The immune system cannot work properly unless there is at least 50 ng/mL (1 part in 20,000,000 by mass, 125 nmol/L) 25-hydroxyvitamin D circulating in the bloodstream. This is made in the liver from vitamin D3 cholecalciferol which is ingested or made in the skin by the action of short-wavelength (and also DNA damaging, cancer inducing) ultraviolet B light around 297 nanometre wavelength. Lower levels than this lead to weakened innate and adaptive immune responses to bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens and to a greatly increased risk of self-destructive inflammatory (indiscriminate cell destroying) immune responses.
Without proper vitamin D3 supplementation, most people (unless they have recently had a lot of UV-B exposure, which is not sustainable since it raises the risk of skin cancer) have only 5 to 25 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. To see how this degrades their innate and adaptive responses to the bacterial pathogens which cause surgical site and hospital acquired infections, please see the graphs at the end of Quraishi et al. 2014: .
The two graphs combined should be known to every doctor and immunologist in the world - and should be prominently displayed in hospital and doctor's waiting rooms and offices. The two together are the first item in - which cites the most pertinent research on vitamin D and the immune system. Please also see New Jersey retired Professor of Medicine Sunil Wimalawansa's recent article in Nutrients: .
The risk of both types of post-operative infection in gastric bypass surgery patients at Massachusetts General Hospital was 2.5% for pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels above 50 ng/mL. For 30 ng/mL, a level many doctors think is optimal, but which most people only attain after summer sun exposure, the risk of both types of infection rose to about 12%. This is straight-out immune system incompetence at dealing with bacteria. All patients were suffering from obesity, which is why they were getting the Roux-en-Y operation. Obesity reduces the ability of the person to attain good 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, but there's no reason to believe that these people's immune systems needed higher levels then non-obese people in order for their immune systems to function properly.
A typical 25-hydroxyvitamin D level for Anglo-Saxon people in the USA in winter (assuming they take no vitamin D3 supplements or perhaps the lousy 400 to 600 IU recommended by their government) is 18 ng/mL. This causes the risk of either type of infection to rise to about 25% - ten times what it would be if they supplemented vitamin D3 properly. They have a 50% chance of one, the other or both types of infection. People with brown or black skin who do not supplement vitamin D3 at all frequently have levels of 10 ng/mL or less - with a risk of each type of infection now about 38%. This information is NOT known to the vast majority of doctors and immunologists.
If all doctors and immunologists were paying attention, they would all know about the numerous research studies which show greatly increased severity and death from COVID-19 with lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D. See the combined graphs at: . However, most are looking the other way. Most are far more interested in expensive, patented, profitable, highly promoted, corruptly government mandated vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and drugs NONE of which are as effective, even if all were used together, than ensuring a 25 hydroxyvitamin D level of at least 50 ng/mL.
Even amongst the now massive commentariat of medical professionals and those such as myself with such qualifications and experience who are decrying the disastrous official pandemic response, vitamin D is rarely mentioned. It is by far the most important preventive and treatment for COVID-19, sepsis, influenza, cancer and dozens of auto-immune inflammatory disorders, including Alzheimers's and Parkinson's disease. Even in this article and comments - 6000 words so far - the word "vitamin" appears just once. THOMAS IRWIN mentioned it - and he was more interested in nasal vaccines or (mRNA) pseudo-vaccines as the "real game changer".
For 70 kg 154 lb body weight, without obesity or other conditions such as auto-immune inflammatory conditions, for most people to attain at least the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvivitamin D the immune system needs, after two to three months, 0.125 milligrams per day is required. This can be taken in larger amounts up to every 7 or 10 days.
This is a gram every 22 years, and vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory. In many countries vitamin D3 is measured in "International Units" which for vitamin D3 are 1/40,000,000 of a gram. So this basic, healthy, vitamin D3 supplemental intake is specified by a scarily high number: "5000 IU" per day. I am 70 kg and take one 1.25 milligram (50,000 IU) capsule a week - 7143 IU a day. My 25-hydroxyvitamin D level is most likely 60 to 90 ng/mL. This is fine - I haven't bothered to have it tested.
For clinical emergencies, (70 kg BW) 10 milligrams (400,000 IU) vitamin D3 cholecalciferol all at once (bolus) will get 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels safely over 50 ng/mL in about 4 days. The delay is due to how long it takes enzymes in the liver to hydroxylate the circulating vitamin D3 to 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
Better still, a single oral dose of 1 milligram of calcifediol (the pharma name for 25-hydroxyvitamin D) will raise levels from typical unsupplemented baselines such as 10 to 20 ng/mL (25 to 75 nmol/L) to over 50 ng/mL in 4 hours. See and Prof. Wimalawansa's article.
Boron, magnesium, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids (such as from fish oil) and various other vitamins are also important, but none of these deficiencies is so intense, so devastating and so easily corrected as vitamin D.
Boron reduces inflammation and strengthens bones. Most people only get about 1 mg a day, primarily from vegetables and fruit - but agricultural soils are now generally depleted of this. It is easy to supplement. I take 9 mg or so a day. The safe upper limit is 20 mg a day. Even this 9 mg or so a day can cause pre-existing kidney stones to disintegrate of their own accord, so boron supplementation will surely prevent them forming. Please see the research of M. R. Naghii cited in my list of research into boron nutrition: .
OK, So I am also wondering if this could be sprayed en masse in crowded places or places people have to go like grocery stores. I would normally think this was pretty paranoid, except these days, nothing seems beyond some threshold of normalcy.
