For years, Dr. Willie Soon and his colleagues at Ceres have fought against the windmills to prove the climate nuts wrong. He has got a few really good presentations on their website. One is a film from several tens of scientists (real ones) who have been treated like dung by the TMs. They lost jobs, were considered crazy... I hope they find relief that the scam is finally coming to an end.

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The chem trails in the sky will be exposed too. Evil people spraying chemicals into our atmosphere to make us sick & big Pharma rich. 🤑 they will answer to God for your evil.

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Today Is a bright, sunny day here in Maine. Under (what used to be) ordinary circumstances, the sky would be deep, pretty blue - but I'm looking at milky, smeary chemtrail residue. Thinking about breathing in aluminum and other metallic substances. Thinking about the gardens I'll plant in a couple months, knowing they will be less beautiful and less productive than they would be if the soil weren't contaminated by the chemtrails.

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Yesterday, I was reading the comments on a Peggy Hall "Healthy American" video. The comments were from all over the continental U.S. They all talked about the chemtrails that they were seeing nearly everyday - from Florida to California, & everywhere in-between. This needs to be exposed & stopped. With the rising incidence of Alzheimers & Parkinson's disease, it would not surprise me that there is a connection. And, as you mentioned, what they are spraying in our skies, will ultimately fall to the earth, contaminating everything.

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Aluminum does cause Dementia/Alzheimer's.

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Yes, it does. I recommend the book, "Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained, by Forrest Maready.

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Well, here in central Minnesota the sky is nice and blue and not milky, cirrus clouds with no chemtrails or contrails or any trails.

I DO understand that there are planes that "make" chemtrails but believe the following at this point in time:

-- Most of the bad nano-sized and toxic contaminants are not likely anymore, to any WIDE extent, being dumped on us; It could be that those dropping this crapp are starting to be aware the jig is up.

-- most of the chemtrails that ARE visible are likely to be cloud seeding for rain effects vs purposeful toxic spewing to purposefully harm Americans

-- any contrail that disappears soon after the plane passes is a simple CONtrail with only water vapor in it; this could even be true of many that retain their visibility. How? Because, it could very well be that particular atmosphere conditions of humidity and temperature keep any plane's contrail visible longer.

-- a CHEMtrail IS likely really occurring if you see the typical smearing and dissipation over wide areas and visibility for over an hour after; another obvious marker is criss-cross and serpentine patterns. THAT is just too obvious.

When I use such specifications it is hard to "see" a lot of this happening any more.

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Come to Florida and watch as these SOB's block out the sun. Huge fiftty mile long trails are laid in an X pattern for maximum coverage.

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Mesa Az southern skies near sunset almost daily.

Same upsetting views.

Too many planes.

Not enough sky for it all to dissipate rapidly downward.

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Yup, same in Arizona where we just watched them cover the entire sky, creating flash winter storms coming from the south??? with fog, multiple accidents on their toxic surfactant filled snow that creates bubbles when it melts. Followed by odd whiplash warmth coming from the northwest??? Meanwhile Alaska had unseasonably warm weather and the gulf coast had unexpected snow. All this followed by unseasonable tornadoes and fires? Nothing to see here… move along … AI’s got you covered!!!

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Don't get me wrong; I believe it is still happening. . . just not yesterday.


If you are seeing it a lot, it may be useful to do some tracking and see if you can find correlations. . .

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Do all your planes fly the same route, even though they begin and end in different places?

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No, they have different patterns depending on what they intend to create

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The aircraft crisscross the sky often making an X pattern. This I believe is to cover a wider area as the aerosols unfurl in opposite directions.

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Hahahaha. Tinfoil is your friend.

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How do you spell SHITHEAD? You need to look at what is happening instead of beleiving the official lies.

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Call me names, that’ll convince me you are telling me the truth. Definitely that’s gonna sway my mind. Yes you did confirm it, you don’t have an argument, but you sure are good throwing insults.

