I often hear complaints about how few physicians and medical care providers have spoken out regarding the toxicities and risks associated with the COVID-19 genetic vaccines. In my experience, one of the most remarkable Medical Doctors that I have encountered during the last three years has been Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, who currently serves as Surgeon General of the State of Florida. To those who are lately finding it fashionable to criticize physicians who did not immediately recognize and call out the risks associated with these hastily Emergency Use Authorized products, it will be hard to find fault with Dr. Ladapo, who was an early member of Americas Frontline Doctors. Even though Wikipedia has to put their spin on his bio, his integrity and bravery through the last three years shines through in remarkable contrast to the vast majority of academic physicians.
Ladapo was born in Nigeria, the son of a microbiologist. He immigrated to the United States at age five along with his family. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in chemistry from Wake Forest University in 2000. Ladapo received a MD from Harvard Medical School and a PhD in Health Policy from Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in 2008. Ladapo completed clinical training in internal medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. He is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ladapo had promoted unproven treatments — hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin —, questioned the safety of vaccines, opposed lockdown mandates, and associated with America's Frontline Doctors, a far-right group known for promoting falsehoods about the pandemic. In a March 24, 2020, opinion column in USA Today, Ladapo argued against lockdowns deriving from his experience in treating COVID-19 patients at UCLA, an assertion he repeated in a later column published by the Wall Street Journal.
With passage of time, he became a vocal supporter of Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis' COVID-19 policies that ran against mainstream medical consensus. On September 21, 2021, he was appointed to be the Surgeon General of the state….
On appointment, Ladapo critiqued the "senseless" fear-driven cult of vaccination — characterizing vaccines as one of the many equally preventative arms of pandemic management — and would repeal quarantine rules for schoolchildren exposed to COVID-19 as his first executive action. The next month, Ladapo courted controversy after refusing to wear a mask while in a meeting with State Senator Tina Polsky, who had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was set to undergo radiation therapy; he defended his actions on the ground that masking hindered effective communication. Ladapo was confirmed by the Senate on February 23, 2022; during background checks, his former UCLA supervisor refused a positive recommendation, noting that Ladapo's "hands-off" approach towards tackling COVID-19 had violated the Hippocratic oath and had distressed colleagues.
In March, Ladapo recommended that healthy children in Florida not be vaccinated against COVID-19; thus, Florida became the first state to contradict relevant guidelines by CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics. All of the "experts" who were cited by Ladapo were not consulted in the process; they disagree with the recommendation and accuse him of de-contextualizing their arguments. Since then, Ladapo has shifted focus to transgender healthcare — holding professional organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Endocrine Society as politically motivated, he has restricted gender-affirming counseling, hormonal therapies, and related medications for transgender and nonbinary children.
To my mind, every one of these “controversial” positions demonstrate that Joe is precisely the type of medical leader that we so desperately need in these times. But based on my personal experience, what is most remarkable about Dr. Ladapo is his calm, unflappable demeanor and impeccable moral compass in the face of the hurricane of criticism which he has withstood. The contrast to the Federal HHS and global “leaders” is profound. This is the type of leader that I can follow. What you hear in the Megyn Kelly interview at the top of this essay is the Joe Ladapo that I know, as usual without any affectation or artifice. As we see other physicians who seek to be identified as central leaders suffering from the effects of egotism and a desire to commercialize newfound fame, Joe has maintained an even keel and steady eye on the horizon, and has continued to maintain a calm and steady hand at the tiller. Keep that in mind as you read the press announcement and associated epidemiological analysis which he has recently announced to the world. This man is the polar opposite of Drs. Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Rochelle Walensky. No grandstanding, no self-aggrandizement. Refreshingly not narcissistic.
Today I was asked by One America News to comment on the new study which Joe and his colleagues released three days ago on October 07, 2022. Here are the key findings, according to the press release:
Tallahassee, Fla. — Today, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo has announced new guidance regarding mRNA vaccines. The Florida Department of Health (Department) conducted an analysis through a self-controlled case series, which is a technique originally developed to evaluate vaccine safety.
This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac-related death among men in this age group. Non-mRNA vaccines were not found to have these increased risks.
As such, the State Surgeon General recommends against males aged 18 to 39 from receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Those with preexisting cardiac conditions, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, should take particular caution when making this decision.
“Studying the safety and efficacy of any medications, including vaccines, is an important component of public health,” said Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo. “Far less attention has been paid to safety and the concerns of many individuals have been dismissed – these are important findings that should be communicated to Floridians.”
When the press release and associated study results were released, there were the usual attacks. Charlie Christ, running for Governor in opposition to sitting Governor Ron DeSantis, stated "our quack Surgeon General Ladapo is back with more misinformation. When I'm governor, I'll appoint a surgeon general who isn't a partisan ideologue and who will provide sound medical advice." To which the current Governor’s spokesperson Christina Pushaw replied "Billboard lawyer who failed the bar twice thinks he knows more about science than a Harvard MD/PhD who was previously a professor at UCLA Medical School". Ball is in your court, Mr. Crist. Thank you for your coverage of this dustup, Newsweek.
And then we have Twitter, the censors of which promptly shot themselves in the foot, twice, by first deleting Dr. Ladipo’s accurately summarizing the study results:
"Today, we released an analysis on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines the public needs to be aware of. This analysis showed an increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39. FL will not be silent on the truth," Ladapo tweeted, citing an analysis conducted by Florida's health department that stated that the vaccine poses a "high risk" of death.
