Isn’t it ironic the same government that mandates warning labels on 5 gallon buckets to protect children, forces injections on 6 month old babies with experimental drugs. Or how they restrict clean American businesses while buying products from filthy dictatorships. Our government needs a warning label, Trust Us At Your Own Risk. J.Goodrich

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If Confucius were alive today.

He would have an endless supply of new zany ZEN like quotationally perfect writings.

Hahaha. Confucius say breathing #1 cause of aging. (But don't hold your breath!)

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Or tries Frankenstein operations to turn boys into girls and vice versa and continues to lie that the results are anything other than an abomination.

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Great article. Let us not forget the millions of burn victims of MacDonald’s hot coffee.

Even when I was a kid watching the 3 Stooges, I marveled at the message “Don’t try this at home.” I formulated the Darwin Awards principle all on my own figuring there must be other kids who will eliminate themselves or others from the gene pool. I’ll leave it to you Dr. Malone to explain which gene, which chromosome, which nucleic acid sequence, etc.

Now we know that the HHS agencies do not give a fermented horse pile about safety. We are all expendable. This administration euthanized some good fraction of 1M Americans in our militarized COVID wards and killed >250k with the shots in 2021 alone. So much for safety. The “Safety Explosion” is an administration psy/op cover up, is it not?

Look out for them predatory peanut butter sandwiches. BTW the peanut allergy is largely if not entirely due to vaccines. How about root cause talk and stop persecuting sandwiches.

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Funny that the Stooges are a foolproof gender defining test - when a bunch of men and women walk into a room where a TV is playing their mayhem, the women roll their eyes and the men do Curly and Moe imitations.

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And it continues to this day with Kathy Hochul trying to make NY safe for this 70yo.

She wants my 2nd amendment rights that was just confirmed in the Bruen supreme court case, wants my gas stove, wants my wood burning stove, wants my gas powered vehicles all gone. Wants me to take her safe and effective clot shot. Wants me to take care of the poor illegals quietly being moved to upstate that NYC wanted to take in and now it is "put your money where your mouth is" can't handle it.

One other thing that morphed over time here was the sales tax. I remember as a kid it was originally called the hotdog tax and was for fast food meals under a dollar. It has grown to be on all fuels, electric and other utility bills, most items needed to live and your vehicles over and over every time they are sold here.

It is a slipper slope and she I think with her and Newsom going to Israel looking as being concerned about world events, like they could be teaming up for a run at the presidency.

What a slide into hell that would be for us all.

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023

50 years ago I would have laughed if someone told me at 68 I’d be paying over half of my income in some form of tax. But, it’s true for most people now. The true cause of inflation is the ever increasing cost of government, regulations, bureaucrats, giving to foreign nations, all those silly studies pointed out by Rand Paul each year, I could go on and on. Why didn’t we all see this coming? Once the all powerful government controls your income, they own you.

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There were and still are individuals and organizations who have been flashing a yellow light for at least 50 years. I can imagine when the States were ratifying the 16th Amendment effective under Wilson the people were not happy. The fact that any credible person thought taxing productivity was smarter than taxing consumption certainly demonstrated funding the USG was more important than a stable economy for the citizens. And they doubled-down on stupid with the 17th Amendment at the same time.

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Amen to that. Every building, street and school named after Wilson should be renamed belial .

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Yeah! Taxes hidden on everything you buy. Once read something like a dozen taxes hidden in the price of a loaf of bread.

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Insane and not hard to imagine.

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The worst of her attempts is the one to lock up in an internment camp anyone of her choosing, indefinitely, on the pretext that they “might” have been exposed to a “communicable disease.” When asked in court how a person was supposed to get out of these prison camps, the state chosen defender of this appalling proposal paused for a while, finally answering, “Call a lawyer?”

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No one believes me but I saw this coming in the mid 80s when they made wearing seat belts a law. In other words, we were forced, by law, to be safe so it wasn't a stretch for me to see how much farther this would go. And yet, even as all things are now about being safe, ten of thousands of children are being sex trafficked and tortured, by the richest of the rich. I say show us Epstein's client list.

