Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When the left is controlling the narrative and the right is afraid to speak up for fear of retribution, which is being shown by the massive lawsuits to shut down the right, we are in serious trouble. We need a massive response at the grass roots level to change the tide!

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Yes, and when our courts remain silent, or worse when they are complicit in the assault on free speech, we’re in big trouble. Madison saw the independent judiciary as the last bulwark against tyranny, but today’s judiciary has failed in that regard.

Well written Dr. Malone!

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Yes! Just read an ET article indicating the 5th circuit has agreed to rehear the case. The read is rather confusing and I need to go back to it. It seems to imply the SC is still somehow involved. Bottom line seems to be the injunction remains lifted. The Gov holds the power to collude with media to shut down opposing/threatening speech.

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Several articles today. The one on 5th Circuit allowing continued Social Media Contacts. AG's petitioned for rehearing. 5th cir ageed. Ordered Admin to respond by 9/28 re rehearing. SCt resumes arguments 10/2. One on the 1st Amendment should Restrain CISA too (YES!). One on The Corporate Enemy Within and a kinda weasel back by Gates - There's Lots of Climate Exaggeration.

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The U.S. may be more democratic than most or all other countries but it is far from being a real democracy, imo, it is a semi-democratic oligarchy and one which has caused and is still causing a great deal of suffering in the world. I prefer humanism to Americanism.

(My old iPhone wont let me respond to Dr. Malone directly.)

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Hope never a democracy but remain, and return to being, a constitutional republic.

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And a constitutional republic we cannot be, without the foundation of Judeo-Christian beliefs upon which this country was founded. We have lost God and are on the brink of losing the country...unless we can revive. A revival, we need!

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This country was founded with the involvement of the Native People of this land. Benjamin Franklin and others had many a discussion with the Iroquois Nation.

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Get no argument from me. And I am agnostic

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My hope and earnest prayer every day...

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023

The United States of America was never intended as a democracy, as that is merely another name for mob rule; the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution and Declaration of Independence documents for a representative republic.

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The difference is somewhat superficial as a large enough majority could change the Constitution as much as they want. So I generally prefer the word “democracy” since the word has become so close to so many peoples’ hearts, defining it as a group of people who share one or more common goals and agree to work together to achieve it/them in such a way that each person’s view as to how the group should proceed is given equal weight (which is supposed to be the function of the voting system, but unfortunately we use one that doesn’t work well). If the majority changes the goal(s) so you no longer support, it’s time to secede as best you can.

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"the right is afraid to speak up for fear of retribution"

Not Trump. The Swamp may have wounded him and greatly undermined his first term Presidency -- not the least of which from the GOP shore of that Swamp -- yet he is not only still standing but standing firm against the Deep State without even trying. And this is why they fear him so.

The sleeper(s) [are] awakening.

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The average human would have folded long ago including myself!

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It feels like a spiritual battle, more than an ideological, Dr. ... 5 yrs ago, I couldn't have imagined an " Admiral Rachel Levine" as an Administrations' advocate for "mental health"!

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Spiritual battle indeed!

The party of Cain v the party of Abel. The two ways to approach your ideal: inspirational emulation or resentful destruction.

Sadly many turn to the cheap, easy dopamine of destruction as they have not oriented themselves maturely to God - which is hard, sustainable and deeply satisfying.

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Many could and did predicted it fifteen - twenty years ago. Once the trunk was in the tent, it felt around inside and when if found it safe, the elephant worked it huge torso inside which shredded the tent to the winds.

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Terrific image, Shelley ... and now, they that are corrupted, will convince the elephant that he is actually NOT a pachyderm, but a platypus in an elephant's body, and a fulfilling life can only be realized by having his trunk surgically removed

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Talking about rinos are you??

