Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If we look at Trumps attempted assassination, the SS’s pure incompetence is a form of psychological warfare, or a nudge to all who support him. Anyone that has a bit of faith can understand that when the bullet whizzed by DJT’s head, just grazing his ear, a higher power was using their influence to keep him safe and help in this fight against evil. Isn’t it revealing people of the Gala religion, the Climate religion, and people that think it’s a choice to let a new born lay on a stainless steel table to starve to death, say it’s anti Christian to say God was protecting Trump.

These same people are the ones to use 5th generation (psychological) warfare against us. A telling example was Biden’s speech outside of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall where Obama used two marines and red lighting as a backdrop while Biden shouted out his overly threatening coercive Nazi like speech.

Much of this battle that they wage against us takes place in our minds. They know there is real power in coercion and suggestion. This enemy we face wants to enter our thoughts to steal our optimism. God didn’t send this evil against us, but it surely seems that God has entered the fight to defeat it. Just look at the panic as their evil and their power is crumbling as we get closer to this next decision of what direction America will take. This evil, our enemy, is in disarray, but we know it will never be over. We know they will never give up. This election for now will define freedom vs. slavery, war vs. peace, who raises our children, who controls us, we the people or government.

Us Maloneans know the psychological war they rage against we the people, I only hope others that are unaware refuse to allow this evil into their minds, dwelling in this evil can be overwhelming and create helplessness.


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Obama, a hardcore Communist, raised by Communists, is a well-trained, gifted “nudger”. Republicans have lost a golden opportunity to pin Biden’s failures on Obama & his apparatchiks nudging demented Biden to attempt to destroy our nation.

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It was the rabid rodent known as Obama that embraced the "create a crisis" when a natural one was not around to take advantage of.

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Well said James and so true. Don't let them get free rent in your brain.

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Joe OBiden stated very clearly, loudly, early, that Darker days were ahead. All True!

We have really been the witnesses here on this Malone Substack to exactly that.

So much had been uncovered and re-discovered into the workings of a modern day society.

I'm seeing this world a whole lot differently in just the past 4 years. My New Frontier is here.

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Niccolo Machiavelli, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rahm Emanuel all said never let a crisis go to waste.

All of them democrats (and yes, if Machiavelli was alive today, he would be ruling the democrats).

It was Obama, and the rest of the rabid democrat vermin, that took that perversion a step further.

If there is no crisis, create one.

Today, the rabid democrat vermin, and other leftists (but then, I repeat myself) create several crisis' a year.

To keep the ignorant and more stupid lemmings dependent on their "savior" to save them. While their "savior" is exterminating them.

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Leo Strauss declared himself inclined toward the traditional view that Machiavelli was self-consciously a "teacher of evil", since he counsels the princes to avoid the values of justice, mercy, temperance, wisdom, and love of their people in preference to the use of cruelty, violence, fear, and deception.


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all part of the rabid leftists playbook!

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OMG yes ....just the name "Machiavellian" speaks word volumes,

And reeks of despicable attitudes of undenialble disorders upon the masses.

Seems this is reincarnated, every new generation. One or two pop up.

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jordan peterson points out that rabid (my word) sociopaths occupy about 1 to 3 percent of the population. Locally usually keeps them from spreading, With the Web, that spreads is exponential. He points out that when sociopaths reach about 5 percent of the public, they start causing problems. Once again, locality tends to reduce that number.

I suspect we are now up to about ten percent sociopaths ( I call them rabid leftists) and man it shows.

When we can globally remove these rabid vermin, the world will be much better off.

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I just re-read your comment Pat, and It struck me as a frightening suggestion in support of annihilation of the "Other." What other "ocracy's" recommend the same?

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Hmmm, kind of bloodthirsty there, buddy.

Inoculation has always been the best way to stop rabies.

Of course, if a rabid democrat rodent is trying to bite you, well, then, shoot their rabid ass.

as for your question, how about these rabid democrat rodents who actually do recommend extermination,


you know, democrats who actually riot and burn to promote killing jews.

and jews are not rabid.

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Now I'll start to wonder if law enforcement maybe is part of the % crew?

The insides and the outside of a paid double agency stealth participant?

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The odds that there is a conspiracy to kill trump, that large, is remote.

The odds that the rabid democrat vermin's dei insanity is the main culprit, is large.

I try not to assign malignance when the odds are its just stupidity and incompetence. The real crime will be the cover up of the stupidity.

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You once again speak truth! Always look forward to your opines. 👍

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Thank you Barbara!!

