I meant to also add this little doozy of a new story.
Lots of chatter about the BLM being funded by the CCP - it will be interesting if that gets pinned down.
Candace Owens documentary almost get there- but it is soft evidence. Bottom line, did the CCP fund BLM and to what extent?
So what entity is funding the whole trans and multigender phenomenon with all its concomitant emblems and fashion trends? It isn't a natural phenomenon at this base rate, and rate of growth. If not CCP, who and why?
Watch Kara Dansky with M. Peterson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcztAjqcwfo Ms. Dansky gives whole lot of information about the Styker corp. and it is true. Look up how they infiltrated nursing.
For a while there Russia could have been, if not our friend, at least not our adversary. Biden and the DNC throwing arms and money at Ukraine has pretty much fixed it so that will never be the case. Could this be a setup? Maybe.
Make Russia Great Again is still allies with MAGA, and Donald and Putin are secret allies. That doesn't include the USA because the USA is run by a bunch of traitors and Presidential qabal transpedos.
Yeah it sure seems like they're trying as hard as they can to create a Russia/China team-up. Even if it's them against the world, I don't really like our chances considering half of 'us' are working for them already.
Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper headline a few days ago in Atlanta, GA: Soros gave Stacey Abrams, Democrat running for Governor, 1,000,000! Maybe it really came from the CCP! I believe very Little of what I read or hear from MSM!!!
Just like the bio weapon labs that Putin managed to incinerate in Ukraine, which allowed the world to avoid another mass weapon deployment in 2022. Crickets.
I suspect this was another version of a Nuland Soros color revolution false flag attack. Back in 2014 Maidan Ukraine, the protesters and the police were both shot to death by snipers. These snipers were not found and nobody even leaked their identities years later after the fact. More information came out that these snipers were foreign mercenaries hired by Nuland and Soros money, to overthrow the Ukrainian government and put them firmly into the Natostan IMF pocket.
False flags, CIA ops, sounds familiar to Americans yet?
That's an interesting dot to connect. I think some are learning, but the magnitude and scale of the lies and theater too much for most to keep up with.
The first set of evidence that Russia's foreign minister brought to the UN Security Council after the start of the Special Military Operation requested an investigation and recognition of the problem of biolabs. The complaint named American university involvement in biolabs in Eastern Ukraine and evidence of experimentation on the population and ecosystems there. More crickets, more weapons and billions sent to Ukraine.
Saudi Arabia, Brazil, India, China even, all understand the threat of world wide indiscriminate release of biological weapons. It is just something of a self survival issue, really. Since these labs are funded and run by US friendly places, that means they portray any push against NATOstan or US friendly places, as invasion and aggression.
Perhaps Russia has had to tip toe in Ukraine so slowly because they don't want their allies to think Russia is bsing em on the weapon threat and using it as an excuse for a war of conquest. Russian exotic weapons can destroy all NATO command centers, with no advance warning due to HVMs. As was done at the foreign mercenary FOB in Ukraine, that shocked so many mercs out of Ukraine early on in the war. Hundreds died and several dozens of millions of worth of military equipment was destroyed, with no warning whatsoever to NATO's anti missile defense and radar.
All that jaw jaw about "no fly zones" went out the window. What they did to Saddam and Qaddafi, they could not do to Putin.
"I think some are learning, but the magnitude and scale of the lies and theater too much for most to keep up with."
Spending much of my youth playing games like Crusader Kings 2 and real time strategy games or turn based strategy games, this doesn't feel too much for me to keep up with. In fact, the rate of the collective is merely catching up to what I've gone through. There is still much much more to discover.
Indeed, the alliances being formed with Russia aren't just about common baskets of commodities backing their currencies or going off petrodollars. It is releasing themselves from NATOstan as you put it, and protection from all the bioweapons and many other exotic threats.
I think what you describe about Russian exotic weapons is happening now, surgically targeting key sites in Western Ukraine.
