefit that they may have a tiny opening in their brain to see and acknowledge what is happening to our country. It’s not as though America is the first country to be taken over by a party turned communist and the opposing side can’t get their shit together to fight back sufficiently, because that’s what’s happening. The republicans are feckless, and that’s a serious serious problem. The other huge problem are all of these people that ignore it, keep their eyes closed, don’t want to know etc. ignore, ignorant, ignoramus, I know I’ve written this before. If you look st my rant there is more there than opinion or my right wing sided position. There are physical checks written as bribe money, businesses closed, censorship, I won’t go on but there are rock solid communist actions that have been taken by the new communist (democrat) party. Ok I’m actually feeling a little better thank you!!’

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Roger Houston....Copy that....James 1 has been cleared for take off.

Roger that......It's looks text book perfect too......

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deletedAug 1
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Not sure if you’ve been paying attention to the last 3 1/2 plus years Richie but America is turning into a totalitarian hell hole. The communist party (democrat) follows no laws as they prosecute everyone from the last administration. They are immune of the laws. And yes they have trampled thousands of people constitutional rights and prosecuted non of their black shirt army that have murdered over 40 people. Open your eyes!!!

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A statement of opinion void of lengthy facts to back it up remains an opinion, not a course in history, not meant to be persuasive.

Perhaps going back to the Democrat candidates for President since the 1860s would provide a clue.

And if not, perhaps it is a personal mindset based on one's own perceptions of reality over time. Mostly, the rhetoric that politicians spew and the results of their actions. Whose wars are a great place to start and finish with the invention of political correctness, hate crimes and safe spaces.

All the above is just my opinion about opinions. Forgive me for being cranky today and just about every day under the onslaught of madness.

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Outstanding crankiness, don't let up.

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Richie? Have you ever read Karl Marx COMMUNIST MANIFESTO?

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Add some history to that, plenty available if one has the wherewithal to read it.

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RemovedAug 1
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And with such a broad stroke of your dark paint brush it would be hard to imagine why we have been such a success. Folks actually move here?


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The reality, Jenny, is there is NO difference between "Socialism" and "Communism". Socialism is just a precursor of Communism - with the goal of both being total and absolute control or outright OWNERSHIP of the "means of production" a term Karl Marx coined in his (& Frederich Engels) COMMUNIST MANIFESTO (1847).

Being erudite, Jenny, you must know that countries under Marxist domination , such as the former Soviet Union*, Communist Cuba, Communist China, Communist N. Korea, Communist Zimbabue, Communist Venezuela, et all, use the words 'socialism' and 'communism' interchangeably?

BTW, the three MAIN legs of the "means of production" are (once again for the UMPTEENTH TIME)...think GLOBALLY: (1. All LAND and water, (2. LABOR (humanity), and (3. MONEY - be it gold, silver, fiat paper 'money', or DIGITAL (non-existent ) "money"; which the (global) central banks - including the "American" so-called "Federal Reserve" "bankers - Janet Yellen (& Jerome Powell) are pushing for - both being members of the GLOBALIST "Council on Foreign Relations"...just like Joe Biden, his speech writer - Daniel Benaim, Antony Blinken, Susan Rice, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas - just to name a few of the individuals DIRECTLY responsible for the destruction of (what remains) of our Republic - for WHAT you ask?

Why, to finally institute the International Socialist (read COMMUNIST)'movement' to "unify" every nation on earth under one, single omnipotent TRANSNATIONAL "government"...in the name of the "common good" under the rubric of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, coupled with radical environmentalism to "save planet earth" - which under the coming INTERNATIONAL "law" will necessitate global RATIONING - in absolutely EQUAL amounts - of energy, food and EVERY necessity of life and "living" - The utopia of applied Marxism chaining everyone together for LIFE!

THAT "New World Order" WILL usher in (global) tyranny on a scale never before seen in 5000 + years of recorded history.

*Soviet Union = " The Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics" a term the Communist Dictator V. I. Lenin dreamed up - Clearly meaning COMMUNISTS.

P.S: "SOVIET" in english means "council."

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This will only stop when women refuse to compete with men...period. And let the woke relegate the word transphobic to the appropriate orifice

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As I’ve posted elsewhere. Only when one of the women kicks one of the men in the balls and walks off.

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Hehehe! Kick boxing? That’ll show ‘em.

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Maybe make a trans competition category and let the not-men and not-women compete with each other?

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What once was sport now is spectacle. Spectacle attracts spectators. Spectators attract advertisers. Advertisers attract sponsors. The entire Olympics is so sold out now that I call it, "The Opimpics,"

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This reminds me of the Romans throwing Christians into the ring with lions. We are close to the fall of our own empire.

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Awesome word smithing.

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Aug 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When I was a lad, the Soviet empire was repeatedly debased for the "women" they put forth on the world stage - I don’t remember whether any were DQ’d for 🤷‍♀️

Anyway, all those histrionics on the world stage, all the litigation, legislative hours, forests leveled to print & distribute the new rules PROTECTING girlz &wymyn in sports…

Ya’know, the same people pushing Title IX way back when, I believe are the same ones today who make a mockery of their previous legislation.

I gave up on sports back in the twenty teens - I’m as political as anyone, probably more than most (plague of the late bloomer 🤷‍♀️) but while life IS politics, or a form thereof, it doesn’t need to be everywhere, specifically the sports arena should be as apolitical, uniform rules for all, etc., so that all SIDES can equally enjoy.

When sports become political, politics become a sport. [it’s actually worse that that but you get the idea]

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Aug 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The east German "female" athletes were rather notorious.

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Charles Krauthammer's book, pub 2013, "Things That Matter" made a point that all things are political. Politics touches everything. Certainly no doubt about that these past 10 years.

