Damn right we won't forget! I still have "friends" over here in France who feel uncomfortable around me because I'm an "anti-vaxxer". They are all triple jabbed and have gotten bad Covid several times. My lying eyes ?

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I find myself "uncomfortable" around the jabbed who make a big deal out of it. Do we know yet if the jabbed can shed spike protein?

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Absolutely they do - several good studies prove it and even Pfizer I believe surprisingly admitted they did.

I won’t forgive or give amnesty as spent

Many hours following all of the vaccine information by the MSM and the fraudulent info by the alphabet groups and yet all of vaxx’d friends have had Covid minimum of 3x-4x and still take the boosters so am thru with them and keeping quiet and reducing the friends - tired of hearing their complaints and whining. IVM/HCQ worked just fine with all that used for the early treatment including my family.

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What I always hear is "Yes I did get covid even though I got the vax, but it wasn't near as bad as what it would have been had I not gotten the jab." To which I respond "And you know this how?" They respond "Well I didn't end up in the hospital or dead!" To which I respond "I didn't get the jab, and I did get covid. So I just flushed my sinuses with dilute povidone iodine and took some vitamins and was fine in a few days. It was like a bad cold is all. So tell me how sick you were?" To which I get no response...

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Most people who had covid never knew they had it! I like the way you handle the dialog!

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I’m handling it the same way should the topic come up. To my knowledge, I don’t think I’ve had it yet. Still taking prophylactic dose of IVM (about to run out and can’t reach this Dr) and I’ve never taken a Covid test either.

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I quit taking IVM after the variant changed. It is getting weaker and weaker. But, I am keeping my medication, because I have a horrible feeling that Fauci, although retired is working behind the scene to do another job on us. Apparently, they working on something else...

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Yes, supposedly something else is in the works!

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15mg 2x a week based off my weight and medical info. I had a very thorough telamed appt with this Dr.

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I am trying to document studies related to the shot. Where do I find proof that people shed spike after being vaccinated? I am not sure how that works..🤷‍♀️

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I think the recent FLCCC educational seminar discussed that. More info here. https://covid19criticalcare.com/education-on-demand/

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Thank you for reminding us about that.

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You can find at least two citations supporting viral shedding in my book Gasoline -Observations After New Covid Inoculations, in Layman's Terms, which is well cited overall. It is available here:


There are more coming out. Here are a few citations from a presentation I give on my book:

http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/CellularandG eneTherapy/ucm401869.htm Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products

https://doi.org/10.56098/ijvtpr.v2i1.23   most excellent, easy to understand, mimicry, inflam, neuro, blood, shedding, genes; NDOnc & MIT IT/AI

https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.05.03.21256520 reprogram immunity/DNA

https://doi.org/10.3390/cimb44030073 changes DNA/gene express in vitro in <6hrs

No studies done by pharm, gov, or anyone on viral shedding person to person; I know 3 wives who had spike effects after their husbands got jabbed but they did not.

Here are citations on mimicry (jab effects act just like vid illness):

https://doi.org/10.1042/CS20210735  S protein alone inflam heart

https://doi.org/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712  inflam double CV

https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ada0536 longNIHno

https://doi.org/10.1038/s41421-021-00329-3  labs,DM,same as ill

https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.74974 MIMICRY

DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-558954/v1 MIMICRY

https://doi.org/10.1038/s41421-021-00329-3  MIMIC LIKE LONG COVID

https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2021-068414 DELAY PRESENTATION MIMIC AFTER ILL

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Thank you for the great resources!

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They may spread it, but this is anecdotal and jumping to conclusions.

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I immediately dismiss the thoughts of anyone who calls Pfizer's covid 19 injection a "vaccine". This demonstrates that they have zero clue how the thing works, why it is different from every other true vaccine in existence, and why the difference is a problem. It also demonstrates that they are willing to parrot anything the media and government tells them as gospel truth, without bothering to research. And it demonstrates that they adopt as a sacrament the partaking of the jab in 100% willful ignorance in order to fit in. So there is no point in talking to such people, numerous as they are. They have to wake up to reality on their own. But there is every reason to go after the people who lead them and prosecute them for their crimes against humanity to the fullest extent of the law...

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"Experimental" is all you need to know to refuse the product. People are waking up when they now realize they will be taking these shots forever. Yes, the leaders at the top of this corrupt scheme need to be prosecuted or this will continue to occur.

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deletedNov 11, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022
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Agreed, and many will be harmed many will die, so sad!

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I don't think there is a singular definition of vaccine... but in loose general terms, if it means "an injection of a pathogen that causes an immune response" then i don't know if we need to get caught up on semantics. It is a novel subcategory of vaccine, but not sure that is the hill to die on.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

According to your definition, its not a vaccine. In fact you apparently have zero understanding how it works. There is no pathogen in the injection.... And yes CDC had a definitive definition of the word "vaccine" that stood for decades. They changed the definition in order to fit these gene therapies in. Changing definitions of words that have had fixed meaning for centuries is something the left does over and over again in order to promote their agendas. Take "marriage" and "gay" for instance....

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More proof that the video media have made us stupid. We see scary pictures and freeze before the TV. In all the weeks of coverage there were plenty of hours to show how the Trump Jabs worked. Not one person in fifty realizes that The Donald is actually proud of his role in bringing one vaccine and two gene therapies out, after firing the experts who explained why they were dangerous. And after he stopped listening to criticism of his opioid policies, which had forced the lockdowns by creating a cough medicine shortage, a late phone call to Ottawa left him totally shocked that there was a cough meds shortage in Canada because of COVID because they had none to spare either.

The smartest person in his whole administration was HHS Chief Medical Officer Prof Vanila Singh, who had the good sense to quit when we were heading into 2019 flu season with a cough medicine shortage and the Trump White House would do nothing about the shortage because of opioid "optics". A month later Wuhan happened and the rest is history. We cannot afford a vidiot President who lets TV commentators set his priorities for him. Kari Lake, who was one of those talking heads on TV, had the good sense to make a clean break from it and teach a journalistic ethics class thinly veiled as a campaign for Governor of Arizona. Yes it sells less beer and blood pressure medicine when journalists are honest about what they don't know yet. But turning off the emotion is how sanity happens.