Yes, although they seem to be just using their normal precision cruise missiles. As the Ukrainians are able to shoot these missiles down, and some of the counter fire misfires (US technology, expensive toys break easily) and hit parks and residential homes. Putin still said that he had not even begun anything in earnest yet, and this was simply more of a warning to Ukraine/NATOstan.
Ukraine has been in a civil war since 2014 at least. What they call "Russians" were just Ukrainians that did not agree with Natostan coups in their country. A real nice piece of work on projection there. Not only was Kiev projecting everything unto Russia, including the desertion of their own armed forces to Donbass, but they even turned Ukrainians into "Russia". This is why people still think Russia invaded Crimea and Donbass in 2014. They saw a bunch of "Russians" there, obviously they must have invaded. Except Kiev is always lying about RUssians, since they can't say that their own citizens defected. That would be bad for totalitarian 4th Reich propaganda.
THis is further complicated by the fact that T-72 tanks are used by both sides of the civil war, as well as by the Russian Federation. THus the only true casualties related to Russia are equipment singular to Russia.
I do know the history. Spent time brushing up on all of that quickly at the start of the operation.
The Duran and other political commentators a little astounded at the lack of effective air defense in Kiev. I wonder if NATOstan is standing down out of hopelessness, lack of funds and troops, and a looming election. Just getting the end over with?
There seems to be a big divide in 2022 coming up. In 2020 it was masks and lockdowns, essentially sovereignty vs obedience, as I outlined on my substack article.
In 2021, it was mandatory obedience to gov vs mandatory individual self determination. Who was the real authority?
In 2022, there is a big divide between people who can discern the truth by looking at the accurate sources vs those who are mislead or deceived into a false narrative. These are all tests and in a way, tutorials, to prepare people for the new age.
Those that don't make it... well, they'll be repeating the school year.
I meant to also add this little doozy of a new story.
Lots of chatter about the BLM being funded by the CCP - it will be interesting if that gets pinned down.
Candace Owens documentary almost get there- but it is soft evidence. Bottom line, did the CCP fund BLM and to what extent?
So what entity is funding the whole trans and multigender phenomenon with all its concomitant emblems and fashion trends? It isn't a natural phenomenon at this base rate, and rate of growth. If not CCP, who and why?
Look up Tucker Carlson's interview with Curtis Yarvin. He lays out a compelling description of the power structure dominating the western world.
Found this clip:
Thanks, great clip.
Read the Naked Communist
It will answer those questions, and answer questions you didn't know to ask.
Watch Kara Dansky with M. Peterson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcztAjqcwfo Ms. Dansky gives whole lot of information about the Styker corp. and it is true. Look up how they infiltrated nursing.
Remember when sowing dissention in the USA was election interference that allowed the Russians to hijack our elections?
For a while there Russia could have been, if not our friend, at least not our adversary. Biden and the DNC throwing arms and money at Ukraine has pretty much fixed it so that will never be the case. Could this be a setup? Maybe.
Make Russia Great Again is still allies with MAGA, and Donald and Putin are secret allies. That doesn't include the USA because the USA is run by a bunch of traitors and Presidential qabal transpedos.
Yeah it sure seems like they're trying as hard as they can to create a Russia/China team-up. Even if it's them against the world, I don't really like our chances considering half of 'us' are working for them already.
You are SO right.
Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper headline a few days ago in Atlanta, GA: Soros gave Stacey Abrams, Democrat running for Governor, 1,000,000! Maybe it really came from the CCP! I believe very Little of what I read or hear from MSM!!!
https://sonar21.com/why-were-ukrainian-nazis-in-the-u-s-capitol-on-january-6/ I am still waiting on what Ukraine was doing with the CIA/FBI on J6.
I saw this news too awhile ago. Crickets. This connects a lot of other dots.
Just like the bio weapon labs that Putin managed to incinerate in Ukraine, which allowed the world to avoid another mass weapon deployment in 2022. Crickets.
