This is sophisticated psychological warfare being waged against us. If I could put it in the form of a Sun Tzu quote: It is not necessary to defeat your enemy in battle, it is sufficient to put him in disarray so that he defeats himself.

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Ned, 100% agree. Neil Postman mentions that the next war will be a war of information and that's what we're seeing with psyops everywhere: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/addicted-to-information

it will take discernment to be able to sift through this mess

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Time to step back and consider that the big push in the covid debacle was to keep Trump out of 1600.This was an international effort as his policies badly disturbed all sorts international economic schemes and his populist agenda scared the bejeebers out of them. That was then. Now they obviously plan to accomplish same by a lawfare campaign waged with complicit activists in black robes. Unfortunately pharma has found a gold mine to exploit and is obviously willing to pull out all the stops to do so.

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For you and the other cat lovers on this SS. How to keep your cats occupied without losing any home space. https://t.me/BlazenAnimals/27572

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Cool! Wife planning me ….?

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Probably not. Would not want you to hurt yourself during construction . . .

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Just looking out for your well being. When my cats got older I put a plastic three step stair next to the bed and one next to the couch so they had access in their old age (and I stopped the claw marks from prior attempts at access). Cats aren't generally ground dwellers.

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did same for a dog

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Just spot on. I'm a day late and a dollar short w/ the comment... We still have zero justice for all the pranks to support it. How does Clinton get away with all her treachery, start with the sale of US uranium deposits to Russia but importantly to the lies her campaign generated and which led to the first bogus impeachment attempt, intentional to keep Trump off balance.

Btw--huge congratulations to all you Texans yesterday in the Super Tuesday rout for state house and court judges.

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Looks like Phelan might very well be on the way out. However 2 of his cohorts waiting in the wings as willing replacements. Just have to see how it works out when the next leg. session opens

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Agree 100%!

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Regarding the Germ Vs Terrain theory, while yes there is a lot of "noise" in the camp, if we look at the arguments presented, it does call for further question. At the end of the day, Fauci has deceived the country on two occasions: first with HIV and now with COVID: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter

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I read the link article. I know so many people who died after testing positive for HIV, and they shared similar symptoms. Blaming stress for infection doesn't cut it, bring a group of kids to a fun chicken pox party, and it makes no sense to blame stress for the skin lesions and itch they develop from contagion. The few scientists who deny the existence of a virus or viruses will have plenty of scientists of equal or greater academic standing who don't. I don't think what Keven McKernan discovered; fragments of the SV40 virus were nothing. Our planet would be oxygen deprived if viruses didn't control ocean microbes, allowing plankton more access to nutrients for photosynthesis. Viruses are a natural part of the ecosystem. Don't understand the need to deny that. We sure need to be skeptical without losing a sense of balance.

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"Our planet would be oxygen deprived if viruses didn't control ocean microbes, allowing plankton more access to nutrients for photosynthesis."

Wow! That's a wild idea! Where did you learn that?

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There is lots of cool science info about viruses. For example, one virus delays the onset of AIDS symptoms in the HIV infected. Just google peer reviewed articles or studies on viruses, go to science sites and you will find a plethora of facts. Also, google articles on the benefits of viruses, most are not health damaging.

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The medical propaganda machine will intensify since billions and billions of dollars are being invested in the RNA technology! They will well fund our DC politicians future role in Washington to ensure that the RNA push will not be stopped! The fact that only a few like Senator Johnson and Senator, Paul speaks to the Covid con means they are the lone voices out of 500 + DC Congressmen!

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Ever wonder why Senator Paul, or Johnson do not meet up with a speeding car that hits them head on, on a Georgia freeway, exploding the car as if it was in a Hollyweird movie ? Then again, maybe their daughters are not dating someone who works on the sidelines in their campaign, or their political offices that "needs" to be blowed up.

I've personally witnessed dozens of cars in accidents, been in a few myself. I've also witnessed cars that caught fire, and exploded, but not in the way you see them in the movies.

Cars do not burst into flames upon impact. They do not explode. They are designed specifically NOT to do so, and unless under some extreme circumstance, or they're loaded with some C4 under their driver and passenger seats, cannot explode in an impact, regardless of how bad that impact is.

I watched a 80's volvo station wagon, which had an electrical short, go up in flames. When the fuel tank finally let go, it was a very low power "poof" that resonated under the car, and out near the tires. The car became engulfed, but even if a person was inside during that "poof", they could have easily opened up the door, and walked out, if they weren't physically hurt from the accident itself.

