Aug 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭10‬ ‭

…… and the other 300+ verses in the Bible that tell us not to fear.

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When I start sinking I usually can buoy myself up with simple acknowledgement of gratitude. When the world is too much with me, I stop and count my many blessings -'there but for the grace of God go I'. But lately my angst is not centered on me, I am one foot out the door, but on how this decadent, Sodom and Gormorrah-esk world is such a rotten place to leave to my grands and great grands.

Since I have no earthly solutions I pray. I pray for a hedge of protection and, more importantly, opened eyes that they might see truth. I do find great solace in knowing that God leaves a remnant. Historically speaking God has set things aright with His rag tag left overs. He does love to do the most with the least.

So, my prayers end with supplications for my heirs to be among those. And then I end my prayer with - precious Lord lead me on...


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Meemanator- thank you! That was a wonderful video! Absolutely delightful visual. And even better, was your message. Was that your voice?

I shared with a friend who is struggling.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,”

‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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Oh gosh thank you! I never expect anyone to actually go watch one of my old vids. Yes, Mother Eartha was my puppet that I did outreach performances in various places like schools, libraries, shelters and churches. She and I are retired now but the handful of vids remaining make me smile. Blessings! :-)

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That was so sweet! So sweet!

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Enjoyed your video and plan to share it. Thank you

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Thank you - Always hoping someone will be blessed and encouraged.

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deletedAug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023
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Thank you, and I do understand. I have my first great grand due in December and I make sure to keep all correspondence light! ❤️

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That's the only real Hope we have!

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I couldn't agree more. It is apparent that the government has forgotten it's obligation to the 'governed' (from whom our blind consent enabled them their powers), but should remember to be about the business of the Lord.

They've got it bass-ackwards: They serve the god of this world, not realizing that the god of this world has NOTHING on the Creator of the Universe.

And the 'universe' is only the beginning of Him.

It's like signing an eternal contract to be on the Yugo racing team, to worship Lucifer. God is the aggregation of all the best cars ever fashioned by man, with God's infinitely original twist on it.

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and also "Fear not - I am not going to let your teeth get tooth decay, as I am your Tooth Fairy. Yes I will help you brush your teeth with fluoride with My righteous toothbrush at hand"

Tinkerbell 69:69

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It's verse 6:65, in my version, just a bit before 6:66...

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Anybody can believe in truth. Professing your belief in lies is a display of virtue and allegiance in clown world.

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I've read our Constitution over and over and over, and still see no basis in it for federally mandated lockdowns or federally mandated injections. At least not unless one subscribes to the perverted idea that the 10th Amendment language reserving rights to the people actually means "the federal House of Representatives"....

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The Bill of Rights should never be set aside for a so-called emergency. These emergency powers given to leaders should all be repealed. Our rights are not conditional! Some twerp in a city hall in any city or town should never be given that much power. They have no right to shut down private businesses or churches or to pick who can stay open and who has to close down. It is all bunk! Do not comply! We all know that once this happened it will become easier and easier for the tyrants next time. This was a trial run. Thank goodness for some of the lawsuits that have been filed and reason has won over. No longer can anyone shut down a church or gun store while keeping liquor stores and abortion clinics open!

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And another thing..

I'm not a constitutional scholar, but I was under the impression that executive orders by the Resident of the United States are not actually supposed to be enacted, or put into effect, unless the country is at war, or some other major catastrophe has occurred. That shitbag Biden has been signing the shadow government's EO's for the last 3 years, and no one makes a peep about it.

I realize all Presidents use EO's for getting things done, but there comes a time when the people have to say we've had enough of your bullshit, and we're taking back the power you grabbed from us, you limpdick, child sniffing, old pedo.

Couldn't think of a better time than now to let that one roll.

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Haha, Mandates are not laws, therefore they can go scratch,, as mandates are authorized by the people, and if the people disagree, then go F-off. Might not be the reality of it, but it's how I feel.

For example: A mandate is when Barack Obama, and his Wife Big Mike go out to dinner, or take a stroll in a park. That's a man-date.

Are we clear now?

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laughing so hard...

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I would hazard to guess that 80-90% of what passes for the USG is nowhere to be found in our Constitution.

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The qualification is that only about one third of the population in North America are awake to the lies, although more people are calling out the lies than was possible under brutal Soviet repression.

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Around 80% of the population stopped taking covid boosters despite public health authorities never stopped recommending them. More are awake now maybe than ever before. It will be interesting to see what happens this winter.

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Do mean with reference to those who've already been jabbed, perishing, or if more people will sign on to the "Idiot train" ?

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There will an end to it. Maybe not we think, but there will an end.

