Feb 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

THANK YOU, Dr. Malone, for the transcript.

This interview is like a brain earthquake -- I keep relistening it over and over.

I can’t stress enough that every citizen of Earth needs to know what @MikeBenzCyber described in this extraordinary interview.

If you want to know the who, what, why, how of what’s happening to all of us this interview will inform you. De facto -- we live under a military rule while " fighting for 'democracy' ".

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Mike Benz said, "Inversion of Democracy." Not bottom up, but top down with business and governmental institutions acting in lock step to redefine the definition of democracy. President Trump from day one was recognized as an impediment in moving this concept forward. The Covid con was weaponized against him and the common man. The major players were DOD/BARDA/CIA& Big Pharma with Gate Gang and WEF rejoicing! How many lives have been destroyed by the cabal of humans that have inverted democracy for the benefit of a few? How will this end?

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= Fascism.

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Thank you — under fascist military rule

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Does that mean Mein Kampf has come to fruition in America?

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Quick Question RWM, what percentage of what was said from Mike Benz were you aware of ? On a scare of 10% all the way to 99.9%?

A chameleon crisis renewed has emerged.

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My 'comment' has been BLOCKED!

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I think Bill Gates is involved…Lovely. Ed

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Tried to comment on your post and it disappeared????

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Me too (11.49, Sunday 18th, UK)

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It seemed mine was subverted too. Reworded and it appears that snuck under the wire

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I was naming names - and telling the truth.

The enemy WITHIN has metastasized - exactly like a fatal cancer - and IS killing the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of.

What Mike Benz so explicitly presented is WAY more than I thought or new about the evil that now permeates the very essence of America. It may be the days of our sovereignty are done.

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John Swinton, former editor of The New York Times shocked an audience of journalists during a banquet speech when he said:

“There is no such thing in America as an independent press. You know it and I know it... The business of the Journalist is to destroy truth; To lie outright; To pervert; To vilify; To fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his county and his race for his daily bread.

You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

“It is a fact that most editors and newsmen on the staffs of Life, Look, Time, Newsweek, etc., and most editors, reporters, and commentators at NBC, CBS, and ABC take their news and editorial cues from the New York Times.

Technically, it is a great newspaper; but it reports much of the news in conformity with its editorial policies. The late Arthur Hays Sulzberger, chairman of the board of the New York Times, was a member of the CFR, and today there are at least 11 people in high positions with e Times who are CFR members.

Sulzberger's son-in-law Orvil E. Dryfoos (CFR) succeeded him as publisher. The current publisher is Arthur Ochs ‘Punch’ Sulzberger (CFR). Other CFR members at the Times are: Harding Bancroft, Executive Vice President. James Reston, Vice President and columnist; A. M. Rosenthal, managing editor; Seymour Topping, assistant managing editor; Max Frankel, Sunday editor; Harrison Salisbury, associate editor; C. L. Sulzberger, columnist; and David Halberstam, columnist.”

–Gary Allen, “The Rockefeller File”

“Running a close second to the New York Times in the prestige race is the Washington Post. Every Senator and Congressman, regardless of his party or political persuasion, has the Post on his desk each morning.

Like the Times, the Post is read by the people who count when it comes to running the country. The Post's owner and publisher Katharine Graham is a member of the CFR, as are other top editors and management personnel. For years the Post has been referred to as ‘the uptown Daily Worker.’

The only time the Post has ever opposed big governments when it has been used to investigate Communism. When this has happened, the people at the Post frantically start waving the Constitution and babbling about ‘freedom of speech’ something they regularly suppress when it involves opposition to fascism socialism or the Rockefellers.”

Gary Allen, “The Rockefeller File”

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Says it all!

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Can you now summarize?

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I would Love a link to this speech. It was obviously on video yes?

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PS: All the Congressman who have been re-educated by the Aspen Institute should be voted out of office!

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Along with the WEFies

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Ludid and concise truth! Difficult to understand why so many are out to destroy and not to uphold the rights of others. It says a lot for their level of consciousness.

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A false sense of superiority!

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A myopic level of delusion. What they are doing is pushing the West into revolution and collapse. They are too stupid to realize they'll destroy themselves in the process.

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Yep! What else would you expect from self centered egotistical humans that can’t see beyond their nose!