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Niccolo Machiavelli, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rahm Emanuel all said never let a crisis go to waste.

All of them democrats (and yes, if Machiavelli was alive today, he would be ruling the democrats).

It was Obama, and the rest of the rabid democrat vermin, that took that perversion a step further.

If there is no crisis, create one.

Today, the rabid democrat vermin, and other leftists (but then, I repeat myself) create several crisis' a year.

To keep the ignorant and more stupid lemmings dependent on their "savior" to save them. While their "savior" is exterminating them.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is informative to have the explanation of the FORCES construct, especially with the examples given for each element. I certainly have experienced almost everyone of these manipulative techniques, in the real world but especially in the digital/online realm.

Manipulation is an art, what makes it a "dark art" is the characteristic underlying each of the elements and examples given: dishonesty.

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Thank you Robert for your continued examination and explanation of the Covid psyop. I still have a desire to understand what we all just lived through and may be subjected to again. I had the luxury of being retired and not needing to take PCR tests to maintain employment. And my husband, a CPA, was able to work from home and “Zoom it in.” Plus, we live in a relatively sane area of the country where many Plain people had little to do with the coercion and were largely ignored. This is how we should all live. There will be a next time and we must steel ourselves to be more persuasive to those succumbing to fear tactics. There are loving ways to do this. We are learning. If Nancy Reagan could convince vulnerable teenagers to resist the temptation of peer pressure and “just say no” to drugs, how much more should we be able to convince our peers to “say no” to unnecessary drugs and dangerous so-called vaccines. We can’t do it unless we are armed with trustworthy information. I find it on this Substack.

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thank you, Nancy.

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Niccolo Machiavelli, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rahm Emanuel all said never let a crisis go to waste.

All of them democrats (and yes, if Machiavelli was alive today, he would be ruling the democrats).

It was Obama, and the rest of the rabid democrat vermin, that took that perversion a step further.

If there is no crisis, create one.

Today, the rabid democrat vermin, and other leftists (but then, I repeat myself) create several crisis' a year.

To keep the ignorant and more stupid lemmings dependent on their "savior" to save them. While their "savior" is exterminating them.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Don't know what category this would be in. Baity-Switchy? Wanted to buy some German-made nail clippers, thinking there probably weren't any good-ole USA ones anymore. Ordered 'em. Got 'em. Company is in Germany alright. But clippers were made in China, exactly what I was trying to avoid.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nudging is relentless to keep the dark forces in charge.

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Interesting concept.

I would remind you that the COVID psyops campaign was far more effective in first world developed countries than in third world underdeveloped countries. Why? I don’t have a concise answer for that question.

My hunch is that people living in fully developed first world countries are used to having their lives largely directed by artificial hierarchical social infrastructures and constructed physical infrastructures that provide the conveniences that we depend on for our daily lives. We tend to accept those infrastructures as being natural and normal parts of our lives, never questioning the underlying basis for our lives. Our infrastructure sits in the background unseen and forgotten.

People in lesser developed nations tend to fend for themselves, hence they are not as reliant on artificial infrastructure to live their daily lives. They rely on direct contact with real people in their families and direct contact with real people in their communities for meeting their daily needs, a more natural organic infrastructure so to speak. They are less apt to be swayed by dark psyops campaigns waged by major institutions. It wouldn’t make any sense to them. It would seem weird to them how easily we fall victim to those campaigns which to them would appear to be obvious ploys to manipulate us.

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Perhaps fewer have 100% 24/7 access to the blob's TV, news and radios spreading the fear and nudging.

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Many people in 3rd world countries are less likely to own TVs, smartphones, radios, etc. Less access in general to the "media". That might have something to do with it too?

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When dei replaces competency then compulsion becomes necessary to achieve sought goals. Nudging being one form

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Interesting labels and definitions but seems like the same old techniques that have been used by carnival barkers and snake oil salesmen since the invention of bartering. Just on a mass marketing mega scale.

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"zuckering" He's actually got a word named after him, and not a pleasant one. This all sounds like Edward Bernay's book "propaganda". He kind of gave away how the establishment controls people in that book.

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You want to be popular, don't you? 9 out of ten doctors who smoke prefer camels. Use Crest Toothpaste, Drink Stoli Vodka, Jim Beam, Miller Light.... "All my men wear English Leather…or they wear nothing at all."

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I'm old enough to remember magazine ads showing a doctor smoking and recommending that brand of cigarettes.

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I used to smoke, with the doctor, in the nurses station at the hospital I worked at. Different times.