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Was in Cocoa Beach last year and took pictures of all the trails.

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Don't get me wrong; I believe it is still happening. . . just not yesterday.


If you are seeing it a lot, it may be useful to do some tracking and see if you can find correlations. . .

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They're still CHEMtrailing here. Maybe not quite as much, but it's not Spring planting time yet.

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Airplanes have been "pulling contrails" since the jet engine was invented. Yes that's a chemical you see spread out all over the sky. It's called water vapor.

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BULLSHIT!!! The trails are over fifty miles long. The unfurn into a mist that leaves the sun in a fog. Of note, USAF aircraft are equipped with engines that do NOT leave contrails. Wake up dude they are spraying us regardless of your personal beliefs.

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I was a USAF B-52 pilot for 8 years. We pulled contrails ALL THE TIME. There are no jet engines that don't compress air and moisture, heat it, and then release it, causing the moisture to condense. It's physics.

There are winds at altitude that disperse the contrails at various rates depending on their direction, temperature, relative humidity, etc. They get blown all over the sky.

The only chemicals we released was a small amount of JP4 (jet fuel) that escaped during in flight refueling when the tanker withdrew the boom from our receptacle. It instantly evaporates.

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Finally, someone knowledgeable provides some explanation. The many absolutely “hysterical” men and women regarding “chem trails” could cause cancer, or something.

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I'm a mech. Engineer. Like you, thought this was all BS in 2017. I HAVE seen them; I HAVE seen modified cargo planes interiors and the pressure tanks and images from rear of plane showing them.

It is easy when you are kept in your little box in the AF not to "know". I will bet you did not hear nearly anything about what happened in fighter jet wings while flying B52's.

Yes, 90%+ planes are NOT doing this, but contracted and AF planes DO this still, mostly for weather modification.

Search on Geoengineering but you will have to look hard, most of this is scrubbed from the internet.

example: https://in5d.com/exposed-photos-from-inside-chemtrail-planes-like-youve-never-seen-before/

How do you explain that equipment?

How do you explain all the patents on the equipment?

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Nobody said regular jets are spreading anything other than contrails, normal. Short and they disappear rapidly. Chemtrails are by design, special airplanes flying around with little point to their patterns and direction other than spreading around the clouds.

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You don't know what is going on do you.

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Trump was seen at a retrofitted plane during his first term and said that the program needed to be stopped. Albeit, the issue was that it was supported by the republicans. Perhaps this time he will end the program.

Don't be to harsh on the naive; none of us have all the answers.

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WWII high altitude 4 engine bombers created contrails before the advent of the jet engine.

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Nice try… see “The Dimming “ for free on geoengineering.org

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Reuven, the link fails, even if manually input. . .

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Unfortunately, the vast majority of those commenting about the chemtrails were seeing the criss-crossing, wavy, & serpentine lines. There were a few pictures where you could easily see the patterns. These were not contrails, by any stretch of the imagination. There needs to be an investigation.

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They criss-cross because planes are flying in all directions across the sky. There are an enormous number of civilian airliners in the sky at all times. They all produce contrails when conditions are right.

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What people are reporting is not consistent with contrails. I've seen the pictures & would agree with their assessment. Some of the chemtrails are actually wavy. I have seen them in our area too, but not as often. I live in a flight path area, with planes flying overhead all day long, so am familiar with contrails. At this point, I believe that an investigation is warranted.

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Sure… then they turn into clouds and cover what used to be the blue skies of Arizona most of the time…

Trust AI… Big Brother is not only watching but he’s there to take good care of you.

Rest peacefully and breathe deep the gathering gloom!

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And less nutritious which in the long run effects your health/

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Central Cali is daily covered in toxic chemicals via air dispersion from contracted airplanes and their pilots. What used to be a decent wage from spraying pesticides over farmland (still outrageously toxic), some have replaced with a more lucrative gig, laying (at a much higher altitude) toxins which include Aluminum oxide (nano and micro forms), Barium and strontium salts, Titanium dioxide, Cadmium and selenium, Silicon-based fibers (possibly polymer or nanotech), as well as countless other ingredients.