It was a "poof", and not an A-Team, Mr. T. style explosion which are all special effects that people see in movies and think are real. They are indeed NOT real. Automobiles are one of the safest places to be on the planet, unless you drive off of a 1,000 ft cliff, and even then some people survive.

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Did you notice recently that McConnell's sister-in-law drove into water and died under 'suspicious circumstances'?

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They must do an autopsy but the family has so far refused…read Blood Money for background on this family.

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Mafia-type families understand the risks.

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Shee noo tu mutch ?

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Or a message to McConnell? Pretty close to when he announced he was stepping down. She was a very impressive presence in the family shipping business in her own right.

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Could be.

He looked as though,he has both ankles in the grave, so I guess his presence is no longer needed.

Back in 2019, when Bitchy Mitchy blocked the legislation which would have hardened federal elections, his bidding was set, and gliding along to his end was marked

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That happened to GA Gov Kemp's daughter's boyfriend after the onslaught of voter fraud in GA after the 2020 election. Glad to know at least one other person remembers that!

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I saw it, online, the day it happened. Since I've been a motorhead nearly all my life, certain things stick in my craw, and watching the video of the wreckage taken by a passer by, is ingrained in my brain.

That car was blowed up from an explosive charge, and not a mid ship fuel tank lighting off. Anyone with basic knowledge of automotive technologies knows what it is like to see a fuel tank let go. That was not a gasoline explosion, that was something way more powerful. That "message" was clear as a morning church bell 50 feet away.

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I saw it too.

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The murderers always think they will get away, common among'st thieves too. Some do, but not in the review of their lives. They are always held accountable to the "Higher Power". It might just take a lifetime. No one gets away with anything. We are our own jury and justice. AMEN

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In their old age they don't dwell on the crummy things they did. This is because they are sociopaths and psychopaths.

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Concerning Senator Johnson, those of us of sufficiently advanced age remember the song about the ant and the rubber tree plant.

These five rules of propaganda have been known for a long time, and they are certainly not original with myself. They can be found on the internet through searches, but I don't think that the powerful really like them being known. Please send them around so that more people will be aware of them. Ideally get them posted in school classrooms. Thank You.

The Five Rules of Propaganda

1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

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It is sad that the common sense ethical portion of the human race couldn't just leave the planet for 6 months, because that would give these totally out of touch and in a lot of ways evil, enough time to devour each other into extinction, then all of us plain old normals could return and live lives of common sense and the golden rule. Of course that is not reality, so we need to fix this.

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If the Evil Ones got their way, there might not be a planet left that was worth coming back to! They are EXTERMINISTS, but they don't just want to kill us, they want to kill everything!

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My husband and I had the first two doses of the Moderna vaccine when they were first introduced. We are now suffering through our second bout of this Wuhan virus -- and it is much worse than our first bout, despite keeping up with zinc and vitamin D. Our FNP prescribed Paxlovid and we are talking it, but we are frustrated and do not know who or what to trust. We are in our 80s and were in good health.

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I would reccomend that you visit https://covid19criticalcare.com/

They have different protocols for vaxed and unvaxed people suffering from all the maladies associated with Covid19 the disease, and the largely dangerous and untested mRNA technology.

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Thank you for your thoughts. In this case, I suspect my Wuhan test was accurate because of the loss of taste and smell -- not normal for me. I am quite sick and looked at the site you suggested, but decided to try to bully my primary into prescribing Ivermectin. I think he is afraid to try, but I'll argue that it cannot hurt, and if he will not, I will turn to someone who will. Perhaps that will work.

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If you have to "bully" your doctor to try a perfectly legal, safe and effective treatment, you should be looking for a new doctor.

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Yes, the FLCCC site and their medical care team are the best. But The Wellness Company also dispenses Ivermectin and provides telehealth also. Both are worthy options. You need an MD or provider to help on your way.

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Dr Malone says to take famotadine or brand name Pepcid. It really works. If you get a hold of ivermectin add it to the mix

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It's amazing they still recommend the shots and paxlovid after all these years. Paxlovid rebound started happening as soon as they rolled it out. And these drugs were passed under emergency measures and very truncated study periods.

The CDC just came out and said we should treat it like the flu, but at the same time the industry still pushes barely tested Pfizer products.

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Why are doc in the boxes even doing unnecessary Covid tests for people who present with typical colds? Of course the test always turns up positive and the people I know that went in for typical colds were given paxlovid.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

Dennis Sullivan: "Why are doc in the boxes even doing unnecessary Covid tests...?"

Money ?

Bill (Deathmaster) Gates has significant stock value in the companies that manufacture the tests?

