Feb 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Dr. Malone. As depressing as it is, people need to know the depths of the depravity we're up against. That Congress has shown itself unconcerned about any of these issues is mind-boggling.

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Once in a while I find myself envying the blissfully ignorant people around me who are planning their next trip to Disney or the beach; or, in my neck of the woods, gearing up for Mardi Gras parades. I can’t believe so many are still asleep. The truth is a heavy burden to bear. Thank God for all of you truth warriors who share this burden.

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In many ways knowing the truth is a heavy burden to bear.

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So said Solomon. And the modern equivalent is "ignorance is bliss."

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As Dr. Malone says, the truth can defend itself. But only to those who seek it.

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Yes, and some aren't even aware that they should be seeking. They need us to take the truth to them. On purpose. We need to be bold.

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You are so right.

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The parents are ignorant of how the Disney they expose their innocents to is now a major proponent and perpetrator of the LGBTQS agenda. S is for Satanist BTW. No joking.

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I volunteer in our children’s ministry at church. Last October a bunch of 4 and 5 year olds told me they had watched Hocus Pocus 2 and I was pretty bowled over. And kind of disappointed. Just wrong on so many levels for little minds to be exposed to that.

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I think in those cases it's mostly an ignorance of what's true about innocence and its opposite than an ignorance about Disney.

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I’m not 100% sure what you mean but you may be right.

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...And the + ("plus") is for Paedophile...no kidding

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The chief of our psychiatry residency program back in the 80s was a pedophile, openly a member of MANBLA (man boy love association). I knew then this was coming.

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Yes, it's actually the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), and there was a chilling documentary about a pedophile member's life "on the hunt" for pubescent boys to seduce-- it is called Chickenhawk (1994 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ygrd29-_O3I&t=1612s). Many prominent figures, including Alan Ginsburg, were members of NAMBLA. The effort to normalize sex with minors has been ongoing for decades, "in the shadows"...

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And all the “fact checks” deny any allegiance with LGBTQ. Honest homosexuals will tell you otherwise.

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The pursuits of pleasures, can become extremely addictive and destructive.

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You are well informed of the myriads of humanity dysfunction. Many have misunderstood, misused and abused our so called larger brain capabilities. Sigh...

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Cultural decline is a painfully tough nut to crack. As a late-era Boomer blessed with ski trips, charcuterie boards, and push-button everything, I was convicted the first time I heard that “hard men make good times; good times make soft men; soft men make hard times.” The hard men and women of the Greatest Generation suffered literal horror and deprivation to defeat Nazis and Imperialists and then built history’s most prosperous, God-fearing nation. Good times! Naturally, my generation grew soft and failed to be vigilant. “Such people are not serving our Lord Christ but their own appetites.” Selfishly and “by smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the minds of naive people” to pad pampered lifestyles (Romans 16:18). [Is God’s Word spot on or what?] Lord, keep raising up Joshuas and Calebs among us. Teach us to be loving but tough and aggressive in the face of deceivers. Prompt us once again to seek You first so that what pleases You may be restored to our nation (Matthew 6:33).

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If only those trying to hide the truth were actually looking out for people in this case.

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I needed a good laugh!

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The "blissfully ignorant" are as to blame for all the madness we see as those actually orchestrating it.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

No doubt about it. But on the other hand, where much is given, much is required. Or so I believe. And apart from the authority they have, that we don't, presumably the average IQ of the members of congress is higher than the average IQ of the public. Not to mention that a single vote has virtually no significance on an election as compared to a single vote on a bill. That makes Congress more evil by far, IMO.

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I concur and have the exact same thought as you

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Winston Smith

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Tyrannical nihilism had to come along sometime.

“Whence but from the author of all ill

Could spring so deep a malice

To confound the race of a mankind in one root

And Earth with Hell, to mingle and involve,

Done all to spite the Great Creator.

John Milton

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Some states are beginning to take notice and to act. Enough of them do this and Congress will be forced to take notice as well

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I pray so, for Parents have fallen asleep.

