Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I listened to some of the hearing before the Supreme Court on OSHA mandates concerning vaccination. I am not convinced there will be a majority ruling to stop OSHA overreach. If the Supreme Court does not stop OSHA this will be a green light for all sorts of mischief from the regulatory agencies. It was clear Justices Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor favor mandates. The fear about the virus was palpable in their voices. Scary times.

What ever happened to "my body, my choice." Throw that out the window and also HIPPA. No longer will there be such a thing as medical privacy.

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Exactly. I am a nurse and I will not take a jab that has not gone through all safety trials. Heck, I don't even want to take the routine vaccines anymore. Knowing that these drug companies are not in compliance with safety checking every two years is more than annoying.

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i agree. i think the CDC, FDA, and health organizations have REALLY destroyed their credibility over the last two years, and its going to make a lot of people much more hesitant about taking other vaccines (which actually do work and are important). My own family is going to switch to a non PPO/HMO doc after I have my baby in a few months. Hopefully we'll find a medical professional with integrity who understands that a healthy body and immune systems SHOULD be the first line of defense for our bodies, not untested drugs. Only drugs as a last resort. When I went in for my first OBGYN appointment a few months ago, my doc actually prescribed me a bunch of pills, for "just in case." I never fulfilled the prescriptions. I have NO idea why she even did that, or even what they were for (sleeping maybe?). I didn't request them, or even give her reason to. It was seriously weird and disturbing.

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Many of us are seeking new avenues to medical care after the past two years have opened our eyes. I'd like a doctor who is like my vet- trustworthy, paid cash with no insurance, and cheaper. I only want human insurance for the big things but of course Obamacare wrecked my inexpensive "catastrophic" health insurance. That great policy literally went from 250/mo with a 5000 deductible to 1660/mo with 5900 deductible. Obama knew to take over health care as his first priority- wonder why?

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I listened to as much of it as I could stomach as well and my first thought is ‘they need a Dr Malone or a Dr McCullough or similar EXPERT sitting in the provide guidance. It was a case of Volkswagen mechanics working on a space shuttle. Very disturbing to listen to them and their ‘reasoning’ during the session.

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exactly. WHY didn't Drs. Malone and McCullough provide expert testimony?

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Not invited?

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An attorney friend told me that the efficacy/danger of the vaccines was not being challenged. It was the right of the feds to mandate. The court can only consider the case before them. Frustrating!

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This level of fear and ignorance is unfortunately rather, uh, epidemic nowadays.

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I think Maybe....Tucker has or will?

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Kagan and Sotomayor are both obese and not very competent in terms of constitutional law in my opinion.

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Yes, and if they took the jab, I am wondering if they want the rest of us to be in the same boat, wondering when they may succumb to one of those serious adverse events. Don't you think that it is strange that no one in Washington of importance has had a lethal adverse event but everyone acts like they took the jab?

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saline solution. I read some ...study? From another expert that it is by LOT number. Some lot numbers are lethal; some will cause adverse reactions down the road, and others? got saline shots.

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Earthnewspaper.com Dr. Jane Ruby Reveals Toxic Covid Vaxx Batch Labels by Video Rebel

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What??!!😳 OMG!

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yup. I believe I saw the research by Dr. Jane Ruby, who is on the Stew Peters Show. I think it was the January 3 o 4 episode. I was gobsmacked. She detailed the lot numbers....

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I found it. Earthnewspaper.com Dr. Jane Ruby Reveals Toxic Covid Vaxx Batch Labels by Video Rebel

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I know, isn’t it too bad! That is awful to say but I’m very tired of this all.

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I'll bet they are on Ivermentin or HCQ, those bitches. Sorry not sorry.

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Do you think they got vaccinated? 🤣

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Saline solution.

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Come on, for real?

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Just a theory

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Ah. Got it

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Seems like oral argument comments from Justices indicate that at least five justices will indeed stop the mandates, but we'll see.

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I am praying.

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I only caught the ending, did anyone speak to the (lack of) efficacy of the vax or the (lack of) safety testing? I did not hear that and to me, the most obvious reasoning has to do with the 'vaccinated' catch and transmit at ... same or higher? Where are we now? ... rates of the uninjected. Did anyone hear that topic come up?

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Yes. They said the vaccine shows very high efficacy!!

I was screaming at the TV!!!

Bastard liars!!

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Hahaha very funny. You're kidding, right? Well. You can tell who is bought and who is not...hopefully you were kidding. They must have said high efficacy for two weeks or something like that? Oh. Damn. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Alex Berenson is citing a new study from Denmark that suggests the vaccinated are more likely to get Omnicron than the unvaccinated. Interesting. All the most vaccinated countries in the Northern hemisphere are now seeing an epidemic of Omnicron.

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Husband and wife I know, Triple Vaxxed...having their 2nd "super colds" in 2 months. Ima b like, "Okayyyyyy, whatever you want to call it."