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The comments about Senator Paul are absolutely untrue. I saw him speak last night and he was laser focused on the covid response. He mentioned masks and cited the comprehensive study that proved that masks do not work. Senator Paul is pushing hard against the totalitarian urge.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

During one of Rand's recent theatrical grillings against Moderna's Bancel, he brought up myocarditis risk but then surprisingly took the stance that one shot should be enough for children.

Anyone arguing for one shot as enough, or pretending shots taken in prior years should be treated differently than the unvaxxed is fighting for higher compliance and isn't following their supposed science. The whole idea of boosters is because supposed protection disappears in 2-4 months.

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That was wrong of Senator Paul to recommend that shot for anyone, at anytime for any reason. It is a poison to our system. All medications are poisons, hence the snake the staff. But, this particular poison has no value and in fact has things in it that will always end badly for people. People who have taken it may be given grace, which is what I pray for. I pray that God removes this from their system.

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I agree.

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Controlled opposition?

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He seems less controlled than most, but seeing him advocate for ANY covid shots for children was shocking.

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I agree, especially since he claims he was never jabbed at all.

Dr. R. has said in the past that these vaccinations are not necessary to anyone who's not in that group which are susceptible. Children have never been susceptible, therefore, I believe you may be right that he is compromised at some level.

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Rand advocating for children to be vaccinated, is clearly contradictory to his statements in this article. I would like to see where you found him saying the contrary, if you don't mind.


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From 6:20

Advocating for one shot is about increasing compliance and is not supported at all by any of their science. Yet he somehow cites a Johns Hopkins doctor that supports the idea.

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I think Senator Paul is compromised in some way. I am not sure because they don't come right out tell us. Wouldn't that be nice if they did?

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I don't know that there is anyone in guv-mint at that level that isn't beholden to a power that holds the reins, a strangle-hold on the entire globe. I mean, look a the world. It has lost it's purpose.

We should be thriving, in this amazing modern age.

But, as usual, those greedy rich parasites, the same families like since the beginning, refuse to share, and are withholding resources.

They used to tell us to fight over it, for 'our share'.. Now they've figured an ingenious way to control every asset of value, if controlling a population is your goal. And now refuse to share oil, the resource they covet the most. We're told to go electric while they have beefier armored SUV's and jet to Bahrain for golf and lunch, and Paris for dinner.

We're being lampooned by those with control of the narrative.

Where I live, LAST WEEK, the local employee-(partly)-owned grocery/hardware store required masking up of all employees and were forced to endure those idiotic PCR tests, again. And wouldn't you know it, they were all excited-experts, compliant, to save lives. One of their own was in the hospital, and quite ill, with "CoVid". CoVid vax is my guess, since they all lined up for the jab (if they wanted to work, it was mandatory).

Such virtue on display. I had to say something.

"You're not falling for this steaming pile of bullshit again, are you?"

I was soon alone in the aisle.

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My intense pleasure of knowing you, Doug. My long lost brother, finally found !


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Paul is clearly against jabbing kids for CV19. The argument he had with Bancel about multiple boosters vs a single jab was rhetoric intended to highlight the absurdity of multiplying the risks of myocarditis with multiple jabs. If not for Paul, Uncle Tony would likely still be head of NIAID. With a few more like him, Fauci will go to jail where he belongs along with many others.

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From your mouth to God's ears

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Critical thinking has to enter as part of that equation.

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I am reminded of cattle being driven to auction and slaughter. Because they fear the shouts and prods, they deliver themselves to their own demise.

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Ever watch the movie " Cell " ?


Eerily familiar to your statement.

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Stephen King thinks these horror ideas up. Wonder who gave him the gift of brooding panic and alarm.

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Rumor has it that Klaus Anal Schwab was his mentor. 🙈

Henry Kissenger really was Schwabs mentor, and helped him build the WEF.

Its a love-fest all around

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Such accounts are as common as they are crazy, throughout history. We are all of the same 'family of man', yeah?

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Not complying with anymore pandemic nonsense. Many of us are in the, “Make me”, mindset and are fed up.

If Congress was serious they would…

Take no more big tech / pharma / defense , etc money.

Vote NO against anything supporting or funding all of the above.

Cut all funding to gov’t except essential services.

Get ONE bad actor criminally charged.

If they can charge one, the rest will follow.

Instead Pres. Trump will get indicted again and Brandon will eat ice cream.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

A few Things I'm aware of at this moment

At my age, I do not fear death, in whatever way, shape, or form it presents itself.

I will not follow along, wear a mask, social distance, get any death jabs, or subject myself to any of the other bullshit thrown our way, defying peacefully, until forced otherwise.