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Congress is bribed into submission.

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Governments of large societies always become organized crime writ large. Because self-government requires too much work for most people to pay attention to what they're up to. You have to pay for REAL news at bare minimum. As Lord Acton said, power corrupts.

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Jeff, I up voted your post, although I take a slightly different perspective.https://anderdaa7.substack.com/p/does-absolute-power-corrupt

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I suspect Lord Acton was thinking that significant power is only attainable in this world by losing ones integrity. And that the "higher" one goes in that ascent, the more self-deceived one must become.

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Well that is common certainly, yet there are notable exceptions.

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Or blackmailed. See the book, One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb. I have a hard time believing that all of them are going along just for the money.

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Me too. Some of them are tyrants at heart either because they're natural control freaks or incredibly arrogant or both.

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Or being blackmailed. I'm waiting for somebody like Manchin or a progressive with a conscience to fall on his sword and set off the circular firing squad.

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I'm praying for something like that. But short of divine intervention, it looks pretty depressing from where I'm sitting.

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I’m soo on that page with you much of the time. We need to stick to our spiritual health-food diet so we can stay in this fight. “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). Let’s claim that promise and channel divine intervention. Love, peace, power, and joy to you!

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AFAICT There are a multitude of studied factors that create the go along submission to evil...

From this article ... (One can substitude COVID and COVID policy for Climate Change, and it works just the same, indeed, it is perpetuated by the same people.) ...

" Beyond political power objectives, the disparate factors which influence many to accept CAGW are well studied social phenomena such as; personal wealth, and Institutional wealth. Researchers in many fields know that funding is available for their department if they can attach theoretical CAGW harm to a paper. (There is hundreds of billions of dollars a year available for research and industry) As often quoted Upton Sinclair said “'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Other known and studied bias factors are peer pressure, social and professional shadow-banning, confirmation bias, noble cause corruption, misuse of the precautionary principle, and effective propaganda of repeated and false warnings of doom by many CAGW proponents.

“The terrible truths of these experiments in human compliance and propensity to be beastly stand testament to the nature of the problem.”

milgram showed us how people will harm people if pressured by authority

asch showed us that people will ignore their own senses and perceptions when pressured by peer group

stanford showed us how easily humans can be egged into abuse of power”

As the world grows ever smaller via human technology, human systems and corporations grow ever more global. It is logical therefore that systems of human corruption can and would also became more pervasive and global in scale. The merge of One world Government and international business is not to be trusted. These people endlessly proclaim how they are doing this for the good of the world.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good, will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven, yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very “kindness” stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease, is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

– C.S. Lewishttps://anderdaa7.substack.com/p/global-warming

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Fact is -- someone once said “the love of money is the root of ALL evil.” That’s far reaching.

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Well, I think it's more accurate to say that fear, which is the opposite of love, unchecked, is the root of all evil, and it's probably also accurate to say that fear, unchecked, leads to a love of control which is also the root of all evil. Again, it seems to me that it's a mistake to believe that it's just the love of money that is the root of evil. There are many people who earn lots of money while remaining highly ethical, not the least bit evil.

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I’ve thought that too. I’ve used that reasoning to understand racism. That maybe It’s fear of “different people” that drives the hate.

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I’ve noticed that often most people just say “money is the root of all evil” — the “love of” part is the key

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Not all of congress is corrupt. Please realize that we all can seek out and support the people who are truly courageous, such as Wisconsin federal Senator Ron Johnson. I'm in California, and I continue to donate to him.

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Yes, I donated to him, too. But one person isn't going to save us. The fact that the rest of the RINO's in the Senate pay him no mind speaks volumes. If the RINO's will at least refuse to ratify the WHO pandemic treaty, that might buy us some time.

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I hope I was misinformed, but I recently read that the WHO pandemic treaty will be activated for all nations "signed up" with them so long as 2/3 of those nations agree to the treaty. That in turns mean the US would need to "leave" the WHO as Trump did. But that won't happen. So if I was properly informed, this is REALLY bad news.