The ex-cop sitting in prison for strangling George Floyd to death because he kept begging for fresh air, probably wishes he knew more about first aid and had fewer stupid prejudices, because his ignorance got him locked up for homicide. How much of that ignorance began in front of a TV ser? Probably most of it.

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LOL, then you'll have to "dismiss the thoughts of" Dr. Malone...

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Hardly. He's the first to tell everyone its a gene therapy...

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

MS - On this page, Dr. Malone refers over 5 times to them as "vaccines": https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/robert-malone-responds-to-trolls?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email#play

I'm just pointing out the issue of speaking in sweeping generalities: e.g. "I immediately dismiss the thoughts of anyone who calls..." Most things are much more nuanced.

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People on the street don't have a clue how these work. So why should I listen to their thoughts on the need to take them when those thoughts are based on faulty predicate? Granted CDC has changed the definition of "vaccine" to try to include these, but even their new definition arguably doesn't fit. Why not? Because the stuff that gets injected in the arm doesn't train the immune system to do anything at all. It hijacks cells to manufacture something that attempts to train the immune system to fight one specific vector. So if anyone calls it "vaccine" and their name isn't Robert Malone, or they don't have similar credentials, I just dismiss them. As everyone is free to dismiss me as well.

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Maybe seeing you healthy and alive causes them painful cognitive dissonance?

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Triple like!

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

Why do we automatically assume that respiratory etc symptoms following the jab are "covid"?

We need to stop believing anything the medical profession tells us. Here's a tip: if you want to live a long and healthy life, stay way from doctors, including rebel doctors!



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True. That PCR test is a joke.

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I hope that you pointedly informed them that THEY are the DANGEROUS ones to be around, since they may be shedding high numbers of the dangerous, pathogenic viral spike proteins for many months and perhaps indefinitely! Plus, they can catch COVID, appear to recover but really just become asymptomatic because of their weakened immune systems being unable to mount an effective response to the infection (reducing normal "flu-like symptoms" associated with the body's mechanisms of responding to/destroying viruses) so that they can't actually clear the virus and continue to shed live viruses for at least several days and perhaps weeks afterwards!

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"I still have "friends" over here in France who feel uncomfortable around me because I'm an "anti-vaxxer". They are all triple jabbed and [...]"

Well, the norm is 5 now, so they are anti-vaxxers too :P!

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it's difficult for me to not be spiteful at the vitriol and hatred that was directed towards us. Nome Chomsky, who used to be one my heroes, referred to us as subhuman! Said we should be put in camps and possibly starved. Chomsky is Jewish for crying out loud! And he refers to an entire group of people as subhuman! Send us to camps! Can he not see how bitterly ironic this is?

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I do not forgive.

And I do not forget.

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Same here. I just can’t!

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The senile fascist doesn't seem to know that we have our own communities. And states.

But if he wants to avoid us, great!

According to Chumpsky, we should be punished for our moral failure in not sacrificing our freedoms for the "good of the community." Our unmodified bodies are nothing but plague carriers.

Of course, this is in defiance of the facts we have. Which THEY refuse to hear. But unless information comes from the NYT or CNN it doesn't count for Chomsky.

I thought he was supposed to be smart.

A lot of us think his ilk deserve to be punished for how they let their complacent ignorance and gullibility force poison on the rest of us. After destroying society and countless livelihoods and lives with their willful ignorance and hysteria.

Psy opp or not. Their behavior has been morally reprehensible.

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I too once read Chomsky - when I was young, dumb, and broke.

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Chomsky has been out of his lane for decades.

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Chomsky is a CIA asset. His primary role is gatekeeper for the far left.

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Chomsky did not actually experience the holocaust. Vera Sharaz did, and she says there have been striking parallels between the last 2.5 years and the early years of Nazi rule in Germany.

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Re. Chomsky: a perfect example of Stockholm Syndrome and how victims of abuse turn around and viciously abuse others! This is history repeating itself with oppressors and opressed switching places: just as in Rwanda, South Africa, and so many other examples!

Look at how the "divide and conquer" Globalists are fomenting hatred of all whites by Black Americans because of a rediculous idea that all whites were salve owners pre-civil war and that all Blacks were slaves! This is the poisoned fruit from decades of no history or rewritten history being taught in our Communist-controlled schools, contributing to a very dumbed-down population. (In addition to the brain damage from fluoridated water, multiple nutrient deficiencies, high sugar diets, high industrial seed oils and transfats in the diet, street drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, aspartame, glyphosate, ubiquitous toxic chemicals, blue light and EMF exposure: wifi and now 5G, etc! And now lipid nanoparticles- and autoimmune-destruction wrought by gene-transfer injections). The assault on people's brains and minds is sustained and relentless!

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Of ALL the people who should see through the entire pandemic lie, Noam Chomsky should have been more clued in. However, I think senility is setting in and he's surrounded by left-leaning cronies. I was appalled and saddened when I heard him say this. It was the most depressing moment of the entire pandemic.

I have a Jewish friend who really struggled to believe me when I drew the connection between Nazi Germany and the covid pandemic. He could not believe that the pharmaceutical industry and government were in collusion to destroy our freedom. He was born in Germany during WWII for crying out loud! He's since starting waking up bit by bit to the horror being perpetrated on the world. He's in his 80's and won't last much longer. He's faithfully taking his jabs. He was one of my dearest friends, but there's now a distance between us that is heartbreaking.

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022

"He could not believe that the pharmaceutical industry and government were in collusion to destroy our freedom. . . . "

Apparently your friend learned little of history. Is he aware of the tight connection between Big Pharma and the German NAZIs? Bayer's parent company, IG Farben was heavily involved in supporting Hitler's war machine. And they manufactured the cyanide gas for the NAZI gas chambers. John D. Rockerfeller of Standard Oil was a big Hitler supporter and pretty much founded the American pharmaceutical industry. He went on to hijack all of the American medical colleges and healthcare system here, all for his Big Pharma profits. And do remember that the pharmaceutical companies have been fined billions of dollars for fraud and deliberately killing tens of thousands of Americans.