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Well said

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Please read the recent posts by Public and Rackett News. They spell out a great deal of information about CISA and the Aspen Institute, as well as other organizations involved in censorship and manipulation of American Elections.

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Dr. Malone feeds us this type of information like we were his starving children! We don't get fat, but rather enlightened or at least get gray areas filled in.

I happen to subscribe to Racket also.

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Feb 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And we all wanted to believe Barack was one of the “good” guys. Diplomatic, intelligent, polished does not mean good.

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"We all" is going too far as too many knew exactly what he was. January 2009, I entered the world of do whatever you can to push back against this Marxist. An online group I joined in 2009 has archived his entire presidency and it describes eight years of hell trashing the Constitution. We got the transformation he promised and Michelle described in May of 08. “Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

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I felt the same as you Shelley. The rotten cherry on top was Obama care. I would get in arguments with family and friends watching our healthcare be taken over by a government that bankrupts everything it touches. Honest to God I had sleepless nights. These things burden me, I see people that don’t care or pay attention and many days I feel I’m cursed.

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You are NOT cursed as long as I am not pushing up daisies. We, that hang out here, will continue to reach our goal for our Beloved United States of America.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸, Ed

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I pray 🙏 you’re right!

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Indeed James. First time I felt we had an in-your-face frontal assault rather than the creeping subversion of prior admins. It was frustration to the highest degree rather than feeling cursed, knowing so many were blind to it like they are now with Covid, wars, manufactured division . . . We are brothers and sister here which lessens the frustration and perhaps loneliness of thought.

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Cocaine crazy and gay (bi-sexual) - and deeply corrupt plus -- he knows ALL about genocide in Indonesia in his childhood :

A bit more on St. Obama and his CIA, FBI and NSA executives: Barack Obama was/is a spook (i.e., CIA operative/spy ), from a spook family, and his political campaigns were financed by spooks… ). Snowden disclosed the all-encompassing surveillance of US population under St. Obama after Clapper directly lied about it in Senate and to all of us.

In 1965 CIA organized a coup against Indonesia founding president Sukarno by CIA-trained generals. The US considered Sukarno too progressive (he implemented land-reform – same reason for CIA coup in Guatemala which resulted with a genocide of high-land Mayas). CIA installed one of the most murderous military regime (under Suharto dictatorship) on Earth which killed more than two millions ( 2M ) civilians – the massacres are known as “The Jakarta Method” (see book by Vincent Bevins) used subsequently in Africa (Angola, Mozambique) and throughout Latin and Central America.

What is important here is that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, worked for U.S. government agencies and allied NGOs—the Ford Foundation, Asia Foundation, Development Alternatives Inc., and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)—in Indonesia in the 1960s and 1970s as well as later in Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Thailand.

Obama’s mother married Indonesian Lt. Col. Lolo Soetoro; they had a daughter Maya Soetoro when Barack Obama was four. The colonel was from an aristocratic family which lost out in Sukarno’s land reform; the marriage was likely arranged, Obama’s mother may have acted as a female “honeypot” for the CIA whose job was to recruit assets

Obama always lied and claimed that his mother did not know about the countless atrocities that were committed by the Suharto government, which is implausible given her CIA background and the fact that they were much reported on by mainstream newspapers at the time (although mostly favorably by right-wing media). Of significance, Obama underplayed his stepfather Lolo’s army rank in his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope.

Soetoro went on to become an executive at Mobil Oil and its liaison to Suharto, whose policies Obama’s mother praised. And – Obama became a labor and community “organizer” – while he actually worked for a large corporate foundation.

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA

By Jeremy Kuzmarov - October 1, 2021 ( Note: Photos themselves are truly fascinating )

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA - CovertAction Magazine


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There is also a book out called JFK and Dulles that tells the story about JFK backing

Sukarno and Dulles didn't like it because his law firm represented the Rockefeller interests.

including Freeport McMoran who is now doing the mining in Indonesia!

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2024 POLITICS is about to undergo a Major Atlantic disaster.

As did the unsinkable TITANIC! To be felt round the World.

I can almost see the debris and smell the stench of dead careers from here.

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I hate to sound racist, but the fact that Barack Obama was the first black President gave him/them a pass on many things that would have been questioned otherwise. If anyone questioned Obama, they were called racist. No matter what Obama said or did, most Americans were afraid to question it because if they did, they were destroyed by being called racist.