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Actually no. I was depicting a slippery slope. Once we cave on a truth because of a reprisal based on a lie, we cave on the next truth for the same reason and it just escalates. A spade is a spade regardless of the lies. The old feminist movement that women are equal to men, then gay people need dignity to marry, then transvestites need dignity to dress in the workplace however they want, then men can be women and visa versa, then boys can be girls..... When Richard became Rachel and cashed in on it . . . . The tent, being our nation, was torn to shreds. That was the whole point of the Left exercise - start out slowly. It was never about anyone's dignity regardless of what SCOTUS thinks.

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Lately SCOTUS does not seem to think so much as to respond to lamestream media hysteria.

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So many of them seem to have had the "bottom" surgery BEFORE their election

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“Once the horn was in the tent” works too.

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They need the likes of Levine and worse to redefine “mental health” before somebody leaks Epstein’s full client list.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I recently became 75. Turned sounds like something in the frying pan. I come from a very patriotic family. Most have passed away. They’re rolling over in their graves at this mess. The movement should be with our flag. I just bought a 20’ flag pole for my new/old home. And it has a solar light at the top. My flags fly 24/7, no matter what. We are in distress. Hang them where you have a spot. I bought a large USA flag decal for the back window of my Rover. Now you don’t have to talk to anyone. People need to upgrade the size of your flags also. I’m not a Red or a Blue. I’m a Red, White and Blue. I’m so tired of the Red State Blue State. Grow up! Long Live Our Republic. 🇺🇸

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drove by a farm in Eastern OR a while ago with the flag upside down - sign of distress.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In the middle of Obama's first term many in and around Salem, OR had their flags flown upside down.

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I was really upset by a neighbor flying Our Flag upside down until I found out what it meant. Ed

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I Wish You the Very Best. I have My Dad’s WWII flag on My office wall. Ed

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Well stated and I couldn’t agree more. People here in Texas are talking. Parking lots and supermarkets. People are all talking politics.

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Brilliantly stated.

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There is something that comes to mind as a philosophy on "fighting against". In certain martial arts a person is taught to move the energy coming at a person through not trying to stop the energy. There is much power in flow versus resistance. As a parent I was taught not to say to a child, "Be careful crossing the street so you don't get hit by a car" versus saying "Be aware of the ..." The subconscious hears the "get hit by a car". Perhaps the same is true in these circumstances. When I was in training for hospice we were taught not to 'war' with cancer. That wasn't a passive direction, warring against something usually wasn't as strong as purposefully going towards healing. Subtle, but worth contemplating.

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I have read the war on cancer never saved a single life

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Fenbendazole, on the other hand, is known to cure many forms of cancer. Here is one source of information. There are many others...fenbendazole.substack.com

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023

…but it sure does make a lot of people rich… and the victims poisoned by their treatments poor.

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023

I've never thought that responses to something seen as a threat should include such words as war, fight or combat. I have struggled to find different words with little success. When I write a response to a regulation in the Fed Reg or to Congress, I use words like oppose, refute, resist, contest, denounce, constructive action and so forth. The New Testament does not address wars, battles, fighting, etc, but does address standing against injustice and evil and advocating for truth.

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Try reading the Old Testament (I’m Christian). Humanity is capable of evil from Genesis and beyond. Obama stated his goal was to “transform America.” Was he voicing “Americanism” or “evil”? How far are we prepared to go to defend against evil?

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My commitment, in the contest against evil, to using words of resistance without invoking battle cries does not deny what we are up against. I believe these words hone in on the specific actions we all must take. You can call the contest a battle, a fight, a war, combat, whatever words you are used to using if that helps win the contest against evil.

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Excellent summary. What ever one resists persists and often gets mightier. I am an energy worker and we use the available Life Force Energy to carry the intent. There is not resistance only unification.

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

An excellent piece documenting the modern perils of encroaching socialist states is in the Epoch Times "No Farmers No Food, Will you eat Bugs" The parts on the Netherlands- nitrogen mandates and the destruction of Sri Lanka economy via socialist government proclamations is particularly well done. US problems are explored, along who will feed the world?

Behind a paywall, but a subscription to the Epoxh Times is well worth it. The health section is daily right on top of all Covid issues, along with some the best investigative reporting.


