My wife and I feel your pain. We too have been ostracized by my entire remaining family as well as about half of hers. Unfortunately, while we believe family is important, we are better off for not having to engage with people who are so embittered even if they are family. We have tried in the past but have given up on them. We thank God that we have friends who fill the gap. Further, this has brought us closer to those of my wife's family who have remained sane.
It started for us with Covid. We called "b.s" right out of the gate. We watched as people we considered to be "friends" lapped up main stream fear propaganda, hunkered down in their basement, cut off contact, lined up for shots, and essentially hid from the world until Gretchen Whitmer told them it was safe to come out and re-engage the world. Once they emerged into the world like Neil Armstrong descending the Lunar Module Eagle on to the moon's surface, we were met with stories of their personal sacrifice, moral superiority and how they suffered to protect grandma and the rest of humanity and how selfish we and our kind were. Many continued to don masks well into late-2023. Their mentality has never changed. These are the same true believers who have simply changed narratives that they blindly accept on cue.
Yes, my sister & her son got the jabs, at least two times or more I think. She even tried to tell me & my daughter we have to get the vaccines because they will protect us from covid19! Yada-yada-yada, yeah, right sister!
My sister originally was one of those. We used to argue about it.
Her Silicon Valley tech husband convinced her to get the original two shot series using the logic you described. Although the damage was done and my sister believes she is vaccine-injured, I changed her thinking largely relying on Dr. Malone's work and she has gone 180 degrees in the other direction.
That is incredible! To change an individual’s thinking about how “healthy they would be, protected by the jab against the covid crisis/flu”, is almost a miracle, in my opinion. My daughter & son-in-law, & their daughters, all got covid this past October- almost 3-1/2 years since the outbreak of covid; all of us rejected getting vaxxed, & the worst part of my family getting covid initially, have been after-effects for the past several months. It’s like a cough-cold-runny nose, for them. Now my daughter has her family taking strong probiotics, eating full meat, & they seem to be kicking this virus out of their bodies. It’s been a long road for them, but no jabs. Now, my daughter & her husband are not going to allow the girls’ pediatrician to inject any moore “mandatory vaccines”!
Blood is only thicker than water until it amounts to destroying my freedom and way of life. After that family is meaningless anyway. They are just more morons to ignore! It wasn't you who decided to be related to them anyway so no need to feel uncomfortable!
It's tragic that families and friends are so torn apart b/c they refuse to see what we see - the MSM lies. I feel your pain, as I've felt it too, since I refused to vote for Hillary in 2016 and took the chance to vote for Trump and lost some friends along the way.
This is all the left has: Fear of the Fuhrer, even though Trump could have called the National Guard/Martial law during the Floyd riots and Covid. But, he didn’t do that, and in fact, in both cases, we saw what Real Federalism looks like (i.e., how NY handled Covid v. how Florida handled Covid.)
Now, Trump has RFK, Jr., Elon, Vivek, Tulsi, Vance, and other freedom loving Americans behind him that allow Americans to “Dream Big Again.” What will win? Fear v. Hope?
Underneath the Harris machine, though, is that voting for Harris is a vote for child abuse. (Gender affirming “care” for minor children and uncontrolled illegal immigration increasing human trafficking for children is child abuse).
And Harris will increase more dependency on the government, which as Alexander Tytler predicted will be the last cycle of any democracy before bondage.
Hope v. Fear? Dependency on the Government v. the old fashion American way of hard work to better one’s situation. That’s really what this election comes down to.
I lost friends after voting for Reagan in the 1976 Texas primary (which he won!) Don't miss'em. I agree totally with your assessment, Hope v Fear. That sums it up perfectly! The good news is that Trump learned a lot during his first term, hamstrung by investigations and disloyal subordinates. The folks you identify are different. They get it. Hope is starting to sound exciting! But toads like Cornyn must be marginalized, not promoted to replace McConnell. How about Sentator Kennedy as Senate Majority Leader? What a hoot that would be!
Yeah, Ana, I know, Cornyn or Thune - a no-choice choice from the uniparty.
Yes, we need to be thinking about Cornyn's next primary. I would have considered Chip Roy, but his TDS disqualifies him for me. Do you have anyone in mind?
I don't have anyone in mind right now to Primary him at this time.
What I DO KNOW is that we need to start our search ASAP because he has a massive WAR CHEST!!!
