Brilliant detection of the “War Is Peace” linguistic gymnastics performed by governments to violate such agreements without “violating” such agreements!

Thank you for also addressing the question of what can be done about this with concrete recommendations.

If we’ve learned anything these past two years, these documents/treaties/codes/laws/rules mean nothing if they don’t have teeth. The Nuremberg Code, the Hippocratic Oath, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Accords—all of these have been egregiously violated with absolutely zero consequences, in part due to linguistic trickery and vocabulary redefinitions like you’ve described here.

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Teeth? Like, say, blue-helmeted UN troops? Or WEF style sanctions and "agreements"?

International law is a sad joke. It always has been. Power is what matters, and it gets exercised in many ways, visible and invisible. The Pax Americana era is coming to an end, and we'll see some big shifts.

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True. On the flip side, the failure of international law can work in our favor when it comes to the WHO’s proposed international pandemic treaty—although I fear that *would* be zealously enforced since it is backed by the shadowy powers to which you allude.

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The linguistic gymnastics and contortions are worthy of a Barnum & Bailey center ring act.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The citizens of this country in support of this 'confict'...i.e. 'war' are ignorant of what you are revealing here today Robert. If the facts were made known to the people of the United States, perhaps we would stand a chance of overthrowing the Deep State....

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

They built these labs at Russia's doorstep, but the lesson from covid is that these are a threat to all of humanity regardless of where we put them.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Spinning the verbiage to make it sound humanitarian is an art form. We need to form a global initiative called "Protecting Life from Extinction". I'm learning too much from Dr. Malone and I'm getting stressed out! Please don't stop!

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Don't get stressed out: just do more research: the more you know in this area: forewarned IS FOREARMED.. !! the U.S is FAR SUPERIOR to any of the other countries: this I know.. we do need to get rid of FAUCI and the current lame CDC admin.. and kick ass on Big Pharma.

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Will post more on this: .. :) thx.. :) izzy

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Relax Thomas...allowing stress to impact your life is part of their intention, I'm convinced. I believe Dr. Malone may have previously mentioned this publication, but I urge you to read or listen to "The Biology of Belief" by Bruce H. Lipton PH.D.

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Thanks for the Reminder. I got the book and never finished it!

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I am reading it for a second time now. Thomas. If you can prevent negativity (and I understand how difficult that is in current times) you will have an edge up on the majority...

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hmm. will add that to my reading list.. which is LONG.. but I have never read it..

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I will comment before reading this. I saw early this morning the 1956 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers and it so reminded me of what’s happening today. Our bodies and minds are being taken over and they are after our children. The only difference is that this is not being done by aliens (I think).

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For a humorous and almost certainly fictional take on the alien takeover, check out "Braindead", a 2016 one-season TV comedy. You might be able to watch it on some of the platforms listed at the Roku link.



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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As of this moment, I officially know too much.

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You can never know too much. The key is to not allow it to initiate a state of fear. If you do, you are playing right into their intended plan...

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That was crammed in there some time ago.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So the writers of this document did not think to use the language “the terms offensive and/or defensive biological weapons”. Their critical thinking processes never included the possibility of the loop holes of this agreement. Red flags, red flags are in order. Attorneys always always know to use precise language in any document to prohibit any behavior. So much in this document has the possibilities of loop holes. Even a lay person can see right through these deceits. Thank you for sharing.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

After joining Gettr, an entire flood of information became accessible. It is both intriguing and frightening. What is now available doesn't surprise me, but does shake me to the core at times. Our government and some corporations succumbed to corruption and greed - outright evil. We appreciate all you have done to push out the truth. I'm praying for you and others. God chose you for this purpose. Thank you.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This was unsettling to read to say the least. Thanks for bringing this to light in greater detail than most of us were aware. This is one for me to share.

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EXCELLENT article.Thank you sooooooo very much Dr. Malone for your tireless fight against medical tyranny. Law Professor Francis Boyle, author of the U.S. Biological Weapons Terrorism Act of 1989, links U.S. Bioweapons facilities to SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) & seeks prosecutions in the U.S., check out my article. The U.S. govt has created ethnic-specific bioweapons, off-shored, in U.S.-funded biolabs. What's defensive about that? Professor Boyle believes we have the law on our side to prosecute these psychopaths.

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Indeed Lynn, the Arms race continued long after the Nuke treaty was signed in the 80s.

It went from hundreds of Megawar head tip ICBMs (Macro) to miniscule bio-toxins (micro).

When you think about all the effort$ it takes to produce/hide/disguise/shield/contain all these means of destruction (not protection) you could actually have built many entire really futuristic cities. And not the kind Mien Kamph Schwab dreams about for certain. Sigh....

Why oh why does Mankind's need for tribal Dominance have to be on a continuum?

The cave man with the biggest club wins! Never realizing nothing gained but new fears.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wikipedia is fully monitored and updated by security agencies. Nothing that goes against the approved narrative will appear there for more than five minutes.