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It's my daily go to. They provide excellent coverage of many topics of interest. They are impartial. They do cover timely topics other media don't cover or cover through a liberal perspective. I'm paying $10/mo. They had a special but it may be over. Not sure what it is now. Agree - fine source.

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Abolish the UN and the WHO!

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One of your best and most important articles to date, Dr. Malone. Keep them coming because folks truly are waking up and folks like you and RFK Jr and others have the credibility and the integrity to inspire many more. We have a challenge ahead of us and I for one, do not want our country to travel the road of the Roman Empire. I think there are enough of us to move this battle in a victorious direction.

Thank you and Jill for all you have done and all you continue to do.

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I’ll second what You so eloquently conveyed. Ed

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Lately, thinking of myself as a patriot, life has been a roller coaster ride. One day I’m up and the next 2 days I’m down. If it were 1950 again these people that want fundamental change would be considered a traitor. Anyone that said about the amendments in the bill of rights, after taking an oath to uphold the constitution, that no amendment was absolute would be impeached and charged with treason. In my mind this should still be the rule period. How any American could think differently is unaware of the consequences that have affected millions of people in drastically negative ways throughout history. Man was built with a desire for freedom. The young won’t realize this I’m afraid until it’s gone. J.Goodrich

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James, the vernoa project identified several hundred soviet agents as residue left us by f.d.r. in his administration. So the number of our leaders, ranging back to wilson, l.b.j., certainly #44 and the current monstrosity all are individuals who ought to have been hung up by their thumbs for the damage they have inflicted on our Republic. Been on going for over a century so we cannot claim it is anything new

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I do realize this, what’s new is from the president to the first grade school teacher they openly mock the constitution in your face and teach communism to kids.

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What is old is new again. When we rebelled there was a large contingent who disagreed and maintained a love affair with europe. When german socialists slithered here and formed the progressive party they tapped into that remaining element og europhilia and have used it like a shoehorn to wedge our population away from the idea of American exceptionalism.

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I would suspect that doing our best by being living examples of our perspectives (As Dr M has supplied here) would be of value as well.

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It is only now becoming more obvious and in one respect this is a good thing. It is forcing people to take notice and make some hard choices. Our only role is to keep speaking our truth and then let the chips fall where they may. The truth always prevails no matter the time it takes.

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Does truth always prevail? I no longer believe that, as much as I would like to.

Two glaring examples are the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers; the truth of those tragic deaths have not been completely revealed, and there are hundreds of other secrets that will never be revealed to the world at large.

Sadly, I believe immutable prevailing truths to be wishful thinking.

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Sorry, It’s Duct tape over mouth day.🤬 Ed

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I think of us here as on a grand Pilgrimage. We must read and immerse with new skills and better understanding, and I believe we "are" eagerly achieving the right powers at the right time in history. Surfing on a tsunami tide of discovery every week is hard work. Bring it!

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

God bless America . Land that I love. Stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from above . From the mountains to the praises to the oceans white with foam. God bless America my home sweet home.

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I missed Your Post. I remember when I was growing up and they taught like history and stuff. We always said “The Pledge of Allegiance” at the start of classes. It is forged in My brain. Ed

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In brief, Americanism is pro-freedom for the American people. while Anti-Americanism is pro-slavery fotr the American people..

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am an Americanist(ism)Whatever…Ed

Something about the “Bill of Rights” or some such thing. Ed

Looks like a Duct tape over mouth day. 🤣

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In our pledge of allegiance, it is "One Nation Under God" NOT One Nation, (pause) Under God.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great piece Doc. Loved the quote at the end. While reading it I thought it was a current quote (perhaps by you) describing our time. When I saw it was TR, I was gobsmacked. America has been here before and persevered a number of times.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was just thinking about the Pledge of Allegiance this morning. Timely posting Drs Malone!

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Long live Americanism! Never give up. Stay strong and God Bless everyone 🇺🇸🙏🏻💯

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