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Yep here too in central Texas milky white "clear skies" and winds off the chain caused by pressure differentials in the upper atmosphere.

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Thank you for sharing reality vs AI generated propaganda

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you are an idiot

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Only an idiot disputes the evidence. Only the indoctrinated refuse to acknowledge they've been scammed.

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Your “sound and fury signifies nothing”. And your comment reinforces the opposing view. Try presenting reputable data if you expect any respect.

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what exactly is the scam?

who is scamming me? what are they scamming? the message of climate activism is consume fewer products, burn less fossil fuel, polute less, eat less meat, make less plastic, etc…all things which are benficial to all life.

What is the scam? I try and consume less…nobody is selling me anything. meanwhile… the fires rage, the storms worsen, the sea rises the fresh water disappears, global mean temperatures go up. ALL FACT.all happening at incredibly fast rates and proven to be anthropogenic. where is the CO2 coming from…. human activity.

Why would anyone believe Elon Musk’s Ai model over literally thousands of researchers over decades who have nothing to gain… no scam…by making up some huge conspiracy?

The willful ingnorance and mis information… i can’t respect it. like flat earthers and moon landing conspiracists. Anything they don't want to listen to they just say its a scam or a fake. You can”t argue with ITS A SCAM..

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Elon did not do the study. Dr Malone had it in his substack. I did thorough research of reputable scientific not Bill Gates or Al Gore, reputable scientists & they all claimed climate change was a hoax. When Amsterdam is killing cows to save the earth, there’s definitely something way wrong as you need carbon to sustain life. Having zero carbon would kill the planet. All these windmills are killing a lot of whale’s & dolphins.

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Jew troll alert. Vilifying Carbon - the very foundation of life. It is the globalist cabal, the jews, and their neocons who are evil in fact, and enemies of humankind.

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I have known this forever. The whole climate change is nothing but a money grab from Uncle Sam and any other government official willing to pay There is nothing they will not lie about to raid the public treasury and the politicians have used it to gain political power too.

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"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. "

John 10:10

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Amen 🙏🏼

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It is also a huge power grab.

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what about The rest of the world..? you americans are so wilfully ignorant its incredible

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Nick stick up your pie hole. A real cunt name calls when faced with scientific facts but resorts to name calling. Pound sand with your face little man

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They steal from the rest of the worlds governments to fund their lies. the Germans are the worse of the bunch given their past history of excellence in the engineering arts.

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It doesn't matter. Global warming, or whatever they are calling it now, is a religion. We are not dealing with rational people. All the evidence in the world won't change their minds. Have you ever tried to talk to them? The scam, bar none the greatest fraud in scientific history, will not come to an end until all the people who ardently believe in it are dead and gone. And that is many years away.

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For a thoroughgoing deconstruction of climate-change alarmism, you might be interested in this Substack in The Menelaus Gambit https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/climate-change-alarmists-ignore-how

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I expect that we'll start seeing Soros-funded attacks on AI-centers soon. Can't have any challenges to the climate orthodoxy!

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I wouldn't doubt that. They will probable start calling anyone who is anti-climate, an anti-$emitic!

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To much Fluoride in the drinking water, maybe?

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The Europeans have already changed horses. They still give lip service to the Green Energy revolution, but it is DOA in 2025. They were counting on it to drive economic growth throughout Europe for decades to come. No more. What, might you ask, has replaced it? The answer: Re-militarization and the creation of Europes own Military-Industrial complex. The Whoops and War cries are like watching Humpty Dumpty dancing on the top of the wall.

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Funded with ‘unused’ savings. I wonder how they will eventually define, unused.

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Finally!!! 🙌🏼 this has been decades over due!