Covid is a scam, climate change is a scam. The real issue is evil, malignant people in financial and / or political power, humans (useful idiots) easily swayed to betray their own country with dangling carrots of wealth and power, and the onslaught of the federal governments across the globe, geoengineering destroying our once beautiful world, chemically poisoning everything forever.

My government is being ruled by other's (a shadow government) not primarily who reside here, but from abroad, complicit by the 545 (maybe minus a handful) whose agenda is to internally destroy the greatest country which ever existed, for their own profit, power, and probable reptilian enjoyment.

The USA government is a main propagator of war, famine, death, destruction, and disturbance of the natural progression that other sovereign nations have evolved in their personal and political history, under the guise of "Democracy", all for the pillaging and profiteering of those in our government (and the shadow government), in their eternal quest for financial gain, and to control everything, and everyone.

Wildfires are man-made, arsonist set, and are being used to control, relocate, and destroy the environments which allow peaceful people to co-exist with both each other and nature. If you want proof of this, simply read the PDF in this article which shows "Forest Fire As A Military Weapon" was commissioned by the US Govt in the early 1970's and since has been declassified for viewing.


Some people will never wake up to what is being used against them. Many thanks to Desmond and Dr. R. for clarifying this in their efforts to get the word out regarding the Mass Psychosis Hypnosis, again, being perpetrated against all of society, opening eyes of many. These other sheep-eople, IMO, are already a lost cause, and their only wake up call will be when it directly affects them as an individual. All out war, chaos, destruction, and violence within their own countries boundaries, on their streets, in their faces, will finally open their eyes, but by then it will be too late.

I love this country, and I despise the repugnant entities who reside here who are pushing this agenda.

The only way out of this is to create unity of all citizens (of all races, creeds and colors) against this agenda, but unfortunately I don't see that happening anytime soon, unless the awakening that I've personally experienced around me, spreads much quicker than one would hope to expect

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I like your comment and fully agree that most of our troubles on every front are man-made.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Instilling fear, division and want to our children is child abuse and those perpetrators will bear the milestone of their actions...

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It seems we sit back and allow time to pass with no real response to the authoritarians that stepped into the Covid arena to destroy our bill of rights. Promises made of bringing these destroyers of our constitution to justice have certainly not been promises kept. Now like a festering boil it begins to show its puss ridden head again. We are going on 8 months with no indictments, hearings, basically no response to Americans lose of freedoms. This absolute lack of response is my fear. Every minute that goes by is another lost opportunity to set our republic right. Listening to Fauci spew his continued authoritarian policies unimpeded disgust me. J.Goodrich

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As stepdad used to say...don't hold your hand on your butt waiting for this d.o.j.to prosecute anyone actually guilty. It may grow on to it there while waiting. We need a total change beginning with a new POTUS firing every one of the fed attorneys and bringing in a new batch, hopefully none from an ivy law school. Then start ridding us of those onerous agencies congress uses to duck their responsibility to govern the Republic

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I like your comment, but...the problem is international in scope. These last few days have shown not just the US readying it's "covid response", but news articles are additionally from the WHO, UN.

Icing on the cake this morning is an email from our IVM source that they can can no longer accept bank cards, that Black Rock has cut off their card processing.

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Pointing out WE as a nation need to pull in our horns and be a bloody less global in everything we do starting with returning manufacturing to our shores. And getting out of the u.n. and w.h.o.

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Very concerning about your IVM source. Hope you don't mind me asking, but is this an American compounding pharmacy?

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

I am surprised no one else has commented on this. I think this is nearly on a level of the Canadian trucker's donations. It is not a compounding pharmacy, but it is in the US using US drugs.

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Very upsetting. New levels of tyranny - hard to see it coming until it's here. What will the next tactic be.

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We are horrible creatures of habits. it is past the day we must refocus on only the good ones.

We must reclaim what was stolen from us as Inherited rights and freedoms again and again.

Never forgetting what was sacrificed to allow us to do "exactly" that. To speak freely.

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I agree with Marc. Senator Paul is probably picking the targets he thinks he has the best chance with. Decapitate the head of the dragon and you may be able to kill off all its siblings or at least frighten them into submission. He (Paul) has endured the most vicious criticism, been ignored by all his colleagues, often speaks memorable speeches for history to an empty Senate chamber, has done all he can valiantly to reign in government spending and regularly points out the graft and corruption and waste. He has also been threatened and personally attacked at least twice that I know of not of course including the Jan 6 silliness. Until there is a strong conservative house and senate, and a President who will do something about the rogue deep state, many of these really good warriors are whistling into the wind.