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Fascism is where governments and large businesses collude for power to the government in exchange for money to big business elites. We are living in a fascist period.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The love of technology has become king of the hill, tossing aside morality and sound judgment. Like any narcissistic venture, its own self-admiration is likely to become its undoing. Hubris will bring it down before anyone else does.

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Technology can be used for good or evil. It is the rampant misuse of technology that has the potential for our undoing.

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Possibly... (agreed with a twist)


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Agreed, yet money is neither good nor evil, and is a symbol and actual form of power. So consider the linked post to understand what I am trying to convey.

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I do agree, my understanding is sometimes in question however. I only mean that it is somewhat ok to love the money earned, or generously given that allows one to feed their child, or save a dear one's life with a necessary to live surgery. It is not ok to love however that which creates addition to bad habits, tempts one to control another, makes one feel self sufficient, a power unto one's self.

Perhaps a good distinction is to love the gift giver behind the gift that allows one to feed their family, to maintain health, to help others in need. To know that the kind spirit that brings such gifts is from the only power, the only source of love, which His children can only , through grace reflect.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, You are among the most ethical and capable scientist in the world today. I am winding down a long career in technology during which time I felt more science and technology, with better controls (such as the FDA or EPA etc.) is the answer. I no longer think so. The Hippocratic oath is widely ignored by physicians, so I doubt it would help creating one for scientist in general. I now think there is too much desire to be God, and too little recognition that we have a God, and I have accepted him as the answer for me and all who believe. The "genie" (Satan) is so far out of the bottle that ethics are scoffed at, and they lie without remorse. I appreciate your efforts to fight against it, but it does not seem better, more ethical science wins the day over scientism. I will continue to challenge those who I encounter, but it feels like whack-a-mole in a Godless society/world.

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God is sovereign. This evil won't go on forever.

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True. And let's face it, the state of the art is at the "we can hack a genome a few ways that are repeatable, though we still have very little understanding of how a genome actually works" stage. Nobody can write a genome from scratch that reflects their design wishes. Not even close. Yet here we are with people thinking they are gods and all they can do is simple hacks??? Its completely laughable except for the patent dangers involved in their activities.

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"Pain is a prod to remembrance" The pain is here, and apparently more is coming, let us see if spiritual truths can be remembered.

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You are absolutely right. We read Mark 8:31 in church today. We will suffer, and we might lose this battle, be rejected and killed but we will win the war. The battle is our opportunity to win others over to our side.

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Someone said once, " The things that happen to us don't matter, what we become through them does."

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

Good created the very bodies, intellects, world, and everything else that gets used for evil. There's Father Son Holy Spirit eternal and mighty; everything else including angels, people, stuff, etc is creation and subject to fall.

Good doesn't just win, it's really not a fight. Good (God that is) keeps willing everything into existence. There is no real fight against God per say, there's only selfish rebellion.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent article. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the evil that surrounds us.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The agenda behind transhumanism is to disconnect us from our souls and the source that is love. They are about to tell us that you are not a man, a woman but a robot connected to a computer and them. Robots don't procreate. We don't need you for that. We clone human being in our factories. This is a diabolical agenda. We all have to say no to this insanity. I do not consent!

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I'm afraid--in the end--saying NO will not be enough to stop these monsters.

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The one advantage we have is that there are more of us than them. If a sizeable portion of us say no, their plans are scuttled. Keep working on the "persuadable middle"- the 40% that can be brought into the light.

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This was written for the "persuadable middle", and has truly red pilled several close academic friends who got all their information from the BBC and NPR. Red pill a friend on "Climate Science" and you will open them to a host of issues. https://anderdaa7.substack.com/p/global-warming

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I agree. And climate science is probably an easier one with which to red pill people because they've had a few years to notice the hypocrisy in action- like all the so-called "crusaders" flying around in their jets and living in giant oceanfront homes. It's easy to see we've been scammed.

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Bingo, as we are now three plus decades deep into their utterly failed predictions.