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Today it’s worse than ever. People say you’re racist like saying hello. The other day on sub stack a completely brainwashed girl (Tanya) did her brainwashed schooled rant and called me a racist. She brought up equity and said I have white privilege. I won’t get into my response but after I was done with Tanya I never got a response.

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I wonder if the paid trolls have landed on Substack?

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I remember that being the case, especially on a personal level, as when I questioned the anointed one, i got called a racist

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That is exactly why pant suit was switch to Barry. What would pay off the most, misogyny or racism? I remember the story about the St. Louis newspaper that was warned by Barry’s team early in his campaign that with the large black population in the area they had better be nice to Barry in print.

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Funny how us typical white people are the racists.

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I was not one of the “We all” either. Just a little bit of research told me what I needed to know. I understood the USA a bit better after a second election was had, and was sadly disappointed in its people, my people. A similar phenomenon took place during the very sad and broken country’s Covid response.

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I believe that biden said of the “most comprehensive election fraud organization in the history of this country” quote that it was setup for he and hussein’s elections. So I don’t believe you should be Sadly disappointed in anything I believe we’ve been had my friend. It wasn’t us making those bad judgment calls after all. I know a large number of people in the black community didn’t give him a second vote. Knowing what I know now about Romney and that second debate I also think he threw the fight on that election. Thankfully that rino is either gone or going so we won’t have to listen to his democrat talking points any longer.

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Barak was and is someones asset. His handlers were sitting around many, many, years ago watching the O.J. Simpson trial, and someone said out loud. Thats what we need a man who can get away with anything because he is black. He is the OJ Simpson of American politics, a Manchurian Candidate.

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A CIA creation from the beginning.

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At least he was "bright and clean"

(Per J. Biteme Biden)

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17

I always thought he was the moron that he is

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I fell for it too. He's an eloquent speaker, but quite the deceiver!

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Kinda like the devil huh? He sure was smooth.

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I’ve never thought he was a good guy. Right from the time he appeared, something about him gave me the heebie jeebies.

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Feb 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yesterday I listened to Tucker’s Benz interview twice. In doing so, my mind trailed off to so many Substack writers as daily they published the very things rolling off his tongue in firehose fashion. Had we not had a cursory understanding prior to that interview, 80% would have gone over our heads completely unrecognized and unnoticed. Yes, they are stunning. They are sobering.

Thank you for setting it up for so many more of our people to view who love our country and want it back. I pray to God it goes viral.

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It is going viral! Needs to

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Feb 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For anyone interested, The Devil’s Chessboard, by David Talbot, shows the road map between the CIA and the media. The art of ‘leaking’ information is well documented and shows the NYT and WaPo were corrupt back to the 30’s and moving forward.

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Another good book charting intelligence agency control over media in recent decades is Red White & Blind: The Truth about Disinformation by Tony Brasunas. It was published in 2023 and covers many of the topics Mike Benz discussed with Tucker Carlson.

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Thanks for that Maria. There are a handful of well-written and documented books shinning a light on the CIA. Never hurts to have another! Dr. Malone has provide links to websites on this in the past. Find and save them!

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We are living in “Red Dawn”…. Just without the parachutes

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Actually, since the Communists at CBS, ABC and NBC convoluted it during the 1970 elections, we are living (now) in the "Blue Dawn".

Perhaps "CFR" member - Warren Beatty - will make a "BLUE'S" sequel to his "RED'S".

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What We the (formerly) sovereign American citizens WILL soon be "living" in - unless a MIRACLE intervenes is a lifelong "Blue Nightmare".

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deletedFeb 17
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I've only seen 1 Trump sign in town, and the only NH county to vote for the establishment candidate Nikki Haley. Don't really feel like getting a rock through the window by putting up a Trump sign, but you never know with the left. It's a shame.

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The left gets caught taking Trump signs down. I seem videos of it!

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LOL,....... not here though. I'm in the deep south. Plenty of people who aren't getting the big picture , but conservative, none the less.

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We moved to Georgia about 9 years ago now for a job and I’d have to second that comment with the exception during the 2020 election we had a few people from up north move onto the block which was the first time I saw 2 Biden signs on my street. I haven’t been home in months so it’ll be interesting to see if they still put up their signs after the last 3 years of destruction. I’ll be home at the end of March it’ll be interesting to see.

