Thank you for another superb missive, Doc. I am a retired fighter pilot and presently a commercial business jet pilot. The actions of the government and airlines to mandate the jab were horrific. I had C19 and steadfastly refused the vaxx (the bizjet community vaxx approach varied between accounts) and was eventually able to keep my job. No surprise, re: military—unfortunately, every military member learns that the military medical community are not your friends. I have friends/colleagues in the commercial aviation profession who’ve been vaxxed and boosted; they’ve had multiple subsequent bouts with C19, trips to the ER with cardiac/neurological issues, and living under a heavy blanket of, “Am I next?” None of the aforementioned are contributors to a culture of safety and effective crew resource management, and it’s a fool’s errand to think this present administration will take any concrete corrective actions.

What you write, Doc, is the truth, and through your thoughtful articulation you ensure that the truth will not be lost in the turmoil of arguments. Pax tecum, Doc.

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One has to wonder, when the entire might of the government and their media stooges is centered on forcing a society to all take a jab for a disease that, frankly, is just not that dangerous for most people, what the real reason is. It simply doesn't add up and stupidity is not a good answer.

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To make rich people richer. QED

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You left out power and control.

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Which you get by being rich

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Or in politics, but that's redundant.

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Yes but it's appears darker and more sinister than that. Almost an effort by the globalists to impose a modern form of feudalism. "You will own nothing and be happy." Or as Klaus counsels, "you vill eat ze bugs!"

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Interesting you said that. I had a thought that the european aristocracy were so inbred that their wars were more like family squabbles. Modern warfare changed that dynamic since big estates useless if no one to work them which was pretty much the case after WW I. But now the capitalist economy has created a cadre of global oligarchs who behave in much the same way as those old time aristocrats. And yes, they consider us their peons

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Very good observation and their actions speak much louder than their words if people would only pay attention. And on top of that learn from history, real history, not the garbage taught in our very controlled and expensive institutions.

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The old conspirqcy theory is that it is the same bloodlines that run things for thousands of years.

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They were family squabbles that included exiles & beheading when they weren't marrying off daughters and sons between countries. Q Victoria managed to marry all twelve children into twelve different nation's royal families. Grandson Wilhelm was one of them. In 1918 when he realized Germany was losing the war he left his 'throne' for the Netherlands where he dies in 1941. Most interesting are the marriages between England and Russia.

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Jake, the treatment our military has received is absolutely unconscionable and shameful. I was unaware of so much until covid was foisted on us; now I have no trust in government or doctors. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences.

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Jake, I hope you are thanking the Midwestern Dr., not just Dr. Malone.

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Of course! I’m thankful to ALL in this fight (and it is a fight). Specific thanks today to Dr. Malone for his leadership and today’s post. Great catch!

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So proud of you Jake for being hard rock "steadfast" for what you know to be true, and will be a forever pinnacle point to your friends and family. David Martin has saying he often closes with. "I have entrusted you with much!......Even more is expected." A credit to Mother Nature.

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Thank you for your kind words, Randall. For many reasons, refusing was easy for me. However, I certainly empathize with those who made the opposite decision, most—if not all—altruistically believing the government’s diktats. The carnage of this evil perpetrated on humanity is still going and we may never know the final toll. Best wishes to you and yours, Randall. Keep fighting te good fight!

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JEDI you have become.

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“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair

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Upton Sinclair, a true socialist whose writings motivated people towards socialism during hard times. Never a nuanced man, he founded his own socialist commune over a 100 years ago in Englewood, NJ.

People continue to favor his quotes, and there are many.

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There are very few of those, sadly. Not more than about 20% of any given population. And in the U.S., those people are summarily canceled. But, in the end, they win.

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great history on vaccines. Let’s face it the rogue US government has continually used the armed forces as lab rats. This has spread to first responders and the general public. Sadly in the military these vaccines were given with pretty much no real way to refuse. Same with the pilots and first responders, they were coerced and lied to by the government and the idiotic media who all said they were safe and effective. Meanwhile they all invest and or get royalties from these companies while exempting themselves from the poison. I can only conclude that our government has no concern for the soldier, pilots, first responder, or citizen as we all watch the continuing and complete malpractice of the train derailment in Palestine Ohio. The transportation departments approval for a careless “controlled burn” has spread deadly toxins over miles of areas polluting and devastating the surrounding areas mostly effecting the poor. Another complete show of incompetence by this administration. Great job Mayor Pete, this should spring you right to the front of the line for a presidential run in 2024 in the Democratic Party.


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Check WEF website ( Young Global Leaders ) ~m open source, no paywall. Mayor Pete’s name is spelled correctly !

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They sign their bodies and freedom away with the military contract. Easy lab rats. I almost joined the military back in 2003+. The US Marine Corps.