And then, for some strange reason, someone apparently rethought the atmospherics of this, and Twitter later confirmed that the tweet has been restored.
On the other side, there was much joy in Mudville as instead of striking out, Dr. Ladapo appeared to have hit a grand slam.
So, in preparing for recording the One America News broadcast, I wanted to avoid the risk of just gushing about the analysis because it confirmed my own bias. I took the time to carefully review the paper, read the references, and consider the long list of limitations which the authors carefully noted and disclosed. After assembling my own opinion, I called up Dr. Ladapo, who kindly took my call and for fourty five minutes we discussed the various nits and concerns which I had based on both the listed limitations as well as my own observations.
As usual, no hyperbole from Dr. Ladipo. Just his usual calm, collected demeanor. The (non-peer reviewed) manuscript “Risk of death following SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 vaccination in young people in England: a self-controlled case series study.” which was cited in the Florida summary, and which contradicted the findings of the current study (claiming no adverse cardiac effects), was for a different age cohort (12-29) and blended the two (yes, only two) genders - which will quench the observed cardiotoxicity most strikingly observed in males aged 18-39. That study also selected a different (shifted later) timeframe. Of the two, the Florida study appears more rigorous and much better designed to get at the underlying truth of the question.
As our discussion proceeded, what I found most compelling is that the current Florida study is consistent with the “preponderance of evidence”. In study after study, including even from the CDC and FDA, it has been clear that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine products which use non-viral gene therapy methods to express spike protein in the cells of the recipient, are associated with cardiac damage, including disease and death from that damage.
The aspect of the study which I find most troubling is that it essentially focused on inoculation #2 for the analysis. The data employed were from fairly early in the course of “vaccine” deployment, and did not cover what happens after inoculations 3, 4, 5 or 6. When asked about this, Dr. Ladipo agreed that this was a limitation, and indicated that he hopes to address these effects in future studies of the Florida data. I hypothesize that when data concerning these additional doses are analyzed, one is likely to observe an even more striking incidence of adverse effects and death.
The other observation which Florida and Dr. Ladapo has chosen to not highlight is this:
“Non-mRNA vaccines were not found to have these increased risks.”
Badda boom. Now, I have not reviewed the primary data, but it could well be that the relatively low numbers of patients in the study meeting the criteria of “not mRNA\unknown” resulted in significantly lower statistical power for analysis of these groups, and that this observation could be an artifact of the statistical analysis due to this. However, this issue certainly merits a deeper dive and more comprehensive analysis (perhaps of the court ordered, newly disclosed CDC V-Safe data?), as if this observation withstands more rigorous testing, then one would have to hypothesize that the Spike protein is not the main cause of the cardiac toxicity, and then we are left with the possibility that the mRNA delivery platform is the problem. This may seem an “inside baseball” nuance (notice I am staying with Casey at Bat?), but as we previously discussed in this essay, the FDA is using the COVID-19 Vaccines as a "Platform Technology" for mRNA Vaccine Trials. Which would mean that every male patient aged 18-39 enrolled or about to be enrolled in those trials could be at risk for an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death.
I just hope that these subjects are being provided with a balanced and accurate disclosure of risk as they are presented with their “informed consent” paperwork.
In sum, well done, Joe. Keep on doing what you do. We need more grand slams.
One big difference between Florida and many other states and countries is mature leadership. In West Australia, where I live, the leadership, including the health bureaucrats consist of immature and ignorant sheeple. No ability to think critically. Give me Desantis and Ladapo anytime.
It was probably very hard to overcome this:
UN Recruited Over 100,000 'Digital First Responders' To Push Establishment COVID Narrative
Here is an American hero! We need more like him serving the public. It's nice to see someone who actually cares about American's.
Terrific about Dr. L and terrific about his Governor DeSantis, affording the support he needs to better speak out about these issues!
If you're on twitter, Dr L had a great summary tweet about it today.
This retired neurologist agrees completely with Dr Malone: Dr Ladapo is an exemplary medical leader and thinker. Young physicians and premeds: Dr Ladapo is your model in fulfilling your oath to society. Stand up for what you know is right. Be not afraid. Truth will prevail. Our patients expect us to be courageous on their behalf.
Yes sir. I used to be a medical educator (until I was fired for not getting "vaccinated"). Current medical students are in great need of a role model like Doctor Ladapo. They are trained to become "guideline followers". It is a terrible shame.
Well, the "guideline followers" had better think things through. If that's all they do, its only a couple of years before they can all be replaced by AI and a bunch of low paid LVNs.....
One small candle can chase what feels like suffering darkness
Well said sir.
No one can question the credentials of Dr. Joe Ladapo. Those who do, show their prejudice in calling a "quack" anyone who disagrees with the ridiculous "official" narrative. In the past I used to use Wikipedia a lot as a reference, and even donated to their cause. Not anymore, since I realized they will discredit anyone with whom they don't agree. I am a medical doctor, and I am one of those very disapponted that not many medical doctors have spoken against the disgrace of these "vaccines" and also about everything related to the covid response.
I believe it’s also funded by George Soro’s if I remember correctly, so that’s telling. I no longer use it.
I wonder if the UN has its tentacles there?
UN Recruited Over 100,000 'Digital First Responders' To Push Establishment COVID Narrative
Would not be surprised.
I used to be a wiki user too and gave money. It’s sad what it’s become, and sad when I use them now I find lies in everything
"You learn to know a pilot in a storm."