Do you know JoAnn Fleming from Grassroots America We The People here in Tyler Texas?
Once we get Our Real President back in the White House 🏠, I'll be reaching out to her on what I need to do to form a RINO PRIMARY INITIATIVE here in Texas!!!
We have too many Republocrats as I call the UNIPARTY Swamp Creatures.
I don't trust Sen Kennedy. Can't put my finger on it or I would explain. His JBS scorecard average is only 63%. Don't want Thune either. He has been there since 1999 and his JBS scorecard is a measly 56%.
I think they are both good. However, neither appears to be able to pull enough senators to their views. Leadership is based on how many bucks one can pull into the reelection war chest - and that's a shame. Both had JBS scorecards in the 70s because JBS finds deficits and debt unconstitutional, which occurred during Trump's term. Mike Lee would be good and Ted Cruz but they have not put their hat in the ring.
Rick Scott I believe wants the job. Not sure he can pull in the votes though. He is a JBS 68%
I have been getting the texts but I don't believe the polls. The polls say that because they want to provide cover for their cheating after they have added enough fraudulent votes to actually win. If enough GOP votes come in they won't be able to pull it off.
Sen.John Kennedy has impressed and entertained us with his wit and style during questioning in hearings. But his voting and JBS score do not refect a dedicated full Republican in the Constitutional sense. For these reasons I do not think he would be a good Majority leader. Thune no. Not good. Josh Hawley is solid. He represents We the People.
Problem with Sen. Kennedy is he is from Louisiana. That state is so politically wacko that pols from there walk a very fine line indeed not to enrage the whole damned tribe.
That is why it is VERY important that they be defeated this November, BECAUSE they have their program of creating more DEPENDENT PEOPLE on steroids!!!!!!
The gov is to big n ow, can you imagine what it will be when all those migrants are fast-tracked citizens? And the gov is already giving them free stuff and promising more free stuff. Oh they are fundamentally changing America, Obama's dream. I do believe Biden's term was a continuation of Obama's and so would Harris' term. Buit I do have a lingering question, WHY? Won't their families and friends suffer like the rest of jus do? How can they be shielded from the tragic results?
They do not hate Trump per se, they hate what he represents. Progressives have spent a century discombobulating our constitutional republic to insinuate it into some eurocentric global socialist entity. They thought after inserting the 44's string pulling cabal they had the stage set for the final curtain to be pulled by the deplorable hag (selfsame cabal of course). Did not happen....Trump happened and worse, a reinvigorated populism totally contrary to their plans. They are now terrified and frightened vermin are at their most dangerous.
One has to wonder if it isnt a matter of thinking the Trump team will do onto them (well deserved) what they would do onto us? Surely they deserve it. However, we (the Trump team) have far more pressing things to accomplish for the good of all of us!
I agree if "They" represents the globalist elite. But for the mass unwashed, TDS is a very real malady, and personal to the core. Talk to Greg Popovich or Charles Barkley. It's hatred with a capital H. I don't have a clue what drives their bus.
Popovich is a monomaniac. Great b ball coach and dumb as a sack of rocks about anything else. Barkley a big mouth that could dunk a ball. They like the hollywood moronic tribe only have ideas planted there by others
Putting the evil genie back in the bottle after the election is going ti be tough. Even ifTrump by his actions destroys the ginned up narrative against him the emotional investment nog to mention the political agenda if the left and Globalists will not disappear. It will take a big threat, not just a ginned up fake pandemic to unite us as a country. It is going to be a 6 year street brawl at the minimum at the heart a Spiritual battle
I used to bemoan the loss of family and friends over TDS. But now I have an unshakable bond with my husband that I might not ever have had otherwise. I don't miss them, and I certainly don't miss their drama.
I call horse shit on that Kamala Harris "your vote, your choice" campaign ad. What happens in the booth, stays in the booth. It's almost like saying, what happens in the stall, stays in the stall. No it doesn't, somebody has got to muck it out.
It breaks my heart to see families do this to each other. I'm so sorry this happened to you and Jill. I've been fortunate that my lefty relatives have managed to keep politics out of our relationship, OR, there are a few who I'm not close to to begin with so it doesn't matter. My once lefty niece who called my parents and I racists is now voting for Trump. There is still hope. We may never receive an apology, but luckily we know enough not to expect one.