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Not in the Net Zero world of Mark Carney. If he becomes the “elected” leader Alberta will not put up with his destructive policies. I can see Alberta voting to separate. Then Saskatchewan.

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No doubt they will fight hard against it! This subject matter has been glorified to religious status in the cult of scientism, so this pill will not be easily swallowed. In time, as knowledge continues to squeeze out of the grip of global censorship, the people will come to realize the truth can be found by following any of the 3 golden roads that always lead to their junction in the corruption capital that is Rome. i.e. data, money and power.

It is very easy to disprove though, since their underlying thesis is most prominently contradicted by industrial agriculture practices. Should they be earnest about their claims, they would have been promoting the transition to decentralized small to midsized regenerative organic permaculture & agriculture practices from the start. That alone is evidence enough of it being a farce, let alone all this overwhelming evidence in this paper. As a fellow holistic scientist, I am very pleased to see common sense returning to science! 🫶🏼

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or, just vote to join Alberta as the 51st state, the heck with Saskatchewan and the rest. . . You guys have all the good farm and hunting land anyway!

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... AND all the boreal forest oil sands

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Come join us in the United States

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I still can't believe you didn't get rid of Trudeau sooner.

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I can’t believe it either….he lost the popular vote to the Conservatives in the last two elections but was

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Coalition with the ndp. Unholy alliance. And now jagmeet is going to lose his seat and maybe the entire party. And he could have been leader of the opposition. He's shown himself to be a very poor political strategist. And now he's being shown the door. 👋 Good ridance

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Dr Malone, I agree in principle but AI is only as good as their training sources. You could have a situation where others could use another AI and get different results. In fact, some organizations could create their own LLM to get different results to support their vested interests based on how the AI is trained. You're on the right track, but a little more thought might be able to account for the issue I raised.

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I completely agree. Which is why standards need to be written ASAP.

And yes, they will be corrupted.

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"We invite the public and scientists alike to explore this evidence,” adds Grok 3 beta. “Let’s question what we’ve assumed and dig into what the data really say.”

Maybe I am naive but at least Grok 3 encourages questioning the assumptions, and discourse, something that has not been allowed with "climate writers"

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It's still GIGO, caveat emptor. Original raw data so important, but serious gamers can corrupt that, too. Low tech reigns in the end.

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This time, Grok 3, did not have Garbage put in but real solid facts. One can tell they are solid facts by looking at the authors. Legates and The Soons are well known REAL scientists who have been persecuted by the UN via the IPPC for some 15-20 years.

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When you keep asking AI to dig deep and look for the answer, on two occasions, it did. It gave me the correct answer to climate change. I was shocked that it knew!

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yup, like a "yellow" standard, at least.

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Why do we need “artificial” intelligence to irrefutably “prove” what our own intelligence — native born within our own brains — figured out years ago? Shall we simply leave our own human brains at the door and let the AIs do all the thinking for us? Grrrrrr!

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I’m scared to death of AI but one thing it seems to do well is synthesize massive amounts of information in a short period of time. What scares me, though, is that some human can tip that scale somewhere and then all hades can break loose

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Is this finally enough evidence to stop weather modification? Like solar radiation shading (I.e. geoengineering spraying toxic nanoparticle heavy metals in our atmosphere?). I can’t get anyone in our government to address this. At yhus point, I’d take one politician to tell me it’s a conspiracy theory.

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The short answer is no. Climate change modification isoften being done for big Ag. To control when crops get water, or don't get water. It is also being used to mitigate drought conditions at a regional level.

In my opinion - Those regional issues - governments will still wish to control...

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Thank you for the response. Is solar radiation shielding a part of controlling weather for rain to support agriculture, in your opinion? I’ve read many times aluminum is actually toxic to everything living and spoils our soil for growing crops. In fact, it’s been reported that aluminum is in the food chain now. (I have no receipts of authority that I can provide). What can you, as research scientist which I respect greatly, weigh in on those concerns? Thank you Dr. Malone.