I heard him when you (and Margaret?) were in a conference together. I was very impressed. Honestly, when he opened his mouth, it just floored me because his personal style was so understated, factual and, as you say, calm. Beautiful human being.
I’ve only seen him on TV, but it was his calm demeanor, I found most striking as well.
So grateful to be a Floridian, especially in these times. And Crist can go pound salt.
I seriously doubt Crist knows at the executive level what mRNA is and how the vaccines work. Poor guy would probably have a heart attack if someone explained it to him...
You will know the mass formation has broken, (concerning politics) when the term "far-right" is no longer pejorative but means "right all along" instead!
Well said! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Thank you for this information. Dr Ladapo is a man of integrity. He is not compromised. So refreshing. He has the same calm demeanor as you do Dr Malone. Not all hyped up. Just laying the truth down for you to make a decision . You both are men with honor and courage to stand for what is right.
Exactly! 2 great warriors! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
It still cracks me up how the left has pivoted from the early days of the covid vax being the "unsafe Trump vaccine" to now being the "holy sacrament of woke ideology".
The left left critical thinking and any semblance of a moral compass behind many decades ago
True. The fact they actually began with the right position on the "dangerous Trump vaccine" had nothing to do with critical thinking and had everything to do with TDS. Which to me, makes their vax pivot all the more baffling.
TDS is also why if I were to tell certain friends and family about this, they'd immediately discount it because it came out of Florida (or any other Red state).
LOL, and to all the leftist lurkers out there, you know I'm right.
Like when they started the KKK
Definitely left is more woke and blind at the same time LOL, but there are very many on BOTH sides who have taken pharm coercions and campaign cash for decades, which is one reason why today is today in this mess. We have to hold both sides accountable. Plenty of righwinger conservatives w/ lined pockets are content not to rock any boats.
Thank you for remembering! Yes, the “Trump” vaccine- they said it . And then they stole it to have something, anything, to use. Without understanding what it was and how it was “supposed “to work.
So thankful to Dr. Ladapo and Ron DeSantis for seeking truth and not succumbing to the mRNA madness in this country and in so many others around the world. Freedom and Truth will always prevail, especially with strong leaders like these men. So proud of Florida!
Thanks so much for this great tribute to Dr Ladapo!
Recently, I finished his book titled, "Transcend Fear: A Blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health." It's an uplifting read, including how he came to have such a calm approach to life.
Continued thoughts and prayers are with you and Jill. Deepest gratitude for all you do to share the truth!!
Kudos to Joe Lapado,a man with both a brain and integrity! Many are aware today about the morals of those connected to the AMA. An organization promoted by J. D. Rockefeller to provide higher income and prestige for doctors...nothing about real care for patients. Rockefeller had patented petroleum-based drugs to sell...so he went all out to promote the AMA. This was over 100 years ago...and now an all powerful AMA and its affiliates have bought out the American government.
As I have pointed out before the AMA only speaks for the less than 20% of physicians who have retained membership. This is a number the msm refuses to ever mention
I went to guidestar and looked up their tax forms. They bring in NINE billion a year! I didn't have time to go into the granular data - but will do so later.
I worked at a state biomed shop. where m.d.s had their membership paid for them. Suspect pretty true in most places like that--certainly fed gov centers and that should tell us where their 20% membership hails from. But saw where their membership dipped below 20% when then endorsed the ACA
It appears that it's the provincial colleges of physicians and surgeons in Canada that are a big part of the problem. These are run like a mafia and government doesn't seem to control them even while they have broad powers to remove doctors' licenses and even lock them in psychiatric facilities. We need to shine a big spotlight on these organizations and investigate them thoroughly.
Thanks again Dr. Malone " Two more fine Doctors from Canada - Oct 5th Roundtable discussion.
Also Jeff Childers Attorney thinks what Dr. Ladapo has done is very important for the legal arena.
Wow! So great to see a couple more Canadian doctors speaking out. It takes a great deal of bravery when there are so few.
Blue pills don’t create liars out of physicians..
...cash and threats apparently do
It is so encouraging to hear the interaction between two doctors ( Malone and Ladapo ) give us real science. (Especially since it makes sense to the average layperson and is intended to help us make truly informed decisions about our health)! I hope and pray that we the people will be blessed with more of this altruistic leadership!
Thanks Dr. Malone for studying and supporting Dr. Ladapo's efforts. I saw his interview on Steve Bannon's program this morning and was impressed with his calm explanation of his studies and willingness to 'protect' his citizens.
Florida is blessed to have DeSantis and Ladapo. Thank you for your diligence on the study towards the OAN interview. God Bless everyone working hard in defense of Humanity, in the face of such horrid Opposition.
It has got to be so incredibly satisfying to speak with this man. With all the humiliation you have endured, to find a few people who match your integrity, education and even keel (most of the time:) must feel damn good!
Isn't it remarkable that when you put people in a role where they have the freedom to tell the truth without fear of reprisal, they (wait for it)...
I am not suggesting that Mr. Ladapo lacks courage - far from it. I am simply suggesting that his current role doesn't force him to speak at the risk of being canceled. How many medical professionals are laying low because they don't have the luxury of speaking out without being canceled?
WE all have to make choices. If you read or listened to my essay, you will know that Joe spoke truth even when it cost him.
Didn't realize he was from Nigeria. Reminds me of the doctor (Omalu) that Will Smith played in "Concussion". Omalu was another professional who wasn't afraid to speak out in the face of big business (in that case, the NFL).