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And then there are airbags which enforce change in hand position on the wheel to a less safe one (3 and 9 rather than 2 and 10). As a angry Brit once complained those bloody things would not be forced on them if the bloody Americans would use their seatbelts. And on it goes,

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Airbags don't do diddley squat without the seatbelts on, which is probably a part of the forced seat belt laws. Also by mandating and regulating they make it impossible for better options to even be explored. We were driving a rental car and all the newer cars have tons of screens to control features and tons of automatic features. We were driving down the road, no one close to us (fortunately) and the car slammed on the brakes. How can you outlaw texting while driving as you put flat screens into all the cars for controlling things? You can't work the controls and drive, some cars even turn off the controls while you are driving, so you would have to pull over to make changes. These aren't cars that people actually want. If they would get out of the way people would buy a 10,000 - 15,000 car with no gadgetry and manual stearing, because they have the stearing column now hooked into a computer. I've worked with computers a lot I don't want my car dependent on computers, talk about dangerous.

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Heads-up screens and flashy dashboards are clear and present dangers for every driver. I marvel at those flashing signs spanning freeways that report things like the number of driving fatalities so far this year. They should say, “Look up here and you too could be a statistic!”

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Who needs seatbelts with 10 airbags? Instead, wear the Michelin man safety suits. Haha

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When I was about 19, I had a good friend who started dating an absolute beautiful girl named Rochelle. They had a plan of opening a restaurant together and one night on the way home from dinner a man had pulled out onto route 1 in Norwood Ma. and stopped, I think he was drunk. My friend John rear ended the guy and Rochelle wearing her seatbelt snapped and broke her neck. She lost oxygen to her brain and a couple days later her parents unplugged the machines, Rochelle was gone. My friend John spiraled down and to this day still has problems. I will never forget Rochelle and what caused her to die.

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And I have heard of instances where air bags have killed folks. I guess take home is drive as safely as you can but accidents still will happen and the gov is best left out of trying to remedy that.

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As always the government is corrupted by insurance companies lobbyists. Everything always revolves around greed and corruption.

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Allstate has an app called Drive Safe they want us all to have on our phones. It tracks where you go, how much you drive, whether you speed, and who knows what else. It is Spyware. You get a few dollars off your insurance for using it. It is to enforce safe driving with the threat that if you don't you will loose your insurance. I did not sign up, told them I do not have a smart phone and the old phone I have is always off in the car because calls and texts cause distracted driving.

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Beginning around the early 2000s some employers started offering slightly-lower medical premiums to employees who participated in their "wellness" programs, which usually involved sharing detailed, sometimes sensitive medical hx with what is usually a contracted external corporation. My employer at the time never did this, but there was nonetheless a heavy push to participate in their "wellness" program. The carrot in this case may have been nothing more than a $100 gift card. Unless a person is desperately poor, who would give up their medical privacy for a $100 gift card? In my department at the time, at least two of us declined to participate in the "wellness" program: an RN who was still a social smoker and me. I told the "wellness" representative that I would perhaps consider participating if my health-system employer ran their own program (a lie), but that there was absolutely no way I was going to share my personal medical history with an external contractor.

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State Farm did same only with something attached to the car. We declined

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Bet back in the day there was always one caveman who snuck around stealing flint from all the others. Human nature and politics make bad bedfellows but we are stuck with it.

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Precisely. Far better for a few people to pay for their mistakes than for the masses to pay for every mistake made by big gov.

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That same thing happened to a cousin's female friend. Four were in a car that hit another that had cruised through a stop sign. When the police arrived they accused the girl in the front passage seat of being on drugs. This was when seat belts did not go across the shoulder also. She died that night as it was not drugs but a broken neck.

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From seatbelt and helmet laws to face masks and forced injections in just 40 years.. Tiptoeing to totalitarianism..

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Back in early 90s. I was sitting in the living room of my soon to be in-laws. They were talking about smoking and restriction of where you could smoke. We were watching on tv the arguing. My FIL asked what do you think? I valued his opinion greatly and simply blurted out, “this isn’t about smoking this is about gun control.” I don’t know what possessed me to say that out loud. In his slow lawyerly voice I remember him saying “I believe you are right about that.” There are various tests we are given unknowingly, to see just how much we can be pushed, what will we give up for “normal’ remember that.