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Yes. I thought the arguments were superficial and missed the point but I hadn't thought through my objections to the point of coherence.

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Canada's Federal Minister of health is openly musing about forced vaccinations today. This narrative needs to crumble!! I'm so @@@@ing mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Canada is one sick tyrannical hell hole, sad, i use to love to go Montreal...Never ever again until these maniacs Trudeau etc. are brought to justice, not holding my breath, i fear our Northern border may soon look like the souther border with freedom loving Canadians seeking fredom in the USA free states flee en masse....its only a matter of time

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there was a CTV poll asking if it was time for mandatory vaccination in Canada. 78% said NO! - but the government will no doubt claim otherwise!

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Those TV polls are never about genuine interest in what the public thinks. They are always designed to condition us to accept the idea posed in the question. The response just informs them on how to rephrase the question the next time they ask it.

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What they are doing is horrific. They need to eliminate the control group because otherwise the comparable stats provided by this group will provide the noose they will hang by.

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NUREMBERG CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why isn't ANYONE citing that??????

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its coming soon....already a case of crimes against humanity processed in Europe..patience, these SOB s are going down

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Yes. Been in the works ..Reinhard Fullmich? Is that his name? Brilliant lawyer

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https://www.canada.ca/en/public-services-procurement/services/procuring-vaccines-covid19.html ---

Trudeau has to because he's already agreed to the jabs from Pfizer and Moderna for our entire population for 2022, 2023 and into 2024.

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And started building a vax factory that just, lol, got delayed.

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

I have always been so worried about all the extra vaccine purchases and that we will be forced to use them just because we have them. If not, it would be a political nightmare for Trudeau ..so we are fucked so to speak.

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Not quite. Like I’ve been told about Austria, the ineptitude of the govt means the fines/jail for unvaxxed won’t ever happen. He said he worries about Germany though, they act on their words. Canada governs via virtue signalling. I still have my AR15’s. I think I have to turn them in on Dec31, yet there is zero infrastructure as of yet. It’s a lot of hot air….

So far.

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Indeed, "so far..."

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bring on that political nightmare!

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I love the title, “Will We Reach Herd Immunity Against the Tyranny Variant?” … I’m ready!!

Dr. Malone, I just submitted a letter to the Washington State Board of Health citing many of your articles about the danger of the vaxx to children, including your stellar bibliography of references on that topic.

At their January 12 meeting, the board will be deciding on proposals for instituting involuntary isolation camps and forced school injections 😬

If anyone has a moment, please consider submitting a public comment ASAP as the deadline is TODAY @ noon PST:



• Allowing local health officers to use law enforcement (WAC 246-100-070) to force an emergency order to involuntarily detain a person or group of persons (families) to be isolated in a quarantine facility (WAC 246-100-045) following refusal to voluntary comply with requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, vaccination (WAC 246-100-040). These specifics come from WAC 246-100.

• Including the Covid-19 injections as part of school immunization requirements using WAC 246-105.

DETAILS HERE: https://sboh.wa.gov/Meetings/MeetingInformation/2022/January12Online







See my exchange with Dr. Carver in this thread (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/serve-suffer-and-sacrifice/comments) for more details.

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“Don’t interfere with anything in the constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties. “

~Abraham Lincoln

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Robert, it's important to be aware that US death counts and in many other countries are grossly exaggerated b/c of the definition of "Covid death." In the US it's basically any association with Covid, whether real or suspected, and whether Covid caused "or contributed" to the death. The end result is that as with all public Covid stats if we discount by about 90% we get to a far more accurate figure. So the ~800,000 "Deaths involving Covid" that CDC presents in their data should be discounted to around 80,000 over two years, which is well in line with a normal seasonal flu. So what caused all the excess deaths? I dig into that question and others in this essay: https://tamhunt.medium.com/how-covid-19-stats-are-grossly-exaggerated-a-brief-summary-of-the-arguments-53a5b4237c4c

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Reference: “ The USA, one of the wealthiest nations in the world, has one of the highest death rates in the world from COVID-19.”

Now, consider the FACT that the Biden administration, along with other politically left entities, are just now getting around to pointing out ‘died WITH Covid’ versus ‘died FROM Covid’….after the $billions & $trillions of taxpayer money has been doled out to the healthcare industry, based on bogus ‘cause of death’ and medical claims since this all started.


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A “Pandemic of Those who Were Denied Early Treatment”.

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Interesting point:

“Died with Covid” vs “Died from Covid”

or should it be Died because of poisonous venomous injection that stopped the heart to avoid getting Covid?

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Sometimes, life altering events is the only way to wake some people up. I hate to even say that but for a lot of people it really is the case. Now that folks are starting to wake up, maybe they can stop the shouting and following the herd and pay more attention to logic from the right people. Not sure who to be more dissatisfied/angry with...big pharma/government...or the people who never question them and follow.

All eyes on the EUA and supreme court scenario.