Follow the money, Jerry. Follow the money.
I will admit that I need to watch. I was assuming he got air cover from DeSantis - but not necessarily that the AMA or any others in the "establishment" were leaving him alone. The days of allowing things to fairly compete in the marketplace of honest debate are long gone.
I am envisioning a new ad campaign to join that bastion of impartial journalism: Anderson Cooper 360 - sponsored by Pfizer.
"The AMA - made possible by a generous grant from Pfizer and the Gates Foundation."
I watched part 1 of Uninformed Consent last night (thanks for providing that link and the recommendation). It is just utterly disheartening to me that professionals have to risk their careers to tell the truth, but hearing about Vioxx and the similarities was very enlightening that this is far from the first time Big Pharma has pulled these despicable tactics. Remdesavir is another one that should join the ranks of Vioxx, IMHO.
And we ALWAYS have choices. Whether we like the options or not.
I believe it was Henry Ford who said about his model T: "you can have any color you want - as long as it's black".
Totalitarian regimes have choices too. You can bend the knee or you can die. Increasingly, the "establishment" wants things to be CINO (choice in name only).
I will choose death. I do not fear it.
Actually, a little history - Dr. Ladapo was at UCLA medical school as a professor and spoke out against the masks/lockdowns early and got censored in all sorts of ways. Then Gov DeSantis hired him for the position of Surgeon General.
My sister and I thought giving this info to our brothers might wake them. Sadly, it didn’t. 😢
You tried
It’s impossible for us to just give up.
Psychological torture
Huge cheers!!! That's exactly what we need, just ONE state showing the truth. It will snowball from there. We have the majority now of the doctors who realize the CDC FDA WHO went bad - just need FL to keep rolling out the punches!
I have to say it...hallelujah! 🙌🏻
I cant wait to move to Florida. Im in Communist Oregon. My blood boils.
Maybe Dr. Ladapo could partner with other docs to do a prospective cohort study on Covid vaccines. Undoubtedly he isn’t linked with any conflict of interest. He seems like a very genuine person, and talented in medicine for the good of humanity.
Thank you Dr. Malone for providing this information about Dr. Ladapo. Especially his demeanor…a wonderful example — I’m speaking of myself 🤪— who at times has too much angst in our present scenario of this EUA “vaccine” and corresponding mandates.
It's an EXPERIMENTAL Not-A-Vaccine, so why would you want to put your children at risk so that a pharmaceutical company can make millions and escape all legal liability? And don't forget to thank Trump for that suit of armor that he gave to those bastards. Thank you, Florida, for being sane.
His administration gave Big Pharma, et al, legal protection from lawsuits emanating from any harm or deaths to people who took the Experimental Jab.
It was Reagan who signed it into law in 1986, under some duress I understand but nonetheless a poor decision, pharma release of liability for vaccines/jabs. Every jab given in the US, since then, creates 75 cents from your /your insurance fee that goes into the fund for the very few who actually try to get compensation for vaccine injury, to pay for settlements. So far nearly 4B if I'm not mistaken, since '86.
It was the year (1986) that Superman (BIGpHARMA) never had to worry about dealing with Kryptonite never ever again. It was a monster of a Boo-boo!
I don't know, but I bet it might be covered in Kennedy's The Real Anthony Fauci book, which I'm still reading. LOL I may never finish it, I feel like I know most of what he says and I'm weary to learn more, I know enough ... for now LOL.
Perhaps he meant the EUA.
I think Dr. Ladapo is a great doctor and agree with Deenie. He is an American hero. I wish we had him here.
Thank you for this wonderful update. Imagine if we'd had Dr Ladapo instead of Fauci heading the CDC. Instead of thinking that's a pipe dream, we should be angry that he, or someone like him, was not leading us. Of course, there's a whole infrastructure behind Fauci, unaccountable to the electorate.
This certainly gives me hope. Perhaps it will make a difference in other states. Of course, they will also try to smear it and smear DeSantis along with it. Sadly.
Oh, and now what about pregnant women, especially. Not that there isn't enough evidence to make that all women and not just ones of reproductive age since young girls and elderly women are also having vaccine injuries. Naomi Wolfe took a look at the newly released data (SAFE and VAERS both, I think) and found a lot, from what I heard her say in an interview (sorry, don't have the link). Hope they do that one on pregnant women next. I've heard that men's reproductive systems are also at high risk, but there won't be as much evidence so immediately.
All should be. Does not work and is dangerous. Absolutely no reason to get them except to enrich pharma and participate in gate's depopulation program
Only a resident from SC 8 months, yet Dr.Ledapo has shown himself to be quietly CONFIDENT.
It’s been quite impressive to see him work very close to the Gov. Yet one senses, he cannot be
Influenced. Regardless, my high regard for the very courage to say what your findings are. 👏🏼👏🏼!
A TRUE #leader.
Dr. Ladapo is a saint, a good man, and a hero, like yourself Dr. Malone. Men like you and the others fighting for medical freedom and truth are the hope for this world. Thank you all.
Good start, let’s hope in time we can come out with sound studies that advise against giving these death jabs to all categories and genders.
Terrific News! Thank you ever so much for publishing and supporting it! I have been liking and reposting related summaries on GETTR! This is so desperately need to know and share information.
Thank you too for providing all the relevant details about Dr Ladapo!
My access here was "terrifyingly" warned against. Three to Four barrings to push past. Should I somehow get hopelessly blocked, will be out here working to find access.