Tremendous assessment, Dr. Malone! Wow! What other candidate would take words and run with it. From McDonald’s to a Garbage Truck! What display of energy for “we the people”! I’m 6 months younger but don’t have that much energy!
Get out the vote! This can be our last free election! I am so happy how energized are the different segments of our country! Happiness doesn’t win the election! It still matters to vote on our God given principles not just on words! We need to be a united nation for best Constitution in the world. We can no longer take our freedoms for granted.
That ad for Kabal-a, as I call her, where the wife deceives her husband really nauseated me for every reason you have stated. Happy to lie to him! I shudder realizing just how many Jezebels are out 'there', evil and scheming their way through worshipping Baal in every sort of nefarious way. It is white women, by far, who curse us and mock us and middle-finger us and scream all sorts of vile words at us when we prayerfully stand vigil at an abortion center praying for the innocents who have no voice. Astoundingly awful! God, bless President Trump. May his goodness prevail.
Going forward, even with Trump winning will not be a cakewalk. The civility in America has worn thin, and the family fractures from the pandemic remain. Many are amplified with this election. Our very values and integrity are at stake. While we will remain stoic and true no matter the outcome, we will not ever be the same again. I hope all are prepared for it to be difficult before it gets better with Trump. So many steps have been taken making it harder than ever to give the new president power and authority. YET, he's got a remarkable team with him this time, and he's no naif. Praying with hope.
Julia Roberts and American women need to wake up and realise that if Kamala gets in, the US - and the rest of us, I'm British - will be heading for a One World Government when elections/voting will never take place again!
I have come to realize that Julia Roberts and so many other Hollywood "elites" are just not all that smart. Seriously low intelligence people. A huge number of them are not all that educated beyond high school, and they don't seem to have informed themselves in the years since high school, either. They have achieved fame and riches based mostly on an above average physical appearance and sometimes by their acting chops. They aren't well informed or especially knowledgeable about the subjects they pontificate on. But by associating with and supporting the political elites, they can magically feel they have achieved some degree of importance that they wouldn't be able to reach otherwise. They vastly overrate their importance and ability to influence people. They are shallow almost beyond comprehension. I have little to no respect for any of them. It's unfortunate that uninformed people who are fans would listen to their recommendations. Ultimately, most of us find them amusing and laughable, sort of pathetic in the truest sense of the word.
It went personal for me back in the tea party days. We were lied about, ostracized, joked about, alienated, censored, silenced, and attacked, by family, friends, business associates, and strangers, fueled by the corrupt media. And yes govt (alphabet agencies to elected politicians) went after the groups, their leaders, and their businesses. Andrew Breitbart was 💯 correct when he called it #WAR. It has only become worse. Elon is also 💯 correct, if Trump loses, this will end America and elections.
Those days Deb, were years of closeness with like-minded individuals. We were true grass roots, not astro-turf as Peglosi called us. Once we were effective, and boy were we, the knives came out and the Dem's became masters of election fraud evident with Dems picking of Senates seats in red states through infiltration of election officials.
Trump will not lose! If the elections are not rigged against him! Not this time baby! We as a nation are so much wiser today. We will not allow our democracy go down the tubes.
It seems so unfair. It seems as if nothing makes sense and there is no justice. And, with all major change it takes the unbelievable to happen, the dark to bring back the light, and divine intervention to set things straight. I believe the family was so easily breakable because it was always broken, and no one was genuine for long periods of time. No one got to be heard, to be right, to be important. I salute G. Edward Griffin's argument that Collectivism is the real issue for all of this horrific debacle, because without individualism, no one gets to feel heard, seen, important. What kind of collective is there if none of us count? As hurtful as it may be, and I too have been let down by my doctor, my cousins, my neighbors and some friends. I am happy that I get to see their true colors, stubborn ignorance and unfortunately too, their self-loathing. I also believe that many have to point their fingers at others in order to survive, because they are full of contempt for themselves and if they don't project it they have to own it. The truth will prevail, God always wins, and that nasty post that your relative put out there is so distasteful and inappropriate. I can't imagine they have a loving bone in their body. Keep marching Dr.'s Robert and Jill. We need you and are grateful for your courage. There will be a day when you receive the recognition you deserve, and you already do from us and from God. Sending love.
God has a wonderful and loving plan for husbands and wives. Modern feminism is a disaster for marriages and the nation. One where neither is being stepped on.
"Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
22Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. 23For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, His body, of which He is the Savior. 24Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her 26to sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27and to present her to Himself as a glorious church, without stain or wrinkle or any such blemish, but holy and blameless.
28In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29Indeed, no one ever hated his own body, but he nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church. 30For we are members of His body.
31“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”e 32This mystery is profound, but I am speaking about Christ and the church. 33Nevertheless, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” -Ephesians 5:21-33
The constitution is a secular constitution, with separation of church and state. The experiment made the U.S. the freest nation in the world. May it remain so.
No one is going to force you to become Christian or Jewish. Secular humanism, abortion and alphabet soup ideology have become almost religious issues in our culture.
Thank you so much for saying things which may be hard for some to hear but which need to be said!! The idea that "the little woman" is being held down by her dumb, domineering, MAGA husband but can "break free" in the voting booth is both offensive and patently untrue! I was told in 2016 that I was "in the grips" of a "misogynist" because I didn't support Hillary Clinton! I replied that I was far more involved in politics than my husband and I had no problem voting for women, IF they were strong, honest, ethical, and shared my values and views on government, NONE of which applied to Hillary!
The absolute unreasonable anger that Leftists seem to feel for anyone who refuses to acquiesce to their worldview is, IMHO, indicative of mental illness (and I freely admit that I know some on the right who suffer from the same malady but proportionally it seems to be much more common on one side of the aisle than the other).
We need to get back to the place where we can have reasonable discussions, based on actual FACTS, and stop the passive-aggressive name calling and shunning of friends and family!
I know dozens of people, myself included, who had family members completely cut them off because of decisions made during C0v1d or because of political differences. In all but ONE case, it was done by those on the Left, and that alone SHOULD give them pause for thought, but evidently, it doesn't, as evidenced by the recent Facebook post of Dr. Malone's family member. What a sad state of affairs our country has come to - I am honestly glad that my parents are not here to see it because it would break their heart!
It has always been brothers, Dems, that like to agitate me since Bush 43 won. They follow along with the media, which has always been hostile to republicans. My older brother was the worst and he passed a decade ago. I sent both younger brothers a 2019 email with a link that discussed how the Russia Hoax was just that, a hoax and the youngest wrote back saying he wouldn't even read it because he was smart enough to know it was not a hoax and anyone who thought otherwise was a flat-earther. In 2020 he sent an email that said his Hail Mary was getting a president that would really tackle Covid. My response was I would no longer discuss politics. The other younger brother will never admit to the other that he, register Dem, has been voting R for some years. He gave DJT $1,000 after the first assassination attempt.
Neither of us have told him we are jab free. He has gotten every jab and booster offered and has been suffering since with many health issues. He still thinks his brother votes for Dems.
You cannot reason someone out of something they have not been reasoned into. The ostracizing of family and friends is basically a one-sided issue.
My wife and I feel your pain. We too have been ostracized by my entire remaining family as well as about half of hers. Unfortunately, while we believe family is important, we are better off for not having to engage with people who are so embittered even if they are family. We have tried in the past but have given up on them. We thank God that we have friends who fill the gap. Further, this has brought us closer to those of my wife's family who have remained sane.
It started for us with Covid. We called "b.s" right out of the gate. We watched as people we considered to be "friends" lapped up main stream fear propaganda, hunkered down in their basement, cut off contact, lined up for shots, and essentially hid from the world until Gretchen Whitmer told them it was safe to come out and re-engage the world. Once they emerged into the world like Neil Armstrong descending the Lunar Module Eagle on to the moon's surface, we were met with stories of their personal sacrifice, moral superiority and how they suffered to protect grandma and the rest of humanity and how selfish we and our kind were. Many continued to don masks well into late-2023. Their mentality has never changed. These are the same true believers who have simply changed narratives that they blindly accept on cue.
We're better off without them. So are you.
These people are arguably the most feckless offspring of the republic in its entire history.
I so agree! I love this word: feckless! Fits my sister to a T!
Yes, my sister & her son got the jabs, at least two times or more I think. She even tried to tell me & my daughter we have to get the vaccines because they will protect us from covid19! Yada-yada-yada, yeah, right sister!
My sister originally was one of those. We used to argue about it.