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Insightful comment, Kudos! For me, dissatisfied/angry breaks down like this. The actions of big pharma/government are done with malice aforethought. Both should (or ought) to know the dreadful and sometimes deadly impact their recent actions are having on others. That's the business they chose, it's their responsibility to conduct their affairs ethically and morally. What they don't know, they should at least be trying to find out.

Far more frustrated by (also more emotionally sensitive to) "never questioning" others. The number of friends, family, colleagues who trust their own knee-jerk reactions rather than listen to and considering what I have to say..... well, we're gonna need a WAY bigger blog for that. But each and every time it hurts. They are the people most hurt as a result, and when that unfortunate result occurs the thought always strikes me "What could I have done better to connect with them?"

How to break through this "unthinking" madness? Have heard a helpful tip or two. But when someone immediately cuts you off mid sentence? I wish I knew.

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"It doesn’t make sense to keep boosting against a strain that’s already gone"

If public health were part of the model for use maybe logic would have a role and this is a wake up call to more rational brain function. It's tragic to watch the human sacrifices accumulate in service to propaganda but it does look to be collapsing.

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I am am truly outraged that this untested and unapproved gene therapy was ever mandated. Now giving it to children and which health insurance companies are saying they won't cover the injuries because its not an approved vaccine. Certainly I am not some great legal mind but a 3rd grader can figure this out. Fear is the motivator, the justices are mostly old and many are obese. I think there should be huge compensations paid out by any organization that mandated these jabs- so many were coerced to care for their families. It's all like a freak show. Hopeful the tides are turning Dr. Malone. Again great appreciation for the efforts of you warriors!

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Chief Justice Alito: look for it if you recorded it, somewhere about 12:20pm asks…

Question: Does the vaccine Cause a risk (harm) people?

Attorney Answer: Yes (that is the abbreviated answer)

Question: Has OSHA ever forced something on people that can cause risk (harm) to them?

I thought an Excellent point that was then railroaded by I think Soltimeyer saying… risk sometimes causes risk in the work force.


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The government officials at the CDC, FDA, NIH are terrified of the masses rising up in a pitchforks and torches moment. They will never admit anything.

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It will happen whether they admit or not.

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Unless I'm mistaken, the MSM response to your appearance on Joe Rogan was basically crickets was it not? Now we're seeing governments everywhere doing everything they can to eliminate the ultimate control group. So it seems to me that they are basically out of answers.

Unfortunately that may mean the wilderness they are dragging us into may be about to get a lot more hostile. That is both scary and yet encouraging at the same time. If all they have left is to resort to pure bullying tactics, then this will expose them as the frauds they've been all along.

We just have to be sure to not play by their rules. I like the example of The Picnic Protests from last summer. https://www.corbettreport.com/picnic-protests-sweep-the-world-solutionswatch-video/

If there's one thing that really hits them between the eyes, its finding ways to opt out of their rigged game.

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Light a thousand backfires of Liberty against the forces of Tyranny. Each in his(her) own way: Do Not Comply!

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"You comply because you want it to end. But it never ends because you comply." RFK Jr. said something similar to the effect that you cannot comply your way to freedom.

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Politically, RFK Jr is not my personal cup of tea. But when he's right he's right, and I unabashedly give him his due. He's been fiercely fighting this vax issue for many years, decades before I ever discovered it. His new book sits in the other room, not yet read (but soon will.) Strange times make strange bedfellows, eh? Humbled by his efforts, glad to have discovered them.

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I agree re: RFK Jr and politics. He made several political statements in his Fauci book that I found disappointing, but the basic theme of his book will infuriate the reader over the outright corruption and ineptitude of our institutions. Those institutions have destroyed their credibility, and they don't even realize it - yet.

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Thanks for whetting my appetite. Looking forward to reading the book even more.

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Indeed it will get more hostile and tense. The whole country is being taken down this rabbit whole as a mass exposure event.

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Some of the justices outright lied this morning regarding the jabs, masks, 750 million new cases in one day? Totally safe, can’t spread, 100t children in the hospitals on vents, etc. Its unconscionable they have no clue about any of this. Just pled your case and move on. Next. Our SC justices should not be this ignorant or be pushing blatant false information. Wouldn’t one want to seek real COVID doctors, with real science data? I’m very concerned for our country after hearing this.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

Listening to some of these arguments is hilarious. The screaming about there "being 750,000 cases yesterday" — okay, probably what, 700,000 mild colds/asymptomatic cases?? Come on. The fear mongering has reached the highest levels. I follow Dr. John Campbell on Youtube, who has been carefully and calmly tracking Omicron since it emerged in South Africa — and basically, we knew that this shit was far more mild than past variants a full month before it hit the US. It seems that our media & entire cultural environment kind of erupted without any notice of the data we had from S.A. before the variant showed up here. Ugh.

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Vaccine mandates and passports are fascist abominations. The only true purpose of them is to control and enslave you. Resist

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