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For a long time I didn’t understand why the heads of agencies and the military elites hated Trump so much. This certainly shows he was somewhat of a wall they butt up against. I had a neighbor/friend who joined the army after college at Northeastern U. He made it all the way to the rank of Colonel and for years was the person that lobbied congress as he said for everything from a bullet to an M1A2 Abrams Tank to S-97 Raider hi speed helicopters. He stopped by after the 2020 election and I asked him what he thought of Biden being president? He said I’m totally relieved and happy Trump is gone. Of coarse I asked why?? He said things will get back to normal. When Trump was president he would go line by line through requests to fund equipment many times not allowing funding for things he didn’t think were needed. With Biden he said it’s rubber stamped. Whatever I want gets funded. He said this same thing is throughout the whole military’s leadership.

I believe the desire for all of America’s agencies to oust Trump was mainly because he looked out for the American citizens bottom line, their freedoms, their happiness. Biden allows anything and everything including censorship to play ball with these agencies including the military. This keeps him in power. This is why they installed him. All of these people have no care for the cost of food, the price of gas, what it costs to heat/cool your home or increased wages for average people. They only care about having an open check book and the power to do what they want for themselves and their piers. J.Goodrich

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His getting elected when "everyone knew" Hillary Clinton would become the president upset (delayed) their globalist plans and the grift for a couple of years. He won in 2020 and they were better prepared for that. Now they will keep trying to make sure it doesn't happen a 3rd time.

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Robbie it’s hard for me to watch these evil people take him down piece by piece. When I saw Jean Carrel rejoice over her efforts to steal 83 million dollars from him given to her by a corrupt judge, and now New York’s 350 million for another phony case I honestly hold back tears seeing what’s happened to America. I just can’t believe it. I know he’s far from a perfect man, none of us are. If it comes down to it I believe eventually they will kill him.

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I feel the same on all points. I doubt anyone even on the left think Jean Carrel had a case or that anything ever happened. She could not even say what year it "happened" (Her legal bill paid for by the owner of Linkedin). But her testimony was a script from a TV show. So I guess that makes for credibility. So anything that hurts Trump is fine with the left. On the same day the "judge" came out with the $355M steal from Trump for not doing anything wrong, Trump made $4 Billion on the Truth Social sale. Last night I read that the truckers have decided not to drive into New York. How many will participate? we will see. I think one thing that may be holding them back from murdering Trump is they are afraid what the people will do in response. This is not the era of the Kennedy assassinations, and we all have been put through a lot in the last 4 years.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

4 years? It’s 8 years at this point with Trump and add another 8 years of hussein’s insanity and chaos. A few years in I told my husband of his administration that it’s like the parents went on vacation and the kids have the car and checkbook. Anyway everyone is talking about NYC out here on the road. We started 2 days ago when Chicago Ray brought it up. 17 of my friends have already turned down NY loads. I always say out here on the road teletype, telephone or tell a trucker. I once coined a phrase and said it on the CB in Barstow CA and by the time I got to NJ truckers were already saying it. But I do hope you’re right about the cia not taking out Trump. The only thing he’s ever done was fight to give us back our country.

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I think of the recent Kavanaugh attempted hit. I talk to so many people that hate Trump with such passion. They’re so swayed by the media’s lies. It only takes one leftest mental case to be swirled up into a frenzy by the MSM’s deceitful lies and they’ll fly across the country with a backpack of weapons to take him out. Almost like a Manchurian hit man.

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My heart breaks for Donald Trump and his entire family. I honestly believe the CIA intends to bankrupt him, ensure he is convicted of a felony, will make sure he cannot become our next president no matter what they need to do to prevent him from dismantling their illegal operations inside the US. Trump has the secret binder that proves Obama authorized the Russia Hoax with the help of the CIA and FBI. That’s why they raided Mara Lago.

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I believe you’re right about that. Jokes on them though.

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I agree major concern. Why I hope he will pick a forceful able VP. Insurance assassination would afford no benefit!

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You’re right! I’d hate to loose him in the house but he’s a firebrand. Matt Gaetz would be a perfect choice to stop them in their tracks. He’s so bright and young he would take them apart. Anything Trump couldn’t complete Gaetz would get it done.

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I hope truckers do stop going to NYC!!!

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Some will. There will always be scabs, but hopefully enough to send a message

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We already have 17 loads and counting and our dispatcher is with us so he stopped taking loads to NYC as well.