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If only we could pay attention to history we would see the repeating patterns. I marvel at how much people are willing to accept as gospel and then, when it turns out to be a lie, or worse, they shrug their shouilders and accept the next lie. I guess that is why we are referred to as sheeple.

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I remember a relative had a new ford maverick and you could only try to start it in the right sequence 3 times and then had to get out and reset a device under the hood and try again. Not sure if it was seatbelts or what involved or more.

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I put alot of this at the feel of Ralph Nader and his obsession with making all things safe. I never thought it was about his deep committment to protecting people. He had aspirations and I'm pretty sure he made a lot of money in his campaigns.

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He pushed for airbags and demonized the corvair. I noticed he never took credit for the early airbag injury and death of children.

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I can't recall a single time when anyone(s) who have forced the greater population to adhere to rules that do harm to admit they did. Not once.

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Pretty glad he was not elected POTUS

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My seat belt (the original and its replacement) cuts across my neck. IMO will cause definite harm if its put to use. As is, it chaffs. Won't dispute the goal, but....

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Even in older cars there is an adjustment for that. Have you checked if it can be lowered?

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Actually no. My car is 23 years old. I'm assuming the tech would have asked/mentioned the possibility of accommodation. They've been servicing the car for 22 of its years.

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I have a 23 year old Toyota 4runner, and it has an adjustment at the top of the shoulder harness where it attaches just above and behind the door. Maybe you could sit on a pad that raises you up a bit. That's better than it choking you.

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Thanks for the tips! I do have a thick pad on the seat. The seat dropped down a few years back. I'll check the harness itself to see what I or the mechanic can do about it.

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That sign brings up another issue, I.e., English should be declared our national language and all election ballots only written in English. Given the level of fraud we have witnessed in elections at every level, who can say with any assurance what is actually written on the myriad of foreign language ballots? This inquiring mind does not want to know, just write them in English!

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I want my ballot in Norwegian, in fact in Old Norse and written in runic symbols.

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If the USG actually cared about safety the only language it would allow would be English. If you can't read street signs, prescription directions, warning labels, contracts you are signing, invoices you are paying or understand safety instructions from the crew boss, you are certainly at risk and those around you.

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I’ve never noticed any non English ballots being used at my precinct. I’ll have to ask our registrar what languages are used to print our ballots. We had a large number of Afghans resettled here, but they haven’t been here long enough to become citizens. The city is 10% Asian, but that’s due to students. Hispanic population is about 5% but I rarely hear any language spoken other than the ladies at the nail salon whose parents were from Viet Nam.

I’m sure some areas of the country do have multiple language ballots. I’d never thought about that before.

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Kids today can neither read nor speak English with any fluency. How about a "picture" ballot? Dip your finger in ink, and press it on the candidate's face. And sign your name with an X, because they don't teach cursive anymore. Dumbing down of America at its best!

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We could put all the candidates in a row, then we all walk by and point at the one we want.

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They were common in Houston.

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I would describe this as unbridled socoipathology.

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From a biblical/theological point of view this all stands in direct opposition to my personal sovereignty as in individual in Christ. I believe the Bible/the gospel laid much of the foundation for the growth of human rights as seen in the development of western civilization since the establishment of the Christian church. The further we stray from our Judo-Christian roots the more lost we become. It has reached the absurd level, but I doubt we are done.

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"For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2Corinthians 3:17

When God is removed from the public square, liberty goes with Him.

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When I was a very young adult (50 years ago), I made a statement that I was concerned that Retail Christmas and Santa would take over the most beautiful of Christian celebrations. My mother said, you’re no fun, parents enjoy being Santa for their children.

Mom’s now 88 and says her great grandchildren don’t understand the significance of Christmas. Hate to say it, but I told her so and how I wish I was wrong.