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Going scuba diving on Bonaire we would go out to dinners with some doctors who would light up cigars and overindulge in booze. Do as we say not as we do. But hey, doctors need to decompress, too. Pro tip: diving on scuba to about 60 feet is a good cure for a hangover.

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ha, for me, that would end up being a permanent cure.

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Not while drunk, but later when hung over. Around 60+ feet when you breathe from your tank you are taking in three atmospheres of air to expand you lungs to the same volume compared to one atmosphere at the surface, so you are breathing in and addition 2 times more oxygen than on the surface. So that helps clear your hangover. Better for you than taking handfuls of ibuprofen.

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The American Medical Associations first sponsor? Phillip Morris. The organization has disgraceful roots.

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I saw an ashtray at an antique shop that was from the AMA. I wish I had bought it. It would have been a good reminder of how we got to "safe and effective" vaccines that are not vaccines.

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Anyone on here follow Charlie Kirk?

"Got a weird lead on a story that people should look into. I got a call from a source close to Las Vegas Metro. The official story was that Joe Biden's trip was cut short last week due to COVID. However, according to this source, US Secret Service informed LV Metro that there was an emergency situation involving Joe Biden and to close necessary streets so that POTUS could be transported immediately to University Medical, which they began to do in earnest. Then, mysteriously, there was a stand down order and the USSS informed local Vegas PD that they were going to "medivac" POTUS to Johns Hopkins, which they presumed meant fly him back east ASAP. Apparently the rumor mill in the police department was that Joe Biden was dying or possibly already dead.

I didn't think too much about this lead, seemed too wild to be true, but given that Joe Biden has been out of public sight for days and dropped out of the race via an 𝕏 post, and his brother James indicated health was a factor, I'm beginning to grow more curious if COVID or something else has been more serious than reported. If anyone with LV Metro has information, please email Freedom@CharlieKirk.com. I want to hear if there is more to the official story than what they're telling us."

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Tucker has a discussion of it along with much more: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1815510778448949567?t=eywez6fHOqvWQCemQ2zJBg&s=09

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Why is it that smart guys with all their informants don't remember facts.

Kamala is a made woman as was O a made man. O had courted her his last term. And during Trump time in office he was seen with her frequently in public. She was given a Senate seat and tore apart both Comey-Barrett and Kavanaugh during confirmation hearings (not appearing stupid at all). She entered the Dem primary for President but could not pull off any support. That was okay because Obama made her VP, and had Biden say first woman and of color too. However, this was not a DEI placement. It was to get her to the Presidency. The failed B/T debate was done on purpose. Biden's outing was also. It was a real coup to get Harris elected. She is the means to an end of US. The only failure was the botched assassination of Trump. Now they really have to steal/steal the election or off Trump before it. .

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What intrigue and knowing these tidbits is essential, as well as watching the unfolding of your premise. Are you sure you don't write suspense novels on the side? If not, you ought to consider it, they would make movies from the contents. :)

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I just have the advantage of not needing to filter in writing what I think - no reputation to uphold, just call me a wacko.

It's speculation knowing how the Dem party has been used for decades to infiltrate all levels government, the media, tech companies and NGOs. The internal federal power structure was put in place by O. The history of his two terms has been saved. He has had power over the Dem's war chest since 2008. They are not masterminds, just players pursuing the wants of the PTB. The Nikki Haley PAC gave its funds to Harris yesterday. This PAC was most likely funded by Dem operatives.

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hmmm, a faceless soundless declaration on social media, of Obiden stepping out, then, a radio message, of AiYi Joe, which sounded way more "with it" than Diaper Joe. I wonder if any one will ever see Joe Brainstem "live" again.

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There is always more to "the official story" than they are telling us.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Thank you for this interesting discussion!

In college, my Mother propelled me from Animal Husbandry into Psychology. I was interested in motivational research. Along with the psych courses, I took some sales courses. The salesmen cringed and I didn't feel welcome. Long time ago, but it did sensitize me to what you're discussing here as nudging. It has led to my general reaction to wait and see and to wait and 'think about it.' That's stood me very well over the years.

I can't say that I think nudging (selling) is ethical in selling (strong arming purchase of EVs for example or making a loan to a person who may very well have a hard or impossible time paying it back) or in public health settings.

So how to best counter agents determined to accomplish their missions by any means necessary? Legislation is surely one avenue to consider. Education of the 'targets' might be another. You strongly advocate we investigate (granted we have enemies who would let us see the ONLY their approved story lines), consider/discuss and then think for ourselves. It may be useful to pursue both such goals. I'm under the impression our educational system is in sore need of refocusing. Should 2025 afford us better opportunities - this might be bandied about for inclusion.