I suspect this was another version of a Nuland Soros color revolution false flag attack. Back in 2014 Maidan Ukraine, the protesters and the police were both shot to death by snipers. These snipers were not found and nobody even leaked their identities years later after the fact. More information came out that these snipers were foreign mercenaries hired by Nuland and Soros money, to overthrow the Ukrainian government and put them firmly into the Natostan IMF pocket.
False flags, CIA ops, sounds familiar to Americans yet?
That's an interesting dot to connect. I think some are learning, but the magnitude and scale of the lies and theater too much for most to keep up with.
The first set of evidence that Russia's foreign minister brought to the UN Security Council after the start of the Special Military Operation requested an investigation and recognition of the problem of biolabs. The complaint named American university involvement in biolabs in Eastern Ukraine and evidence of experimentation on the population and ecosystems there. More crickets, more weapons and billions sent to Ukraine.
Saudi Arabia, Brazil, India, China even, all understand the threat of world wide indiscriminate release of biological weapons. It is just something of a self survival issue, really. Since these labs are funded and run by US friendly places, that means they portray any push against NATOstan or US friendly places, as invasion and aggression.
Perhaps Russia has had to tip toe in Ukraine so slowly because they don't want their allies to think Russia is bsing em on the weapon threat and using it as an excuse for a war of conquest. Russian exotic weapons can destroy all NATO command centers, with no advance warning due to HVMs. As was done at the foreign mercenary FOB in Ukraine, that shocked so many mercs out of Ukraine early on in the war. Hundreds died and several dozens of millions of worth of military equipment was destroyed, with no warning whatsoever to NATO's anti missile defense and radar.
All that jaw jaw about "no fly zones" went out the window. What they did to Saddam and Qaddafi, they could not do to Putin.
"I think some are learning, but the magnitude and scale of the lies and theater too much for most to keep up with."
Spending much of my youth playing games like Crusader Kings 2 and real time strategy games or turn based strategy games, this doesn't feel too much for me to keep up with. In fact, the rate of the collective is merely catching up to what I've gone through. There is still much much more to discover.
Indeed, the alliances being formed with Russia aren't just about common baskets of commodities backing their currencies or going off petrodollars. It is releasing themselves from NATOstan as you put it, and protection from all the bioweapons and many other exotic threats.
I think what you describe about Russian exotic weapons is happening now, surgically targeting key sites in Western Ukraine.
Yes, although they seem to be just using their normal precision cruise missiles. As the Ukrainians are able to shoot these missiles down, and some of the counter fire misfires (US technology, expensive toys break easily) and hit parks and residential homes. Putin still said that he had not even begun anything in earnest yet, and this was simply more of a warning to Ukraine/NATOstan.
Ukraine has been in a civil war since 2014 at least. What they call "Russians" were just Ukrainians that did not agree with Natostan coups in their country. A real nice piece of work on projection there. Not only was Kiev projecting everything unto Russia, including the desertion of their own armed forces to Donbass, but they even turned Ukrainians into "Russia". This is why people still think Russia invaded Crimea and Donbass in 2014. They saw a bunch of "Russians" there, obviously they must have invaded. Except Kiev is always lying about RUssians, since they can't say that their own citizens defected. That would be bad for totalitarian 4th Reich propaganda.
THis is further complicated by the fact that T-72 tanks are used by both sides of the civil war, as well as by the Russian Federation. THus the only true casualties related to Russia are equipment singular to Russia.
I do know the history. Spent time brushing up on all of that quickly at the start of the operation.
The Duran and other political commentators a little astounded at the lack of effective air defense in Kiev. I wonder if NATOstan is standing down out of hopelessness, lack of funds and troops, and a looming election. Just getting the end over with?
There seems to be a big divide in 2022 coming up. In 2020 it was masks and lockdowns, essentially sovereignty vs obedience, as I outlined on my substack article.
In 2021, it was mandatory obedience to gov vs mandatory individual self determination. Who was the real authority?
In 2022, there is a big divide between people who can discern the truth by looking at the accurate sources vs those who are mislead or deceived into a false narrative. These are all tests and in a way, tutorials, to prepare people for the new age.
Those that don't make it... well, they'll be repeating the school year.