If you do share the post with a left leaning friend, I would appreciate hearing the results.

The "Does absolute power corrupt"post is also a good one for sharing with a sincere friend leaning towards central government idealism.

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A few of the left leaning friends are starting to wake up to the full horror of what organizations like the WEF have planned for them. The Covid injections have done a good job of sorting them out. Those who declined the shots at the beginning woke up in a really big hurry and did a 180 degree political U-turn and those who've now read enough about side effects ( or experienced them) and will never take another shot are in the process of being red-pilled and changing camps. Those are the most interesting ones to watch. Like a big fish with the hook in its mouth, they try with all their might not to see everything else that's going on and it takes quite a while to bring them around, but they eventually get there. They have no choice. Once you've admitted one aspect of the horror, you can't screen out everything else that comes with it. We certainly live in interesting times and we can't complain of boredom!!

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In the end, we will win! We have to say first No. I do not consent. We are not alone in the universe. These monsters are breaking a rule that is Consent. This is why they are using all kind of sneaky way to make what they do acceptable. When you say I do not consent and praying or ask for help, other beings that are aligned with the source, love will intervene.

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Our Founders gave us the means to stop this.

Question is, do we have the will?

Or do we want to be ruled by evil; to be submissive to the weak and the cowardly?

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They clearly state their goals. The destructive skills they are now using, were honed in " Climate Science"

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family, tradition, national patriotism and religious dogmas.”

Brock Chisholm… Quoted in: Davis, Llewellyn B (1991) Going Home to School, p. 69 This quote is old and the providence is supported but questioned. The actions of the WEF and many other quotes supporting like ideas are not disputed at all.

A very decent red pill summation, written to red pill...https://anderdaa7.substack.com/p/global-warming

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If something is invented that can be weaponized you can be sure someone amongst the 7+ billion people on this planet will weaponize it.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The fact there is no Hippocratic Oath for scientists is a good reason to avoid physicians who call themselves scientists like the plague. As to the role scientists should play in critiquing their work I find that a tricky subject. Nuclear energy serves as a model. The problem with it lies in what the culture opts how to utilize it--for war or for peace. That is when science moves into the area of technology.

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I look so forward to these posts. Here it is a Saturday afternoon and the muscle I call my brain is having a hard work out again thanks to the good Drs. Malone. Thank you. To the point, I see these situations as another type of infiltration to the American society. In a way a fifth generation battle in the war. If you try to insert your opinion into this you are called anti LGBTQIA etc.. in other words your a bigot and shut up. Well what is a person called that messes with children, a child molester. To me you can have all of the letters in front of your name P.H.D., M.D., D.O., Psy.D., etc. if you are cutting up a underage child’s genitals I call you a butcher. That’s BUTCHER. What ever happened to the protection of minor children? Why can’t these people who think they are gods let the child mature naturally on their own time? Once they become of age if the somewhat mature brained child wants to move ahead with these surgeries fine. Other than that it should be outlawed. Leave children alone for god’s sake. J.Goodrich

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Take away the profit and see how fast this perversion loses steam

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Michael Nash, that shows in the way they treat the unfortunate souls who decide to detransition, as best they can do that. No more love if you turn against the narrative. It's heartbreaking. I've read so many stories of young people who had mental problems that they needed help with; they didn't need to be mutilated.

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You no their not doing this probono. Boston Childrens Hospital is opening a whole department, for profit, to “trans gender” children. How do they justify this?

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If I remember rightly that is the same bunch of hacks who virtually kidnapped a girl and refused her treatment for a condition she had been diagnosed with that those goons said was imaginary. If so then no surprise

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The girl Childrens hospital took from the family was Justina Pelletier. She had mitochondrial disease but the hospital diagnosed her with somatoform disorder. They got the department of children and families involved who took the child for almost 2 years if I remember correctly. The family was devastated and the child ended up bed ridden. An absolute crime…

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They don’t need to justify this.

They do it because they make alot of money doing it.