Love and Appreciate you folks and all you do for us and the world! Take care!
Three cheers for Dr Ladapo! Finally an adult in the room (with Gov De Santis of course). But I just spent the weekend with friends, of which one has had 3 shots, and Covid twice, they STILL think the vaccine works. Just crazy.
You, Dr Ladapo, Dr McCullough and Dr. Kory are true hero’s in this battle. You all have nothing to gain but everything to lose. I Can’t find the right words to show mine and thousands of others appreciation and gratitude on fighting the good fight! Thank you. Thank you!
Just like that, I add another hero to my running list!
I listened to this calm, cool, collected, remarkably intelligent doctor Lapado on Steve Bannon's Battleground program this afternoon. (I think that's where I heard him). I think he said his Tweet was removed, and I was wondering why decent people even waste their time with Twitter - it's all communism run. And I thought of you, Dr. Malone - how great you two would get along and communicate. Thank You Jesus for these wonderful doctors. Protect them.
here here Dr. Ladapo!!!
Regarding “Non-mRNA vaccines were not found to have these increased risks.”
The statement "if this observation withstands more rigorous testing, then one would have to hypothesize that the Spike protein is not the main cause of the cardiac toxicity, and then we are left with the possibility that the mRNA delivery platform is the problem".
As non-doctor who has followed Covid quite closely, I do not agree that it MUST be the case that the Spike protein is not the main cause of toxicity. My guess is that if there is a difference, it could be the mRNA technology BUT it could also be that the mRNA vaccines force more cells in the body to churn out a greater number of spike proteins for a longer period of time, or any one of those things (more, greater or longer) as compared to the adenovirus vaccines. In fact that is my raw opinion and indeed why I chose the J&J shot once family matters essentially forced me to get a shot. Happy to say that I led my wife to take J&J not mRNA as well.
Good point. More is not always better.
Both J & J and AstraZeneca have cardiac risk to the point of AstraZeneca not being recommended or younger people in some countries. The risk is present in all covid-19 vaccines and in covid illness itself, but even more marked in the vaccine group. Mac, what makes you believe that the spike protein is not the culprit?
I agree the spike protein is the culprit. My comment was on the relative risk of mRNA vs adenovirus, and specifically that if there is found to be more cardiac risk in the former, it isn't necessarily bc of the mRNA technology per se but could be due to mRNA vaccines resulting in heavier, more persistent spike protein load.
I don't believe the piece on mRNA being more or less toxic, as there is so much complexity in data sets and what has been reported. Imo this statement means "not found in the present study by the present methods described herein" as much opposed to "toxicity found to not exist by looking at much broader data sets over time." Type I vs Type II stats, quite a large difference in data approach.
I'm so grateful for this brave man speaking the truth!
The vaccinated do not have a reduced viral load. This is misinformation and was never true. They have done clinical trials to demonstrate that with multiple variants, see references below:
With the Delta variant:
https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2787307?resultClick=1 Viral load was the same in vaxed vs unvaccinated although declined faster in vaccinated. (This decline only occurs after 3rd day of symptoms, people are most infectious 2 days before and first 3 days of symptoms). “Vaccination status among index cases didn’t change the likelihood of household transmission” “. “Susceptibility to infection increased as early as 2 to 3 months after vaccination.”
Again looking at Delta variant:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34756186/ Fewer infections in vaccinated and the vaccine accelerated viral clearance after 3rd day of symptoms, however vaccinated had the same peak viral load and level of transmission as unvaccinated.
Study on Omicron: No difference in transmission or viral load, this included those who were boosted:
Ladapo is the avatar of what we look for in a competent public health official. Small wonder that Charlie Crist is taking cheap shots at him. Crist is the sort of politician we have become sick and tired of -- one who accuses others of what he himself is guilty of, and uses smears and innuendo rather than honest debate to curry favor with the electorate. Ladapo stands firm like a mountain, unruffled by the winds that blow, much like a man named Robert Malone.
thank you
May seem naive to ask but just what is it about the china flu virus that makes it so much more toxic that most of its kinfolk? My guess would be this apparently lab engineered spike protein. If so, doesn't introducing into the body a factory manufacturing more of the bloody beasts seem counterintuitive?
There is an excellent video by Dr. Syed Mobeen (Dr. Been) on the furrin sites in the spike protein and some what is in those sites. A hint is in the title of the talk: "Spike Proteins have patented DNA sequences. This Is Dangerous! " https://youtu.be/zPoZTtruaB0 Well worth a watch. Moderna holds a patent on the DNA sequence which could never have been seen in nature. Dr. Been makes these technical things quite understandable. The paper on which he bases his talk would also be of interest to many, though mostly above my head.
Genuine review is constructive. It makes you think. And what you end up creating is a better product. At least that's my experience. When people question my work, I go back, look more closely, and sometimes I find I was wrong - and sometimes I get a deeper understanding and I can describe why I was right even more clearly as a result.
Everyone needs review. But our three-letter-agencies do not accept review. They imagine they already know the answer. That's why their "product" is so awful - hundreds of thousands of people died as a direct result of them not accepting review. I predict: "Safe and Effective" will be used as an ironic tagline for any mass-death product failure in the future. "Oh yeah. Vioxx was Safe & Effective. So was Thalidomide. Just like that vax in 2021."
Interesting about the lipid nanoparticles vs spike. Naomi Wolf is looking hard at that too. It is critical to have an open mind. Otherwise, nothing new can ever get in.