Off Topic: The hearing today was pretty frustrating. Yes, I want to get to the bottom of what happened on the 13th! But I also want to hear the Giant steps being taken that we can feel confident will keep our most vital candidates safe. How are they going to (get a new SS leader and) assure safety going forward TODAY and beyond?

Have a good one ♡♡♡

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Jean. I agree about upgrading our primary and secondary education system.

Teaching critical thinking skills at those levels will embed those skills at a subliminal level so that when we are presented with incomplete news stories, or stories that are wildly out of sync with the real world, we can “smell” that something is not right even when we don’t have full confirmation of what it is that is not right.

A great deal of what I read in mainstream news does not pass my smell test. Same with a great deal of what I read in Substack stories.

Many Substack stories ramble far beyond any semblance of credibility, worse than mainstream media outlets. They are a way for the authors to blow hard to an audience that is willing to believe anything they are spoon fed, using “facts” and “statistics” that best suit their stories. No need for reliable references here. That doesn’t matter. There are no consequences here for making unrealistic statements and then present then as facts. I suppose that makes the authors feel good about themselves.

The stories presented here can be fun to read but they are not always credible just because they touch my native sensibilities. I am aware of the danger of appeals to my own biases.

My response: know that something happened at a certain time and place but beyond that I try to remember that the rest of the story is opinion presented by the author. I reserve my right to question that opinion.

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Mid July 2024, and these studies are finally seeing daylight. I wonder how many people see them and learn from them. What should be mandatory is hearing and reading the truth.

These same tactics are playing right now attempting to raise Harris' arm to victory in the winner's circle. “Ms. Harris trails Mr. Trump by two percentage points nationally on average, 46 percent to 48 percent,” wrote the New York Times, adding: “This is an improvement over Mr. Biden’s standing… he trailed the [sic] Mr. Trump by three percentage points in the polling average, 47 percent to 44 percent.”

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Reading this reminds me of the time I spent In M.S.I.A. (Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness) From top to bottom there were fear tactics used. I knew the "staff" well and left when the "shit hit the fan." Sexually abusing the staff finally caught up with the organization. The list of tactics was long and effective. There were many people who stayed on, even through the dangerous reveals. I could list so many tactics used, but my head is already spinning from just remembering the entanglement. It took me 2 years of investigation and calls and sleepless nights to release myself from 12 years of involvement. (One of the people involved was Arianna Huffington, Leigh Taylor Young and many Hollywood celebrities as well as other well known people.)

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Were the nudges (tactics) a hypnosis, then came a stronger alluring attraction to the club?

Nice you found the trail out and to the better distinctive other side of a reality.

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Randy, (if I may call you that) Getting out took a renewed investment of critical thinking. Not so easy to do when a person is surrounded by people thinking and living and believing the same things. It happens all the time in every day events. Mass hypnosis is featured in most group think. The "want to be liked and accepted" weakness of the human psyche.

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Please do. Randy or Rand is best.

Thanks for the unique reply.

Group thinking not always of any long term benefit?

Guess that's where thinking "outside the box" stems from.

Or maybe the term follow your own "original thoughts".

Brings to mind the soup Nazi episode on Seinfeld of the baker who says clearly,

I Work In back.....I see no smiles!

Making it seem like the Poor guys trapped in a box, with not many options.

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Could FORCES be used for good instead of evil?

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There’s no doubt the attempted assassination was a nudge. But what we cannot assume, at least at this stage, is the question of whether it was a real attempt or a fake one.

The JFK assassination and the 9/11 events both stand a stark reminders that all current obvious truths tend to look absurd over time and reflection.

9/11 was my wake up. When the NIST report concluded seven years later in August 2008 that WTC #7 collapsed and disintegrated due to partial fires on 6 of it 47 floors, it was finally obvious the official story was another cover up.

Of course by then the wars were raging and your privacy was already gone.

Truth requires patience. Do not continue to fall for the lies.

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Each category is complex yet it has every day examples that we can relate to. As a veteran who served in the 70’s, for the purpose of keeping our nation free and keeping America the leader in the spread of the Gospel of Christ, I find that our government and corporations has taken away our autonomy as citizens, and replaced it with government nudging: AKA manipulation and control. We will remain free only if we resist, and it seems resisting their manipulation comes down to economic and financial loss to individuals—loss of making a living etc. I personally must be vigilant and aware of their tactics, or I too can be manipulated. By God’s grace, I’ll remain faithful to Him.

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