Jeremy Rifkin pointed out about 40 years ago that a society will supply a moral basis for any technology that is useful. These days they don’t need to justify anything because ethics and morality are over.

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Unfortunately Jeremy Rifkin is a chief proponent of "Post Normal Science" Which, as warned about, and now after being practiced has devastated science, both ethically and effectively as science.

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Ouch. What a shame.

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I am banking on that.

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The new Western elite sees the common people as an oversize herd that needs a culling, particularly now when to live forever seems within reach.

Every nosense pushed on us, makes complete sense if viewed under the prism of depopulation. Chopping children genitalia sterilizes them so it's a BIG go to promote. In addition it causes distress, confusion, distraction and demoralizes the communards. All wins no losses.

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Yes, their wins are...

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family, tradition, national patriotism and religious dogmas.”

Brock Chisholm… Quoted in: Davis, Llewellyn B (1991) Going Home to School, p. 69 This quote is old and the providence is supported but questioned. The actions of the WEF and many other quotes supporting like ideas are not disputed at all.

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The people that manipulate children into these life altering surgeries to me are the spawn of satan himself. About a week ago I heard of a story where the mother of a one year old child was pushing for a sex change and the child wasn’t able to speak yet. Tell me is this mother mentally ill?

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The illness is the LGBTQS agenda. S for Satanist. Their leader seeks to kill and destroy souls, to take them to where he knows he is going.

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James G, I agree completely, yet would add, these surgeries are a complete failure, the victims end op neither wholly male or female, but broken people. Informed consent is impossible, so, even if entered into voluntarily, they should be liable for their broken promises. And I will not ask for a law against such acts, from mutually consenting adults, yet I will still reserve the right to call their foolish actions evil, as it will bring misery in the end.

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I think what we are seeing is more and more young people are struggling to reach adulthood, and their anxiety and depression is being preyed on by transgender activists, who convince them that they need to change their sex to get the benefits of HRT. My experience tells me that the body dysphoria and depression are driven by hormone deficiency, and do respond to hormone treatment. So parents who dont want transgender outcome for their child, should be choosing Hormone treatment that facilitates boys into men and girls into women. These individuals can feel very maladjusted trying to get through adolescence with insufficient hormones, and if support is needed, adolescents need to be able to turn to their parents for conventional HRT support. Getting testosterone can help both boys and girls feel more normal. I have 20 years experience taking hormones, and can say that the benefits of hormones is poorly understood.

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“Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; . . ..’ So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:26-27 (NKJV). The truest, most complete, and most accurate view of all the things that are going on in our world today, and going on at an accelerating rate and requiring a scale of planning and coordination not possible with mere mortals, is that the god of this world is continuing his eons old campaign of jealousy and hatred of God. At the vanguard of this campaign is the disfiguring facial self-mutilation that destroys and perverts our likeness to God along with the full-scale attack on God’s binary creation of man as male and female. God’s most severe judgment is reserved for those who “cause one of these little ones to stumble.” So, this world’s god has taken aim at children: confusing, degrading, mutilating them, and instilling in them a hatred for all things good, right, and true; for God Himself.

Those who have eyes to see, let him see.

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Only fools rush in where angels fear to tread…..

A fool, in his heart, says there is no God.

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The concept of gender fluidity has (IS) being pushed on societies and nations across the world in a harmonized and coordinated fashion"...add to THAT grisly reality you cite, Dr. Malone, that young - totally susceptible CHILDREN are being deliberately brainwashed - on a GLOBAL scale - primarily via the (global) EDUCATION "establishment" in seemingly some subset of 'Mass-formation' syndrome?

Already, many state governments (legislatures) within the U.S.S.A. are falling all over themselves to enact new laws and regulations to "protect" fluid gender and trans-identity. No doubt the SCOTUS will soon chime in and like the Roe decision before it, will sanctify this new form of insanity that is literally engulfing the world.

And, yes, the genie (SATAN) is definitely out-of-the-bottle on this score, for it will be all but impossible to stop this "new" reality of "evolving" humanity from becoming a new 'norm' that will - as 'they' mature, demand inclusion throughout societal structures to spread their unique form of 'life' into ever facet of society and culture.