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There is a threshold list. There is a number. There is operatives. There is cover up.

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Shows the idealogical mental "rot" that inhabits the minds of leftists.

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I hate to admit it but I worry about the same thing. In Trumps Tucker interview he asked Trump about an attempt on his live being the next thing they’ll do because they’ve done everything else to no avail. Trump said these people are evil Tucker and changed the subject so he knows too. I pray for him everyday I think a lot of us do.

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"When Trump was president he would go line by line through requests to fund equipment many times not allowing funding for things he didn’t think were needed. With Biden he said it’s rubber stamped. Whatever I want gets funded. He said this same thing is throughout the whole military’s leadership."

While I am in no way, shape or form advocating for a draft, every country's military should have people throughout the ranks who would rather be doing something else.

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Agreed Tamenund, that should include our government as well. Public service has turned into a criminal enterprise.

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Im sure it has been for way longer than you, or I have been alive. It being exposed can be credited to DJT, IMHO

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Feb 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Man o man, what we have discovered in the last 8 years or so! The light is starting to shine bright.

Lets just hope and pray we can turn this ship around.

BTY, Robert, very good show on Epoch TV last night.

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thank you. More are coming!

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Feb 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The long format interviews Tucker is doing are amazing. He never could have gotten that interview with Mike Benz in the "made for TV" format. TCN & Substack, Rumble, are doing good in this chaotic world.

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Yes they are, thankfully.

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I’m glad Fox let Tucker go because I think all he’s doing is way better now. I believe things happen for a reason. It’s Fox’s loss and aside from watching stuff on Fox Nation, I’ve barely tuned into Fox since they let him go. I do like Jesse Watters so I miss that.

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Same here, since Tucker got fired we barely watch Fox, but I still like Gutfield and Trace.

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I have Fox Nation if I really want to see a show but I rarely even do that. I’m just disgusted with Fox overall these days.

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Feb 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow! That is shocking yet totally believable information.

My husband walked through the room and heard just a few minutes and replied” We are living in a military state.”

Now what can we do?

Dr Malone you have had this operation target you since the Dark Horse Podcast. Thank you for not backing down. I think most of us in this substack have been censored on social media. We can’t backdown. I will keep sending out the information you publish on substack.

Happy 45 th Anniversary today.

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PS I missed your Epoch TV interview. Can you post a link. I will see if I can pull it up

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Here it is Melanie. It was a good one. So much info in just 25 minutes.


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Thank you so much Shelley

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"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist" -Eisenhower's warning against the MIC <----You Are Here

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I agree TriTorch with Biden you will get no guard against anything. He only cares about keeping power. He has no care for the average American.

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Well that was a rapid fire performance, that was wildly unexpected and well executed,

Play it again Sam. I need the refresher version wicked up.

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I’m reading Eric Metaxas’s biography of Bonhoeffer. The speed of the Nazi regime to overtake Germany is comparable to the forces overtaking democracy at present. We must awaken true Patriots to sacrifice their comfort to confront the Evil in our times. This interview confirmed the deep state’s tentacles that affect every aspect of our lives. Horrifically frightening….

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Indeed….evil persists

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That is a fabulous book - Bonhoeffer. What a sterling life!

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02/17/24: "Democracy" is Fani Willis's "justification" (on the witness stand no less!) for looting the public state treasury of Georgia and spending it on her Eunuch-Lawyer Lover and their all-expenses-paid trips to vacation resorts, etc.

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Feb 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow! Since I became somewhat politically coherent, sometime around the mid sixties, I have asked myself and others from time to time why our government makes laws and decisions that seem to be in direct conflict with what I believe to be common sense.  Sad as it is, this explains it.

GOD Bless and many Thanks to Dr. Malone, Jill, and your staff.

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Wow, what an interview. M two cents on propaganda in general:

These five rules of propaganda have been known for a long time, and they are certainly not original with myself. They can be found on the internet through searches. Please send them around so that more people will be aware of them. Ideally get them posted in school classrooms. Thank You.

The Five Rules of Propaganda

1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.


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Feb 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Truth always wins out, but getting truth out has become a war. Getting the truth of the mRNA shots out took about as long as WWII.

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Feb 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, mind-boggling information!! We are your warriors and we will spread this wide and far...

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