Her Silicon Valley tech husband convinced her to get the original two shot series using the logic you described. Although the damage was done and my sister believes she is vaccine-injured, I changed her thinking largely relying on Dr. Malone's work and she has gone 180 degrees in the other direction.
That is incredible! To change an individual’s thinking about how “healthy they would be, protected by the jab against the covid crisis/flu”, is almost a miracle, in my opinion. My daughter & son-in-law, & their daughters, all got covid this past October- almost 3-1/2 years since the outbreak of covid; all of us rejected getting vaxxed, & the worst part of my family getting covid initially, have been after-effects for the past several months. It’s like a cough-cold-runny nose, for them. Now my daughter has her family taking strong probiotics, eating full meat, & they seem to be kicking this virus out of their bodies. It’s been a long road for them, but no jabs. Now, my daughter & her husband are not going to allow the girls’ pediatrician to inject any moore “mandatory vaccines”!
Blood is only thicker than water until it amounts to destroying my freedom and way of life. After that family is meaningless anyway. They are just more morons to ignore! It wasn't you who decided to be related to them anyway so no need to feel uncomfortable!
Had to blow off that "family uber alles" motif at an early age. They can be the worst exploiters you encounter
Thank 😊 you for your comment.
10/31/24: Sir, you have lost nothing of value. Be well.
Indeed. You two have brought us all through the fear, panic and Phycological pain of losing friends to the jab and the hope of a healthy tomorrow!
It's tragic that families and friends are so torn apart b/c they refuse to see what we see - the MSM lies. I feel your pain, as I've felt it too, since I refused to vote for Hillary in 2016 and took the chance to vote for Trump and lost some friends along the way.
This is all the left has: Fear of the Fuhrer, even though Trump could have called the National Guard/Martial law during the Floyd riots and Covid. But, he didn’t do that, and in fact, in both cases, we saw what Real Federalism looks like (i.e., how NY handled Covid v. how Florida handled Covid.)
Now, Trump has RFK, Jr., Elon, Vivek, Tulsi, Vance, and other freedom loving Americans behind him that allow Americans to “Dream Big Again.” What will win? Fear v. Hope?
Underneath the Harris machine, though, is that voting for Harris is a vote for child abuse. (Gender affirming “care” for minor children and uncontrolled illegal immigration increasing human trafficking for children is child abuse).
And Harris will increase more dependency on the government, which as Alexander Tytler predicted will be the last cycle of any democracy before bondage.
Hope v. Fear? Dependency on the Government v. the old fashion American way of hard work to better one’s situation. That’s really what this election comes down to.
I lost friends after voting for Reagan in the 1976 Texas primary (which he won!) Don't miss'em. I agree totally with your assessment, Hope v Fear. That sums it up perfectly! The good news is that Trump learned a lot during his first term, hamstrung by investigations and disloyal subordinates. The folks you identify are different. They get it. Hope is starting to sound exciting! But toads like Cornyn must be marginalized, not promoted to replace McConnell. How about Sentator Kennedy as Senate Majority Leader? What a hoot that would be!
Oh 53rd Chapter, I'm in Texas and we absolutely need to start a GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT against John Cornyn replacing McConnell!!!
He is an absolute UNIPARTY SWAMP CREATURE!!!!
By the way, Thune isn't any better!!!
They're wanting to hold a secret 🙊 ballot 🗳 vote in order to kneecap Trump with one of these two goons !!!!!
Yeah, Ana, I know, Cornyn or Thune - a no-choice choice from the uniparty.
Yes, we need to be thinking about Cornyn's next primary. I would have considered Chip Roy, but his TDS disqualifies him for me. Do you have anyone in mind?
I agree 👍 with you.
I don't have anyone in mind right now to Primary him at this time.
What I DO KNOW is that we need to start our search ASAP because he has a massive WAR CHEST!!!
Do you know JoAnn Fleming from Grassroots America We The People here in Tyler Texas?
Once we get Our Real President back in the White House 🏠, I'll be reaching out to her on what I need to do to form a RINO PRIMARY INITIATIVE here in Texas!!!
We have too many Republocrats as I call the UNIPARTY Swamp Creatures.
Wow! Looks great; thanks!
That's their newest addition. It is a wonderful tool!
Share it with all of your friends 🧡!
Dawn Buckingham might be a good one to consider
I don't trust Sen Kennedy. Can't put my finger on it or I would explain. His JBS scorecard average is only 63%. Don't want Thune either. He has been there since 1999 and his JBS scorecard is a measly 56%.