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Well, I can certainly respect Mr Krauthammer agreeing with me, it’s quite an honor 🤣; it seems a tenet of civilized society is the concept of "rules" and that to crib from from Ecclesiastes (hey, I’m no Pres 💩 💩 🧠, 😱 political much?), there is and HAS to be a time and place and NOT a time and place; the Greeks recognized this with the original Olympic Games when the city states set aside war, strife and combat for the athletic arena - the whole "do it in the buff" thing is a bit off putting; I think "the games" endured for centuries? All this was done for the glory of the gods on Olympus; as we have removed God from society, invited Godless and anti God nations into the Olympic arena both politics and sports have degenerated

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Was it not a spectacle/example/appeasement rolled into one for the masses that were required to come watch? Just guessing here.

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Actually, "the masses’ were limited to just men (maybe males as I don’t remember if boys were permitted) and those that identified as men.

JK, you were or you weren’t, none of this maybe 🤷‍♀️ nonsense.

And I don’t know about any requirements to attend, tho since it was a spectacle for the gods, attendance may have been invitation only - those deemed worthy of the gods.

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They’ve always been political. Anyone who thinks otherwise is dreaming

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This all reminds me of the Nobel Prizes which, decades ago, REALLY meant something!

Before Obama is inducted to his presidency he is awarded a Nobel prize.

Now, a Nobel prize always makes me wonder did the person deserve it or was he another world elitists' anointed pick?";

do the men boxers beating women Olympian's really deserve their win or are they just "woke" recruits?;

does the latest Democrat presidential nominee deserve to displace actual "primary" votes for Biden and BE the nominee for PRESIDENT of the USA, or is she the Dems DEI appointee?

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The rules favor the crazies. I’m not watching any of it!!

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We haven't for 40 yrs. When US amateurs were. having the crap beat out of them by obvious professionals we pretty well lost interest. And making it an all pro event did not help.

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Same here because I had no TV and when I finally got one I had lost all interest.

I have found dressage videos online, sporting the winners of past Olympics. Such a shame that there will be none for the US this year.

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I agree, Micheal. When the world changed sports from the separation of amateurs and professionals, sports was forever changed. I’ve always loved sports and my daughter was a competitive athlete. But the joy is no longer there for me. And “men” competing against women after us women fighting all these years for our rights to compete as we should? A travesty!

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ALL of the realWOMEN boxers MUST refuse to fight these MEN. This is truly disgusting. If women would stand together and demand these men get out of their sport, locker rooms, washrooms prisons - everywhere women deserve their privacy this idiocy would end. MEN should NOT compete in women’s sport. I will NEVER follow their ‘pronoun rules. If EVERYONE refused, what could they do? Arrest the 99% of sane people? This whole thing is stupid. The IOC is going the way of the Dodo bird. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

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I will not watch one second of the Olympics. The enshittification of everything applies to the whole damned thing. I watched a news clip showing the 46 second fight. How shameful. I think of the years of training, focus and sacrifice young women put in to compete at this level only to have to fight some poser pretending to be a woman. The equestrian disqualification is just fraud. Can any Olympics participant, and in particularly those who medal have any confidence or pride knowing that it may not because they actually won, placed or even lost because of outside politics or corruption.

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Yeah. The thing about boxing in particular is the training they undergo to be able to take a punch. That is a main part of their training and a female making it to the olympics will have undergone that kind of training...extensively...and obviously of no use in taking a punch from a man. Sick.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unless there is a massive protest and all competitors band together, there is little hope for change. This is the twisted state of the world today. People with eyes to see are being told to discount and doubt the very obvious facts. Evidently we are not at the level of absurd to have a change. I just read Seymour Hershes account of the Mai Lai Massacre, 1968. Talk about a convoluted, messy story. The beat goes on, only louder and out of tune. More like a scream.

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Boycott the Olympics. They'll get the message that way.

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Most people have quit watching the Emmy Awards but they still have them. What won't the PTB ruin? As Doc has pointed out for a long time, it's a beat down of the masses through psywars, with no limits in sight.

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Sadly; most of the competitors are legitimate and have invested their all in becoming elite athletes. I get the boycott and ultimately fall on it's side, but I struggle with it being at the expense their dedication and achievement.

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In some sports the Olympics are seen as a second rate side show. For instance, a World Cup medal is much more highly prized than an Olympic medal. It's time to shut this insane spectacle down and very few people would miss it.

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Perhaps a boycott would save the Olympics for them. It’s rapidly devolving now and slowing that down would be nice

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And women are more likely to vote for any Democrat who will continue to treat them like victims. Some Women have always been willing to remain in a violent relationship with a man who has dominated them through mental manipulation, my mother was one. I’m disgusted by the treatment of women by our delusional elites. Any woman who continues to support men competing as a woman is preventing the cure for the delusion that it’s FAIR/EQUITABLE. Sheer lunacy has arrived through a cloud of propaganda and deception.

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IMO, the Olympics...are no longer the Olympics.

It is international gender dysphoria and everything close to that camp.

Sad for the athletes, but I have tuned out...the world has changed.

Bigger battles to fight and this is just another side-bar example of what was former is now gone.

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Woke ideology may sound compassionate to some but it is destroying cherished institutions, people and traditions. I’m not that keen on women trying to knock each other out in a ring, but allowing a man posing as a woman to do so is the definition of insanity. The inmates are truly running the asylum.

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I'll take it a bit further Paul, and say that I'm not keen on anyone knocking anyone out in a ring. The violence that is portrayed in some sports is akin to my perception as "killing for sport." Gladiators are hard to tame.

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“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”

‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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