What really pisses me off is that Kary Mullis specifically said that the process was NEVER DESIGNED to diagnose any disease, and that it was a tool for the engineering side of development. Of course, he magically died after uttering those words.

I have never stuck anything up my schnozz, other than my finger on a bad moment in judgement

(eeewww !) 8-)

I'm not about to start taking any "Paxlovid", or any other pushed pharma garbage, which includes sticking a prickly spike laiden test swab where it doesn't need to be, and has instant access to what little brain I have left in between my ears.

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Practicioners are ignorant but also the gullible masses expect to be tested for "Covid". It is a major conversation piece for the walking well.

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Truth in that, yes

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But imagine how much worse it could have been.

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Do tell, Wabbit

Do tell...

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You got it right.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

As recommended, find a local Doctor from https://covid19criticalcare.com/

Go see them. One of them helped me and I'm forever grateful. No more paxlovid pls...

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Get some querciten, vitamin C and famotadine or brand name Pepcid.

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"Everyone" is handed Paxlovid but the huge majority do not need it.

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deletedMar 5·edited Mar 5
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I love FLCCC - their protocols worked for my husband and I when we had covid. Have shared site with many people.

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Every time I think these fools have set a floor for as low as they can go.... Oops, who knew there was yet another sub-basement.

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De.pop.u.lation in action :(

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Ask the folks in S. Africa about that. Good Ole Deathmaster Billy has a few he's poked himself.

Need an HPV jabbo ? Maybe not, but he's glad to oblige, making you sterile (or dead) in the process.

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Can you imagine the gall, the hubris , the contemptuous pompousness you have to assert to create a law which fines and imprisons a person for stating factual negative information about the mRNA jabs ?

Do these people think the population will go along with this ? Are they really that ignorant to think there wouldn't be any negative response to this ?

Ugh. Humans, in general, never seem to lack the ability to disappoint me.

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Great post Dr. Malone!! The overall theme I get from your post, which you have been heading to wards for years, as we continue to learn, is that we have been being lied to since WARP SPEED was implemented. The contrast of those of you at the conference compared to the government medical complex is vast. There’s a great line in the movie Wall street when Martin Sheen, the father figure says to his son, Charlie Sheen, I don’t go to bed with a whore so I don’t wake up with a whore. The moral to his son is that your character should never be for sale. Don’t abandon all of your principles and values. Greed and lust for money will destroy you in the end. This is what has happened to our medical establishment. They have laid down with the devil. If you and we are unsuccessful fixing this I see truthful information becoming a black market commodity sold on let’s say fire sticks in alley ways. A sort of futuristic Bruce Willis movie where the truth is forbidden and people like us are outlaws. J.Goodrich

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Speaking of truth being forbidden, I read a number of like publications, so unable to quote the exact source, but read of legislation to outlaw and heavily fine anti-Government, ( pharma ? ), narrative speak.

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I’m writing this after only reading as far as the report of France adopting the "Pfizer Law" - imprisonment and fines for debunking an approved medical treatment. Now, I realize I’m not the brightest bulb in a Times Square sign, but I always thought that debunking was good (DEBUNK: to expose or excoriate (a claim, assertion, sentiment, etc.) as being pretentious, false, or exaggerated.) if this is true, even in part, this means we’ve jarringly time traveled back to the 1600/1700s when Galileo (and Copernicus if he had lived after his work was published) was tried&punished for his publication of the HelioCentric view of planetary motion. Because heliocentrism DEBUNKED the belief of the day, GeoCentrism, that was based on an interesting interpretation of Judeo-Christian scripture (fwiw - my world view).

What’s next: cannot debunk boys->girls, girls->boys?, I’m a girl ‘cause I say so?, the earth is flat - ‘cause I think it’s so?, blah blah blah.

How does this type of thinking actually arise today?

{I really wonder if we aren’t in some version of "the great filter," whereby advanced civilizations collapse and no longer retain advanced civilization status. When it becomes LAW that "debunking" is not only anathema but impermissible and punishable…

I’ll be honest, not a fatalist but I am getting closer to thanking God I was born before man saw the backside of the moon - when I’m imprisoned for my heretical beliefs, my incarceration will be brief 😊}

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If imprisoned, we must do as Paul & Silas and bring our jailers and their families to Truth

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That whole Substack is a revelation! I for one will never forget it. I have had the feeling (like millions of others) that this was in fact what we were (are) confronting. However, I am still shaken to the very core of my being in that absolute knowledge! (MY SINCERE THANKS TO ALL THOSE PEOPLE PRESENT).