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I think he may have decided that we're no longer under threat of losing our freedom. He took for granted that we live in a relatively free country and now we're going to lose our freedom and the accumulated wealth of multiple generations as the economy collapses and the oligarchs put us all under the totalitarian control of central bank digital currency. He's in denial because he's over 80 and can't face what we've become.

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Like any human, Noam was influenced by being in the most vulnerable group. Fear is a strong strong influencer

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If he's that smart, he should have figured out that the shots would protect those who took them--assuming they offered any protection at all. Just like the lockdown idiocy. The most vulnerable were almost all retirement age. They could easily have stayed home till this thing went the way of all epidemics. (Assuming it had been a real one instead of a glorified flu season.) None of the measures taken made any sense!

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Sorry, that's no excuse.

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Fear is natural. Letting fear persuade you to do what is wrong is called cowardice. Our culture is in trouble because it's acceptable to be a coward.

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I don't give him a pass, I just say he is like all the other humans whose rationality went out the window. I would also note that this is second or third hand information and not the original interview. It may be lacking some context. But I do accept it at face value.

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Chomsky is a virulent Israel hater and the leader of a group, I’ve been told, of Jewish self haters , as well as a pathetic ultra-leftist. Treat him as you would Fauci.

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yeah, he's no longer someone I will listen to, someone I feel only disgust for, him and Fauci both.

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Is that why he opposes BDS? He says BDS threatens to destroy the Zionist state, so he opposes it? Yeah, that's a position an Israel hater would take! He opposes Isreali policies, but Jews need their own state, even if it's at the expense of non-Jewish Palestinians.

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Your first mistake was idolizing someone like Noam Chomsky.

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yep. I liked him because (I thought) he told the truth about the global power system and was not afraid to point out abuses of power inflicted on weaker nations by stronger ones. Sorry but I don't buy the "US is always right" attitude that some have. I think our foreign policy is basically run by the CIA and US military. As a result we've unleashed untold suffering on the people of Central and South America and the Middle East. However, Chomsky seems to be blind about the abuse of power here at home within the US. Power wielded by unelected bureaucrats at the behest of Pharma. That was/is a surprise to me, that he could not, or would not, see that. But I shouldn't be surprised because most of the lefties out there have the same blind spot.

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Brilliant observations!

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Never saw this from noam. Will have to find. Shocking.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Nope. The shmuck doesn't see squat. Worth remembering is the Party named some Jews "honorary Aryans" for their service to the Reich. One was chemist Fritz Haber, whose wife killed herself on learning she'd been sleeping with the co-inventor of Zyklon B, the chemical weapon used to kill people in the death camps. Chomsky is no different. He shoots from the lip without checking any facts. That's because he's a Subjectivist, like the rest of the wokesters. He has no idea what the truth is. But he delights in saying something ignorant and being believed for who he is.

Every other evil act throughout human history happened because of someone with similar takents for self delusion.

Emotions are not tools of cognition.

So the ability to trigger emotion in total strangers is not the talent of a peacemaker for it does not build consensus around what's true. It builds fear among people who follow the Leader.

All of which suggests Elon Musk could dump his Tesla stock and make a full time job of renovating Twitter. If Twitter put 1/10th the effort into sharing facts that it puts into sharing insults, it could be a powerful force for social awareness. Who doesn't learn by studying why people disagree with his own ideas? A couple of quiet pro-abortion women taught me once that millions of women who think abortion is a tragedy, keep voting to keep it legal becsuse they don't really trust pro-Life doctors to protect them if they got into a dangerous pregnancy that had to be stopped to save their lives. Pro-Lifers remain ignorant of that fact at their peril. If they are to put a dent in the shortage of adoptable children, they need to reach out to the girls and women who have problem pregnancies. There's some awareness of these problems but not deep enough to deal with the rational fears that keep us polarized on that issue.

This issue is no different.

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

Good points!

And: "It builds fear among people who follow the Leader."

I suspect that Leftists, Globalists, Transhumanists, "Wokeness-ists", etc. can be so controlled by fear because they are all disconnected from a Higher Power and so make machines and particularly Artificial-Un-Intelligence their God! They are utterly clueless about reality, and that is a very scary place to be. And they project their ignorance and confusion onto others, to boot. Bottom line is that the world is being run by literally insane psychopaths! How hard can it be for us to defeat those people, anyway? We have the Creator of the universe on our side, because they don't: they reject that Greatet Reality in favor of lies and deceit.

BTW, when are people going to turn on their brains and think about what the term "Artificial Intelligence" really MEANS? It's not INTELLIGENCE, it is ARTIFICIAL, as in "fake", "not real", "not a substitute", "doesn't work the same", "counterfit", "no comparason", "worthless" ("worth less"), etc.!

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That’s what you get for worshipping leftists like Chomsky. Leftists are frauds who want to control you; I prefer the term "communist."

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they are not all frauds, and not all communists. There are some who believe that they are working to help those who have been and continue to be abused by power. As I said in an earlier comment, the people of Central and South America, the people of the Middle East, and the people of southeast Asia have been horribly abused by dictators and war, much of it caused by the US. The "left" used to be the antiwar party, but no more. They used to be the party that supported blue collar, but no more. They are no longer the group that tries to keep powerful from abusing those who have less power or no power. They have become a group that seeks power above all else (as you said, they want to control you), and they have shown that they are willing to do anything--murder, fraud, "fixing" the vote, money laundering--to remain in power. For me, individual freedom and liberty are more important than any other political ideal. As a result, I took a sharp turn right about 3 years ago.

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Britain's Fabian Socialists twisted the meaning of the Communist Manifesto, creating the false impression that Society could somehow adopt a form of "democratic socialism" less cruel than Communism. The plain words of the Manifesto, fleshed in by Marx and Engels' other work, are that Socialism is a brutal transitional phase to stable, "humane" Communism.