How long before the 1st "trans" mayors, governors, members of the House, Senate, SCOTOS, and POTUS occurs in the name of fairness, and equality? Oh, and of course the "Joint Chiefs of Staff" will need to be inclusive in this matter...and the 'heads' of every agency, bureau and department as well.

Ditto for ALL the "United" Nations and EU governmental bureaucracies.

What does this scenario portend for the 'straight' children, grand children and great grand children born into this Uber New World Order?

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It's in line with the depopulation goal of the eugenicists so it's valuable to them.

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Man, lacking wisdom or morality and having begun to decode the secrets of life and the universe, is like a diapered toddler careening around brandishing a loaded revolver. This cannot end well and I wonder how far God will allow it to go.

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" Pain is a prod to remembrance" and it is here, with more coming I am afraid.

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If you leave God out of science you leave morality behind.

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If you've not read the third of C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy "That Hideous Strength," it fits perfectly with what Dr. Malone is writing about today. I've only read it once because one part of it (think that horrid image of a "head transplant') disturbed me so much I couldn't eat lunch that day.

At the end of the book, the animals who had been experimented on turned on the "researchers" and there was a little justice. Lewis was an anti-vivisectionist, just like me.

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I think one of the worst things is what "science" does to the poor animals. Right there shows how utterly low science has fallen. All life is sacred not just humans. When we lose empathy for other species we are in trouble and should be.

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Yes, absolutely disgusting, unspeakable, evil what it's done to animals, innocent creatures in some labs.

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Thank you for qualifying with 'some labs'.

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Oppenheimer.. read what he said: I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds....Oppenheimer, seemingly, was never able to achieve peace. "In some sort of crude sense which no vulgarity, no humour, no overstatements can quite extinguish," he said two years after the Trinity explosion, "the physicists have known sin; and this is a knowledge which they cannot lose.” When sin enters into science, then we have corruption, we have Satan the father of lies... we have distraction and misdirection... Oppenheimer seemed not to believe that the soul is eternal.... “The fourth argument in the Baghta Gita is really that death is an illusion, that we're not born and we don't die. That's the philosophy really: that there's only one consciousness and that the whole of creation is a wonderful play.” Oppenheimer, never believed that the people killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki would not suffer. While he carried out his work dutifully, he could never accept that this could liberate him from the cycle of life and death OR his RESPONSIBILITY for it...

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Excellent post, OP. Nuremberg showed us how a “sense of duty” can be a double-edged sword. I don’t know much about Oath Keepers, but if their sense of duty to the Constitution is real and being persecuted, they are definitely over the target.

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Just purchased Space Trilogy - just waiting for it to arrive

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That's great! You'll enjoy it - well, maybe not the last book so much. My husband would use "Out of the Silent Planet" as one of the extra credit books for his classes - as a chemistry prof! Then the students would come in and discuss it and they always enjoyed it. Perelandra is excellent too.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

History is cyclical. God scattered the people of the world (and confused their language) because they sought to elevate themselves to the height of God (Tower of Babel). Here once again, the self-anointed 'demi-gods' of science, military and the obscenely wealthy seek to re-consolidate and 'managed' the 'surplus' population to restore it a 'garden of eden' of their own design and for their enjoyment. The enemy of our souls is a liar and also a deceiver, he whispers in their ears, 'You can be like the most high.' 'You can control reproduction, tinker with genetics, psychologically manipulate people, weather, wealth, food systems... eventually life or death over the masses...' and some have found the desire to be elevated to this level too enticing. It is like two chessboards, stacked slightly off kilter, the one above to be seen, where a hand moves the elite pieces, but the one below only shows as the mounting devastation, as the pawns pilling up... higher and wider covered by the dust of the earth. Read Psalm 2. Peace.

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Feb 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


From a courageous queer woman. This is likely the most important and powerful indictment of the “gender clinics” to date.

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