Shelley, I also like Josh Hawley. Would do a great job, but less funny. How about Ron Johnson?
I think they are both good. However, neither appears to be able to pull enough senators to their views. Leadership is based on how many bucks one can pull into the reelection war chest - and that's a shame. Both had JBS scorecards in the 70s because JBS finds deficits and debt unconstitutional, which occurred during Trump's term. Mike Lee would be good and Ted Cruz but they have not put their hat in the ring.
Rick Scott I believe wants the job. Not sure he can pull in the votes though. He is a JBS 68%
No Rick Scott, he signed the red flag laws as Governor. No good on guns.
Good to know. Was the law veto proof by the legislature?
Cruz and Scott are in extremely tight races. Cruz is behind today.
I have been getting the texts but I don't believe the polls. The polls say that because they want to provide cover for their cheating after they have added enough fraudulent votes to actually win. If enough GOP votes come in they won't be able to pull it off.
Sen.John Kennedy has impressed and entertained us with his wit and style during questioning in hearings. But his voting and JBS score do not refect a dedicated full Republican in the Constitutional sense. For these reasons I do not think he would be a good Majority leader. Thune no. Not good. Josh Hawley is solid. He represents We the People.
Problem with Sen. Kennedy is he is from Louisiana. That state is so politically wacko that pols from there walk a very fine line indeed not to enrage the whole damned tribe.
Rambler, I think that 🤔 they're trying to draft Rick Scott.
That is why it is VERY important that they be defeated this November, BECAUSE they have their program of creating more DEPENDENT PEOPLE on steroids!!!!!!
The gov is to big n ow, can you imagine what it will be when all those migrants are fast-tracked citizens? And the gov is already giving them free stuff and promising more free stuff. Oh they are fundamentally changing America, Obama's dream. I do believe Biden's term was a continuation of Obama's and so would Harris' term. Buit I do have a lingering question, WHY? Won't their families and friends suffer like the rest of jus do? How can they be shielded from the tragic results?
They will be the remaining ones with the guns.
They do not hate Trump per se, they hate what he represents. Progressives have spent a century discombobulating our constitutional republic to insinuate it into some eurocentric global socialist entity. They thought after inserting the 44's string pulling cabal they had the stage set for the final curtain to be pulled by the deplorable hag (selfsame cabal of course). Did not happen....Trump happened and worse, a reinvigorated populism totally contrary to their plans. They are now terrified and frightened vermin are at their most dangerous.
One has to wonder if it isnt a matter of thinking the Trump team will do onto them (well deserved) what they would do onto us? Surely they deserve it. However, we (the Trump team) have far more pressing things to accomplish for the good of all of us!
I agree if "They" represents the globalist elite. But for the mass unwashed, TDS is a very real malady, and personal to the core. Talk to Greg Popovich or Charles Barkley. It's hatred with a capital H. I don't have a clue what drives their bus.
Popovich is a monomaniac. Great b ball coach and dumb as a sack of rocks about anything else. Barkley a big mouth that could dunk a ball. They like the hollywood moronic tribe only have ideas planted there by others
But that makes my point; the hatred is planted by others, taking root and growing like a weed, Poison ivy.
Thank God for Shaq O’Neil
They loved him before they hated him. Vindicating Trump - full movie by Dinesh D'Souza.
Putting the evil genie back in the bottle after the election is going ti be tough. Even ifTrump by his actions destroys the ginned up narrative against him the emotional investment nog to mention the political agenda if the left and Globalists will not disappear. It will take a big threat, not just a ginned up fake pandemic to unite us as a country. It is going to be a 6 year street brawl at the minimum at the heart a Spiritual battle
My thoughts entirely.
But It is attainable because of so many discoveries explaining mass/fraud/sycosis played.
Gary, the post election economic crash/depression might be a big enough threat...
Thank you for this post today.
I used to bemoan the loss of family and friends over TDS. But now I have an unshakable bond with my husband that I might not ever have had otherwise. I don't miss them, and I certainly don't miss their drama.
Completely agree. No loss for the hateful drama. We refuse to engage. The fallout is not in our control. But our mental health is.
Absolutely! My life is much happier--you?