I too prefer the term "communist" because it accurately states the intentions of its founders. "Democratic socialism" is a contradiction. It's not stable and not humane. This makes it illiberal as well. Such people as Lincoln, Queen Victoria, and Tsar Aleksandr II spoke of Liberal causes as the advancement of human liberty. Today's neoliberals are severely illiberal toward any line of thought or inquiry that might tend to expose the fact that communism destroys freedom. Acknowledging that Marxian Socialism is not the Fabian myth of "Democratic Socialism" destroys the entire pretense that Neoliberals have any support for human Liberty whatsoever.

Great point, Dr Spooner!!

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No kidding!

The Lies of Communism: Surrender your autonomy to the State because you want free stuff, like the young Woketards today, and you will eventually LOSE everything—any State that has the ability (or promises) to "give" people everything (but it's all lies, anyway), has the power to TAKE everything you have, including your LIFE!

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Here in the "great" white north..... Unvaxxed cannot get organ donations.

And in most provinces they won't hire back unjabbed docs and nurses though they claim they are doing "everything" to keep our sick care system from collapsing.

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I have a great-niece who married a Canadian and lives in Saskatchewan. She has kept me updated on the egregious measures up there! Keep fighting the good fight, where and when you can!

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Shocking and heartless. Neighbor to the north--I have been trying to learn about the coercive laws people around the world have been (or still are) subjected to.

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Here in PEI, Canada's smallest province (and an island at that) there is mass compliance and definitely no shortage of peons who just want to trust the government sugar daddy. I have trouble looking men in the eye anymore and I cannot for the life of me figure out why, in a world where everyone seems to be vying to be cool/unique/outstanding on social media, they do not regard facing a disease head on with attention to health and applying common sense as worthwhile attributes. My son lost his job on May 31, my wife was let go because she refused to do swabs or get a shot, my daughter was not allowed to attend college and I was not permitted inside my office. Rules for the "common good". But we did OK unlike the 100+ million extra impoverished people who'll never have a chance to recover. As I like to say 'Way to go, us!'

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Hang in there, untainted patriot. Like me you have probably acquired new family, those who get it, those who think for themselves and can detect a lie from afar. Congratulations!

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

Well, there is no organ donor sticker on my license. In the end it'll be my non-toxic heart/kidneys/etc. that will be worth something. At 90%+ uptake here in Canada, chances are a person who has had the shot will need my organs and won't get them (especially my heart it appears). I see that there are now dating sites for pure bloods only but I can't figure out if it's serious.

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How ironic. Disgusting.

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RIP Canada. I’m appalled by Trudeau’s latest bill that enables underage children to be euthanized without parental consent. EVIL has no bounds in Canada thanks to the young leadership of the WEF.

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Can it be rescinded under new leadership?

Hopefully the results of the inquiry on implementing the Emergencies Act on the Trucker’s Protest will remove him from office.

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Yes, underaged individuals in Canada can choose to be euthanized without the government notifying the parents. Similar to what is happening with transgender transitioning in the US

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Perhaps i will view this evil with whatever possible silver lining available. The Darwin Award. You know, that award for offing oneself out of sheer stupidity. The author insisted the stories’ details must never involve death of an innocent or child. Oh, for the good old days of decency, just ten years ago!

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Just three years ago

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It absolutely is a pattern. Dr Jack Kevorkian's book, "Prescription: Medicide" advocates compulsory suicide of the sickest patients to save money, enabling the US Medicare program to operate at a profit by delivering less actual health care. How he and his Unitarian lawyer Geoffrey Fieger sold this fascist monstrosity in Michigan was by accusing anyone with religious objections to suicide of being "fascist"...hence the irony of Fieger accusing the Council of Orthodox Rabbis of "Nazism". The reality of Fascism is State Capitalism...all citizens are property of the state to be managed for state profit. Religion has nothing to do with Fascism, except as a worship of the State.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, there is a pattern to these actions. They are not random in the least.

Kevorkian's initial plan was to disguise himself as an anti-Catholic or as a Libertarian (depending on his audience) and sell suicide as an escape from disabling pain. When right-to-life activists countered by improving access to pain care, the death lobby had a brief setback. Neo-Kevorkianism had a revival in 2008 with the rise to power of Hilary Clinton, who counter-attacked RTL activists by blaming us for causing an Opioid Crisis by showing "too much mercy" to the sick. Statistics contradict this lie: The majority of opioids are prescribed to the elderly. The majority of street-drug overdose deaths happen to teens and twenty-somethings who were not on prescribed pain meds, but bought drugs from a street dealer to get high.

Circulation of this disinformation by CDC officials led to a shortage of cough medicine in the US, which made it impossible to follow the Great Barrington Declaration and forced the US into lockdown and addiction to the mRNA gene therapy shots.

My what a tangled web we weave, once we set out to deceive.

It would have been so much easier just to confess to Medicare recipients, "Politicians took your healthcare money without your permission and wasted it on a bunch of wars. Now they have no plan to replace the money they squandered." It's distressing to hear a bad truth, but at lesst we can begin adapting to it. Believing the lie right up until the system shuts doen, is far worse.

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deletedNov 10, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022
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Ponerology:the science of Evil by Lobascewski explains it all. Helluva read. Five countries have been targeted as the soft underbelly of the world unprotected from the communist evil seeking control via depopulation and totalitarianism. And we r so lucky to be in the cesspit of that evil. Resist.

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I believe that eventually, they will actively seek out the, "purebloods" for harvesting in the same manner as the Chinese do to the adherents of falun gong. Time to find a good naturapathic practitioner and learn about herbal remedies.

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Yikes. We need to head that off at the pass in every way we can.

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As a resolute vax refuser and who takes great care to optimize my immunity through well-established protocols, I’m still waiting for the USA to allow me to cross the border for work conferences or friend visits. Unbelievable really...

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Right! My uncle from Ontario just came for a visit through to Michigan Detroit border crossing. He told us that no one asked about his vax status either direction. Don’t know if the law states a policy that may or may not be enforced?