Naomi Wolf's PhD degree is in English Literature. Please keep that in mind. She is not scientifically trained.
English majors know how to read between the lines. Which is more than can evidently be said for many scientists these days.
From my brief time in academia, I saw that most grad students were political, but not very good at "getting stuff done." So we never hired any of them once my friends and I got into industry. After all - we had products to deliver. "Those who can't do - waste another 3 years and get a PhD." I was lucky to graduate; it just wasn't my place. Industry was about 100 times more fun.
Naomi Wolf has a group of people scouring those Pfizer documents. Her team gets stuff done. It's an awesome project, too. She is clearly not just "political." So - full points. And she can work with Steve Bannon. Points there too. She's all about getting stuff done. She passes my interview. She 's a rare PhD that actually knows how to do stuff. So I keep an open mind and listen to what she says.
Clearly you get stuff done too. That's why I listen to you as well. Not because of titles or "science" training. Because you've done stuff. You think out of the box. You haven't just Faucied your way through life. I value that. But that's just me.
Have to agree with your assessment. Think things changed when they dropped requirement for masters before going to Ph.D. The masters degree was where one really learned lab work. And those showing aptitude for critical thinking advanced to the Ph.D. Most Ph.D. students now enter a lab, passed hand to hand in an old boy network, to work on a prof's grant and are required to turn a single crank and feed off of the others as they do you. You leave that lab pitifully prepared for what comes next. Saw several instances Ph.D.s hired from big name labs given grants mainly on those creds and flopped. Had to worm into an inhouse network to keep the money flowing. I was a lab tech for 10 yrs before going bsck to school.
Neither is Fauci.
Attorney Jeff Childers on How He Won Against Mask and Vaccine Mandates, and Inspired Other Lawyers to Do the Same
Attorney Childers also has a list of lawyers across the country for people in need of Covid representation.
Joe is one of many examples of why blacks who arrive in America without a chip on their shoulder and a you owe me attitude find a welcome home to exercise their pursuit of happiness. Bravo Dr Ladapo.
Wikipedia's use of "...a right wing group..." to describe a group of doctors who are not taking political positions but advocating a different treatment regimen contextually makes not sense. I would accept the descriptive term "dissident" but not "far right," as this infers the doctors are taking a political position. They are not; they are taking a different position on treatment alternatives. In my opinion, "One size fits all," is rarely a valid course of disease treatment.
Dr. Ladapo is a hero. If we get through this, it'll be because of individuals like Dr. Ladapo.
It certainly won't be because of Megyn Kelly, though she's looking good. C'mon, her appearances is all about her. She's a narcissist.
Wrong. Ask a former d.a. of Durham N.C.
There reasons for getting a vaccine being a "lower viral load" in the nose is so dumb. People who use the neti pot also have a "lower viral load" in the nose. The question is does the neti pot risk anything if you follow the directions and use distilled water? no. the vaccines risk a lot plus I am sure their study is totally fraud just like all of their other studies.
at this point they have created themselves to be a bunch of laughable incompetent loser clowns that should probably not have positions of any important decision making.
Good lord. That Wikipedia on Dr. Ladapo was downright dystopically (is that a word?) biased and incredibly manipulative. Really, beyond anything in Orwell’s work. Truly, we have been thoroughly infested with this evil nonsense.
If you think that is bad, read mine....
Hahahaha! Dr. Malone, I have read yours, and you’re right. Utterly evil misinformation there. Not trying to diminish you’re injuries here, But these freaks have been targeting you since this human-caused sht show began.
I did long ago. It reminded me of the movie with Steve Martin as the "JERK".
Upon leaving to go off on his own, his dad gives him solid advice.
Marvin is calmly told the difference between "Shyt" and "Shinola". Great illustrations.
Ban that.
Useless, senseless, barbaric male genital mutilation practice.
It's not a life saving procedure, so it's an unnecessary mutilation.
Give boys the rights to their own penises, like the boys in Europe enjoy in a society that is actually knowledgeable and educated about the natural penis and how to take care of it.
Stop the hypocrisy.
I'd like to see DeSantis be the first to actually protect the religious freedom, body autonomy and genital integrity of boys, respecting them as the individual human beings that they are.
All the fake COVID crap science is the same crap science with financial interests that says that circumcision has some benefits when it does not. All non mutilating countries without financial interest disagree with the disgusting USA practices.
They even sell HFF, human foreskin fibroblasts online, you can purchase human baby foreskin from research companies right now.
This is dehumanizing and disgusting misandry.
Have some integrity. Stop this terrible mutilation profit machine.
Robert Malone talks about bioethics and medical freedom and the lies of the medical industry all the time...
Circumcision is as fallacious as the mRNA jab.
Not random.
What an intelligent response.
Circumcision is unethical, and you're another tough macho uncaring person, it seems.
Congrats, real helpful.
There isn't a mandate, but there is also no protection for boys, either.
It should be illegal, and callous people like you, emotionally avoidant people like you, keep it going.
Big pharma loves you, and loves harvesting the foreskins of your sons so Sandra Bullock and Oprah can smear that foreskin cream on their faces.
Have you dignity, care or self respect?
And you're unprincipled, complicit, and willfully ignorant.
Circumcision is unethical male genital mutilation and healthy baby boys are not good candidates for surgery.
Where's your zeal for liberty, freedom, any of those American values? Lost your appetite?
I didn't need to know any of that about you.
This is a bioethical violation.
My aim is to get Malone to address this considering he addresses...bioethical violations.