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The apple does not fall far from the tree. Ron Paul gave many floor speeches. One I cannot now find was chilling for its later accuracy. He listed all of the things that would happen if the USG continued to pick fights with foreign nations.

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They called him Dr. No as I recall. Lived in his district for a while here in Texas.

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He voted no on every spending bill I think. My oldest son and I drove up to WA to one of his rallies in 2012. He was the best candidate for Pres out of all of them. The GOP establishment at the state level played numerous tricks to stop the elections of Paul delegates to the convention. I know because I witnessed it as a PCP in Oregon. It is a rigged system, always has been.

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Paul is slow and not engaging others to fight back with him. Why don't you think he has some influence over the others that are like minded. Democrats love their children too, don't they?

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When I read Michael Crichton's book "State of Fear" in the mid to late 2000s and shortly thereafter Tim Weiner's book "Legacy of Ashes" about the chronic institutional failures of the CIA, they forever changed my viewpoint of government, current events, etc. Two days ago, I visited a very nice elderly Russian Jewish lady in a nursing home- she was requesting me to make her a new upper denture. She is very much a full deck and a lovely person as well. She is from Lviv, Ukraine. I told her my late wife's grandma was from Bila Tserkva outside of Kiev- not far from Babi Yar, both sites of massacres of Jews by the Nazi einsatzgruppen early in the war. I asked her what it was like to be a Jew in the former Galicia, home to the most vicious antisemites on the face of the earth with the intellect of nematode worms. She said it was very hard. My point? we ended the conversation with her and her husband stating "this is not the same United States we came to 25 years ago." Even the immigrants to the USA see what is happening to this country. All that I can say is keep the faith and fight the mass formation when you see it and tell your friends that masks are BS. Thanks for the post Dr. Malone. As they say in yiddish "Sei Immer a mensch."

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I liked your story. I think sometimes people forget that in Ukraine and Russia, the Jews and the Christians were persecuted. The synagogues and churches were torn down and destroyed. The holy relics were strewn about and later sold on the black market. The Ukrainian people were a majority Christian country before the Bolsheviks took over. The church is trying to restore the faithful in Ukraine and Putin is building up churches in Russia as Zelensky is persecuting the Christians in Ukraine with the help of the United States. I don't know how the Faithful Jewish population is doing in Ukraine. No one ever reports on if they are doing ok. Do you know?

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I was in a car wreck 4 years ago. I was T-boned. Because of that I have had a long journey trying to get back to “normal”. Every time we would drive through a larger city I would go into panic mode and hyperventilate. It was bad. My councilor told me that just before we were going to go to the bigger city or anytime I might feel total panic. I was to pray that I would be yoked equally to Jesus. That he would protect me and keep me safe while traveling through big cities. So I took his advise. I can now say that because of my faith in God and his son I can mostly stay calm. No major panic attacks. It is a good feeling.

We need to remember that God is in charge. Yes we have to remember bad things happen but we can get through anything if we rely on God.

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Was in a v.w. beetle that was rolled off a I35 exit ramp. Broke a clavicle and from that day on was nervous as a passenger. Does not go away so much as you learn to ignore it

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PTSD is a bitch

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Micheal, here's another version of an accident. I was four, in the car sleeping on my mother's lap after a visit to a bar, raining, and her "boyfriend" rolled the car. I was thrown out and landed in a ditch with just enough water to cushion the force of the car on top of me and not enough water to drown me. A nurse came by and got people to get the car off me. No broken bones, just lacerations and some glass on my scalp. Divine intervention. When it's not your time to go...

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Have had several experiences where I wondered thereafter how I could possibly have survived. My Mother frequently noted she was sending her Guardian Angels out to watch over me and keep me safe. Gives me cause to wonder.

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Sort of a funny story there. Got tired of explaining what the clavicle was so when was asked what happened by an faculty member I told him I broke my collar bone in a wreck. Well, he was my comparative anatomy prof and I bet you can guess what he said.

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Gee. That sounds aweful.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

https://www.ancientfaith.com/podcasts/hopko/god_is_in_control_yes_or_no This is 37 minute listen time.

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God allows agency. He didn’t stop Hitler but there were great miracles that people experienced in spite of Hitler.

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I am listening to my own recommendation again right now. It helps me to recognize what my own repsonsiblites are right now.

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Bad things happen to good people. It doesn’t mean God loves them less. It is evil designing men that bring terror to mankind. I think of all those people in Maui that died or are displaced. I just know that God is there and is watching over us. I survived a 22 year marriage of abuse. But I felt the Savior there in all things. Sometimes he carried me when I could no longer

carry myself. He lifted my burdens if only for a short time. This belief sustained me through the tough times.