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Here in Ontario, a few of my friends decided to cross the border in Buffalo for a day of shopping and dinner. They too said no questions about the jabs, just had to show that they were citizens of Canada. It was an easy fun trip they said. Good to hear. It is only an hour away, so no big deal if they were turned back.

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My flag too flies upside down. Escaped from healthcare woke BS, wife not hired back. Do they really expect us to provide our untainted blood to reinforce the stupidity? Not a chance.

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Yet oddly enough, unvaxxed organs and blood are the most sought after.

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I wondered how spike toxicity would affect transfusions--who knows what blood we might get? Do they track a person’s vaccination status when taking blood from donors?

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My sister mentioned the last time she donated blood, they were only taking from unvaxxed.

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Wow! Where is the news media on that? (I know-MIA)

A video posted on that may go viral…(!!!)

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Here is Minnesota Mayo has not fired back any of the un-V'd employees they fired. The un-V'd should be hired back with an apology and back pay! Top healthcare org in US --- Ha!

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Check out how much funding they get from government agencies and you will answer the why question.

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If they wouldn’t care for me properly after an MVA etc, and seek to jab me despite both my neckchain and attached notice on my healthcard Not to jab me, and if we can’t get jobs,back pay and apologies, why would i want to pay taxes to an illegal regime hellbent on killing off my entire civilization? Oh, please dont get me started on giving away my rare untainted blood or a body part to rescue those evil fools who denounced us all. The future holds many graves very soon, and you and i are likely to decide whether to dance on them or not.

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That is unbelievable!

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Three vaxxed friends with aggressive cancers, one dead vaxxed friend at 59 due to a clot and a sudden heart attack, and numerous friends with various problems from lung emboli to retinal clotting that robbed partial vision in one eye, to all sorts of other issues... One family member dead from a post-vax stroke. Never mind those getting covid, some of them repeatedly.... No, I won't dance on their graves because they did what they were convinced by corrupt bureaucracy to do. And now they are paying the price. But I WILL continue to try to educate, and also to try to illuminate the evil done by bureaucracy (one man in particular) and to try to bring people to justice. We actually got a new state Senator elected on Tuesday who favors Nuremberg-type prosecution for crimes against humanity. Little by little, hopefully we can turn the tide....but it is a daunting task. (Oh, yeah, I'll also keep taking my weekly ivermectin...it's kept me QUITE healthy, even free from colds!)

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A friend refused the injections but his son and wife, got all the injections (2 X 2) and have had Covid 3 times. Why? The mRNA injections degrade immune system function by re-allocating essential cellular elements necessary for a vibrant immune system. Going down the wrong road in medicine not for good health but profit and control of medicine.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

How do you get ivermectin? I got two Rx back in 2021 but not sure I can get it anymore. I'm wondering if it will help my husband who had to get two shots and booster for work or lose his job. He's not a fighter so he caved. He had COVID in January and had issues for months after.

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Tennessee or FLCCC or a sympathetic doc who can write a script and refer you to a compounding pharmacy to fill.

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Thank you. And thank you for always speaking up!!

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Boost his Vitamin D blood value above 60 ng's and get NAC to boost liver function.

BTW..Big Pharma was pushing the FDA to make NAC a RX only item. I wonder why?

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Yes, and Amazon, being a complete pimp for the covid narrative, immediately took it off their website. You can still get it at iherb.com at swanson.com and probably at your local natural food store. Jeff Bezos is supposed to be libertarian, but he's now serving his masters at Pharma and their lackeys at FDA. Bezos is a globalist, he must believe we should all be ruled by the globalist "elites". F*k Bezos and f*k Amazon!

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I know Amazon stopped selling NAC. But my local health food store still sells it. I have plenty on hand.

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Iherb.com another good source

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amazon.ca still has it, but not sure if they'll ship it across the line

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I work at Sprouts in the Vitamin Dept. and we also sell it.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

Thank you.

Crazy he's always gotten his yearly bloodwork done and this year his liver enzymes are high and an ultrasound showed fatty liver. He's never had abnormal bloodwork before. He did put some weight on this year. He's put weight on in the past and lost it but still never abnormal bloodwork. It's so odd. Wonder if it's because of the shots.

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My 23 yr old son who just finished a tour in the military also has high liver enzymes & cholesterol which seem to indicate liver damage after his Pfizer poison. He never had this before and is only carrying maybe 10 extra pounds of weight.

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My husband had Pfizer too for work. Here in NJ our DICKtator Governor mandated all healthcare workers the first two shots then the booster. I haven't heard about getting another one. Most healthcare workers are mandated the flu shot every year too. We're also required weekly testing for COVID if we're unvax. Crazy my clear as day sick vax coworkers aren't required to test but myself, healthy unvax is. Makes no sense.

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Also they are trying the same thing on EDTA as Pilots Assn and Military pilots are looking at it detoxing the heavy metals and checking if graphene will respond as well to rid the vaxx of problematical items

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I know Dr. Malone doesn't approve of this, but I use livestock injectible and take it orally. FDA (the same outfit that claims we shouldn't take it because we don't know what's in it) requires by law that the inert ingredients be listed on the package inserts of food-producing animals--and both inert ingredients are common ingredients in human formulations. (This is not true for equine pastes--horses are not considered to be "food animals" so the inert ingredients are proprietary trade secrets.) That said, I've also obtained ivermectin for a ward of mine in an eldercare facility by going to a telehealth outfit and getting a prescription for her. Some pharmacies won't fill them but many will.

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Go to flccc.net or


Either of the sites will give the locations of doctors who will write a RX

Try a compounding pharmacy and get a small capsule with your dose - easier to take and don’t have to chase the smaller tabs around the floor if dropped.

Or move to TN and we have plenty of MD’s and PA’s who can and will write RX for IVM and refill as well.

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He will do much better with high dose vitamin c and boosting his vitamin d serum level to 100 ng/ml. It's very easy and cheap to get an online finger prick test for your vitamin d level. 15 ng/ml is severely deficient. 20 ng/ml is deficient. 30 ng/ml is sufficient. 100 ng/ml is ideal. (It's what lifeguards have so must be natural). If you are severely deficient take a vitamin d hammer of 60,000 iu's, 3 days running and get tested. Keep testing until you reach 100 ng/ml. Trust me I'm not a doctor. Here is all you need to know about vitamin c: https://www.seignalet-plus.com/vitamin-c-the-lazarus-vitamin/

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see how to take high dose oral vitamin c safely.