BTW, I followed you throughout the COVID years and did not get the jab due in no small part to the information you shared. Thank you for that!

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Watch the documentaries, “what in the world are they spraying” and “why in the world are they spraying” on YouTube or elsewhere and much of your questions here will be answered.

They document how geoengineering aka chemtrails have evolved from their simple cloud seeding origins for military warfare purposes, to self admittedly putting metal dust into the skies to “reflect back the sun to combat global warming” and aluminum is among the many metals in the mix. These metals fall to earth, making the soil more basic by more than 1 ph unit, which kills 90% of the soil critters, fungi and bacteria, and then the plants and trees begin to die because that’s how they get all their nutrients.

And then, to bring it full circle, you find out Monsanto has patents for GMO’d aluminum resistant seeds, so their crops will still grow, and they don’t need the immune system of the soil that plants rely on anyway since they artificially supplement with petroleum based fertilizers anyway and make themselves some more money. All of it is one very well thought out decades long business plan of how to make as much money as possible and continue the shift of power from the many, to the few.

But always remember, “it’s nothing personal, just business.” So dont take it personally, just get down to business and join the peaceful resistance by getting a piece of land you can take care of and start a regenerative homestead you can self sustain and run a business from! 🙃✌🏼 haha

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Yes, I agree completely. It is hard to get anyone in government to address this issue. And I’ve tried local government in Ohio, and our federal government under the current administration. Mr. Malone suggested a regional local government might be close to climate engineering via big ag. I have a response back from the Ohio agriculture department that they do not participate in such activities ( I have that receipt now ). They referred me to Ohio State university for questions about hybrid crop development. So, this is a data point that indicates a federal government leading the effort. Plus the fact Tennessee banned the spraying, with 5 or so other states, to no avail. I’ve not been impacted by TDA or MS-13 gang members yet, but my family feels harmed everyday by the heavy aerial spraying. We grow and preserve lots of our own food. We buy beef from local ranchers. I also feel the world cabal and big ag does not want that kind of self reliance. So again to your point, I agree fully. Thanks for your response.

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For me Climate change has been over, actually never started. It has been a bunch of lies from the start. And I do not believe the powers that be will stop pushing climate change. They have much power and control riding on keeping it going.

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And $$$$$$.

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Debunked? We dismantled the original report back in 1990—it was riddled with mathematical and scientific errors from start to finish. We even found mathematical expressions that divided by zero. The computer models were no better, featuring absurd parameters like negative cloud cover and water that would not freeze. It was junk science through and through.

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Rush Limbaugh was the lone, courageous voice against this scheme for decades. I thought he was wrong. Shame on me.

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I remember listening to him talk about it from early on. It was to be used to gain riches for the elites and drive the average joe into poverty…oh, wait…

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This is great news! Hope to see it all over main stream media soon (highly doubtful). And when will we see a similar Grok report that the Covid jabs were all a big scam too? It would find so many resources to pull from especially this new study:


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While this article downplays human driven CO2 as the cause of climate change, it does not address the issue of CO2 being essential to all life on planet Earth. CO2 is not bad and we actually need more of it to provide more plant growth to produce more food to feed humanity.

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I am happy to see this. I have a question, though. One of the reasons we are in this mess is that the IPCC used bad computer models to promote a false climate crisis. Why we would trust AI to confirm this. It is all provable without AI.

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Wonderful, conscise report with scientific backing debunking what we already knew was a farce. It is nice to know we have a current administration that will make natural resources the priority... Again!

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I have been appalled by the climate change story, and long to see it shot down in flames. Interesting that AI may be the death of climate change. I distrust AI, and realize I cannot pick and choose what to believe. It would be unfortunate if the climate change naysayers would be dismissed and/or forgotten simply bcause AI is more sexy.

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Science is the opposite to consensus. Professional scientific researchers need to discuss theories. Those who censor the possibility to watch said discussions are criminals and enemies of knowledge and humanity.

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