You are, all of you, but particularly our beloved Dr Malone and Senator Ron Johnson are HERO'S of the 21st Century, and you will ALL remain so for centuries to come. I particularly loved the ending where Sen Johnson called for "whistleblowers" to come forward. I intend to separate that portion and show it to the best of my ability to my following in Australia, Britain and USA as well.

Your comment will likely be the event that (there will be one) that "swings the pendulum" back to us.

It is still early Wednesday morning here in Australia, so too early for a glass of wine, but be assured each and every one of you, I WILL DRINK A TOAST TO ALL OF YOU AT (maybe before) FIVE PM TODAY!

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Mar 5·edited Mar 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank You Dr. Malone. Your Great work and those of others during this abysmal time has been so helpful. If it wasn't for SubStacks... we'd all be in the dark. What do you call it when the Government, along with other powerful forces, is betraying and is against 'We the People' ? Thanks again...

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You covered it Dr. Malone. The cabal's resistance is much less effective when the resistors break apart, lose focus, quest for status, use hyperbole, demonize other resistors. Dialog to sort out truth is necessary when preliminary findings are updated as time passes and more data is available. Even crucial formulas for blocking or lessening the effects of Covid or jabs should not be thought solved at this point. There is always more to learn. Stay the course, present only facts like you have consistently done.

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Mar 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


Your writing is really on the cutting edge of ideas we now need to be thinking about.

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thank you Jennifer Jones. Frankly, I am feeling a bit beaten down at the moment. The constant bullying gets to me some days. I just need to take a break, go outdoors and do something with my hands. Today it was working on chickenhawk proofing the new henhouse for Jill. You can take the zookeeper out of the zoo, but you can't take the zoo out of the zookeeper. She has big plans for an aviary now. In any case, kindnesses like yours are deeply appreciated.

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Understand! Know we respect, appreciate and support you, your fidelity, your accomplishments and your courage! Your leadership is making a substantial difference! Your writings educate. We are blessed to have you both!

Much success with the aviary 🐓 ♡♡♡

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Boy, do I hear you! What I'm glad about is that you know what to do. Sometimes it does get to me too, and I would imagine the rest of the crew appreciates your emotional honesty, I know I do.

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Malone I’m thinking your a lot beaten down & all your colleagues too. Get some fresh air and get your mind in a good place. I appreciate you 🥂🙏

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Dr Malone, I don’t know exactly what yo say to encourage you so let me try and hope it means something: you woke me up. So my one person-ness can’t be the only one. 😊 For me, it started with a woman in her 80s who was visiting me saying that Klaus (oh my gosh my iPhone just “autocorrected” Klaus to “Jesus” and I had to correct it back!!!) Schwab wanted to control the world and when I was incredulous, she said “ well he wrote a book about it”. So I thought, that’s easy, I’ll read the book and prove her wrong. She’s just repeating lies she heard. So I read the book from my library and it sounded good, until I realized that if we don’t own stuff, and locally (!!), , then who does? I eventually realized he was talking about globally concentrated power, although he doesn’t say that so baldly. And concentrated For Him and his friends lol, not for me and my friends. So that started my whole rabbit hole. Then I found your book at the library next. And as I read it, I could tell you were rational so I bought your book and returned the library book so others could read it too. And then I found you on Substack. And then I therefore found Substack! Hallelujah!! And now my whole world has opened up!! But before I got here, I went down a lot of rabbit holes about things like photos of proven computer chips in the shot (I don’t think those are true now. I think those are red herrings to delegitimize the actual problems with the shots) and 911 vaporization of towers (honestly, normal demolition looks legit enough so I don’t think we need to talk about alien “dustification” technology to justify how the buildings went down lol; I think it was “normal” nefarious collusion with controlled demolition and, again, the farthest-out explainations make the nefarious explanations seem like they also should be rejected.) So anyway, I’m just saying you affected one person - me - deeply. And I’m calmly telling others I know about the questions I have and the way our human brains work under control/persuasion. So you ARE making a difference. And you ARE highly thot of our here. I am terrible sorry you got chosen by power higher than us to be the front line that gets hammered. I couldn’t do what you do. And thank God you can! We need you. Keep touching earth and being encouraged. I really like what you write today. I can read betw the lines and understand some of it now, knowing some of the players and having experience with smart guys egos. I am listening and learning and you are making an impact and I am consciously working to pay it forward to the next human so that your work (and work of others) is not in vain, basically as a way to express my “thank you”. So…thank you. I’m committing to praying for you and Jill. Peace, Jessica

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