Ivermectin has been oversold so we keep thinking we need a "pill for an ill" and remain dependant on the medical profession.




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Vit D blood value range of 30 to 100 ng’s is based on historically low blood levels due to lifestyle issues. Sufficient evidence says the correct range is 50 to 100 ng’s. Ooops.. a health population decreases doc visits! Our VA in US did a study that proved it and they deep six’s the study because it would shrink their institution! Go to thomasabraunrph@substack.com if you want to read my article, entitled “why medicine doesn’t understand the true value of vitamin D”

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Amen. The IOM (now called NAM- National Academy of Medicine) is the "Apex" body for medicine in the US. The president of NAM is Dr. Victor Dzau a Chinese American. His fingerprints are all over the covid scam. See Amazing Polly's video on the Global Public Health Maffia made at the start. The NAM is NOT a government body. It's an NGO. In other words it's the Rockefellers and cronies.

I did a search for all the chronic diseases (91) that Dr. Seignalet put into remission with his diet. For every single one there was at least one and usually several studies showing that vitamin d deficiency was implicated. Ditto for "intestinal permeability". I made gifs of the studies showing the relevant sentence or paragraph. You can see them on my site: www.seignalet-plus.com

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Thanks for the insight that is being ignored by Medicine in general. We could have a much more healthy society with good nutrition without chemicals being embraced!

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I went thru Americas Front Line Doctors telemedicine link. Got HCQ and Ivermectin. Not cheap, but worth it. Then I drove to Mexico for more. No Rx needed and cheaper, if you are near the border.

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I went through Frontline to find a telehealth link in my state to get a prescription for ivermectin for my eldercare home ward. Had a local compounding pharmacy fill the prescription and it was a lot cheaper than the online sources I've seen, as well as much faster.

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Julie. I’ve ordered IVM from pharmacyonair.com many times. They are based in India. Last order took ten days to reach Ohio. 12 mg tablets are 73 cents each. They come in blister packs. Follow FLCCC.net for dosing instructions.

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Ivermectin has been oversold by the medical profession. It's the medical profession's life raft. It's a misdirection to make sure we continue to think there is a pill for an ill.. Vitamin c plus zinc plus quercetin plus vitamin d - far more effective. See Why Has Ivermecin Been Oversold: https://survivethejab.com/why-has-ivermectin-been-oversold/

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Ivermectin and/or HCQ both work as part of a protocol containing the supplements you mention. BTW, quercetin acts much like HCQ. I would concur that the d + c + zinc + quercetin (or HCQ) are essential to immune function in general, and I'd add one more--selenium. That said, ivermectin is a cheap and effective "insurance" on top of the nutritional base. Given its safety, it seems like a logical thing to take in the face of repeated exposures. Given the widespread suppression of it, I have a hard time viewing it as "oversold."

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IVM acts immediately, where as it takes a while for C,D,Q, Z to build up to levels that will do anything, unless it is administered via and IV. From a anecdotal point of view I can tell you myself, my wife and 2 of my adult kids had great success using IVM. Best part of IVM is it has a long history and has an extremely small adverse footprint.

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It also appears to be the secret panacea for Lyme Disease. Do your research; there is promise there... in Ontario our gov insurance wont pay for the high antibiotic dose therapy. Some drive to the USA for treatment. What a failed socialist 3rd world shit-hole we have become. Thanks Trudeau. Oh, and a special lump of hot coal to the NDP idiot making a communist incestuous political marriage in our corrupt House of Communism on parliament hill. 🚚🇨🇦

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Ivermectin cured my Omicron in 8 hrs. Facts matter.

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How do you know it was Omicron? You had some symptoms. Could have been anything. Does "Omicron" actually exist? Have you been jabbed? If you did, maybe your symptoms had something to do with that.

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What I'm sure of is that listening to you about this is an utter waste of my time. I had a positive at home test, my symptoms were exactly that of Omicron that was circulating at the time. Could have not been OMICRON, sure. But it very likely was. Came on super strong, like a horrible head cold and headache. It's possible that 5 mos after my adverse reaction to my second and last vax shot caused it. But of course that's 1000x less likely - but hey, let's run with that. Cuz it's the internet, so who cares?

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deletedNov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022
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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

I'm not a medical professional. I'm a well informed health nut.

1. Does covid even exist? The PCR test generates false positives. Interesting that flu disappeared during the covid hysteria.

2. Even if covid is actually a thing, do we need to be afraid of it? I don't think we need to be afraid of covid but we DO need to be afraid of the ICU protocols for covid.

3. Let's not get caught up in the phoney hysteria.

4. All the emphasis from "rebel" doctors has been on ivermectin. Why? Adequate vitamin d . 100 ng/m serum level) will protect you from all diseases, chronic and infectious.

5. High dose vitamin c will reverse all viral diseases FAST.

Why do we even need to talk about ivermectin? Did you read my article:


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Absolutely! We will never forget those confined to hospital or nursing home condemned to die ALONE and in most cases UNNECESSARILY. We won't forget being locked out of our Churches, kids forced to learn via computer (what a joke) wear masks or not enter a store, doctor's office (still) restaurant or later a school. We won't forget having to choose between keeping a job to feed our family by taking the poison shot or not. No we won't forget, but as Christians we will forgive your ignorance or hubris in pushing this fake, destructive agenda.

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Well stated - forgive their (and our) all too human sins/mistakes, but remember and hold responsible.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

I was forced to sue my hospital in order to keep my job & remain unjabbed. I prevailed but it’s a hollow victory in that I am ostracized & hazed.

The forgiveness I have for the oppressors requires effort and hard work. Some days more than others. I choose to forgive. I will never, ever forget. There must be accountability .

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Don't let those hazers get under your skin. Just smile and pity their ignorance.