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We enlisted or got commissioned believing that we could trust our command to have our backs. That is gone now, which is why we can't recruit or retain the good people we want and need.

I've been in and with the USAF since 1977. I see it every day.

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I believed in truth justice and the american way until 2006. I suppose if i had enlisted for 4 years i would have been out by about the same time. Plus 2 years reserve.

Spreading freedom and democracy was a w9rthy goal in iraq. Too bad that to spread freedom u must first have it....

In the end i joined god s army in the end so i suppose it worked out all right no matter what detours i might have tqken or not taken.

Humans will betray you. Only the creator can be trusted.

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Ymarsakar, When I read your post, something didn't feel right. "Humans will betray you. Only the creator can be trusted"./ We are part and parcel of the creator. It might be more accurate to say "ego' of the human, separate from the Divine in all of us. " I and the Father are one. (and I'm not even currently a Bible thumper). As Dannion Brinkley says, " We are Mighty and Powerful Spiritual Beings".

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Humanity is a combination of things. Would the creator obey some authority as savior and get the RNA shots? I doubt it.

Humanity is a combination of both demonic aka satanic dna as well as divine dna. What you activate is essentially what you put your focus and energy into.

I seem to remember a Daniel Brinkley on a few podcasts. Was he the life resurrection near death experiencer? For those that have experienced the resurrection/regeneration of their DNA and spirit, they may say so, but for others that have not gone through the same process, their state is much more closer to Fauci and Schwab than they may wish to admit.

In genetics, the DIvine DNA has been labeled by human scientists as "junk DNA". It is deactivated. Gee, I wonder what or who deactivated it and what DNA are we utilizing more of now after it was deactivated...

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Ymarsakar, I had two members of my immediate family in the army, my father a WW2 vet and my brother an airborne ranger. Both deceased. I would strongly object to my child joining the armed forces today. Thank god you made the right decision Ymarsakar!!!

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It was more like fate and not by choice. If it was up to me i would have signed up for 4 years and maybe officer training after. I have a natural talent for tactical leadership but i had no way to utilize it until recently. Currently i am defending russia and donbass from crazy kiev and nato. The sanctions reflecting back on aggressors is part of my work. It is a 5th gen warfare like us pilota flying drones in ukraine and afghanistan. Talk about keyboard warriors.

I only owe fealty and loyalty to god s nation. No human nation has any authority over me now.

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"They sign their bodies and freedom away with the military contract."

No, they don't. The idea that military personnel can legally be used as a "lab rat" is simply not true; informed consent is still required for any shots issued under an EUA, military or not.

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The military was infiltrated by 4th Reich Nazis since Operation Paperclip. "informed consent" doesn't work under Mengele rules.

You're witnessing a cognitive dissonance play out in your head, as what you were taught from your tradition fights against the reality of what you see. The tradition is wrong and the real facts are correct.

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I think god is warning the warmongers about not waging war against the house of israel in ukraine russia. Or else palestine and soddom will look like a spa to amis.

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In the military, with both anthrax and COVID vaccines, two unlicensed drugs driven by POLITICS, not medicine, were turned into a biological loyalty oath by truly mediocre military doctors (think M*A*S*H’s Dr/Col Frank Burns) and clueless generals/admirals who placed career advancement ahead of servicemembers’ welfare. In such a corrupt environment the inevitable and serious adverse reactions and deaths were, and still are, suppressed and covered up.

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Well there is "Admiral" Levine.......

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they are essentially lobotomized and brain damaged due to the shots.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I would like to remind everyone that Govenor Rod DeSantis has started an investigation into the adverse side effects of Covid 19 vaccines and prevention methods and any criminal responsibility of those promoting the vaccine. He is the only high profile politician I know of who is saying no to forcing the deadly vaccine on the population and actively working to sort out the problems with the vaccine rollout. He is a breath of fresh air in the Covid 19 jab issue.

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Please research DeSantis carefully. He was placed in Guantanamo 2006/07 for a very good reason. Then sent to Iraq ~ for a reason.

When he says ‘ I was in the military’ dig deeper. It’s quite a rabbit hole ~

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His record may be blemished however some people learn from their mistakes and his recent record shows he is implementing policies that are good for the citizen of Florida and for that I am grateful.

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True, but why is he implementing ‘policies’ ? The new white Knight to follow ? Lived in Fl during lockdowns

( he did lockdown ) and was impressed but antenna up by rollout of locations to get vaccine ~ include Publix. How do you learn from a military mistake and rise above it … it feels akin to escaping the mafia.

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023

Always good to be skeptical of politicians and government in general. Ignore what they say. Watch what they actually DO.