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https://treaties.unoda.org/t/bwc WOW: I was NOT READY FOR THAT: I will tell you this: I worked for George Todaro, directly and have written a book about the huge Political nastyfest which you refer to called Nobel Prize Hijacked. (copyrighted and nonpublished yet maybe never as I have retina issues) I worked for George at a campus of NIH during the peak the RNA reverse transcriptase and attempt to located the Oncogene virus which he and another scientist presented in 1969 to the scientific community. LET ME COMMENT BRIEFLY, I did subscribe and I am familiar with your positions and so far we are in agreement. I have B.S in Molecular Biology and I was trained in biohazard/bioweapon research but at the time we did not consider it "bioweapon research" but there was always that feeling of we are working with highly dangerous material and acted appropriately. I personally knew and I am sure she is retired now many of the people who maintain our viral repository in Maryland and have seen it with my own eyes, she gave me a tour when I was in town one day. TO YOUR POINT: YOU ARE CORRECT in your analysis even though I don't agree in concept that "Biological Weapons Treaties" which are based on GLOBAL leadership are applicable to the United States of America because we all know in fact that these Chemical and Biological Weapons agreements are not only unenforceable (as we saw with the Coronavirus Pandemic) for the same reasons that Iran denies us ability to look at their "peaceful" nuclear productions. I could write a lot more right now. Thank you for your extremely astute analysis. Before I return again.. I am going to check out. as in download the quote quote your article "famous “Asilomar Conference” that first defined ethical limits for recombinant DNA research occurred in 1975, three years later. The ability to create truly horrific new viruses is no longer “rocket science.” I have done thousands of hours of research on this and worked in the field as well. Gosh I have to stop: I did post that Japan did a hard hitting expose on China's ability to use the CRSPR technique to alter the Coronavirus and is busily using it to edit the Germ line DNA of Humans. I am sure with your background that you are aware other non scientists are in agreement with "us" about the Bioweapon, Chemical weapons in Ukraine one of whom is William Engdahl. THANKS.. I did subscribe.. and I will take a look at you and your wife's posted works. Have a Great DAY.. JOB WELL DONE AND SAID!!! "Izzy" Isabella Hale

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It would appear dear Izzy, that you as well have had the view from the "Eagles Nest" for a good long time! Great of you to chime in on what matters moving forward. Good on ye!

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I kept personal journals since 1973 when I started working with RNA viruses; it did change the direction of my lfe and career: been at this for many years: how perceptive of you! :) Izzy. :)

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Thank you for bringing clarity to this, Dr. Malone. We opened a Pandora's box a while ago, from which all manner of EVIL has spilled forth. There seems to be no 'restraining hand' of conscience (or otherwise) upon those who not only lack a moral compass, but believe they are the highest authority they will ever have to answer to. They have placed themselves upon the throne and shake their fist at God. All humanity suffers due to the unquenchable fire kindled by those who seek unbridled power or simply desire to watch it burn down. They think the flames will not devour them along with the rest of us. Sadly, I am not sure we can trust the motivations of Israel, as much as I hate to say that, I absolutely do not trust those of our IC, Big Pharma or the MIC. (Which I think are one and the same with the Globalists.) We have our first grandchild due this Summer. I grieve for what we are handing down to him. I pray for better.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I hugely appreciate your insightful and informed in depth analysis of this need and your timely bringing this to our attention. The August 2022 date is of definite concern, IMO. I suspect that with our current political cabal, a strong and principled effort by the next review committee will take some heavy lifting.

‘I believe that all of us have a role to ensure the safety of the world in regards to biological weapons research.’

I agree. The first question is how to get, at least the thinking public, to recognize the topic and the need. You’re on the money that the Covid pandemic is a stark example of why there is a need. Your suggestions of avenues to pursue are on the money. Framing the issues to help the public recognize their need to get involved followed by the details of the issues involved should help.

“Changes must be made to Wikipedia” While I can’t speak for others, suspect there are many who also rarely look to Wikipedia as a knowledgeable and honest source of information. At this point (in addition to your efforts) I am beginning to look to the Epoch Times articles as a start point. Then I go other places for additional insights. My point is the engaged public needs someplace better than Wikipedia to learn the truths of the matters asserted.

“ The propaganda and censorship surrounding the BWC must be stopped.” “Transparency is key to good governance” I fully agree, but as a former government employee (among other things) I appreciate how hard they and their compliant sources work to keep anything vaguely questionable well camouflaged at least or better yet hidden. This would take a dedicated effort in itself.

“Pressure and legislation to stop Google and other search engines from removing content that the “deep state” or three letter agencies don’t like must be applied.” I agree that something should be done to keep relevant information available! I am concerned that such an effort could lead to squelching publication at all or in the alternative charging sources themselves to time limit availability. Perhaps an alternative would be independent sources timely archiving materials by topic.

“The BWC has neither penalties for non-compliance nor mechanisms for inspection and verification of compliance. This should be immediately addressed at the next review committee.” There should be an adequately budgeted standing committee that systematically inspects signer’s facilities for biological weapons development and stockpiling. Agree. Now how to assure the next review committee has assured support and to pursue these needed efforts.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fauci is not going to like you😋

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Malone for President!

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Strange as it sounds, this is a distinct possibility. As a Red Pilled top level research scientist who is now cursing the WEF and New World Order with the rest of us, he could use his experience to bring those on the left over to reality. The left will never vote for any conservative, and the right will never vote for any liberal. Maybe both sides will vote for someone with genius level intelligence that also has common sense and knows the ins and outs of these complicated issues that is someone we can trust. What say you, Dr. M? Hat in the ring?

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Like you, Dr. Malone, I worked in this domain for a number of years. My role as the chief engineer for the development of the initial CONUS labs and associated collection and transport. Our mission was purely analysis/detection of samples using DNA (PCR, probes) and immuno technologies. We worked with long-retired BW experts from when the US had an offensive capability and we had access to their protocols from Ft Detrick (pilot) and Pine Bluff (production) - only for phenomenology purposes. Weaponization of the pathogens is the key differentiator between defensive and offensive...and this step is quite a technical challenge per our (then) experts.

Based on my experience, and also in consideration of the extreme political ramifications to the US, I doubt Ukraine would be involved in actual weaponization steps. Agree with all you say re: BWC and Gov't and media transparency.

I thank you for all you have done to educate the public re: the pandemic and vaccines. You are a national treasure.

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