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Worst you'll get on this site is a mild virtual Dutch rub ; ) Lots of good folks around.

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Vaxxed and boosted throughout 2021. I knew when I did it I was giving in to the mob. My spouse works in healthcare. Wish I wouldn’t have gotten any but especially the booster. Had a softball sized lump under same arm around the armpit for a few weeks. A doctor and family friend told me it means I was really going to benefit from the shot because I was gaining immunity. Same doctor told my son who is 26 that two weeks after his COvID illness, which was minor, he should be vaccinated. None of it made sense but who am I to question the people who read and study science. Now I am I am dealing with my tumor markers increasing steadily for the last year and a half. I had thyroid cancer back on 2014 with a full removal of thyroid and a few lymph nodes nearby and some radiation because of them being in the lymph nodes. I think I it will be recommended that I get a PET scan because the tumor markers are up and I have a couple of swollen lymph nodes under my jaw. Feeling nervous about it all but how is it gone all this time, been doing blood work every 6 months with an endocrinologist since 2014, and now all of sudden possibly back? I’m suspicious but they will call me crazy if I mention this to anyone. My first tumor markers were raised slightly before I got any jabs but it was minimal. Doc follow an upward continued trend and then recommends more testing. Did the iodine/body scan almost a year ago and that came back inconclusive. I should probably just brush it off as nothing can be done anyway but I will not be getting another jab anytime soon, if ever again. Trying to avoid the flu shot right now but the pressure is great. They are firing a couple long time nurses at our hospital because they won’t get the flu shot. One is allergic and the other has family history of GB in the family. No exceptions this year. Except the same doc said they might want to find religion. This whole thing being medically bullied just really upsets me.

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No job is worth your health - just say no and document it all. My company went right down to their deadline date before reversing their stance and dropping their vax mandate. I was ready to bet let go and lawyer up. No one should ever be pressured to do any medical procedure to keep a job and especially one that has so many issues, no transparency and still under EUA. Prayers for you and your family.

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please re-read what you wrote as if you are reading what your best friend is writing. what would you tell her to do? RUN don't walk away from the flu shot, boosters, ALL OF IT is poison. Only YOU are in charge of your body. there is no pressure that is bigger or louder than YOUR voice when it comes to what goes into YOUR BODY. I pray for you, my friend. You can do this. Be strong. xxoo

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My body, my Temple. Gift from the Creator not to be arrogantly tampered with. Stay firm in your convictions. 🙏🏽🌎

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

Prayers to you. I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I was able to get a Religious exemption but my husband was not and got two shots and a booster. I hate all this. It's not fair.

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The same people who conceal what is in the clot shots are manufacturing the flu shots. They do not wish you well. Do not comply.

Praying for you.

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Jen. Please look into THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER. Ty and Charlene Bollinger.

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Large lump = gaining immunity? I’d like to see the studies on that. What a line of bull.

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I am an unvaccinated 80 year old. I (think) I have had minor bouts of Covid, the first nipped in the bud by Hydroxychloroquine, the 2nd by 0.6 mg/day /kg ivermectin. And, of course, Vitamin D3 and zinc.

My wife (79), had two early shots of mRNA, no covid, but is not doing as well as I am.

"Justice" is best defined as a process to insure the assholes don't do it again.

I would have typed "miscreants," but that word is no-where near strong enough.

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Absolutely love your definition - I am 82 and would not take it and told anyone who said or suggested “strongly” I get it were told to politely pound sand or take a hike - course I am a cantankerous old SOB and don’t care what they say - I worked in Biowarfare in the 60’s and can tell you this is not new, however my anger and perseverance are eternal and the alphabet groups are full of it and won’t ever receive amnesty or forgiveness.

They made their choice and I made mine.

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Your definition of justice is spot on. 78 yrs old. In Viet Nam I first realized polite language doesn’t begin to describe real evil.

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Good for you, fine Sir!!

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Yes, Robert. As a Christian, it is my duty to forgive, and I know this and do my best. But it is hard in this regard. I was astounded at how some friends and family turned on my husband and me when we chose not to get vaccinated. It's hard to trust again that people will care for you when that has been experienced.

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I agree. It's hard enough watching those who got jabbed and are dealing with the damage, realizing they made a poor choice. I have no issues with those who simply got the shot because they were convinced it was the thing to do. But the ones who turned on us in self-righteous indignation are pretty hard to forgive. My husband's brothers were in the latter camp. They also both have health issues now, but won't admit that there is any possible connection with the jab.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

Yes, it's so sad. I'm sorry for your experience. My Father died in April, I'm convinced it was the jab. After his double vaccine and booster, he declined mentally to where he could not eat or drink - in a matter of 2 months. He was perfectly healthy before and took no meds. His brain swelled. My son and daughter-in-law got ithe jab and kept us from grandchildren partly because of that, not for our health, for theirs. They were afraid of symptomless transmission.. Then they got my 8 year old grandson the jab, and all I could do was stand helplessly aside and watch. I'm heartsick but they have impressed on me that I have no say and they don't even want to discuss it. If I send them credible information, it just makes them madder.

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My heart goes out to you.

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Thank you, and mine to you.

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my experience with some dear family members too🥲

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It's hard to fathom. Sorry you had it too.

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They've committed themselves to the Lie and will probably die rather than admit they were wrong.

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Habakkuk 2 : 2-20

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forgiving is for you, not for those that offended you, remember what they did, just do not carry the baggage of hatred around, they need to be chastised and punished if it is their due.

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My head understands that, but my heart does not know how to put it into action.

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What I do, when I start to think about a person that has offended me is to say out loud "I for give you" I have found that it only takes a few times of saying this and those thoughts of anger, resentment or what ever I am feeling go away. It is effective and protects my spirit, I do not want to provide harbor for feelings of ill will. I find in myself that it eats away, and I do not want it. I never forget what they have done and take measures to eliminate the situations that lead to the feelings.

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Thank you. I'll give it a try.

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There's more than just lacking facts or information. IQ doesn't matter.

The Biblical term "foolish" keeps coming to my mind.