I call horse shit on that Kamala Harris "your vote, your choice" campaign ad. What happens in the booth, stays in the booth. It's almost like saying, what happens in the stall, stays in the stall. No it doesn't, somebody has got to muck it out.
It breaks my heart to see families do this to each other. I'm so sorry this happened to you and Jill. I've been fortunate that my lefty relatives have managed to keep politics out of our relationship, OR, there are a few who I'm not close to to begin with so it doesn't matter. My once lefty niece who called my parents and I racists is now voting for Trump. There is still hope. We may never receive an apology, but luckily we know enough not to expect one.
Tremendous assessment, Dr. Malone! Wow! What other candidate would take words and run with it. From McDonald’s to a Garbage Truck! What display of energy for “we the people”! I’m 6 months younger but don’t have that much energy!
Get out the vote! This can be our last free election! I am so happy how energized are the different segments of our country! Happiness doesn’t win the election! It still matters to vote on our God given principles not just on words! We need to be a united nation for best Constitution in the world. We can no longer take our freedoms for granted.
So agree. Just view policy differences. They are WIDE.
That ad for Kabal-a, as I call her, where the wife deceives her husband really nauseated me for every reason you have stated. Happy to lie to him! I shudder realizing just how many Jezebels are out 'there', evil and scheming their way through worshipping Baal in every sort of nefarious way. It is white women, by far, who curse us and mock us and middle-finger us and scream all sorts of vile words at us when we prayerfully stand vigil at an abortion center praying for the innocents who have no voice. Astoundingly awful! God, bless President Trump. May his goodness prevail.
Why assume they are married? Just because they called each other "Honey?" I think hers was sarcastic. Neither one displayed a wedding ring.
Going forward, even with Trump winning will not be a cakewalk. The civility in America has worn thin, and the family fractures from the pandemic remain. Many are amplified with this election. Our very values and integrity are at stake. While we will remain stoic and true no matter the outcome, we will not ever be the same again. I hope all are prepared for it to be difficult before it gets better with Trump. So many steps have been taken making it harder than ever to give the new president power and authority. YET, he's got a remarkable team with him this time, and he's no naif. Praying with hope.
Julia Roberts and American women need to wake up and realise that if Kamala gets in, the US - and the rest of us, I'm British - will be heading for a One World Government when elections/voting will never take place again!
I have come to realize that Julia Roberts and so many other Hollywood "elites" are just not all that smart. Seriously low intelligence people. A huge number of them are not all that educated beyond high school, and they don't seem to have informed themselves in the years since high school, either. They have achieved fame and riches based mostly on an above average physical appearance and sometimes by their acting chops. They aren't well informed or especially knowledgeable about the subjects they pontificate on. But by associating with and supporting the political elites, they can magically feel they have achieved some degree of importance that they wouldn't be able to reach otherwise. They vastly overrate their importance and ability to influence people. They are shallow almost beyond comprehension. I have little to no respect for any of them. It's unfortunate that uninformed people who are fans would listen to their recommendations. Ultimately, most of us find them amusing and laughable, sort of pathetic in the truest sense of the word.
It went personal for me back in the tea party days. We were lied about, ostracized, joked about, alienated, censored, silenced, and attacked, by family, friends, business associates, and strangers, fueled by the corrupt media. And yes govt (alphabet agencies to elected politicians) went after the groups, their leaders, and their businesses. Andrew Breitbart was 💯 correct when he called it #WAR. It has only become worse. Elon is also 💯 correct, if Trump loses, this will end America and elections.
Those days Deb, were years of closeness with like-minded individuals. We were true grass roots, not astro-turf as Peglosi called us. Once we were effective, and boy were we, the knives came out and the Dem's became masters of election fraud evident with Dems picking of Senates seats in red states through infiltration of election officials.
Trump will not lose! If the elections are not rigged against him! Not this time baby! We as a nation are so much wiser today. We will not allow our democracy go down the tubes.