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Ron Johnson, Senator. The hated Ron Johnson. MOAR HATE!!!

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Thank you for mentioning the only One who has been on this from the beginning.

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"Those who chose to oppose the narrative won a coin flip..."

The same lucky "coin flippers" who also happened to luckily tell you what was going to happen to you?

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Blinded by his cartoon life, never thinking the joke was about turn on him as the idiot.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

this is deeply disturbing. Thank you Dr >Malone fo sharing. These are the hard, cold facts we must know to move foward. My Medical Record at the only Hospital in this part of Vermont has me listed as "unvaccinated" ... this is all so scary. I feel like we'fe living during the times when the Nazi's took over Germany, etc.

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Have you heard Vera Sharav speak? She is a Holocaust survivor and she sees parallels today with what happened in the 1930s and 1940s. As she says, the Holocaust didn't begin with the concentration camps. She recently produced a 5 part documentary called Never Again is Now, which can be seen on the Children's Health Defense website. https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/never-again-is-now-global/

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That series was really excellent!

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It is the same nazis. Reqd operation paperclip. Same nazis. Not neo nqzis.

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Because that is quickly becoming an accurate analogy

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Out of five sons, I have had four join the military. I would no longer encourage young men and women to join. Our servicemen and women have become lab rats. Shame on the leadership.

Great article.

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I feel the same way. I used to encourage young people and family to consider making the military a career, but I don't anymore.

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Service members have been more than lab rats. Their well being was never considered in Vietnam and many suffered with failed organs from Agent Orange and the other Rainbow herbicides. And they where purposefully given 'addictive drugs' that later ruined the lives of many just so they could get them to do horrid things.

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Back around 1990’s when scientists were feverishly trying to find the source of Mad Cow Disease (Prion Disease) for years and they couldn’t come up with the answer. One scientist finally got in touch with Shirley Lindenbaum, a medical anthropologist with the City University of New York who was studying a tribe in Papua New Guinea. The tribe were having a problem with people suddenly going mad from “Kuru” disease as they called it. After much work in the early 1960’s she found the source of the problem. The men on the island lived separate from the women and children. When a woman wanted children she went to the men’s side of the island. The men hunted small animals for food while the women grew grains and vegetables. The only time the women got meat was when one of them died. They boiled up grandma so to speak.

Shirley discovered that the boiling process did not destroy the “prion” that then carried over into the eater. This was the clue to what was causing mad cow disease.

She is relatively uncredited in the history of Mad Cow disease.

My point is there are smart, ethical scientists out there who are not doing high profile work but often have the answers. Unfortunately they are often ignored and the sloppy high profile money grubbing scientists with their shoddy work get the ear of the government and wrong decisions are made. We need more dedicated ethical scientists like Shirley Lindenbaum.

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So interesting thank you for sharing

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was unaware of the atrocities placed on our veterans during that time. So enlightening yet worrisome. Helps me to better understand (but not forgive) current actions. Thank you for sharing!

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A friend of mine joined the Air Force around 1975. He recalled being told to go out on the tarmac and line up with hundreds of other new recruits for vaccinations. He said they were given so many they were literally bleeding.

He served four years and then went to work at an arsenal. At 55 he was given a fantastic retirement package and retired to enjoy his hobbies. A few years later he began to have neurological issues and after about a year of all kinds of tests it was determined that he had ALS. Within two days of the confirming diagnosis, and terminal prognosis, he was contacted by the Air Force and told they would pay for all of his treatment and care until his death which occurred about 18 months later.

He was one of the nicest people I ever met. He was helpful in every way and the best friend anyone could ever have. In the course of researching his condition, he found that squalene which he almost certainly was injected with that day on the tarmac, was a very likely contributor to his having ALS. Here's a link to a site which I cannot speak for but which seems to outline the problem: https://hsionline.com/2015/11/18/als-epidemic/

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Thank you for the link

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent comparisons and reporting, Thank You Dr. Malone!

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

THIS is what is missing from the American "'news' stream". Thank you Dr. Malone.

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These are the same "counter measures" as the "defensive 330+ bio labs world wide" run by Darpa funds and 4th Reich paperclip nazis.

They are experimenting on people to figure out how to weaponize anthrax and other things, and to see which DNA is more or less resistant. This may help them make a defense shot, yes, but that would only be for them, not for any of u.

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Dr. Malone is one of the very few that I actually take the time to read. Love reading your stuff and I always share it because it’s so worth the read and I always learn so much..

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Naomi Wolf is reviewing the autopsy reports now. WOW. Both Biden and Trump need to end this “vaccine” madness, publicly and emphatically. These jabs are doing very strange things to the body.

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It is not up to XIden or Donald to save people. People have to save themselves. They are the ones they were waiting for.

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