Let's stop talking.
A red herring.
Regardless of the status of my body or gender, even - this needs to be banned.
Girls get protection under the law, boys don't.
And men stay silent.
I probably won't respond to you any further.
Considering how much of a troll you are, I bet you're a gem of a father...
The only reason they are pushing this on Children is to get IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION! And believe me, they are going to pay big time for all the MURDERS and INJURIES they have CAUSED. And in my opinion, it's been totally ON PURPOSE. But Pharma has created MILLIONSAIRS over this Covid SCAM. All the companies were going bankrupt! Now they are all back in the Black. Plus, they have made MILLIONS of Permanent patients by injuring them all with their Genetic Gene Therapy DRUG!
New to Fl from SC to assist hubs Dad. This Surgeon General is brilliant.
I keep wondering if it is likely for myocarditis to be missed in girls. I saw an article that compared the signs of it in boys to heart attacks. Yet women have very different heart attack signs and commonly overlook them.
Once again, Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Joseph Ladapo , their message is right on about the
vaccine. Many blessings are coming your way............Diane Ellis Reno Nevada
Can you imagine how wonderful it would be if Joe Ladapo became Surgeon General of the United States? Maybe if Desantis runs for president...
About how many does Merck claim responsibility for families harmed by Vioxx? I think around 3,486. What is the real number harmed? Probably hundreds of thousands and how many dead? The same for COVID vaccines. VAERS alone should be enough to make them stop but, no, they go ahead and approve the jab for SIX MONTHS and older. It can’t get much more insane than that. I wish we were better at proving this stuff out. I guess Dr. Ladapo’s effort is a start…
The most difficult thing for me to do to combat the response regarding this vaccine and the whole disgusting situation, they always jump to being angry and "well what did you want to do, stop the vaccine from being made?" I don't know what to say? It is so much more complex than most give it credit for. I hate being argumentative with family, but this is just too important to ignore... (sorry this is convoluted but i am just finding it really fucking difficult being seen as crazy even after all this evidence)
When the dems had me brainwashed (repubs are far from right :(), along with the intelligence community, I'm pretty sure I watched this woman and cringed, now I watch her and I'm really heart warmed to have her voice (and the wonderful gent) on the side of truth. what a crazy world
Nothing in the human experience, is more empowering than knowing the truth.
And nothing in the human experience folks, is more debilitating than not knowing it.
Fortunately, you can find it within yourself... as understanding... is the elixir of life.
In case you get thirsty.
The Universe
Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!
Reprinted and credited to "Notes from the Universe" @ www.TUT.com
Gack! Megyn Kelly? Not a fan 😩 Love Dr. Ladapo tho 👍❤️
Please consider buying his excellent book:
Transcend Fear: A Blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health
by Joseph Ladapo (Author)
https://edifyresearchandconsulting.com/media/f/edify-critical-nexus-twitter-wsgr-macgillivray-white-house after looking at this and finding that Allison Fauci (yes that one) works for Twitter you start to understand where and how criticism is manufactured against the unassailable facts given here.
yes, I have to write an essay about that.
Dr. Malone wrote:
". . . the FDA is using the COVID-19 Vaccines as a "Platform Technology" for mRNA Vaccine Trials. Which would mean that every male patient aged 18-39 enrolled or about to be enrolled in those trials could be at risk for an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death."
But if the autoimmunity or toxicity of the COVID shots is related to the SARS-CoV-2 viral spikes, then other mRNA "vaccines" not based on a spike-producing virus may not be at risk for causing the same types of (spike) damage. However, they WOULD be at equal risk for toxic lipid nanoparticle-induced injury, yes?
Or do other families of viruses also produce toxic surface epitopes the "vaccine" manufactures could select for their antibody target?
Completely off topic, but I have no other way to express the following: Our world is in danger from the globalist agenda! Dr. Jill and Dr. Robert, please start to focus on globalism and leave the political parties out of it. Our WORLD is in danger. I am not at all criticizing you, but we have run out of time fast! You have a stage that many of us do not. I beg you to use your platform to sound the alarm of a new kind of slavery! A new kind of world order coming from those we have not elected.
Today, I went to a training to become a “poll manager” and the whole time I sat there in the training I was thinking that it is futile as the world is being taken over by globalists.
Do you have any idea how much we have done on this topic? We have been way out front. Just as one example, we have developed the most comprehensive spreadsheet summarizing the WEF young leader graduates. This can be found and downloaded at maloneinstitute.org and you will find other WEF-related information there.
As Yoda said, the force not yet clear, the darkside has much work done.
I say, It pays to be delightfully optimistic, it warms the soul and grows the hope! R
This is good.
How does he view giving vaccinations to everybody?
Are there any other EpiBios here who read the British study? Brushing up on the methodology but scratching my head a bit.
The immune system cannot work properly unless there is at least 50 ng/mL (1 part in 20,000,000 by mass, 125 nmol/L) 25-hydroxyvitamin D circulating in the bloodstream. This is made in the liver from vitamin D3 cholecalciferol which is ingested or made in the skin by the action of short-wavelength (and also DNA damaging, cancer inducing) ultraviolet B light around 297 nanometre wavelength. Lower levels than this lead to weakened innate and adaptive immune responses to bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens and to a greatly increased risk of self-destructive inflammatory (indiscriminate cell destroying) immune responses.
