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In reality, if it weren’t for US capital and traitors/whores in big business & big government , China would be the same broke backwater country it was 3 decades ago. A free & prosperous USA has nothing to fear from Godless thieves. The answer here isn’t to fear China, but take our country back from the looters & parasites that created this mess.

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China is suffering a population problem that is only going to get worse as time goes on. The population decline is going to be fast & steep. The question is what drastic measures will China take to try to mitigate this.

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It's not just a population problem, it's about land. China is big but most of it is not farmable. That they are allowed buy up American land is an abomination if not treason. Not to mention they have no clue how to manage resources - case in point - the snow crab shortage in Alaska looks very much like Chinese over harvesting.

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Yes, sorry that I just saw this comment, I agree.

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THe DS plan was to favor China as totalitarian policies are easier there. During the pop reset, Euro and USA was supposed to lose a few billion, that would create "sustainable" economies, as per Georgia Guidestones. Thus they gave orders to the Rockefellers and the ROckefellers told CLintons to give tech to CHina. That's why it looks like that.

China is bigger than the United States. It is an entire continent just like Russia is. Thus labeling Chinas as one thing would be like labeling USA as a banana republic. Parts of it is, but Florida is not.

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