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023

I didn't have children, but if I had, I think I would have kept Christmas as a religious/family holiday and saved the gifts for new-year celebrations. In the mid-2000s, I had a religious work colleague whose children both had birthdays in January. She told the children that Christmas was about Jesus Christ, and saved most of the gifts for their birthdays.

My grandparents were from the last "pioneer" generation, and probably didn't receive many Christmas gifts aside from a once-yearly piece of tropical fruit (an orange or banana), nuts, and candy. One of my grandmothers said that the first time she ate a banana, she didn't like it because no one had told her not to eat the peeling. Now that most American children have access to oranges and bananas nearly every day, if only in the school-lunch program, they want gifts that are much more elaborate and expensive.

Even as a child, I thought I was given too many Christmas gifts (some were practical, like clothing and books), but didn't always receive everything I wanted. When I was eight years old, I remember being in a department store with my mother and grandmother and expressing interest in an expensive collectible toy. My grandmother offered to buy it for me for my birthday or Christmas, but my mother essentially said, you're not to buy that for her EVER. Although I regretted this at the time, as an adult I eventually became grateful. No one likes spoiled children, and spoiled adults are, of course, worse.

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On the other hand, one learns. My Mom's secretary took me to the races. Betting was the order of the day. I love blocky well fed horses. None of my picks won. She, none the less, sent me home with 'winnings.' Reflected about it. Concluded gambling is silly. Today, I figure I have better uses for such $. Curious.

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I remember getting very few toys and clothing as Christmas gifts when growing up. I loved the shoebox Santa left for me and my 2 siblings. We each received a box with tangerines, oranges, apples, Brazil nuts, English walnuts, gumdrops, cream filled chocolates, hard fruit flavored candies. I think back on those simpler times and realize my values were firmly cemented by a family with a strong faith in God and celebration of His son’s birth at Christmas. I loved to sing those carols, participate in our Christmas program at church and trek through the woods to find the perfect tree. Oh how I miss my grandparents and the huge family gatherings on Christmas Eve!

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It is the devotion and fealty to God that must be erased because man covets His place in our lives.

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If I understand you correctly I agree. Human beings want to be god, not yield to God as creator.

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'man' are those ungodly overlords that find resistance from the population when its fealty is to the Lord God. Those overlords are jealous of the power God has over His creatures and they want that power. It is a shame that they are winning with all the Karens . . .

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Let's leave all the poison in their food though.

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I do enjoy the irony!

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Excellent! Have been thinking about exactly this topic (examples thereof) for several days. It started with a conversation about a Darwinian action my husband and I had recently read about. Our conversation ended with, "Caution, coffee is hot." (Cuidado, el café está caliente.)

At the other extreme are the lengths that 3 letter agencies (like FDA) go to protect us from Genesis 1:29. From the myriad processed food-like products to the "scientific" studies to show how harmful some plants are. One study fed mice a diet of nothing but sassafras root (& tea?) for 6 months. The mice developed cancer. Therefore, sassafras is a known carcinogen and should not be made into drinks for humans.

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The libertarian John Stossel, did an entire show on Fox years ago about the absurdities of safety labels, warning signs, and hazard details listed before instructions for use. In the mid 70s my hubby’s boss was complaining about the absurdity of the newly produced government pamphlet on how to safely use a hammer. California is #1 on hazard/safety labeling. Because of its large population they know that all manufactures will label according to CA rules so regardless of where you live you see all the CA craziness attached to your new product. I can’t get off of my idling John Deere rider without setting the brake, which is not easy on the leg. I also can’t go backward with the mower deck on unless I pull up a handle and hold it first.

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The Karenocracy- well outlined in the article and comments.

You don’t make society and people safe by making men weak and shriveled; safety improves by making men GOOD and BRAVE.

Jordan Peterson’s Rule 11: Don’t bother children when they are skateboarding.

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Yep. Love me some Jordan Peterson!! LOL.

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A while back a gentleman stopped me while walking my dogs and told me that I better get my dogs home or on a leash because it wasn't always safe to walk the alleys., I told him "freedom isn't safe" and he didn't like that answer one bit. Just kept on driving, probably thought I was rude as hell. Probably thought I was racist (he was black) probably thought a lot of things but people are too fearful. The fear porn needs to stop. Freedom is from God.