It seems so unfair. It seems as if nothing makes sense and there is no justice. And, with all major change it takes the unbelievable to happen, the dark to bring back the light, and divine intervention to set things straight. I believe the family was so easily breakable because it was always broken, and no one was genuine for long periods of time. No one got to be heard, to be right, to be important. I salute G. Edward Griffin's argument that Collectivism is the real issue for all of this horrific debacle, because without individualism, no one gets to feel heard, seen, important. What kind of collective is there if none of us count? As hurtful as it may be, and I too have been let down by my doctor, my cousins, my neighbors and some friends. I am happy that I get to see their true colors, stubborn ignorance and unfortunately too, their self-loathing. I also believe that many have to point their fingers at others in order to survive, because they are full of contempt for themselves and if they don't project it they have to own it. The truth will prevail, God always wins, and that nasty post that your relative put out there is so distasteful and inappropriate. I can't imagine they have a loving bone in their body. Keep marching Dr.'s Robert and Jill. We need you and are grateful for your courage. There will be a day when you receive the recognition you deserve, and you already do from us and from God. Sending love.
Major hit with me, Evie. The human psyche is fragile, easily co-opted, and the need to be right gets in the way of reason and wisdom.
Excellent post! You stated exactly what I feel. Thank you
God has a wonderful and loving plan for husbands and wives. Modern feminism is a disaster for marriages and the nation. One where neither is being stepped on.
"Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
22Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. 23For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, His body, of which He is the Savior. 24Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her 26to sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27and to present her to Himself as a glorious church, without stain or wrinkle or any such blemish, but holy and blameless.
28In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29Indeed, no one ever hated his own body, but he nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church. 30For we are members of His body.
31“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”e 32This mystery is profound, but I am speaking about Christ and the church. 33Nevertheless, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” -Ephesians 5:21-33
Well said and excellent reminder of basing a life on the eternal not secular!
‘Faith' in America has become very secular or it has become ‘patriotic’. Neither is Christ centered.
The constitution is a secular constitution, with separation of church and state. The experiment made the U.S. the freest nation in the world. May it remain so.
No one is going to force you to become Christian or Jewish. Secular humanism, abortion and alphabet soup ideology have become almost religious issues in our culture.
I am glad the founding fathers set it up the way they did.
Thank you for this truth.
It’s taken a long time to break free of my upbringing and our culture. I really believe GOD’s ways are best.
The projection coming from that in-law is hysterical.
I wouldn’t tell THEM where Anne Frank was hiding.
Yup. They'll turn her in because should wasn't vaccinated.
Or pure enough
Thank you so much for saying things which may be hard for some to hear but which need to be said!! The idea that "the little woman" is being held down by her dumb, domineering, MAGA husband but can "break free" in the voting booth is both offensive and patently untrue! I was told in 2016 that I was "in the grips" of a "misogynist" because I didn't support Hillary Clinton! I replied that I was far more involved in politics than my husband and I had no problem voting for women, IF they were strong, honest, ethical, and shared my values and views on government, NONE of which applied to Hillary!
The absolute unreasonable anger that Leftists seem to feel for anyone who refuses to acquiesce to their worldview is, IMHO, indicative of mental illness (and I freely admit that I know some on the right who suffer from the same malady but proportionally it seems to be much more common on one side of the aisle than the other).
We need to get back to the place where we can have reasonable discussions, based on actual FACTS, and stop the passive-aggressive name calling and shunning of friends and family!
I know dozens of people, myself included, who had family members completely cut them off because of decisions made during C0v1d or because of political differences. In all but ONE case, it was done by those on the Left, and that alone SHOULD give them pause for thought, but evidently, it doesn't, as evidenced by the recent Facebook post of Dr. Malone's family member. What a sad state of affairs our country has come to - I am honestly glad that my parents are not here to see it because it would break their heart!
It has always been brothers, Dems, that like to agitate me since Bush 43 won. They follow along with the media, which has always been hostile to republicans. My older brother was the worst and he passed a decade ago. I sent both younger brothers a 2019 email with a link that discussed how the Russia Hoax was just that, a hoax and the youngest wrote back saying he wouldn't even read it because he was smart enough to know it was not a hoax and anyone who thought otherwise was a flat-earther. In 2020 he sent an email that said his Hail Mary was getting a president that would really tackle Covid. My response was I would no longer discuss politics. The other younger brother will never admit to the other that he, register Dem, has been voting R for some years. He gave DJT $1,000 after the first assassination attempt.
Neither of us have told him we are jab free. He has gotten every jab and booster offered and has been suffering since with many health issues. He still thinks his brother votes for Dems.
You cannot reason someone out of something they have not been reasoned into. The ostracizing of family and friends is basically a one-sided issue.
"You cannot reason someone out of something they have not been reasoned into...."
This is perfect - may I steal it?
Borrow it, that's what I did.