I think of Corrie Ten Boom. She was grateful for the fleas. It kept the Nazi’s from coming into their bunkhouse. Therefore they were able to keep the beloved Bible. She wrote that the people in the concentration camps that survived were those who served and took care of others . They were not focused on themselves.

Plain and simple, life is hard but it is what you make out of it. It is up to me to be the best person I can be.

Corrie Ten Boom also said that her sister was praying for the matron in the camp , that God may forgive her. What an amazing person.

It is my hope that if I die amid all this evil is that I was helping others.

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True, but a lot of people died and a lot of heartache came for all. One of my friends that was Christian was in a camp. She was raped, starved, and constantly threatended. It affected her in ways that no one can imagine. Even though she came out alive and got to America, and had happy experiences, she had that horror come back into her mind. Taking her to the grocery store to pick out food was always a big issue. Two hours, it took two hours! Maybe 20 minutes to pick out macaroni. No one says we won't have scars and we do. Sometimes we stop and we are grateful that we have all the blessings from God, but does that mean others were denied because they were bad people. I don't think so. My daughter sent me this. Father Thomas Hopko was loved by all that knew him. He is pretty smart. But, he didn't have all the answers either. 40 minute listen https://www.ancientfaith.com/podcasts/hopko/god_is_in_control_revisited

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Not to worry, most of the general public, even many in other countries get it now. We know.

The big worry will be the violence used to smash this attempt to pieces. This oligarchy must

Be crushed and the sooner the better. It must be. It will be.

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I’m not convinced that most of the people get it. No one who gets their news and info from the msm gets it. There are millions that don’t get it because they don’t watch any news or tune in to any social media other than FB where they read the latest news about their grandchildren. I live in a big city but I travel in rural America. I see a level of ignorance there that would shock most readers of this Substack. From my interactions with rural America I would conclude that the overwhelming majority do not know what is going on. Most remain conservative and do not trust government, a fixture for decades, but they have know idea that evil has taken over our nation and world and that genocidal war has been declared on the human race. Not a clue.

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I agree. I visited old liberal friends awhile back and they were parroting the talking points of the MSM. When I mentioned some items of disagreement, I was told they did not want to discuss issues. They just wanted to live their lives peacefully and not get involved in disagreements. Oh how they will be surprised to find out just how involved they will eventually be while they “slept” their way through their “peaceful” life!

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Long time friend since the mid 90s stopped by the other day. We did not discuss this. He stopped by a year ago and mention a friend was telling him all this weird stuff was happening and he was 'come on that's crazy'. When he was leaving I said what your friend said Don, it is all true. And he just shook his head 'no'.

They do not want to know because they know there is nothing they can do about it and their life is okay as is and they don't need the mental torture.

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Yes Shelley I see this attitude every day, both in the city and in the country. People want everything to be normal and they can still live their “normal” lives and they just don’t want to hear about it. Much of my own family have this attitude. The perpetrators of what is happening designed it that way. Make everything seem normal until it is too late. Slavery comes slowly, and then all of a sudden. That’s the plan. It is so insidiously evil.

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Maybe the struggles of daily living make them clueless but when the time comes and it is near, they will understand and do what is right to defend our Republic. It won’t take much or long to spell out. Most of them are the patriots who will help defend our nation. With out a doubt!

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I like your optimism but for many, and for a long time, the USG is benevolently on cruse control and never given a thought while their daily lives go on. They do buy into the msm pandering done for the gov and still believe Russia, Russia, Russia was real, people are causing climate change and probably Biden is a okay pres.

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I hope you are right Carla. At the end of the day I do believe that this is in God’s hands. We must do our part and fight, but the results are up to Him. Without Him there could not be a good ending for those on His side. But there will be I know.

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May be right but hope not

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"The COVID masks have been taken off, but an understanding of the fraud that has been perpetrated has, for the majority of people, not been understood.

It could be argued that the discussion presented above could be seen as being academic – pointless – as the COVID scare is now over, and the masks are gone."


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The Jesuits have lost their way as well as Papa Francesco. Why else would they beautify fatal Fauci! As long as the medical narrative can instill fear we are lost!

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What is the road out of this mess?


And most importantly SWARMING.

We need to make new systems that we the people control, plugging them into the current systems through representatives willing to decentralize their leadership into citizens assemblies or swarms, then using new and improved and decentralized and transparent versions of Human Swarm Intelligence to govern.

If you never heard of swarming we implore everyone to read this and consider the implications for all of humanity:


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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As always, enlightening and educational comments from you, Doctor. Bravo.

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Nope. I will not be a party to their terrorist mind games. I will rest, have my peace, in Jesus.

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