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$25.00 fine for not wearing a seat belt in a latest model built auto with six airbags.

While the helmetless rider/passenger wearing only sunglasses and a speedo over his family jewels to protect from sunburn (I guess) on 900 lb motorcycle in gyroscopic harmony while almost in flight rolling smugly down a relatively flat dry smooth unimpeded substrate that could change rapidly.

Besides the costing less for a license plate and insurance. FUN vs RISK vs HARM vs DEATH. Gambling101?

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Worse than motorcycles are bicycles. Those helmets useless in a contest with any auto/truck. Yet there they are often on roads so narrow as to be nearly single lane and lord help anyone who even frightens one of them.

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Yeah you really need to pick and choose wisely where / how / what type of bicycle to ride.

Make dang sure to buy one with excellent brakes. Inches "CAN" make the diff in a panicstop

Bike paved trails on old RR flatter grades are #1 rider favorites in Minn. Nature perfect too.

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Traveling home from work, I take the scenic route to avoid 6 lanes of traffic heading north out of town. The scenic route has now become very popular for motorists. It is a two lane winding hilly road that also seems popular with the bicyclists. There’s no room for a car and cyclist and no way to pass them as too many blind curves could cause an accident. When a line of cars a mile or more long are moving at 10-20 mph it’s rude of the cyclist who doesn’t pull over to allow motorists to get to their destination.

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When you ride a motorcycle it becomes a street fight.

Jockey like a hose race for square inches of pavement to some remote up ahead finish line, sets the adrenaline at sky high levels . You might have seen such commuting courage. 🤔

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023

The last time I was on a motorcycle was about 50 years ago. My boyfriend at the time was a reckless kid whose father, a race car driver had died in a firey crash at the speedway 10 years earlier. I ended the relationship because he was too great a risk to be around. He liked fast motorcycles, cars and speedboats. Unfortunately, his father’s death left him with a lot of money to buy all those toys. I never wanted to ride a motorcycle again after riding with that boy.

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Minimizing trauma has it's total advantages .

Good on ye mate.

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Narrow roads in Texas hill country with lots of hills and blind curves not really ideal bike trails but you do come across them.

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Irrational concerns about nonsensical safety threats are called phobias. People with phobias are paralyzed by fear and consumed by obsessive self-destructive behavior. Societies are also paralyzed and destroyed by phobic public policies.

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The sky is falling attitude of the over zealous safety measures is folks get tired of seeing all the yellow and orange hazard signs along with the scribbled warnings in fine print adjoining all the products they buy that they just skip all of it and go straight to the 'real' directions without reading any of it. Every once in a while that can be a big mistake.

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As mentioned already here, lawyers!! Specifically the ambulance chasers. They have installed pathological fear in manufacturers of everything and have been abetted by con artists of every stripe. Liability laws need a long looking at to harness this law induced paranoia.

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Personal injury lawyers are a relatively small problem compared to the federal bureaucracies that mandate the warnings on products. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is like a cancer growing on the nanny state. For example the CPSC wants to ban gas stoves because it thinks they cause childhood asthma. The "drowning risk" label on buckets was put there under threat from the CPSC to bucket manufacturers. Almost every lunatic warning requirement is the product of the fevered imagination of a tyrannical bureaucrat. The solution is to abolish most of the federal regulatory apparatus and return power to the states where it belongs and is less likely to be abused. As for revising the liability laws, remember that was the approach taken to childhood vaccine injuries (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) and the Covid shots (PREP Act). Once the fear of legal liability was removed the pharmaceutical companies became mass murderers. I agree personal injury lawyers can be a nuisance, but they also constrain the antisocial impulses of corporate America.

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I bet those warnings were written by lawyers and I bet they wet their beaks in liability. I maintain…constantly….that lawyers have made laws unintelligible by anyone but them for the reason of excluding the general population from law and in the process have shredded our Constitution.

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The Eloi and the Morlocks.

One safety net at a time.

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