Useless, senseless, barbaric male genital mutilation practice.
It's not a life saving procedure, so it's an unnecessary mutilation.
Give boys the rights to their own penises, like the boys in Europe enjoy in a society that is actually knowledgeable and educated about the natural penis and how to take care of it.
Stop the hypocrisy.
I'd like to see DeSantis be the first to actually protect the religious freedom, body autonomy and genital integrity of boys, respecting them as the individual human beings that they are.
All the fake COVID crap science is the same crap science with financial interests that says that circumcision has some benefits when it does not. All non mutilating countries without financial interest disagree with the disgusting USA practices.
They even sell HFF, human foreskin fibroblasts online, you can purchase human baby foreskin from research companies right now.
Ban that.
Useless, senseless, barbaric male genital mutilation practice.
It's not a life saving procedure, so it's an unnecessary mutilation.
Give boys the rights to their own penises, like the boys in Europe enjoy in a society that is actually knowledgeable and educated about the natural penis and how to take care of it.
Stop the hypocrisy.
I'd like to see DeSantis be the first to actually protect the religious freedom, body autonomy and genital integrity of boys, respecting them as the individual human beings that they are.
All the fake COVID crap science is the same crap science with financial interests that says that circumcision has some benefits when it does not. All non mutilating countries without financial interest disagree with the disgusting USA practices.
They even sell HFF, human foreskin fibroblasts online, you can purchase human baby foreskin from research companies right now.
This is dehumanizing and disgusting misandry.
Have some integrity. Stop this terrible mutilation profit machine.
Robert Malone talks about bioethics and medical freedom and the lies of the medical industry all the time...
Circumcision is as fallacious as the mRNA jab.
Not random.
What an intelligent response.
Circumcision is unethical, and you're another tough macho uncaring person, it seems.
Congrats, real helpful.
There isn't a mandate, but there is also no protection for boys, either.
It should be illegal, and callous people like you, emotionally avoidant people like you, keep it going.
Big pharma loves you, and loves harvesting the foreskins of your sons so Sandra Bullock and Oprah can smear that foreskin cream on their faces.
Have you dignity, care or self respect?
And you're unprincipled, complicit, and willfully ignorant.
Circumcision is unethical male genital mutilation and healthy baby boys are not good candidates for surgery.
Where's your zeal for liberty, freedom, any of those American values? Lost your appetite?
I didn't need to know any of that about you.
This is a bioethical violation.
My aim is to get Malone to address this considering he addresses...bioethical violations.
Let's stop talking.
A red herring.
Regardless of the status of my body or gender, even - this needs to be banned.
Girls get protection under the law, boys don't.
And men stay silent.
I probably won't respond to you any further.
Considering how much of a troll you are, I bet you're a gem of a father...