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You are correct. My brother has an IQ of 149 yet believes all the lies.

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Sad to say, I think regaining trust is impossible 😢

My sister and I will never again trust our two brothers. Don’t really need to worry tho because I doubt they will ever awaken.

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Thank you.🙏🏽

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022


Summary by Dr. John Campbell.

COVID does not appear to cause myocarditis or pericarditis.

IMO, from what I have seen, the jab apparently does....

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In a person with a healthy immune system, covid itself got handled, minimizing the effects of the spike proteins. With the jab, bodies get turned into spike factories, sometimes for a long time! So while I think covid may have caused a few aftereffects, I suspect that those are minimal compared to the jab, and that this finding is spot on.

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Thank you for that link. Spreading far and wide. One if the most patient thing I have ever done is watch the red-pilling of the good Dr Campbell.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

"We WON’T celebrate your deaths, we WON’T wish harm on you, but we WON’T forget that you did".


This is why, when they called for us (in canada) to not have our health care covered by the government if we got covid, i tried to say "and what if you get damage from a shot?"

The chickens have come home to roost. And many of these chickens are innocent victims of the propaganda who lacked the acumen to be suspicious of the vaccines and the propaganda.

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The article reminded me of the Propaganda movie last night. The way to control people was by using fear and repeating it over and over. That is what the nazi’s did during Hitler’s rein and that is what Fauci is doing during the Biden rein.

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“Success is the sweetest revenge” not sure who said that, but throughout my life this has been my MANTRA! I have always marched to beat of my own drum. This way I can blame no one for my miss-steps except me.

Thankfully I didn’t listen to the uninformed, anti-science, government control freaks, complacent doctors, neighbors, and friends in the beginning and towards the end that IDIOT BIDEN saying, “it was going to be a cold dark deadly winter for the unvaccinated” in one of his population control speeches.

So as a constitutional following, Patriot, America loving, freedom seeking, un-jabbed, my body - my choice, heterosexual, mother, wife and a biological WOMAN from birth and until natural death. I am told that I and my white husband and sons are the threat to democracy.

But truth be told, one can only be forgiven if one asks for forgiveness, and I’m not sure , “the ask” will ever happen and that includes Trump for being so arrogant and ignorant to the deceitful behavior of those around him. So for now...

I think Phil collins said it best in his song- "In The Air Tonight"

“...Well, I was there and I saw what you did

I saw it with my own two eyes

So you can wipe off that grin,

I know where you've been

It's all been a pack of lies...

...Well I remember, I remember don't worry

How could I ever forget,...

...But I know the reason why you keep your silence up,

No you don't fool me

The hurt doesn't show

But the pain still grows...

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And I may be losing a second friend to a wildfire cancer. I know one of the friends got the jab and assume the second one did as well, having been an employee in CA for a company with >100 people and therefore subject to mandatory vax to work. I need to get the courage to ask vax status (though I still value medical privacy).

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I tried to show grace rather than just be angry because everyone was scared - it worked most (some?) of the time. But I did my own damn COVID immunity study by routinely getting a COVID antibody test during the ensuing nearly 2 years since I was infected (12/14/2020). My SARS COV-2 Antibody levels have been high (1300 - 2300 times what's considered positive) and never waned for the nearly 2 years of my 'study' (No, not a real scientific study - sample size =1). I also never had symptoms nor was re-infected (to my knowledge) during this time.

SO... For all you family and friends who did not allow me in your homes or want to be around me because I was not vaccinated, for all you people who thought I was selfish and called me names for not being vaccinated, for all you businesses that denied me entry or services because I was not vaccinated, for all you policy makers who enacted mandates and tried to use anything important to me to force me to get vaccinated, for all you journalists and journalism major ‘fact checkers’ who labeled any dissenting credible scientists, studies and opinions as ‘misinformation’, and ESPECIALLY main stream media and social media who unbelievably (and frighteningly) took it upon yourselves to CENSOR differing views, -- and NOW you want amnesty????? , I say …

HA! - I would like to move on as well, but :

Change something!

Acknowledge you might have been wrong!


And don’t repeat it!

because it turns out that:

1) I likely know WAY more about my own immunity status than you do yours

2) I was and am likely SAFER to be around than YOU are

[Here's a graph of my results (most people I know are not interested :)


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My cousin said she didn't want me at her wedding because I was unvaxxed. My response?

"Oh, good. I don't have to come up with an excuse for not going or buy her a present now."

She's not a fun person to be around. An image obsessed, pretentious snob with no mind or values of her own. Like too many Millennials.

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I like your graph title!

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Thank you for looking at it! :)

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deletedNov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022
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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

My first two tests were through the Red Cross as part of a blood donation! (because I’m so selfish) That’s what got me looking into antibody tests! I’m going to get one more Antibody test on 12/14/22 - that will be two years. I saw that article when it was published! People didn’t care to listen and my posts about it were tagged as misinformation!

The censorship is what got me digging more into the mRNA vaccines and Dr. Malone. I read a LOT of studies and other info. How sad is it that we now can’t trust the people who are supposed to lead and guide us ;(. Hang in there!

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Sitting here with a grin reading about your journey

Well done.

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well, here it is!


Finished my last Antibody test on 12/14/22 - exactly 2 years after I initially tested positive for COVID. My antibodies have done nothing but increase over the entire 2 year period. If I was re-exposed or re-infected over those 2 years then I was asymptomatic and I even tested when I traveled!

Merry Christmas!

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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022

Well, here is the final result!


Finished my last antibody test on 12/14/22 - exactly 2 years after I initially tested positive for COVID. My antibodies have done nothing but increase over the entire 2-year period. If I was re-exposed or re-infected over those 2 years, then I was asymptomatic and I even tested when I traveled!

Merry Christmas!

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Also, I was asked a new question a few days ago during my “Medicare Wellness” checkup - “would you accept a blood transfusion if required?”

My reply “Only if unVaxx’d blood”. I will give and receive unvaxxed blood if required but would refuse vaxx Ed blood and it is in my written healthcare instructions for both my wife as well. This has become a strong request in my area over the last few months.

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