Without proper vitamin D3 supplementation, most people (unless they have recently had a lot of UV-B exposure, which is not sustainable since it raises the risk of skin cancer) have only 5 to 25 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. To see how this degrades their innate and adaptive responses to the bacterial pathogens which cause surgical site and hospital acquired infections, please see the graphs at the end of Quraishi et al. 2014: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/1782085 .
The two graphs combined should be known to every doctor and immunologist in the world - and should be prominently displayed in hospital and doctor's waiting rooms and offices. The two together are the first item in https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ - which cites the most pertinent research on vitamin D and the immune system. Please also see New Jersey retired Professor of Medicine Sunil Wimalawansa's recent article in Nutrients: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/14/2997/htm .
The risk of both types of post-operative infection in gastric bypass surgery patients at Massachusetts General Hospital was 2.5% for pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels above 50 ng/mL. For 30 ng/mL, a level many doctors think is optimal, but which most people only attain after summer sun exposure, the risk of both types of infection rose to about 12%. This is straight-out immune system incompetence at dealing with bacteria. All patients were suffering from obesity, which is why they were getting the Roux-en-Y operation. Obesity reduces the ability of the person to attain good 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, but there's no reason to believe that these people's immune systems needed higher levels then non-obese people in order for their immune systems to function properly.
A typical 25-hydroxyvitamin D level for Anglo-Saxon people in the USA in winter (assuming they take no vitamin D3 supplements or perhaps the lousy 400 to 600 IU recommended by their government) is 18 ng/mL. This causes the risk of either type of infection to rise to about 25% - ten times what it would be if they supplemented vitamin D3 properly. They have a 50% chance of one, the other or both types of infection. People with brown or black skin who do not supplement vitamin D3 at all frequently have levels of 10 ng/mL or less - with a risk of each type of infection now about 38%. This information is NOT known to the vast majority of doctors and immunologists.
If all doctors and immunologists were paying attention, they would all know about the numerous research studies which show greatly increased severity and death from COVID-19 with lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D. See the combined graphs at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#4.4 . However, most are looking the other way. Most are far more interested in expensive, patented, profitable, highly promoted, corruptly government mandated vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and drugs NONE of which are as effective, even if all were used together, than ensuring a 25 hydroxyvitamin D level of at least 50 ng/mL.
Even amongst the now massive commentariat of medical professionals and those such as myself with such qualifications and experience who are decrying the disastrous official pandemic response, vitamin D is rarely mentioned. It is by far the most important preventive and treatment for COVID-19, sepsis, influenza, cancer and dozens of auto-immune inflammatory disorders, including Alzheimers's and Parkinson's disease. Even in this article and comments - 6000 words so far - the word "vitamin" appears just once. THOMAS IRWIN mentioned it - and he was more interested in nasal vaccines or (mRNA) pseudo-vaccines as the "real game changer".
For vitamin D3 supplemental intake quantities as a ratio of body weight, according to health status, Prof. Wimalawansa's recommendations are summarised in a table: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/index.html#sjw-updated-ratios .
For 70 kg 154 lb body weight, without obesity or other conditions such as auto-immune inflammatory conditions, for most people to attain at least the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvivitamin D the immune system needs, after two to three months, 0.125 milligrams per day is required. This can be taken in larger amounts up to every 7 or 10 days.
This is a gram every 22 years, and vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory. In many countries vitamin D3 is measured in "International Units" which for vitamin D3 are 1/40,000,000 of a gram. So this basic, healthy, vitamin D3 supplemental intake is specified by a scarily high number: "5000 IU" per day. I am 70 kg and take one 1.25 milligram (50,000 IU) capsule a week - 7143 IU a day. My 25-hydroxyvitamin D level is most likely 60 to 90 ng/mL. This is fine - I haven't bothered to have it tested.
For clinical emergencies, (70 kg BW) 10 milligrams (400,000 IU) vitamin D3 cholecalciferol all at once (bolus) will get 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels safely over 50 ng/mL in about 4 days. The delay is due to how long it takes enzymes in the liver to hydroxylate the circulating vitamin D3 to 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
Better still, a single oral dose of 1 milligram of calcifediol (the pharma name for 25-hydroxyvitamin D) will raise levels from typical unsupplemented baselines such as 10 to 20 ng/mL (25 to 75 nmol/L) to over 50 ng/mL in 4 hours. See https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/calcifediol-to-boost-25-hydroxyvitamin and Prof. Wimalawansa's article.
Boron, magnesium, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids (such as from fish oil) and various other vitamins are also important, but none of these deficiencies is so intense, so devastating and so easily corrected as vitamin D.
Boron reduces inflammation and strengthens bones. Most people only get about 1 mg a day, primarily from vegetables and fruit - but agricultural soils are now generally depleted of this. It is easy to supplement. I take 9 mg or so a day. The safe upper limit is 20 mg a day. Even this 9 mg or so a day can cause pre-existing kidney stones to disintegrate of their own accord, so boron supplementation will surely prevent them forming. Please see the research of M. R. Naghii cited in my list of research into boron nutrition: https://aminotheory.com/cv19/#08-boron .
Is the spray an MRna vaccine or conventional technology?
OK, So I am also wondering if this could be sprayed en masse in crowded places or places people have to go like grocery stores. I would normally think this was pretty paranoid, except these days, nothing seems beyond some threshold of normalcy.
those are the data he could access
I will be ordering his book tomorrow: "Transcend Fear".
wait for the book... Just finishing editing today.
I am so looking forward to your book which I pre-ordered months ago. God bless you for writing it! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