The immune system cannot work properly unless there is at least 50 ng/mL (1 part in 20,000,000 by mass, 125 nmol/L) 25-hydroxyvitamin D circulating in the bloodstream. This is made in the liver from vitamin D3 cholecalciferol which is ingested or made in the skin by the action of short-wavelength (and also DNA damaging, cancer inducing) ultraviolet B light around 297 nanometre wavelength. Lower levels than this lead to weakened innate and adaptive immune responses to bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens and to a greatly increased risk of self-destructive inflammatory (indiscriminate cell destroying) immune responses.
Without proper vitamin D3 supplementation, most people (unless they have recently had a lot of UV-B exposure, which is not sustainable since it raises the risk of skin cancer) have only 5 to 25 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. To see how this degrades their innate and adaptive responses to the bacterial pathogens which cause surgical site and hospital acquired infections, please see the graphs at the end of Quraishi et al. 2014: .
The two graphs combined should be known to every doctor and immunologist in the world - and should be prominently displayed in hospital and doctor's waiting rooms and offices. The two together are the first item in - which cites the most pertinent research on vitamin D and the immune system. Please also see New Jersey retired Professor of Medicine Sunil Wimalawansa's recent article in Nutrients: .
The risk of both types of post-operative infection in gastric bypass surgery patients at Massachusetts General Hospital was 2.5% for pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels above 50 ng/mL. For 30 ng/mL, a level many doctors think is optimal, but which most people only attain after summer sun exposure, the risk of both types of infection rose to about 12%. This is straight-out immune system incompetence at dealing with bacteria. All patients were suffering from obesity, which is why they were getting the Roux-en-Y operation. Obesity reduces the ability of the person to attain good 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, but there's no reason to believe that these people's immune systems needed higher levels then non-obese people in order for their immune systems to function properly.
A typical 25-hydroxyvitamin D level for Anglo-Saxon people in the USA in winter (assuming they take no vitamin D3 supplements or perhaps the lousy 400 to 600 IU recommended by their government) is 18 ng/mL. This causes the risk of either type of infection to rise to about 25% - ten times what it would be if they supplemented vitamin D3 properly. They have a 50% chance of one, the other or both types of infection. People with brown or black skin who do not supplement vitamin D3 at all frequently have levels of 10 ng/mL or less - with a risk of each type of infection now about 38%. This information is NOT known to the vast majority of doctors and immunologists.
If all doctors and immunologists were paying attention, they would all know about the numerous research studies which show greatly increased severity and death from COVID-19 with lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D. See the combined graphs at: . However, most are looking the other way. Most are far more interested in expensive, patented, profitable, highly promoted, corruptly government mandated vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and drugs NONE of which are as effective, even if all were used together, than ensuring a 25 hydroxyvitamin D level of at least 50 ng/mL.
Even amongst the now massive commentariat of medical professionals and those such as myself with such qualifications and experience who are decrying the disastrous official pandemic response, vitamin D is rarely mentioned. It is by far the most important preventive and treatment for COVID-19, sepsis, influenza, cancer and dozens of auto-immune inflammatory disorders, including Alzheimers's and Parkinson's disease. Even in this article and comments - 6000 words so far - the word "vitamin" appears just once. THOMAS IRWIN mentioned it - and he was more interested in nasal vaccines or (mRNA) pseudo-vaccines as the "real game changer".
For vitamin D3 supplemental intake quantities as a ratio of body weight, according to health status, Prof. Wimalawansa's recommendations are summarised in a table: .
For 70 kg 154 lb body weight, without obesity or other conditions such as auto-immune inflammatory conditions, for most people to attain at least the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvivitamin D the immune system needs, after two to three months, 0.125 milligrams per day is required. This can be taken in larger amounts up to every 7 or 10 days.
This is a gram every 22 years, and vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory. In many countries vitamin D3 is measured in "International Units" which for vitamin D3 are 1/40,000,000 of a gram. So this basic, healthy, vitamin D3 supplemental intake is specified by a scarily high number: "5000 IU" per day. I am 70 kg and take one 1.25 milligram (50,000 IU) capsule a week - 7143 IU a day. My 25-hydroxyvitamin D level is most likely 60 to 90 ng/mL. This is fine - I haven't bothered to have it tested.
For clinical emergencies, (70 kg BW) 10 milligrams (400,000 IU) vitamin D3 cholecalciferol all at once (bolus) will get 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels safely over 50 ng/mL in about 4 days. The delay is due to how long it takes enzymes in the liver to hydroxylate the circulating vitamin D3 to 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
Better still, a single oral dose of 1 milligram of calcifediol (the pharma name for 25-hydroxyvitamin D) will raise levels from typical unsupplemented baselines such as 10 to 20 ng/mL (25 to 75 nmol/L) to over 50 ng/mL in 4 hours. See and Prof. Wimalawansa's article.
Boron, magnesium, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids (such as from fish oil) and various other vitamins are also important, but none of these deficiencies is so intense, so devastating and so easily corrected as vitamin D.
Boron reduces inflammation and strengthens bones. Most people only get about 1 mg a day, primarily from vegetables and fruit - but agricultural soils are now generally depleted of this. It is easy to supplement. I take 9 mg or so a day. The safe upper limit is 20 mg a day. Even this 9 mg or so a day can cause pre-existing kidney stones to disintegrate of their own accord, so boron supplementation will surely prevent them forming. Please see the research of M. R. Naghii cited in my list of research into boron nutrition: .
Is the spray an MRna vaccine or conventional technology?
OK, So I am also wondering if this could be sprayed en masse in crowded places or places people have to go like grocery stores. I would normally think this was pretty paranoid, except these days, nothing seems beyond some threshold of normalcy.